Help installing 4.1.2 - Nexus 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi folks im trying to get my google nexus 7 to reboot into recovery mode but no matter what i do it just wont work, i have tried using adb and then using the command "adb reboot recovery" but when it goes to holding down power button and higher volume button ( I have tried other combinations too) nothing happens, it just seems to reboot. Does anybody have a way around this ? Seriously frustrating.

Unfortunately the new bootloader doesn't work correctly on your device. You have to replace the bootloader with the one from the previous version 3.34

I had rooted and installed CWM recovery early on. I installed Rom Manager (free version) and opened it and Flashed Clockwork Recovery. From then on and now with 4.1.2 installed, I can choose Reboot into Recovery from Rom Manager and I go right to CWM recovery. That's what I did to install 4.1.2 after installing Voodoo OTA Rootkeeper. I updated successfully and kept root through the update. I never had to do anything like replacing the bootloader with an earlier version.

Ditto, I got bored waiting for the ota to kick in. Just downloading the update from Google dev then flashing with CWR I just said yes to the don't install new boot loader and retain root worked seamlessly!


[Q] Rooted 6.3, keeps restarting and failing an update.

I rooted my kindle fire last week using KFU 0.9.5. Everything was going fine until yesterday, when it decides to restart itself and try to install an update, I think it's the 6.3.1 update. It get's about 1/4 of the way through and stops, shows a white triangle with a yellow exclamation point in the middle and andy on the side, and just sits there. I've restarted it about 10 times now, and every time it gets to the home screen, it restarts and goes in the cycle again.
FYI I used the CWM recovery in the KFU, I don't know if it makes a difference.
The 6.3.1 update is causing a lot of problems with rooted devices. It may take a few days to pinpoint the problem. See if you can get into recovery, you may need to flash a different rom.
MoDaCo is a very good "stock" analog if that's what you're into.
Thanks, I think I'll just wait a few days to see if the problem gets fixed.
At least in my experience twrp will actually unpack and install the update for you.Also if the fact that your rooted is causing the installation failure and you really want the update install ota root keeper from the market click protect root and temporarily unroot the device. If the update succeeds you will then need to go through the process of rerooting your device.f your simply just tired of what its doing download the latest stock image place it at the root of your SD card and flash it via cwm recovery under install update zip. Then reroot flash fff and the recovery of your choice then your good to go. I prefer twrp recovery plus if you want to flash ics with the new kernel you will need twrp to do this cwm doesn't work.
Thepooch said:
At least in my experience twrp will actually unpack and install the update for you also if the fact that your rooted is causing the installation failure if you really want the update install ota root keeper from the market click protect root and temporarily unroot the device and the update succeeds you will then need to go through the process of rerooting your device if your simply just tired of what its doing download the latest stock image place it at the root of your SD card and flash it via cwm recovery under install update zip then reroot flash fff and the recovery of your choice then your good to go I prefer twrp recovery plus if you want to flash ics with the new kernel you will need twrp to do this cwm doesn't work.
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punctuation? lol!
Awhh who cares lol I sure dont THERE I PUNCTUATED PURE SYMANTICS! Lol punctuation should cost more I will add a donate button later.

