[REF] SAMSUNG Modem+RIL CWM Installers - Galaxy S II General

There's been quite a bit of discussion lately regarding modems and the Radio Interface Layer (RIL)
The usual modem CWM files install the modem.bin file and nothing else. Ideally your modem's RIL files should also be installed, as the modem and RIL should be fully compatible with each other in order for it to work optimally. If they are not matching, you may (emphasis on the "may"!!) not be getting the most out of your modem.
For this modem/RIL compatibility, other files that came bundled in official firmware for its particular modem are required.
The app GetRIL attempts to rectify this problem.
These modem-particular files are (and I'm still looking for more possibilities):
1. /system/lib/libril.so
2. /system/lib/libsec-ril.so
3. /system/lib/libsecril-client.so
4. /system/lib/libsecril-client-sap.so(4.0.4+)
5. /system/bin/drexe (thanks to E:V:A)
(Filenames containing "sec" means "Samsung Electronics Corporation" by the way)
The above RIL files can be obtained from official firmware .md5 file (or your custom ROM's zip file) and are particular to whichever verison of modem it was bundled with. So for example, if a firmware was bundled with XXLPX modem, the RIL files in the lib folder will be the files particular to the XXLPX modem (unless a ROM developer has put in a modem.bin in the installer zip that differs to that of the original firmware....be aware of this possibility.)
I assume all the modem CWM files that we have been installing in the past have been created by the general public who have downloaded firmware and posted up a convenient modem flash file, so I have now created a more complete modem flashable file that does Modem+RIL.
The scripts I've written install the modem as normal, but also install the system/lib files, thereby installing a modem with 100% correct RIL. The script also backs up the current RIL files to internal sd card under MyBackups folder.
What will a modem with matching RIL give me?
It almost certainly will not improve your signal strength. My findings are however suggesting you have an improved chance of obtaining better network connectivity (eg. E, G, 3G, H, H+). For example, I am now consistently getting a H+ connection where previously I would only be getting H at best. This will obviously improve your speeds during browsing, and my findings are also suggesting that the better the network connection, the more chance you have for Fast Dormancy to work as it should, thereby saving battery.
Only flash Modem/RIL taken from 4.1.2 onto 4.1.2. Do NOT flash these on previous versions as they will not work properly.
It is also recommended NOT to flash Modem/RIL taken from firmwares previous to 4.1.2 onto 4.1.2.
If you want to try older modems on 4.1.2, then flash MODEM ONLY WITHOUT RIL.
These Modem/RIL files have been extracted from official Samsung firmwares. Do not attempt to flash Modem/RIL files onto CM/AOSP/AOKP based ROMs as results cannot be guaranteed. You may end up with no network or baseband if you flash on anything other than Samsung based ROMs, so do so at your own risk!!!!
The following Modem+RIL combinations have been uploaded so far:
Android 4.1.2
BULS1 (Taken from XWLSD) (Vodaphone)
BVLS2 (Taken from ORALSS GT-I9100P) (Orange)
BVLS4 (Orange UK)
JHLS2 (Taken from JHLS4)
NELS1 (H3G Italy, 3UK)
UHMS1 (Taken from UHMS8)
XXLS8 (Taken from XWLS8)
XXLS6 (Taken from XXLSJ JB leak)
XXLS9 (Taken from XWLSH)
XXMS2 (Taken from XWLSN)
XWMS3 (Taken from XWLSW)
Android 4.0.4
BOLP7 (T-Mobile-Germany)
BOLP9 (T-Mobile-Germany)
BVLPE (Orange-UK)
BULPG (Vodafone-Germany)
JHLPC (Orange-Israel)
NELP4 (Three-UK)
Android 4.0.3
BOLP7 (T-Mobile-Netherlands)
BULP6 (Vodafone)
BULP7 (Vodafone)
DVLP3 (Telstra-Australia)
BVLP7 (Orange-UK)
BVLPD (Orange-Romania)
T_DCLP4 (Thailand)
T_DOLP4 (Telecom-New Zealand)
JHLP9 (Orange-Israel)
T_JJLP8 (Pelephone-Israel)
T_HZLP2 (Mirs-Israel)
NELP2 (3-UK)
NELP3 (3-UK)
NELP4 (3-UK)
Android 2.x (GB)
Downoad Here
Download Here
My HUGE thanks goes out to ApriliaM3 for hosting the scripts.
Please give him the thanks he deserves.
Big thanks go out to all the contributors below for providing the following ModemRIL scripts: :good:
adotkdotjh: UGMA5
Bieniu: XXLQ5
Christian Nothing: BULS1 (modem only)
codebeard: T_HZLP2, T_JJLP8, T_JJLS2, T_DCLP4, T_DOLP4 (all for GT-I9100T)
citytrader: UHLPH, XXLPS, ZSLPN
diffusal: DULP4
dmagician: JHLS2
FeuchtVonLipwig: BOLP7
goolby: XXKH3
Hayth: NELS1 (3 UK)
Ibsonic: BOLP7
lmihaila: BVLPD
Juzman: DVLP3, XXLPS (includes libril.so)
krezee: DDLPB
luigimak: DDLS9, NELS1, UHMS1, XXLS9, XXMS2
l_ryuzaki: DDLPB (India)
luigimak: BVLS4, XXMS3
mattisfaction: NELP2, NELP4, XXLBR
n-zocker: BOLP9
rogers11: BULP6, BULP7, BULPG
tom_car: DXLP9, DXLP7
sefrcoko: MUGLD3
tariq2kn: XXLS9
