Last Maps update and awful navigation voice - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Ever since the last Maps update, the navigation voice is forced to US English, no matter what Pico TTS settings I use. Also, the voice is different from the sample played from the Pico TTS settings for US English.
Has Maps now got its own rubbish speech engine? Can I override it?
It's almost unusable as it is now.


No Voice in Google Navigation

Hey, it seems that one of the things stripped out of the Blackhole rom is the voice synthesizer for Google Nav. I can't for the life of me remember where to go in the market to download this. Does anyone remember? It's annoying the hell out of me that Nav doesn't have the voice directions.
Same issue here. This probably belongs in that thread too.
Yeah, that's a good idea, I'll put that in the thread.
You Lose voice navigation if you get rid of the text-to-speech services. So check your /system/apps/ to make sure you have PicoTts.apk and TtsService.apk, if you don't have them that's the cause of your problem.
I have those apks and the voice isn't working on Google Navigation. Any other suggestions?
I had to download something from the market. I think it was google voice search.
I got my problem fixed. I deleted the SVOX folder on my SD Card.

[Q] Google Navigation Voice

The other day I was riding with a friend and he had downloaded a new voice to his navigation system. That got me wondering if I could change the voice on my phone for google navigation. Is there any way possible to change the navigation voice to anything other than english and spanish? I want to put something besides the generic voice that comes stock with the phone on it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I think SVOX TTS will change the voice.
crookshanks said:
I think SVOX TTS will change the voice.
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That's close to what I want to do, but I'm looking more like getting something like he had. He had a couple, but one was Cartman. It was hilarious listening to it, especially if you missed your turn.
Other than changing system wide TTS, I'm not sure if there's a way to change the voice. Is your friend's navigation an app for his phone or is a stand alone gps device? My Garmin and my girlfriend's TomTom both have a bunch of funny voices too. I just wasn't able to find any of those options for google nav, but it would be nice since I never break out the Garmin anymore except on long trips.
crookshanks said:
Other than changing system wide TTS, I'm not sure if there's a way to change the voice. Is your friend's navigation an app for his phone or is a stand alone gps device? My Garmin and my girlfriend's TomTom both have a bunch of funny voices too. I just wasn't able to find any of those options for google nav, but it would be nice since I never break out the Garmin anymore except on long trips.
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It was a stand alone gps. That got me wondering if I could do the same on my phone, but so far I can't find anything on how to change it.
A lot of the the stand alone GPS devices have different voices. I dug into this a while back when I first got a moto droid and wasn't able to do much with the voices. My daughter (3 months at the time) started crying every time the google voice GPS would talk
It was kind of funny but got old real quick so I just turned off the sound for GPS.
Fyi - I've not had the best of luck with the svox tts application

[Q] Android TTS quality

Not sure if this is the area to post this..
I was playing around with the new Google translate app for the iphone and TTS is remarkable compared to the robotic voice from the android translate app and the google translate website..
does the iphone just have a better TTS engine?
is there any any TTS engine anyone can recomend for the android??

O.M.G. What the heck happened to the navigation voice?

