New rom release - Acer Iconia A500

No disrespect to any other developers intended. WDS has given us an excellent JB Rom. However; for those anxiously waiting, "you know who", from site "you know where", just release their JB Rom. If you seriously have no idea what I'm talking about....PM me.
!!the RIPPSTER!!

Thread Closed
I think everybody knows where Thors site is.
His ROMs aren't hosted here for specific reasons which most people are aware of. Discussion of Thor's Roms always lead to a flaming war between users, so in the interest of keeping the peace, Thread Closed.


Lost one of our very gd chefs...

Portal Admin & Sr Moderator
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Miami
Posts: 7,823
To all,
We are closing this thread under allegations that this rom is the work of another dev, but modified to make it look like the OP's original work. This is also known as kanging a rom, for those of you unfamiliar with Android. Stealing work is against XDA's Rule #12
12. Using the work of others.
If you are developing something that is based on the work of another Member, you MUST first seek their permission, and you must give credit to the member whose work you used. If a dispute occurs about who developed / created a piece of work, first try to settle the matter by private message and NOT in open forum. If this fails then you may contact a moderator with clear evidence that the work was created by you.
Convincing evidence will result in copied work being removed. If there is no clear evidence you created the work then in the spirit of sharing all work will remain posted on the forums.
We are in the process of examining the allegations by comparing the rom in question to the alleged original work. Once we are done with our investigation (comparing files, time stamps, etc), we will update this thread with our findings, but until then, this thread and all of its links will be shut down.
Please do not spam the boards with messages of hatred towards our actions / polls or threads complaining about this or bombard us with pm / webmaster e-mail messages asking for the thread to be re-opened as they will simply be ignored (threads will be locked and / or deleted). The only people who we will entertain are the OP and any devs working closely with him on the project (this does not include beta testers or end users).
Thank you for your understanding.
XDA-Moderating Team
"As I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I fear no evil for I am the God of Death... and this is my valley"
I have ORD
HTC Blue Angel
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Firstly definitions,
An allegation (also called adduction) is a claim of a fact by a party in a pleading, which the party claims to be able to prove. Allegations remain assertions without proof, until they can be proved.
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We flame those who create new threads demanding for new features in builds..those people being rude to chefs..those who are inpatient and cant wait for updates like the rest of us.
How about admins who have no courtesy to be discrete with such allegations such as the one above? Publicly humiliating a chef who has provided us with one of the best builds and most stable android builds. I've used many droid builds and mccm's MIUI is amongst the best as well as his desire build being stable and smooth..he even carried on darkstones work just to please users like us...
If i had the chance i would have gave that admin a piece of my mind after he posted that post...because yes if you suspect him stealing go ahead close the thread and tell him there is an investigation blah blah...but why post it for everyone to see? You might as well crucify him in front of the whole world and draw on his head 'Thief"..its the same effect.
I hope XDA staff especially if your a SENIOR learn to be more aware that chefs and devs here are human's and have feelings too.


I've decided to post this regardless of the potential consequences to my membership here. To the mods, you've now closed airbus360's ICS thread despite a final warning to members that continued off-topic posts in violation of forum policy would be enforced. Despite this, instead, mods have locked the entire thread. This site has progressively become a zoo and TBH it is the fault of the site staff.
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SaneinOne said:
I've decided to post this regardless of the potential consequences to my membership here. To the mods, you've now closed airbus360's ICS thread despite a final warning to members that continued off-topic posts in violation of forum policy would be enforced. Despite this, instead, mods have locked the entire thread. This site has progressively become a zoo and TBH it is the fault of the site staff.
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Personally its idiotic posters who wreck the forum .
not saying this is an idiotic post as i dont know the subject in question .
One has only to read posts on the forum to realize its hard to be a developers forum when its full of kindergarten users .
Mods don't get paid and there are few if any volunteers from the mass of users .
codeworkx sums it up for you in one of the last posts in that thread. I believe it wasn't closed because of spam, rather an incompetent, donation requesting developer giving false hopes to the uninformed.
I fully understand this having direct experience with forum admin/mod duties on, dare I say, BlackBerry forums. Idiotic posts are specifically for site staff to manage, the continued bantering allowed in response to an individual idiotic post is a significant contributor, as is the elitist attitudes of some. That's all I'm saying (P.S. Your username seems familiar to me...).
JJEgan said:
Personally its idiotic posters who wreck the forum .
not saying this is an idiotic post as i dont know the subject in question .
One has only to read posts on the forum to realize its hard to be a developers forum when its full of kindergarten users .
Mods don't get paid and there are few if any volunteers from the mass of users .
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Crachel (site moderator) gave this warning before closing the thread.
'Wow, cifs module affects wifi? I'm more amazed everyday at this thread and the absolute nonsense being spewed from here. Your claims of what you're fixing would be in the kernel making your next "release" require source per GPL. So go ahead and upload/link that too or I'm locking this thread to put these noobs out of their misery'.
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P.S. Your not a lemming, people don't NEED to donate anything, and to be honest, no disrespect, but codeworkx now jumping in and essentially hijacking the thread I'm sure is against forum policy as well. No I'm ready to be crucified lmao.
oinkylicious said:
codeworkx sums it up for you in one of the last posts in that thread. I believe it wasn't closed because of spam, rather an incompetent, donation requesting developer giving false hopes to the uninformed.
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site staff should make it mandatory to display every users age, then we can really see how young those people are.
Did you guys really think that one lone developer would be able to pull off something the entire Hacksung team wasn't able to do (without kernel sources?)
What codeworkx did what right, IMO.
What XDA needs is more serious developers, not little kids trying to do something that's way beyond their reach. I've read nearly all the pages in that thread and it was a complete joke. I'm so glad that thread got locked.
All I saw from airbus was asking for donations, asking for other people to compile the builds, posts about failed builds and some pretty embarrasing theories as to why something wasn't working.
I'm all for this site being a learning ground for everyone who wants to develop, but there should be a special section for that. He is just not experienced enough to pull off a fully working ICS AOSP ROM for the GS2, and with that in mind, he shouldn't be allowed to pull wool over all the users' eyes.
Cool down bro .... nothings lost ! both teamhacksung and airbus are all at the same level so unless sammy can give them a proper workable build none of those guys are gonna fork out anything usable.
No one apart from sammy can fix stuff on there devices as the kernel source is still closed sourced so i would say at this point , there no use in ranting on why a ASOP or CM rom is not released or closed ! ...
I you still want to vent your anger vent at sammy for not releasing the source.
First of all, the thread was not a dev thread, it was a "dogs and cats in heat" hostage situation. 156 pages of nothing, over nothing and for nothing. While I can't comment on Airbus360's competence, he did stirred the waters by achieving a decent build of ICS - though no audio,cameras and SD. It doesn't matter how he did it- it's all part of GPL game. Saying that wifi is broken because of cifs.ko(or whatever cifs was he talking about) provided some clues for the devs.
Codeworkx said what he said, so if that's true, the work of Airbus360 can be replicated easily in a matter of minutes - given the fact that everybody coming here should have a clue about github and kernels.
What DOES matter is how people expect XDA to be a community for all.
It's open for a lot to read and here,@reading, it all should be stopped. Read, read, understand, read more and maybe, maybe then, post something, post something USEFUL. We don't pay for servers, nor we see a flood of banners here.
It's not a Sammy/HTC/ HP support forum.
2 things killing the sgs2 forum
Increasing number of:
1. n00b devs asking for donations for kanging
2. n00bs that just wont read
The culprits are getting away with it, on a daily basis.
s2d4 said:
2 things killing the sgs2 forum
Increasing number of:
1. n00b devs asking for donations for kanging
2. n00bs that just wont read
The culprits are getting away with it, on a daily basis.
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This is unfortunately true in particular your second point, the same questions being asked over and over again, even last year on the HD2 forums we had this issue but it's become much worse in 2011 and i think when newbies register they should have be given a list of FAQ's and told to search the forum for any questions they might have where the chances are they will find the answer and only if they cant then start a thread where people will help, failure to do that should result in infractions leading to bannings,it may sound harsh but i believe it would be effective.
Well I am of the mindset to simply provide a noob with a reply or information regarding their question while others choose to gang up, berate and rudely direct them to search for themselves, c'est la vie. All of this contributes to a cluttered and chaotic thread. We were all noobs once, remember that.
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This is what I was partly referring to, mods provided a final warning that infractions would be handed down to individual users, instead the entire thread was closed. Make up your minds.
jonny68 said:
This is unfortunately true in particular your second point, the same questions being asked over and over again, even last year on the HD2 forums we had this issue but it's become much worse in 2011 and i think when newbies register they should have be given a list of FAQ's and told to search the forum for any questions they might have where the chances are they will find the answer and only if they cant then start a thread where people will help, failure to do that should result in infractions leading to bannings,it may sound harsh but i believe it would be effective.
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SaneinOne said:
We were all noobs once, remember that
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Unfortunately whilst we're all indeed noobs once, some of us read and search, rather than post new threads.
I've been following airbus twitter for quite a while now and something that bothered me after some time was the numerous attempts for donations while the progress was none... saying that he needed more ram... showing his laptop going berserk while compiling... posting pictures and links of the new computer he needed... and his progress was always two steps behind cm9 while he owes me nothing and
i respect his work even though he didn't accomplished nothing new he's learning from the experience and i had some fun following him on twitter. the subliminal donation messages became very annoying after a while... and why post a dozen threads of alpha roms where none is daily material ? i don't understand it ...
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to add my opinion here, airbus never asked for a donation directly or never gave assurance that he will fix all the existing problems. Normally its the othe forum members who flooded the thread with ETA and some OT discussion. preferably the mod could have cleaned the thread instead of closing it, i feel like a growing dev is being supressed. no offense to any one, just my opinion though
SaneinOne said:
This is what I was partly referring to, mods provided a final warning that infractions would be handed down to individual users, instead the entire thread was closed. Make up your minds.
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Learn to read, even in your own thread.
sxi200 said:
Crachel (site moderator) gave this warning before closing the thread.
'Wow, cifs module affects wifi? I'm more amazed everyday at this thread and the absolute nonsense being spewed from here. Your claims of what you're fixing would be in the kernel making your next "release" require source per GPL. So go ahead and upload/link that too or I'm locking this thread to put these noobs out of their misery'.
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oinkylicious said:
codeworkx sums it up for you in one of the last posts in that thread. I believe it wasn't closed because of spam, rather an incompetent, donation requesting developer giving false hopes to the uninformed.
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WArning was given at 5.21 pm and thread closed at 6.30 pm, isnt that too short for a warning?

State of the Iconia Subforum: How can we change?

I think we need to identify what is wrong in our subforums and have someone step forward to be a new moderator. Things are getting out hand in here and its making me sorry to say this a part of XDA. Here are problems I've seen:
Stolen code (This includes Thor's GPL noncompliance and ProTekk's kanging of his kernel)
Subfactions either for or against Thor.
Useless trolling and personal attacks due to the above.
Too much useless clutter in the dev section (giggle* I'm blond and random stabs on the dark on subjects of development)
I know a lot of this is pety but this all happens far less frequent in other subforums. We are losing a sense of community and teamwork. A lot of it has returned since the ICS leaks but I think we have a lot to improve.
Keep this thread civil. No one user is the root of the problem. This isn't for blaming but finding a solution.
armada786 said:
I think we need to identify what is wrong in our subforums and have someone step forward to be a new moderator. Things are getting out hand in here and its making me sorry to say this a part of XDA. Here are problems I've seen:
Stolen code (This includes Thor's GPL noncompliance and ProTekk's kanging of his kernel)
Subfactions either for or against Thor.
Useless trolling and personal attacks due to the above.
Too much useless clutter in the dev section (giggle* I'm blond and random stabs on the dark on subjects of development)
I know a lot of this is pety but this all happens far less frequent in other subforums. We are losing a sense of community and teamwork. A lot of it has returned since the ICS leaks but I think we have a lot to improve.
Keep this thread civil. No one user is the root of the problem. This isn't for blaming but finding a solution.
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Do you not have report post button in the top right corner of every thread post . The trouble with this forum is people Complaining in public forum about what they dislike about other people.IF you feel someone is posting SO MUCH TRASH AND TROLLING . You should use the report abuse. You say this should apply to everyone But you Go out of your way to QUITE MY OLD TAG LINE.
This TYPE Of thread only adds to issues YOU ARE Complaining about.The biggest thing that causes trouble is Replying in a thread THERE IS another useless post. USE THE REPORT abuse link as im going to do Right now.Before this becomes another FLAME War. STOP QUOTING ME AS Being a issue on this FORUM.
armada786 said:
I think we need to identify what is wrong in our subforums and have someone step forward to be a new moderator. Things are getting out hand in here and its making me sorry to say this a part of XDA. Here are problems I've seen:
Stolen code (This includes Thor's GPL noncompliance and ProTekk's kanging of his kernel)
Subfactions either for or against Thor.
Useless trolling and personal attacks due to the above.
Too much useless clutter in the dev section (giggle* I'm blond and random stabs on the dark on subjects of development)
I know a lot of this is pety but this all happens far less frequent in other subforums. We are losing a sense of community and teamwork. A lot of it has returned since the ICS leaks but I think we have a lot to improve.
Keep this thread civil. No one user is the root of the problem. This isn't for blaming but finding a solution.
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You wanna see teamwork?
Look at the bootloader and ICS threads.
Or look at Vache's ROM thread for the last 100 posts. See the "Jerry Lewis" telethon.
Then post your comments. And I will thus... shoot you down. Metaphorically of course.
No offence but this thread is only a trouble maker.

