deleted - Xperia Arc General

Sorry, it's already been posted about


you may delete

Sorry didnt saw it was already posted!

previous post deleted?

I dont understand why my previous topic was deleted. I was asking for anyone that might have a file i needed to do a mod to my phone and shortly after 1 reply the thread is now gone. I dont think i did anything wrong but would like to try to find out so i dont repeat the mistake.
it was deleted because your request thread didn't belong in the vibrant development section.
Sorry, i didnt realize i did that, i open all the vibrant sections in different tabs, but why would it be deleted rather than moved?

Delete Please.

Sorry, wrong forum.
I believe that you posted in the wrong forum...

Delete Thread Please.

Delete thread. Got to excited and posted in the wrong section and theres already a thread on this.

Posted in wrong forum

Mod edit:
Thread closed