Troubadour666: XWMS3
Zaldi00: 250S-LPO, 250K-LPO (Korea)
(T_) - GT-I9100T-specific modems
After flashing you should have a compatible Modem/RIL combination.
NOTE: As you would now be using Samsung's intended RIL files for your modem, if you run GetRIL after running a ModemRIL script and GetRIL reports a mis-match after flashing one of the ModemRIL scripts, then barring a mistake by Samsung themselves or the script's author by building RIL files from a different modem/firmware, then it is a problem with GetRIL's database and/or logic on how it decides if there is a mis-match.
Backup of RIL Files
If a ModemRIL installer has been created for the original modem that was bundled with your firmware, then dont worry at all about backup/restore. The appropriate ModemRIL file is the best method to get you back onto your firmware's intended setup. However you can still use the backup/restore scripts below if desired.
The intended method of backing up your RIL files is to keep a copy of your firmware's original RIL files. To achieve this, it is best to get into the habit of flashing RIL-Backup once you have flashed new firmware before you start playing about with different modems. This only becomes a necessity if a ModemRIL installer has not yet been created for the firmware's original modem. If one has been created, I wouldn't worry about it too much, but you may still want to run RIL-Backup as habit. RIL-Backup will remove any existing backup found and create a copy in /sdcard/MyBackups/BackupRIL. This way, you can always revert back to the intended RIL of your firmware if need be. As a safeguard, my ModemRIL scripts will also backup the current RIL files if no previous backup was found. If a backup is detected, then it will be skipped. Just remember if you rely on the backup created by ModemRIL scripts and do not use RIL-Backup after flashing a new ROM, then the restore may not necessarily be of the original RIL files that came with your new firmware.
RIL_Backup will force a backup of your current RIL files. Remember, best practice is to run this once directly after flashing new firmware/ROM, before installing different modems.
Restore RIL Files
If you need to restore back to your original/previous modem/RIL then simply run the ModemRIL script from this thread for that modem.
If a ModemRIL installer has not been created for the modem you need to revert back to, then you can run the RIL-Restore script. You will then need to flash the previous modem using a modem-only CWM flashable file.
RIL_Restore will attempt to restore the original RIL files backed up by RIL-Backup or by one of these scripts.
Note on possibe BootLoops
The modem.bin and all the RIL files contained in the ModemRIL scripts came from whichever firmware the modem was bundled within. Therefore it is possible that there could be issues if trying to install these on anything other than the firmware version that the modem/RIL originated from. This is why the originating firmware version is stated above. I can only test on my current ROM (NEAT LPI which is ICS 4.0.3). If after flashing there is incompatibility issues with your particular firmware version, the best course of action would be to flash the ModemRIL file for your firmware's original modem.
I only want to install the Modem without RIL
If you just want to install the modem only from any of the Modem+RIL files then:
1. Download the Modem_RIL.zip file you require
2. Create your Modem-only zip from this
This modem-only zip file can be created in one of two ways:
I already have a Modem-only zip file but for another modem
1. Rename this (or copy) to Modem_xxxxx.zip for the Modem you are wanting to flash
2. Open this zip file along with the Modem_RIL file you just downloaded with 7Zip
3. Ensure you can see a file called modem.bin in both archives
4. Drag the modem.bin file from the Modem_RIL file into the Modem_xxxxx.zip file
5. Save+exit
6. Flash Modem_xxxxx.zip through CWM
I don't have any Modem-only zip files
Simply remove the system folder from the Modem_RIL zip file:
1. Rename (or copy) ModemRIL_xxxxx.zip to Modem_xxxxx.zip
2. Open the zip with 7Zip
3. Right click the system folder and choose Delete
4. Exit 7Zip. You will now be good to go for a modem-only flash
5. Flash Modem_xxxxx.zip through CWM
However, for completeness you may want to also change the updater-script accordingly. To do this:
1. Get hold of an updater-script from an existing modem-only zip
2. If you don't have one, download updater_script_Modem_Only and rename this file to updater_script
3. Open your Modem_xxxxx.zip file and navigate to META-INF/com/google/android
4. Drag+drop updater-script into the zip
If you don't change the updater-script, then there is no harm done. No RIL will be installed (as its been removed from the zip), you will just see RIL-related messages in the installer which you can ignore.