Installed firefirefire & clockworkmod; rooting and twrp failed

I'm trying to install jelly bean on my kindle fire but using KFU I've only managed firefirefire and clockworkrecovery.
I tried rooting using KFU to root but that doesn't work. Always gets stuck with the twrp.img error saying it's the wrong image (seems to be a common problem)
I've tried getting twrp installed using adb shell but when I get to the command to load the recovery image I get error; couldn't load recovery image. I thought maybe there was a problem so I tried loading the fff bootloader even though I already had it on my kf but it also returned with error: couldn't load image.
Theoretically, if you have clockwork recovery, there is no need for TWRP. But if you must have TWRP instead, use clockwork to flash a rom (and FFF1.4 while you're at it). Boot into the rom and use the Smirkit to install TWRP. It will save you a lot of hassle.
soupmagnet said:
Theoretically, if you have clockwork recovery, there is no need for TWRP. But if you must have TWRP instead, use clockwork to flash a rom (and FFF1.4 while you're at it). Boot into the rom and use the Smirkit to install TWRP. It will save you a lot of hassle.
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The problem is getting root access. Most of the guides I've tried to follow require twrp installed to get into recovery. Without root I can't flash another rom.
I also already have FFF 1.4.
So I reverted back to stock and went through the manual process again and I was able to get it to work. When I was initially trying to flash twrp with the command line I copied pasted the name of the file without adding the file extension. Fixed that by adding .img and everything went through. Got Jellybean on here now and it's running great.
If you are installing a custom rom (including MoDaCo), there is no need to go through the "rooting" process, hence saving you "a lot of hassle". Recoveries, like CWM and TWRP provide temporary root access.
soupmagnet said:
If you are installing a custom rom (including MoDaCo), there is no need to go through the "rooting" process, hence saving you "a lot of hassle". Recoveries, like CWM and TWRP provide temporary root access.
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This is odd because I tried installing the JB rom after I got CWM on there. It booted up to a black screen and left it there for 5 minutes and still black screen. I reverted back with the update bin from amazon website after that.
hxu976 said:
This is odd because I tried installing the JB rom after I got CWM on there. It booted up to a black screen and left it there for 5 minutes and still black screen. I reverted back with the update bin from amazon website after that.
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That has nothing to do with "rooting". Most of the time it's caused by a bad download (always check MD5s) or not "wiping" correctly before installation.

