[GUIDE] How to Overclock your Motorola Charm - Flipout and Charm General

Hey Guys,
The Admins decided to basically add the Charm forums into the Flipout forums, so far only the main forum heading has been changed, hopefully the admins will do the rest of the changes soon.
In the meanwhile, i thought it would be useful to post useful threads on the charm porting, basically since flipout and charm are the same phone with a different design, these should be applicable with respective changes to flipout also.
[GUIDE] How to Overclock your Motorola Charm
Author : dabiano
Thread : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1274027
Content :
dabiano said:
Hello and Good Day to All!,
note: I can no longer maintain this as I have already sold my Charm Unit ..., attached below is the source code used on this development
This is a guide on how to overclock your Motorola Charm. [tested on T-Mobile Motorola Charm MB502]
Disclaimer: I am not responsible of bricking/frying your phone!, use this at your own risk
It is confirmed that some users of the Charm Overclock have bricked theirs using this app
● Phone should be rooted
● You have a copy of a "proper/valid" sbf file of your Motorola Charm unit in case anything goes wrong.
Ask people in the link provided for directions on how to obtain your proper sbf file: http://modmymobile.com/forums/633-motorola-charm-general/557900-charm-firmwares-superthread.html
Method #1
Install my Charm Overclock App and use it like that of the Milestone Overclock App
[note: apk found just below this very post]
Method #2 (by ryukoz)
1. open /system/build.prop in text editor
2. find ro.product.model=MB502, change MB502 to MB511
3. use milestone overclock
Method #3
Things needed (some maybe optional):
● Your Motorola Charm phone
● PC
● USB Data Cable for your Phone/PC
● MicroSD Card Reader
● All pertaining drivers should be installed in your PC (i.e. Moto USB Drivers..., etc.)
The Steps:
1. From your PC, Download 'Milestone Overclock' apk from: http://code.google.com/p/milestone-overclock/downloads/list (I've used version 148)
2. Extract this Milestone Overclock apk to a clean folder and locate the file 'overclock_flipout_21.ko' in: ..res\raw\ directory
3. Copy the module overclock_flipout_21.ko into the root of your SDCard
4. Install the Milestone Overclock App to your phone (either thru Market or with the one you downloaded)
5. Install also SetCPU
6. From a terminal emulator on your phone or thru adb, run these commands (should be root user)
7. # su
8. # cd /sdcard
9. # grep omap2_clk_init_cpufreq_table /proc/kallsyms
● you should see an output like: c004e498 T omap2_clk_init_cpufreq_table
● take note of the red colored eight digit hex number
10. and then we load the Overclocking Module with the code below (replace the RED number with your actual address you found on your device):
11. # insmod overclock_flipout_21.ko omap2_clk_init_cpufreq_table_addr=0xc004e498
12. run dmesg and see if you have something similar below:
● [ 9361.096099] overclock: found mpu_opps_addr at 0xc050c888
13. Open the Milestone Overclock app (the module should be loaded by default as we already loaded it manually)
14. Slide the slider to the far right and press the 'menu' button and choose 'settings'
15. In the 'Custom rate (KHz)', put in the value you like, say: '1000000' (this is 1GHz)
16. In the 'Custom vsel', put in the value you like say: '60'
17. Leave the other settings and press 'Ok'
18. Lastly, Press the 'Apply' button ^_^
Don't forget to set 'SetCPU' as well
I would like to thank "Milestone Overclock" and "SetCPU" ^_^
also..., to the XDA Personnels: Please Open a Motorola Charm Sub Forum ^_^
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Credits to the respective author and aforementioned credits.

Frequency and Vsel Table
Frequency and Vsel Table
dabiano said:
Currently tested and somewhat stable:
● device=mb502, frequency=1GHz, vsel=60 (stable), user=dabiano
● device=mb502, frequency=1GHz, vsel=58 (stable), user=therkr
● device=mb502, frequency=1.1GHz, vsel=63 (stable? [still testing]), user=elliot.newnham
● device=mb502, frequency=720MHz, vsel=46 (stable? [still testing]), user=ryukoz
Default Frequency Table!? (via cat /proc/overclock/mpu_opps)
● 720MHz @ 62vsel
● 550MHz @ 56vsel
● 500MHz @ 50vsel
● 250MHz @ 39vsel
● 125MHz @ 32vsel
My Customized Frequency Table!
● 1GHz @ 60vsel
● 800MHz @ 50vsel
● 600MHz @ 40vsel
● 400MHz @ 30vsel
● 200MHz @ 20vsel
other values are welcome! ^_^, we need other combinations
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General Q and A
Charm Overclock App Q and A
Q. Why does the "Autoload on boot" won't work?
A. Now it works by modifying /system/bin/mot_boot_mode (I don't know other alternatives to make it set during boot/startup)
Q. Your Application sucks.
Q. Can we include this "fill-in-the-blanks" feature?
A. I'm welcome to such improvements [if I have the time][/QUOTE]

Please inform me if there are any corrections to be made

bricked my phone
Hi i was using motorola charm rooted from 6 months with links2sd,
since my phone became slow I followed the instructions of OC,
but never backd up my stock
i OC'd to 1000Hz 60 vsels (dono wat vsel means)
now my phone is not booting past M logo
i tried hard reset methods which did not work ,

flash with sbf
hold power and x or power and up on your dpad to boot into bootloader mode,
then flash with sbf, you will lose everything on your device but your device will boot up afterwards
sunilkumar1 said:
Hi i was using motorola charm rooted from 6 months with links2sd,
since my phone became slow I followed the instructions of OC,
but never backd up my stock
i OC'd to 1000Hz 60 vsels (dono wat vsel means)
now my phone is not booting past M logo
i tried hard reset methods which did not work ,
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Please Open Motorola Charm Sub Forum

