[Q] 3G dead for me no idea why D: - Continuum General

Well for some odd reason my 3G isn't functioning correctly. It randomly appears and disappear. Started happening after my last flash. If anyone could help me with this I would appreciate it. But for now no more flashing. Also I would appreciate to help out if anyone needs help.

try to clear cache and dalvick, then reboot...

ciscogee said:
try to clear cache and dalvick, then reboot...
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Nope nothing. Oh well I'll find a way. Thanks anyway.

Keep us posted, where u live at might be cell towers?
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You say it happened after a flash? What were you on and what did you flash too?
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ciscogee said:
Keep us posted, where u live at might be cell towers?
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Signal randomly came back and started functioning right so I'm fine for now.
roaddog665 said:
You say it happened after a flash? What were you on and what did you flash too?
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Switched from ciscogee's rom to normal deodexed rom.. then put trailblazers mods cause I never really checked what all it had. and as soon as the phone booted up from flashing that's when the 3g started acting funny. but it's all good now. and no one to blame. just my mistakes.

Just wondered, cause I've had some random odd things going on...wifi not scanning/connecting, notifications not working, weather not updating, apps that did work fine fc'ing, earlier today my soft keys disappeared... they still worked just couldn't see them. Some times the phone runs like a Ferrari, sometimes like a pinto. Rebooting seems to fix it, or jump to another problem. Its almost like sometimes things don't get loaded correctly at boot. Not bad enough to make the phone unusable, but does have me scratching my head sometimes.
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roaddog665 said:
Just wondered, cause I've had some random odd things going on...wifi not scanning/connecting, notifications not working, weather not updating, apps that did work fine fc'ing, earlier today my soft keys disappeared... they still worked just couldn't see them. Some times the phone runs like a Ferrari, sometimes like a pinto. Rebooting seems to fix it, or jump to another problem. Its almost like sometimes things don't get loaded correctly at boot. Not bad enough to make the phone unusable, but does have me scratching my head sometimes.
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Hmm.. that's odd. the only problems I had was that my lockscreen wasn't showing even after I locked it and the whole 3g issue. The lockscreen problem didn't bother me much but the 3g one did. both fix themselves on their own. Rebooting does work. but also when it's booting up it's best to wait and let everything load instead of using it right away. But aside from this don't worry much. These bugs and error will go away soon as we get closer to our goal.

XjokiX7 said:
Hmm.. that's odd. the only problems I had was that my lockscreen wasn't showing even after I locked it and the whole 3g issue. The lockscreen problem didn't bother me much but the 3g one did. both fix themselves on their own. Rebooting does work. but also when it's booting up it's best to wait and let everything load instead of using it right away. But aside from this don't worry much. These bugs and error will go away soon as we get closer to our goal.
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Oh, I'm not complaining! It's still MUCH better than Verizon had it!
Yeah, letting it boot and "settle in" is the way to go...still starts up a lot faster than stock. The only bug that really concerned me was the wifi. It only happened once, so probably just a fluke.
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The lockscreen won't show until you toggle the "disable lockscreen" or whatever it's called on and off in TSM parts ---> lockscreen... it'd be a good idea to also choose a lockscreen too, and pick one you like
And I figured out awhile ago why we have some problems, including weather syncing, ticker sleep settings, unsaved options for social network options in ticker options, ticker time delay nut saving, etc etc... it's because there aren't proper permissions given to the dbdata/databases/com.android.settings/tt_prefs or something like that I managed to fix it, and I can release a quick patch that fixes it, I just didn't know anyone else was having the issues, haha
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roaddog665 said:
Oh, I'm not complaining! It's still MUCH better than Verizon had it!
Yeah, letting it boot and "settle in" is the way to go...still starts up a lot faster than stock. The only bug that really concerned me was the wifi. It only happened once, so probably just a fluke.
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I agree on that. and patience is all it takes.
trailblazer101 said:
The lockscreen won't show until you toggle the "disable lockscreen" or whatever it's called on and off in TSM parts ---> lockscreen... it'd be a good idea to also choose a lockscreen too, and pick one you like
And I figured out awhile ago why we have some problems, including weather syncing, ticker sleep settings, unsaved options for social network options in ticker options, ticker time delay nut saving, etc etc... it's because there aren't proper permissions given to the dbdata/databases/com.android.settings/tt_prefs or something like that I managed to fix it, and I can release a quick patch that fixes it, I just didn't know anyone else was having the issues, haha
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That patch would be great! Hope you release it soon.

