A Bye-Bye thread :D - Blade General

I'm moving on to a Galaxy SII from Blade as I got a nice trade opportunity.
I've had my best learning of android during these 5-6 months that I've had the Blade. I might not even be very active on Xda as the GSII has all the awesome features built-in. I want to give a BIG thanks to everybody in the Blade Forum! The blade was a FABULOUS device. I also thank all ROM devs (Wbaw, Sej, Tilal, burgerz, and many more) and the ppl who helped me out (QuantumFoam, karthiknr, jj_95nano, prbassplayer-MOD...)
Thank you!!!!!
Cheers to all!!

IceCreamSandwich4.0 said:
I'm moving on to a Galaxy SII from Blade as I got a nice trade opportunity.
I've had my best learning of android during these 5-6 months that I've had the Blade. I might not even be very active on Xda as the GSII has all the awesome features built-in. I want to give a BIG thanks to everybody in the Blade Forum! The blade was a FABULOUS device. I also thank all ROM devs (Wbaw, Sej, Tilal, burgerz, and many more) and the ppl who helped me out (QuantumFoam, karthiknr, jj_95nano, prbassplayer-MOD...)
Thank you!!!!!
Cheers to all!!
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Cheers mate. Have fun with ur gs2
PS : if u do decide to root, I suggest Resurrection Remix and the new Siyah Kernel

we will miss you, anyway good luck and have fun!

QuantumFoam said:
Cheers mate. Have fun with ur gs2
PS : if u do decide to root, I suggest Resurrection Remix and the new Siyah Kernel
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Cheers, but as of now I'll never root it. But you know what happens later ... LOL
MrKiller2010 said:
we will miss you, anyway good luck and have fun!
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Thanks, I will!

IceCreamSandwich4.0 said:
Cheers, but as of now I'll never root it. But you know what happens later ... LOL
Thanks, I will!
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Not with u. You still have ur unrooted One V

QuantumFoam said:
Not with u. You still have ur unrooted One V
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That's my mom's, so I can't do anything abt it...

IceCreamSandwich4.0 said:
That's my mom's, so I can't do anything abt it...
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Oh ok. So when u getting the GS2

Edit:Got my GSII!!! No more blade & iPod... :crying:


Touchwiz 4

hey guys i will port touchwiz 4 on our galaxy 3
but i dont know what is to do??
can some one tell me that
my regards
Great mate you hav time for this but not for ur ROM... i downloaded it and encountered many errors in the ODIN while flashing!!!
no need to! im doing (trying to do) this
niteshtak said:
Great mate you hav time for this but not for ur ROM... i downloaded it and encountered many errors in the ODIN while flashing!!!
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Sorry but he can decide whatever he wants to do, and if you have a problem with his ROM why not just ditch it and flash another one?
niteshtak said:
Great mate you hav time for this but not for ur ROM... i downloaded it and encountered many errors in the ODIN while flashing!!!
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it will fixed in 1 or 2 days
Dude who asked u...u his lawyer or somethin ...just mind ur own buiz and stop fkin with ppl on every forum !!!
Thom47 said:
Sorry but he can decide whatever he wants to do, and if you have a problem with his ROM why not just ditch it and flash another one?
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Dude who asked u...u his lawyer or somethin ...just mind ur own buiz and stop fkin with ppl on every forum !!!
@Burak- Thanks man...will appreciate it...the reason i decided to flash ur Rom was because of the awesome Quad score and ext2 partitions
Wat the happ to whole forum...all are fighting like asses...Guys why you taking things so seriously...Nobody gonna go out from this world alive:-D
So why not live this life with joy..
- Devilgod
It would be cool : Touchwizz 4
niteshtak said:
Dude who asked u...u his lawyer or somethin ...just mind ur own buiz and stop fkin with ppl on every forum !!!
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Since when have I been "fkin ppl on every forum" ? And really, you're the only idiot here, telling the dev what he should do and what not to do.
If we have cm7, touchwiz 4 will be simple to port (I think ^^).
There is some necessary files (.so) wich aren't compatible with froyo, only with gingerbread. Maybe we can wait a little...
gaby02 said:
If we have cm7, touchwiz 4 will be simple to port (I think ^^).
There is some necessary files (.so) wich aren't compatible with froyo, only with gingerbread. Maybe we can wait a little...
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TW4.0 is already ported to froyo (SGS) and im porting it to SG3
jazux said:
no need to! im doing (trying to do) this
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lots of succes
but tw 4 isnt ported to froyo on sgs sgs has allready gingerbread
and the tw4 mod is only for gingerbread firmwares
my regards
burak721 said:
lots of succes
but tw 4 isnt ported to froyo on sgs sgs has allready gingerbread
and the tw4 mod is only for gingerbread firmwares
my regards
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no im prettu sure its ported to froyo ALSO see this
jazux said:
no im prettu sure its ported to froyo ALSO see this
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nice nice i havnt seen it
i´ve looked at i9000 channel ^^
what is ur experiance to port?
burak721 said:
nice nice i havnt seen it
i´ve looked at i9000 channel ^^
what is ur experiance to port?
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i just googled "touchwiz 4.0 on froyo" and i got that
and i do have some experience at porting but im not an expert
jazux said:
i just googled "touchwiz 4.0 on froyo" and i got that
and i do have some experience at porting but im not an expert
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sorry i mean progress
burak721 said:
sorry i mean progress
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no progress yet, just looked inside the files... and tomorrow im going on a vacation for a week and i cant do anything then (except be on xda with my asus transformer)
Ill sequester you till you've finished
@ jazux have a nice vacation