RSD LITE is not detecting phone
plageran said:
hold power and x or power and up on your dpad to boot into bootloader mode,
then flash with sbf, you will lose everything on your device but your device will boot up afterwards
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firstly thanx for ur reply
I followed your steps, but RSD lite is not able to detect
previously i used rsd lite 5... version
now tried with version 4.6 still did not work
suggest me any other software to unbrick my phone:victory:

did you install your motorola drivers?
when you plug your device in, does your machine detect your device and are you sure you see the bootloader screen?
exactly what did you try and how far did you get?
I found a link with everything you should need, and your device is only soft-bricked.
As long as your phone switches on you should be able to flash it, its when it doesn't respond that you will have a problem.
sunilkumar1 said:
firstly thanx for ur reply
I followed your steps, but RSD lite is not able to detect
previously i used rsd lite 5... version
now tried with version 4.6 still did not work
suggest me any other software to unbrick my phone:victory:
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Finally unbricked phone
plageran said:
did you install your motorola drivers?
when you plug your device in, does your machine detect your device and are you sure you see the bootloader screen?
exactly what did you try and how far did you get?
I found a link with everything you should need, and your device is only soft-bricked.
As long as your phone switches on you should be able to flash it, its when it doesn't respond that you will have a problem.
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At last I could figure out difference b/w recovery window and boot loader
I was assuming recovery window as bootloader
at last figured out difference and unbricked my phone
thanx alot for ur support,
Sunil Kumar

sunilkumar1 said:
At last I could figure out difference b/w recovery window and boot loader
I was assuming recovery window as bootloader
at last figured out difference and unbricked my phone
thanx alot for ur support,
Sunil Kumar
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Hi Sunil,
What exactly did you do to flash a the sbf file.
I would be of great help as i have bricked mine.


StreakDroid DJ Steven's FroYo v1.3.0 (New Thread)

This ROM is heavily updated and still being developed at a fairly rapid pace.
The update process is now very simple to do but it does require that you flash a new baseband
We now have a nice new website blog for streakdroid - check it out and help me populate the wiki with faqs and get in the forums sites @ http://www.streakdroid.com
Most Recent Version: v1.3.0
Known Issues:
Accelerometer is dodgy at times but i cant pin down the issue - usually going into settings > display and toggling auto rotate on and off fixes
UPDATE 15/11/2010
Version 1.3.0
Ported over A LOT of framework changes from leaked dell 2.2 build.
Front Camera Working in cam and camcorder apps (press menu to swap between)
Performance edits
Deskclock app now autolaunches on connecting to av dock.
some accell and gfx libs from dell build ported over also, may fix hdmi output as a side effect
UPDATE 04/11/2010
Version 1.2.0
WiFi Native Tethering Working
Updated Kernel Using one from Leaked Dell Froyo build
Updated WiFi Driver To one used in Leaked Dell Froyo Build- enabled tethering to work
Dropped in Dells new StageUI
Added Dell Sync By Nero from Froyo rom, not sure how its used yet though
Futher Performance Tweaks Thanks to new kernel and fards sysctl tweaks
720P Video recording support thanks to fards - may not work properly - see above in the 'known issues' area. (example video filmed by me: http://www.streakdroid.com/VID_20081206_193306.3gp)
Reset lcd density to 160 to show StageUI properly
LauncherPro 8.1.0 free version added to rom also
You can choose the launcher to use on first boot (dell,adw,launcherpro)
UPDATE 27/10/2010
Version 1.1.1
VERY Minor bugfix release to fix rotation and cpu problem in 1.1
No Wipe needed for this update as its pretty minor
UPDATE 26/10/2010
Version 1.1
No Wipe needed for this update as its pretty minor
Huge APNs list from cyanogenmod added (full wipe will be required for this to work i suspect)
Lots of speed tweaks and fixed post_boot file so cpu scales correctly
Updated ADW To 1.2.0
Added Astro file manager and Universal Androot 1.6.2Beta5 into rom
UPDATE 16/10/2010
Version 1.0
Moved from Beta to version 1 of a release version.
Think my black theme is done, this only works in mdpi (lcd_densitys below 200)
Modified build prop and some other system files to get market working properly, all 2.2 apps are now available in market including skype etc.
UPDATE 14/10/2010
Version 0.3
Heavily modified build.prop and init scripts for performance - ~of 1400 on quadrant now and upwards of 20fps on nenamark1 and 30+fps on neocore
Added WPA_Supplicant binary with ad hoc support
Now using my own nearly fully finished black theme
Thanks to everyone for help on this build
UPDATE 11/10/2010
Version 0.2
Updated boot.img with less debugging services and hopefully should fix battery issues
Updated GPS.conf with edited version provided by users andycap and fards
Removed couple of other apps that dont work (calibrator and packagechecker)
added my newest version of build.prop
#include <std_disclaimer.h>
* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
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Required Files
Other Requirements
Some Common Sense
Pinch of Good Luck
Ability to read and follow instructions
Fastboot Setup and Working
ClockworkMod Recovery Flashed and working
Level Of Difficulty
5/10 - Mid level, should be simple enough for 95% of users to complete
You need to be on v1.1.1(download: http://build2.streakdroid.com/update-release-1.1.1.zip) with 2.1 baseband For this to work ideally - this may work from older versions but this procedure has only been tested from 1.1.1
0. Copy the update zip to your memory card first
1. Reboot streak to recovery:
do this by turning off your streak then holding down Vol up + Vol Down as you press power, keep volume keys held until you get to a menu with 4 options
2. Select the Option number 1 which is called FACTORY RESET using the volume keys to move the selection and camera to select
your streak will reboot on its own after this.
3. Allow streak to boot to ui - this will take some time
4. Power down your streak and boot into fastboot
do this by pressing power until the keypad lights come on then HOLD camera until you get to a white screen, then tap on the fastboot text in top right corner,
5. Connect your streak to pc - the text on streak should change to FASTBOOT_MODE.
you should place the amss.mbn file into the same folder as fastboot on your pc
run the following commands from command prompt on your pc
fastboot -i 0x413c flash amss amss.mbn
fastboot flash amss amss.mbn
6. Type the following commands to reboot your streak - again alow it to boot into the main ui - you will lose network connection for the moment, this is fine, also streak WILL reboot twice before booting, again this is normal
fastboot -i 0x413c reboot
fastboot reboot
7. Once your device has booted shut down again and boot into clockwork recovery by doing the following
boot to recovery as per step 1 then choose option 2.
8. Flash the 1.2 update zip
9. reboot
This can be rooted using universal androot but could take 2 attempts
Thanks to:
Vinokirk for helping diagnose and sort out 2.1 baseband ril support and gps
Andycap & fards for providing modified Gps.conf
homeiss forthe excellent upgrade/downgrade guide
everyone else for just jumping in and helping each other, thats the true community sprit that makes me do this sort of dev for android and not some other mobile os.
everyone else who helped/is helping
hopefully thats everything
any issues theirs me and a few of my tech head irc helpers keeping an eye on the posts. or just jump in the irc channel #dellstreak on freenode for help.
also please feel free to donate to my work if you find it useful - any amount is appreciated
GBP Donate| USD Donate