While we're on the subject of odd stuff...anyone had an issue with when you plug in USB with the phone on/screen off the phone locks up? Doesn't matter if its the wall charger or connected to a computer. Have to pull the battery and reboot. If the screen is on or if the phone is off then everything works as it should.
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roaddog665 said:
While we're on the subject of odd stuff...anyone had an issue with when you plug in USB with the phone on/screen off the phone locks up? Doesn't matter if its the wall charger or connected to a computer. Have to pull the battery and reboot. If the screen is on or if the phone is off then everything works as it should.
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That's new. Never had that problem before.. What all have you flashed?

XjokiX7 said:
That's new. Never had that problem before.. What all have you flashed?
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EG04, deodex, TB's mods, and then I ran it through TB's themer. Happens when I put it in the desk or car dock too. Just have to remember to turn the screen on
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Now remember eg04 is a leak, so things aren't stable. Ddms/logcat logs would be needed to debug
Sent from my SPH-M580BST using Tapatalk 2

ciscogee said:
Now remember eg04 is a leak, so things aren't stable. Ddms/logcat logs would be needed to debug
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Oh I know...I hope its not coming off like I'm complaining, cause I'm not. I like how the phone works now, there is a 0% chance of me going back to stock. Just putting it out there in case someone else has the same issue.
I'll try to get a log and see what's going on when it happens.
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roaddog665 said:
Oh I know...I hope its not coming off like I'm complaining, cause I'm not. I like how the phone works now, there is a 0% chance of me going back to stock. Just putting it out there in case someone else has the same issue.
I'll try to get a log and see what's going on when it happens.
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No worries just was saying
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I noticed that my 3G will go out when I'm on wifi, however if wifi isn't connected to internet it will not automatically pick up the 3G. I would recommend if people continue to have problems look and see if toggling off wifi will help bring the network back online. Worked this problem and many others last night. Nearly "bricked" the unbrickable thankfully stayed calm and worked through each problem one at a time and soon will try and reflash CWM and then TB's mods for ec09.


Random Freeze and reboot??