Lost root after 4.1.2

I was running stock 4.1.1 rooted with NO cwm and I accepted the OTA undate two days ago. Now, I have SU still installed but nothing can obtain root permissions. I used Wugz toolkit to reflash su binaries through TWRP a few times and still no dice. Any thoughts?
Trickee360 said:
I was running stock 4.1.1 rooted with NO cwm and I accepted the OTA undate two days ago. Now, I have SU still installed but nothing can obtain root permissions. I used Wugz toolkit to reflash su binaries through TWRP a few times and still no dice. Any thoughts?
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Here you go. Just follow the directions. It works fine for 4.1.2.
veeman said:
Here you go. Just follow the directions. It works fine for 4.1.2.
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Welp, I've never actually used adb to push anything manually myself, but now is as good as time as any to try it. The link to CWM on that page is dead. Where else can I get it?
Trickee360 said:
Welp, I've never actually used adb to push anything manually myself, but now is as good as time as any to try it. The link to CWM on that page is dead. Where else can I get it?
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You can download the Touch Recovery on the right side for Google Nexus 7 version. But make sure when you put in
fastboot flash recovery recovery-clockwork-touch-
for step 5. instead of what they put.
veeman said:
You can download the Touch Recovery on the right side for Google Nexus 7 version. But make sure when you put in
fastboot flash recovery recovery-clockwork-touch-
for step 5. instead of what they put.
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got it. thanks much
Will only boot to stock recovery
veeman said:
You can download the Touch Recovery on the right side for Google Nexus 7 version. But make sure when you put in
fastboot flash recovery recovery-clockwork-touch-
for step 5. instead of what they put.
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Every time I reboot into recovery from the bootloader after flashing any recovery (except stock), it fails to boot into recovery. What happens is it shows the Google/Unlocked screen for a couple seconds, goes black (this is where it should enter recovery), but then shows the Google screen again and boots normally. I have tried this with two CWM recoveries and a TWRP recovery, both plugged into a computer and not. when flashing recovery it says OKAY. It seems as if something has gotten corrupted.
Before updating to 4.1.2 everything was working. To get the 4.1.2 update to install, I had to revert back to stock recovery and also revert back to the stock wallet app. Now 'su' is still a command, but it does not do what it is supposed to and no apps have root.
jphilli85 said:
Every time I reboot into recovery from the bootloader after flashing any recovery (except stock), it fails to boot into recovery. What happens is it shows the Google/Unlocked screen for a couple seconds, goes black (this is where it should enter recovery), but then shows the Google screen again and boots normally. I have tried this with two CWM recoveries and a TWRP recovery, both plugged into a computer and not. when flashing recovery it says OKAY. It seems as if something has gotten corrupted.
Before updating to 4.1.2 everything was working. To get the 4.1.2 update to install, I had to revert back to stock recovery and also revert back to the stock wallet app. Now 'su' is still a command, but it does not do what it is supposed to and no apps have root.
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You can just root again and you will have root access.
I lost root too, so I just opened wugtoolkit and hit root. no unlock needed so no loss of programs either.
jphilli85 said:
Every time I reboot into recovery from the bootloader after flashing any recovery (except stock), it fails to boot into recovery. What happens is it shows the Google/Unlocked screen for a couple seconds, goes black (this is where it should enter recovery), but then shows the Google screen again and boots normally. I have tried this with two CWM recoveries and a TWRP recovery, both plugged into a computer and not. when flashing recovery it says OKAY. It seems as if something has gotten corrupted.
Before updating to 4.1.2 everything was working. To get the 4.1.2 update to install, I had to revert back to stock recovery and also revert back to the stock wallet app. Now 'su' is still a command, but it does not do what it is supposed to and no apps have root.
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Any news about this. I stay in the same problem.
Here's my experience:
Stock ROM, rooted, custom kernel.
Got the notification for the 4.1.2 OTA update, so I did a nandroid backup in TWRP. Then I flashed back to the stock recovery and boot.img.
I was thinking that I might lose root, based on other's problems. Looked into installing Root Keeper by Voodoo. In the description it said the same feature is built into SuperSU. Problem was it's built into the paid version, which I didn't have (discovered this after it was too late). Installed 4.1.2 OTA. I lost root. My bootloader was updated to 3.41. I also was not able to flash a recovery. Fastboot flash would not work, Wugs toolkit didn't work. Tried several methods. After reading several threads that have been pretty active for the last few days, here's what finally worked for me. Found it in another thread, which I can't find at the moment.
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-grouper-3.34.img from the JRO03D factory image
fastboot flash recovery TWRP img
fastboot reboot-bootloader
TWRP recovery started up :laugh:.
flashed SuperSU to re-root, it was sucessful.
updated busybox binaries.
installed OTA rootkeeper, so hopefully this won't happen again.
I'm not really sure I want to try flashing the 3.41 bootloader.
What a pain in the A.
Now it's time to flash faux kernel.
jayyo said:
Here's my experience:
Stock ROM, rooted, custom kernel.
Got the notification for the 4.1.2 OTA update, so I did a nandroid backup in TWRP. Then I flashed back to the stock recovery and boot.img.
I was thinking that I might lose root, based on other's problems. Looked into installing Root Keeper by Voodoo. In the description it said the same feature is built into SuperSU. Problem was it's built into the paid version, which I didn't have (discovered this after it was too late). Installed 4.1.2 OTA. I lost root. My bootloader was updated to 3.41. I also was not able to flash a recovery. Fastboot flash would not work, Wugs toolkit didn't work. Tried several methods. After reading several threads that have been pretty active for the last few days, here's what finally worked for me. Found it in another thread, which I can't find at the moment.
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-grouper-3.34.img from the JRO03D factory image
fastboot flash recovery TWRP img
fastboot reboot-bootloader
TWRP recovery started up :laugh:.
flashed SuperSU to re-root, it was sucessful.
updated busybox binaries.
installed OTA rootkeeper, so hopefully this won't happen again.
I'm not really sure I want to try flashing the 3.41 bootloader.
What a pain in the A.
Now it's time to flash faux kernel.
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So, the bootloader 3.41 is the problem?
Southmad said:
So, the bootloader 3.41 is the problem?
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For some people, yes. No idea why.
veeman said:
You can download the Touch Recovery on the right side for Google Nexus 7 version. But make sure when you put in
fastboot flash recovery recovery-clockwork-touch-
for step 5. instead of what they put.
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Would that image work ok for Galaxy s3? Or there is no difference at all, just matter the 4.1.2 android version?
Cuz i updated my device throught Kies (cuzz from the device itself it didnt allow, stating that the image has been modifyied :angel: ) and after that even with the persistent mode on Super SU the root is gone

[Q] Problem with TWRP in rooted and unlocked nexus 10

Hello guys, first time posting here, I'm pretty sure it's a silly question, sorry if it is but I couldn't find the answer anywhere. I have an unlocked and rooted device, I installed the last 4.3 update this morning, and usually TWRP let me automatically fix the root just after install the update. But this time it just installed it and booted the tablet, and when I try to enter the recovery mode to fix the root in TWRP, I only see the droid with the exclamation mark.
So the problem is that I don't have root, and I cannot enter TWRP to fix it. TWRP went away with the latest update?. For entering the TWRP I pressed vol+ vol- and power and the pick recovery... is it correct?
Thank you in advance for the great community we have in android and sorry for my english
The same thing happened to me, I resolved it by:
- download a recovery image such as TWRP to a desktop/laptop and then flash it via abd
- now boot into recovery and flash SuperSU 1.51 or higher (1.55)
From what I read you probably did this once before. The 4.3 update overwrote your recovery image and root.
3DSammy said:
The same thing happened to me, I resolved it by:
- download a recovery image such as TWRP to a desktop/laptop and then flash it via abd
- now boot into recovery and flash SuperSU 1.51 or higher (1.55)
From what I read you probably did this once before. The 4.3 update overwrote your recovery image and root.
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Same for me, Starting have some problems as I tried a "reboot to recovery" apk and got it stuck in the bootloader screen and it wasnt going anywhere.. still had TWRP but reflashing things wasnt working..
Used Wug's Nexus Root Toolkit to bring it back to life..
All good
I reflashed the recovery image and rooted again with Wug's Root Toolkit. All good!! Thank you for your answers guys!! Cannot find the way to put SOLVED in the thread title...
prezeus said:
I reflashed the recovery image and rooted again with Wug's Root Toolkit. All good!! Thank you for your answers guys!! Cannot find the way to put SOLVED in the thread title...
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Nice that it is solved but please do nog use toolkits anymore. I respect the effort and time people take to make them but learning fastboot is just way better. Maybe harder but hard work pays off. Almost everyone will tell the same.
For people who want to use fastboot:
1. Flash custom recovery via fastboot.
2. Boot into recovery.
3. Flash latest supersu.
You can put solved in the title by edeting it.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA Premium HD app
Good time . I have a similar problem : after a recent update missing root. I tried to flash a custom recovery by fastboot, but the process hangs at downloading recovery.img to nexus. I tried using other drivers and a different version of fastboot, but to no avail.
Ps: by same drivers and fastboot I got the root before.

rooting and TWRP update problem

hello all.
im using a G2 D800 AT&T, and since i have a tethering problem which i was assured would be fixed if i installed a new ROM.
so i went ahead with a guide for cloudyg3 rom, rooted using towelroot and verified with root checker, all is well.
installed TWRP with freegee- the TWRP version was and i was told i needed to upgrade it to at least 2.7.1.. thats where problems started.
i couldnt for the life of me upgrade it to any version, 2.7.1 or higher, and TWRP showed a problem. thought maybe unrooting and starting the process all over would fix it so i deleted all my apps, then unrooted with supersu.
tried to root with towelroot and no go. immediately after trying to root, root chekcer gave me a "device is not rooted" answer (before there was no problem), and the device reboots just after im trying to remove towelroot from the task manager (center button).
did i mess up my phone so it cant root? is there a way to check that\ other root methods?
please help
Try other methods like ioroot and if still not working flash a new kdz via download mode and reroot with some method. And btw you can easily update twrp by flashing just a zip but don't forget to restart the recovery after flashing and restore defaults under setting. And next time try autorec
Sent from my GT-N8010 using XDA Free mobile app
Use autorec
_____________________________________Read more write less and be smart
Krenol said:
Try other methods like ioroot and if still not working flash a new kdz via download mode and reroot with some method. And btw you can easily update twrp by flashing just a zip but don't forget to restart the recovery after flashing and restore defaults under setting. And next time try autorec
Sent from my GT-N8010 using XDA Free mobile app
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How Do i go about installing ioroot? Didnt see a apk file or nothing
Ioroot works via computer
Sent from my GT-N8010 using XDA Free mobile app
first, thanks for your help.
second, i got the device rooted and all, installed TWRP through freegee and downloaded newer version (2.7.1),
and when i booted the device into TWRP mode and tried updating to 2.7.1. , THE SAME THING HAPPEND AS BEFORE-
i just cant update the twrp to more than, no matter what version i try (2.7.1 or higher).
getting error message of: assert failed: run_program (temp\
error executing updater binary in zip \sdcard
error flasing zip \sdcard\download\...
updating partition details.
and getting two options: wipe chache\ dalvik, and reboot system.
this happend to me with EVERY TWRP UPDATE I TRY...
and from my understanding i must update twrp to more than before trying to flash new roms.
thats the problem i had before as well, device simply wouldnt update to more than
I rooted with towelroot then used AutoRec (link) to install TWRP on mine then updated to from blastagator (link) via the older TWRP I installed.
i installed autorec, clicked okay and got into the twrp boot recovery mode again, and tried to instal new version with same failed result (pictures added).
but then, i clicked on reboot, device rebooted, BUT DIDNT BOOT BACK TO NORMAL SCREEN.
now the screen is black with a green\blue led that keeps flashing and wont stop.
computer recognizes the device when connected with a USB.
shaul123 said:
i installed autorec, clicked okay and got into the twrp boot recovery mode again, and tried to instal new version with same failed result (pictures added).
but then, i clicked on reboot, device rebooted, BUT DIDNT BOOT BACK TO NORMAL SCREEN.
now the screen is black with a green\blue led that keeps flashing and wont stop.
computer recognizes the device when connected with a USB.
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Try push a recovery img via adb
Krenol said:
Try push a recovery img via adb
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can you try to expand a little bit? im new at this
okay so it doesnt even recognize the phone as MTP....
what happend?
the led doesnt stop flashing green tho
shaul123 said:
can you try to expand a little bit? im new at this
okay so it doesnt even recognize the phone as MTP....
what happend?
the led doesnt stop flashing green tho
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can you enter download mode?
Krenol said:
can you enter download mode?
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cant do ANYTHING.
screen is black and the led is flashing green and blue nonstop.
tried turning it on or pressing the volume down+power button but nothing (i added a picture). computer wont recognize the phone either.
when i try to call the phone is off
please help
the phone seemed to be in twrp 2.7.0 although it showed me a failed result
I'm not very sure but maybe its was something from the freegee app... you should't have any loki error
So your screen its COMPLETELY black?.. even you hold the power button or something it didnt show anything on screen? least if you hold the power button the led stops to flash?
so after i did hard factory reset i am in boot recovery mode, with a twrp version of
still cant get past the LG logo (LED keeps flashing) but at least i can be in recovery mode.
computer recognizes that the phone is connected with USB but cant get it to appear as MTP
i read up and i THINK im in a boot loop.
maybe i was really stupid- are you suppose to use autorec only on kitkat devices and nothing else? my device is 4.2.2.
Yea, I'm on the same boat. I was on 10b (4.2.2) tried using freegee. Freegee said it didn't support my device went to auto rec. Auto rec managed to flash trwp made the backup then was told to reboot the phone. Then I got the same black screen with the blue green led. I plugged in he phone to the computer and pressed volume up and the power button and I got the hard reset option. I confirmed the hard and now I have rebooted into twrp.
Word of the wise: once in trwp don't restore your backup. It doesn't work. See other thread on this.
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