DISCONTINUED - [ROM][25-feb-11][v1.3] Dexter's Froyo 2.2.1 for XT720

so here is the new edition with uk kernel, basically pretty much the same as before with correct sensor drivers now.
Changelog v1.3 (Android v2.2.1 edition) Download nandroid image here or mirror
- xavwanted's libOMX and MediaGallery.apk which seems to fix HD recording and playback
- Riley600's interactive governor fix
- callwaiting fix
- kousik's mount-o typo fix
- Mioze7Ae move /oc to /system/oc
- bootanim by helmi666
- Email.apk replacement​
Changelog v1.2b (Android v2.2.1 edition) Download patch here
- fixes problems with callwaiting functionality.​
Changelog v1.2a (Android v2.2.1 edition) Download nandroid image here
- 720P recording fix
- re-added old MediaGallery as Camera app requires it.
- there can be possible hickups with mediascanning (so you know)​If you do see many FC's its a symptom of not having done factory reset, so this should indicate whether you need to do it or not.
Changelog v1.2 (Android v2.2.1 edition) Download nandroid image here
- fixed mediascanner issue
- removed old mediagallery (not supported) , now only Gallery3D available.
- removed VoiceCommands app, cpu intensive and taking much storage.
Note, due to the bug in mediascanner and decoding and on top ext2sd support, quadrant benchmarks drastically drops when ext2 is enabled, if the sdcard is not a class6 or higher.. but media decoding bug alone caused incorrect reportings, so dont be surprised when you test now.
Its a full nandroid for new and existing users. if you're using 1.1+ you do not need to WIPE settings, just restore nandroid and reboot, signatures will be recalculated and bootup takes maybe little more, but it works fine.​
Patch update Changelog v1.1b (Android v2.2.1 edition) Download patch here
- HDMI added to settings menu, let me know how it works (not tested)
- different proximity sensor module (tested with z-devicetester seems better)
- facebook fix still included.
- Support for loading overclock module at startup.
- apps2ext partition support , will mount at startup if a 2nd partition is found.
its not advanced, so you need ext2/ext3 partition for now.
NOTE: Patches goes into /OpenRecovery/updates and is applied in openrecovery menu "apply update".​
Changelog v1.1a (Android v2.2.1 edition) Download nandroid v1.1a link
- Based on 2.2.1 milestone framework leak
- Sync facebook is working
- Lockscreen is new (Blur like)
- see this link for framework theme's.​
Changelog v1.1 (Android v2.2 edition) Download v1.1 link
- fixed: OCR camera function currently FC (crash) (Mobireader.apk added)
- fixed: Contacts apk will be replaced in next update.
- fixed: HDMI through media player
- fixed: /mnt/sdcard mount issue​
If you want stock korean 2.2 with just english language and working sensors, download this nandroid dump, if you will probably need the 1.1 including recovery.apk to install this the easy way.
but else follow instructions in my other releases, and put nandroid backup into the /nandroid/openrecovery folder and restore using OpenRecovery.​
See this post, if you wish to restore a stock rom, or to enable apps2sd filesystem on sdcard
Install instructions:
Make sure sdcard is visible, when you get to step 6 of instructions, or it all fails, same with restore..
A: users with stock 2.1 can proceed to step 1 in instructions.
B: users with stock SBF korean 2.2 rom , need to flash stock 2.1 and goto step 1
C: Users with 1.1+ of rom with OpenRecovery , can skip WIPE and factory reset, and a restore of the new nandroid backup included in the download link, and goto step 8 (and skip step 9 for factory reset)
root it (SuperOneClick ) - included with zip
install OpenRecovery , use included apk.
reboot phone once
copy the folder "nandroid" to root directory of your sdcard.
Make sure sdcard is not attached to pc using "mass storage share" to pc.
Run OpenRecovery app and "install Recovery".
Press Boot recovery
restore the backup "stock22xxxx"
wipe / factory reset in OpenRecovery
Issues reported by users in v1.2a:
- Radio FM volume cannot change.
- MediaGallery does not do videoplayback
Issues reported by users in v1.0:
- Radio FM volume cannot change.
- Sync account option for facebook / Twitter is not added in settings when account is configured.
- Camera language not going to change (its korean app, so not support for other langs)
- LEDS do work, its sensors that makes them go off/on (no need to report this anymore)
Please don't keep asking the following question directed to me, public or via PM;
- Can you include language XXXXXXXX .
Answer: NO
- Can you teach me how to do custom roms
Answer: NO
- will you include RTL for hebrew
Answer: NO
- will you make other roms like cyanogen,htc etc..
Answer: NO
for new users unable to write in public forums, i cannot answer all your PM's personally, as that gets to be a quite a few per day and many monthly...i am not a support central for xt720 community..i simply don't have that kind of time available.
Dexter_nlb said:
if i press camera button here (1-2 sec) it opens?
media button (the small one becide the cam button?) ? yes i see its not doing any action
from what i read now, the known accelerator driver issue + led,hdmi is 2 majors, im not sure about other issues becides the extra languages which for some seem to cause issue..
the way the launcher works is a matter of taste (seeing like 20+ android devices)
- if you're coming from stock 2.1 there is differences and more functions, but if you tweaked alot maybe less features are here, like dalvik.
- rotation is a problem if you plan alot of games with acc. functionality..
- I personally dont experience problems, except the buttons which personally i would love to fix now..
I think overall there is a positive feel about the first working release.
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I am still unable to sync with facebook contacts, anyone else?
-->settings ---> accounts add the facebook account successfully but then not in the accounts list and then contacts in phone do not sync.
Dexter_nlb said:
It seems that many not being experienced users, still try to install and here is the instruction for installing the rom.
Install instructions (based on korean sbf):
1. Install korean sbf (STSKT_N_79.33.50R) using RSDLite ( link here )
- boot your xt720 into bootloader (press power up while holding VOL+ + and shutter button during bootup)
- when RSDLite application on pc says "connected" , your ready to flash
- select the SBF
- press start
2a. Set language to english, set usb mode into Charge Only and USB debugging on in the Settings->Apllications->Development menu.
2b. root it (using SuperOneClick) - ( link here )
3. install OpenRecovery , follow instructions on ( http://bit.ly/gIPoXo ) files included (OpenRecovery & OpenRecovery.zip )
5. copy the folder "nandroid" to root directory of your sdcard.
6. boot into OpenRecovery (adb shell reboot openrecovery)
7. restore the backup "stock22" in openrecovery
8. wipe / factory reset in OpenRecovery
9. reboot
Download here
APK for easy installation and rebooting into OpenRecovery is in the works (based on previous CWM recovery app)
