I've moved on to One X. - G2 and Desire Z General

Hi, I've moved on. It was very cool to have this phone, now I got One X. I wish u users good ROMs. Cya!

You want a cookie?

crking1980 said:
You want a cookie?
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Yes this is a weird post but don't be rude
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA

Could you post your thoughts about the One X and give a comparison between the One X and the Vision? I thought that's what these posts were about.

Yea, can you let us know of your expierences? i was thinking of moving to a one x too

I guess he didn't subscribe to the post, as he didn't reply...
i didn't mean to flame you, nor to mock you in any kind of way

Riro Zizo said:
I guess he didn't subscribe to the post, as he didn't reply...
i didn't mean to flame you, nor to mock you in any kind of way
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I will reply. One X is a huge difference, both in speed and screen. The keyboard is not needed with such big screen. When u turn the keyboard to landscape, u get a keyboard with three times bigger buttons. I got a model without WiFi troubles, screen issues etc. The phone is very fast and Sense 4.0 is great. It's rooted, running Charmeleon. The bad things is the battery and no SD-card slot. Games like GTA III don't lags, even with graphics on max.
(And yes, I want a cookie.)

well great for you! but we just lost a developer from our device it was great working with you... or at least try to
i didn't mean to flame you, nor to mock you in any kind of way

Riro Zizo said:
well great for you! but we just lost a developer from our device it was great working with you... or at least try to
i didn't mean to flame you, nor to mock you in any kind of way
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Bull****. My ROMS wasn't good, and someone can take over these ROMs, I don't need these. Just noticed a bug on One X while it's over +40 C. The glass under HTC logo will become hot, and it's not good

I also took the step forward to the One X. Got three faulty devices which I had to return... really bad Quality control by HTC. I'm also very annoyied by HTC's S-ON policy. Now I'm thinking of giving my good old DZ another half a year and see what google presents in fall.
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda premium

TobiS87 said:
I also took the step forward to the One X. Got three faulty devices which I had to return... really bad Quality control by HTC. I'm also very annoyied by HTC's S-ON policy. Now I'm thinking of giving my good old DZ another half a year and see what google presents in fall.
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda premium
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I think I'm lucky. I don't have problems with my device, but I'm softbricking it almost everyday BTW I'm going to stock HTC ROM, I am tired on these custom ROMs.

I moved from the Desire Z to the HOX yesterday evening. Its early days but already I am adjusting to the size and Desire Z is seeming less desireable....
It is a pain to not have trackpad wake though, I must admit. I will really miss that. But it does feel like swapping a convenient family hatchback for an Aston Martin.

crazyC said:
I moved from the Desire Z to the HOX yesterday evening. Its early days but already I am adjusting to the size and Desire Z is seeming less desireable....
It is a pain to not have trackpad wake though, I must admit. I will really miss that. But it does feel like swapping a convenient family hatchback for an Aston Martin.
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LOL..the down part for one x is that there's no memory card,and user replaceable battery
Sent from my Desire Z using XDA

Steven How said:
LOL..the down part for one x is that there's no memory card,and user replaceable battery
Sent from my Desire Z using XDA
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Agreed - but in my case I can cope with the 24gb etc of onboard storage, and I am pinning my battery hopes on a case with built in battery using the pogo pins on the back. (its shipping from Hong Kong right now).
Incidentally, I did read somewhere that theoretically in the same way that the battery case uses the pogo pins, such a case in future may be able to incorporate a card reader. probably wishful thinking though.

Steven How said:
LOL..the down part for one x is that there's no memory card,and user replaceable battery
Sent from my Desire Z using XDA
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I'm using the phone for almost a week, and I don't need an SD-card or removable battery. I'm flashing ROMs when I have the PC, coz I need CMD to flash the files. And guess how many times I've softbricked the phone

crazyC said:
Agreed - but in my case I can cope with the 24gb etc of onboard storage, and I am pinning my battery hopes on a case with built in battery using the pogo pins on the back. (its shipping from Hong Kong right now).
Incidentally, I did read somewhere that theoretically in the same way that the battery case uses the pogo pins, such a case in future may be able to incorporate a card reader. probably wishful thinking though.
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Pogo pin? Wats that?
Sent from my Desire Z using XDA

Steven How said:
Pogo pin? Wats that?
Sent from my Desire Z using XDA
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There is 5 gold dots at the side of the phone.

