[HUMOUR]How To Know That U R Rooted? -Galaxy Note Edition- - Galaxy Note GT-N7000 General

I found this funny thread on many other xda forums as epic 4g and s2 forum, i thought to port this idea here and share this fun with u guys..
The idea is simple just state when will u think that someone have a rooted note.
-When u stay much time on xda forum than with ur wife
-when u update ur status in facebook to "i got bricked "
-when u waste 24 hours aday tweaking ur phone and never realy used it
-when u try to connect every single device at home to ur note then u got sad when u discovers that there is no integration between note and microwave yet, then post this request to xda .
-when after a week some brilliant xda deveolper actually released his first note-microwave integration kit
↖(^▽^)↗ Sent from Rego Galaxy Note ↖(^▽^)↗

The most funniest contributions will be posted here, so go on guys,lets have some note fun
by Eddster: when you try to convince your gf to let you root her phone rather than her.
by panyan: when a ROM update gets you more excited than your gf.
by Reynaldinho: when your girlfriend asks "who the f**k is xda and why are you always talking to her?"
by rego: when u became a robot checking google market every hour for programs updates, and never ever reads whats new or even open the program after update.
by azzledazzle: when someone at a party says “hey you have that awesome 8 mp camera phone right? Please take a pic of us” and you can only sheepishly reply “CyanogenMod doesn’t have working camera yet”
↖(^▽^)↗ Sent from Rego Galaxy Note ↖(^▽^)↗

Is it based on a true story??....lol...

You know you are rooted when someone at a party says “hey you have that awesome 8 mp camera phone right? Please take a pic of us” and you can only sheepishly reply “CyanogenMod doesn’t have working camera yet”
(Copied but oh so funny..............and true)

glevitan said:
Is it based on a true story??....lol...
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Its kind of true,i have obsession to connect my note by some way to all devices i have
↖(^▽^)↗ Sent from Rego Galaxy Note ↖(^▽^)↗

azzledazzle said:
You know you are rooted when someone at a party says “hey you have that awesome 8 mp camera phone right? Please take a pic of us” and you can only sheepishly reply “CyanogenMod doesn’t have working camera yet”
(Copied but oh so funny..............and true)
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↖(^▽^)↗ Sent from Rego Galaxy Note ↖(^▽^)↗

You know you're rooted when......................You have tegra enabled graphics on Dead Trigger !

U know u r rooted,when u buy rom manager app from market after a huge time of thinking,then descovers that it doesnot even support the note.
↖(^▽^)↗ Sent from Rego Galaxy Note ↖(^▽^)↗

eng.rego said:
U know u r rooted,when u buy rom manager app from market after a huge time of thinking,then descovers that it doesnot even support the note.
↖(^▽^)↗ Sent from Rego Galaxy Note ↖(^▽^)↗
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you know wen ur rooted..
wen u spend more time on xda dan watching porn..
wen u start downloading 700mb roms..instead of 700mb cd porn movies
wen ur download folder has more md5 checksums dan xxx clips

azzledazzle said:
You know you are rooted when someone at a party says “hey you have that awesome 8 mp camera phone right? Please take a pic of us” and you can only sheepishly reply “CyanogenMod doesn’t have working camera yet”
(Copied but oh so funny..............and true)
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+1 True story! I used the original CM9 build from Jan 2nd (that used all sorts of GB binaries and graphics blobs). Until the first Samsung ICS leaks in mid February, my Galaxy Note was with out working camera. I just brought my point and shoot everywhere with me!

There is integration with microwave.
If your flash counter is raised, and unable to reset on bricked note, put it in microwave oven for less thn 1sec, it will destroy all micro circuit n ssc never know what happened to device.
PS: this thread have title humor...
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium

You know you are rooted when one night you walk past a window of a house and see a couple having sex, you knock on the front door, the guy answers the door and says "Can I help you?", you reply "I have root too..." pointing at your crotch and then say "...can I ask her for special permissions?"

You know your rooted when a ROM update gets you more excited than your gf

panyan said:
You know your rooted when a ROM update gets you more excited than your gf
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Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium

When someone post hey I'm full stock "only rooted" heck that's not full stock then lol
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium

U know u r rooted when u became a robot checking google market every hour for programs updates, and never ever reads whats new or even open the program after update.
↖(^▽^)↗ Sent from Rego Galaxy Note ↖(^▽^)↗

You know that ur rooted when you try to convince your gf to let you root her phone rather than her
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium

eng.rego said:
U know u r rooted when u became a robot checking google market every hour for programs updates, and never ever reads whats new or even open the program after update.
↖(^▽^)↗ Sent from Rego Galaxy Note ↖(^▽^)↗
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That is so true!
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium

frozen apps
You know you are rooted when someone else with a Note says, " My screen doesn't look like yours - do we have the same phone?"
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium[/QUOTE]


Flipboard !!!!

