Looking for Student App Developers - Windows 8 General

I am looking for students (Highschool, College/University) who want to develop apps for Windows 8. Please message me for details.


School Science Fair Project

Hey guys, over the summer I began learning Java, so that I could code Android Applications. Unfortunatley, I stopped for whatever the reason(got busy I guess) but now want to get back into it.
For my very first application I would like to create an app for my school as my science fair project entry. This would be my first ever project when creating any type of mobile application. However I do have knowledge in web based programming such as PHP.
The purpose of this message is to ask any willing android developers to help me on this seemingly daunting task. Even if it's just a push into the right direction. I feel that android developing is in my future and now I know where to start.
Thanks for any consideration in regards to my topic. If you are serious about giving me some help, feel free to contact me via pm or in a response to this message.
The Android Developers site is pretty good:
Of course those tutorials assume you can already program in Java, so you might want to find yourself a good "Learn Java" type book first, so that you understand the basics before jumping in to the Android side

Android apps development for NEWBIES. No Java knownledge required !

Hi all,
I wanted just to bring to the attention of all "newbies" like me on the Android application development, that now it's possible to develop really good apps in a very short time.
I think it could be a very good start point for starting developing Android apps.
I learned about this environment by chance, just performing some google searches for starting collecting info on Android development (Eclipse, ADT, etc.etc.), just when I started to be highly bored with Java.
The good news is that "no Java" language knownledge is required since all the application develepment is done using the BASIC
For furter info about this wonderful IDE (with integrated Debugger) you can refer to the following website : www[.]basic4ppc[.]com
Well....what else to say....have a good Android app development !
If you decide, after having used the trial version, to purchase a license you can use the discount code "bhzepr" to have it with 50% off
(Important: to use the discount code you have to select the PLIMUS purchase link and insert then it in the proper field)
Using it you can have the Enterprise version at half price.
Have fun !

[Q] communication between android app and java application

Hi all,
Im new in this forum and just wanna ask for some help on where can i find a simple tutorial or a sample project of an android application that can communicate with a java application on a PC.
im thinking via wifi.. also i got some knowledge in java programming and right now im starting to learn more about android development.
some simple tutorial/samples like an android app where you have to type a message and it will show on the java application in the PC when the send button is clicked.
wakkana12 said:
Hi all,
Im new in this forum and just wanna ask for some help on where can i find a simple tutorial or a sample project of an android application that can communicate with a java application on a PC.
im thinking via wifi.. also i got some knowledge in java programming and right now im starting to learn more about android development.
some simple tutorial/samples like an android app where you have to type a message and it will show on the java application in the PC when the send button is clicked.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You probably want to check out Google App Engine and their Cloud Messaging and datastore features.
It would be better than WiFi or Bluetooth as you could be the other side of the world.....

Hiring Android Wear Developer to translate Android App

Hey XDA,
we are a new york based startup and have an existing app for android and iPhone ready to launch.
Before launching we decided to release it on all device formats now including android wear. If you
got behind the SDK and feel ready to translate a very simple messenger then please get in touch
with us and we send you all the info you need.

[Q] App development help

Hi everybody,
So, I'm volunteering at a non profit and recently I was approached with a proposal about an app for the organization which would consist of a small questionnaire to tell people if we can help them. Something like:
o Are you between the ages of
o Do you live in
o Are you unemployed
o etc. etc.
And the radio buttons would work as check marks that depending whether these are checked or not, an if then would kick in and direct the user to another page, either proceeding instructions or a sorry, you do not meet the criteria.
I'm familiar with some coding, a little fortran, java script and php but I just have no clue how to create an app. I downloaded the developing tools from google but I'm just blank. Can someone point me on the right direction or maybe there are templates of this kind that need just a little tweaking. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'd suggest you creating just a web page
I have made a demo trogper.cf/surv_demo
No, that's the easy part, I'm still fresh on client side programming. What I want is an app for android.
Eclipse or Android Studio are necessary tools to develop native java apps for Android but you should have basic java (and at least OO language) notions to code it.
Get Eclipse or Android Studio.
There are loads of tutorials on the net for basic android/java programming.
For example...
would get you started with your app.
you'll need to put www before the links, i'm new so not allowed to post links yet
If you want to simplify your life a little try NativeScript or Corona SDK.