How to make your own ModemRIL script
Step 1 - Get the files you need
You need to use the zip/tar/md5 file of the original ROM so that we know we have a RIL that is best suited to the modem it came bundled with. From this you can extract the modem.bin file, and also all the required RIL files listed above.
Extract files from a custom ROM (.zip)
You can very easily extract the necessary files from a custom ROM (Eg. Neat ROM)
1. Open the zip file by using 7Zip
2. Find modem.bin and drag it onto your desktop
3. Navigate to /system/lib and /system/bin
4. Drag the files mentioned above to your desktop
To get the required files from an official Samsung download (.tar.md5) file is a little more tricky:
Extract files from an official Samsung download (.tar.md5)
For this you will need the following installed on your PC:
Java Runtime, sgs2toext4.jar and Linux Reader from www.diskinternals.com.
It will be easier for later if you create a shortcut on your desktop to the DiskInternals Linux Reader
1. Open the md5 file, open it with 7Zip and extract modem.bin and factoryfs.img (ignore any no current record error)
2. Double click sgs2toext4.jar (you need to have java installed on your PC for this to work)
3. Drop the file factoryfs.img file inside sgs2toext4.jar This will generate factoryfs.ext4.img
4. Drop factoryfs.ext4.img onto your DiskInternals Linux Reader shortcut you created on your Desktop. This will open the app.
5. Double click Linux Ext Volume 1 (or similar)
6. Navigate to the /system/lib and /system/bin folders and look for the RIL files above. Android 4.0.4+ will have file (4.). Save these files to your PC.
At this point you should now have the neccessary files saved onto your PC. Ie:
/system/lib/libsecril-client-sap.so (4.0.4+)
You can now use these files to create your own ModemRIL installer script:
Step 2 - Build the script
1. Download any one of the existing ModemRIL scripts and make a copy. For my personal template, use BVLP7.
2. Rename this copy to the ModemRIL you are going to build
3. Open the .zip file with 7Zip
4. At the root of the zip, drop your modem.bin file so that the existing version of this file is overwritten
5. Navigate into the system/lib folder
6. Remove all the existing (.so) files
7. Drop any lib files you saved into this folder.
8. Navigate into the system/bin folder
9. Remove all the existing files
10. Drop any bin files you saved into this folder.
The ModemRIL zip file is now done. The following steps are optional, but recommended for completeness and to avoid confusion when installing:
8. Go back up to the root folder and navigate to META-INF/com/google/android
9. Drag+drop the file called updater-script onto your desktop
10. Right click this file and edit this with Notepad++. Do not edit with Windows Notepad, as you will corrupt the carriage-return characters.
11. Edit the 4th line of this file to show the name of the modem/RIL you are building
12. Save the file in Notepad++
13. Drag the amended updater-script file back into your open zip archive, overwriting the existing script
You're done!
* New backup logic. RIL files are now only backed up once. ModemRIL script will skip the backup if a backup is found.
* RIL_Backup.zip intended to be run after flashing a new ROM, or to force a RIL backup
* Include /system/bin/drexe
* Backup of existing RIL files made to internal (not external) SD Card
Note on Changelogs
The latest changes above have been incorporated into the ModemRIL files that I have uploaded.
They may not necessarily be included in files uploaded by other contributors. It is up to individual contributors to decide whether or not to include any of my changes in the scripts they have uploaded
Latest scripts
Below are links to the latest versions of scripts/shells which can be used for building a ModemRIL installer.
For an example zip to use for your overall template, use BVLP7 then edit as per the instructions above.
updater-script (main installer script)
BackupTest.sh (test for existing backup)
BackupRIL.sh (backup current RIL if no previous backup)
Below are links to the latest versions of scripts/shells which can be used in RIL-Backup:
updater-scipt (rename to updater-script)
BackupOrigRIL.sh (forces backup of RIL files)
Below are links to the latest versions of scripts/shells which can be used in RIL-Restore:
updater-script (rename to updater-script)
RestoreRIL.sh (restores backed up files)
Feel free to use my scripts as installer templates to create your own ModemRIL CWM zip files for different modems.
Just make sure you link them up on here to share for everyone!
Modem-only related links
pulser_g2/geko95gek GS2 Shipped modem collection
Veyka's Index of GS2 Radios
Pan24's modem links
Turkbey's modem links

Best wishes for the new thread!
As I posted in the modems thread: "Thanks for the BVLP7 composition but no H+ signal. Unless its only a matter of icon."
Flashed your BVLP7 combo but only getting H sing.. No H+ anymore.. Any ideas? Could it be a rom issue?

belerephont said:
Best wishes for the new thread!
As I posted in the modems thread: "Thanks for the BVLP7 composition but no H+ signal. Unless its only a matter of icon."
Flashed your BVLP7 combo but only getting H sing.. No H+ anymore.. Any ideas? Could it be a rom issue?
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Different modems work better for different regions/carriers.
I'm in the UK on Orange with BVLP7 and get H+ fine.
So it seems does ApriliaM3, who I believe is in Thailand.
As with all modems, its a case of trying to find out which one works best for you.
Matching the RIL is not a magic cure for all (if at all) but it will at least give the modem the best chance for it to work as intended.

Nice one Hawker old boy!
Whilst I cannot say that my signal has changed, and nor would I expect it to, but I am hoping that by having a compatible RIL I will have less wakelocks and thus improve my battery life.
Thanks for this thread and keep up the good work. :good:

hawkerpaul said:
Different modems work better for different regions/carriers.
I'm in the UK on Orange with BVLP7 and get H+ fine.
So it seems does ApriliaM3, who I believe is in Thailand.
As with all modems, its a case of trying to find out which one works best for you.
Matching the RIL is not a magic cure for all (if at all) but it will at least give the modem the best chance for it to work as intended.
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just for info, with the config as my signature and your BVLP7 CWM file, i also get the H+ just fine. (btw, i'm in the Netherlands and for me BVLP7 is the best modem so far).
good luck with the new thread, i'll subscribe to it right away!:good:

tuniel said:
just for info, with the config as my signature and your BVLP7 CWM file, i also get the H+ just fine. (btw, i'm in the Netherlands and for me BVLP7 is the best modem so far).
good luck with the new thread, i'll subscribe to it right away!:good:
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+1 Serbia
Congratulations Paul for the new thread!
I subscribed and will check back here often!
Best regards

hawkerpaul said:
Different modems work better for different regions/carriers.
I'm in the UK on Orange with BVLP7 and get H+ fine.
So it seems does ApriliaM3, who I believe is in Thailand.
As with all modems, its a case of trying to find out which one works best for you.
Matching the RIL is not a magic cure for all (if at all) but it will at least give the modem the best chance for it to work as intended.
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Just tried your BVLPE combo and I now do get H+ icon as supposed to be. Will keep this for a few days and see how it goes as a modem..