[Q] [Q&A] Cyanogenmod 11 for G900H ?

Attention Devs and the most honorable @CM team .
Samsung has released some source code for the beastie G900H, now as a rookie dev i donno if that is enough for compiling a working cm11 from source.
We G900H users would be very much obliged if some pro dev could help us on this.
Note:- Dear @CM team would there be a cm11 for the g900h by u????
and @leondestiny thanks for asking me to do the honors :highfive:
we hope everything will go ok !
i anticipated having custom rom from cm
let the party begins
Good job on making this thread man, hoping higher up devs. notice us very soon. cheers
any response from cm? :/
i just posted cauze i don see any update
Was about to post , yes lets keep this thread alive guys :/ i really would love to have CM running on the 900H why is everyone keeping their eyes closed and walking away from this device?
rly dont know.. also lolipop have been released
lets hope there is a chance of developing
@leondestiny @shazzy1
maybe u should contact private with someone from cm cauze i dont see any progress
what do u say?
Airboner said:
@leondestiny @shazzy1
maybe u should contact private with someone from cm cauze i dont see any progress
what do u say?
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let's wait some more I'm sure it'll work out soon!
leondestiny said:
let's wait some more I'm sure it'll work out soon!
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this is about feeling or do u have some secrets that u keep out from us ?
Airboner said:
this is about feeling or do u have some secrets that u keep out from us ?
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yes buddy secret ! LOL but i think we will get CM sometime soon man hopefully i am not the one working on it though but lets hope it gets done by pros eventually so we have a good stable CM working CM on our huge screen will be so sweet man look forward to it.
leondestiny said:
yes buddy secret ! LOL but i think we will get CM sometime soon man hopefully i am not the one working on it though but lets hope it gets done by pros eventually so we have a good stable CM working CM on our huge screen will be so sweet man look forward to it.
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agree,but at least someone from cm lets come out and tell us that they will work on it or they already work..
Airboner said:
agree,but at least someone from cm lets come out and tell us that they will work on it or they already work..
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yeah i agree they should make a thread or seomthing
leondestiny said:
yeah i agree they should make a thread or seomthing
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thats why i metioned that somebody should contact with cm,maybe they are waiting from users for requesting it (?)
Airboner said:
thats why i metioned that somebody should contact with cm,maybe they are waiting from users for requesting it (?)
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we requested it already buddy, http://forum.cyanogenmod.org/topic/104451-request-samsung-galaxy-s5-sm-g900h-exynos/
leondestiny said:
we requested it already buddy, http://forum.cyanogenmod.org/topic/104451-request-samsung-galaxy-s5-sm-g900h-exynos/
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yeah i have seen,but i havent seen any replies from cm anyway just hope for the best
@shazzy1 @leondestiny
have you seen this? http://forum.xda-developers.com/gal...droid-development/rom-cyanogenmod-12-t2999486
its cm 12 for note 3 which is exynos too.
so is there any chance to port it from their note 3 to our g900h?
also posted my question to their thread.
any news guyz?
we need custom rom cm or aosp !!!