[Discussion] CheckROM

Considering there is no support to anyone using CheckROM on XDA as the thread was closed. I have created this thread for people to list issues with the ROM or any themes, fixes or general ROM related problems.
I tried this once before a moment ago but it was closed by conantroutman because he is a really cool guy and obviously incredibly intelligent and knows exactly what has happened.
Originally Posted by uppon2
Under what rights did you close that thread? It was a general discussion thread for CheckROM.
General discussion means anything general. I believe you have no grounds to stand on closing that thread. Prove me wrong
First of all, this "general discussion" thread is nothing more than a thinly veiled excuse for you to rant about the fact that this particular ROM is not being updated as quickly as you would like and/or because the developers have decided to focus on a newer device over the SGSII. That is their decision, deal with it.
As for the problem with, that's a issue not an XDA-Developers issue. Take it up via the proper channels. (Hint, XDA is not the proper channel)
As I said before, if you have an issue with somebody, resolve it via PM. Due to the way you have chosen to word the OP this thread would only lead to you being flamed and we wouldn't want that now would we?.
This is a development forum, not a place for gossip and idle chit chat.
These are the grounds upon which I stand, consider yourself proven wrong.
I appreciate that you're a little miffed so here's a particularly adorable kitten to cheer you up. Have a nice day.
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You forgot to post this PM I also sent to you
Uppon2 = I don't need to contact anybody by PM by the way? Why would I need to do that. I am just laying out the truth in a general fashion. I think every man and his dog have sent them many PMs and requests for an explanation about their lies. Don't come along all high and mighty without reason dude.
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He never responded to either of my PMs even considering that is what to do first. Instead he posted it in the thread like a hero and gave me no chance to defend myself.
I was never trying to say anything else other than GadgetCheck and Leomar hyped up an unreleased ROM encouraged people to donate and took donations only to not actually do anything they said they were going to do. They have a donate button for a reason. To encourage further development (Which was already told was happening months ago) and to also give them a pat on their backs for what they have done already. I know for a fact many users donated solely on the fact there was going to be an ICS release as soon as jkay was ready and then again in June (Both times it never happened)
Now you can close this thread again, you can ban me, mute me and do anthing your powers provide. It is just solidifying my argument about CheckROM and proving that you're a macho moderator.
I am putting money on it that this thread will be closed. THERE IS NO REASON TO CLOSE IT. I'm not taking peoples money and running. Let the public speak.
I am not trying to get unbanned from I don't even care, my point was to strengthen my original argument of being mislead. And proved it I did
If you had actually read everything in my original thread you would have still closed it but you wouldn't have replied the way you did mate.
I posted this here on purpose to get the attention of certain people. I do apologise for my actions and I was a bit of a douche
If you have a problem with a moderator, take it up with the moderator committee, instead of creating a thread in a development section.

BlackIce Kangorade40

I'm starting this since I didn't see any other areas where its talked about.
Installed the rom, I just love AOKP, and its fc when I use the camera? It seems worse when I rotate it. Any suggestions?
It's talked about in the thread for the ROM in the Dev section.
Not everyone feels so entitled that they need to show their presence all over the forums with multiple threads about the same ROM
We have had this discussion before!
Let the team members decide where and what thread they want. I have no issues if a team member starts a Rom specific QnA thread.
