[Q] Can't enter googleplay and more - Nook Touch General

I rooted my new NSTGL (bought yesterday) and everything seems to work properly.
I did according the suggestions but if I enter the web via built-in browser (Opera Mini doesn't work and has to be updatet first - same as the market) it let me in just to the link of e.g. google play.
If i choose such a link with the built-in browser so it takes me back to the Android Home of my nook.
So I don't have any possibility to get the recommended apps for Opera Mini or the market.
Does anybode have an idea, how I can update anykind of a browser for entering the links e.g. Google Play?
The connection to the web is established wee, the gmali-app shows me incoming mails.
I was also not able to create a B&N Account on the nook (I did in the web) because it doesn't work from Switzerland.
But the problem is to find a way to get into the appstore...
Thanks for helping an sorry for my English - is not my mothertongue

I don't know if it's the same with Glowlight, but with Nook Simple Touch Nook browser or Opera don't work. In first boot after root you log in to Google services by Youtube, then refresh Gmail and then wait half a day until market works.
After market works, you still won't be able to use search function, so you have to scroll and scroll until you find Es File Explorer (or under My Apps with luck you could have a file manager). With ES File Explorer or other file manager, you can install your apk's, including alternative app markets like 1mobilemarket.
Also don't forget to go to Nook Color Tools and tap twice the field "allow install 3rd party apps (uncheck and then check again).
The only other option than I'm aware of is creating an amazon account through a vpn and american adress, so you can install apps through amazon app store that comes pre-instaled with nook root package.

myself11 said:
I don't know if it's the same with Glowlight, but with Nook Simple Touch Nook browser or Opera don't work. In first boot after root you log in to Google services by Youtube, then refresh Gmail and then wait half a day until market works.
After market works, you still won't be able to use search function, so you have to scroll and scroll until you find Es File Explorer (or under My Apps with luck you could have a file manager). With ES File Explorer or other file manager, you can install your apk's, including alternative app markets like 1mobilemarket.
Also don't forget to go to Nook Color Tools and tap twice the field "allow install 3rd party apps (uncheck and then check again).
The only other option than I'm aware of is creating an amazon account through a vpn and american adress, so you can install apps through amazon app store that comes pre-instaled with nook root package.
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Jepp - it seems that the problem was that I did not wait half a day... Meanwhile I am able to download any apps from the market but the selection is very restrictet. It mus be a thing of the android version. I don't know which android runs unter NSTGL.
There is no Webbrowser ready for install - no Firefox or Chrome or Opera Mobile which was the suggested browser in the root-guidance.
With installing apk-files I don't have any experience - thi is the first time i rooted a device. Do you know a good source for that in the www?
Thanks a lot and have a nice week.

Nook Touch has Android 2.1, which lots of apps don't support anymore.
For instance, in order to get Aldiko or Kindle working, you have to install previous versions, which generally you can get on the app section of Nook Touch forum on XDA or googling it. To be honest, I don't usually memorize the sites I use to that, since I have all the apk I need (if you have a request, pm me).
Installing an apk is very easy: just copy the file to SD Card, than open it with a file manager on your Nook and voilá (don't forget to go to Nook Color Tools and tap twice the field "allow install 3rd party apps (uncheck and then check again).
As I suggested to you earlier, you have to go to Top Free Apps on Market app, scroll down until you find ES File Explorer and install it. Then, you can install all apk's, like 1mobilemarket that is kind of a non official market http://www.1mobile.com/app/market/
Don't say thanks, press the thanks button


[Q] Nook Simple Touch - all set up and it's partly fun

Hi all, recently bought one of these nice little devices myself. This is how I got on, not all that's supposed to work actually does.
Rooting with Touchnnoter 2.1.31 was easy enough and I soon found SearchMarket to access Android Market. What does work: Kindle, QuickPic, AdAway, DropBox, GoodNews
So I could be reading books and news, but I'd like to have a bit more, namely web access!
- ReadItLater/Pocket is shown as purchased in Market, but can't be installed
- Stock browser shows starting page as Error404, directly opening another page works first time only, but links or scrolling don't. Plus it often crashes.
- pre-installed Opera Mini didn't work, so I uninstalled and reinstalled:
a) only clicking "accept" REALLY fast allowed me to open it at all, otherwise it'd crash
b) spiegel.de and BBCNews always crash, even with images turned off I only briefly see the page layout
- Opera Mini Next doesn't open,
- Opera Mobile and Evernote are supposed to work, but don't appear on SearchMarket
- Dolphin Browser often crashes as well, plus no add-ons can be found
Any ideas why this is happening?
Plus: can anybody tell me how to access the external sdcard? I tried several file managers, activated root access etc. but have never been able to access /mnt/ or external_sd or emmc. So I haven't been able to sideload any apk either.
I use Opera Mobile, I found the apk somewhere (not on Market).
The SD card appears as /sdcard in the system (i.e. shell or ADB).
It is the second device mounted on the USB (i.e. desktop).
If you are writing an application you need the permission android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE.
There's also Instafetch as an alternative clipper.
