Can't get past password - Windows 8 General

Hello, I'm XDA News Writer mustangtim49 and I made the horrible mistake of installing windows8 on my little emachines mini lappie. I lost my normal home wifi and now I can't access my computer, every time I input my password, my computer says "your computer is offline, try the last password entered on this computer" I'm ready to throw it away, but do to a bad break up, this is all I have and it's really affecting my ability to do my job here at XDA. Thank you for reading this and any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
[email protected]

You can reset the admin password using various available tools. I haven't tried it with Win8, but below are instructions for Win7. It shouldn't be different. Worse comes to worst, just reformat it and re-install, since it's a new install anyway.
For more resources (beware of spam):"windows+7"+password+reset
There were also some reports from the CP version of password length needing to be between 8-16 chars, else an "incorrect password" error occurs.

It's not a new install, I've been running it since it became available. Also, I read the links you provided, thank you, they require a disc to be burned, my mini has no disc drive.
[email protected]

Let me get this straight... is it your windows password or your home wifi password you can't get to work. You said you lost your home wifi. That has nothing to do with your windows password except it trys to check the microsoft account 1st then it uses the local. If there is something wrong with the local, take it somewhere that has free internet like dunkin donuts does in states and try logging in. Then switch to a local account.

I am tethering my phone as wifi and I still can't get past the password. It's the stupid w8 password screen when you first start the computer. Is says offline after I put in my password and will not let me in.
[email protected]

Being offline has nothing to do with the Win8 local password to login. I've been working with Win8 R&D for the past year and have yet to see an error like that.
Is it the WiFi password that is not being accepted?

Colphonix. I agree. Seems like the WiFi password.
Sent from my PI39100 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App

Also, if you switched to a Microsoft account to login, the password for that account is the one you need to login, not the one you created for the local account.
I hope that helps


Password locked phone: anyway to hack and access data?

My wife put in a password to lock her phone (sensitive data) and now she doesn't know what it is, is there a way that I can dump the contents or access the data on the device? She took client notes on it and they were not set to be sync'd with her desktop, she needs them desperately. I'm the one that set up the syncing for NOTES and not WORD docs so I'm in deep S&*t with her!
The docs are in 'my documents' on the phone and not on the SD card.
Anyone able to do it?
Is there a limit on the number of try's?
When using a remote viewing/control software could I simple write a program that continues to run through the 9999 combos or the x trillion combos if she used the alpha-num setting? Are you able to enter the password on the desktop machine?
I like my private parts, please help!
I know a hardreset will dump everything on the phone and then she would be able to use the phone but I'll still be missing a couple of valuable parts of my body, if you know what I mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Try to get your wife to remember at least the first number, so that you only have 999 tries before you actually find the correct code.
I didn't think it was to much to ask her to reminber the other 3 also but as wives will do, its still my fault for not backing it up!
Don't know anything that might help right now, but if I find something, I'll let you know. Also, for information, you might want to try SignWise - it uses a signature as a 'password' - and it's quite good
if my memory is correct (which isn't always the case) there is a program that shows your xda screen on the pc and you can manipulate it there. This in cooperation with a macro/keyrecorder you might get thru it. It probably would still need a lot of editing of the macro.
Thanks guys,
dcs, but then I won't be able to check on her
Does anyone know how to hack this?
Im stuck too. I thought maybe downloading the rom to the SD card might work, but you would have to do hard reset which would lost the data.
You might be able to try setting the active synch to backup up word documents (do it from the pc) then put the XDA in the cradle. Then try to forcefully synch from the PC. It might bypass the password.
I may have a solution, give me a couple of days to try it out and I'll let you know. In the meantime dont hard
reset orplay with it.
Cradeling the device requires the password before the connection is completed so I can't explore the device.
it's not an xda then i suppose ?
because all the xda's i've had synch without the password unless you are forming a new pathership
Its an MDAIII, but I think it still works the same with the WM2003 XDA. Maybe the solution in an old active sync, but I don't think I can go back in a version because the device is updated when I went to 3.7
Can anyone confirm if you can access data when a password is set using an old active sync?
well i can confirm that when i once types in the password for a connection and make it save it then i'm never required to type in the password again when i sync
If I had the Password the first time she entered it we could have done that but she forgot it before it was ever sync'd with the computer. So I need the password for the first time.
Anyone ever use this?
pget.exe gets files from your PocketPC.
pget.exe Doesn't work until the password is entered to establish the link, it just sits there waiting for a connection. As soon as the Password is entered, it dumped the files to the PC (testing on my phone)
You may patch Active Sync so that it would not stop asking you a password after 3 wrong attempts:
old wcescomm.exe - patched WCESCOMM.EXE
00006C26: 74 90
00006C27: 05 90
Then you can "guess" the password by a bruteforce.
This patch is for ActiveSync 3.7.1 build 4034
You should kill WCESCOMM.EXE process before patching.

