Blackout ICS V3 "Fully working" - Desire HD General

I just flash my Desire HD with the latest 4.0.4 Blackout ICS V3 Sense 3.6, and I found two problems:
1 - when I activate the WCDMA, the cellular network is no longer working.
2 - Tweaks Blackout puts an error: "unable to start activity"

I'm sorry to hear that mate. but for me the WCDMA is working absolutely fine. and a big thanks to the devs once again. i must say that the Blackout ICS Incredible v3.0.0 is a real must have for all DHD owners!
cheers once again guys!

Blackout tweaks run my dhd but transparent statusbar option and camera panorama mod not found

varunbhide said:
I'm sorry to hear that mate. but for me the WCDMA is working absolutely fine. and a big thanks to the devs once again. i must say that the Blackout ICS Incredible v3.0.0 is a real must have for all DHD owners!
cheers once again guys!
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Where can I get this ROM for my DHD?

Fazroid said:
Where can I get this ROM for my DHD?
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[ROM][Aug14 2012] Blackout ICS Incredible v3.0.0 FULLY WORKING!!! [4.0.4][Sense 3.6]

i hope ppl dont mind me using this post as a sounding board for the ICS Blackout incredible rom, but i have no option as i currently cannot post in the android dev thread due to lack of 10 posts
this rom is working extremely well for a daily rom, but just noticed a few issues:
1) once the default wallpaper is changed, the wallpaper ceases to scroll as you scroll through the home screens
2) Battery monitor widget reporting wrong mA differences...tried all settings in the widget to no avail...
3) could someone please tell me what rosie scroll does?
and thanks to the ICS team once again

I've been testing this ROM for 2 days now and I haven't had a bug yet. Works perfectly for me, I love it. I had been using puse ICS ROMS lately, but now I'm back to Sense, the best UI out there.

I noticed people had problems installing this rom. When I installed it, I used ARHD superwipe to fully clean out any residues and it installed perfectly. The only bugs I've found so far is that the WIFI portable hotspot did not turn on properly (not password protected) and it would not allow me to turn the WIFI back on unless I rebooted. It's ok in smoothness, not quite like ARHD 6.33 running TSF shell. I did use their blackout tweaks to smooth the rosie but again, you can see a bit of lag when it came to switching applications. They also forgot to remove HTC logging which I froze with Titanium backup.

blade1198 said:
I noticed people had problems installing this rom. When I installed it, I used ARHD superwipe to fully clean out any residues and it installed perfectly. The only bugs I've found so far is that the WIFI portable hotspot did not turn on properly (not password protected) and it would not allow me to turn the WIFI back on unless I rebooted. It's ok in smoothness, not quite like ARHD 6.33 running TSF shell. I did use their blackout tweaks to smooth the rosie but again, you can see a bit of lag when it came to switching applications. They also forgot to remove HTC logging which I froze with Titanium backup.
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Well actually I tried exactly the same approach.
Only I ended up with a black unresponsive screen right after the first "htc splash"
Gave it 5 min. Nothing whatsoever happened.
Went back to ARHD 7.0.4 without a hitch.
Dunno - the installation itself ran flawlessly :what:
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda premium

Polar67 said:
Well actually I tried exactly the same approach.
Only I ended up with a black unresponsive screen right after the first "htc splash"
Gave it 5 min. Nothing whatsoever happened.
Went back to ARHD 7.0.4 without a hitch.
Dunno - the installation itself ran flawlessly :what:
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda premium
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I also made sure when I downloaded the rom, the MD5 checksums matched. When I was downloading Virtuous Infinity, one link provided a bad MD5. I believe I waited a while before the whole rom booted but I did see the splash screen of Blackout after HTC's. This was coming from 4EXT and not Clockwork since I believe 4EXT is much better.