This app is so Kool works like a charm on gnote been waiting for this app since such a long time
Sent From My Galaxy Note
Now that we know that, what do we do?
Would u like to download the app ???
Sent From My Galaxy Note
Here is the download.
Sent From My Galaxy Note
azeter said:
Here is the download.
Sent From My Galaxy Note
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[hint]If you post a letter each you could get more posts.[/hint]
Thread closed
There's already a thread for that, no need for two.


Well the title says all.. It's already out.... How to know if it has bug?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Really?.... I don't see it being released yet for GNote.
You do know that that is for S2!
darkmax1974 said:
Really?.... I don't see it being released yet for GNote.
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+1 it isnt out for the note yet, just the s2
Read better it says for note also
Remember we tweeted about Android 4.0.4 for the Galaxy SII and Galaxy Note…
Edit you are right it's for s2
Please mod close the thread
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
I have the international note on Straight talk, will I get this update even though I'm not on At$t?
vipfreak said:
I have the international note on Straight talk, will I get this update even though I'm not on At$t?
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NO different CPU and they have NFC
Oh, darn. So, the only way at this point is root and rom?
this is old touchwiz version !!!f..ck samsung!
Change the title please

How popular galaxy y is....

Hi All! Just read this article/report on gsmarena about Galaxy Y being one of
the top 10 most used
Android devices!! Yet so little support??? Really Bad..
10 most used and most sold after using it for 1 year or bored coz cant play HD Games
Maybe u can beat me in English , but im not sure that u can beat me in mandarin
I Know.! Also ace 2 is getting a jb update directly skipping ics...0_0
adityaavhad said:
I Know.! Also ace 2 is getting a jb update directly skipping ics...0_0
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u cant compare ace 2 to our sgy knowing its a mid range phone and it has better specs than our's..
Im not comparing ... Im using SGY too
Edit : i use it for calling or txt message coz SGY has an Excellent Battery Life
Maybe u can beat me in English , but im not sure that u can beat me in mandarin
Sold over15000000 galaxy y (15million)
sent from my UNLOCKED gt-s5360 using the XDA app
What are u talking about?
"Your signature has been granted superuser permissions"​
deathfalls said:
u cant compare ace 2 to our sgy knowing its a mid range phone and it has better specs than our's..
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what i really intended is that sammy is updating the android versions of even less popular phones..really this is stupid logic..
adityaavhad said:
what i really intended is that sammy is updating the android versions of even less popular phones..really this is stupid logic..
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+1 to that. There's even a rumour going around about a newer galaxy y.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
Uchooseme said:
+1 to that. There's even a rumour going around about a newer galaxy y.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
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It ain't a rumour anymore i guess..it indeed is releasing...
its popular because when it was release android phones where costly and this was the only android phone in this bugdet well i loved it earlier but now i hate it
Sent from my GT-I8160 using xda premium
DevilTechy said:
its popular because when it was release android phones where costly and this was the only android phone in this bugdet well i loved it earlier but now i hate it
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Haha..same here..my only argument(not really) will be that sammy should have provided some decent support....I've heard about value packs..wouldn't they be great for our gal y??
adityaavhad said:
Hi All! Just read this article/report on gsmarena about Galaxy Y being one of
the top 10 most used
Android devices!! Yet so little support??? Really Bad..
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If this phone is in top ten phones of SAMSUNG. Then why devs can't make Cyanogenmod or our Samsung Galaxy Y. I'm not saying to make Cyanogenmod 9 or 10. But please I need a bugles Cyanogenmod 7 ! :'( :'( :crying:
ahsan_s37 said:
If this phone is in top ten phones of SAMSUNG. Then why devs don't make Cyanogenmod or our Samsung Galaxy Y. I'm not saying to make Cyanogenmod 9 or 10. But please I need a bugles Cyanogenmod 7 ! :'( :'( :crying:
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I think you dont have a clue about what you just said. Please search and come up with an answer why devs "Don't" make ( Can't was much better) bugless cyanogen mod.
Sent from GT S5830i from Broadcom Headquarters.
Androidnow said:
I think you dont have a clue about what you just said. Please search and come up with an answer why devs "Don't" make ( Can't was much better) bugless cyanogen mod.
Sent from GT S5830i from Broadcom Headquarters.
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Done !