Great thread Paul!...
about PBVLP7, I had the same problem with H instead H+ and after testing is not an icon problem, it dont work in H+.
The strange thing is that is from Orange and Android 4.0.3, the newer Android 4.0.4 comes with BVLPE, but this is for I9100 and not P variant so maybe we have to wait the 4.0.4 P variant
Another curious thing, I'm in Mexico a for Mexico in the last 4.0.4 there is the modem LPH+RIL, but this modem work much worse than BVLPE+RIL...

citytrader said:
Great thread Paul!...
about PBVLP7, I had the same problem with H instead H+ and after testing is not an icon problem, it dont work in H+.
The strange thing is that is from Orange and Android 4.0.3, the newer Android 4.0.4 comes with BVLPE, but this is for I9100 and not P variant so maybe we have to wait the 4.0.4 P variant
Another curious thing, I'm in Mexico a for Mexico in the last 4.0.4 there is the modem LPH+RIL, but this modem work much worse than BVLPE+RIL...
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Cheers mate
I'm in the UK on Orange, but BVLP7 works great for me. I get H+ regularly!
When doing BVLP7 Fast Dormancy testing (*#0011#) I get correct drops from DCH to FACH to PCH, with an eventual drop to IDLE.
I tested BVLPE for FD, and it seems to go mostly from DCH directly down to IDLE. (this will probably be more battery friendly for users who hardly ever use the internet when outside of wifi range)
Apart from this, BVLP7 and BVLPE seem pretty much identical in terms of signal for me.

Here are the UHLPH (comes with lastest UHLPV firmware) and XXLPS using your script.

citytrader said:
Here are the UHLPH (comes with lastest UHLPV firmware) and XXLPS using your script.
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Brilliant! Thanks mate
Interesting to see UHLPH also has a libsecril-client-sap.so file.
Only this and BVLPE has this file up to now.

hawkerpaul said:
Cheers mate
I'm in the UK on Orange, but BVLP7 works great for me. I get H+ regularly!
When doing BVLP7 Fast Dormancy testing (*#0011#) I get correct drops from DCH to FACH to PCH, with an eventual drop to IDLE.
I tested BVLPE for FD, and it seems to go mostly from DCH directly down to IDLE. (this will probably be more battery friendly for users who hardly ever use the internet when outside of wifi range)
Apart from this, BVLP7 and BVLPE seem pretty much identical in terms of signal for me.
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Thanks I have know for the first time *#0011#, I have note this strang thing... when the phone is in H, RRC State goes to idle, when it change to H+
is remains stuck in DCH... strange...

DCH means it is currently in its highest volume data transfer rate.
"normal" FD behaviour should then downgrade states in the following manner:
DCH -> FACH -> PCH and then eventually to IDLE
Ideally it should remain at PCH for a while in case more data transfer is required.

Anyone got a good one for the 3 network UK?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

Flashed the LPS modem but getril tells me that the ril/baseband is not matching
Sent from my GT-I9100

Mate can u do ZSLPG supost to be bat friendly and is quit good for me I'm on 3UK thx
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

joshuab227 said:
Flashed the LPS modem but getril tells me that the ril/baseband is not matching
Sent from my GT-I9100
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Probably is a Getril bug, because that combination is that comes from the original firmware I9100OXALPS, the RIL Modem you flashed is correct

I think you should just add that:
ICS RIL (libsec-ril.so) will not work on GB rom (you will get no service), I think it's because libril.so is different
so if you include libril.so in you modem+ril zips then I think it will work but I don't know if it will cause problems or not.
also libril.so is maybe different on 4.0.3 and 4.0.4 but I did not check it.
do you see any difference in reception on the same modem with difference rills?

tuvi123 said:
I think you should just add that:
ICS RIL (libsec-ril.so) will not work on GB rom (you will get no service), I think it's because libril.so is different
so if you include libril.so in you modem+ril zips then I think it will work but I don't know if it will cause problems or not.
also libril.so is maybe different on 4.0.3 and 4.0.4 but I did not check it.
do you see any difference in reception on the same modem with difference rills?
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Ok thanks mate. I'll amend the first post.
I don't think a matching modem/ril will mean a better reception, but there is a better chance of it operating more efficiently (hopefully fewer wakelocks so saving on battery). Some have noticed H+ reception where previously they got none etc.
Now added XXLQ6

great thread dude. as a chronic flasher of all things S2, will be following closely


