Update Just Pushed - Acer Iconia A500

Turned on my A500 just now and the Android Is Updating popup flashed... then the counting of updated processes... all the version numbers seem to be the same... anyone else get this or have an idea what they updated?

If it's any consolation, it isn't an update. I have no idea what the issue is. But my tablet does the same thing every so often. It's as if I cleared my cache or something...

The only time I've seen that was on a reboot after a major update. Oh well, no worries.

That occurs when the Dalvik Cache has been cleared. Before ICS you would just see the boot animation the whole time that was happening, in ICS they decided to show you the process. Don't know why your Dalvik is clearing when you power down though.

cruise350 said:
That occurs when the Dalvik Cache has been cleared. Before ICS you would just see the boot animation the whole time that was happening, in ICS they decided to show you the process. Don't know why your Dalvik is clearing when you power down though.
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Perhaps the OP should format /cache and wipe the dalvik-cache using recovery? Perhaps the permissions are messed up or the partition has gone awry.

Some odd things happened yesterday- All media on the storage card acted like the card was first plugged in. Everything had to index all over again. Then other little things that pretty much confirms some cache was cleared somehow. No idea... I'm probably going to back things up and do a hard reset.


Dalvik cache wipe. Now EVERYING FC

So I did this once before and had to nand restore. I just did it again on a new install of fresh 1.1 with apps2sd and it did the same thing. Instant FC on ALL apps at boot. I'm doing this from RA menu. why is this happening?!
*I noticed the typo in title but can't fix it*
not sure what the problem is I noticed that as well.
is there a reason you want to wipe the dev cache?
I just wanted to clean up the cache just incase there were any screwy entrees... It's not really a big problem, it just makes me a little nervous...
That always happened to me whenever I tried to do that. I'm not sure how you're "supposed" to do it, but I wipe the dalvik-cache before I load a new ROM.

Cache Clearing with Every Reboot?!

Well, you know when you clear your cache and Dalvik cache and it takes a while for all your icons to come up? Well, I noticed that it has been doing this every time I reboot my phone now. Where before it would only do it when I would boot into recovery and cleared those caches. Any reason for this?!
Thanks in advance...
PS - My setup is as listed in my sig below.
akarol said:
Well, you know when you clear your cache and Dalvik cache and it takes a while for all your icons to come up? Well, I noticed that it has been doing this every time I reboot my phone now. Where before it would only do it when I would boot into recovery and cleared those caches. Any reason for this?!
Thanks in advance...
PS - My setup is as listed in my sig below.
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Any time I've ever had lag like that when the phone was booting up, was if either it was immediately syncing things when it boots up, or if i hadn't wiped dalvik and cache in a while. Usually wiping the cache's would solve the issue. Also do a battery pull. If that doesn't help, maybe change the kernel. How does the phone run otherwise, once it's all booted up? Maybe you just have a ton of apps that are all starting up when the phone is booting up, I'm not sure.

Transformer TF101 Home and lock not working

Hopefully someone has a solution for me.
This morning I switched on my TF101 and when I tried to go home from Gmail the button lit up but did nothing. I was convinced it didn't work. So I treid a few reboots and still nothing. I tried some other launchers and still nothing.
On further inspection I realised that when turning on slide unlock that also didn't work. Changing to pin, pattern or password still shows no unlock.
Are you running stock or a custom ROM?
Are you running stock recovery or a custom one?
I'd try to wipe the cache and dalvik, it fixes lots of weird software issues.
Lethe6 said:
Are you running stock or a custom ROM?
Are you running stock recovery or a custom one?
I'd try to wipe the cache and dalvik, it fixes lots of weird software issues.
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It's the stock ROM rooted with debugfs.
I know how to wipe the cache but how do I wipe the dalvik. I remember doing it once a couple of years ago on another device but for the life of me now can't remember.
I was going to try clearing the davlik with Terminal Emulator and typed "su" followed by "ls" and all it showed is "recovery". Does this mean it's somehow landed in recovery mode? If so, how do I get out of it?
I managed to clear dalvik through terminal emulator. Optimised apps and rebooted but the problem persists.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2
Reaper1242 said:
It's the stock ROM rooted with debugfs.
I know how to wipe the cache but how do I wipe the dalvik. I remember doing it once a couple of years ago on another device but for the life of me now can't remember.
I was going to try clearing the davlik with Terminal Emulator and typed "su" followed by "ls" and all it showed is "recovery". Does this mean it's somehow landed in recovery mode? If so, how do I get out of it?
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If you have CWM, go to advanced, wipe Davlik.
frederuco said:
If you have CWM, go to advanced, wipe Davlik.
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Thanks, now I remember I used CWM.
I thought I'd report back on this in case the information might help someone else down the line.
I tried the cache/davlik clear method and that did nothing for me. I stuck with it for a few days and eventually resorted to button saviour. I also realised that not only was the home button and any lock screen not working, but when using the ASUS quick settings in notifications it didn't show all settings.
This lead me to believe something in the system itself had gotten warped.
Today I did a Titanium backup, factory reset and restored all apps, data and system data. Initially it was fixed but on restart the problem casme back. I knew I'd restored whatever had caused the issue. My next step was to do another factory reset. Since it takes minutes to manually get the system back I only restored apps and data.
This time, after restore the issue was gone. So clearly the issue was in a system setting.
So for anyone else having this issue. Backup with Titanium, factory reset and only restore apps+data.

[HELP:'(]something in data/ causes ui sound not to hear

Ok so. Yesterday I was testing around some new games. When I installed a shooter game that I found Panda Mobile Security recognized it as a generic virus so I uninstalled the app just like the antivirus told me to. Then after some time playing the other games I had found I noticed that most of the UI sounds were not working.(like when i tap somewhere the usual "tick" doesn't hear or when I type my PIN in the reboot I dont hear the "tick" either. So I tried to reboot hoping that would fix it but it didn't help me at all. At last I decided to reflash my ROM without wipes and I was sure that was gonna fix that. After reflashing my ROM again, wiping cache, dalvik cache and fixing permissions nothing happened at all. Then I tried wiping only /data in CWM and wiping cache, dalvik cache and fixing permissions and thus time when I rebooted the sound was back!!!! So the "file" causing this problem is in /data. Any suggestions? Help please
I think I should also mention that the other sounds(like in games and music) is perfectly fine and I'm running CM9 4.0.4. (qisu2011 shendu mod)
NickVXD said:
Ok so. Yesterday I was testing around some new games. When I installed a shooter game that I found Panda Mobile Security recognized it as a generic virus so I uninstalled the app just like the antivirus told me to. Then after some time playing the other games I had found I noticed that most of the UI sounds were not working.(like when i tap somewhere the usual "tick" doesn't hear or when I type my PIN in the reboot I dont hear the "tick" either. So I tried to reboot hoping that would fix it but it didn't help me at all. At last I decided to reflash my ROM without wipes and I was sure that was gonna fix that. After reflashing my ROM again, wiping cache, dalvik cache and fixing permissions nothing happened at all. Then I tried wiping only /data in CWM and wiping cache, dalvik cache and fixing permissions and thus time when I rebooted the sound was back!!!! So the "file" causing this problem is in /data. Any suggestions? Help please
I think I should also mention that the other sounds(like in games and music) is perfectly fine and I'm running CM9 4.0.4. (qisu2011 shendu mod)
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Nick, just come back to GB on the good way with dload and check if that fix you sound. There are 3 options: speaker broken, speaker wet(you can fix) or corrupt ROM. So the best way is coming back to the stock version the phone cames and check, good luck friend!
Herna thanks but I fixed it.
Sent from my U8800Pro using xda premium


My settings force close and have went through cleared cash, closed apps recent, even went to safe mode and still forces close. Any ideas besides the ones you can dig offline?
I think a simple factory reset and clearing cache partitions will do. Try clearing only cache partitions first see if it works alone if not then factor reset (from recovery menu)
sarsary said:
I think a simple factory reset and clearing cache partitions will do. Try clearing only cache partitions first see if it works alone if not then factor reset (from recovery menu)[/QUOTE.
Found out at one point recently i had applied substratum theme and did a theme. Caused conflicts so i uninstalled but apps it added sometime later caused issues and locked me out. So downloadd a ram booster which let me scan for running apps and seen android symbol by the apps and removed. Walla. Thanks for help. Hate starting phone fresh after swipe or factory reset. There is an answer if ya look. Just couldnt find till now.
So note to any users clean out unused apps and attached files. They can cause issues down road!
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