[Q] Nandroid backup help - Huawei Ideos X5 U8800

Need help restoring a old version of nandroid backup. I cant restore it with CWM
Files that are inside the backup folder:
When i try to restore it with CWM it just says that boot is missing.
What version of CWM i need to take that i can restore it.

Exactly that wich one you maked a backup. If you want to restore 2.2 backup from gb... you will discover interesting tbings maybe some kind of brick 2.2 and 2.3 file systems is diferent.
Sent from my ragelis


[Q] Info about Nandroid Backup

I just want to know whether nandroid backup takes backup of the following;
3. recovery
Thanks in advance..
arfan1984 said:
I just want to know whether nandroid backup takes backup of the following;
3. recovery
Thanks in advance..
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nandroid only backups the rom itself... no spl... radio or recovery
Moved to General (Q&A)
Some earlier versions of Nandroid backup DOES IN FACT backup recovery, but not radio or spl.
It will backup the following partitions:
Userdata, system and boot.

[Q] Can't restore my NANDROID backup

today i have just tried to install Windows Phone 7 on my HD2.
Before i have created an nandroid backup with clk cwm.
I didnt like WP7 so i've decided fast to return back to my old rom.
I didnt find my old clk installation files so i've downloaded some new one (same cwm partitions)
Now if i want to restore my backup cwm gives me the following lines:
ClockworkMod Recovery v3.2.0.0
Checking MD5 sums...
Erasing boot before restore...
Restoring boot image...
Error while flashing boot image!
And i'm back in the menu.
Can anyone help me please? I have set up this rom for so long time and dont want to lose it.
files maight be currompted ...just intsall everything from the begening and in the next time when u will make a backup copy the file into ur computer so u dont have to worry about the backup
Try flashing the rom clean, and then use selective restore to restore the data and sd ext partitions only.
mootmetal said:
files maight be currompted ...just intsall everything from the begening and in the next time when u will make a backup copy the file into ur computer so u dont have to worry about the backup
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I think the boot image was corrupted. I did copy it onto my computer (how should i have not, due to the sd repartitioning by wp7)
samsamuel said:
Try flashing the rom clean, and then use selective restore to restore the data and sd ext partitions only.
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I have already tried this tonight, it worked
Thank you anyway.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA Premium App
as my experience some builds accept restoring of nandroid from another build but many of them don't accept. so what is best flash your old rom, restore nandroid, then backup with titanium backup, then flash the other rom and restore with titanium backup.

want to come back to original gingerbread

hi everyone
as the title said i just want to remove my cm7 from endless and restore my original gingerbread
i have a backup of my files/system but i don't know how to restore them
i have to flash the correct sbf file before or after restoring the system?
edit: i fell like an idiot, didn't see the topic for questions, can someone merge my question with it?
i think that you can use original SBF again to come back to original rom
i never test that, its a suposition
i think that too but i don't know in wich order
restore gingerbread->flash sbf
flash sbf->restore gingerbread
Wipe Data then flash sbf then restore.
But if you did a full nandroid backup with CWM you can just restore it.
i dont' know if it is a full nandroid backup
i have those files: boot.img, cache.img, data.img, nandroid.md5, system.img
if it is the full backup i don't need the sbf right?
by the way i can't use the sbf because i don't have it and i can't download it because megaupload and multiupload are down (i need the italian 2.3.4)
Quick question: is it possible to use the CM kernel with stock UK GB…
i think you can do that, but you must have full cwm backup before, if you wanna restore your data.
or if you wanna band new firmware, you can flash gingerbread rom from firmware.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA
make a backup with titanium app, then wipe all, flash your new sbf, make root acces and restore backup with titanium again

CWM not backing up system.img

I wanted to flash a custom ROM and decided to do a nandroid backup first. Every time i did one it did not contain the system.img file which means that the stock ROM wasn't backed up. It only backed up recovery and boot. I have the official CWM from clockwordmod.com.
Please help.
BTW. I know that i can use the stock system image from google, but it's much easier to just recover a nandroid backup.
painfactory said:
I wanted to flash a custom ROM and decided to do a nandroid backup first. Every time i did one it did not contain the system.img file which means that the stock ROM wasn't backed up. It only backed up recovery and boot. I have the official CWM from clockwordmod.com.
Please help.
BTW. I know that i can use the stock system image from google, but it's much easier to just recover a nandroid backup.
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What version of CWM are you running?

img nandroid backup instead of tar in CWM 5.x

Is it possible to create nandroid backup of the NAND in img format using CWM 5.x? Some time ago it was possible, but now it seems both Backup all and Advanced backup options produce only tar backups...
How to create nandroid backup of the NAND in img format?