blade1198 said:
I also made sure when I downloaded the rom, the MD5 checksums matched. When I was downloading Virtuous Infinity, one link provided a bad MD5. I believe I waited a while before the whole rom booted but I did see the splash screen of Blackout after HTC's. This was coming from 4EXT and not Clockwork since I believe 4EXT is much better.
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Used ext4 recovery myself. MD5 checked out. Rebooted from recovery.
In short - dotted i's & crossed t's.
Would have tried again but ran out of playtime Need a working phone for a while. Will give it another go later.
Thanks for the input anyway.
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda premium

Polar67 said:
Used ext4 recovery myself. MD5 checked out. Rebooted from recovery.
In short - dotted i's & crossed t's.
Would have tried again but ran out of playtime Need a working phone for a while. Will give it another go later.
Thanks for the input anyway.
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda premium
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This may or may not help your problem. But I found this reply from one of developers interesting about a install script problem. (can't post links yet, best I can do)
Originally Posted by Totyasrac View Post
Is there any way for me (I have registered only for this purpose, otherwise I'm a pretty read only guy and mostly finding the answers otherwise) to post a question about the installation failure of this ROM?
I use 4EXT recovery, done a full wipe (have been using many versions on this and my previous devices so not a completely noob user I guess ), and installer appears to be finishing successfully - but then in the log there are two lines showing it wasn't successful after all:
"mount: failed to mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p26 at /data: Device or resource busy"
"error: file_write: write: I/O error
Installer Error (Status 1)"
Now what can the cause be?
Oh, I forgot: have checked the md5sum and was correct (I mean throughout recovery on the SD after the zip was copied to the SD...
Again: sorry but not allowed to post at the ROM's thread...
Theres a known bug in the aroma script. Youll have to select "perform a full wipe" in aroma and not tick the reboot checkbox that shows up when flashing is done. Then all should be fine
Script will be fixed in future releases. Sorry for the inconvenience

Polar67 said:
Well actually I tried exactly the same approach.
Only I ended up with a black unresponsive screen right after the first "htc splash"
Gave it 5 min. Nothing whatsoever happened.
Went back to ARHD 7.0.4 without a hitch.
Dunno - the installation itself ran flawlessly :what:
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda premium
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i'm surprised to read that so many people are facing a problem installing the rom in the way specified by the devs! i followed the exact instructions given by the dev team and it seems to work just fine. i guess that a previous post mentioned a corrupt file download from one of the earlier mirrors.
i had clockworkmod recovery installed to help me load the rom.
i just hope the dev team of blackout reads this thread too, so that less fortunate people like us also get their voices heard!

Everything is ok now. I just activated the choice gsm / wcdma, the cellular network is once again functional. Also the option of blackout tweaks, it works only from the application menu. This is the most stable of Roms in Ics and sense.
Sent from my HTC Desire HD with Tapatalk

Polar67 said:
Well actually I tried exactly the same approach.
Only I ended up with a black unresponsive screen right after the first "htc splash"
Gave it 5 min. Nothing whatsoever happened.
Went back to ARHD 7.0.4 without a hitch.
Dunno - the installation itself ran flawlessly :what:
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda premium
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I don't think you waited long enough for the first boot.

Daz555 said:
I don't think you waited long enough for the first boot.
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Hmm - Possible i guess. Thanks.
Next time i try, it´ll get ½ hour to make up it´s mind!
That has got to be enough. Will try downloading & MD5 check again.
Oh - to thread in general: I chose "sense theme" Did everyone else do differently?

anyone facing a problem logging in to adobe account through the reader app? my old e-bboks are now showing as DRM protected and i can no longer access them

Just wanted to thank everyone who worked on this rom. Everything is working great for me!