Regards market errors, it's nice to do adb installs anyway, just a matter of getting hold of the .apk, possibly from AppBrain. OperaMobile (not to be mistaken with the lighter streaming OperaMini) works well for me. Perhaps there's a apk direct from Opera available.
It sounds like you have a problem with market. Perhaps adblock could be interfering? As I say, check out alternative ways to install in the interim.
The last couple versions of opera mini don't work but luckily I backed up my apps via airdroid and have a version that works. Readitlater/Pocket does not work because their recent updates have dropped android 2.1 support. Have you tried es file explorer? In ES you tap the home icon on the toolbar and select Phone the sdcard should then appear as a folder
PatchMeUp said:
- Opera Mobile and Evernote are supposed to work, but don't appear on SearchMarket
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I see both Opera Mobile and Evernote through SearchMarket.
Try to see if you can find Opera Mobile directly from Market (not SearchMarket)
Market -> App -> Communication -> Top Free
Opera Mobile is on the second page.
Alternatively you could go to Google Play on your desktop/laptop
and see if the Nook shows up on the devices (its called Phone).
Then install them on the website for the device, and a few seconds later you will see them install on the nook.
PatchMeUp said:
- Opera Mobile and Evernote are supposed to work, but don't appear on SearchMarket
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Browsing and installing from the webstore is definitely way faster than on the Nook.
Also, I use another app called Quick Search Widget. Launch it as an app or from the widget. It can search the Market, and also doubles as a Google/wikipedia/... search widget.
Wow, thank you all for your tips - quite a kick-start and steep learning curve!
SD card: my bad, as "sdcard" was available. But as I recently formatted this drawer on my SGS (wanting to format the external sdcard, but wiping the OS...) I was extra cautious. Settled.
I downloaded adb and installed apks, great! I still don't get it how to do this on the Nook itself. There's something in NookColorTools about the app having to be in /system/apps/ or else it won't work...
And I'm quite proud to have figured out why Market didn't work! There was something wrong with the content filter: although set to "all", a lot of apps were blocked. Having switched to "mature", I'm in business with Evernote and trying out Instafetch.
BTW: @Schneicw, you're the best! The working OperaMini.apk was the best birthday present (couple of days early)! You wouldn't happen to have an old ReadItLater.apk lying around as well?!?
Next, I'll give the ebooklauncher a shot. Fingers crossed!
PatchMeUp said:
I downloaded adb and installed apks, great! I still don't get it how to do this on the Nook itself. There's something in NookColorTools about the app having to be in /system/apps/ or else it won't work...
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You probably do not have install of Non-Market apps enabled.
Bring up NookColor Tools, and you will see check box with "Allow Non Market Apps". This might be checked (but still not working).
So you need to uncheck this box and recheck it.
Also try out remote install of apps from the google play website play.google.com/store/apps from a laptop (you need to login with the same account as on your nook), I find that really convenient...
I've got my Nook Simple Touch rooted with latest Touchnooter. The thing is, I don't want to use the Android Market at all. I want to install the F-Droid repository instead, as it has nothing but Free Software Apps, and has satisfied all my needs on my Droid phone, and I would prefer to keep as much of my data away from google as I can.
I have the FDroid.apk file. But I can't understand how to install it. I have the box (about allowing install of outside apps) in NookColor Tools checked. But I don't know how to get to the file on the SD card to start installing it.
What is this I've been hearing about installing with adb? Does that mean you can't just go to a file manager, select the apk, and begin installing? Because that is essentially how F-Droid installs its apps. Just does it all on its own, you just click "Install". But if that method doesn't work on the NST. Than F-Droid won't work
Any help would be very appreciated. God Bless ya guys!!
P.S. also the stock browser doesn't really work right. just goes to a black screen after a couple different web pages. And Opera (the one installed by Touchnooter) won't open at all. Just flashes the screen once, then stays on the home screen.
We really need a custom made CyanogenMod Rom!!! I get the feeling it would solve alot of our issues.
clem11388 said:
I have the FDroid.apk file. But I can't understand how to install it. I have the box (about allowing install of outside apps) in NookColor Tools checked. But I don't know how to get to the file on the SD card to start installing it.
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You should be able to connect the nook to your Windows machine and copy the .apk onto the sdcard.
For browser Opera Mobile works for me.
TouchNooter also has the Amazon Market, which you could use.
cbay said:
You should be able to connect the nook to your Windows machine and copy the .apk onto the sdcard.
For browser Opera Mobile works for me.
TouchNooter also has the Amazon Market, which you could use.
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well as a first note, I would like to say I have no Windows machines at all. I am 100% Linux
But I already have the apk file on my SD card. Its just I have no idea how to get to the file to install it. I thought that the app "Super Manager" was a file explorer/manager of some sort. But it does the same thing as Opera, I click on the icon in the App drawer, and the screen just flashes once or twice. Then returns the the home screen. No thing saying that it has crashed or anything.
So that is where I'm stuck.
Also, as a side note, I wish to use the F-Droid repository, because I want to use nothing but Open Source (Also known as Freedom Based) Software. Including markets. It's the number one reason why I use nothing but Linux on my machines. Linux is also faster than Mac or Windows, but won't get into that can of worms right now. hahaha.
You could write your own file explorer Jk
adb install seems to be the way for you.