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Added a rule for people who do not know how to use SuperOneClick
hellmonger said:
I am still unable to sync with facebook contacts, anyone else?
-->settings ---> accounts add the facebook account successfully but then not in the accounts list and then contacts in phone do not sync.
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deleted.. i misunderstood the q here
hi there ! is it the final version of 2.2 or still in testing process?
nice job and thank you all...
FM RADIO also missing.....
@Dexter, thank you for contacts.apk. But how to install it? After replace in /system/app it's says - It's not installed, and when i try to install it - it says: I can't be installed.
For more issues: how about light sensor, that detects when you speak on your phone?
On 2.1 when you speak touchscreen goes off and you cant press it errorly.
Thank you very much.
FM RADIO also missing.....
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That from 2.1
Facebook account missing.
Dexter_nlb said:
deleted.. i misunderstood the q here
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After full flash and all instructions followed corectly i can boot into 2.2 without any problems.
i set up my account with google, go to the market, download "facebook for android" install is succesfull, i then go to ==> settings menu ==> Accounts menu, add account, choose facebook, am successfull at login in to facebook, return to accounts menu = Facebook account is not there.
And my phone contacts do not sync with facebook.
Thank you
And my phone contacts do not sync with facebook.
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Did you set your FB freinds to sync in the FB app?
joe206hdi said:
Just flashed korean sbf ... maybe due to i´d used launcherpro in stock rom i can´t get into the rom background and apps are still there in korean rom.
going back to european rom and do a wipe/reset before flashing again the korean one...
later more
@dexter can´t we use universal androot instead of super one click
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finally fixed it
1.flashed again german stock rom sbf file
2. do a factory reset in stock recovery
3. flash korean sbf file while reboot unplug the usb - when rsd lite shows massage "reboot manualy" - phone is still in reboot ( when i don´t do this it won´t work ?!?!
4. go on with dexters xt720-2.zip nandroid procedure
@dexter unversalandroot won´t work - just tested before superoneclick - adb install worked fine but no root....
camera options are still in english - i´m on german
more within tomorrow
Joe - thanks great work
anyone else get a Installation error Unknown reason -18 when trying to install battle bears. i loved that game. worked on 2.1 even tho it said it didnt
3rdstring said:
Did you set your FB freinds to sync in the FB app?
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Is yours working?
Where are those settings please? not in the accounts menu cause facebook is not there, i am able to add it from that menu but then it disapeares, when i clic add again facebook option is availible but just clics to nowhere and returns to the add account page....
smurfb said:
I been following this thread, very intresting! I thought, would it not be possible to use the kernel from XT720 (2.1), beause its the same kernel version? Or is too much changed?
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ok, i went back once more and flashed just 2.1 kernels from uk rom, and indeed all sensors work now.. but,but,but... no 3D accelerator is currently activated, so screen lags really alot..
but yes, with that kernel it still boot up fine, with a few changes.
edit: update - ITS WORKING!!! running with 2.1 uk release kernel , its working now, all sensors activated..
Where are those settings please? not in the accounts menu cause facebook is not there, i am able to add it from that menu but then it disapeares, when i clic add again facebook option is availible but just clics to nowhere and returns to the add account page....
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In the facebook app if you tap on "Facebook" at the top you go to the page to navigate to news feeds, friends, etc. If you hit your options button there there is a settings screen that includes preferences for how contacts are sync'd.
3rdstring said:
In the facebook app if you tap on "Facebook" at the top you go to the page to navigate to news feeds, friends, etc. If you hit your options button there there is a settings screen that includes preferences for how contacts are sync'd.
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Yes i saw those settings, unfortunately they have no effect or bearing on the accounts.
I believe this is a bug, yet no one has confirmed or denied being able to reproduce it.
All sensors activated!!
I think smurfb deserve a little thanks, for pushing the request/idea just to try loading the old uk kernel once more, so i did and this time i fixed the problems with loading the old kernel and lib/bin required, its not much and most (2.2) korean state is kept intact..
ill do some testing after the new nandroid backup and start uploading v1.0
Dexter_nlb said:
I think smurfb deserve a little thanks, for pushing the request/idea just to try loading the old uk kernel once more, so i did and this time i fixed the problems with loading the old kernel and lib/bin required, its not much and most (2.2) korean state is kept intact..
ill do some testing after the new nandroid backup and start uploading v1.0
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does that mean u activated the 3d accelerator. and would replacing the settings.apk from 2.2 from motoroi enable hdmi since the settings arnt even there anymore in this version the hdmi libs and everything is still there jus no hdmi.
khalpowers said:
other way u can install terminal su on your phone after flash to froyo..then u can su from there...
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IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!
AND DEXTER!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! You're amazing.
Ill be up to any testing you guys need me to do
easye420 said:
does that mean u activated the 3d accelerator. and would replacing the settings.apk from 2.2 from motoroi enable hdmi since the settings arnt even there anymore in this version the hdmi libs and everything is still there jus no hdmi.
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yes, 3d is fully functional now. I dont think it will work, but i will find a way to add the functionality..
the korean rom has only english, which im sure not many appreciate, although camera as one is used from that rom so only english is enabled.
but i will for sure try and get HDMI working..
I got FMRadio app added, does it help?
Thank you so much for making this, Dexter. We are hungry of froyo, asking for more. But you deserve to take a break
which languages does it have?
I will install it soon. can someone upload a video of it?