Hey just wondering if anyone else's phone has this issue. But, Sometimes my phone seems to freeze up and completely reboot. Possibly its trying to handle to many task??
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Graph.Two said:
Hey just wondering if anyone else's phone has this issue. But, Sometimes my phone seems to freeze up and completely reboot. Possibly its trying to handle to many task??
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Do you have setcpu or a OC kernal by any chance?
I am having this happen also... I have had to remove my battery three times today to reboot the phone.
I have set CPU installed, is that a bad idea?
I'm rooted with just the stock OS, no mods at all and my phone will randomly reboot every two or three days.
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qreffie said:
I'm rooted with just the stock OS, no mods at all and my phone will randomly reboot every two or three days.
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Mine has the new rom the leaked one and does this so often like after every 2-3 songs. Did it with the stock rom too.
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No, I'm rooted with straight stock. No set CPU or anything of that nature. But like I said even then ill get complete freezes and then a reboot. Or occasionally ill attempt to open an app and the phone will reboot!!
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Alex530 said:
Mine has the new rom the leaked one and does this so often like after every 2-3 songs. Did it with the stock rom too.
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did you wipe your SD cards when you flashed the new rom? I don't have this behavior but I did have FC's and such because of some files on the SD. I have NONE of this behavior. Something is wrong for you, nothing is wrong with JI2 and freezing/rebooting.
Graph.Two said:
No, I'm rooted with straight stock. No set CPU or anything of that nature. But like I said even then ill get complete freezes and then a reboot. Or occasionally ill attempt to open an app and the phone will reboot!!
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I used to have this problem all the time too whenever I tried to use the gps, but since I've applied the leaked update that problem has gone away. But it seems like you're experiencing the issue at more random times. Have you noticed any particular pattern? For example, whenever you try to play music in the background and read a website at the same time.
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Yup mine is bone stock not Rooted and it will lock up just siting there GPS, wireless and Bluetooth off in a very good signal area.
Same here on both roms. I thought the lag fix was causing the freeze. But now im stock jit2 and root.
Had the same with gps and maps with old firmware.
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Graph.Two said:
No, I'm rooted with straight stock. No set CPU or anything of that nature. But like I said even then ill get complete freezes and then a reboot. Or occasionally ill attempt to open an app and the phone will reboot!!
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NO set cpu or anything
I haven't had this issue happen since I applied the flashable gps fix. Maybe it was an issue with an app that wanted to use GPS running in the background?
This has happened to me several times while booting gps and only recently started happening while playing pandora, but not as frequent as while using the gps...not rooted
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Mine has only frozen up once and it was at the end of a call screen turned off. I hit power and went to go unlock and it turned off again.. Would not turn back on but I know the phone was still on since I had apmobile enabled and it was still transmitting wifi connection. Oh I was using eugene's FrankenTwiz (underclocked to 400mhz)when it happened but same thing happened to my girlfriend and she had hybrid r3. Other than phone runs fine.
Ive had some odd reboots where I dont get a shutdown or boot animation or sounds, just freezes, goes black, keys light up, searching for signal boot process. Yesterday in maps trying to troubleshoot my gps. Stock rom,rooted, Ryan's lagfix.
Vibrant vibrating nicely now,Kthx!
Have the phone replaced. I had a phone that would randomly freeze and/or reboot. Nothing I did would fix it.
I talked to a T-mobile worker who had the same issue with one of the early demo-phones Samsung loaned to him. They just replaced his without every saying what the problem was.
I've been having this happen a lot lately myself, it happened to me before on stock ROM due to SetCPU, but now on the leaked ROM. I did not clean the SD card (internal or external), so will give that a shot when I have some time to copy files on/off the SD cards (one reason to dislike the internal SD is that I have to mount it to copy the files, ergh).

GB radios cause GPS drops in cm7?