vaderx10minipro said:
There is 5 gold dots at the side of the phone.
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Wats that for?
Sent from my Desire Z using XDA

Steven How said:
Wats that for?
Sent from my Desire Z using XDA
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Maybe for the dock. But I am almost sure that these dots are from the battery. The battery is gold.

vaderx10minipro said:
Maybe for the dock. But I am almost sure that these dots are from the battery. The battery is gold.
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Ok I know,its something like iPhone power bank..Wats the memory of hox? 32 gb,system take?
Sent from my Desire Z using XDA


[DISCUSSION] Desire Z development..who will be in??

I think i'm not the only one that hates senseUI so my following questions are:
1. what developers would put the effort to max this phone to it's best?
2. Will we have cyanogen?
3. will we have screen calibration?(i really god used with true color rather than "blue pushed" colors).
Please if any developer would love to put a bit of comfort to our hearts please post here that you would do the best for this phone
So looking forward for it!
Edit: posible to swich roms from G2 to z and other way? that would be nice,theoretically it's very posible same hardware!
looks like the G2 will have stock froyo(not sure) but i really hope we can cyanogen mod on this thing! still don't think desire z is going to replace n1 on the priority list.
mtl171 said:
looks like the G2 will have stock froyo(not sure) but i really hope we can cyanogen mod on this thing! still don't think desire z is going to replace n1 on the priority list.
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You are quite right,but alao g2 might take the place of n1,and g2=desire z,it'q all a matter of rooting i think.
Damn i will really miss the led flash from n1) really really usefull for me.
LED flash? G2 also has a flash with its camera, if thats what you mean..
Also, to your 3rd point, if you're talking about the blue tinge issues and such, these screens won't have those issues as they're not AMOLED's, but SLCD's.
Aaaa sry i mean trackball led flash.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
norocel said:
g2 might take the place of n1,and g2=desire z,it'q all a matter of rooting i think.
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but no led track ball though still wonder if it'll steal the crown from the n1. afterall desire z isn't a "google experience" phone.
Superfrag said:
these screens won't have those issues as they're not AMOLED's, but SLCD's.
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dang. i was hoping for super amoled display. well atleast with slcd we won't be getting anymore burnin. hopefully.
Unfortunately for now, Only Samsung has the rights to use S-AMOLED. Its their tech anyways. But I believe from next year fall onwards they will start selling S-AMOLED screens to other manufacturer's.
For me S-amoled is not that interesting anymore,really curios about this S-lcd and it's multitouch capabiliti really hope is better than n1 or desire.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Cyanogen tweeted earlier this month saying that he's getting a G2, so I think it's safe to say that the G2/Desire Z will have lots of developer/hacker support. Honestly, that's part of the reason I'm so excited about the G2. I'll likely be keeping it for the full 2 year contract, so having a phone that's so supported by XDA is a huge advantage.
ryaninc said:
Cyanogen tweeted earlier this month saying that he's getting a G2, so I think it's safe to say that the G2/Desire Z will have lots of developer/hacker support. Honestly, that's part of the reason I'm so excited about the G2. I'll likely be keeping it for the full 2 year contract, so having a phone that's so supported by XDA is a huge advantage.
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You are perfectly right,xda really makes the touch on android,without it would be boring.I live in europe still not decided if i should take the Z or just buy the g2,really don't know if there would be a diffrence within them.Hope we can get them soon:x
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
I will help if you want if i get this phone that is
I might be available for some playing, already ordered my Z
norocel said:
You are perfectly right,xda really makes the touch on android,without it would be boring.I live in europe still not decided if i should take the Z or just buy the g2,really don't know if there would be a diffrence within them.Hope we can get them soon:x
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
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Where are you in Europe? I know our European phones don't work over in the states on their 3G networks and pretty sure their phones don't work on ours....except for the Nexus one.
Id love to dev for it, just need a device. Just bought 2 new phones so I'm kinda broke
Sent from my Moto Droid running @ 1.2GHz
norocel said:
You are perfectly right,xda really makes the touch on android,without it would be boring.I live in europe still not decided if i should take the Z or just buy the g2,really don't know if there would be a diffrence within them.Hope we can get them soon:x
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
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Totally agreed, I stuck with the G1 till now which definetly would not have been possible without everyone at XDA. You think that maybe Cyanogen might make a Non-Sense version and a Sense version of the ROM?
AndroidHAX said:
You think that maybe Cyanogen might make a Non-Sense version and a Sense version of the ROM?
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CM does not produce Sense ROMs.
daewond3r said:
CM does not produce Sense ROMs.
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dam, i was hoping for a miracle, oh well... thx
I've been done something useful on Motorola Milestone and I've ever been in HTC WiMo devices modding etc.
Selling Milestone, HTC Desire Z already ordered and waiting for its arrival. I'm in.
First of all, we have to see if it's unlocked, then we can play with the system: putting Sense on CyanogenMod maybe is possible, we'll see. I'll do better than I can.
I'm a little curious which one would work on at&t 3g. I prefer no sense and think cyanogen will support that before sense.
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
From what I know, Cyanogen doesn't make Sense ROMs, they're only modded AOSPs..
Anyway, this waiting is killin' me....