Activesync Exchange Server Password Prompt

I have an 8125 with Summiter's 2.3 Rom installed. I am trying to establish a connection to my exchange server which is hosted. When I enter the server, user ID, password and Domain info correctly, activesync keeps prompting me with "Please correct your Exchange Server password"
My provider insists that the settings were correct on their side and their crack tech support staff told me that WM5 has problems storing the password. They said that the only thing to do is to keep deleting the server connection on the device and recreating it.
Through this persistence, I was able to get it configured once. It was syncing (with push email) for most of the day... until I connected the device to the PC with the USB cable to charge it. Then Activesync on the PC kicked in and the password prompts began.
I have deleted and reconfigured the server on the device in excess of 20 times now with every combination of soft resets in between to try to get this resolved.
Any thoughts? Your help is greatly appreciated!
email host needed to create a pre-NT4 alias for the userid due to the naming convention ues by our company in their provisioning console. Therefore once I found out the alias the config was a snap. working perfectly now! Thanks.
What tech support for your host meant to tell you is that they do not have a clue what they are talking about. I support numerous WM implementations using AUTD and Push email with WM devices of all flavors that support one of those options (2003, 2003se, 2005) and NONE of my customers have to continually put in ANY information to keep syncing.
It is true that using the special sms tickle method of pull on 2003 devices does sometimes hang up and have to be restarted manually but even then you should not be asked for information you already saved about the connection.
Find a new mail host.
Well, since you have no problems setting up "WM implementations using AUTD and Push email with WM devices", I would love to hear your thoughts on why I keep getting a password prompt over and over again with the message "Please corrrect your exchange Server password".
Using Cingluar 8125 with stock 2.25 ROM.
Mobile services are enabled under ESM
Pre-2k alias is set in the username
SSL is installed on the server with front end virtual directory
I have disabled certificate checking on the device itself by hacking the registry on the device since I'm using self singed cert
Exchange SP2 is installed
Activesync on the PC with USB works like a charm
But, trying to sync over GPRS/EDGE with the exchange server it keeps prompting me to correct exchange server password which I know it's correct since I administer the server myself.
I've seen NUMEROUS posts about this issue but no one seems to have the answer.
This is driving completely bonkers
You say you can sync while connected via USB to a computer but you do not specify whether that computer is INSIDE or OUTSIDE your network. So I am going to assume it is INSIDE, and bet that were you to try the same test from OUTSIDE your network it would fail just as it does using GPRS. If so the indications point to incorrectly putting in your user name/domain information and not the password itself.
I assure you, the domain\username and password combinations are quite right. It's DOMAIN\username and then the password. I mean you can't really get away from that format when you enter the information in the pocket pc or activesync on your pc since it asks you for the domain and the username and the password. I can however login to webmail and oma through the web browser using the exact username and password.
Any more thoughts?
I have no more thoughts until you answer the question I asked. Can you sync while connected to a computer that is OUTSIDE your network?
When putting in your information on the mobile device, in the username field if you are putting domain\user you are wrong. That box is USER NAME ONLY.
Let me start over again. No, usb or gprs outside doesn't work. And yes, the username is put in as just the username with no domain\ in front of it. Activesync substitutes the domain from the domain field as domain\ is what I meant.
So it doesn't work from outside no matter what the connection. Again, the problem is the domain reference. We just have to figure out what is wrong with it.
From outside your network, can you access Ouloook Web Access? If so, EXACTLY what is the URL you use?
I'm using https://servername/exchange
I can also user https://servername/oma from the phone and it works too.
I would really like to see https://servername/exchange work from outside your network. I am interested to know how you got a NETBIOS name to resolve from outside your DNS zone over the internet.
Please read the question asked before answering so I can stop asking you the same thing twice. I asked you:
From outside your network, can you access Ouloook Web Access? If so, EXACTLY what is the URL you use?
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Your answer might work inside your network but no way will it work outside. And if you are afraid that advertising your domain name will compromise your Exchange box you should just shut it down anyway.