[ROM][5.0.2][UNOFFICIAL]CyanogenMod 12.0 - SM-T700

CM 12.0 for Galaxy Tab S 8.4 (klimtwifi/SM-T700)​
This build is based off of the cm12.0 branch on github, found at https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_klimtwifi . Its an unofficial build, not supported at all by CM directly. I built it for myself, but I like to share. Please do not post bugs/requests for this rom on any official CM forum or site. And, I am not a developer nor do I pretend to be one. Im one of those guys who knows how to read a guide and can follow simple instructions. Anyway, flash this ROM at your own risk. Im pretty sure that its stable enough for daily use, as I am using it myself, since about the 3-09 nightly. If you guys can benefit from this build, I will keep posting nightlies on here for you. Just ask! Thanks for trying it!
For GApps, just use anything that works. I always recommend the PA GApps package, which can be found at http://forum.xda-developers.com/par...apps-official-to-date-pa-google-apps-t2943900
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4SWkDc6OnebOU5iWUdEM1ZyRkk/view?usp=sharing - 3/12 nightly
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4SWkDc6OnebTGFUeE9RY0JZV1E/view?usp=sharing - 3/23 nightly
OFFICIAL BUILDS ARE NOW AVAILABLE AT http://forum.xda-developers.com/gal...0-x-cyanogenmod-12-0-nightlies-tab-s-t3053977
Credits goto:
@eousphoros for authoring - http://forum.xda-developers.com/gala...-t700-t2963870
The CM Team!
Thanks man, sucks that there isn't much development going on for this tablet. I appreciate your efforts. Wish I had the time to develop myself.
amrmorsy said:
Thanks man, sucks that there isn't much development going on for this tablet. I appreciate your efforts. Wish I had the time to develop myself.
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No problem
The download is failing. Any chance of other mirrors? I will try again. Thanks again
bynarie said:
Im sorry, I was not trying to steal your thunder =]. I added you into credits, I am sorry im new to this.
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Thank you If you have any questions let me know. The more people helping the better it will be.
amrmorsy said:
The download is failing. Any chance of other mirrors? I will try again. Thanks again
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I just check it out and it is working, atleast for me. Its stored on my google drive, give it a shot again.
eousphoros said:
Thank you If you have any questions let me know. The more people helping the better it will be.
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OK that sounds great. Thanks for being patient with me.
Hello there.
I just got myself a Galaxy Tab S, but it is the 705-vers ... as far as I know, the only difference is that the 705 have LTE, which the 700 has'nt. My question is, then, can I flash this rom on the 705?
Thx in advance, guys
Bud Horn said:
Hello there.
I just got myself a Galaxy Tab S, but it is the 705-vers ... as far as I know, the only difference is that the 705 have LTE, which the 700 has'nt. My question is, then, can I flash this rom on the 705?
Thx in advance, guys
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Look here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=3053004
http://forum.xda-developers.com/gal...0-x-cyanogenmod-12-0-nightlies-tab-s-t3053977 official nightly builds are now up
does anyone by chance happen to have a copy of the 5.0.2 version of this??? i dont want the newer updated ones the last version that was released of this in 5.0.2??? thanks
I still can't fined a copy of this version..
Sent from my SM-T700 using XDA Forums Pro.
Monster212 said:
I still can't fined a copy of this version..
Sent from my SM-T700 using XDA Forums Pro.
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Hey there, I just seen your post. Do you still need a copy?
bynarie said:
Hey there, I just seen your post. Do you still need a copy?
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yes i do... that would be awesome.... if you have a copy...
bynarie said:
Hey there, I just seen your post. Do you still need a copy?
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Yea sure maybe it will be useful to me too
rookie12 said:
Yea sure maybe it will be useful to me too
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here u go - https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=24052804347789562
This is CM12 (5.0.2) for sm-t700
bynarie said:
here u go - https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=24052804347789562
This is CM12 (5.0.2) for sm-t700
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Thanks mate

Need Apk.......greatly thankful if someone give...

Hi guys plz can some one give a link to launcher that is used in cm12 the one which is is sonic ROM or cmremix ROM......
This is the SonicLauncher.apk present in /System/app/SonicLauncher/ of SOKP-L-5.1.1-LMY48I-R9.0 ROM.
I hope it is what you are looking for.
_mone said:
This is the SonicLauncher.apk present in /System/app/SonicLauncher/ of SOKP-L-5.1.1-LMY48I-R9.0 ROM.
I hope it is what you are looking for.
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Thanks mannnn....thanks a lot
hardkaurr said:
Thanks mannnn....thanks a lot
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Cheers mate! :good:
Happy if it is what you were looking for!

Need Testers for porting Xperia Z5 ROM based on CM12.1

I need testers as I personally do not have the device.
Dont worry, there is no risk involved in it as I already have enough experience in porting Z5 rom to many devices, check my signature for reference,
Testers please comment oR PM me....
I will do it
Hi.. I'm up for a go if you are still after testers.
I would like to test if it's still possible!
I can test this rom for you , i have Xperia Arc LT15i
iam up for it!!!
U've choosen me..
I would really like to be a tester for your ROM.
I own a Ray ST18i.
i can test it, if you want!
any update on how you're doing?
Any update on porting your ROM to Xperia Ray ?
good idea I can test for you and help you ! thank you @Apexpredator
me too
GreatVegeta said:
I will do it
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tron1275 said:
Hi.. I'm up for a go if you are still after testers.
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vudu69 said:
I would like to test if it's still possible!
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miXXed404 said:
I can test this rom for you , i have Xperia Arc LT15i
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zayed adel said:
iam up for it!!!
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Adam Hui said:
U've choosen me..
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mathewgx said:
I would really like to be a tester for your ROM.
I own a Ray ST18i.
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Metall Boy said:
i can test it, if you want!
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Metall Boy said:
any update on how you're doing?
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mathewgx said:
Any update on porting your ROM to Xperia Ray ?
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xrenoix said:
good idea I can test for you and help you ! thank you @Apexpredator
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rasoooli said:
me too
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Hey guyz, Its been a long time ive asked for testers
I wasnt able to complete the project as ur cm12.1 was not purely deodex,
Now Ive built cm12.1 specially for this project and its completely deodex and we are good to initiate the work
Im uploading the cm12.1, Testers pls download and flash it
Note its only cm12.1 and I will take files from it to start porting
Whoever is ready msg me on Telegram @mfshujath
Please , port if for Ray.
mathewgx said:
Please , port if for Ray.
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Yep, all legacy Xperia devices will get it
let me start with anzu first
Thank you.
Shujath said:
Yep, all legacy Xperia devices will get it
let me start with anzu first
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Seems like no one is interested from arc, so cancelling it
Let's proceed with Ray @mathewgx
Pm me
Shujath said:
Seems like no one is interested from arc, so cancelling it
Let's proceed with Ray @mathewgx
Pm me
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bad news for my arc s
Shujath said:
I need testers as I personally do not have the device.
Dont worry, there is no risk involved in it as I already have enough experience in porting Z5 rom to many devices, check my signature for reference,
Testers please comment oR PM me....
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please i agree to be your tester, i have lg l90 D405 with cm12.1 and i really love xperia ui please choose me:fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed::fingers-crossed:

