JB for Droid X? - Droid X General

Hello guys.
I saw on the front page that someone had ported Jellybean to the X2. My question is, do you think some talented developer could port JB to the original X? JB on the X would be amazing and it doesn't seem that hard to do considering its already on the X2! I know they have different CPUs and GPUs, but would it be that hard to do?
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C'mon guys, this would be awesome!

xx13thangelxx commented about this on RootzWiki. He said he owns both devices, and a simple port wouldn't work. Hardware is way different. DX is single core omap, while DX2 is dual tegra2, a simple port just won't work. If someone were to get it up and running on a Droid 2, which has the same hardware basically as the DX, a port would be feasible.

Ah but they have! It's for the Milestone 2 which is the GSM version of the D2.
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Since there is a build for the d2, any chance this will come to fruition?
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Hope this hasn't been completely abandoned...
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wws12 said:
Hope this hasn't been completely abandoned...
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Most new development and a lot of old development has ceased on the Droid X as many devs have moved on to bigger and better things (mostly shinier toys). Unfortunately I don't think our kernel can support a lot of the functions and to be honest, even if we came up with a 2nd Init JB for our DX, it would be even worse on battery life than the various ICS builds due to the fact that we cannot run custom kernels and the like to actually empower the hardware we have.
As far as JB goes, there's not a lot of real difference between it and ICS except a few different APIs and a bit of polishing as far as I'm aware, but again, we can't see the true benefit of these changes without a proper kernel and modules due to the locked down bootloaders forced upon us.

Unfortunately I'll also agree that most devs have moved on to other projects/devices. It's the nature of having to deal with a locked device and the fact that it's now been over 2 years since the DX was released. As a former DX owner, the SGS3 came out right as my contract was up so it made since to go to the next awesome thing.
I think p3droid and crew went to the bionic pretty early after it came out. I haven't really kept up with that bunch since they stopped releasing things for the DX. Also, cvcps is now the maintainer for the Cm10 builds of the SGS3.
When there was the big to do over the using of kexec to get around the kernel limitations I checked to see if someone would pick that up on the DX. Turns out that someone had, but the project was abandoned due to the difficulty of creating the various drivers needed. I had really hoped that the project would succeed so that my old DX would be useful into the future. However, it's now just a voip phone in my house.
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There are still a few devs out here keeping up the DX's development. Nightly builds of CM7 for the DX are still being released almost daily. I know Wizard0f0s will be releasing an updated verison of his MIUI build any day now. CM9 builds periodically also seem to be leaking out. I wouldnt' be surprised to see a CM10 port from the Droid 2's alpha build making its way to the DX in the next few months. Not all hope is lost Give it time.

I'm happy with Gummy 1.20. Really it's too bad they killed it. Best ROM for the DX imo.

JB now works on D2 so yes, there are plans to port that to the X.

GoClifGo05 said:
JB now works on D2 so yes, there are plans to port that to the X.
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When? Who is the developer that is doing it?
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Check over on droidxforums. I don't remember the exact name.of the guy but its the same one who got it working on the D2.
Sent from my JB'd X2

GoClifGo05 said:
Check over on droidxforums. I don't remember the exact name.of the guy but its the same one who got it working on the D2.
Sent from my JB'd X2
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Awesome. Can you provide a link?
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Can the D2's CM10 be ported to the DX?
Start there. Don't have the exact link but should lead you where you need to go.
Sent from my JB'd X2

Just started in android development and I think one day I'll try this
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GoClifGo05 said:
Can the D2's CM10 be ported to the DX?
Start there. Don't have the exact link but should lead you where you need to go.
Sent from my JB'd X2
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I second this!
From what I understand, Droid 2 ROM's work well on the Droid X with minimal re-configuration.
So please, please help the many users who are still holding on to their beloved Droid X's!
I purchased a Droid X and a 3800mah battery (china-style, but works great, 2+ days of battery life) for a total of 68 bucks from ebay a few months ago, and now I have Page Plus for 30 dollars a month (this and other phones work with no modding on their network).
Porting this ROM to the X would make my "just-like-verizon-but-way-cheaper" experience complete! THANK YOU SO MUCH AHEAD OF TIME. I WILL DONATE!!!

Lol give it some time. Like I said the dev is planning to move it over.to the X.
Sent from my JB'd X2

In the mean time gummy 1.20 has been updated to include HWA. It was tweeted out about a month ago by 13th angel.
I'm running it now and am very happy with the HWA upgrade. Battery life takes a bit of a hit but you can recover it with pimp my rom.

The Milestone 2 has received a JB port so it's now feasible to think that this could be installed on an DX. One problem though, the M2 is a GSM phone while the DX is a CDMA one. Is it easy to change it from wanting a GSM radio to using a CDMA one? Here's the link if anyone is interested.


Ultimate Droid for the X

Ultimate Droid for the X is readying for release in the next day or two!! Just wanted to pass along the info.
First Ultimate Droid alpha for the X
Today the first alpha release of ultimate droid for the X was released. it is currently available to donators who subscribe to the nightlies.
It's out now!
Looks like I'll have to wait for a release that's on the leak.
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Noobish question is this a rom? Or what is it?
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tycoon177 said:
Noobish question is this a rom? Or what is it?
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Yes it is a ROM. One of the more popular ones for the D1 in fact.
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ultimate droid ftw....
Got UD running great on my X last night. Very few bugs, lost swype, bit its fan-freakin-tastic.
Don't do it unless you know what you're doing though, a lot of ppl were having problems.
P.s. I'm on the 2.3.32 leak.
reasonthis said:
Got UD running great on my X last night. Very few bugs, lost swype, bit its fan-freakin-tastic.
Don't do it unless you know what you're doing though, a lot of ppl were having problems.
P.s. I'm on the 2.3.32 leak.
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Is the USB mass storage mode still having issues? What about marketplace auto-download issues? I've been a fan of UD since UD8 on the D1, and paid for nightly alpha builds of the X, but the beta that BD released isn't quite there yet, as far as I can tell. I can't wait until he gets that rom squared away though!
USB is getting worked out. Have to say that once gps gets fixed it'll be the best ROM on dx. Lockscreen gestures are amazing
Sound buggy.
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faber78 said:
Sound buggy.
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It is
10 char.
mob87 said:
It is
10 char.
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Yeah but it is awesome. Can't decide to use it or not. Flashed it 3 times in 2 days now.
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I haved been using RC2 and love it. Supposed to be releasing RC3sometime today. The only issues I been having are the USB issues and GPS, which are said to be worked out in next release. I have been using Ultimate Droid since I rocked my D1 and as soon as I got my dX I headed back over there. Loving it.

Latest DX Rom?

Just wondering if anyones still doing development, or what's the latest rom. Have been watching for anyone to post a new rom, guess droidx development is dieing down.
Hopefully ill be able to finally make my ics rom!
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Yeah, it's pretty slow here at XDA for our Droid X's but there's several active roms over at Rootzwiki that are being worked on. I've been running an unofficial CM9 beta over at Rootzwiki. It's pretty sweet even with the few things that still need some work.
I was under the assumption they weren't going to have ICS for the Droid X, but they would for the Droid X2. Oh well, time to play with my ol' Droid X.
Every rom on RootzWiki is the latest rom. They are regularly updated and each is running great.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
CM7.2 RC1 was just released on Monday. Like others have said rootzwiki has a few projects going but I don't see a lot of updates coming out of any of them. Most of the time it's someone else picking up the project after someone else dropped it. Gave it a new build number and new name and that's about it lol.
Like was said above the DX rom scene is pretty active. There are 3 distinct ICS roms (cm9, miui v4, gummy) and several other active GB roms. Lots of choices
you could call me a developer although i am limited to just a few small things on another phone. I used to have a droid X when it first released until i had a few issues with it, specifically a low battery with an sbf so i had to do the usb trick with the battery which fried the board on the phone so i was no longer able to charge the battery through the phone(weird issue). I had to make a battery charger which worked very well, and i used it for about 4 months.. Finally my home button malfunctioned and acted as though it was stuck.
Anyways, I am acquiring a new X and will start some developement with that. So consider this an early entry into something that will be developed and then released.
Look in my signiture for links to my release on the Samsung Continuum.
Does anyone know why devs don't give any love to xda and shower us with updates
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droid512 said:
Does anyone know why devs don't give any love to xda and shower us with updates
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The community drove all the developers away.
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twisted_58 said:
There are 3 distinct ICS roms (cm9, miui v4, gummy)
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The Gummy ICS was officially released last night (0.9.0) and its a great ROM! I'm loving it, very snappy and polished. Tons of awesome customizations.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2 Beta-4
Yep yep Gummy is running great!
PappaFloyd said:
The Gummy ICS was officially released last night (0.9.0) and its a great ROM! I'm loving it, very snappy and polished. Tons of awesome customizations.
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Could I get a link for some reason I can't find it.
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RootzWiki thread, link is at the bottom. Great ROM.
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PappaFloyd said:
RootzWiki thread, link is at the bottom. Great ROM.
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I'm so eager to try Gummy ICS, I may flash it while I'm at Disney World this week xD
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infazzdar said:
I'm so eager to try Gummy ICS, I may flash it while I'm at Disney World this week xD
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Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2 Beta-4
I would highly recommend miui 2012.2.1 because its super customizable and just looks amazing and is still being actively worked on by devs and you can get good miui ics roms its simply amazing
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I am going wait another week or so for any bugs to be fixed ( maybe a 9.X release ) and try it.
PappaFloyd said:
The Gummy ICS was officially released last night (0.9.0) and its a great ROM! I'm loving it, very snappy and polished. Tons of awesome customizations.
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bamx2 said:
I am going wait another week for any bugs ( maybe a 9.X release ) and try it.
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I'm running gummy 0.9.5 as my daily and it works great. Battery life isn't as good as some gingerbread roms, but it still rocks.
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I'm loving gummy v.0.9.0. Favorite rom on the DX so far. Only problem that bugs me is the garbled bluetooth calls. I have to take the phone out of the dock and change the output from bluetooth to speaker just to understand people.
The Gummy 3-30 build works very well. It's alot speedier than 0.9.0!
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2