Anyone else noticed this?
On two newest radios GPS locks instantly, works perfect for 5 minutes and then drops. Toggle GPS off/on real quick and it comes back and then works perfectly.
I've tried the two newest radios, fastboot wipes, and still get the same symptoms on two different glaciers.
Does anyone else have the same symptoms?
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I do too on CM7. Happened last night. Instant lock. Stops working after 30 sec. Exit Nav. Go back. Works perfect.
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I haven't tried GPS yet since I flashed CM7, but I'll test it tonight. This probably goes without saying, but you all verified the radio's MD5 before flash, right?
I havent used CM7 in a long while, but I have also noticed this problem in MIUI on a couple builds. turn on GPS and run Navigation app, locks on fast and works well. but after about an hour or so, GPS signal would drop and I would have to exit from Navigation and turn GPS off then on again then run Navigation. about 5-10 minutes later, it would lose signal again and I would have to repeat the process. even after wiping cache + dalvik and fixing permissions, the problem would still continue. it doesnt bother me all too much because I rarely use GPS...I think TDJ said it was an issue with the Navigation app itself, not sure tho
GPS Status & Toolbox can help your GPS lock faster, and might help it maintain connection better. Worth a shot.
Tried all of it. Multiple downloads, multiple fastboot flashes, multiple fastboot wipes, I use GPS status all the time, etc. I've tried all of it.
The stock radio from 2.2.1 seems to work fine, but lately takes awhile to lock.
Oh, and this is the same on multiple glaciers.
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Phateless said:
Anyone else noticed this?
On two newest radios GPS locks instantly, works perfect for 5 minutes and then drops. Toggle GPS off/on real quick and it comes back and then works perfectly.
I've tried the two newest radios, fastboot wipes, and still get the same symptoms on two different glaciers.
Does anyone else have the same symptoms?
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Weird man, you and I always have the same problems.
I had this exact same problem while running MIUI. Now I've switched to CM7, but so far GPS has worked fine for me since.
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mackster248 said:
Weird man, you and I always have the same problems.
I had this exact same problem while running MIUI. Now I've switched to CM7, but so far GPS has worked fine for me since.
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Lol I noticed that too and figured you would chime in.
Good screen, good emmc chip, right?
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Phateless said:
Lol I noticed that too and figured you would chime in.
Good screen, good emmc chip, right?
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Yeah, good everything. It bugs so much. And as I thought more it did happen to me on CM7 just couple days ago. I recently moved to LA so GPS is KEY. I was yelling at my phone each 5 minutes when it would lose GPS. Then I would have to close it and re open then manually input the directions again all while avoiding the dreaded Los Angeles traffic... I wanted to throw this phone so bad. But since I fully wiped and reflashed CM7. Tried GPS once and it worked fine and didn't cut off for 20 minutes so I'm hoping it's fixed.
And I always perform fastboot wipes as well for what it's worth.
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I'm on cm7 nightly 175 and noticed constant drops too when using google navigation. Had to exit and restart navigation to get fix again.
Started playing around with other GPS programs, igo and sygics, and never had GPS signal loss!
I think it might be related to google navigation and not the actually GPS signal or kernel/ROM themselves. That would explain why we get GPS signal lock again once we restart navigation.
mackster248 said:
Yeah, good everything. It bugs so much. And as I thought more it did happen to me on CM7 just couple days ago. I recently moved to LA so GPS is KEY. I was yelling at my phone each 5 minutes when it would lose GPS. Then I would have to close it and re open then manually input the directions again all while avoiding the dreaded Los Angeles traffic... I wanted to throw this phone so bad. But since I fully wiped and reflashed CM7. Tried GPS once and it worked fine and didn't cut off for 20 minutes so I'm hoping it's fixed.
And I always perform fastboot wipes as well for what it's worth.
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Yup, same here, lol. Let's keep in touch on these issues.
Pretty sure didn't do this, try rolling back to that.
And don't exit navigation, just use the notification power widget to toggle GPS real quick.
Works for me.
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Phateless said:
Yup, same here, lol. Let's keep in touch on these issues.
Pretty sure didn't do this, try rolling back to that.
And don't exit navigation, just use the notification power widget to toggle GPS real quick.
Works for me.
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Oh okay, good tip! I was on Panache radio that whole time, since then I've reverted back to the stock Froyo radio to see if anything gets better. So far data is the same for me though.
mackster248 said:
Oh okay, good tip! I was on Panache radio that whole time, since then I've reverted back to the stock Froyo radio to see if anything gets better. So far data is the same for me though.
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I'm on panache radio now. I upgraded because stock froyo was taking awhile to lock where it used to be instant.
Will try again, we'll compare results.
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Turning on GPS and then rebooting seems to help as well. Didn't drop once.
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Phateless said:
Turning on GPS and then rebooting seems to help as well. Didn't drop once.
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Oh really? I did that whole GPS/GPS Status app then reboot trick thing. That always worked for me in the past but it didn't help me when I was having this issue.
mackster248 said:
Oh really? I did that whole GPS/GPS Status app then reboot trick thing. That always worked for me in the past but it didn't help me when I was having this issue.
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Weird. I remember a few of the nightly builds had completely dead GPS unless it was on at boot.
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Phateless said:
Anyone else noticed this?
On two newest radios GPS locks instantly, works perfect for 5 minutes and then drops. Toggle GPS off/on real quick and it comes back and then works perfectly.
I've tried the two newest radios, fastboot wipes, and still get the same symptoms on two different glaciers.
Does anyone else have the same symptoms?
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I too have the same issue. Tried every RADIO. All of them didn't solve the issue. Toggling GPS on/off seems to temporarily solve the problem. None of the GPS status or editing "gps.config" seem to have an effect.
just tried CM7 nightly 175 with stock radio, ran gps for about half an hour and didnt have any issues. locked in around 5 seconds, no lost signal or anything. seeming as if GPS is really hit or miss wonder if this occurs on stock rom and kernel?
aznprodgy said:
just tried CM7 nightly 175 with stock radio, ran gps for about half an hour and didnt have any issues. locked in around 5 seconds, no lost signal or anything. seeming as if GPS is really hit or miss wonder if this occurs on stock rom and kernel?
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The problem is not getting an initial lock. It is actually losing the lock around three to five minutes into navigation.
aznprodgy said:
just tried CM7 nightly 175 with stock radio, ran gps for about half an hour and didnt have any issues. locked in around 5 seconds, no lost signal or anything. seeming as if GPS is really hit or miss wonder if this occurs on stock rom and kernel?
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I don't remember, it's been so long since this phone was stock.
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Phone locks up when...