One of the things I liked best about my Note 2 was the turn by turn voice. Very nice, soothing female voice. In fact, I never used directions on Waze because the Google voice was much better. It's the same voice used on Google Now.
The Note 3, however, uses a Samsung TTS voice that is simply horrible. In fact, I'd say horrible would be a compliment. Very nasally and computer-like. What happened to the Google female voice? She's still there on Google Now, how do I get her to be there on navigation? I'd hate to think that Waze is the best I can do.
Help me, please!
TabGuy said:
One of the things I liked best about my Note 2 was the turn by turn voice. Very nice, soothing female voice. In fact, I never used directions on Waze because the Google voice was much better. It's the same voice used on Google Now.
The Note 3, however, uses a Samsung TTS voice that is simply horrible. In fact, I'd say horrible would be a compliment. Very nasally and computer-like. What happened to the Google female voice? She's still there on Google Now, how do I get her to be there on navigation? I'd hate to think that Waze is the best I can do.
Help me, please!
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go download google maps, problem solved
2swizzle said:
go download google maps, problem solved
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Google Maps are already installed. It's within Maps that I'm hearing this terrible voice. I tried uninstalling/reinstalling Google Maps. Same result, no change.
i found that if you install the "HD" version of the voice through Samsung Apps it makes it much better. you have to go to text to speech options then try install voice
TabGuy said:
One of the things I liked best about my Note 2 was the turn by turn voice. Very nice, soothing female voice. In fact, I never used directions on Waze because the Google voice was much better. It's the same voice used on Google Now.
The Note 3, however, uses a Samsung TTS voice that is simply horrible. In fact, I'd say horrible would be a compliment. Very nasally and computer-like. What happened to the Google female voice? She's still there on Google Now, how do I get her to be there on navigation? I'd hate to think that Waze is the best I can do.
Help me, please!
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install ivonna tts it free and much better that all tts-es out there. kendra is the american english version. I have tried some other languages they work nice.
Thanks for the tips, guys. I installed the HD female voice and the Ivonna American English voice. They're OK but neither one of them is anywhere near as good as the Google Now voice. Is there no way to use the Google Now voice?
TabGuy said:
Thanks for the tips, guys. I installed the HD female voice and the Ivonna American English voice. They're OK but neither one of them is anywhere near as good as the Google Now voice. Is there no way to use the Google Now voice?
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So far from what I have seen in other threads for other carriers, it will require root to install google TTS voice.

How can i definitively change the Google Maps voice? (Text-To-Speech voice engine)

Hello guys,
i've already asked this same question when i had an HTC Desire HD but nobody could help me. Maybe i'll be more lucky this time.
I hate the default Text-to-speech output voice engine of Android. In italian, it's simply embarassing. In Google Maps it can't spell basic words like "first", "second" or "exit" and it doesn't read the streets' addresses; it simply says "turn right", "turn left" without specifying in which road i should turn.
So, i've installed Ivona Text-to-speech HQ with his italian male voice "Giorgio" and i think it's great. it speaks in a good italian and in Google Maps it even read the streets' names.
But i have a problem: sometimes Google Maps uses Ivona, sometimes it uses the Android default. Sometimes it uses for all the session the default voice, sometimes it keeps switching between the 2 voices (2 sentences said by Ivona, 1 sentence said by the default etc...).
I hate it.
Is there a way i can fix this? I've even tried to freeze Pico-TTS with Titanium, but it doesn't change a thing.
Thank you in advance!
PicoTTS and GoogleTTS are two different things, try to delete both of them and just use Ivona, there is also the option to set which TTS as default in Accessibility.
eksasol said:
PicoTTS and GoogleTTS are two different things, try to delete both of them and just use Ivona, there is also the option to set which TTS as default in Accessibility.
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Thank you, I didn't understood that Pico a GoogleTTS were different things. I'll try to delete/freeze both of theme, hoping it doesn't break anything.
I've setted Ivona as default TTS in the settings, of course, but it doesn't work anyway.
sberla54 said:
Thank you, I didn't understood that Pico a GoogleTTS were different things. I'll try to delete/freeze both of theme, hoping it doesn't break anything.
I've setted Ivona as default TTS in the settings, of course, but it doesn't work anyway.
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Freezing Pico TTS and Google Text-to-speech Engine seems to work, at least in my first tests.
By the way, i also wrote to the Ivona support and that's what they answered to me. No really useful:
Unfortunately this is a Google's mechanism therefore we are not able to fix this issue. Generally the Google Navigation picks the voice with the best responsiveness and that is why Default voice i picked from time to time.
The only thing we can do is to work on the voice performance, hoping this will meet Google's voice pick mechanism.
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Uninstalling Google TTS Engine and Pico TTS seems to work.
Sometime the Google engine's voice comes back for a moment (i don't understand how this is possible), but Ivona TTS always gets preferred.