Calkulin+Clemsyn 1.5ghz Froyo Combo VERSION 8 final (bootloader 1.2 only)

Version 8 Final only for bootloader 1.2
1. Sleep of Death protection
2. Integrated "Interactive" as default governor and utilized as default (instead of performance)
3. Skype video working with this combo
If you my work, Please Donate. Thanks.
Version 7 is released...Only for bootloader 1.2
Kernel changes:
1. Max overclock is 1600 (1472 is utilized for battery profiling)
2. Cleaned up fakesmoo overclocking code
3. Reverted Chenglu's wifi drivers to default stock (help with SODs and better BT)
4. Updated kernel source using Viewsonic's 10.9.7 patch (thanks roebeet) and up to 10.9.9
ROM changes
1. Fixed adobe flashplayer using 10.3.186
2. CPU battery profiling as follows
100-90 percent 1472
90-15 percent 1000
15-1 912
This can be overwriden when installing SetCPU
3. Virtual memory tweaks and Network tweaks as per mike1986 from his HC rom (thanks mike)
4. Used lib drivers from 5274 TNT
5. It's FAST
Here is the link
LMK how it goes
Version 7 beta is up.. Only for bootloader 1.2
Sorry for the delay Here are the changes in the ROM
1. Added Max Browser
2. Added Virtual Memory tweaks and Network tweaks
The rest are the same
Here is the link
Please let me know how it goes.
TO DO : Some kernel optimizations
Please Donate
Hi, I know I'm a kernel dev but before I return this Gtab, I want to release this combo I made. It's basically a version 11 of my kernel with OC/UV settings as stated below and a few changes to Calkulin's Fast ROm. Below are the changes.
1. Adobe Flash Player 10.2 pre-installed
2. Replaced Gallery 3D
3. Added Chenglu's USB Huawei's (confirmed Huawie 1550 working by archat68)
4. Commented sprint stuff in build.prop
5. Automated voltage and OC's settings (no need for SetCpu) via init.d profile
6. Undervolted at lowest speed settings (700mv at 21600) for improved battery life when screen is off (sleep fix enabled)
7. Undervolted at highest speed settings (1175mv at 1500000)
8. Added NFS client V3 and NFS server V3 in kernel.
9. Added Synman's boot logo
10 Added Russian Language (BIG THANKS to absorbers )
11. PimpmyGtab included in /sdcard/RemovedApps folder (needs to be installed for undervolting)
12. New 1.5 Overclocking kernel for PimpMyGtab, Advanced Routing added
13. Better voltages to boot most Tegra chips (can't guarantee all chips)
14. Edited build.prop for better Market fix
The rest are basically the same...
BIG THANKS TO CALKULIN, CHENGLU, ROEBEET, ROTHNIC, MMBLASTER, PERSHOOT and ABSORBERS everyone who tested my kernel and sent me a few beer along the way
Here is the link:
Directions are as follows
1. Download Calkulin's Format all zip and use CWM to install it.
2. Go to Advance, and Clear Dalvik-cache
3. Then install Clem_Caulkinver5.zip
4. If you want undervolting, install PimpmyGTAB at /sdcard/RemovedApps folder
5. Do the market fix procedure to enjoy all apps
BTW, if you like my work, Pls don't hesitate to buy me a beer Thanks.
Here is the battery profile of this combo
51-100% battery - 1.5ghz
16%-50% - 1.2 ghz
1%-15% - 912mhz
*** Please do not change Default Launcher, you might experience sleep of death in changing launcher ***
Version 6 (NEEDS 1.2 Bootloader)
Please use 1.2 bootloader
CWM for gtablet (Compatible with bootloader 1.2)
If you like more work, please buy me a beer
Sweet! I'm currently running Calkulins plus your V9 kernel and was getting ready to deal with the additions you just made standard! Awesome timing! Can I just clear Cache & Dalvik and then flash (& fix permissions) or would you recommend the full blown Format All then flash?
I am using a very similar combo and it is very stable it will be nice to have it all in one zip. Many thanks.
Can anyone download the file? I can't seem to.
Nevermind, finally got it.
Will Hulu still work in this build?
Yepper HULU works GREAT!!!
I don't know if this is a bug, but I installed thumb keyboard. I go into the keyboard options and try to check the thumb keyboard but it doesn't do anything. Then I try to go into input method, but it doesn't show up there ether.
I've enjoyed your kernel work in the short time I've had my G-Tab. Does this mean you're done w/ the G-Tab kernel making game since it sounds like you'll be returning your G-Tab?
Runs great, thanks.
Any way to add wpa2 enterprise support or get the normal android settings app?
haha thanks for all your work and the great kernels you made.. We will miss you here!
acomiskey said:
Runs great, thanks.
Any way to add wpa2 enterprise support or get the normal android settings app?
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Fixed the wpa2 enterprise issue by installing "WiFi Advanced Configuration Editor" from the market, now I'm on my work network.
sweetfish said:
I don't know if this is a bug, but I installed thumb keyboard. I go into the keyboard options and try to check the thumb keyboard but it doesn't do anything. Then I try to go into input method, but it doesn't show up there ether.
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You have to copy the apk over to system/app folder. You'll need root explorer or something similar.
Thank you in advance for your work. I'm waiting for gTablet I just ordered yesterday from Woot. Hopefully it will show up next few weeks.
Ran this ok for half the day, then pressed power in attempt to wake from sleep and it rebooted. Now it's stuck on the honeycomb boot animation. Any ideas?
acomiskey said:
Ran this ok for half the day, then pressed power in attempt to wake from sleep and it rebooted. Now it's stuck on the honeycomb boot animation. Any ideas?
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Try going to recovery mode and wipe cache, the clear Dalvik-cache (it's under Advance). Then fix permissions (Also under Advance) then reboot. Hope that helps.
Thanks....i ended up reflashing using the regular clockwork....i was using the .8 clockwork previously. That was wrong right?
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
devlop said:
You have to copy the apk over to system/app folder. You'll need root explorer or something similar.
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I was wondering the same thing as the poster you replied to. I will get root explorer, but where would we find the thumb keyboard that I attempted to install (paid for it). Which folder? Thanks in advance.
With root explorer, go into data/apps and copy the thumb keyboard apk. Now back out and go into system/apps. Make sure you select mount R/W at the top of the screen. Now paste the apk in this folder. Reboot. Now just long press in a text box and choose thumb keyboard in the input method.
imdaman99 said:
I was wondering the same thing as the poster you replied to. I will get root explorer, but where would we find the thumb keyboard that I attempted to install (paid for it). Which folder? Thanks in advance.
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I found a easy way to do it! Using CWM install replace tnt settings zip. reboot! you should have your old settings menu now. Then change the keyboard. Go back to CWM and flash rollback tnt settings zip. Reboot! Now your done!
:I suggest you use rollback because some widgets and stuff dont work with the replacement zip:
clemsyn said:
3. Added Chenglu's USB Huawei's (not tested since I don't have this device)
4. Commented sprint stuff in build.prop
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What do these two do?

