[Q] screen locked during a phone call and not opened - Defy Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hi people,
i have motorola defy (not +) with quartz rom 4.1 on it
my problem is during phone calls and after it the screen goes black and nothing wont open it.
the only way is to take the battery out and back in.
is there any way to disable it? or fix it?
thank you for your time and sorry for my english

Are u using any screen Guard?
Sent from my MB525 using xda app-developers app

Don't know if it fixes, try disabling 'lock when call ends' option in dialer settings.
Sent from my MB526 using xda app-developers app


[Q] defy can't hangup when celling

My green leans defy can't hangup when I make a cell or when some one is celling me I have to tell them to hangup I tryed switching ROMs and it happens to all of them...
can any one help me :[
Sent from my MB526 using xda app-developers app
AW: [Q] defy can't hangup when celling
you cannot press the red hang up button?
eddy659 said:
My green leans defy can't hangup when I make a cell or when some one is celling me I have to tell them to hangup I tryed switching ROMs and it happens to all of them...
can any one help me :[
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Have you tried going to accessibility options, enabling "Power button ends call" and using the power button to hangup?
Yea I can't use the red hangup the second I answer the phone or cell the screen goes black like if you locked it
Sent from my MB526 using xda app-developers app
Thank you I didn't know I could do that and it works great
( But I steel don't know why I can't hangup normal
Sent from my MB526 using xda app-developers app
eddy659 said:
Thank you I didn't know I could do that and it works great
( But I steel don't know why I can't hangup normal
Sent from my MB526 using xda app-developers app
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Depends on many situations:-
- Maybe you have switched to rom that doen't supports the kernel.
- Which type of rom you are using?
- Try doing a full wipe and start from scratch, may be that could help.
I too had the same problem before on CM7, but i don't really remember how i got rid of that, maybe by switching rom.
I believe it's a problem with the proximity sensor, when I was on CM9 there was a zip to flash to completely disable the sensor, but this stopped automatic backlight and a few other features
Sent from my MB526 using xda premium

Help my touch screen wont work plus pink text and green screen

My phone is working the only thing i have is my screen. I have to hold it to long to able to anything. And my screen and text on all over the phone is pink. I could find fix. Please if any one have idea how to fix. Please help
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mused02 said:
My phone is working the only thing i have is my screen. I have to hold it to long to able to anything. And my screen and text on all over the phone is pink. I could find fix. Please if any one have idea how to fix. Please help
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Did it do this before you flashed mj6?
Sent from my GT-P3113 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Thats how it look like. And i think is safestrap made it **** that
Sent from my GT-P3113 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
It looks like it's themed that way, but you say your touch screen also doesn't with? Have you tried a different rom in safe strap?
jd1639 said:
It looks like it's themed that way, but you say your touch screen also doesn't with? Have you tried a different rom in safe strap?
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Its not the theme. Its something to do with safestrap.and system. And when i go to recovery my screen flashing and give me different colors. But i only guss to do factroy rest. So need deep clean. Is there any odin wip to flash it to it
Sent from my SGH-T889 using xda app-developers app
Any help
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
No theres no odin for mf3 (that im aware of at least)
Seems like you may have flashed something wrong...safestrap is not the problem...the problem is with your phone or something you flashed
Please tell us EVERYTHING youve done until it got to this state...
When did you install safestrap?
Did you make a new rom slot?
What kind of wipes did you do?
What have you flashed?
Anything else?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk

screen trolling me during call (GE rom)

so I'm on a Google edition rom and when I'm in a call and try to take the phone off my face and do something on it while in call it keeps turning the screen off.. never had a problem multi tasking a phone call and using the phone on TW rom but am having it now.
anyone know a quick fix to this?
Sent from my SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
soraxd said:
so I'm on a Google edition rom and when I'm in a call and try to take the phone off my face and do something on it while in call it keeps turning the screen off.. never had a problem multi tasking a phone call and using the phone on TW rom but am having it now.
anyone know a quick fix to this?
Sent from my SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
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I have exactly this problem on my rogers 1337m running jamal's 4.2.2 rom. I thought it was just a faulty proximity sensor.
Sometimes it happens to me because my hand goes over the sensor lol. Just watch where your hand is at and you'll be fine.
Sent from my SGH-I337 using Tapatalk

White flash when screen goes off

Hello everyone,i have some strange problem when lock my note 3 and screen goes off.
white flash just upper the home button(horisontal)...its just happen when u turn off ur screen...
Can someone help me?
Thank you
Sent from my SM-N900 using XDA Free mobile app
kosarkas94 said:
Hello everyone,i have some strange problem when lock my note 3 and screen goes off.
white flash just upper the home button(horisontal)...its just happen when u turn off ur screen...
Can someone help me?
Thank you
Sent from my SM-N900 using XDA Free mobile app
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You mean in middle of the screen or just above the home button?
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
Rosli59564 said:
You mean in middle of the screen or just above the home button?
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
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Its like white line,i think its just above homebutton.When press lock button them apper on one second.
Sent from my SM-N900 using XDA Free mobile app
Not really sure. If it's in the middle then it could be crt off effect. But your phone must be rooted to do that
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
Rosli59564 said:
Not really sure. If it's in the middle then it could be crt off effect. But your phone must be rooted to do that
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
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Its not crt effect but its something similar.Phone is stock with kitkat.I dont know is softver or hardver issue
Sent from my SM-N900 using XDA Free mobile app
Anyone face same problem?
Sent from my SM-N900 using XDA Free mobile app
Somebody?Plz i need help,phone is new.
Sent from my SM-N900 using XDA Free mobile app
Try the test menu and check your display. Possibly a screen issue.
radicalisto said:
Try the test menu and check your display. Possibly a screen issue.
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Which test you mean?but only when lock my phone(displey goes off)everything else is normaln when displey is on.
Sent from my SM-N900 using XDA Free mobile app
kosarkas94 said:
Which test you mean?but only when lock my phone(displey goes off)everything else is normaln when displey is on.
Sent from my SM-N900 using XDA Free mobile app
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Type * #0* # (no spaces)
Then check the screen. -- possibly just a screen effect though if only when locking/unlocking.
radicalisto said:
Type * #0* # (no spaces)
Then check the screen. -- possibly just a screen effect though if only when locking/unlocking.
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Its only when locking phone like white line glich appers on 1 sec and then screen go off.Its above home button and only blink.
Sent from my SM-N900 using XDA Free mobile app
Sorry i dialed that but code is invalid.
Sent from my SM-N900 using XDA Free mobile app
kosarkas94 said:
Hello everyone,i have some strange problem when lock my note 3 and screen goes off.
white flash just upper the home button(horisontal)...its just happen when u turn off ur screen...
Can someone help me?
Thank you
Sent from my SM-N900 using XDA Free mobile app
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I'am having the same problem aswell. It is really annoying. My phone is just 2 days old.
Edit: I have contacted to samsung and they toldme to bring the phone to a service center. I've been told I have a rigt to request a new phone or refund. I couldnt decide what I want to do. Because I really like this phone but there are alot of problems whit it. Apart from that screen problem. My phone freezes and restarts itself ramdomly and there is a problem with wifi connectivity

Is it very difficult to turn on screen using double tap?

Id it very difficult orbimpossible to turn on screen using double tap like lg g2 ?
Sent from my SM-G900F using XDA Free mobile app
Why would you want this?? Stop being lazy and just press the damn home button!
Sent from my SM-G900F using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
majidshahab091 said:
Id it very difficult orbimpossible to turn on screen using double tap like lg g2 ?
Sent from my SM-G900F using XDA Free mobile app
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up to now... I don't think it is visible AFAIK.
And if you try to google out there, there is/are app(s) which manipulate this function, by keep screen on, and make the color of the screen turn black (as if it is off). And it is working only with OLED display.
I never use/try it, because I don't really like the idea with my N3, whereby I have the s-view attached already.