G2 life span

Just wondering what people think the life span of our G2s will be how long will yous be keeping yours?
Beagan said:
Just wondering what people think the life span of our G2s will be how long will yous be keeping yours?
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As long as it still works. Thanks to the ROM I'm running, I have the extra two gigs back.
Beagan said:
Just wondering what people think the life span of our G2s will be how long will yous be keeping yours?
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Probably for another year or so, depending on the releases of the phones at the time. If i can get my hands on the new HTC Flyer when it comes out in Canada/US, it might extend my time with the DZ/G2 however.
Until AT&T suckes up TMobile.
Not investing in another phone before that happens, and certainly NOT staying as an AT&T customer once it does.
Beagan said:
Just wondering what people think the life span of our G2s will be how long will yous be keeping yours?
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As long as I have it, But I think it will Las another 4-5 years
I AM VS4 said:
As long as I have it, But I think it will Las another 4-5 years
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Lol yea thats what i think. I bet the G1 will still be alive too.
Sent from my HTC Desire Z/G2 using XDA Premium App
Yepp I will keep it forever!
blackknightavalon said:
As long as it still works. Thanks to the ROM I'm running, I have the extra two gigs back.
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What 2gigs back and what rom?
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
HTC phones can last pretty long. My 3.5 year old Tilt/Kaiser still works great (just some cosmetic dings, and normal wear and tear). And I'm sure there are plenty of folks with much older HTC devices around here. I have a friend still rocking the G1, with another whose G1 just died. Of course, electronic devices can fail at any time. But on average, HTC phones are pretty durable. I expect to get tired of my Vision long before it fails. I seem to be moving to a 1-year phone upgrade cycle lately.
mine is usually a year too but for some reason id like to keep it for longer, bit no doubt that will fade in a month r so
I love mine, the only thing I miss so bad is a Front Facing Cam. If and when HTC releases another phone with a Keyboard and a FFC, which I can use with Wind/T-Mobile, I am going for it, until then, will stick to my G2.
shortlived said:
What 2gigs back and what rom?
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
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Wondering that too. I know there are 2Gigs locked down in the phones internal memory i didn't know you could access it. Can you put us to were you were talking about?
Yeah, until att takes over tmobile... why have a phone that doesn't work on their 3g/4g... I might try and call in right before the deals approved by fcc.. ***** that I have a phone that doesn't run off att bands and try to get a phone that does.. like the G2x... but well see how that goes.. I want a ffc since my gf has one it'd be nice to video call here and there.. other than that this phone has everything I want in a cell phone.. I don't need nor care for dual core.. ill have a tablet for that eventually...
Sent from my HTC Desire Z/G2 using XDA App
I plan on keeping mine for at least two years or until the G3 comes out.
Sent from: G2 meXdroidMod meXperia V2, OC'd 1.5GHz
The G2 makes for a nice couch surfer over WiFi. The keyboard is nice when I'm on NeoGAF.
Sent from my HTC Mecha
Since I've weened myself away from the rollercoaster ride of CM7 nightlies. I've put on a new ROM (UD) and have fallen in love with my G2 all over again. Since I've purchased a extended battery and I fixed my week hinge (swapped out the stock spring) . I don't see myself getting a new phone until a while.
Sent from a G2 running UD 'nightly' 12.
Mine should be at least 2 years as are most of my other phones. Or until the keyboard breaks
blackknightavalon said:
As long as it still works. Thanks to the ROM I'm running, I have the extra two gigs back.
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which rom exactly gave you the 2 gigs back?
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
spovat said:
which rom exactly gave you the 2 gigs back?
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
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He didn't get the 2 gigs back, he uses pyromod which doesn't use the internal space for apps. what I dont understand is why these people think you need that 2 gigs if you aren't even going to use the internal space anyway... These data to sdext roms make absolutely no sense.
angr1112 said:
I plan on keeping mine for at least two years or until the G3 comes out.
Sent from: G2 meXdroidMod meXperia V2, OC'd 1.5GHz
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I'll keep her until the G3 comes out or another comparable keyboard android phone.


Today is a sad day for me, I no longer own an HTC Legend. I've moved on to a Galaxy S II, so if you own one of those you'll probably see me around there before long.
If one's thanks meter is a measure of their "success" on XDA, then I owe 80% of mine to the Legend community. You guys are awesome. I've learnt everything I know about Android through owning the Legend, and through the guys that are part of this small community.
I'm not gonna milk this any more than I already have, so farewell Legend!
All my projects for this device are officially ending, as I don't own a device that I can test it on.
Good luck furthering your Android career! Your projects around this bend were ones I greatly appreciated, but everyone's time must come for this device.
Have fun with the SGSII!
i guess ill keep my device abit longer.. i also like the samsung devices.. some friends got an galaxy s2
lets see what samsung will offer with the s3
gaga111 said:
i guess ill keep my device abit longer.. i also like the samsung devices.. some friends got an galaxy s2
lets see what samsung will offer with the s3
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Yeah, I was tempted to wait it out, but the lack of a functional USB port on my phone was killing me. Lol
Edit: in the unlikely event that someone has a legend they don't want...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
I myself moved back to the Legend after a time with a Desire S and Xperia mini pro. I still like the display and the size of the Legend and of course the finish. And with CM7.1 it feels quite modern
Good luck over at the SGS!
Sent from my Legend using xda premium
Farwell, thank you for all your work here
It seems that we both switched devices the same day i got my hands on a almost brand new Nexus S and its awesome
But I will also miss my old legend
Goodbye! Thank you for all your contributions to the Legend Subforum
I can really understand you that you leave us because of the broken USB of your Legend.
I am also thinking about getting a new Phone, but I'm a student and my car also eats a lot of money And right now my Legend has only a few scratches, the Battery "backholding door" is a bit broken (one hinge is missing there, broke because it fell down from my desk) and the Flashlight LED is broken for some reason i don't know.
And it really sucks that i've got no S-OFF anymore...
Another reason for buying a new phone is that i noticed that my legend is really slow, even compared to my Girlfriends Galaxy Ace...
Tnx for everything.
Sent from my Legend using XDA App
Yes, thanks Grammerfreak, we are gonna miss your contributions.
How come you chose the galaxy s2 over the galaxy nexus with ics? I'm looking at upgrading my legend to these, or to the HTC evo or motorola razr. Thoughts?
Sent from my Legend using xda premium
dantheman122 said:
How come you chose the galaxy s2 over the galaxy nexus with ics? I'm looking at upgrading my legend to these, or to the HTC evo or motorola razr. Thoughts?
Sent from my Legend using xda premium
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Cost and time basically. They cost too much, and they're too difficult to find. I'd rather have a nexus, but the galaxy s2 is a good phone too. If my legend wasn't broken I'd have waited it out, but a broken phone forced my hand. I wouldn't get a Motorola because they're such a pain to hack, and I have no experience with the evo. The general impression I get is that it's pretty decent, but don't take my word on it.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
TheGrammarFreak said:
Cost and time basically. They cost too much, and they're too difficult to find. I'd rather have a nexus, but the galaxy s2 is a good phone too. If my legend wasn't broken I'd have waited it out, but a broken phone forced my hand. I wouldn't get a Motorola because they're such a pain to hack, and I have no experience with the evo. The general impression I get is that it's pretty decent, but don't take my word on it.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Ah fair enough, I think I'm gonna wait it out a bit longer, see what the S3 is like and what else comes out in the next few months as my contract runs out. Ah fair enough, I'll pass on the Moto I think. Wait and see I guess. How's the S2?
dantheman122 said:
Ah fair enough, I think I'm gonna wait it out a bit longer, see what the S3 is like and what else comes out in the next few months as my contract runs out. Ah fair enough, I'll pass on the Moto I think. Wait and see I guess. How's the S2?
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I really like it. It's quite surprising how much faster than the Legend it is actually. I never felt that my Legend was particularly slow, so it was a bit of a shock. Lol
My situation was a bit unfortunate, and if my Legend was still working I'd have waited it out too. But hey, such is life. Development on the S2 is pretty active, so hopefully I'll be happy with it for a while. I miss my Legend though, the S2 forums are almost too active -_-
Just wanted to say that I'm done with the Legend to. Was/Is a great phone but time flies.
Thanks for all the knowledge I've gained from this forum and I'm hoping to see you guys in some other threads.
Wysyłane z mojego HTC Desire S za pomocą Tapatalk 2
cyRq said:
Just wanted to say that I'm done with the Legend to. Was/Is a great phone but time flies.
Thanks for all the knowledge I've gained from this forum and I'm hoping to see you guys in some other threads.
Wysyłane z mojego HTC Desire S za pomocą Tapatalk 2
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Seeya! And have fun with your desire s
Sent from my Legend using xda premium
Good luck with the GS2! It's great piece of hardware.
Legend is still a great phone. Thats why im still using it as my second phone. I did not want to sell it when i got my SGS2. I learned everything about android from my Legend. Im just gonna keep it till it breaks
I'm considering selling my legend for a....
Blackberry. Sorry
TheAvro said:
I'm considering selling my legend for a....
Blackberry. Sorry
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TheAvro said:
I'm considering selling my legend for a....
Blackberry. Sorry
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Sorry but i have to... why?
Sent from my legend using XDA

Landing page for HTC evo 4g LTE

So i don't know how long this has been up. I was making a payment tonight and the pre order add scrolled across my browser. Just thought i'd share. I know this is double post.
i have been a loyal OG4G user but i knew the 3D was only a half step. I am getting the E4GL. And know that Our beloved 4G is nearing its capacity. I wanted to share with my OG folks.
Also I would like to Propose the use of the word E4GL for the abbreviation. Thats Eagle for you noobs that don't read leet.
Here is the Pre-Order page
Artanis said:
So i don't know how long this has been up. I was making a payment tonight and the pre order add scrolled across my browser. Just thought i'd share. I know this is double post.
i have been a loyal OG4G user but i knew the 3D was only a half step. I am getting the E4GL. And know that Our beloved 4G is nearing its capacity. I wanted to share with my OG folks.
Also I would like to Propose the use of the word E4GL for the abbreviation. Thats Eagle for you noobs that don't read leet.
Here is the Pre-Order page
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"Eagle". Interesting.
I think we're all already calling it the "LTEvo", though .
Ooohhhhh. I like that LTEvo. Like the way it rolls off the tongue. Hadn't heard it before. (EvoLTE, -like 'eVolt' - is nice, too, though, I think)
And why E4GL? Is eagle it's code name (like 'supersonic') or something?
Thanks for preorder page.
sent from my ICS machinevo
I second that LTEvo sounds great.
Can't wait. Don't know why people are freak'n out about the look. Seriously, this phone is packing extras that the htc one x doesn't have. Bigger Battery, removable sd card, a kickstand.
All I'm worried about is how much is going to cost me to get this phone. I have the EVO 3D now and it will only be a year into my contract by the time the LTevo is out. Does anyone know how this works, need to prep
scottspa74 said:
Ooohhhhh. I like that LTEvo. Like the way it rolls off the tongue. Hadn't heard it before. (EvoLTE, -like 'eVolt' - is nice, too, though, I think)
And why E4GL? Is eagle it's code name (like 'supersonic') or something?
Thanks for preorder page.
sent from my ICS machinevo
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Im pretty sure the codename is "Jewel" don't quote me though
saco274 said:
Can't wait. Don't know why people are freak'n out about the look. Seriously, this phone is packing extras that the htc one x doesn't have. Bigger Battery, removable sd card, a kickstand.
All I'm worried about is how much is going to cost me to get this phone. I have the EVO 3D now and it will only be a year into my contract by the time the LTevo is out. Does anyone know how this works, need to prep
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Buy up program.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
Wulfre said:
Im pretty sure the codename is "Jewel" don't quote me though
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I thought the jewel was the code name for the phone that had the little thing that's lights up running sense 3.5
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
I thought the jewel was the code name for the phone that had the little thing that's lights up running sense 3.5
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
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HTC Ryhme? Thats called the HTC Bliss as its codename
evo4gnoob said:
HTC Ryhme? Thats called the HTC Bliss as its codename
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Yeah that's what it was, thanks.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
Anyone else going mad about sprint announcing this like 2 mo in advance?! My god, the wait is killing me. (I remember the same thing for OG Evo, too, though). Every day, looking at pictures you've already looked at 1,000 times, Googling for any new info every few hrs. It feels like forever already.
(Still, gotta say I'm back and forth regarding the aesthetics. Sometimes I think it's gorgeous, then sometimes I wish the lines were more like the OG Evo, which I still think is one of the sexiest phones available)
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
Agreed I can't wait.
I completely dismiss the look cause i have a tendency to mod my casings. And any time an ugly phone comes out that is worth the hardware in it. There tends to be alot of modders coming up with different options to pimp out the phone.
How epic would it be if some one made a clear cover for the top/back half?
Cant wait to see what the modding community has in-store for this awesome phone.
can't wait till it is released and I go to work on modding the shiny black cover into something more of my liking..lol
This phone may just bring me back from the "darkside"
Speaking off, do we have a dedicated sub-forum for this phone yet?
redrazr7791 said:
This phone may just bring me back from the "darkside"
Speaking off, do we have a dedicated sub-forum for this phone yet?
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I haven't seen one upon looking... I hope there is one soon! I was curious if someone had rooted one already, haha. Seems to happen immediately these days!
Also, I truly hope someone makes a 3rd party covering for the SD card that is a matte black finish so those fingerprints don't go all over.
Speaking of cases, are there any that are advertised yet? Or does it usually take a while? I've never bought a phone on release day - this is killing me!
Cant wait here ethier. I jumped on the shift after my hero instead of the og evo. Cant wait to get my hands on the lte
Sent from my PG06100 using xda premium
I can't wait for the EVO LTE
Almost have my EVO 4g for 2 years!!!
No EvoLTE sub-forum yet?
The samsuck 3 got its own forum before it was released, it just got officially announced like the other day
Sent from my PG06100 using xda premium
How does a sub forum get put up? Can we ask the mods or something? I would love to see some dedicated areas devoted to this device. That's all I want to discuss on xda right now...

