I NEED SOMEONE'S HELP PLEASE :/ (downgrading/rooting) - myTouch 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

i am trying to downgrade my 2.3.4 mytouch 4g so i can root it, but i tried installing adb and all that. i followed every direction to the best of my ability, everything installed, drivers, sdk, avd, environmental variable etc......but when i type in the command prompt, it still says adb not recognized, blah blah blah.
i was wondering can someone please install it for me via teamviewer??????
please let me know asap

still need the help? im bored lol
edit: since i couldnt catch you on line. download this pdf tutorial. its what i used to help me through EVERYTHING

yes please.....i am wasting time and this is mind boggling, even tho i am tec savy o__o........i never wasted this much time rooting other android devices i owned

1.Go to http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html & install Android SDK.
2.Open it and select Android SDK platform-tool under Tools.Then download it.
3. Install HTC Driver.exe on your PC which came to your phone or download it from HTC website.
4.Turn on USB Debugging on your phone under Settings>Applications>Development.Then connect your phone to PC via data cable.
5.Open CMD on your PC.Then type
cd C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools & press ENTER
adb devices & press ENTER
Wait for sec & it will show your devices ID.That's all!
Source http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=928370

I got my phone rooted with s off....thanks tho
Sent from my MyTouch 4G using xda app-developers app



ok so i have done lots and lots of research on this because as it turns out you need the android sdk for just about everything.. i dont know if it is just me or im not reading sumthin correctly or i jus dont understand but i read the instructions over and over agen on how to install this dam thing and it never works.. can somebody please help me intall this?
Lot of people install it so it does work. The trick is uninstalling the windows driver and replacing it with the adb driver. I assume that's what you want to use. "Install" I think is the wrong word to use, because you don't install anything in the sdk except the driver.
cd to the path of adb.exe in the command prompt. The inital command is 'adb devices' it will show the serial number so you know the phone is detected.
i type that in the cmd and it just says list of devices attached then theres nuthin attached to it.. i read through the instructions on the android website several times and all it really tells me about getting the sdk is adding the full path to the tools\ directory path.. i did this and then what do i do after?
Did you activated "debugging" in USB-Options?
on the phone or on the pc? i have it turned on on my phone but if that is even possible to do on a pc then no i dont...

ADB Problem with HTC Magic Vodafone

Hello, I install the android SDK correctly and install all correct drivers, all correct files from the google repository, and reading on unlockr, you need to type CMD and enter a few commands, the final one being ADB devices, which is meant to bring up your device serial/id but doesnt show nothing for me, i deleted all drivers with a program, and it re-installs them, I put the phone into debug mode too, but whatever i try, i cant root my magic (32B), please help!!!!
i have followed every single guide but cant blooming root my phone!!!

[Q] ADB not recognizing, please help

Okay, I have a permarooted MT4G with S=Off, and I want to use the gfree method to unlock my SIM and get the universal CID while I'm still on the stock kernel. All of the guides I see for that push the gfree files using the ADB.
Problem: I cannot get the Android SDK to recognize my MyTouch 4g. (SEE UPDATE)
I followed this guide http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=834748 to try and set up the ADB to no avail. This is what I did:
-- Downloaded the SDK, booted it up, let it update. Booted it up again, let it update EVERYTHING (took like 30 minutes) again. It has no more updates to install.
-- I tried adding adb as an environmental variable in windows, but the command prompt, no matter where I start it from, does not recognize 'adb' as "an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file." (works now)
-- The HTC Drivers that came with my device have been installed on my computer. So, I uninstalled them, only to have windows reinstall them as soon as I plug the device in (I'm running Windows 7 x64 home edition, Build 7601).
I tried going here http://forums.t-mobile.com/t5/HTC/HOW-TO-Get-ADB-to-recognize-your-myTouch-4G/m-p/540017 and using their technique, no dice. My computer has the exact same drivers as when I started, and I have a digital paperweight of a SDK. (see update)
UPDATE: I now have a working ADB (big thanks to TrueBlue_Drew and his guide for us noobs) that recognizes my MT4G, but I have another issue:
FINAL QUESTION: Now that my MT4G is showing up in ADB, I realized I screwed up again when I discovered a "Android 1.0" item in the misc. section of my Devices window in Control Panel. It currently says that Android 1.0 needs troubleshooting and the drivers aren't working. I tried to direct windows to the usb drivers I downloaded from the both of the guides I've used, but windows wouldn't accept either one. Am I using the wrong drivers? Which ones should I tell windows to install? Should I even worry about it since adb is working? Any help on that end would VERY MUCH appreciated.
If you are using true blues method are you changing your target folder to c:\adb?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk
neidlinger said:
If you are using true blues method are you changing your target folder to c:\adb?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk
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Do you mean the target of the environmental variable? If so, then no, because the name of the folder is android-sdk-windows, making the target C:/android-sdk-windows/tools, unless I'm totally off-base, which is probably what's happening.
Still, I don't think the target is C:\adb, cause I don't have anything in the root of my C drive that's named adb
corruptsmurf said:
Do you mean the target of the environmental variable? If so, then no, because the name of the folder is android-sdk-windows, making the target C:/android-sdk-windows/tools, unless I'm totally off-base, which is probably what's happening.
Still, I don't think the target is C:\adb, cause I don't have anything in the root of my C drive that's named adb
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Is the adb.exe file in your tools folder? Also you should change the name of your SDK folder just so that its easier to type in the terminal. I made mine simply ANDROIDSDK.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Have you installed the drivers successfully? Here's what I do and it's worked on multiple computers and on both Windows 7 and XP:
- Install SDK
- Turn on USB Debugging on the phone.
- Plug the phone into the computer and let it try to install some stuff. Ignore any dialogs saying there were errors
- Mount the SD card and run the HTCDriver.exe file that came on the sd card when you got the phone.
- Unplug it from the computer and plug it in again.
- Open a command prompt and navigate to the tools subfolder of the android sdk. Run adb devices. (Even if the first time doesn't return your device's serial number, it should say that it's installing more drivers. Once that completes, adb devices should return your S/N and you should be good to go.)
So close, yet...
TJBunch1228 said:
Is the adb.exe file in your tools folder? Also you should change the name of your SDK folder just so that its easier to type in the terminal. I made mine simply ANDROIDSDK.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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Actually no, adb.exe isn't It has a .txt named "Adb has moved," not really sure how to proceed from here; I downloaded the SDK that was in the topic I linked above, and just allowed it to update. More below, and thanks for the response.
jdkoren said:
Have you installed the drivers successfully? Here's what I do and it's worked on multiple computers and on both Windows 7 and XP:
- Install SDK
- Turn on USB Debugging on the phone.
- Plug the phone into the computer and let it try to install some stuff. Ignore any dialogs saying there were errors
- Mount the SD card and run the HTCDriver.exe file that came on the sd card when you got the phone.
- Unplug it from the computer and plug it in again.
- Open a command prompt and navigate to the tools subfolder of the android sdk. Run adb devices. (Even if the first time doesn't return your device's serial number, it should say that it's installing more drivers. Once that completes, adb devices should return your S/N and you should be good to go.)
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Yeah, the problem is that my PC doesn't list any errors when I plug it in. BUT BIG NEWS, I followed the ADB for noobs guide (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=928370), and I realized, as I said above, that my adb.exe file was nowhere to be found, so I used the one from the noob guide, and it could recognize my device in ADB. BUT it could not recognize my device in fastboot, so after much frustration, I decided to uninstall the drivers and reinstall using pda.net. Whatever it did, it worked, because adb and fastboot both show my serial number under devices. Thanks to the both of you for your help.
FINAL QUESTION: Now that my MT4G is showing up in ADB, I realized I screwed up again when I discovered a "Android 1.0" item in the Misc. section of my Devices window in Control Panel. It currently says that Android 1.0 needs troubleshooting and the drivers aren't working. I tried to direct it to the usb drivers listed in the both of the guides listed above, but windows wouldn't have it. Am I using the wrong drivers? Which ones should I tell windows to install? Should I even worry about it since I can use adb anyhow? Any help on that end would VERY MUCH appreciated.