I'm REALLY trying to be tolerant here. Unfortunately, I'm starting to reach the end of my patience. You and I BOTH know that I'm not advertising my NETBIOS name on the Internet. We BOTH know EXACTLY what I mean when I say https://servername/exchange. It means a URL accessible from the outside which points to the server via NAT on our firewall and then /exchange. So, here's the URL:
When I say that webmail works, I REALLY REALLY mean that it works. I'm not making it up. If you don't know the answer or if you are not sure of the answer, just let me know. That's no problem. I'm really starting to think that this issue is due to the registry hack on the phone to remove certificate checking.
Unfortunately, I'm using a self generated cert and I've tried using the .cab method to import the cert, that didn't work. I simply copied into a file (DER encoded) and tried to import it no workie either. I tried copying as a Base-64 encoded, copied to the phone and when I tried to import it said it was unable to access certificate. Before I disabled certificate checking, it wouldn't accept the certificate. So, now it accepts it but it keeps asking for the password.
I have gone over the exchange settings over and over and over again and I'm simply not seeing anything wrong.'s where I am.
Great. Thanks for answering the question. So in your server configuration fields you are filling in those blanks like this:
Server Address: ""
User Name: "jdoe" or whatever your user ID is
Password: "Password1!" Your CaSE sEnsiTIvE password
Domain: "myeyessuck" your internal NETBIOS domain name which may or may not be the same as your FQDN
Does all of that sound like what you are using? If you feel more comfortable PMing the information then thats fine. But your settings should resemble what I wrote.
Are you forcing users to use SSL for Outlook Web Access? If so, you might try turning it off TEMPORARILY and test syncing without requiring SSL to eliminate the self signed cert possibility. I won't be much use troubleshooting that as I get my customers fo flip for a Thawte certificate to avoid untrusted root cert authorities.
That's exactly what I'm using:
Server Address: ""
User Name: "jdoe" or whatever your user ID is
Password: "Password1!" Your CaSE sEnsiTIvE password
Domain: "myeyessuck" your internal NETBIOS domain name
Under secure communications I do not have require secure channel checked.
I just enabled http(port 80) access to the exchange server and it's working like a charm.
So I guess it's still a certificate issue. I guess disabling certificate checking is not doing the trick but instead cause more problems.
I really wish I could import the self signed certificate. This really sucks. Your help is appreciated. Thanks. I should had tried this before. I just assumed this registry hack wouldn't have any bearing on it originally.
@deeztech - I'm also suspicious of the registry hack to disable the certificate checking. This worked for me in the 2003 days with my client's Blue Angels but I've never been able to get it to work with WM5. I have numerous Exchange 2003 servers that I maintain here in So. Fla and they all have self generated certs. I use MMC and add the Certificates snap-in. From the Trusted Root Authorities I'll right click my certificate - all tasks and then export to a Der encoded x.509. Copy to my storage card and execute it from there.
Of course it sounds like your certificate is installed correctly as your logon to OWA and OMA are working which is why I suspect that reg hack you mentioned.
I did read on exchange-experts to check the authentication on the webserver....
Curious if it's just your PDA or are there others with the same issue?
Glad you narrowed it down. Unfortunately I don't have a magic bullet for the self signed certificate piece but I do have some suggestions for you.
1) Enable forms based authentication:
2) Require SSL for access
3) Unless you intend to offer services you might turn off the default website at
If you are interested in a cert from a trusted CA check out Thawte, where you can get an SSL123 certificate in just a few minutes for as little as $149:

this will be hard!

okay, I want to use the wifi capabilities of my exec at college...
I need to be able to login to my college account to get on the internet, but there is no program which can bring up this log-in box... has anyone found a way of doing this?
or a program which brings up a login box when one is needed?...
RoHaM said:
okay, I want to use the wifi capabilities of my exec at college...
I need to be able to login to my college account to get on the internet, but there is no program which can bring up this log-in box... has anyone found a way of doing this?
or a program which brings up a login box when one is needed?...
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i think you kinda need to describe how you would log in from a desktop pc for people to understand your problem as some just require a WEP/WPA key and off you go
when connecting to the internet on a laptop, a log-in box pops up, for u to write in your username and password from the college,
i would write somethin like MidKent/roham n then input a password on a laptop.. but no pass box to pop up on a pda?..
Have you tried opera mini yet as a browser? Works for me out here.
You can get it here
Version 4 works fine on the Universal.
He might be talking about a domain login. How you login depends on certain variables and we need slighly more details.
I would download HTC Network program and start from there. WM6.1 Allows Domain logins as well.