Anyone else with an Inspire on ATT with working MMS care to share their APN? I cant send or receive them.

pFrancisco said:
Just wanted to thank everyone who worked on this rom. Everything is working great for me!
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I'm sure it looks great but you will run into a lot of sluggishness/slowness. I did the following to clear up this slowness:
- go into daemon control in apps drawer
- go to the cpufreq tab at the top
- change governor to smartassV2
- hit Apply button
I tested this and it clears up the sluggishness/slowness a lot have seen with this rom. You can definitely tell if you play a mp4 video without it and then with it on. If you use the OCD tab where it has min and max wake/sleep values with smartassV2 governor, it doesn't give the best results of smoothness like the method above.
You can also use & script to set the min/max memory tweaks that the whole system keeps free. This script requires you to reboot every time a change is made. You can however use an app called Autokiller memory which does the same without rebooting your phone.
Hopefully they will fix this daemon issue along with a lot of other issues in the next build. Again, thanks to the Blackout team for a great effort.


[ROM-AOSP][BL1.2]G-Harmony Gingerbread 2.3.7 (UPDATED 3/15)

This is AOSP Gingerbread 2.3.7 built from source.
Thanks to Preludedrew and Gojimi(for all your help), Kornyone, The Cyanogenmod team, Leonnib4, roebeet, pershoot, and all the devs out there.
*YOU MUST DO A COMPLETE WIPE BEFORE FLASHING THIS ROM. If you get stuck on the "android" screen, in Clockwork, go to mounts and storage>format system and format data. Then wipe data/factory reset and wipe dalvik cache. Then reflash the Rom.
*AOSP Gingerbread 2.3.7
*Zeam Launcher
*Stock Gingerbread Launcher
*Pershoot kernel
*FLAC support
*GAPPS ARE NOW INCLUDED(Google Play Store is included)
*Power toggles in the Notification dropdown
*ICS Transitions
*Home,Menu, and Back soft keys
*Adhoc support
*Added code to support mouse pointer with bluetooth mouse from CM(untested)
*All apks were PNG optimized and are ZipAligned at boot
*ICS icons and Wallpapers
*Honeycomb Wallpapers(by GFX Android)
*Battery percentage in the notification bar
*Transparent notification pulldown
*Bluetooth HID for bluetooth keyboard, mouse and Wiimote support
*File Manager
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Know issues: Youtube HD will not play.
Awesome. i'll give this puppy a try. EVERYTHING but HD video works on this?
Downloading now, will run and let you know what I got. Thanks for the continuous work!
awesome lets see what we have here
i am interessted to flash your rom on my tablet.
my question is:
will your rom work on the hannspad sn10t1?
do i have to flash a kernel for the hannspad if its work?
you typed that youtube hd video is not working, is this just a problem on youtube or is hw accelerating not working?
Great Job on this Rom!!! It's actually buttery smooth. loaded it up for my wife before I gave her my GTablet.
Thanks to everyone that left feedback.
I hate to add useless posts that just say that I am flashing it, so I'll say I'm flashing it and then ask if there is anything that you want us to look for or to try out for you. Looks solid so far, though I got FCs on the default keyboard. I'm clearing caches and such and trying again.
Edit: that worked. I'm good now. Just wish some apps could utilize the screen size.