When ever I go to plug my phone in to charge if I plug it in and the screen isn't on the phone locks up and a battery pull is required to reboot. I'm on stock gingerbread 2.3.3 no mods themes root or anything. Is any one else experiencing or noticing this problem while running gingerbread?
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Jaggar345 said:
When ever I go to plug my phone in to charge if I plug it in and the screen isn't on the phone locks up and a battery pull is required to reboot. I'm on stock gingerbread 2.3.3 no mods themes root or anything. Is any one else experiencing or noticing this problem while running gingerbread?
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Yup... Sorry it's happening to you, but glad to know it's not just me! But, that helps us narrow it down to being something in the rom itself and not a mod. I've been trying to get a log to see what is going on, but so far the logs just stop the instant I plug it in... No errors or anything. I've just gotten in the habit of of making sure the screen is on! Lol
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I'm experiencing this too.. I've found that if you have the ticker grip sensor enabled you can manually turn on the ticker then expand it and the screen will turn back on.

Hating my S3 lately

So I've getting the no sound+drop signal problem these last weeks where you don't hear anything when making a call and then the phone loses all signal. Looked everywhere online no solution. I really need my phone these days and i am having to use skype to make a call which is total crap. Then today all of the sudden the phone stops recognizing the sdcard out of the blue, also can't seem to find any solution online. I don't want to send the thing to repair because I use it a ton. This is really inconvenient.
Just venting here , sigh.....
This isn't your blog, go back to facebook or wherever you came from.
Choristav said:
This isn't your blog, go back to facebook or wherever you came from.
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This is the general forum, you know, GENERAL.
ManuC84 said:
So I've getting the no sound+drop signal problem these last weeks where you don't hear anything when making a call and then the phone loses all signal. Looked everywhere online no solution. I really need my phone these days and i am having to use skype to make a call which is total crap. Then today all of the sudden the phone stops recognizing the sdcard out of the blue, also can't seem to find any solution online. I don't want to send the thing to repair because I use it a ton. This is really inconvenient.
Just venting here , sigh.....
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I had this issue with my old LG Optimus T P509 T-Mobile.. it was unlocked so I was using it on AT&T.. I never figured out what the problem was but I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one. Haven't had this issue with my S3 yet. Running stock 4.1.2 JB with ADW Launcher.. what service provider are you currently using?
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Have you tried a factory reset? or a different ROM?
Even before that, wiping cache's?
If you're looking for help, more detail needed. If your venting, I agree with Choristav. No offense intended.
dusty1268 said:
I had this issue with my old LG Optimus T P509 T-Mobile.. it was unlocked so I was using it on AT&T.. I never figured out what the problem was but I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one. Haven't had this issue with my S3 yet. Running stock 4.1.2 JB with ADW Launcher.. what service provider are you currently using?
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Which problem you mean, the call issue or the micro sdcard issue? I am running stock 4.1.2 jb and i have orange. The worst is that these problems start on their own all of the sudden with no previous warning. It drives one insane because it's so hard to pinpoint what happened and how to fix it.
ManuC84 said:
Which problem you mean, the call issue or the micro sdcard issue? I am running stock 4.1.2 jb and i have orange. The worst is that these problems start on their own all of the sudden with no previous warning. It drives one insane because it's so hard to pinpoint what happened and how to fix it.
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Sorry.. The calling issue. I would make a call and it wouldn't make a dial or ringing tone and there was no sound coming from the speaker. This isn't happening on my S3. It was was happening on my old LG phone.. it was running stock 2.3 gingerbread of course, but it was surely mind boggling.
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ceasee said:
Have you tried a factory reset? or a different ROM?
Even before that, wiping cache's?
If you're looking for help, more detail needed. If your venting, I agree with Choristav. No offense intended.
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I am sorry but I read the rules and didn't see anything that said that no venting was allowed here, this is a general forum and in most forums general means general chat, venting included, or anything else that doesn't fit in more specific boards. Now regarding your question I didn't do wiping nor factory reset but I did reinstall the Jelly bean ROM I am using, and also I tried reinstalling the modem making sure it was the right one. I didn't do more because I've read in the big "no sound during calls" thread that those methods haven't solved most users' issues so far so seems like a waste of time. Anyway spending my time fixing the phone is my idea of a good time. I've had it for one year btw.
dusty1268 said:
Sorry.. The calling issue. I would make a call and it wouldn't make a dial or ringing tone and there was no sound coming from the speaker. This isn't happening on my S3. It was was happening on my old LG phone.. it was running stock 2.3 gingerbread of course, but it was surely mind boggling.
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I have that happen and then suddenly signal drops to nothing and I get a circle with a crossed line symbol for a few seconds until it comes back. It's weird as hell and there's no solution anywhere online. I fixed it for a while tapping the back of the phone but now that ain't working anymore. Very frustrating.
ManuC84 said:
I have that happen and then suddenly signal drops to nothing and I get a circle with a crossed line symbol for a few seconds until it comes back. It's weird as hell and there's no solution anywhere online. I fixed it for a while tapping the back of the phone but now that ain't working anymore. Very frustrating.
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Could your case, assuming you have one, possibly be the culprit? I had the same exact issue but on a stock rom, which is odd, but possible I guess lol.
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dusty1268 said:
Could your case, assuming you have one, possibly be the culprit? I had the same exact issue but on a stock rom, which is odd, but possible I guess lol.
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I actually have a stock JB rom, which was working great for a few months before this started. I had the original ICS restore data in the micro sdcard, the one that stopped working today Btw you mean the phone's case? Why would that cause any problems?
ManuC84 said:
I actually have a stock JB rom, which was working great for a few months before this started. I had the original ICS restore data in the micro sdcard, the one that stopped working today Btw you mean the phone's case? Why would that cause any problems?
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I have heard of signal problems due to cases but not too common.. just using process of elimination. Also, that's a pain you lost your SD Card.. maybe try banking up your stuff on your phone and doing a clean wipe? Factory reset?
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dusty1268 said:
I have heard of signal problems due to cases but not too common.. just using process of elimination. Also, that's a pain you lost your SD Card.. maybe try banking up your stuff on your phone and doing a clean wipe? Factory reset?
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I have the original case so I doubt it. And yeah I am gonna have to go do a factory reset I guess, a pain in the ass. Thanks for the suggestions anyway. :good:
ManuC84 said:
I have the original case so I doubt it. And yeah I am gonna have to go do a factory reset I guess, a pain in the ass. Thanks for the suggestions anyway. :good:
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No problem. Post back with results if you get it working right again. :thumbup:
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dusty1268 said:
Could your case, assuming you have one, possibly be the culprit? I had the same exact issue but on a stock rom, which is odd, but possible I guess lol.
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cant be, im using a thick as hell otterbox commuter case and im getting full bars plus LTE support. my carriers koodo btw.
Sent from my SGH-I747M running Liquidsmooth JB 4.2.2
psp9000333 said:
cant be, im using a thick as hell otterbox commuter case and im getting full bars plus LTE support. my carriers koodo btw.
Sent from my SGH-I747M running Liquidsmooth JB 4.2.2
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Yeah usually only when a metal case is used does it ever really interfere I suppose.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Possible problems:
1) Wrong modem. Flash one that worked previously.
2) Mobile phone network problems (we tend to overlook this a lot). Contact your carrier and ask if your networks keep going down.
3) Signal interference (maybe some casing, maybe something in your house)
4) Damaged phone (maybe the signal receiver got damaged in a fall)
I've been having similar signal drop issues. Phone shows 2 bars but no data use, no sound when trying to ring out, can't receive a call. If I toggle 2g, signal will spring back to life and data will show. Changed bloody everything trying to resolve it. Orange UK.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Choristav said:
This isn't your blog, go back to facebook or wherever you came from.
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I think you are the one who should go back, were you came from. Seriously right, it's people like you who joined xda yesterday, who have no clue whatsoever about the principles and tradition of xda, who tarnish the name of this great website. The op is talking about an s3, in a s3 forum, were would you want him to go, other than here. If you can't help, just shut it, and let the people who can help go ahead, like the people who posted after your senseless post to help the op.
1. Solar flares got you.
2. Reception problems, UK austerity hair cut, you get 10% of any signal you had before.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app