Nothing working

Well I try to root my phone i installed sdk and I did the adb but the cmd on my pc dose not see my phone all am trying to do is downgrade my phone so I can root how do I get the pc to see my phone it told me it hass adb but when I run cmd it dose not know its there plz help I really want this phone root it I been at this for the last 2 weeks
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using xda premium
explain what you did and what you do exactly. Based on which instruction.
you're computer is a Windows VP / Vista / 7?
did you reboot afgter installing?
And post the command line you have.
We will without question need to know what you tried before anyone here can help.
Also, check to see if you phone was in USB debug mode. If it was not, no matter what you try it will not work.
I try to to downgrade my phone useing cm fourm on how to doundgrade a g2 well I use the coustom usb and I put it in the sdk folder were it was suppost to go well I try to run cmd and it tells me no such thing sorry not exacly what it says but close to what it dose tell me so now what do I do I really want a rom on this
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using xda premium
First off, not to knock you, and I apologize if English isn't your first language, but you're posts are very hard to follow. Some punctuation and spelling would help immensely.
Second, you need to give us more detail. Step by step, as to what you are doing (commands entered, what error messages actually say, etc).
Third, some simple instructions are below, see if it helps:
1) Go to Start > Run (or hold the Windows Key and press R) to give you the run prompt.
See picture #1
2) At the command prompt, type in (without quotes) "cd\program files\android\android-sdk\platform-tools" NOTE: This is the path for default install for the google SDK installer with Windows 32bit. If you are running Windows 64bit I believe it is "cd\program files (x86)\android\android-sdk\platform-tools"
See picture #2
3) type in "adb" (again, minus quotes) to see the list of adb commands.
See picture #3
Hopefully you can take it from there.
Ok I have windows 7 well I download the sdk ok I was doing every thing from the cm forms well I all so did the thing with adb were on the cm forms it ask me to download the usb thing in place it in the folder were in extras sorry if miss spell I rann cumman prompt cmd it dose not see my phone that it it says here go this this in the forms look for need help that's my post to
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using xda premium
Hey mate, I'd be willing to help you if you took your time (slowed down) and worked on your posts a bit. I tried really hard to understand what you're trying to tell us and I just can't get it.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
Can any one call me in help 614 962 1447
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using xda premium
I tried to install sdk. Cm told me in their forums to install an adb in usb custom. The cmd does not recognize my phone.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using xda premium
Ok, so we will assume the SDK is installed properly. Then you open a command prompt and change the directory to the directory you installed the SDK using the "cd" command. From there you type "adb devices" and what is displayed on the command prompt?
We need to take this one step at a time. Everyone wants to help, but we need to be able to understand what is going on.
Can some one call me and help me plz 614 962 1447
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using xda premium
Ok now the pc that my phone adb ok but when I put in adb divice cmd dose not see it and what's with this run thing all I do in my pc is run search for cmd
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using xda premium
I think I understand what you are saying. So, you search for cmd in windows and then click on it to open. Once you do that you enter "adb devices" correct? Do you enter any other commands before "adb devices?" Also, have you gone to settings/apps/development and clicked Enable USB Debug on your phone?
I doubt you will find anyone willing to call you, but if you can clearly tell us what is going on; you will find help here.
Yes you are right I did adb devices but no other commainds but it tells me no external devices and some other stuff it says
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using xda premium
And debuging good on my phone and sdk is on windows and under device manger it tells me my phone adb
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using xda premium
This could be your problem. Before you enter "adb devices" you need to change the directory to where you installed the SDK. So, open a command prompt, enter "cd [directory where you installed the SDK]." Once the directory is changed enter "adb devices."
As for the location of the SDK, if you installed it to the hard drive it would be: C:\android-sdk\platform-tools. So you would enter "cd c:\android-sdk\platform-tools."
Try that and let us know what happens.
when I put this in cmd c:\program files (x86)\android\android-sdk\platform-tools it tells me file name derectory name or volume label syntax is incorrect
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using xda premium
When I run cmd in put adb devices it tells me the system can not find the path specified
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using xda premium
Can I plz get help
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using xda premium
ok, these are not the recommended ways of gaining root, but your knowledge seems to be not good enough for the usual guides... (you are sure you want to root?)
here is one tool:
or contact this guy:
good luck (or ask for a remote session - i dont have time for this right now)

[GUIDE] Workaround for attaining S-OFF (for Windows 8.1. users)

For those on Windows 8.1 who have just about given up trying to get S-OFF...
For reference I have an ATT HTC One, but showing in bootloader as m7ul (didn't seem to make a difference to any downloads/steps anyway so meh)....
hboot = 1.44
S-ON (hence the inability to install the new GPE 4.4 ROMs)...
So I have tried every single fix imaginable on these forums and the Internet in general... absolutely nothing has worked... trust me....
I then seen a comment from someone mentioning using Ubuntu to do it... I thought... no way, I'm not bothering, all that effort, and it'll still fail... well tell you what, via various forums, sites, fixes etc (lol) I got there in the end.
hboot 1.44 (I haven't tested newer versions... assume you're looking here really because you had the same problems as me - test with other hboot versions at your own risk I guess)
Not sure if the version of Rom you are currently on matters, I was on 4.3 Google edition (Eragon V14), so don't ask me which to be on
Let's do the following:
1) Download Windows Ubuntu from here:
Click "Get the Installer"
Download and save the .exe to wherever you want
2) Right click the .exe and create shortcut
3) Change the target of the shortcut (right click --> Properties) to end with the following: \wubi.exe --32bit
4) Run the installer, and just go with any defaults
5) Once rebooted in to Ubuntu we are going to download and install fastboot and adb
6) Click the Windows key, type "Terminal" and hit RETURN
7) type the following at the "command" prompt: (do not type [RETURN] <-- lol)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8 [RETURN]
sudo apt-get update [RETURN]
sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot [RETURN]
When prompted, enter the password you set up when you installed Ubuntu in the first place.
8) To confirm Fastboot now works (yes... it was that easy)
Boot your phone in to Fastboot (hold VOL DWN + Power --> Fastboot)
Connect up the phone to USB
In the terminal, type the following then press RETURN
sudo fastboot devices
You should see your device serial, confirming it is recognised by Fastboot ----
9) Now to download Rumrunner -- get the archive from the following location:
Open the download (rather than save), and extract all files to the Home/Download folder (you can just click and drag them over)
10) Now, we need to allow the "soju" file to be executed
Right click the extracted file "soju" --> go to Properties --> Permissions tab --> Tick "allow executing file as program"
Almost there.....
11) Boot the phone back up and enable USB Debugging via Developer Options
Also change display timeout to 10mins, and set screen security to None
12) Disable Fastboot where applicable (Settings --> Power --> Fast boot)
13) Now to run the Rumrunner application....
Again, within the terminal, type the following:
cd Downloads [RETURN]
(if this doesn't work, you need to navigate to the folder you extracted the "soju" file to, so the cd (change directory) DOS command works fine here)
Now type the following (once you are in the same location as "soju")
sudo ./soju
If you are ready (definitely) to start the process, now press RETURN.
14) You will be asked twice to type "Yes" exactly as displayed followed by RETURN to confirm, please do not type Yes to the warnings that will come up periodically after the script starts (if you give them a moment, you will see them continue without any input from yourself)
15) Sit back... and wait for it to complete. The process took about 20mins in total to complete on my phone... and I've now got S-OFF. If you keep getting prompted for what to do with your phone being plugged in - just press cancel to the prompts.
p.s. if this worked - please press THANKS :good:
If anyone needs any clarification, let me know, I will try and respond as soon as possible (if others could help - that would be appreciated too)
Registered here just so I could say you are awesome! Your guide worked for me after literally months of trying to get s-off for my AT&T HTC One hboot 1.55.
A couple things I had to do differently:
1. I used a ISO image of Ubuntu 12.04.3 32 bit burned to a dvd and just booted off it to the option to try Ubuntu without installing. I could not get your link to work with my Windows 7 installation.
2. Since I was not actually booting from my hard drive but rather a read only DVD, I had to do some improvising for the extracting of the rumrunner files. I put them on the desktop, but then had to search a bit to find them in order to run the soju file in terminal.
Again, thank you!
EM101 said:
Registered here just so I could say you are awesome! Your guide worked for me after literally months of trying to get s-off for my AT&T HTC One hboot 1.55.
A couple things I had to do differently:
1. I used a ISO image of Ubuntu 12.04.3 32 bit burned to a dvd and just booted off it to the option to try Ubuntu without installing. I could not get your link to work with my Windows 7 installation.
2. Since I was not actually booting from my hard drive but rather a read only DVD, I had to do some improvising for the extracting of the rumrunner files. I put them on the desktop, but then had to search a bit to find them in order to run the soju file in terminal.
Again, thank you!
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whats yer firmware fella?
painnpleasure said:
whats yer firmware fella?
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It was 3.17.502.3 but since I achieved s-off I am now a "converted to Google Edition" with firmware 3.62.1700.1.
EM101 said:
It was 3.17.502.3 but since I achieved s-off I am now a "converted to Google Edition" with firmware 3.62.1700.1.
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Ok thnx fella.im on and having difficulties running rumrunners.ill give it another go then. I want to get to go Google edition aswel.
sudo ./soju
I get err command not found!!
help plz should I be using the linux?
No prob I gut it :laugh:
skythunder83 said:
sudo ./soju
I get err command not found!!
help plz should I be using the linux?
No prob I gut it :laugh:
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Use the ls command to see what is in the directory you are in. Use the cd command to change directories. Keep searching til you find the directory where you put the soju file. Good luck.
Does my HTC One still have to be unlocked from HTC-Dev? Thank you in advance.
EM101 said:
Registered here just so I could say you are awesome! Your guide worked for me after literally months of trying to get s-off for my AT&T HTC One hboot 1.55.
A couple things I had to do differently:
1. I used a ISO image of Ubuntu 12.04.3 32 bit burned to a dvd and just booted off it to the option to try Ubuntu without installing. I could not get your link to work with my Windows 7 installation.
2. Since I was not actually booting from my hard drive but rather a read only DVD, I had to do some improvising for the extracting of the rumrunner files. I put them on the desktop, but then had to search a bit to find them in order to run the soju file in terminal.
Again, thank you!
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Glad to hear buddy. I also spent a considerable amount of time trying to find a solution to this and had just about given up.
Thanks for providing some additional notes on your steps too, might help someone else get theirs working too.
Sent from my One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
alessiomoro1994 said:
Does my HTC One still have to be unlocked from HTC-Dev? Thank you in advance.
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By whatever means, you will need to initially be rooted. Unlocking via HTC Dev was how I got root.
Ironically this also (at the time, not sure if it's changed) doesn't work in Windows 8.1 lol and I had to root my phone using my parents laptop with Windows 7 installed.
They then upgraded to 8,1 so I couldn't use it to get S-OFF later on.
Sent from my One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I finally got s-off on my att htc one. Was pretty much trying the same thing as OP stated here, but had some difficulties with other things.
1. OP's instructions didn't work for latest ubuntu (13.10)
2. Had linux mint installed on my pc, but it was 64bit.. tried quite a bit to get it working there (adb and fastboot work), but rumrunner was not happy with 64bit
3. Finally tried it on Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS 32 bit and everything was smooth with it
One other thing to note.. I used live USB instead of installing ubuntu on my pc. had no issues, but had to use a bit older version of ubuntu and 32 bit (even tho my pc has 16Gigs of memory)
Don't know what's different, but Rumrunner worked for me - hboot 1.56, ARHD 41.0 and Windows 8.1
I'm using crouton install of Ubuntu on my chromebook and after trying to install adb and fastboot I get:
E: Unable to locate package android-tools-adb
E: Unable to locate package android-tools-fastboot
Any ideas guys? I really want s-off! Any help would be appreciated!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
roose21 said:
I'm using crouton install of Ubuntu on my chromebook and after trying to install adb and fastboot I get:
E: Unable to locate package android-tools-adb
E: Unable to locate package android-tools-fastboot
Any ideas guys? I really want s-off! Any help would be appreciated!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Sounds like the location of those packages has changed? Unless the reason it isn't working is because of the version of Ubuntu you're on. Hmm.
Sent from my One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Try this:
Sent from my One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
My computer finally can recognize my phone in fastboot mode. Thanks !
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
punisher195 said:
My computer finally can recognize my phone in fastboot mode. Thanks !
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
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Use the "thanks" button and rate the thread then
Sent from my One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