Spaceman Rom Discussion

So lately guys i been thinking of making a rom which i am for you guys its gonna be 4.2 based of the slimbean but i need a beta tester and some help if you want to help with beta testing or know anything about rom making pm me i mean i can do it all but i work 12 hrs a day or more so yea cant wait to release soon
Xemods said:
So lately guys i been thinking of making a rom which i am for you guys its gonna be 4.2 based of the slimbean but i need a beta tester and some help if you want to help with beta testing or know anything about rom making pm me i mean i can do it all but i work 12 hrs a day or more so yea cant wait to release soon
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For galaxy 3 aka apollo?
Sent from my GT-I5800 using xda premium
yes sir
4.2 is not out yet. Are you going to port it yourself? This is Galaxy 3 not Galaxy S3.
Xemods said:
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I5800/i5801 with jb 4.2????
Would our epic phone live up to 4.2 needs?
Sent from my GT-I5800 using xda premium
I never though someone other than Marcellusbe can port a new firmware to g3 well, let's see then
k hey do you have skype jason
Xemods said:
k hey do you have skype jason
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No, and why do you want my skype?
If u have made the rom, why don't u just release it.
It's ok if It has bugs
They can be rectified as when required.
Sent from my GT-I5800 using xda premium
looking at your signature and some of your posts, it seems like you are working for samsung galaxy s3. No offence but i am still in a confused state, is it really samsung apollo(i5800/i5801) device.
Sent from my GT-I9082 using xda premium
karipari95 said:
looking at your signature and some of your posts, it seems like you are working for samsung galaxy s3. No offence but i am still in a confused state, is it really samsung apollo(i5800/i5801) device.
Sent from my GT-I9082 using xda premium
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I thought just the same and hence asked him so many times
But his sig also says 20 other devices with 4 active so I thought maybe...
Also he mentioned slimbean and all that. ..
ok lets wait till he shares something . beta tsters are all out over this community. just share ur rom in this post so tht testers can test and tasters can taste .
Before doing anything else on this forum please make sure you have the right mobile. A galaxy 3 and not a galaxy s3. The S3 is the new expensive one with the big screen. The galaxy 3 is the small cheap one with the low resolution screen. This is the galaxy 3 forum so make sure you have a galaxy 3
Sent from my GT-I5800 using xda app-developers app
Yea i know that
Xemods said:
Yea i know that
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Now that's a really good news that you know everything... May we know some hints regarding dev progress? Are you stuck somewhere?
Sent from my GT-I5800 using xda premium
Let us see something ...... to be sure for that that is G3 Apollo
I made JB rom for our good old Galaxy 3 but now i must reach 10 posts to post it
gogozx said:
I made JB rom for our good old Galaxy 3 but now i must reach 10 posts to post it
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At least waste 5 posts here telling its features
Its cons
Sent from my GT-I5800 using Tapatalk 2

Galaxy y charging/usb position..

at afternoom my nephew just bought a brand new sgy.. but something bother me..
the battery charging/usb port location at the bottom of the handphone..
is it normal? refering to the shop his phone is original one / not copy alike..
i wonder!
sent from my GT-S5360 via WeChat
Maybe it's the new one? The one that comes with JB (S6310)
already check the version.. still same 2.3.6 gb..
sent from my GT-S5360 via WeChat
assphere said:
at afternoom my nephew just bought a brand new sgy.. but something bother me..
the battery charging/usb port location at the bottom of the handphone..
is it normal? refering to the shop his phone is original one / not copy alike..
i wonder!
sent from my GT-S5360 via WeChat
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It must be the Samsung Galaxy Y Duos S6102
adityaavhad said:
It must be the Samsung Galaxy Y Duos S6102
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no.. its gt-s5360..
i attach the ss..
not too clear.. sorry..
sent from my GT-S5360 via WeChat
here the ss..
sent from my GT-S5360 via WeChat
it's looks real for me
so,the latest release of sgy has usb & headset plug at the bottom?
Sent by a Schoolar Boy ​Question? Better go to [Help Thread] by Deadly
WHat the?
can anyone verify this?
can you install antutu benchmark then go to device info/system info and take a screenshot
assphere said:
here the ss..
sent from my GT-S5360 via WeChat
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Haha! looks like some limited edition version to me.
imma search for more such info.
Samsung copied iphone 5 ..
Sammyy u doing this.???
** rooting is new for me,
nd i am a noob to root....**
menewtoroot said:
Samsung copied iphone 5 ..
Sammyy u doing this.???
** rooting is new for me,
nd i am a noob to root....**
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Sammy was always copying!! LoL
Future RD
deathnotice01 said:
WHat the?
can anyone verify this?
can you install antutu benchmark then go to device info/system info and take a screenshot
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I'll post the ss.. but i'm at workplace right now.. will send the ss u ask once i back home around 7pm during break time.. now it 5.30pm here.. at malaysia..
I think that is clone....
Sent from my Nexus 4 Using Tapatalk 2 Xparent Blue
here we go!
the phone speaker also different place from mine..
sent from my GT-S5360 via WeChat
I never thought i say this but it's a real SGY with different port layouts,
This is quite a shocking discovery
Sent un Samsung Galaxia S Quatro LTE
It is galaxy y but u can see in the ss there is another logo just above the Samsung logo on the back.
Looks like Samsung made the modifications in the old y design
Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
Its a galaxy y.. Real.. Galaxy y .. Bt different layout...
Congrats.. Now u can brag in front of ur friends
** rooting is new for me,
nd i am a noob to root....**
I saw some philippine carriers offering galaxy y reloaded,
Maybe this is the variant
Sent un Samsung Galaxia S Quatro LTE
deathnotice01 said:
I saw some philippine carriers offering galaxy y reloaded,
Maybe this is the variant
Sent un Samsung Galaxia S Quatro LTE
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I thought the Reloaded one just had a 4GB SD card free with it