Lock screen and Knock On Solution

Strangely, my phone stopped responding to knock on to wake the screen. When you pressed the hardware power button to wake the screen would immediately close. It would take about 10-15 tries to unlock the screen in that split second before it closed. To troubleshoot I flashed back to factory and I still had the same issue after the phone was allowed to sleep just a few minutes. I took the OTA, same problem.
I was ready to box it up and swap out, but decided to try one other thing. I went to the screen off effect and changed it to Simple. Everything worked fine after that. I switched it back to retro tv and it would take many more tries to wake the screen. apparently its some kind of software bug. Thought I'd pass the info on to anyone else having similar issues.
Apparently root apps that play with system files trigger the bug too, like greenify. So the bug isn't tied to one screen effect, just switching to another fixes it until you play with system files via flashing or root apps. Hopefully it's something they fix in the next update.
It seems if you flash or change any system files, it reverts back to the retro tv effect and the issue repeats until change to another transition.
So the knock on feature is supposed to be more reliable if I do this?
in_dmand said:
So the knock on feature is supposed to be more reliable if I do this?
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If you are suffering from the same software bug, it works. If you flash a mod or do anything that does a "updating android" on reboot, it reverts back to the default screen effect and the knock on becomes unreliable. After a deep sleep you can't wake it with a knock most of the time. Strange but saved me a trip verizon hell for a swap.
Wow!!! I can totally confirm that this is working! Thank you so much... I was getting to the point that I didn't really use the knock on feature due to the flakiness of it... Now it works flawlessly!
in_dmand said:
Wow!!! I can totally confirm that this is working! Thank you so much... I was getting to the point that I didn't really use the knock on feature due to the flakiness of it... Now it works flawlessly!
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Glad it helped man. I restored my recovery,reflashed stock and took the ota before i found the bug. lol Works as advertised now.
Im getting the same problem with mine, but the retro screen switch to simple isnt solving the problem. Tsking so many tries and not being able to knock on is making the phone unusable.
Any other suggestions or off to Verizon? Im within the 14 days...
Sent from my GT-N5110 using xda app-developers app
dpaul01 said:
Im getting the same problem with mine, but the retro screen switch to simple isnt solving the problem. Tsking so many tries and not being able to knock on is making the phone unusable.
Any other suggestions or off to Verizon? Im within the 14 days...
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Make sure the sensor area to the right of the FF camera is clean. If you have a screen protector over it, you might want to pull it off and clean the area really good. If that sensor is blocked or not working, it will do the same thing whether or not you change the screen off settings. Could be a bad sensor and you may need to swap it out.
Tried cleaning it, no luck. Seems like its hw related. Off to vzw I go.
Sent from my GT-N5110 using xda app-developers app
Can confirm this. Disabling retro worked originally, but after rooting and Greenify it's back.
Do I have to flash to stock to fix now? Or will Greenify uninstall do the trick?
Sent from my VS980 4G using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
---------- Post added at 08:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 AM ----------
Well, I tested it myself. Uninstalling Greenify does indeed fix the knock-on issue.
A shame, as I really liked that app. Boo Verizon/LG. Boo.....
Damn! I was wrong.
Still having this bug, but only from deep sleep.
Incredibly annoying, but I really don't want to Re flash. Any ideas.
I'm dying here....
Sent from my VS980 4G using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Greenify or any root program that modifys system files has the possibility of triggering the bug. In my personal testing, after you change the screen off to something different after installing Greenify, it stops. I'm guessing the core issue is with the front sensor that disables knock on. A hardware software combination. Strangely even after flashing back to stock doesn't fix the bug. First deep sleep and it will return until you change that setting in screen off.
Sent from my VS980 4G using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Flashed back to stock myself and the problem continued. I returned the phone for a new one yesterday (14 days) and for the moment I'm going to keep this one stock until the issue fleshes itself out.
Sent from my GT-N5110 using xda app-developers app
timsterzzz said:
Greenify or any root program that modifys system files has the possibility of triggering the bug. In my personal testing, after you change the screen off to something different after installing Greenify, it stops. I'm guessing the core issue is with the front sensor that disables knock on. A hardware software combination. Strangely even after flashing back to stock doesn't fix the bug. First deep sleep and it will return until you change that setting in screen off.
Sent from my VS980 4G using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Nothing seems to fully resolve this. Super annoyed I ever installed Greenify. Ugh.
I'm within my 14 days (I got it on Monday), but I purchased from letstalk (the $26 price mistake deal that lasted a few minutes). Does anybody know if I can just walk into Verizon to switch it out, or do I have to do the mail back, wait 5 days with no phone thing?
I've only replaced the phones I directly received from Verizon in person. Call Verizon and tell them you needed to swap a phone under the 14 days. They can look at your account and tell you if you can just swap it in person or if you need to return through the reseller.
Sent from my VS980 4G using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I've used greenify for two weeks without this issue ever happening.. maybe I'll freeze it now lol
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk 4
Maybe it was when we removed the Chinese SU. Secret payload to punish us. Lol
Sent from my VS980 4G using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
wait did you guys all use Chinese superuser?? I flashed back to unrooted stock to get rid of that, then rooted the new way so I wouldn't have any trace of it.
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk 4
timsterzzz said:
Greenify or any root program that modifys system files has the possibility of triggering the bug. In my personal testing, after you change the screen off to something different after installing Greenify, it stops. I'm guessing the core issue is with the front sensor that disables knock on. A hardware software combination. Strangely even after flashing back to stock doesn't fix the bug. First deep sleep and it will return until you change that setting in screen off.
Sent from my VS980 4G using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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In theory, Greenify may break such a feature like Knock-on, but its always recoverable. Simply de-greenify the app and manually launch it to restore everything to normal.
Please avoid greenifying any app with background functionality.
PS: Greenify actually never touch any system files.
jayochs said:
wait did you guys all use Chinese superuser?? I flashed back to unrooted stock to get rid of that, then rooted the new way so I wouldn't have any trace of it.
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk 4
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No, that was just humor.