Google "ADB download install", there should be a ton of links.
However now you will have software created by google installed/running on
your linux machine. (ha ha).
cbay said:
You could write your own file explorer Jk
adb install seems to be the way for you.
Google "ADB download install", there should be a ton of links.
However now you will have software created by google installed/running on
your linux machine. (ha ha).
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Lol Well I have next to zero programming knowledge. But when I find the the best open source file explorer I'm definitely gonna throw the dev more than a few bucks for his hard work.
I'll look into adb installing for now. Just really hope and pray we get a Cyanogen or some other real Rom ported to NST soon. I think would solve all our issues with a totally different rom on it.
P.S. yes, having proprietary google software is gonna bug the crap outta me!! lol
God Bless ya guys!

[Q] Just rooted my Nook Simple Touch w/ NookManager. How do I install Google Play?

I'll admit, I'm a bit of a n00b when it comes to hacking the Nook Simple Touch. Last time I used it, it automagically updated itself to the 1.2.0 firmware, and had that obnoxious overlay on the screensaver.
I saw NookManager in the Development forum, found the image, dd'd it onto a spare microSD card, and fired up my Nook Simple Touch.
Success! My NST is now rooted!
And there's a software tool that came with NookManager that let me turn that annoying screensaver overlay off!
But I'm having trouble digging up apps. There's the Amazon app store, but a lot of apps that I would are missing, or only have paid versions.
I'm wondering if there's a simple way to get Google Play on there. There's some instructions I found running searches, but they're all applicable to other rooting methods.
Should I just go googling for an apk and try installing it with adb? Or do I have to perform unnatural acts to make it work?
Also, being a n00b, what other apps should I put on my Nook? I just found Aldiko - it seems the NST's built-in epub reader crashes on badly formatted epubs sometimes, so I'm trying other ereaders.
You need to find a version of android market that is compatible with 2.1.
My reccomened apps
Opera Mobile (only web browser that works)
Greader ( google reader app, google reader from google is also good)
Apv pdf reader (this pdf reader is by far the best for nook and with norefresh it is amazing)
Good-ereader app store ( alternate app store)
Kingsoft office( good office suite)
Home manager ( if you have multiple launchers)
K-9 mail (crash free email client)
Searchmarket (needed to use android market)
Es file explorer (needed for viewing nook files)
My favorite launcher((GO LAUNCHER EX))
Sent from my NOOK Simple touch using xda app-developers app
alternatives :
web browser : MAXTHON
pdf : Marathi Book and PDF Reader
switching between apk's : TaskXp
file manager : rhytm file manager
launcher : legacy launcher
I want to set Go launcher as default. But I can't do that, when I press the home button, it shows only 2 choices, "Home" and "Relaunch".. Anyone help me plz...
I couldn't install the market, I suggest you to download directly apk's into your SD Card and install them.
Install first ES EXPLORER (I love it!)
Sources for apk - android apps
I don't believe that Google Play will work with Android 2.1. However, if you are looking to install Google Apps, check out this thread:
NTGAppsAttack - Google Apps Installer Addon For NookManager

[Q] Nook STG NookManager Overdrive apk

I successfully rooted my new Nook STG with NookManager. Thanks for developing such an easy root.
I was able to load apps from Amazon App Store. I was also able to install apks using my dropbox app on the nook as well as using Android Commander on my PC.
But my main purpose for rooting was to install the Overdrive app so that I can load books directly from our public/work libraries on the nook and read. I tried installing the apk from overdrive site but it doesnt work.
Does anyone have an APK that works with 1.2 and NookManager root? I also tried a version that said ( of the apk that I found on another site but it doesnt work.
Also the aldiko apk (2.1.0) installed fine but crashes with the SD card in the nook. It opens fine when the SD card is not loaded in the nook. So am unable to load books as I cannot access the acsm file that I download from the library to load the ADE books.
That's the same reason I rooted. Its really silly that you can easily check out books on your smartphone and not your e-reader. Once you get it going on the Nook its great. I looked a little for an Overdrive that works but ended up with Aldiko version 2 instead. To get Aldiko working with an library once you've installed it:
Open Aldiko
Open the menu | Settings | Adobe DRM and enter your Adobe Id & password to authorize your Nook then exit Settings
Click on the shopping cart icon at the upper right
Open the menu | My catalogs.
Click on the + at the upper right and enter a name for your library and the Overdrive URL then click OK.
Now you can click on the library in My catalogs to go to the Overdrive site and check out books and they will open in Aldiko. I reassigned the search button on the quicknav to Aldiko with the Nook Touch Mods Manager that NookManager installs and now it works like every e-reader should out of the box.
UPDATE: Just noticed you had tried Aldiko before. My link is for an older version that works on the Nook just fine. I haven't had any reader app work with the browser downloading the .acsm then clicking on it. For some reason they don't get hooked up with the automatic open when you click on .acsm files. But with Aldiko you browse from inside the Aldiko app and it works fine. I believe this version of Aldiko will open without the SD card inserted but needs it inserted to download books.
Thanks for the detailed steps, will give that a try. By the overdrive url, you mean the library overdrive url?
realdeewana said:
Thanks for the detailed steps, will give that a try. By the overdrive url, you mean the library overdrive url?
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Yep. Like http://brevard.lib.overdrive.com for my local Brevard County library.
Cool. that worked just right. With dropsync everything else also seems to fall in place.
Wondering if its possible to use the side buttons to navigate a book within the aldiko app?
realdeewana said:
Wondering if its possible to use the side buttons to navigate a book within the aldiko app?
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There is a hack to the system key layout to remap the side buttons to volume control keys and Aldiko can use the volume controls to scroll. But the B&N reader doesn't use the volume control keys to scroll. So some people map two of the side keys to volume controls and leave the others as normal or don't use the B&N reader and use all four as volume controls. I really didn't like that idea so I spent the last week playing with Nook Touch Mod Manager / Nook Touch Patches and modifying them to be able to remap the side buttons to screen taps so they work with the B&N reader, Aldiko and just about any other reader you choose to install. Plus you can map long presses to open apps, bring up the menu, go back and any other NTMM action. I have a PM out to jeff_z the NTMM / NookTouchPatches developer (thanks a whole bunch for NTMM, NookTouchPatches and NookManager Jeff!) to see if he would like to merge my changes into NTMM. Keep an eye on the NTMM thread and one way or another I'll make the changes available in the next week or so.
Cool. That worked. Thanks
I used Android Commander.
First do a chmod 777 on the file in the shell,
then pull the file to c:
modify using notepad++ in admin mode
then a push on the nook with the modified file.
Reboot the Nook and voila! Works on the kindle app as well.
Overdrive and Nook Glowlight
Just in case you still wanted to put Overdrive on your rooted Nook Glow: I also successfully rooted with NookManager. (So simple! Thanks!) Found an older version of Overdrive which works fine. Sorry I can't post the link, but go to freeware4android.net and search "android 2.1 overdrive media console". It should be about the fifth or sixth result down the list ending with "overdrive-media-console-download- 127505.html." I just downloaded the file to SD card in my nook, clicked open and it installed fine. Haven't tried Aldiko, but I like the one-click convenience of having Overdrive automatically open the .ascm library files.
Incidentally, when I registered my device, I also unchecked the "automatic updates" box in Overdrive settings, to prevent Overdrive from trying to update to a newer version that's not compatible with the device. Happy reading!
c1gum said:
Just in case you still wanted to put Overdrive on your rooted Nook Glow: I also successfully rooted with NookManager. (So simple! Thanks!) Found an older version of Overdrive which works fine. Sorry I can't post the link, but go to freeware4android.net and search "android 2.1 overdrive media console". It should be about the fifth or sixth result down the list ending with "overdrive-media-console-download- 127505.html." I just downloaded the file to SD card in my nook, clicked open and it installed fine. Haven't tried Aldiko, but I like the one-click convenience of having Overdrive automatically open the .ascm library files.
Incidentally, when I registered my device, I also unchecked the "automatic updates" box in Overdrive settings, to prevent Overdrive from trying to update to a newer version that's not compatible with the device. Happy reading!
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Thanks for posting. Aldiko will also automatically open the library files but I like the Overdrive app a lot better.
straygecko said:
Thanks for posting. Aldiko will also automatically open the library files but I like the Overdrive app a lot better.
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It looks like you cannot use the stock reader to open Overdrive books that you have downloaded. Is that correct? I would think that the reader app itself should handle the copy protection (since you can side load books using the Adobe app on your computer) but it doesn't seem to work that way...
I haven't tried the Aldiko reader yet - I don't find the Overdrive reader itself to be very usable for reading...
spedinfargo said:
It looks like you cannot use the stock reader to open Overdrive books that you have downloaded. Is that correct? I would think that the reader app itself should handle the copy protection (since you can side load books using the Adobe app on your computer) but it doesn't seem to work that way...
I haven't tried the Aldiko reader yet - I don't find the Overdrive reader itself to be very usable for reading...
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Does seem to make sense if you've downloaded a book using Overdrive you should be able to open it with the built in reader. Never tried it though as I'm happy enough with the OD reader.
Hey does anybody still have that older version of the Overdrive apk lying around? That freeware4android site looks like it's infested with malware these days.
jptiger said:
Hey does anybody still have that older version of the Overdrive apk lying around? That freeware4android site looks like it's infested with malware these days.
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This one (attached) works for me on the NST.
Rooted Nook ST Glow and new Overdrive site
Not sure if this is the right thread to post this question: Has anyone else been unable to sign into their library from rooted nook ST after the library has updated to the new overdrive? Main reason I rooted my nook was so I could download library books directly. Now, I can see the main page fine and get to the sign in page, but after entering my information I get a generic error message. I have a nook simple touch with glowlight rooted with Nook Manager and using Opera mobile to get to library site. I'm thinking the new overdrive site just isn't compatible with android 2.1, but hoping someone out there has a solution.
c1gum said:
Not sure if this is the right thread to post this question: Has anyone else been unable to sign into their library from rooted nook ST after the library has updated to the new overdrive? Main reason I rooted my nook was so I could download library books directly. Now, I can see the main page fine and get to the sign in page, but after entering my information I get a generic error message. I have a nook simple touch with glowlight rooted with Nook Manager and using Opera mobile to get to library site. I'm thinking the new overdrive site just isn't compatible with android 2.1, but hoping someone out there has a solution.
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I tried this and came away without success. I don't have an Overdrive login and so tried to use my library card number and got the error message you describe. But there's no problem with the display of my local portal using Opera Mobile, as far as I can tell--other than being painfully slow. I should add that I am using the old Overdrive app that seems to work best with the NST, not an updated version. Just out of curiosity I tried to start from the Opera itself and my library site. When I had selected a book I had to sign in, of course, and was met with the same error. This leads me to suspect a security certificate problem.
I also have a little non-registered KitKat phone which I use as a media player and it has the new Overdrive app on it so I tried again. This time everything went fine and I got my ebook. I couldn't see that book on my NST, not even sure if that's supposed to work but it seemed like the new version of the app was claiming it would if you set up your account properly so I set about doing that on the device. But when I tried to sign in with my library card number I got that same error!
So....maybe it's an issue right now with Overdrive--or the app--that will go away. It may also be that the security certificates needed to negotiate a book checkout have expired on the NST. I am using the updated certs. file discussed elsewhere on the forum, but it may not include whatever is needed for Overdrive. I know the app worked the last time I tried it, but don't recall when that was.
In general, I do not find it helpful to allow apps on the NST/G to autoupdate from the Market. I have turned off autoupdate on all of them. The chances are great that "improvements" will break functionality or severely hobble performance. Of course, log-in issues are complicated. I guess a logcat might reveal something but since the app interacts with the browser and the actual checkout of the book is done via the browser, I'm not sure what you'd learn.
Thanks for looking into this. Yes, I also have the older version of Overdrive on my nook st, and am using my library card sign in. The Overdrive app takes me to Opera mobile, and the library home page shows up no problem. It's the sign in page where I enter my library card number that has the problem. I tried signing in to a different library that has not updated their website yet, and no problem - was able to sign in and download a book and open it on the nook as usual. Security certs seems like a good point, or is it possible the older version of opera mobile might not be compatible with the new overdrive website? Since opera mobile displays the library home page just fine, maybe the sign in problem is something that will resolve itself later. Here's hoping!
c1gum said:
Thanks for looking into this. Yes, I also have the older version of Overdrive on my nook st, and am using my library card sign in. The Overdrive app takes me to Opera mobile, and the library home page shows up no problem. It's the sign in page where I enter my library card number that has the problem. I tried signing in to a different library that has not updated their website yet, and no problem - was able to sign in and download a book and open it on the nook as usual. Security certs seems like a good point, or is it possible the older version of opera mobile might not be compatible with the new overdrive website? Since opera mobile displays the library home page just fine, maybe the sign in problem is something that will resolve itself later. Here's hoping!
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So here's what I've tried so far:
1. Installed a more modern browser, Opera Mini. It's the last version that "works" on the NST (7.6.40234). I don't use it because there is no multi-touch zoom and it often has issues loading new pages in the same screen. Anyway, it gives exactly the same error for a log-in attempt, starting from the Overdrive app and proceeding as you describe. So it's less likely a old browser issue.
2. I asked member @tshoulihane to take a look at the possibility of a security certificate issue here (and his response follows that post). I do think it's odd that neither browser is throwing up a security error. I could track down a few more browsers, but I'm reluctant to put a bunch more junk on my NST.
3. I checked out a book on my PC and downloaded the acsm file. Then I transferred that to my NST and accessed the file through a file manager. The Overdrive app opened immediately and the download commenced without any problem. The book was readable. I don't know what the app does if you're working through it and the resident browser, but I didn't see any obvious place to put the acsm file and it didn't seem to matter. Once the book is downloaded you don't need the acsm file any more.
So...the app "works", or can work, given the requisite tools.
I've got a support ticket open with Overdrive regarding this issue. The initial response is not promising ("clear the browser cache, blah-blah-blah..."). I'm going to take a few screen shots and write a very basic reply to go with them, including most of what I've described here, but I'm not holding out much hope from that quarter.
Edit: after I sent the email to Overdrive I thought about another experiment that might be illuminating. I installed both Opera Mobile and Opera Mini (the versions for the NST) on my little KitKat "phone". They seemed to work OK accessing my local library, but Mobile crashed and closed once the Overdrive "sign in" icon was touched, and Mini gave the same error we are discussing. Hmm. I also tried accessing Overdrive from the browsers on my Nook Tablet (Dolphin and the native CM 12 browser) and the native KitKat browser on my "phone". Those worked just fine. So it's looking like some new requirement in the Overdrive web update may have left our NST browsers in the dust.
I tracked down a Dolphin 10.x browser which is the last of the series that sort of runs on the NST. Surprise, surprise! It threw up all kinds of security certificate messages as soon as I got to the Overdrive section, didn't even have to try to log in. I'll pass this along to @tshoulihane.