[ROM Release] Honor Final on bbs.anzhi.com (Google Translate)

[ROM Release] glory of Birdyi (Honor) B866-SP02 of the final version released - perfect overclocking does not break the sound
Honor for u8800 huawei. (Final)
After this edition it will not update the glory for U8800, from the earliest release of the first edition of glory to the present time is not short, some small bug has been improved in most of the common test, the rest of the problem may be due to a person different, we try to own solutions.
It is said that the package next week, officials will release a revised version at the end of the phone fumbled and to try to bring the bottom package upgrade, I hope the official will not use other methods to lock the pink screen or as root can not be like the U8800 +, the other a reminder double the TX of the system need to restore the official partition in order to brush the bottom package.
ROM instructions:
CPU default 245 1024 auto-FM (standby power), supports up to 1.2G (methods from the sino-deserter ) to outposting not break the sound, sound normal call.
CPU adjustment method to modify the \ system \ etc enhanced.conf to find MAXFREQ = 1.024 million to modify the maximum, SETCPU invalid, closed the screen will change to enhanced.conf default
The FPS by default does not unlock (Xie run points will be high, but ran sub-clouds), 7 month machine is locked can be modified for the 30 \ system \ etc enhanced.conf find changed VSYNC VSYNC = on = off
(3) the kernel can read and write cust \ cust \ hw \ default \ app non-applet do not want deleted here, but here's something to delete does not delete the mirrored space is the same 65M
So I put the glory of the official wallpaper into them.
4 boot automatically turn off the background light of the four kings key, you need to restore the default delete or rename the \ system \ etc \ init.d under the script closeButtonLight.sh can.
(5) support for dual system, automatic identification of the current system and the corresponding brush into the
(6) automatic powder brush after screen crack, thank knight king
I joined a few small programs, are pure ad-free version \ cust \ hw \ default \ app under
dualmountsd.apk----- SD card double mounted set convenient to take the computer to transmit data
PhoneArea.apk-------- compact calls attribution, do not take up memory
RealCalc.apk----------- advanced calculator that comes with BUG, ​​some operator error
RootExplorer.apk----- RE Manager Needless to say,
TitaniumBackup.apk---- titanium backup, and not have to say
SpeedViewPro.apk-- GPS assisted positioning and compass tool, said compass activation method: open the SpeedView point above the compass as ruler of the region to adjust the phone over his head screen in the air, began to draw the two 8-word, and then hand down the screen towards the face painting two 8-word, see the pointer move on the correction.
Inconsequential will not say more ... the style of the ROM with the glory exactly the same, support the HDR camera Task Manager and other Huawei network disk cloud push the program needs to http://115.com/file/anf4j14z # Download and unpack the installation
BUG: bring their own portable hotspot can not be used (ie, can not simulate the native signal into a wifi available to other computers or mobile Internet)
Brush Description:
To the official 2.3 (B522, B 518) and successfully ROOT, replace recovery5.0.27,
1 will download the zip Brush package do not extract directly into the SDcard
Hold the volume up + power button is turned on, do not release until well into the recovery mode, enter the advanced mode - reboot to recovery
Recovery, the volume up and down keys / menu Home key to move up and down the power button / Search button to confirm the back key to return to the previous menu level.
Select "Clear all data recovery factory
Select from the SD card, select the Brush package "
6 re-election to select the ZIP file from the SD card "
7 to find just download the zip Brush package confirmed
8 confirmed, Brush, wait about 1 minute to complete.
After brushing, back to the first menu, select "immediately reboot the system restart the phone
10 and then patiently wait for a while, you first start will be relatively slow.
I didn't understand a thing!!
demolition23 said:
I didn't understand a thing!!
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It's really quite easy to understand the meaning of each sentence.
So is kernel the same like everywhere else?
boss_y said:
So is kernel the same like everywhere else?
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Yes, in instructions it tells you to flash official 2.3 first.
overclock kernel without in call low volume bug? can we have the source plz?
papatsonis said:
overclock kernel without in call low volume bug? can we have the source plz?
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I will guess it is from this post.
I am using Chrome to transelate.
it would be nice to publish the low sound fix (as it's kernel related).
After some testing this feels really good. Rom doesn't have speaker problems anymore and everything seems to be working. I haven't tested call voice level yet... And kernel can be overclocked but there isn't smarass2 or minmax, only normal covernors.
Can someone please post a mirror? Or at least instruction how to download fom the site...
Pressa00 said:
After some testing this feels really good. Rom doesn't have speaker problems anymore and everything seems to be working. I haven't tested call voice level yet... And kernel can be overclocked but there isn't smarass2 or minmax, only normal covernors.
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i dont have speaker problems with stock 2.3.5, but with custom kernel i DO have with call volume from speaker phone ( hands free both wired and wireless have proper volume), so please check the call volume
papatsonis said:
i dont have speaker problems with stock 2.3.5, but with custom kernel i DO have with call volume from speaker phone ( hands free both wired and wireless have proper volume), so please check the call volume
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Okey I just tested it and I didn't notice any difference with the stock 2.3.5. It seems call volume is also fixed with this kernel
yannn007 said:
Can someone please post a mirror? Or at least instruction how to download fom the site...
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Right side button.
Sent from my u8800 using xda premium
yannn007 said:
Can someone please post a mirror? Or at least instruction how to download fom the site...
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elexogic said:
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Woohoo thanks! This rom feels preety good. Do you have the optional apps zip by any chance? ( http://115.com/file/anf4j14z) Mirror please? Many thanks in advance! ;-D
Edit: Finished downloading this myself. Almost a day for a 70 mb file. Bloody hell. It's a zip file made of apk files to copy to system/apps.
Here's a mirror: http://www.mediafire.com/?28u7uv8nnbehket
Kernel seems to work fine with official 2.3.5, can overclock and in call voice level is normal...
Is there any way to install this kernel over standard CM7 as a flashable zip?
found new bug. It seems search button works like power button... whit this rom battery last at least 24h wich is enough for me. I think I will stick with this one until dzo's 4.03 rom is stable.
this is for honor or u8800 not pro???
pikachukaki said:
this is for honor or u8800 not pro???
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Normal u8800.
Sent from my Derp using XDA Herp

Root+Xposed+Busybox for Bootloader Locked Moto X ATT/VZW

Only fresh flashed bootloader locked XT1058 AT&T - ROM LPAS23.12-21.7-1, and XT1060 VZW - ROM LPAS23.12-39.7-1 are supported!
See archive content for instructions. Time to install ~20 min. If you experience problems after Android boot, like not working buttons or quick settings, wipe cache + data partitions. Don't update SuperSU (disable auto updates), it won't work. Later I'll post complete debloated ROMs with fresh SuperSU version, and simplify instructions. Be informed also, that this method doesn't give you read-write rights like unlocked bootloader. You may read and write having root-rights, but only till a restart or shutdown occurs, and every change will be undo by the Qualcomm protection (like HTC' s=on).
At the moment patch includes:
SuperSU 2.65 Free
Xposed Framework v86 (installer, modules)
Busybox 1.25.0.YDS, path /system/xbin/busybox
P.S. Install only on indicated above ROM versions, and it's obvious that you must have enough theory knowledge and practical experience to make use of 9008 patch, so I'm not responsible for any consequences, etc. Greets go to: CrashXXL (method inventor), Sabissimo (our former OP), and serg_gangubas (ROM guru).
31.07.2017 - Full ROM Patch for Bootloader Locked Moto X ATT/VZW/etc
Based on the same principle, and not depend on system partition content, so it suits any bootloader locked Moto X Gen1 ATT/VZW (possibly any model, besides 1049 RepW / 1055 US Cell), but takes about 4 hours to be done - prepare for that, 100% battery level only!
This full ROM patch includes:
SuperSU 2.82 Free
Xposed Framework v87 (installer, modules)
Busybox 1.26.2, path /system/xbin/busybox
ViperFX - sorry needs polishing, removed now (
Gallery and Camera not depend on Moto services
Gboard instead AOSP Keyboard. If it eats too much RAM, see Simple Keyboard
GAPPSes updated. Use command like adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.blahblah.blah to block any unwanted app or service
ES File Explorer Free Edition (a clone, you can disable and install yours )
"Jedy" gesture
AdBlock support (effect lasts till the 1st reboot yet, I'll think about make it constant). Please, choose /data/hosts instead of /system/etc/hosts
ROM debloated, but not deodexed.
Be careful, phone will be WIPED then flashed in 9008 "brick" mode (CrashXXL idea). Before you start install Moto drivers, latest RSD Lite, and fully charge the battery.
1) Download and unpack zip on С: (or any), open Python27, launch RUN_path.bat (needs to be launched only single time), install driver QHSUSB_driver.exe, and launch file _Moto.X.BootLocked.*.exe (where * - is desired ROM).
2) Go into fastboot mode, execute RUN_blbroke.bat. Screen gets black, Device Manager in Windows finds "QHSUSB_DLOAD", and installs it as "Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 (COM*)". If it doesn't install, google for Windows driver digital signature disable.
3) Now launch RUN_root.bat, and see that patching process took start.
4) A small patch *SPEAKERS.BOOST.exe (if exists) boosts both speakers' volume.
P.S. Please, don't flash anything extra into the phone. In case of trouble, all you need is inside this folder. Just make it work.
To make "Battery OK" in fastboot use fastboot_cyclecharge.bat
Completely drained out battery causing "USB input device" needs disassembly of the phone to charge externally.
In case Titanium Backup shows error "Batch backup interrupted: insufficient free storage space", delete default backup folder, and make a new:
Titanium Backup > Menu > Preferences > Backup folder location > Storage Provider > DocumentProvider storage > Show Internal Storage > Internal Storage > Select Internal Storage > Create the folder > Use the current folder. Done!
Notes for myself: Viper, force wipe, readme.txt, volume patch, Adblock, advanced debloat
Debloated, rooted, lightweight ROM - soon! )
PUBLISHED. Sorry, took long time.
As soon as I can actually get 5.1 flashed I'll try this.
Though I'm afraid I'll have to try to go to stock and use sunshine first, still have a locked BL.
But this is great, I didn't expect root so soon.
DownTheCross said:
As soon as I can actually get 5.1 flashed I'll try this.
Though I'm afraid I'll have to try to go to stock and use sunshine first, still have a locked BL.
But this is great, I didn't expect root so soon.
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This method is working on locked BL.
DownTheCross said:
As soon as I can actually get 5.1 flashed I'll try this.
Though I'm afraid I'll have to try to go to stock and use sunshine first, still have a locked BL.
But this is great, I didn't expect root so soon.
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Wait wait... If you can have now possibility to unlock bootloader - go for it immediately! You will have normal FULL root-rights (SuperSU 2.49). Don't install 5.1, if you plan to unlock, because Sunshine app (25$) works only on 4.4.2 Android.
This topic is to help those AT&T users that are boot locked forever (who missed out possibility to unlock on 4.4.2 by proceed to 5.1) to give them READ-ONLY root. Yes, it's limited, but anything at least.
s5610 said:
If you can have now possibility to unlock bootloader...
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I guess anyone on 4.4.4 today. There is no possibility to use Sunshine anymore.
Anyway spasibo za method
Ahh, if I don't have to be BL unlocked that's great lol.
I haven't read too much into the 5.1 updates or sunshine for that matter.
I've been on krypton 1.4.1 since it was released, and I haven't been able to successfully upgrade to any 5.1 roms yet.
Works great!
Works great for me on Windows 10 RTM 64-bit! Thanks a ton, I was waiting for a post like this.
I only had 3 minor hiccups:
1. RSD Lite gave me an error about "getvar", so I had to go into flashfile.xml in the ROM zip and remove the line that said getvar
2. I had to reboot to disable driver signature enforcement twice for some reason because Windows Update
3. The run-root.bat got stuck on "Executing..." because I installed the wrong driver (the correct file is qcusb.inf when installed from device manager -> browse my computer for driver software -> let me pick from a list -> all devices -> have disk)
Otherwise, everything runs just as well as KitKat, including Xposed.
Hehe got to love step 9
System Write
How can we help in getting the system write to zero using the same method,because I have xt1058 model bootloader unlocked and I provide any file needed to disable the pesky system write...
How can we help in getting the system write to zero using the same method,because I have xt1058 model bootloader unlocked and I provide any file needed to disable the pesky system write...
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First, never quote op. It takes way to much space and is redundant.
Second, to get write off we would need to some how either start a custom kernel some magical way or disable it via a kernel mod like htc guys did. Another way, which was done before was to burn the efuse but kernel has been patched since then.
Need some help, I did all steps until step 9. I installed the QHSUSB_DLOAD driver manually, and I can see 'Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 (COM4)' showed in my Device Manager, but when I run 'RUN_Root.bat', I got this
c:\Python27>python qdloadRoot.py MPRG8960.bin -ptf root/partitions.txt
QDLoad utility version 1.2 (c) VBlack 2014
Found TTY port: com4
Sending MAGIC ...
QCOM fast download protocol targ:
Version: 7
Compatible version 2
Maximum block size 1024 (0x00000400)
Base address of Flash 0x00000000
Flash: eMMC
Window size: 30
Number of sectors: 128
First sector size: 2097152 (0x00200000)
Feature bits: 09
Sending SBL Reset...
Press any key to continue . . .
Then I tried to run 'RUN_Root.bat' again, then I got
c:\Python27>python qdloadRoot.py MPRG8960.bin -ptf root/partitions.txt
QDLoad utility version 1.2 (c) VBlack 2014
Found TTY port: com4
Requesting Params...
Version: 8
Min version: 1
Max write size: 1536 (0x00000600)
Model: 144
Device size: Invalid or unrecognized Flash device, or Flash device progr
amming not supported by this implementation
Device type: Intel 28F400BX-TL or Intel 28F400BV-TL
Requesting SoftwareVersion...
Version: PBL_DloadVER2.0
Requesting SerialNumber...
Serial number: 00,00,48,03
Requesting HW Id...
HW Id: 00,00,48,03,e1,10,7e,00
Requesting PublicKey...
PublicKey: 39,c4,ee,3e,b5,be,eb,87,8e,2f,e3,b8,53,4d,14,6f,91,ca,fd,bb,94,2a,0d
Uploading file 'MPRG8960.bin' to addr 0x2a000000...
Could not find Qualcomm device in Emergency download mode
Done, with errors!!!
Press any key to continue . . .
any suggestions? Thanks
jahrule said:
First, never quote op. It takes way to much space and is redundant.
Second, to get write off we would need to some how either start a custom kernel some magical way or disable it via a kernel mod like htc guys did. Another way, which was done before was to burn the efuse but kernel has been patched since then.
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Ill put the files here
Fantastic!!! I was looking this. All the last week I was sleeping about 3 hours per day trying to root my phone.
I scream "Victory" before the process finish.
Damn! My phone reboot and stay in the android doll fallen screen.
DejanPet said:
Ill put the files here
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What to do with these files?
Those files are needed by Jahrule
I did everything as instructed, but eventually got the screen "no command".
The only thing I did not flash rom - a month ago updated by an OTA to 5.1, thought it was not necessary.
Factory reset does not help.
Advise something.
In the end, everything worked, thank you))
It works
It works great! Thank you very much! ATT xt1058.
eze_cba17 said:
Damn! My phone reboot and stay in the android doll fallen screen.
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Follow the OP instruction EXACTLY, no exceptions!
If you got your current 5.1 through AT&T OTA, it's not enough for root patching procedure. A full RSD 5.1 official SBF flash over is required.
Could someone please do a video on this. I'm having a little trouble.