So I am trying to flash this rom after removing CM7. However, Its been sitting at the "Android" screen for over 30 minutes. Does this use a different partition than the usual 2048 / 0 ?
I'm sure you can leave the 2gb/0 partition in, but you should reboot into CWM and clear caches and fix permissions first. If that doesn't work, wipe data too. It should boot fine then, probably just after another cache wipe.
Kocrachon said:
So I am trying to flash this rom after removing CM7. However, Its been sitting at the "Android" screen for over 30 minutes. Does this use a different partition than the usual 2048 / 0 ?
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No it doesn't. Try wipe data/factory reset, then go to mounts and storage>format data and format system. Then reflash the ROM.
Hmm i get an incalid token response from the download link.
Hi...does it matter if I have a 1.1 bootloader? does this rom boot on 1.2? please clarify
In the title of this entire thread, says [BL1.2] so im assuming its meant torwards Bootloader 1.2, and not 1.1.
Thank you TJ for bringing something back, ive been wanting to let my younger family use the G-tab but i had nothing stable on it.
Your efforts are never overlooked. Ill report updates for other end-users, to help.
bionaraq said:
Hmm i get an incalid token response from the download link.
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Yeah I might have to use something other than dev-host. I heard about the same issue from users of my ET4G ROM.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
Jerome.Ramos said:
Hi...does it matter if I have a 1.1 bootloader? does this rom boot on 1.2? please clarify
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1.2 only
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
docsparks said:
In the title of this entire thread, says [BL1.2] so im assuming its meant torwards Bootloader 1.2, and not 1.1.
Thank you TJ for bringing something back, ive been wanting to let my younger family use the G-tab but i had nothing stable on it.
Your efforts are never overlooked. Ill report updates for other end-users, to help.
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What's up playa?? This release should be good for them. Let me know how it runs for you.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
Awesome. I am using your previous GB (after tried almost all the ROM's around here) so maybe this will be my daily driver for now on!
Is there a chance to implement USB audio host on it?
LE: Installed without format. Just clean the cache and dalvik. Some apps needed to be reinstalled from back-ups.
All works well for now. Except Zinio - it does not want to log in anymore.
Updated to this rom this morning after experimenting with the ics rom. Even used CWM 5504 to load it and very smooth. Haven't tryed overclocking it yet, but will see how that goes. Can one replace the kernel with one of Clemsyn custom ones? I like pershot, but 1.6 mhz needs to be tested. Thanks in advance.
nobe1976 said:
Updated to this rom this morning after experimenting with the ics rom. Even used CWM 5504 to load it and very smooth. Haven't tryed overclocking it yet, but will see how that goes. Can one replace the kernel with one of Clemsyn custom ones? I like pershot, but 1.6 mhz needs to be tested. Thanks in advance.
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Thanks. Yes you can switch kernels.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium

[Q] Couple of Revolution HD questions.

I recently picked up a used, rooted TF101 and I am loving it. The rom on it was a fairly unstable release of ICS and I quickly changed it to Rev.HD and it works great.
But, the previous rom had the ability to add a couple of programs to the unlock circle as well as the ability to hold the power button and reboot, reboot into recovery and power down the unit. These functions are not built into Rev. HD unless I am missing something, and that is possible. The other odd thing happens in Google Play, I do not see the whats new section for any of the apps that want to update. I could be missing something, have been using, rooting and roming my Motorola Droids for years, but ICS is a little different.
Thanks Matt
Well I can awnser your first question and indeed there is no advance power menu.
and second, I don't understand your question.
and 3, this topic is totaly wrong.
3a. if you post questions do that in the question forum
3b. this could be posted in the ARHD topic.
Please follow up these comments...
gkillerx said:
and second, I don't understand your question.
and 3, this topic is totaly wrong.
3a. if you post questions do that in the question forum
3b. this could be posted in the ARHD topic.
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I am new to this site, the banner for the general section was subtitled with "Q&A". If there is a section that is for ARHD and not for development I would be happy to post there, but I have not been here long enough to hit 10 posts so I could not post in the development section.
I will try to explain my last question better... On my phones, in GPlay, when I choose one of my installed apps to update I get several panes. One of the is titled "What's New" and it lists changes in the current version. I do not ever see this pane in ICS GPlay and I really like to review this info. On the tablet when I choose an app to upgrade it goes straight to the "accept and download" pane.
Am I doing something wrong?
You were probably on a cm9 based rom which would explain the power menu with reboot to recovery and such. Megatron is probably closer to what you are looking for.
TF101 Megatron 1.0.4 Guevor test 19.2
The first ROM you had was probably a custom ROM also.
There's two ROM i know that you can customized the lock ring to add apps. AOKP and Team EOS and both those had Power button menu.
The Play Store work a little different on tablet vs phone.
When you see an app with update avaiable, you'll see a panel with teh usual "Open, Update or Uninstall" option.
Click on the app's icon, it will take you to a page with "What's New" ect.
First of all thanks to mike1986 for his work on this ROM.
I bought the Transformer rooted and with REVOLUTION HD ROM installed (don't remember the version 2.... ). After this i updated to 3.2.1 ROM and ALL was perfect. No errors, no random reboots no incompatibility with any app that i needed.
Since I was so confident with this ROM and the quality, I decided to upgrade to the last version (3.4.2) last night. All went ok, booted to lock menu and started to continously reboot. After litle observing I disabled the Wi-Fi and no more reboots. So i started to uninstall all apps related to wi-fi that I had installed in previous ROM (Wi-Fi manager, widget, Auto airplane mode). Than again I enabled the Wi-Fi via setings menu and the reboots returned.
Now i have the transformer with ROM 3.4.2 but no Wi-Fi!!! since it is not a 3G model, this puts me in a very frustrating situation .
Does anybody know how can i solve this matter or please post a link to REVOLUTION HD ROM version 3.2.1!
Many thanks to all and I hope someone can help me with this.
Solved my wi-fi problem
What can I say.... some digging in this forum and one solution was found . Even if the original post say you should not wipe if you are coming from dev's own ROM, actualy you should wipe. I just did that and installed again ROM 3.4.2.
Now all is working as it should!
Thanks again for this to all involved
Other tips. Look for an app here at XDA although I'm not sure if it was a transformer subforum or not called Reboot to Recovery. A shortcut to it on your home screen will give you the ability to reboot to recovery of the ROM you're using didn't offer that.
Sent from my PG86100 using Xparent Purple Tapatalk 2
Good to know!
bsoplinger said:
Other tips. Look for an app here at XDA although I'm not sure if it was a transformer subforum or not called Reboot to Recovery. A shortcut to it on your home screen will give you the ability to reboot to recovery of the ROM you're using didn't offer that.
Sent from my PG86100 using Xparent Purple Tapatalk 2
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Thank you for this info. i'm stable and happy with ROM 3.4.2. for my next update i'll keep this in mind.
When I first started playing with custom roms, ARHD 3.4.2 was definitely my favorite. It has a very stock feel to it with many optimizations.
But when when I developed a better understanding of recovery and flashing roms, I switched to AOKP and its derivatives. They offer you a lot more customization options. I'm currently running Steel Droid v2 with the Harmony rev3 kernel.
Make sure to make a nandroid backup and use an app like titanium backup to keep everything safe and then experiment and find what's best for you.
ARHD is great, but I like Steel Droid sooooo much more!
Sent from my EPAD using xda app-developers app

[help req.] cant flash any rom.

Hi guys..
a wierd problem happened to me.
i am an old user....and i have fully rooted htc desire hd.
s-off...and everythng...
flashed various roms....
but suddenly, today....i downloaded 2 roms.....sabsa prime 5.0 and blackout ics 3.1....
i did everythng i do...
and roms installed perfectly....and when my phone reboots after logo comes and again it goes into recovery mode...
it never happened before??
and thn i tried to flash LC's IceCold Sandwich....which easily got problem at all....
i dont knw whats the prblm??
is it the aroma installer.??...
coz both roms used aroma.
plzzzz help anyone....
i m in complete shock...
stability_exist said:
Hi guys..
a wierd problem happened to me.
i am an old user....and i have fully rooted htc desire hd.
s-off...and everythng...
flashed various roms....
but suddenly, today....i downloaded 2 roms.....sabsa prime 5.0 and blackout ics 3.1....
i did everythng i do...
and roms installed perfectly....and when my phone reboots after logo comes and again it goes into recovery mode...
it never happened before??
and thn i tried to flash LC's IceCold Sandwich....which easily got problem at all....
i dont knw whats the prblm??
is it the aroma installer.??...
coz both roms used aroma.
plzzzz help anyone....
i m in complete shock...
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Wait, so did IceCold boot? I didn't know it used Aroma. And also, did you check md5sums?
bananagranola said:
Wait, so did IceCold boot? I didn't know it used Aroma. And also, did you check md5sums?
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Read again miss b.
Sent from a dream.
Teichopsia said:
Read again miss b.
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Wasn't sure if by "no problem at all" he meant the recovery didn't throw errors (like his Blackout) or that it booted correctly (unlike his Blackout).
bananagranola said:
Wasn't sure if by "no problem at all" he meant the recovery didn't throw errors (like his Blackout) or that it booted correctly (unlike his Blackout).
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Im waiting for one of your famous edits since I don't know what you meant.
What I meant was that icecold doesn't have aroma, he was refering to the other two. And since he nevwr said which rom didn't work, my best guess it was either a bad flash or bad download since he reflashed ice cold and everything is working.
Sent from a dream.
Teichopsia said:
Im waiting for one of your famous edits since I don't know what you meant.
What I meant was that icecold doesn't have aroma, he was refering to the other two. And since he nevwr said which rom didn't work, my best guess it was either a bad flash or bad download since he reflashed ice cold and everything is working.
Sent from a dream.
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HA. I get it now. I didn't see Sabsa in the list, so I thought when he said 2 he meant IceCold and Blackout. I need to not XDA while reading law textbooks.
I got weird results as well. I tried flashing sabsa but when it got to the aroma installer it froze and would not let me do anything. Black ice just went into a bootloop. Why can't roms just be flashed with 4ext. What the hell is aroma anyway.
Sent from my ICE COLD Inspire 4G
Aroma is an interface used in recovery (or whatever the proper name is for recovery) to choose what you want to flash, it gives you options. Most of the ones I've used are somewhat pointless (no offense to anyone).
If you want to take a look at it flash rom cleaner, no need to have sense. Just to take a look at it and you can cancel it without needing to flash it.
Sent from a dream.
Is it possible to unzip a rom and remove it then flash the rom without it. I do it with apks and was wondering is aroma is removable or are these rom systems needing it.
Sent from my ICE COLD Inspire 4G
It should be. Which rom has it and I'll take a look unless someone else can give you a quicker answer.
Sent from a dream.
OK, what I remember reading somewhere is that some people had problems with rebooting from Aroma - so when you finish process with Aroma installer (also think it is a bit pointless, too many unimportant options, on upgrade [dirty flash] you have to remember which options you ticked, etc) do NOT reboot from Aroma installer. Uncheck the tickbox for reboot and just exit to 4EXT recovery, and then reboot from recovery. Worth a try.
Teichopsia said:
It should be. Which rom has it and I'll take a look unless someone else can give you a quicker answer.
Sent from a dream.
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Sabsa or even blackout. I'm gonna look in to it myself as well. I consider aroma useless.
Sent from my ICE COLD Inspire 4G
---------- Post added at 07:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:26 AM ----------
dalanik said:
OK, what I remember reading somewhere is that some people had problems with rebooting from Aroma - so when you finish process with Aroma installer (also think it is a bit pointless, too many unimportant options, on upgrade [dirty flash] you have to remember which options you ticked, etc) do NOT reboot from Aroma installer. Uncheck the tickbox for reboot and just exit to 4EXT recovery, and then reboot from recovery. Worth a try.
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Thx but not worth the headache.
Sent from my ICE COLD Inspire 4G
do u guys think unrooting my phone going s-on again and stocking it .....
and again rooting it will solve this problem?
because i have tried unticking the reboot from aroma too
Give me a solution to execute.
stability_exist said:
do u guys think unrooting my phone going s-on again and stocking it .....
and again rooting it will solve this problem?
because i have tried unticking the reboot from aroma too
Give me a solution to execute.
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I still don't get what your problem is. Are you having problems with only those two rims? Then no.
The problem with aroma (the few I've used) is when asked if you want to install this vs. that, both show up in the rom which defeats the point of using aroma. Granted, it's probably just a script that needs to be modified as to make it work, but most of the aroma installers that have been used give more problems than the rom itself. It does look nice and will be a fantastic installer once the bugs are ironed out.
Sent from a dream.
True that
Sent from my ICE COLD Inspire 4G

Paranoid Android for SGH-I757M

New Thread
mic2012 said:
Paranoid Android for SGH-I757M thanks to Socim
PA2.99 22NOV2012 for i757m
Needs wipe data before upgrading from cm10. Sorry guys, I don't own an i757m so haven't tested it.
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Was this rom built using the paranoid android port guide?
Definitely a HUGE thanks to Socim!! The Paranoid rom is working really well on my phone. Only 1 reboot during initial setup with an up time of 45h. Very stable.
Thread needs to be retitled look at cm9 or Cm10 thread title for format. If not following proper thread title etiquette for custom roms we may get locked by mod.
Screenshots are a big + for rom thread, list of features.
List of working and non working elements of the rom with current release. Ensure this remains updated with each build.
Sent from my SGH-I757M using Tapatalk 2
I have just transferred my data to new hard disk and it cost me two days.
Hopefully new build will be uploaded later today. With new kernel config it should be highly stable, many thanks to dr4stic. My phone haven't met any reboot for 52hrs.
Socim said:
I have just transferred my data to new hard disk and it cost me two days.
Hopefully new build will be uploaded later today. With new kernel config it should be highly stable, many thanks to dr4stic. My phone haven't met any reboot for 52hrs.
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Looking forward to trying it.
Sent from my SGH-I757M using xda app-developers app
Thanks for the updated ROM Socim. Just downloading and flashing now.
Quick Q - has anyone tried the Gapps version 20121011? Goo Manager informed me an update was available and I have downloaded it, but haven't flashed it yet.
4runner10 said:
Thanks for the updated ROM Socim. Just downloading and flashing now.
Quick Q - has anyone tried the Gapps version 20121011? Goo Manager informed me an update was available and I have downloaded it, but haven't flashed it yet.
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When I had PA installed, I did the gapps update with no issues.
Sent from my SGH-I757M using xda app-developers app
I am still having some random reboot when I try to light up the screen from idle. But otherwise everything work fine and fast. ROM look amazing
Everything was great for me too... No reboots for 2 days, but what I did experience is lockups and slowdowns. I tried modifying cpu thresholds to no avail. Also had camera probs.
Really cool rom, I hope it gets support in the future to make totally stable... For now, had to revert back to 0829 cm9...stable stable land! Haha
unclephil said:
I am still having some random reboot when I try to light up the screen from idle. But otherwise everything work fine and fast. ROM look amazing
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Weird, I've never encountered that issue. I assume you did a complete clean install of the Paranoid rom? Maybe get cat log running and log the event if it happens, I hear that helps devs track down the issue. Are any specific apps running when these reboots occur?
been running this ROM for around 24 hours noticed around 4 or 5 random resets and am still having the issue with instagram and youtube controls being put in the background. Otherwise the build is quite reliable and very snappy, Thanks for the effort!
The reboot for me only occurs during screen unlock. I have remove the patern unclock and since then did not see any reboot. Will let you know tomorrow the result
Update: I got another reboot this morning without any lock active. Will try another fresh install to see