Do you guys think it's worth buying the HTC One?

I really love this new HTC One but I am not sure if it's worth buying it. Do you guys think that HTC is going to release a new phone soon? Something like the HTC One+? Or do you guys think that it will stay the best HTC phone for a longer time.
TheRealGreenVirus said:
I really love this new HTC One but I am not sure if it's worth buying it. Do you guys think that HTC is going to release a new phone soon? Something like the HTC One+? Or do you guys think that it will stay the best HTC phone for a longer time.
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They are always going to make a better one down the road... just judge if you need a phone now or in a few months...
Sent from my HTC One S using xda app-developers app
For me no. No SD card or removable battery is a deal breaker for me. Gonna wait for the GS4. Gotta love that slick metal finish and premium build quality.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
Who told you sgs4 will have sd slot and removable battery? If you dont mind their crappy plastic and design so wait
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
TheRealGreenVirus said:
I really love this new HTC One but I am not sure if it's worth buying it. Do you guys think that HTC is going to release a new phone soon? Something like the HTC One+? Or do you guys think that it will stay the best HTC phone for a longer time.
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They might, or they might not.
If you look at the One X +, the only feature present on that device over the One X is 64gb of ram.
Lets say that they Make a One + - what could they do? Bump it to a Snapdragon 800? Sure that would be impressive, however the jump from 600 to 800 is about a 35% boost, whereas from S4pro to 600 its a 40% bump.
So, is that extra 35% really worth it, when you can wait another few months and get their latest flagship which will probably be a 70% increase over 600?
As far as I'm concerned, rather then waiting for "+" versions, it is wiser to purchase initial releases.
there is no end to whats coming 'next'
vegetaleb said:
Who told you sgs4 will have sd slot and removable battery? If you dont mind their crappy plastic and design so wait
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
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plastic wrap is literally stronger than the back of Samsung phones.
fernando sor said:
plastic wrap is literally stronger than the back of Samsung phones.
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you sure? I've dropped mine plenty of times, not a scratch, or screen break.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda app-developers app
vegetaleb said:
Who told you sgs4 will have sd slot and removable battery? If you dont mind their crappy plastic and design so wait
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
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Who told you it won't?
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
to answer the thread question - yes i do think its worth buying the one.
Maedhros said:
They might, or they might not.
If you look at the One X +, the only feature present on that device over the One X is 64gb of ram.
Lets say that they Make a One + - what could they do? Bump it to a Snapdragon 800? Sure that would be impressive, however the jump from 600 to 800 is about a 35% boost, whereas from S4pro to 600 its a 40% bump.
So, is that extra 35% really worth it, when you can wait another few months and get their latest flagship which will probably be a 70% increase over 600?
As far as I'm concerned, rather then waiting for "+" versions, it is wiser to purchase initial releases.
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I think you have a typo there 64gb RAM then you got a deal! Also 800 snapdragon not only boosts the performance by 40% it also has a better GPU, better architecture, better power management, implemented ad on WIFI so it's now a/ac/ad/b/g/n and has LTE technology which has a maximum of 150mbit speed.
HTC always tends to refresh their flagships at around October-November.
Desire -> Desire HD
Sensation - Sensation.. XE? XL? I got em confused...
One X -> One X+
I think it will be the same this year.
That said, for me, buying the One is an easy decision. As usual, there are a few things I dislike that might or might not be fixed for the refresh, but isn't that always the case? I definitely don't imagine anything on the horizon beating it in terms of industrial design and sheer engineering chops.
Is it worth it? Yeah why not, just get another phone when a newer one comes out. Who wouldn't have $700 to buy a phone every month?
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
You never told us what your using currently. I am using a one xl and I'm really on the fence.
I wish my one x had better louder speakers and I am impressed with the Ones camera.
I love the design and the extra capacity. (16gb is not enough for me). Will definitely opt for the 64gb variant if I do get one.
With that said, I'm not going to jump the gun right away.
Must be patient... Must resist the temptation to get it day 1 of release.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
E4GTUser94 said:
you sure? I've dropped mine plenty of times, not a scratch, or screen break.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda app-developers app
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My s3 flew in my car when i made a hard turn, and it made a scratch on the plastic.
My s2 dropped and it ruined the body. hell it was only 2 feet.
vegetaleb said:
Who told you sgs4 will have sd slot and removable battery? If you dont mind their crappy plastic and design so wait
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
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Anything wrong for people to wait and compare? Why do guys think that someone with the different perspective is wrong?
BTW, how many Samsung Galaxy S-series doesn't have any sd slot and removable battery? If history is of any indication, they will be present even in upcoming models.
TheRealGreenVirus said:
I really love this new HTC One but I am not sure if it's worth buying it. Do you guys think that HTC is going to release a new phone soon? Something like the HTC One+? Or do you guys think that it will stay the best HTC phone for a longer time.
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This question allways comes up when a new phone comes out. But only you can answer that. The great thing about Android is the wide varieties in phones, this is great because we all prefer something else.
I got a one S and will upgrade as soon as I can. Allways been a fan of the aluminium body's, love the oneS except it's screen. So this is the perfect phone for me.
There will always come a faster and better phone. But I'm sure this device is quite future proof. Alot More so than the Sony Z. The only thing that can kick the One of this throne now is the GS4, but I really really doubt it.
I'm convinced that this is THE phone of 2013
Sent from my HTC One S using xda app-developers app
Guys just wanna ask how is the anodized aluminum case on this device? Is it as hard as the nokia n8 or as crappy as the iphone 5?
Guys just wanna ask how is the anodized aluminum case on this device? Is it as hard as the nokia n8 or as crappy as the iphone 5?
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The only thing I've read about it is that HTC got an new production process which makes the aluminium even harder than that used in the iphone 5.
Sent from my HTC One S using xda app-developers app
Not if, just When
I'll be buying a One. Just waiting until April for my contract to end with Vodafone and see if Three will offer the "One" with a 12month contract option. If not i'll just buy the phone and get a sim only, will still be cheaper in the long run than a 24month contract. That way I wont be stuck with the same contract for 2 years..