Droid X Kexec Possible?

I just saw over at droid life that the razr/maxx and possibly the bionic are going to get some custom kernel love using the now popular kexec method. I did a little searching on the Google and didn't see much in the way for DX kexec development. Does anyone know if any devs are pursuing kexec on the DX or is it just not possible or worth it?
While my DX may not be nearly as fast in some tasks as my S3, it still gets a ton of daily use and with CM 7.1 gingerbread kang it feels just as fast doing certain things as the S3.
Hopefully my Google-fu sucks and some awesome dev is already working on porting over CM9 with kexec kernel! I'd love to keep this phone around for a long time. It's just a little difficult jumping back from ICS to GB.
EDIT: looks like someone was working on this a while ago. Found a rootz thread that mentioned dxforums post that said the problem was drivers. Looks like the thread is now closed and was last active last year. Sucks. Anyone know anything else?
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Developers worked on kexec for the longest time, and it worked.
But there were issues with drivers that crippled hope to get kernels working through kexec on the Droid X.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Thanks for the info. Basically what I found out while searching the web at work today. Sucks.
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LiquidICS v1.62 for Droid X

I know this forum is mostly dead and people have moved on from the Droid X, but it's still a great phone for those on Verizon MVNO providers.
I've been using LiquidICS v1.62 posted over at rootzwiki for a few weeks and it's the best ICS ROM for the Droid X available. Very stable and good battery life.
It would be nice if you didn't have to visit multiple forums to find out the best ROMs for older devices. XDA used to be the place to go but not apparently for older devices. Sad...
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i'm still attached to my Moto X, thanks for the heads-up on that latest rom version.
haasfamily said:
I know this forum is mostly dead and people have moved on from the Droid X, but it's still a great phone for those on Verizon MVNO providers.
I've been using LiquidICS v1.62 posted over at rootzwiki for a few weeks and it's the best ICS ROM for the Droid X available. Very stable and good battery life.
It would be nice if you didn't have to visit multiple forums to find out the best ROMs for older devices. XDA used to be the place to go but not apparently for older devices. Sad...
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Came here looking for anything new for my DX, found it! Thank you.

Dev support

See So are we going to see issues here between cdma and gsm support like a few other devices out there? Example : I had the sprint HTC one and it got much less development because of partition differences from the gsm variants.
Since all moto x variants use the same base I'm assuming we won't need to worry about those kinda problems?
I'm curious because I'm hoping this device will have much more aggressive development and an active community. Since the phone is near AOSP I'm also wondering if we will have kernel developers like Franco and others.
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mhsbrian said:
See So are we going to see issues here between cdma and gsm support like a few other devices out there? Example : I had the sprint HTC one and it got much less development because of partition differences from the gsm variants.
Since all moto x variants use the same base I'm assuming we won't need to worry about those kinda problems?
I'm curious because I'm hoping this device will have much more aggressive development and an active community. Since the phone is near AOSP I'm also wondering if we will have kernel developers like Franco and others.
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I doubt we are going to see a very large Dev Community. I hope I am wrong. But since I haven't seen much interest by now - well - it just seems unlikely. Developers like to get new phones when they are brand new. And it doesn't seem to be happening. But I could be wrong. It would certainly not be the first time.
I think some stuff may be coming
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Personally, I want to get paranoid android running once i (eventually) get my dev edition
thepolishguy said:
I doubt we are going to see a very large Dev Community. I hope I am wrong. But since I haven't seen much interest by now - well - it just seems unlikely. Developers like to get new phones when they are brand new. And it doesn't seem to be happening. But I could be wrong. It would certainly not be the first time.
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Or all the Devs were waiting on the dev edition...
Edit* I was thinking about this more. In many respects, the developers invest time, energy and heart, into "fixing" the devices... making them better via firmware and kernel tweaks. I have yet to aquire my moto x... hoping it will be at my door Monday, but from what I have gathered, this device is one of the best out of the box experiences of any other available phone... developers may recognize that their skills may be better appreciated and put to use on devices that would see more benefit. Not to say the moto x doesn't deserve development, but rather, that it may not need it as much as an s4, htc one or g2.
Now, the moto x experience can still be enhanced by development support, but, again without having the device yet myself, it appears as though many are getting, out of box, the experience that so many developers are striving to make possible on many of the other phones currently available.
Personally, I can't wait to have a phone, near or at stock, that is almost exactly what I have been wanting... A harmonization of hardware and software that doesn't sacrifice the efficiency of stock Android and doesn't skimp on usable quality features.
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theraffman said:
Or all the Devs were waiting on the dev edition...
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Assume yes
Sent on my Moto X
I, too, hope that we see decent developer support for the Moto X. I mean, the T-Mobile/Sprint versions have unlockable bootloaders, Moto just released dev editions which support cdma and gsm networks, the phone is available on all four major US carriers, so you'd figure we'd have healthy developer activity. Here's hoping that its just a matter of time.
1ManWolfePack said:
I think some stuff may be coming
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 4
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Oh there will be! You might have to stop in at Rootzwiki and help me win one!
nitroglycerine33 said:
Oh there will be! You might have to stop in at Rootzwiki and help me win one!
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Bump for nitro. Go the link he posted and upvote his entry in the comments. We need his rom on this phone!
thepolishguy said:
I doubt we are going to see a very large Dev Community. I hope I am wrong. But since I haven't seen much interest by now - well - it just seems unlikely. Developers like to get new phones when they are brand new. And it doesn't seem to be happening. But I could be wrong. It would certainly not be the first time.
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I'm afraid you might be right on this one.
Besides if AOSP ROMs break TC and AN that would be a major dealbreaker.
Anyone know why you would even want to root at this point if we can't flash roms
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bajasur said:
Anyone know why you would even want to root at this point if we can't flash roms
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Cyanogenmod mod is already working on the moto x, just needs time.
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mhsbrian said:
Cyanogenmod mod is already working on the moto x, just needs time.
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Nice. I didn't realize that.
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bajasur said:
Nice. I didn't realize that.
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The exact quote on their Google+ moto section was the "Motorola team is working on it already."
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And a good developer hashcode picked up his developer moto x today.... Good things on the horizon...
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Will you guys really run a aosp ROM on this phone? It will most likely break all that is awesome about this phone.
Sent from my Moto X.
mentose457 said:
Will you guys really run a aosp ROM on this phone? It will most likely break all that is awesome about this phone.
Sent from my Moto X.
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I could lose the voice features and not mind one bit , I will never constantly talk to my phone without it being a person... The active notifications are important to me.. If they can't harness that at all then I may stick with a stock rom that's just heavily modded when they come.
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mentose457 said:
Will you guys really run a aosp ROM on this phone? It will most likely break all that is awesome about this phone.
Sent from my Moto X.
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Considering how close this is to AOSP, I'm sure a few devs might consider using the Moto X source as their base.
Nice to hear some development is finally happening but I feel for those who still have a locked boot loader, counting myself being one of the lucky ones who unlocked the boot loader. I guess no warranty suits me fine if I can flash roms
Sent on my Moto X
mrbradeli said:
Considering how close this is to AOSP, I'm sure a few devs might consider using the Moto X source as their base.
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There is no doubt there will be stock blur based ROMs. With phones available on every carrier with unlockable bootloaders, two working recoveries, we should see them popping up soon. AFAIK the only thing that is not quite right yet is the updater script.