Official MIUI V5 for ME860 and MB860

Hello XDA,
(I'm posting this link here because I don't have enough posts to reply to the [ROM] MIUI v5 3.7.19 English thread.)
I was browsing the English MIUI website today and found that the Motorola Atrix 4G was listed as a supported device! :victory:
Official ROM package:
Kernel update package: or do it yourself instructions:
Basic soft keyboard: (you'll need this, or another soft keyboard APK of your choice, because this ROM does not come with a soft keyboard!)
Google Apps package: (search for "gapps core" on that page)
It's meant for the international version (ME860) but I think it should work it works on the US version (MB860) just fine.
sunaku said:
Hello XDA,
(I'm posting this link here because I don't have enough posts to reply to the [ROM] MIUI v5 3.7.19 English thread.)
I was browsing the English MIUI website today and found that the Motorola Atrix 4G was listed as a supported device! :victory:
Here is the link:
It's meant for the international version (ME860) but I think it should work on the US version (MB860) just fine.
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I'll definitely try this one out. I love MIUI.
interesting... will have to give it a try and see what works and doesn't
prince_of_darkness666 said:
interesting... will have to give it a try and see what works and doesn't
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Most of it seems to work, camera works, 1080P works on it, not sure about the Flash. Here is the status pages.
There is also an update on the updates page to 4.1.10 but I am not on WiFi. But all seems to work so far for me, I just can't figure out how to get the play store to work.
Also, it looks like it's actually for the MB not the ME.
Just a quick question since I'm a little lost. Miui is actually based on Android like CM right? So wouldn't it have the same bugs as cm 10.1? Like flash not working perfectly and stuff like that?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
prince_of_darkness666 said:
Just a quick question since I'm a little lost. Miui is actually based on Android like CM right? So wouldn't it have the same bugs as cm 10.1? Like flash not working perfectly and stuff like that?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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My Flash seems to not work, unless you auto focus, it won't trigger on it's own.
Edit, Correction, my horrible explanation of this, if Focus is set to auto in settings, it will Flash with Automatic Flash when it needs it. the Flash Seems to be extremely strong though.
Downloading now
will post results :laugh::good:
Hi guys everything apparently works fine however I am unable to install gapps so I can't actually test apps because of no playstore
i installed it and my phone started to restart every time i turn it on, i have the atrix 4g from at&t (MB860)
works but...
this rom is a hit and miss restarts a minute or so whenever I go in settings. random reboots. would not recommend for daily use. tested on at&t atrix 4g. kernel version 3.1.10 dec 11.
jammin20 said:
this rom is a hit and miss restarts a minute or so whenever I go in settings. random reboots. would not recommend for daily use. tested on at&t atrix 4g. kernel version 3.1.10 dec 11.
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hi i never had any random reboots at all it was only the gapps problem
Taking a quick look at the source code of the kernel I noticed that the gpu is overclocked at 600mhz, could that be the cause of the reboots? I haven't got any reboot yet and I'm not a kernel expert so I can't assure that...
You can find the source code of the kernel here:
Reiki21 said:
Taking a quick look at the source code of the kernel I noticed that the gpu is overclocked at 600mhz, could that be the cause of the reboots? I haven't got any reboot yet and I'm not a kernel expert so I can't assure that...
You can find the source code of the kernel here:
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Nope, GPU is at 300Mhz.
I see, my bad. Thought it was by looking at tegra2_clocks.c and tegra2_dvfs.c :|
A bit offtopic but what application are you using to see the gpu frequency?
Reiki21 said:
I see, my bad. Thought it was by looking at tegra2_clocks.c and tegra2_dvfs.c :|
A bit offtopic but what application are you using to see the gpu frequency?
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This one
I tried the 4.1.24 release of this ROM (filename: and it flashes correctly using ClockworkMod.
However, during first boot (after it optimizes 122 Android apps) it repeatedly shows the MIUI logo and pulses the LED with a red color.
Is this what is known as a "boot loop"?
Red light pulse usually means low battery. Try turning the phone off and connecting the wall charger for a few hours and then wipe and flash again
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
prince_of_darkness666 said:
Red light pulse usually means low battery. Try turning the phone off and connecting the wall charger for a few hours and then wipe and flash again
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Thanks! I tried your suggestion and the red LED does not pulse anymore. :good:
But it still gets stuck in the boot loop after "optimizing" 122 Android apps.
Update: I did "reset factory user data" in CWM and now I get past the boot loop! :highfive:
Glad to hear you got it working
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Now that MIUI was working, the next thing I needed was Google apps --- particularly the Play Store so I could install more apps.
I tried gapps packages from MIUI v5 ROM for Atrix 4G and epinter's CM 10.1 but they both had problems, such as the Play Store would force close.
Finally, I tried the gapps package from MIUI for Atrix HD (yeah, I know, it's a different phone) and it worked! :victory:

