I was searching the web for unlocked GSM Nexus' when I stumbled upon two unlocked phones from I/O. When you consider shipping and tax from Google you probably end up paying around $400, even with the $349 base price. It's a really good deal. If I wasn't under contract w/ VZW I would get one.
Mods I'm not spamming. If I had gone to I/O I would've kept my Nexus.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
These are auction style listing and aren't "deals".
mbh87 said:
These are auction style listing and aren't "deals".
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Not to mention one of them was a zero feedback seller.
Since everyone is so negative, I'll still give you a thanks bc I wasn't looking for the Nexus 7 or Galaxy Nexus but I do want a Chromebox.
I looked today and my HTC One S is currently going for around £200 on auction sites. Considering the massive spec difference someone would get by spending an extra £70 and picking up a brand new Nexus 4 do you think the second hand market will be affected by it's release?
I know that if I had £200 to spend I wouldn't be looking at second hand flagship phones from other manufacturers unless they were way cheaper.
roakes said:
I looked today and my HTC One S is currently going for around £200 on auction sites. Considering the massive spec difference someone would get by spending an extra £70 and picking up a brand new Nexus 4 do you think the second hand market will be affected by it's release?
I know that if I had £200 to spend I wouldn't be looking at second hand flagship phones from other manufacturers unless they were way cheaper.
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That depends on how many Nexus 4 sells worldwide. Generally Nexus devices are not as popular as the OEM flagships and google also does not push for more sales with huge marketing campaigns. That said, I believe Nexus 4 will sell much better that it's predecessors and it will have only a slight impact on the price of other phones.
Imo only in the play store markets. In other countries no, because its price will be the same as the other flagships.
Hopefully. I'm taking both Galaxy Nexus and (hopefully, if nothing major screws up) Nexus 4 back to China in December. I'm hoping to get some decent money out of my Galaxy Nexus.
vpraveenis said:
That depends on how many Nexus 4 sells worldwide. Generally Nexus devices are not as popular as the OEM flagships and google also does not push for more sales with huge marketing campaigns. That said, I believe Nexus 4 will sell much better that it's predecessors and it will have only a slight impact on the price of other phones.
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Google did a pretty good job advertising the Nexus 7. I read an article somewhere that Google & ASUS were selling over 1,000,000 N7 tablets a month.
The Galaxy S3 at Best Buy went to $250 trade in down from $300 last week.
But Best Buy had a sale on the S3 last week. Plus prices drop all the time. No real reason.
I put my Gnex on eBay as soon as I saw the price of the N4. I figured that as soon as news of the N4 prices filtered down to used Gnex buyers, then it would depress the price of the phone.
The jury is still out whether it will affect non Nexus phone prices in the short term, but I'm sure that top end phones will become far cheaper over time because of this move.
So, my Gnex has now gone, and I'm back on my old Desire, at first I thought I'd gone back to the stone age, but a decent Miui based ROM sorted that out...to an extent.
Since it's currently Google Play only that have those prices, i doubt it will have any real effect on prices in general
It's sad, i was hoping we could get back to the day where iPhone was the "only smartphone" and Android was trying to gain market share, back then the prices for android highend smartphones were around 400€.
But as Android gained popularity it started jumping up to 500€, and now 600€.
It's no secret that the phones themselves cost around 200$ to make, so i'm really hoping that someone will still taking notice to Google's Prices, especially as they start expanding across europe.
As the title says, I was wondering how much the Nexus 4 would cost if I traded in my Nexus S at any store in Australia that would sell this beast.
The Nexus 4 that I want is the 16GB version which will be $400 in Australia, but could anyone give a rough estimate of the Nexus 4 price if I traded in my Nexus S for it?
Sent from my location using xda premium
Places actually trade phones here? Never noticed that... Anywho, if they did, I'd really doubt they'd give you too much off considering it's trade-in (my guess is as good as yours but don't expect any more than what you'd get by selling the Galaxy Nexus yourself). I mean take a look at game consoles, they have horrid trade-in deals and just aren't worth it unless it's really just collecting dust.
If you sold it yourself, you could probably sell one $200-$250 at the moment depending on how quickly you want it to sell. Maybe use that for an estimate on the trade-in price.
Unlawful said:
Places actually trade phones here? Never noticed that... Anywho, if they did, I'd really doubt they'd give you too much off considering it's trade-in (my guess is as good as yours but don't expect any more than what you'd get by selling the Galaxy Nexus yourself). I mean take a look at game consoles, they have horrid trade-in deals and just aren't worth it unless it's really just collecting dust.
If you sold it yourself, you could probably sell one $200-$250 at the moment depending on how quickly you want it to sell. Maybe use that for an estimate on the trade-in price.
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I agree to this previous post, I don't live in Australia but for us, european citizens, problematic is the same.
Google will sell the Nexus 4 for €350 including tax + approximately €10 S&H.
Some distributors are on this price, they are buying a new...new..new Nexus S without any defects €63.
Today, an average Nexus S can be sold around €150, €180 maximum.
Well for me, that's a fair price considering I'll get a lot of money for Christmas (Minimum $200) and that money + trading in Nexus S = barely any of my own money for the Nexus 4. And I know some stores that trade, otherwise, selling my Nexus S would be another option.
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
Hopefully it's not like an EB Games trade-in and you get $5 off the price of the Nexus 4 when you trade in six old phones and a bunch of accessories with it, too! Haha. Which store would you go to to trade it in, though? I can't think of any stores in Australia that would let me trade in my older phone for a better price on a newer one. I think Mobicity do it but they are just an online store.
My first choice is JB Hi-Fi, and because they have the SGS 3 and Nexus 7, the chances are that they'll sell the Nexus 4. If they don't do trades, I might still buy it but $400 is pretty expensive for me. I was wishing that it would be $350 like it is in America, but Australia almost always gets a more expensive price
My second choice would be at my local shopping centre and keep searching until I find the right store. If I can't find a single store that sells the Nexus 4 and accepts trades, I'll just sell my Nexus S.
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
Mighty Arceus493 said:
My first choice is JB Hi-Fi, and because they have the SGS 3 and Nexus 7, the chances are that they'll sell the Nexus 4. If they don't do trades, I might still buy it but $400 is pretty expensive for me. I was wishing that it would be $350 like it is in America, but Australia almost always gets a more expensive price
My second choice would be at my local shopping centre and keep searching until I find the right store. If I can't find a single store that sells the Nexus 4 and accepts trades, I'll just sell my Nexus S.
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
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I don't believe JB do trade-ins for phones (I know they do for games). And about the price thing, it's really not that much more compared to America. We have GST included in the shown price whereas they don't so you have to add their state tax (not sure on the percentage but it comes out to be pretty close).
Hmmm... I might ask JB Hi-Fi about the Nexus 4 price :/
Then my other two options are:
1. Sell my Nexus S
2. See if JB Hi-Fi (Or any other store) can do any offers
Mighty Arceus493 said:
Hmmm... I might ask JB Hi-Fi about the Nexus 4 price :/
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The price should be about the same every (~$400 for the 16GB version and ~$350 for the 8GB one). Anywho, good luck!
With used N7100s selling for over $600 on Ebay and a dearth of them on the closing marketplace here, I think it will be awhile for prices to drop into the $500-$550 range. I pulled the trigger on one. New Egg has a 30 day return policy and ships quickly. I buy all my PC building parts from them.
Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100 Titanium Gray 3G Unlocked Cell Phone w/ 5.5" Super AMOLED Touch Screen / Bluetooth 4.0
$30 off w/ promo code EMCYTZT2557, ends 11/27
And then you go to pay, and they say the device may be manually unlocked with scratches...
I didn't order, and bought for 550$ from eBay.
DubelBoom said:
And then you go to pay, and they say the device may be manually unlocked with scratches...
I didn't order, and bought for 550$ from eBay.
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The N7100 does not have to be "manually unlocked"
That is for US carrier phones that need to be PHYSICALLY unlocked! LOL Its a disclaimer that does not apply to already factory unlocked phones. and with a 14 day no questions asked return policy, there is not much risk taking here. NewEgg is a very reputable online store.
The only phone on Ebay for $550 was or is a used white one missing accessories. I did not see any new devices selling for $550. I would have bought it if it was a US company.
ALL unlocked phone sellers should have that disclaimer.
There was a black friday deal on ebay for a BRAND NEW Galaxy Note 2. for $550. They sold 1,000.
see if this link works for you, its an expired listing now. but u might still be able to view it.
I think newegg.com extended the sale to 11/27/2012
I purchased mine from Newegg, beginning of November when they had it on sale for $589. It was brand new in the box and runs SWEET!
Noodile said:
There was a black friday deal on ebay for a BRAND NEW Galaxy Note 2. for $550. They sold 1,000.
see if this link works for you, its an expired listing now. but u might still be able to view it.
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Very nice...Missed that one by a mile.
tbong777 said:
Very nice...Missed that one by a mile.
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Chances are that there will be another for Christmas.
Sent from my SGH-T889V using xda premium
I jumped on the $49 with rebate Tmobile deal. TMobile screwed up soooo badly that online orders got canceled and my phone order didn't get processed till after the deal was closed in their system. So as result they manually gave the deal, $49 and I do not have to do the mail in rebate. So not bad, I can get the phone for $49 + $200 etf + $63 for the month of service. Wish I had ordered 3 more.
sauron0101 said:
Chances are that there will be another for Christmas.
Sent from my SGH-T889V using xda premium
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I am sure and in January maybe $500 LOL At some point I had to jump. Anything less than used pricing was good enough. $550 would have been great. But My Note is on Ebay now and that would be worth less as the Note II goes down so it's a wash going forward. But yeah $550 would have been sweet considering the used ones are selling for new prices on Ebay. Crazy! I am curious what my blemished Note will bring. Its at $290 I had a BIN price pf $350 with 32GB SD Card. But that's gone with the first bid. 5 day auction so it won't be active until later this week.
So, I'm assuming a large number of you will buy the Nexus 5 when it comes out. My question is this: How much do you plan to ask for your Nexus 4, assuming you plan to sell it. Do you think the fact that the Nexus 4 is sold out and obsolete will have any impact on your asking price, or more importantly, on the price a buyer agrees to?
wvcadle said:
So, I'm assuming a large number of you will buy the Nexus 5 when it comes out. My question is this: How much do you plan to ask for your Nexus 4, assuming you plan to sell it. Do you think the fact that the Nexus 4 is sold out and obsolete will have any impact on your asking price, or more importantly, on the price a buyer agrees to?
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Depends , I would shoot to sell at 200-300$
The gsm gnex still goes for 200-250 so....
Sent from my Nexus 4 [[email protected] GHz] on [PSX v7.1 4.3]
Well here in India, it is still available at Local Shops, I bought the phone with Indian warranty just a month back for 418$ 16gb. I will atleast try to get 350$+ with it's 11 month warranty still left.
wvcadle said:
So, I'm assuming a large number of you will buy the Nexus 5 when it comes out. My question is this: How much do you plan to ask for your Nexus 4, assuming you plan to sell it. Do you think the fact that the Nexus 4 is sold out and obsolete will have any impact on your asking price, or more importantly, on the price a buyer agrees to?
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Check out sites such as eBay, Craigslist etc. to get an idea of what to sell the N4 for. Also keep in mind that the condition, accessories (box, original charger etc) and GB version, possibly even color (white or black version) all increase/decrease value.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
They are still available here brand new, I just upgraded to one for free but they are selling for $300 unlocked with a plan (no contract though).
So I doubt you could get much over $250 with the way people are around here. That's Canadian $$ too lol
I will ask $224.67. I will get $213.92.
As an example, I sold my GNex for €150, I could probably sell my N4 for €250.
Then again, I just got it, so I wont
I asked to trade in my Nexus 4 at one of my local shops and they said they can't take it because apparently the serial number sticker is not there. I didn't think it was in important at all. Just peeled it off when it faded. Does that mean you can never resale without that back sticker. That can't be a reason to order a replacement surely.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
$200-250 will probably be the market value in the USA once the N5 comes out. What other phones with similar specs and popularity are there? The closest competition are used Galaxy S3s (which I think is inferior to the N4).
Edit: I posted the below deal this morning but it was pointed out in the replies that an even steeper Nexus 6 discount was announced today (see Phandroid link below). The 32 GB Nexus 6 is now available for $500 from Best Buy and also the Google Store (64 GB for $550).
I wish to highlight a Nexus 6 deal which I could not find listed anywhere else on XDA Dev or by Google search. The unlocked Nexus 6 is available for $550 at Best Buy. To obtain it at this price, one simply needs to ask in store for the unlocked Nexus 6 and then ask for a price match against T-mobile's online store, where the phone is currently on sale for $549.84. I also called Best Buy customer service and was informed by a representative that this price match should apply in all stores and to any purchases made from the Best Buy online store.
I can confirm this approach can work, since I was able to obtain a Nexus 6 for $549.84 in store from a Best Buy store this last weekend. However, I also found a Best Buy forum post where it was claimed that the price match was initially not honored (unfortunately I cannot include the link since I am a new member). Therefore, the ease of this approach may vary according to the representative one encounters.
As an additional note, T-mobile starter kits, which include a nano SIM, are currently on sale at Best Buy for $5. Thus one can set up an unlocked Nexus 6 on T mobile for ~$555 plus tax.
I apologize if I posted this thread in the wrong place or duplicated a pre existing thread. I will monitor the thread and delete/repost if necessary.
Is there any advantage (Other than the price right now) to buying the unlocked version -vs- the carrier specific one?
jimi_pooh said:
Is there any advantage (Other than the price right now) to buying the unlocked version -vs- the carrier specific one?
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The ATT and Verizon are locked to their respective carrier. However once you have them paid off for the device you can get it unloved to work on other carriers.
The hard was is all the same.
shamelin73 said:
The ATT and Verizon are locked to their respective carrier. However once you have them paid off for the device you can get it unloved to work on other carriers.
The hard was is all the same.
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Thanks. I'm thinking of getting one but I currently have the Note 3 on ATT and they use diff sim cards. I was going to simply pop mine in. Seems like I have to get a nano sim and add another line. I hate that the carriers have us by the sacs.
jimi_pooh said:
Thanks. I'm thinking of getting one but I currently have the Note 3 on ATT and they use diff sim cards. I was going to simply pop mine in. Seems like I have to get a nano sim and add another line. I hate that the carriers have us by the sacs.
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If you get one you don't have to add a line just have AT&T switch Sims and phone.
You would have to buy out right. With the T-Mobile $100 off deal is a great way to save some money. Best Buy will match the price.
Also Best Buy is selling the 64gb version for $550 not the 32gb Verizon and AT&T sells.
No need for price match anymore.
manup456 said:
Also Best Buy is selling the 64gb version for $550 not the 32gb Verizon and AT&T sells.
No need for price match anymore.
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Thanks, I just saw that too! Google says that TMO doesn't price match, but I'm still in my 14 day window for the one I bought from them. Has anyone had any luck getting them to price match, or at least allow a return without their restocking fee?
Just returned mine back to BB and bought new saved another $50 bucks and ended up buying a 60'' LED for $450