Exchange and Global address book sync on HTC hD2

Since last week i had sleepless nights trying to get my direct push email , Global address book working with my exchange server. I tried everywhere but there was little to go on.
Few min back i got this going and the elation has quickly changed to sharing back to the forum.
And Yes , it has to do with installing certificate on the device. I checked with my Iphone and Android owning colleagues and they can do complete MS exchange server sync inspite of getting the certificate warning but not Microsoft. It seems they are crucifying their own lot only.
So this is how it starts -
- ask your admin for the certificate or else go to the web exchange address and on the address tab click on the lock sign which is displayed. This is the certificate you would need for your device. Click on the lock and copy the certificate thumbprint ( assuming you know how to make it into a .cer file). Install this .cer on device root and install. go to security tab - certificates on the deicce and make sure the certificate is shown as installed in there.
I guess this would do the job. Hope this dope might help some of you.

////!!!! really i need help plzzzzz ///// windows 8 tablett

hi guys
i have a big probleme
my sister forget the password of " Asus Vivotab Smart ",can i have a tuto to do a hard reset ???
when it power on it want password
naayja said:
hi guys
i have a big probleme
my sister forget the password of " Asus Vivotab Smart ",can i have atuto to do a hard reset ???
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Did you use a microsoft account or where you/her illogical in using a local account?
If you did the sensible thing and used the microsoft account you can reset your password from another PC as long as the tablet does have a wifi connection. When you login on windows 8 if you have an internet connection it will actually connect to the internet to see if your microsoft account password has changed, enables you to use the same password across multiple machines and changing password on 1 machine updates all, also helps if you forget your password
Otherwise. If its a local account. Its your own blooming fault if you forget your own password.
SixSixSevenSeven said:
Did you use a microsoft account or where you/her illogical in using a local account?
If you did the sensible thing and used the microsoft account you can reset your password from another PC as long as the tablet does have a wifi connection. When you login on windows 8 if you have an internet connection it will actually connect to the internet to see if your microsoft account password has changed, enables you to use the same password across multiple machines and changing password on 1 machine updates all, also helps if you forget your password
Otherwise. If its a local account. Its your own blooming fault if you forget your own password.
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no no i mean the system password when it start...
naayja said:
no no i mean the system password when it start...
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That's what I mean aswell. The password you log into the computer with. When you get a windows 8 device it asks very clearly if you want to use/create a microsoft account to log in with, or if you want to make an account on that device only. And it heavily biases towards using the microsoft account (there is next to 0 reason to use local for a consumer).
If you or your sister ignored the big full screen page asking which to use, well sorry, your either gonna just have to try the password reset I linked to and hope you did select to use a microsoft account or accept that forgetting the password is a bad idea (infact I cant even work out for the life of me how one even does that). If it is the latter option, its fixable. I dont know how though. I guess booting into recovery and resetting the entire device that way would work, would restore the tablet to the state it came from the factory in so you will have to set it up and install all your software from scratch, in which case USE A MICROSOFT ACCOUNT SO THIS CANT HAPPEN AGAIN. You cant even use the app store properly with a local account, I think it lets you buy stuff but if you lose that account you lose your purchases. Whereas I have both my desktop and laptop configured with microsoft accounts, went on laptop (newer of the 2), went on store, it has all my apps listed already. The app I bought on my laptop is now installed on the desktop too without having to buy it again.
If you set a BIOS password as GoodDayToDie suggested, yeah, you better hope you remember that password because its not resettable and its not covered by manufacturers warranty, home or gadget insurance probably wont even be coerced into paying out for that.
He might have set a BIOS password... in that case, you're SOL.
Also, fix your damn thread subject.