So I have 2 nooks, one with updated certificates, one with the original setup still. Both are happy with digicert (the old nook still has a couple f non-expired root certificates). I have UC browser installed - With that, https://overdrive.com shows a 'broken padlock' on the old nook, but no explicit warnings. If i try to sign-in from that page, I get a 'certificate expired'. However, I think the site is using google to provide login management (maybe only as an option), and it is the https://google.com certificate which is failing. So i an explain the old nook failing, but not the one with updated certificates (so long as you're using the 2nd certificates file which I uploaded).
tshoulihane said:
So I have 2 nooks, one with updated certificates, one with the original setup still. Both are happy with digicert (the old nook still has a couple f non-expired root certificates). I have UC browser installed - With that, https://overdrive.com shows a 'broken padlock' on the old nook, but no explicit warnings. If i try to sign-in from that page, I get a 'certificate expired'. However, I think the site is using google to provide login management (maybe only as an option), and it is the https://google.com certificate which is failing. So i an explain the old nook failing, but not the one with updated certificates (so long as you're using the 2nd certificates file which I uploaded).
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Thanks for taking a look at this. Yes, I am using the second file (the "more complete"), and everything else from Kindle to Google Books is fine. If @c1gum hadn't brought up the Overdrive issue I would not have noticed it for awhile. So...a puzzle.
I guess I'll wait to see what the support tech at Overdrive has to say, although he doesn't yet have the information about the certificate panic with Dolphin. More likely than not it will be the standard line about updating the devices/apps/OS. I guess I'd better get screen caps of those certificate error details.
A workaround for now
OK, so this discussion has taken place in two different threads. Time to bring it back where it belongs so people can find the info.
Thanks to member @cjpicc, we now know that the UC Browser Mini 10.6.8 (copy attached below) can negotiate the Overdrive login at your local library branch and allow you to check out and download books all on your NST/G.
So far, no other common browsers used successfully on the NST/G for general purposes seem to be able to deal with the revamped Overdrive sites.
You can, of course, check out and download books on a PC, transfer the acsm file to your NST/G and access it with a file manager. That will open Overdrive and --if you're connected to Wi-Fi--download the full book to your device.
Edit: OK, not the best experience with UC browser. You can sign in, but the search bar does not show up so you have to go to the main library catalog and search there. At least that was my experience with the two libraries I tried.

[Q] Just rooted, can't get "searchmarket" onto the Nook Glowtouch

I just rooted my Nook Glowtouch. It has the newer firmware, thought I don't have the version handy.
I'm following the instructions found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_r-_BxLKys
I'm at the part where he's talking about installing "searchmarket" but the Opera Classic browser is taking me to the google play web page instead of launching the Google Marketplace. The install from Appbrain is not working, I even tried installing appbrain but that didn't work as I expected it. For whatever reason, I'm getting full pages instead of mobile pages for these sites, so it's difficult to navigate and I'm not sure what to expect.
Is there a "searchmarket/apk" or equivalent available? I don't read Chinese, so I wasn't successful on the dev's site, though it seems more like a blog than a dev page.
Or is there another recommendation for doing this or a better searcher?
AllanonMage said:
Or is there another recommendation for doing this or a better searcher?
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Have your Nook connected to a WiFi network with Internet access. Start a browser (on the Nook, or elsewhere), login to Google with the same Google account as you used to setup your Nook after you'd rooted it, go to http://play.google.com and search for searchmarket, click on Install, then select your Nook from the drop-down (mine appears simply as 'phone', alongside more descriptive names for my other Android devices registered with that account).
cowbutt said:
Have your Nook connected to a WiFi network with Internet access. Start a browser (on the Nook, or elsewhere), login to Google with the same Google account as you used to setup your Nook after you'd rooted it, go to http://play.google.com and search for searchmarket, click on Install, then select your Nook from the drop-down (mine appears simply as 'phone', alongside more descriptive names for my other Android devices registered with that account).
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The problem with that idea is that I have 3 items called "phone" in the list. I can't find the android settings on the nook (I get taken to the nook settings), so I wasn't sure what it was supposed to show up as, or if there were a place I could change the name of it. Sounds like I won't be able to though.
I was finally able to get the app installed. I tried a Dolphin and Opera a few times. Eventually I was able to get the OS to send google play links to the native browser, which then shuffled me over to to the market app. Not sure if I could replicate though.
I was getting a bunch of certificate errors on the google play page during all of this, so I wonder if that's what was causing problems.
Solution? Time-zone!
For me the solution was to set your time zone accordingly -> because google probably checked "if your time certificates" are correct..
and also the problem could be :
"f you have any trouble getting it to install, go open the “NookColor Tools” app in the app drawer, un-check “Allow Non-Market Apps” then make sure to re-check the box again. You have to un-check it then re-check it the first time to get it to allow the installation of third party apps."
viz. h**p://blog.the-ebook-reader.com/2011/07/15/rooted-nook-touch-fixing-market-search-and-other-tips-and-tricks-video/
afterwards the tutorial works
AllanonMage said:
I just rooted my Nook Glowtouch. It has the newer firmware, thought I don't have the version handy.
I'm following the instructions found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_r-_BxLKys
I'm at the part where he's talking about installing "searchmarket" but the Opera Classic browser is taking me to the google play web page instead of launching the Google Marketplace. The install from Appbrain is not working, I even tried installing appbrain but that didn't work as I expected it. For whatever reason, I'm getting full pages instead of mobile pages for these sites, so it's difficult to navigate and I'm not sure what to expect.
Is there a "searchmarket/apk" or equivalent available? I don't read Chinese, so I wasn't successful on the dev's site, though it seems more like a blog than a dev page.
Or is there another recommendation for doing this or a better searcher?
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Download it and install

Rooting Nook Simple Touch 1.2.1 Reccomendation

Hello! I have not rooted an android device in a lot of time, and I am basically a noob, but I do read a lot, and my first rooting more than year ago turned out to be a complete success, as far as my knowledge goes.
Now I have A Nook Simple Touch model BNRV-300 with current firmware version 1.2.1 and I would like to add more features to it, because for the price I got it it gives me NOTHING I need.
B&N Forcing updates over the air and registration using the Internet when I first start the device is RIDICULOUS and is evenworse than a DRM protection!
product containing such DRM should be banned for sale at least in Eirope by the Customer PRotection, for limitations they imply on the users!!!
now lets return to the topic and my QUESTION
I already said I have a Nook Simple Touch BNRV-300 with current firmware version 1.2.1
My question is: Currently what is the best method to Root this device in order to get access to more features software? I am looking for method that includes making a BACKUP. Is there currently and entire Custom firmware released that will REPLACE the existing useless firmware on the Nook Simple touch?
What custom apps, kernel, and roms can you reccoment me?
Also If you know any interesting guides I will be happy to read them!
Thank you in advance and have a nice reading!
NookManagerand NTGAppsAttack; latuk's latest kernel for overclocking, ondemand governor and Class 10 SD card fix; old versions of Kindle (, Google Books (1.0.16), Kobo (3.3.1517), Aldiko (200081), Perfect Viewer (, iTriage (4.00), Springpad (3.2.7) and ReadItLater ( From the market; Aardict (with full text of Wikipedia etc.), APV PDF Viewer, BBC News, Channel 4 News, Checkers, Chess, ColorDict, ConvertPad, Cook Recipes, Crosswords, Depth of Field Calculator, Dreams Interpretation, ElectroDroid, FastMode2, FBReader, Four in a Row, gReader, Guardian, Independent, Laters Pro, Google Maps, Nemo Picross, New Scientist, OpenSudoku, Opera Mini, Photo Tools, ReadIt, RealCalc, Reversi, Shelves, Sky News, Super sudoku, SuperCHM, UK Newspapers, WebMD, Wikitravel Offline, Wikivoyage offline, World Newspapers.
I've just got a Nook simple touch. I want to root it. Need the best procedure to do so.
Nook Simple Touch
Model Number; BNRV300
SW version: 1.2.1
sameee781 said:
I've just got a Nook simple touch. I want to root it. Need the best procedure to do so.
Nook Simple Touch
Model Number; BNRV300
SW version: 1.2.1
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Look up, or start here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=35267728
Sent from my SPH-D710VMUB using Tapatalk 2
Ditto what OverByter said. The NookManager is, in my experience, a very simple and foolproof method. Whether you decide to pursue GoogleApps, etc., is up to you. But for root and a simple initial set-up, NM is the way to go, IMHO.
Just rooted and installed google market
nmyshkin said:
Ditto what OverByter said. The NookManager is, in my experience, a very simple and foolproof method. Whether you decide to pursue GoogleApps, etc., is up to you. But for root and a simple initial set-up, NM is the way to go, IMHO.
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Hi, following the advice from this thread, I just rooted my Nook Simple Touch GlowLight. I have previously rooted nook simple touch with the same process.
The market is working, gmail is working. What I dont understand is how to make it user friendly etc. How do I make it like a tablet. I installed some launchers but I have to go into apps and then select it to run it everytime.
I am just wondering what should be done once you have rooted and googlified the nook.
Any recommendations on launchers, themes any other enhancements and ideas to use a rooted nook will be really helpful.
Thank you!!
I tried a bunch of launchers when I first rooted and finally settled on ADW. For me it was easy to set up (once I got over the "I don't know anything about Android" feeling) and I initially used the selected app screen as my "Home". There are two ways to do that. One, after installing ADW and rebooting the Nook it will ask which app you want to use to open "Home" and you will have a chance to set that one as default (either the B&N stock Home screen or the ADW app drawer). And/or, you can use NTMM to assign the QuickNav "Home" button to ADW Launcher.
Pretty much any launcher should provide you with the same options once installed when you reboot.
So that's what I used to do but I eventually went back to the B&N "Home" screen on boot and then after that I can access it from a long press of the "N" button (again, you can assign that with NTMM). I've almost completely reassigned by QuickNav buttons (except for Library). See this post (result in #4).
I've also done the multi-touch enhancement (nice for Opera Mobile and some other apps), No-Refresh and FastMode2 (contrary to what the posts seem to indicate about FastMode2 I have found that the app does indeed toggle the mode on my NST so I assigned it to one of the side buttons and No-Refresh to another one).
Lots of info on various apps out there. Here's my "short" list of what worked for me (in no particular order):
Cool Reader (I only use this to set the screen saver to my current book!)
Perfect Viewer
Amazon Kindle (the enhanced version posted elsewhere on XDA)
Orion PDF viewer
Kingsoft Office
ES File Explorer
Places (Google Maps variant)
Email (gave up on Gmail--this app is found in another XDA post as well)
Opera Mobile
BBC News
Those are on my ADW home screen along with the GenieWidget for local weather and a widget for Clean Master. I've divided the app drawer behind the home screen into two categories, "everything" and "utilities" which is where I leave my focus and there the following are found:
ADB Konnect
Clean Master
No-frills CPU Control
Nook Touch Mod Manager
No Refresh settings
Root Browser
Rotation Locker
Search Market (got rid of Amazon Market which was giving me a lot of trouble)
Settings (B&N)
WiFi File Transfer
Other apps that hide in the "everything" section because I almost never need to access them are:
ADW Config
News and Weather (Genie Widget)
No Refresh
I also did the triple Flash installation described elsewhere but it really only works with SWF files as far as I can tell and only with Flash-able browsers like Dolphin (which has other issues). And I did a Framework-res.apk mod to slightly grey the backgrounds of menus so that some of the "invisible" menu options that come with many apps can actually be read).
I don't know how many times I've made backups and redone things, trying to find what works for me (mostly reading, some browsing). My Nook is still fully B&N functional, as far as I know. The only thing I have not tried is logging on in the store. Except for the inadequacy of Opera Mobile (I've tried every other browser known to humans and aliens), the set-up actually is pretty nice
nmyshkin said:
I tried a bunch of launchers when I first rooted and finally settled on ADW. For me it was easy to set up (once I got over the "I don't know anything about Android" feeling) and I initially used the selected app screen as my "Home". There are two ways to do that. One, after installing ADW and rebooting the Nook it will ask which app you want to use to open "Home" and you will have a chance to set that one as default (either the B&N stock Home screen or the ADW app drawer). And/or, you can use NTMM to assign the QuickNav "Home" button to ADW Launcher.
Pretty much any launcher should provide you with the same options once installed when you reboot.
So that's what I used to do but I eventually went back to the B&N "Home" screen on boot and then after that I can access it from a long press of the "N" button (again, you can assign that with NTMM). I've almost completely reassigned by QuickNav buttons (except for Library). See this post (result in #4).
I've also done the multi-touch enhancement (nice for Opera Mobile and some other apps), No-Refresh and FastMode2 (contrary to what the posts seem to indicate about FastMode2 I have found that the app does indeed toggle the mode on my NST so I assigned it to one of the side buttons and No-Refresh to another one).
Lots of info on various apps out there. Here's my "short" list of what worked for me (in no particular order):
Cool Reader (I only use this to set the screen saver to my current book!)
Perfect Viewer
Amazon Kindle (the enhanced version posted elsewhere on XDA)
Orion PDF viewer
Kingsoft Office
ES File Explorer
Places (Google Maps variant)
Email (gave up on Gmail--this app is found in another XDA post as well)
Opera Mobile
BBC News
Those are on my ADW home screen along with the GenieWidget for local weather and a widget for Clean Master. I've divided the app drawer behind the home screen into two categories, "everything" and "utilities" which is where I leave my focus and there the following are found:
ADB Konnect
Clean Master
No-frills CPU Control
Nook Touch Mod Manager
No Refresh settings
Root Browser
Rotation Locker
Search Market (got rid of Amazon Market which was giving me a lot of trouble)
Settings (B&N)
WiFi File Transfer
Other apps that hide in the "everything" section because I almost never need to access them are:
ADW Config
News and Weather (Genie Widget)
No Refresh
I also did the triple Flash installation described elsewhere but it really only works with SWF files as far as I can tell and only with Flash-able browsers like Dolphin (which has other issues). And I did a Framework-res.apk mod to slightly grey the backgrounds of menus so that some of the "invisible" menu options that come with many apps can actually be read).
I don't know how many times I've made backups and redone things, trying to find what works for me (mostly reading, some browsing). My Nook is still fully B&N functional, as far as I know. The only thing I have not tried is logging on in the store. Except for the inadequacy of Opera Mobile (I've tried every other browser known to humans and aliens), the set-up actually is pretty nice
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Great list! Didn't know about Wifi transfer. Very usefull.
What version of Crosswords did you get to work on your nook. I couldn't get any of the ones I tried to work?
richardcoop said:
Great list! Didn't know about Wifi transfer. Very usefull.
What version of Crosswords did you get to work on your nook. I couldn't get any of the ones I tried to work?
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Yes, I really like WiFi Transfer. Saves a lot of wear and tear on that USB jack. The only limitation I could find (beyond the 5 MB file size limit for the free version) is that transfers to the internal My Files folder are not updated in the Library unless you reboot. So I just use the sdcard.
You're right, no market crossword apps work properly on the rooted Nook. I accidentally stumbled across a version of Crosswords that does, however. Check your PMs.
nmyshkin said:
You're right, no market crossword apps work properly on the rooted Nook. I accidentally stumbled across a version of Crosswords that does, however. Check your PMs.
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PMs? I don't understand.
richardcoop said:
PMs? I don't understand.
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Your personal messages on the site.
Sent from my SPH-D710VMUB using Tapatalk 2
I moved my question to the help thread, I think it was the wrong thread here...