Need a smaller boot.img

Hi All
Thank you for the great work however in order to enjoy the ROMS I will need to have a smaller boot.img in order to flash the roms.
The image must be 2.35 MB at most, A good example is the Enomther ROM that is flashable.
However the CM6 roms are not (except KANG O RAMA).
Since I dont think that someone is going to do it for me, can you at least explain how can I do that?
There are at least 10 more people that check this forum regulary looking for a solution.
Thank you.
CM6 boot image is just 2.25MB!!!
OHH yea.... checked it out on his site yesterday, then how come rodriguez's image is bigger?
He's most probably using another kernel for CM6, just like MicroMod uses another kernel for TheOfficial.
OK. How can I use those features with a smaller kernel? Is there a way?
1) Ask the kernel / ROM creator to "pack" it to fit in 2.5MB of space.
2) Compile your own kernel and make your own boot.img.
3) Try to mix your desired ROM (for example, Micromod's) with the kernel that fits your limited boot space (for example, Enomther's original). Or you could try to use rodriguez's ROM with CM kernel. To do that mix, replace the boot.img and the WiFi driver - bcm4329.ko - in their locations in the original ROM zip and resign the zip, then flash it.
Why the need for a smaller boot.img?
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
HTCinToronto said:
Why the need for a smaller boot.img?
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
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Many N1s do not allow kernels later than 2.4MB (or something like that)... the kernel does not flash because of bad MTD blocks...
Jack_R1 said:
1) Ask the kernel / ROM creator to "pack" it to fit in 2.5MB of space.
2) Compile your own kernel and make your own boot.img.
3) Try to mix your desired ROM (for example, Micromod's) with the kernel that fits your limited boot space (for example, Enomther's original). Or you could try to use rodriguez's ROM with CM kernel. To do that mix, replace the boot.img and the WiFi driver - bcm4329.ko - in their locations in the original ROM zip and resign the zip, then flash it.
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OK. Thanks.
Can you send me a link with the instructions on how to change and resign roms?
[sorry for being a noob]
Unfortunately, I don't have any instructions available anywhere, but you can use some Google searching.
The boot.img resides in the root of the ZIP, the bcm4329.ko is in /system/lib/modules/.
Changing the files in the ROM is easy - ROM is just a ZIP file, you take a ROM you want to change, open it in WinZip / WinRar / your favorite freeware archiver, find the files you want to replace (the ones I've mentioned above), download the original ROM which is the base (Enomther for MicroMod, CM6 for Rodriguez), extract those files from there, drag&drop them into the ROM you're modifying, that's it.
Then you search Google for "android sign zip apk", and you get a couple of guides that show you how to sign ZIPs.
Then you load the ROM and hope it works.
does not sound complicated
thanks.... I will try that.
Yes, what you need is:
boot.img and everything in /system/lib/modules
It's important that you replace everything in /system/lib/modules with the correct content for the specific boot.img you're using and delete everything else.
My boot.img which is based on Wildmonks BFS 950 kernel supports apps2ext and 720p and should be sufficient for any CM6 rom. It's worth noting that the current one in Kang-o-rama 1.0 Final is not as stable as I would like and I'll be updating it soon.
Since this seems a bit challenging for some rom devs an alternative approach could be:
Create update.zip for small boot image (I can help with this)
Rom dev creates rom update.zip without a kernel (may not boot properly)
Install rom without kernel
Install small kernel update.zip
Or everyone could use Kang-o-rama...

[ROM] Stock JMI PDA with JMG CSC & JK5 modem

I packaged up a mix of the stock JMI PDA, JMG CSC and JK5 modem for my own Tab and thought I'd post a download link in case anyone would like to try it. The JMI PDA is stock, I haven't altered it at all. The JMG CSC has carrier data for UK carriers amongst others (the CSC that comes with JMI is only Russia). The JK5 modem is the stock one for UK supplied Tabs so (theoretically) should be best suited for UK mobile providers. The ROM can be rooted with SuperOneClick and it's nice and fast. The only issue is that you have to copy and paste a folder called T9DB into /system after the flash otherwise the Samsung keypad doesn't work properly. I've attached a zipped up copy of the folder here, just unzip it, copy it to your SD card and use something like Root Explorer to copy in into /system. Samsung have included the T9DB folder in their CSC file instead of the factoryfs file this time (why???).
Here's the link to download the ROM package. Note that it does not contain bootloaders! I have only included factoryfs.rfs, param.lfs, zimage, cache.rfs and modem.bin in the package. When I flashed it onto my Tab it didn't overwrite any of my settings and all my applications were still present and working, it just removes Root and resets your home screen. http://www.multiupload.com/5L68OTH9QY
Flash as PDA with Odin 1.7. Select no PIT file and do not re-partition.
bdl1969 said:
The only issue is that you have to copy and paste a folder called T9DB into /system after the flash otherwise the Samsung keypad doesn't work properly.
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Hi ! Good tip.
Is this the T9 database files from the JMI CSC ?
As listed here:

[How To] Create a custom firmware for SmartQ Ten3 T15

These are the steps explaining you how to create a custom firmware based on the SmartQ firmware releases.
Warning : Creating a firmware and changing the files may cause your device to stop working, I won't be held responsible for any damage caused by this.
Creating a firmware file is actually very easy, not much is involved and nothing more than some basic software is required to create the files. If you don't understand the steps below than maybe you shouldn't fiddle around with this and wait for other members to create these.
There is nothing explained here about the flashing itself, as I will create a seperate How-To about that with pictures explaining the steps of the recovery.
Also there is nothing explained about kernel building itself, I have no clue how to do that and I'll leave that up to SmartQ.
Use the instructions below to make your own Firmware file with the software you want in it and make all configuration changes you want.
1. If you haven't already download the latest official firmware from SmartQ.
2. Extract the zip file. You then have 2 files, a Chinese .txt file with the release notes. And a file called "SmartQT15".
3. Rename the file "SmartQT15" to "SmartQT15.zip". Accept any warning about making the file useless, as in fact you are making it useful.
4. Extract the zip file. Then you end up with 4 new folders :
"boot" - This will be the files required for booting the OS. And possibly the recovery.
"data" - The user apps and data are in this folder.
"META-INF" - The certificate SmartQ used is in this folder and also the update script that manages the update process.
"system" - The actual Android OS.Stay clear of the boot folder, unless you are 100% sure about what you are doing, this may cause a bricked device without the possibility to reflash.
Add apps to the app subfolder in the data folder. Make sure if you do add apps to set the permissions in the update script file and make changes accordingly. The data-extra.tar file is extracted during the update process.
In the "META-INF\com\google\android" folder you can find the updater-script file, you can edit this with Notepad++. This file tells the CWM based recovery what to do and in this file the permissions are set for apps. Also is it required to edit this if you want to create a pre-rooted firmware.
Be carefull what to change in the system folder it can cause your OS not to boot, but it should be no problem to revert back to another build that did work previously as you didn't touch the boot folder and the recovery should work normally.
Once you have made all the changes you wanted to do. You follow the steps back.
5. zip the 4 folders backup using Winzip or WinRAR, whatever suits you best (You can use compression, I tried out Fast, Normal, Good compression in WinRAR and the firmware flashed without problems). Make sure you have the 4 folders in the "root" of your zip file. Use for filename "SmartQT15.zip"
6. Rename the "SmartQT15.zip" file to "SmartQT15" and accept any warning again about changing the extension of your file.
You have now created a flashable firmware file for the SmartQ Ten3 T15.
Copy his file to the root of an empty microSD card and follow my How-To about flashing Custom Firmwares.
Don't use the guide to flash original SmartQ firmwares as this won't work, by changing the firmware package you break the firmware signature and the recovery will check for this during flashing.
Signature checking can be disabled though in the recovery as I will explain in the new How-To.
If you have any questions feel free to post below and I'll do my best to answer them, all the above is based on my experience and from what I could find out on the Internet.

[Q] Stock rom ?

i would like to know how i could get my stock rom from my N4, like a .zip file. Because i tried nandroid, but i would like to modify the rom with the kitchen, and i don't know how to do if i don't have a zip file... Thanks !
AutruiP said:
i would like to know how i could get my stock rom from my N4, like a .zip file. Because i tried nandroid, but i would like to modify the rom with the kitchen, and i don't know how to do if i don't have a zip file... Thanks !
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You should be able to extract the boot and system images from Google's factory image.
I wasn't aware that the kitchen worked with the Nexus 4 as its still listed as one of the unsupported devices but the thread hasn't been updated since October of last year so maybe that changed.
this is copied from dsixda's kitchen thread (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=633246 post #3):
How do I import a ROM into the kitchen to use as my base?
(The instructions below are for HTC devices in general. For other devices, please visit the appropriate thread.)
From a shipped ROM:
First, find the shipped ROM for your device, usually from htc.com or from searching xda-developers (check the Wiki or sticky posts under your device's sub-forum).
This link may help: Various devices
Please don't ask me for links, as I don't know everything or own all devices.
The shipped ROM can be found in three different formats. Identify the type you have downloaded:
If the shipped ROM is in a .ZIP format, then simply copy it to the kitchen's original_update folder.
OR if the shipped ROM consists of system.img and boot.img files, then copy those two files to the kitchen's original_update folder. If the ROM also includes a lib.img (found in some newer HTC ROMs), then copy that as well!
OR if the shipped ROM is in an .EXE format, then do the following:
In Windows, run the shipped ROM's .EXE file till it gets to the first dialog. Stop there but don't close the window yet.
Go to Start->Run and type: %TEMP%
When the folder opens, search for Rom.zip (use the "magnifying glass" Search button)
Copy Rom.zip to your kitchen's original_update folder
OR from a cooked/custom ROM:
Copy the update.zip (or equivalent ZIP file) to your kitchen's original_update folder
OR from a Nandroid backup (under /sdcard/nandroid) [NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NON-STOCK ROM BACKUPS]:
Copy the system.img and boot.img files from the backup folder to your kitchen's original_update folder
Hm, i see. But the problem with the dev links for Google is that it's 4.2.2 and not 4.2.1... I would like to stay to an older version for the moment, with those problems with bootloaders, kernels etc... I will try with system and boot img, thanks !
Sent from my Blade S using xda app-developers app
Well, i tried to use the tutorial about shipped rom, but my system.img and boot.img files aren't recognized by the kitchen... So i don't know how to do Halp ?
In this thread you have posted link to factory image with android 4.2.1 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2145848
Great !! Thanks a lot eskeyy !

[Q] Flashing Quarx´s CM11 always get same baseband

Every silgle time I flash a CM11 ROM (Quarx) baseband is set to Eurpe > Central Europe rather than America > Argentina according to SIM card.
Can I do something to make the baseband is automatically selected depending on SIM card?
I thought I'd post in Dev´s thread, but I´ll be bullied for doing a noob question :crying:
lfuentes said:
Every silgle time I flash a CM11 ROM (Quarx) baseband is set to Eurpe > Central Europe rather than America > Argentina according to SIM card.
Can I do something to make the baseband is automatically selected depending on SIM card?
I thought I'd post in Dev´s thread, but I´ll be bullied for doing a noob question :crying:
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is a little awkward. To make an automated selection of the baseband the phone need to be connected to provider but it can't do that because of wrong baseband. So you must made this selection manually. Don't be lazy.
lfuentes said:
Every silgle time I flash a CM11 ROM (Quarx) baseband is set to Eurpe > Central Europe rather than America > Argentina according to SIM card.
Can I do something to make the baseband is automatically selected depending on SIM card?
I thought I'd post in Dev´s thread, but I´ll be bullied for doing a noob question :crying:
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You can change the baseband in the CM11 zip file before flashing. (It's not automatic, but...)
Here's how:
1. Open the CM11 zip file on your computer using 7zip. (Don't extract it, just open it.)
2. Locate the baseband you need to use from within /etc/motorola/basebands. They are organized by country, just as they are in the baseband switcher.
3. Each baseband configuration is saved as a zip. Unzip it, then push the newly unzipped files into the /etc/motorola/bp_nvm_default directory.
4. Flash your edited CM11 zip file.
(Thanks to @andycore for this useful post.)
Proverbs2 said:
You can change the baseband in the CM11 zip file before flashing. (It's not automatic, but...)
Here's how:
1. Open the CM11 zip file on your computer using 7zip. (Don't extract it, just open it.)
2. Locate the baseband you need to use from within /etc/motorola/basebands. They are organized by country, just as they are in the baseband switcher.
3. Each baseband configuration is saved as a zip. Unzip it, then push the newly unzipped files into the /etc/motorola/bp_nvm_default directory.
4. Flash your edited CM11 zip file.
(Thanks to @andycore for this useful post.)
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Thanks! I´ll try
