[ICS][CM9][Development] Camera - Galaxy Ace S5830 Android Development

while 'gliding' through XDA, i found that nearly all other devices which already have got ICS ROM(s) meanwhile have a working or partial working camera. I think it's time to open a thread where we can share information on how to get the camera working. So here it is...
I already did some investigation and tried to get it working. Some progress achieved but still no working or partial working camera. Here's what i did for information and as a base for others who want to try around. Ok, let's go....
- i used the msm7x727 camera lib from this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1624018
Read this thread for basic information on how they got camera working. Seem's to me that this is a 'port' of rpmv78's solution for Nexus One. Due to the fact that HTC Hero and Galaxy ACE have same chipsets there should be a chance that it works. Important for Maclaw's ICS: You'll have to rename it to 'camera.msm7x27.so' before putting it to /system/lib/hw or it won't get loaded.
- First try: i used proprietary libs (libcamera.so, liboemcamera.so etc.) from a (STOCK Galaxy ACE) gingerbread ROM. These are:
Result is a missing symbol in libs. Here's part of logcat during boot:
D/AudioHardwareInterface( 145): setMode(NORMAL)
I/AudioHardware( 145): Set master volume to 1.
I/CameraService( 145): CameraService started (pid=145)
E/HAL ( 145): load: module=/system/lib/hw/camera.msm7x27.so
E/HAL ( 145): Cannot load library: link_image[1965]: 145 could not load needed library 'libcamera.so' for 'camera.msm7x27.so' (reloc_library[1314]: 145 cannot locate '_ZN7android7Overlay5setFdEi'...
E/HAL ( 145): )
E/CameraService( 145): Could not load camera HAL module
Than i tried to find out where '_ZN7android7Overlay5setFdEi...' can be found. It is in libui.so (of GB ROM). I didn't check it out, but i hardly doubt that we can simply replace an ICS libui with an GB libui.
- Second try: i used proprietary camera libs from this Hero ROM: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1612140
Although these libs are proprietary Hero libs, camera module and HAL loaded but as soon as i start camera, i'll get:
V/QualcommCameraHardware( 145): openCameraHardware: call createInstance
D/QualcommCameraHardware( 145): createInstance: E
V/QualcommCameraHardware( 145): Storing the current target type as 1
V/QualcommCameraHardware( 145): constructor EX
V/QualcommCameraHardware( 145): startCamera E
D/memalloc( 453): /dev/pmem: Unmapping buffer base:0x4acc4000 size:3112960 offset:2498560
D/memalloc( 250): /dev/pmem: Freeing buffer base:0x4a408000 size:614400 offset:1884160 fd:240
D/memalloc( 250): /dev/pmem: Freeing buffer base:0x4a49e000 size:614400 offset:2498560 fd:276
D/memalloc( 250): /dev/pmem: Freeing buffer base:0x4a372000 size:614400 offset:1269760 fd:221
V/QualcommCameraHardware( 145): loading liboemcamera at 0xb000ed08
D/dalvikvm( 1034): GC_CONCURRENT freed 252K, 6% free 6747K/7175K, paused 5ms+9ms
I/mm-camera-config( 145): cam_conf fd cfgctrl.camfd:0
I/mm-camera-config( 145): Open config device node : /dev/msm_camera/config0
D/dalvikvm( 1034): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 26K, 5% free 7010K/7367K, paused 28ms
I/ ( 145): [AWB Calibration]:ctrlfd:29
I/ ( 145): [AWB Calibration] read fuse ID fail
I/ ( 145): [AWB Calibration] cfg.fuse_id_word1:0xa94c86fd
I/ ( 145): [AWB Calibration] cfg.fuse_id_word2:0xa94c8664
I/ ( 145): [AWB Calibration] cfg.fuse_id_word3:0xa94ea124
I/ ( 145): [AWB Calibration] cfg.fuse_id_word4:0xa951db40
E/mm-camera-config( 145): config_init_ctrl: cam_conf_get_sensor_info failed!
W/ThrottleService( 250): unable to find stats for iface rmnet0
W/ActivityManager( 250): Launch timeout has expired, giving up wake lock!
W/ActivityManager( 250): Activity idle timeout for ActivityRecord{413ff410 com.android.camera/.Camera}
D/dalvikvm( 250): GC_CONCURRENT freed 551K, 10% free 9416K/10439K, paused 12ms+8ms
I/InputDispatcher( 250): Application is not responding: AppWindowToken{41309880 token=Token{41396428 ActivityRecord{413ff410 com.android.camera/.Camera}}}. 5005.8ms since event, 5005.6ms since wait started
I/WindowManager( 250): Input event dispatching timed out sending to application AppWindowToken{41309880 token=Token{41396428 ActivityRecord{413ff410 com.android.camera/.Camera}}}
I/Process ( 250): Sending signal. PID: 1034 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm( 1034): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm( 1034): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
I/Process ( 250): Sending signal. PID: 250 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm( 250): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm( 250): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
I/Process ( 250): Sending signal. PID: 442 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm( 442): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm( 442): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
I/Process ( 250): Sending signal. PID: 365 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm( 365): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm( 365): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
D/dalvikvm( 250): GC_CONCURRENT freed 546K, 9% free 9597K/10439K, paused 4ms+9ms
D/dalvikvm( 250): GC_EXPLICIT freed 76K, 9% free 9600K/10439K, paused 6ms+8ms
E/ActivityManager( 250): ANR in com.android.camera (com.android.camera/.Camera)
E/ActivityManager( 250): Reason: keyDispatchingTimedOut
E/ActivityManager( 250): Load: 7.27 / 3.0 / 1.11
E/ActivityManager( 250): CPU usage from 12799ms to 2797ms ago:
E/ActivityManager( 250): 3.9% 250/system_server: 2.9% user + 1% kernel / faults: 83 minor
E/ActivityManager( 250): 1.7% 68/bma_wq: 0% user + 1.7% kernel
E/ActivityManager( 250): 0.5% 64/synaptics_wq: 0% user + 0.5% kernel
E/ActivityManager( 250): 0.5% 365/com.android.systemui: 0.4% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 4 minor
E/ActivityManager( 250): 0.5% 442/com.android.phone: 0.4% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 1 minor
E/ActivityManager( 250): 0.3% 27/ksmd: 0% user + 0.3% kernel
E/ActivityManager( 250): 0.1% 5/events/0: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
E/ActivityManager( 250): 0.1% 15/kondemand/0: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
E/ActivityManager( 250): 0% 61/file-storage: 0% user + 0% kernel
E/ActivityManager( 250): 0.1% 65/check_ic_wq: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
E/ActivityManager( 250): 0% 101/jbd2/stl13-8: 0% user + 0% kernel
E/ActivityManager( 250): 0% 139/vold: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 51 minor
E/ActivityManager( 250): 0% 218/logcat: 0% user + 0% kernel
E/ActivityManager( 250): 4.3% TOTAL: 2.8% user + 1.4% kernel
E/ActivityManager( 250): CPU usage from 587ms to 1122ms later with 99% awake:
E/ActivityManager( 250): 11% 250/system_server: 5.5% user + 5.5% kernel
E/ActivityManager( 250): 9.2% 318/InputDispatcher: 1.8% user + 7.4% kernel
E/ActivityManager( 250): 1.8% 252/GC: 1.8% user + 0% kernel
E/ActivityManager( 250): 1% 15/kondemand/0: 0% user + 1% kernel
E/ActivityManager( 250): 7.5% TOTAL: 7.5% user + 0% kernel
D/dalvikvm( 250): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 323K, 10% free 9486K/10503K, paused 74ms
The problem seem's to be here: 'E/mm-camera-config( 145): config_init_ctrl: cam_conf_get_sensor_info failed!'. Combining 'solution 2' together with liboemcamera.so from a stock ACE GB-Rom resulted in crashing libcamera.so.
Now let's start to try and discuss to finally get it working....

Hey lagloose how are you doing.... I have tried to get the camera working on many occasions, keep getting the same errors u mentioned above. Thanks for opening this thread, it should boost development a bit

djsky2011 said:
Hey lagloose how are you doing.... I have tried to get the camera working on many occasions, keep getting the same errors u mentioned above. Thanks for opening this thread, it should boost development a bit
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Thanx for asking So far so good... Lot of work and family business the last weeks...
Hope we'll get the stuff working. Cant' be that all others can, but we don't...

I will try.

Hope the camera can use sooner
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium

The first thing we need to do is look at other similar devices that has camera working and even Pm a few of their devs. A place to start would be the xperia x10 guys
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium

If I remember marcin has a repo which has camera modded for gio.....I see him using GB libs in the prebuilt folder , at the root there is a functions.txt which stores all the Camera functions that can be extracted from libcamera.so (readelf -a -w)
I tried doing that but I don't know how he does the functions format.....
This was sent from a Galaxy Ace. Problem?

Good to see a new thread for CM9 camera!
now maybe we will get working camera on SGA

As Always Samsung did everything different, the hero libs won't work cause the kernel driver is different and the sensor detection fails. You could port the kernel driver to the ace.
When you try to load the original samsung lib there is a bunch of libs you need to load. You could at first try to stub those functions to just get it loading, but the problem is, the comple overlay code was removed in ICS so this will be hard. But doable.

For further information, here's where the stuff crashes when using liboemcamera from stock ACE ROM and libcamera from Hero:
I/CameraService( 1676): Opening camera 0
D/CameraHAL( 1676): qcamera_device_open: name:0 device:0x13dfc cameraId:0
V/QualcommCameraHardware( 1676): openCameraHardware: call createInstance
D/QualcommCameraHardware( 1676): createInstance: E
V/QualcommCameraHardware( 1676): Storing the current target type as 1
V/QualcommCameraHardware( 1676): constructor EX
V/QualcommCameraHardware( 1676): startCamera E
V/QualcommCameraHardware( 1676): loading liboemcamera at 0xb000ed08
F/libc ( 1676): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=1)
D/dalvikvm( 1685): GC_CONCURRENT freed 57K, 5% free 7130K/7431K, paused 4ms+4ms
D/dalvikvm( 942): GC_CONCURRENT freed 380K, 9% free 7107K/7751K, paused 3ms+4ms
I/DEBUG ( 1677): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
I/DEBUG ( 1677): Build fingerprint: 'samsung/cm_cooper/cooper:4.0.4/IMM76D/eng.maclaw.20120414.123054:eng/test-keys'
I/DEBUG ( 1677): pid: 1676, tid: 1676 >>> /system/bin/mediaserver <<<
I/DEBUG ( 1677): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): r0 00000000 r1 a968a665 r2 a9691a90 r3 ffffff40
I/DEBUG ( 1677): r4 000145bc r5 a96916a4 r6 a9691878 r7 a968e338
I/DEBUG ( 1677): r8 00000000 r9 00000000 10 00000000 fp 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): ip 00000064 sp beee1868 lr b00067a0 pc a968bd56 cpsr 60000030
I/DEBUG ( 1677): d0 0000000000000000 d1 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): d2 7e37e43c8800759c d3 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): d4 0000000000000000 d5 7e37e43c8800759c
I/DEBUG ( 1677): d6 3ff0000000000000 d7 3ff0000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): d8 0000000000000000 d9 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): scr 20000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677):
I/DEBUG ( 1677): #00 pc 0000bd56 /system/lib/libcamera.so (_ZN7android22QualcommCameraHardware11startCameraEv)
I/DEBUG ( 1677): #01 pc 0000d9f4 /system/lib/libcamera.so (_ZN7android22QualcommCameraHardware14createInstanceEv)
I/DEBUG ( 1677): #02 pc 0000db34 /system/lib/libcamera.so (openCameraHardware)
I/DEBUG ( 1677): #03 pc 0000260e /system/lib/hw/camera.msm7x27.so (_Z19qcamera_device_openPK11hw_module_tPKcPP11hw_device_t)
I/DEBUG ( 1677): #04 pc 0000ab7c /system/lib/libcameraservice.so (_ZN7android13CameraService7connectERKNS_2spINS_13ICameraClientEEEi)
I/DEBUG ( 1677): #05 pc 00016b42 /system/lib/libcamera_client.so (_ZN7android15BnCameraService10onTransactEjRKNS_6ParcelEPS1_j)
I/DEBUG ( 1677): #06 pc 00008e42 /system/lib/libcameraservice.so (_ZN7android13CameraService10onTransactEjRKNS_6ParcelEPS1_j)
I/DEBUG ( 1677): #07 pc 00017f3c /system/lib/libbinder.so (_ZN7android7BBinder8transactEjRKNS_6ParcelEPS1_j)
I/DEBUG ( 1677): #08 pc 0001b3c4 /system/lib/libbinder.so (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState14executeCommandEi)
I/DEBUG ( 1677): #09 pc 0001b594 /system/lib/libbinder.so (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState14joinThreadPoolEb)
I/DEBUG ( 1677): #10 pc 00008ab6 /system/bin/mediaserver
I/DEBUG ( 1677): #11 pc 000164ea /system/lib/libc.so (__libc_init)
I/DEBUG ( 1677):
I/DEBUG ( 1677): code around pc:
I/DEBUG ( 1677): a968bd34 68206018 eab2f7fb 58a94a92 49926008 .` h.....J.X.`.I
I/DEBUG ( 1677): a968bd44 44796820 eaaaf7fb 49914b90 447958ea hyD.....K.I.XyD
I/DEBUG ( 1677): a968bd54 60016010 6820498f f7fb4479 4b8eeaa0 .`.`.I hyD.....K
I/DEBUG ( 1677): a968bd64 58ea498e 60104479 498d6001 44796820 .I.XyD.`.`.I hyD
I/DEBUG ( 1677): a968bd74 ea94f7fb 498c4b8b 447958ea 60016010 .....K.I.XyD.`.`
I/DEBUG ( 1677):
I/DEBUG ( 1677): code around lr:
I/DEBUG ( 1677): b0006780 02800016 08bd87f0 e5964000 e5967000 [email protected]
I/DEBUG ( 1677): b0006790 e2144903 1a00000e e5965000 ebffec5c .I.......P..\...
I/DEBUG ( 1677): b00067a0 e2055a02 e3853001 e1500003 0a000006 .Z...0....P.....
I/DEBUG ( 1677): b00067b0 e5865000 e1a00006 e1a01005 e3a02001 .P........... ..
I/DEBUG ( 1677): b00067c0 ebffffda e1a00004 e8bd87f0 e3a00000 ................
I/DEBUG ( 1677):
I/DEBUG ( 1677): stack:
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1828 a968e338 /system/lib/libcamera.so
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee182c b000594f /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1830 b000ed08
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1834 a968ff01 /system/lib/libcamera.so
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1838 a968bd4d /system/lib/libcamera.so
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee183c a968e338 /system/lib/libcamera.so
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1840 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1844 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1848 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee184c b00059f7 /system/bin/linker
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1850 a96916a4 /system/lib/libcamera.so
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1854 b000ed08
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1858 000145bc [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee185c a96916a4 /system/lib/libcamera.so
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1860 df0027ad
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1864 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): #00 beee1868 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee186c 400ecf01 /system/lib/libutils.so
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1870 000146e0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1874 00014510 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1878 a96916a4 /system/lib/libcamera.so
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee187c 00014510 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1880 beee1954 [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1884 000001d0
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1888 a96916a4 /system/lib/libcamera.so
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee188c a968d9f9 /system/lib/libcamera.so
I/DEBUG ( 1677): #01 beee1890 0000f6d0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1894 beee1978 [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1898 00013f88 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee189c 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee18a0 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee18a4 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee18a8 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee18ac 00002eda
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee18b0 0000000b
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee18b4 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee18b8 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee18bc 00000323
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee18c0 000041ed
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee18c4 00000002
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee18c8 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee18cc 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee18d0 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee18d4 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee18d8 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee18dc 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee18e0 000002f8
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee18e4 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee18e8 00001000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee18ec 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee18f0 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee18f4 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee18f8 4fc5dd55
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee18fc 245bdc83
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1900 4fc5dd55
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1904 245bdc83
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1908 4fc5dd55
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee190c 245bdc83
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1910 00000323
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1914 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1918 00014510 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee191c beee1954 [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1920 00001c16
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1924 beee1954 [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1928 00001c16
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee192c 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1930 00013dfc [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 1677): beee1934 a968db39 /system/lib/libcamera.so
I/BootReceiver( 325): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_04 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
E/CameraHolder( 1685): fail to connect Camera
E/CameraHolder( 1685): java.lang.RuntimeException: Fail to connect to camera service
E/CameraHolder( 1685): at android.hardware.Camera.native_setup(Native Method)
E/CameraHolder( 1685): at android.hardware.Camera.<init>(Camera.java:320)
E/CameraHolder( 1685): at android.hardware.Camera.open(Camera.java:280)
E/CameraHolder( 1685): at com.android.camera.CameraHolder.open(CameraHolder.java:131)
E/CameraHolder( 1685): at com.android.camera.Util.openCamera(Util.java:267)
E/CameraHolder( 1685): at com.android.camera.Camera$4.run(Camera.java:1118)
E/CameraHolder( 1685): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:856)
W/AudioSystem( 325): AudioFlinger server died!
I/ServiceManager( 138): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 138): service 'media.player' died
I/ServiceManager( 138): service 'media.camera' died
I/ServiceManager( 138): service 'media.audio_policy' died
W/AudioSystem( 325): AudioPolicyService server died!
W/MediaMetadataRetriever( 942): MediaMetadataRetriever server died!
W/Camera ( 1685): Camera server died!
AFAIK Gio has a semi working camera. Perhaps someone could check if liboemcamera from Maclaws Gio Port works ? I'm in office at the moment and can't do this right now.

camera work perfectly on X8
today, I saw a good thing, that the camera works perfectly on X8 with minicm9, try this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1575094
hope can help you for reference
sorry for my bad english

Samsung changed a bunch of stuff in thier libcameraoem, those changes made it incompatible with the libcamera from qualcode which the hero is using. That lib is opensource an basicly a wrapper around the libcameraoem to abstact the AOSP interface from the verndors code.
If you can you can try to load the libcameraoem stuff, if that works, the rest should be straight forwared. I did some work on it in the early CM days but got lazy an used the blobs.

coolya said:
As Always Samsung did everything different, the hero libs won't work cause the kernel driver is different and the sensor detection fails. You could port the kernel driver to the ace.
When you try to load the original samsung lib there is a bunch of libs you need to load. You could at first try to stub those functions to just get it loading, but the problem is, the comple overlay code was removed in ICS so this will be hard. But doable.
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You are talking about missing symbol(s) like ''_ZN7android7Overlay5setFdEi...' Right ?
Then what about this: http://review.cyanogenmod.com/#/c/13317/ ?

This changes are required to get the binder working with gingerbread and froyo libs where the binder interface was different.
The binder is just used for IPC you still need to get the overlay stuff working.
I didn't put any work in porting gingerbread camera libs to ics, so I can't tell you much whats needed.

lagloose said:
You are talking about missing symbol(s) like ''_ZN7android7Overlay5setFdEi...' Right ?
Then what about this: http://review.cyanogenmod.com/#/c/13317/ ?
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says on the page that you linked it's already merged, so it should already work.

Thats just gave me an idea. Coolya could you make a list of suggested methods i'll be be happy to work at this and get it done once and for all.

You can have a look at this first:
it is some kind of blue print, it is used on other msm7277 device like the Z71 or ZTE Blade to get the camera working. But it won't work OOTB samsung changed a bunch of stuff. I would suggest to get this working with gingerbread and then porting it to ICS schould be not that hard.

look at this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1651530
They've collected a lot of informational links in the first post(s) which could help us also...

Wonderful to see you guys working on the camera libs. I have mentioned previously on the general and dev threads that if Blade and P500 can do it so can our devs. One thing that seems to have had an effect for those and other devices with working, or partially working, cameras is some kind of "fix" in the init files. I have experimented myself with various libs with similar results as those posted here but I feel that if we can get a little guidance from the successful devs that will be the way to make progress. Good luck in your quest.
I found that using Retro Camera and OS Monitor helped to assess what was going wrong during my experiments along with catlog of course

djsky2011 said:
Thats just gave me an idea. Coolya could you make a list of suggested methods i'll be be happy to work at this and get it done once and for all.
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djsky do you have actual Sources/Configs from Maclaw ?


libSDL won't open

On The Verizon Fascinate, 2.1, Blackhole's custom rom with 1.25 ghz LV overclock, libSDL opens for a brief second, showing a black screen, then quickly returns back to ADW.
ADB logcat shows:
V/InputDevice( 2394): ID[0]=0 Dn (0=>1)
V/WindowManager( 2394): Dsptch 0 x192.0 y124.0 > Window{47e83b50 org.adw.launcher/org.adw.launcher.Launcher paused=false}
V/InputDevice( 2394): ID[0]=0 Up (1=>0)
V/WindowManager( 2394): Dsptch 1 x192.0 y124.0 > Window{47e83b50 org.adw.launcher/org.adw.launcher.Launcher paused=false}
I/ActivityManager( 2394): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=libSDL.jni/.libSDL }
I/ActivityManager( 2394): Start proc libSDL.jni for activity libSDL.jni/.libSDL: pid=3618 uid=10101 gids={1015, 3003}
I/Zygote ( 3618): Zygote: pid 3618 has INTERNET permission, then set capability for CAP_NET_RAW(13)
W/Resources( 2394): Converting to boolean: TypedValue{t=0x3/d=0xd9d "res/anim/accelerate_decelerate_interpolator.xml" a=1 r=0x10a0004}
W/Resources( 2394): Converting to boolean: TypedValue{t=0x3/d=0xd9d "res/anim/accelerate_decelerate_interpolator.xml" a=1 r=0x10a0004}
D/dalvikvm( 3618): Trying to load lib /data/data/libSDL.jni/lib/libnativeapp.so 0x47eced90
D/dalvikvm( 3618): Added shared lib /data/data/libSDL.jni/lib/libnativeapp.so 0x47eced90
W/SDL ( 3618): JNI_OnLoad: requesting JNI_VERSION_1_2
D/dalvikvm( 3618): +++ not scanning '/system/lib/libwebcore.so' for 'libSDLcheckloaded' (wrong CL)
D/dalvikvm( 3618): +++ not scanning '/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so' for 'libSDLcheckloaded' (wrong CL)
D/dalvikvm( 3618): +++ not scanning '/system/lib/libexif.so' for 'libSDLcheckloaded' (wrong CL)
D/dalvikvm( 3618): +++ not scanning '/system/lib/libsrec_jni.so' for 'libSDLcheckloaded' (wrong CL)
D/dalvikvm( 3618): GC freed 757 objects / 56704 bytes in 25ms
D/SensorManager( 3618): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 1
D/SensorManager( 3618): found sensor: KR3DH, handle=0
D/SensorManager( 3618): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 2
D/SensorManager( 3618): found sensor: MS-3C Magnetic Sensor, handle=1
D/SensorManager( 3618): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 3
D/SensorManager( 3618): found sensor: MS-3C Orientation Sensor, handle=2
D/SensorManager( 3618): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 4
D/SensorManager( 3618): found sensor: gp2a Proximity Sensor, handle=7
D/SensorManager( 3618): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 0
D/SensorManager( 3618): found sensor: gp2a Light Sensor, handle=4
E/SensorManager( 3618): ####### akmd2 started!!!
I/WindowManager( 2394): Setting rotation to 1, animFlags=0
D/dalvikvm( 3618): +++ not scanning '/system/lib/libwebcore.so' for 'libSDLresume' (wrong CL)
D/dalvikvm( 3618): +++ not scanning '/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so' for 'libSDLresume' (wrong CL)
D/dalvikvm( 3618): +++ not scanning '/system/lib/libexif.so' for 'libSDLresume' (wrong CL)
D/dalvikvm( 3618): +++ not scanning '/system/lib/libsrec_jni.so' for 'libSDLresume' (wrong CL)
D/dalvikvm( 3618): +++ not scanning '/system/lib/libwebcore.so' for 'libSDLmain' (wrong CL)
D/dalvikvm( 3618): +++ not scanning '/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so' for 'libSDLmain' (wrong CL)
D/dalvikvm( 3618): +++ not scanning '/system/lib/libexif.so' for 'libSDLmain' (wrong CL)
D/dalvikvm( 3618): +++ not scanning '/system/lib/libsrec_jni.so' for 'libSDLmain' (wrong CL)
W/SDL ( 3618): JNI: passed data directory: '/sdcard/SDL'
I/ActivityManager( 2394): Displayed activity libSDL.jni/.libSDL: 186 ms (total 186 ms)
D/SDL ( 3618): calling main(/sdcard/SDL/sdl -L . -m 16 -boot c -hda c.img -soundhw sb16), curdir: /sdcard/SDL
W/SDL ( 3618): Warning: vlan 0 is not connected to host network
D/dalvikvm( 3618): GC freed 218 objects / 9880 bytes in 22ms
D/dalvikvm( 3618): GC freed 6 objects / 144 bytes in 31ms
I/DEBUG ( 2353): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
I/DEBUG ( 2353): Build fingerprint: 'verizon/SCH-I500/SCH-I500/SCH-I500:2.1-update1/ECLAIR/DI01:user/release-keys'
I/DEBUG ( 2353): pid: 3618, tid: 3626 >>> libSDL.jni <<<
I/DEBUG ( 2353): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr b4b8c3f4
I/DEBUG ( 2353): r0 82c1cc10 r1 82c1cc10 r2 00000000 r3 b4b8c068
I/DEBUG ( 2353): r4 8239c3a9 r5 0036c328 r6 000004fe r7 0036c328
I/DEBUG ( 2353): r8 00000000 r9 8239c3ec 10 8239c3ec fp 4b48205c
I/DEBUG ( 2353): ip 4b481fd4 sp 4b481fcc lr 820dea44 pc 82c1cc4c cpsr 60000010
I/DEBUG ( 2353): #00 pc 82c1cc4c
I/DEBUG ( 2353): #01 lr 820dea44 /data/data/libSDL.jni/lib/libnativeapp.so
I/DEBUG ( 2353):
I/DEBUG ( 2353): code around lr:
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 820dea34 e0632002 e51b1058 e1a00009 ebfda5a7
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 820dea44 e51b0048 e0202320 e1a03322 e2033d3f
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 820dea54 e202203f e1833002 e51f2290 e0871103
I/DEBUG ( 2353):
I/DEBUG ( 2353): stack:
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481f8c 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481f90 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481f94 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481f98 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481f9c 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481fa0 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481fa4 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481fa8 8239c3a9
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481fac 0036c328 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481fb0 000004fe
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481fb4 0036c328 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481fb8 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481fbc 8239c3ec
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481fc0 df002777
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481fc4 e3a070ad
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481fc8 4b481fd4
I/DEBUG ( 2353): #00 4b481fcc 4b48205c
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481fd0 4b481fd4
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481fd4 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481fd8 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481fdc 000ff000 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481fe0 4b48205c
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481fe4 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481fe8 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481fec 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481ff0 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481ff4 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481ff8 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b481ffc 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b482000 000fe0a9 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b482004 0181e0a9
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b482008 00100044 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b48200c 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 2353): 4b482010 000f0000 [heap]
D/Zygote ( 2357): Process 3618 terminated by signal (11)
I/WindowManager( 2394): WIN DEATH: Window{48064bf0 SurfaceView paused=false}
I/WindowManager( 2394): WIN DEATH: Window{48028c08 libSDL.jni/libSDL.jni.libSDL paused=false}
I/ActivityManager( 2394): Process libSDL.jni (pid 3618) has died.
I/WindowManager( 2394): Setting rotation to 3, animFlags=0
I/UsageStats( 2394): Unexpected resume of org.adw.launcher while already resumed in libSDL.jni
W/InputManagerService( 2394): Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid 3618 uid 10101
D/dalvikvm( 2394): GC freed 2316 objects / 147592 bytes in 213ms
I/POWER_OFF_TEST( 2394): mBatteryLevel = 48 mBatteryDecimalPoint = 1

[CM7] #28 wildfire still drops calls after a few seconds

What I did:
- format all partitions except SDCARD
- removed all hidden android directories on SDCARD, only Media, downloaded nightly and gapps-gb and my nandroid-backup were left.
- reset to factory settings
- wiped cache
- applied newest radio
- rebooted
- installed nightly #28
- installed gapps-gb-20110307
- rebooted
- entered SIM code
- skipped login to google
- called my mailbox
Phone call still drops after a few seconds.
D/SurfaceFlinger( 172): About to give-up screen, flinger = 0x93778
I/DEBUG ( 113): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
I/DEBUG ( 113): Build fingerprint: 'google/passion/passion:2.3.3/GRI40/102588:user/release-keys'
I/DEBUG ( 113): pid: 114, tid: 136 >>> /system/bin/rild <<<
I/DEBUG ( 113): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000004
I/DEBUG ( 113): r0 100ffb2c r1 00000001 r2 000000ff r3 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 113): r4 00000000 r5 000000ff r6 afd41504 r7 100ffb2c
I/DEBUG ( 113): r8 ae604fe5 r9 00000000 10 00100000 fp 00000001
I/DEBUG ( 113): ip 80074820 sp 100ffa90 lr 80050abf pc afd18ca0 cpsr 20000030
I/DEBUG ( 113): #00 pc 00018ca0 /system/lib/libc.so (fread)
I/DEBUG ( 113): #01 pc 00050abc /system/lib/libhtc_ril.so (ril_func_screen_state_notified)
I/DEBUG ( 113): #02 pc 00032d18 /system/lib/libhtc_ril.so (ril_request_on_request)
I/DEBUG ( 113): #03 pc 00004348 /system/lib/libril.so
I/DEBUG ( 113): #04 pc 00004cf0 /system/lib/libril.so
I/DEBUG ( 113): #05 pc 00004d3e /system/lib/libril.so
I/DEBUG ( 113): #06 pc 00005344 /system/lib/libril.so (_Z14ril_event_loopv)
I/DEBUG ( 113): #07 pc 0000505a /system/lib/libril.so
I/DEBUG ( 113): #08 pc 00011cf4 /system/lib/libc.so (__thread_entry)
I/DEBUG ( 113): #09 pc 000118a4 /system/lib/libc.so (pthread_create)
I/DEBUG ( 113):
I/DEBUG ( 113): code around pc:
I/DEBUG ( 113): afd18c80 bd101c18 1c15b5f0 b0851c0a 4e4d436a
I/DEBUG ( 113): afd18c90 447e9103 92011c1c d1012a00 e08e2500
I/DEBUG ( 113): afd18ca0 2b00685b 2100da01 1c076061 078289a0
I/DEBUG ( 113): afd18cb0 6be2d572 d16f2a00 58734943 2e00681e
I/DEBUG ( 113): afd18cc0 f7ffd101 89a3fd9d 60602000 d474069a
I/DEBUG ( 113):
I/DEBUG ( 113): code around lr:
I/DEBUG ( 113): 80050a9c 2800efd2 4b6fd139 af1d4a6f 18a918e8
I/DEBUG ( 113): 80050aac e840f7c1 1c231c04 22ff2101 f7c11c38
I/DEBUG ( 113): 80050abc 1c20e828 e818f7c1 18294868 f7c11c38
I/DEBUG ( 113): 80050acc 7987e8ce 2f654b5e 58efd110 29006839
I/DEBUG ( 113): 80050adc 485fdd09 4c624a5b 18a9182b 192a3304
I/DEBUG ( 113):
I/DEBUG ( 113): stack:
I/DEBUG ( 113): 100ffa50 ae604fe5 /system/lib/libril.so
I/DEBUG ( 113): 100ffa54 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 113): 100ffa58 00100000
I/DEBUG ( 113): 100ffa5c 80059c81 /system/lib/libhtc_ril.so
I/DEBUG ( 113): 100ffa60 800747a8
I am now back to my backup (#28 but switched kernel to HCDR.Kernel_4.1). With this kernel wifi is not very stable but at least I can use my phone for calls ;-).
After succesful boot with HCDR.Kernel_4.1, I use SetCPU to set 264MHz Min and 518MHz Max using interactive scaling. Afterwards I may install HCDR.Kernel_4.2 and use this, which has better WIFI and mobile data for me.
Tried libhtc_ril_2.2.0110HM as well, still drops calls for me.
mfriedenhagen said:
Tried libhtc_ril_2.2.0110HM as well, still drops calls for me.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Stick with the fixed libril from Post #3972 , which seems to work for everybody. (Didnt get a failure report yet when I went through the thread.)
Please try arco's new test kernel here and report on the nightly thread whether it works or not.
nhnt11 said:
Please try arco's new test kernel here and report on the nightly thread whether it works or not.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Would like to reply on the nigthly thread but am still not allowed as I have not created enough posts .
What I did:
- Coming from a nightly #28 and libhtc_ril.so from 3972
- Booted into Recovery
- Cleaned cache and dalvik-cache.
- Installed nightly #28 and kernel from 4104 in one go
- Rebooted
- Signal drops during call when screen goes blank, service provider is gone and reappears after a few seconds.
W/InputManagerService( 167): Starting input on non-focused client [email protected] (uid=10011 pid=925)
D/AccelerometerListener( 392): orientation: horizontal
D/AccelerometerListener( 392): orientation: vertical
I/power ( 167): *** set_screen_state 0
D/SurfaceFlinger( 167): About to give-up screen, flinger = 0x93778
D/WifiService( 167): ACTION_SCREEN_OFF
I/DEBUG ( 109): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
I/DEBUG ( 109): Build fingerprint: 'google/passion/passion:2.3.3/GRI40/102588:user/release-keys'
I/DEBUG ( 109): pid: 1127, tid: 1128 >>> /system/bin/rild <<<
I/DEBUG ( 109): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000004
I/DEBUG ( 109): r0 100ffb2c r1 00000001 r2 000000ff r3 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 109): r4 00000000 r5 000000ff r6 afd41504 r7 100ffb2c
I/DEBUG ( 109): r8 ae604fe5 r9 00000000 10 00100000 fp 00000001
I/DEBUG ( 109): ip 80074820 sp 100ffa90 lr 80050abf pc afd18ca0 cpsr 20000030
D/NetworkCollector( 705): state now IDLE
I/DEBUG ( 109): #00 pc 00018ca0 /system/lib/libc.so (fread)
I/DEBUG ( 109): #01 pc 00050abc /system/lib/libhtc_ril.so (ril_func_screen_state_notified)
I/DEBUG ( 109): #02 pc 00032d18 /system/lib/libhtc_ril.so (ril_request_on_request)
I/DEBUG ( 109): #03 pc 00004348 /system/lib/libril.so
I/DEBUG ( 109): #04 pc 00004cf0 /system/lib/libril.so
I/DEBUG ( 109): #05 pc 00004d3e /system/lib/libril.so
I/DEBUG ( 109): #06 pc 00005344 /system/lib/libril.so (_Z14ril_event_loopv)
I/DEBUG ( 109): #07 pc 0000505a /system/lib/libril.so
I/DEBUG ( 109): #08 pc 00011cf4 /system/lib/libc.so (__thread_entry)
I/DEBUG ( 109): #09 pc 000118a4 /system/lib/libc.so (pthread_create)
I/DEBUG ( 109):
I/DEBUG ( 109): code around pc:
I/DEBUG ( 109): afd18c80 bd101c18 1c15b5f0 b0851c0a 4e4d436a
I/DEBUG ( 109): afd18c90 447e9103 92011c1c d1012a00 e08e2500
I/DEBUG ( 109): afd18ca0 2b00685b 2100da01 1c076061 078289a0
I/DEBUG ( 109): afd18cb0 6be2d572 d16f2a00 58734943 2e00681e
I/DEBUG ( 109): afd18cc0 f7ffd101 89a3fd9d 60602000 d474069a
mfriedenhagen said:
Would like to reply on the nigthly thread but am still not allowed as I have not created enough posts .
What I did:
- Coming from a nightly #28 and libhtc_ril.so from 3972
- Booted into Recovery
- Cleaned cache and dalvik-cache.
- Installed nightly #28 and kernel from 4104 in one go
- Rebooted
- Signal drops during call when screen goes blank, service provider is gone and reappears after a few seconds.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Alright thanks for testing, I've told arco about it. We'll see.
Would like to reply on the nigthly thread but am still not allowed as I have not created enough posts .
What I did:
- Coming from a nightly #28 and libhtc_ril.so from 3972
- Booted into Recovery
- Cleaned cache and dalvik-cache.
- Installed nightly #28 and kernel from 4139 in one go
- Rebooted
- Signal does not drop during calls from or to my phone when screen goes blank, service provider is not gone.
- Am able to receive SMS as well.
- WIFI/2G/3G are working.
[CM7] #30 wildfire still drops calls after a few seconds unless applying new kernel
What I did:
- Booted into Recovery
- Cleaned cache and dalvik-cache.
- Installed nightly #30
- Rebooted
- Signal does drop during calls from or to my phone when screen goes blank.
- Booted into Recovery
- Installed kernel from 4139
- Rebooted
- Signal does not drop during calls from or to my phone when screen goes blank, service provider is not gone.
- Am able to receive SMS as well.
- WIFI/2G/3G are working as well.

[SOLVED] Sygic Aura and Cyanogenmod 7

Hi there. I successfully managed do install Cyanogenmod 7 on my HTC Desire Z. I was pretty proud of myself since I never hacked into anything and I had to do the downgrade.
I had the GPS problem, which I managed to fix using the guide on this forum by wiping a few partitions. The GPS seems to work in Google Maps and Bing Maps.
However, the navigation app Sygic Aura, which I have the paid version for and use pretty much daily, doesn't work. When I boot it up, my screen goes black and I get thrown back into my launcher. I did a complete clean install of Cyanogenmod and wiped everything that was on the phone.
Any ideas? I really love the way my phone is now, but I can't live without Sygic Aura.
Post the logcat output.
Here it is!
D/alogcat ( 2262): stopped
D/alogcat ( 2262): starting ...
V/alogcat ( 2262): save instance
V/alogcat ( 2262): paused
W/ResourceType( 1477): Skipping entry 0x7f040006 in package table 0 because it is not complex!
W/ResourceType( 1477): Skipping entry 0x7f040005 in package table 0 because it is not complex!
D/alogcat ( 2262): stopping ...
D/alogcat ( 2262): stopped
D/dalvikvm( 1587): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 512K, 55% free 3356K/7367K, external 9329K/9338K, paused 35ms
D/downloader( 2277): reading resource file database
D/dalvikvm( 2277): GC_CONCURRENT freed 108K, 49% free 2895K/5639K, external 0K/0K, paused 3ms+3ms
D/dalvikvm( 2277): GC_CONCURRENT freed 58K, 45% free 3382K/6087K, external 0K/0K, paused 2ms+3ms
D/downloader( 2277): done reading resource file database
D/dalvikvm( 2277): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.sygic.aura/lib/libAura.so 0x40513700
D/dalvikvm( 2277): Added shared lib /data/data/com.sygic.aura/lib/libAura.so 0x40513700
D/AK8975 ( 1386): Compass Start
D/dalvikvm( 2277): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 61K, 45% free 3406K/6151K, external 0K/0K, paused 39ms
D/FlurryAgent( 2277): Starting new session
D/AURA ( 2277): onResume()
D/libEGL ( 2277): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so
I/ActivityManager( 1477): Displayed com.sygic.aura/.SygicAuraActivity: +1s124ms
D/libEGL ( 2277): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_adreno200.so
D/libEGL ( 2277): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_adreno200.so
D/libEGL ( 2277): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno200.so
D/dalvikvm( 2277): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 882K, 59% free 2567K/6151K, external 1K/513K, paused 41ms
I/dalvikvm-heap( 2277): Grow heap (frag case) to 6.556MB for 1536016-byte allocation
D/dalvikvm( 2277): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed <1K, 48% free 4067K/7687K, external 1K/513K, paused 23ms
D/dalvikvm( 2277): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 48% free 4067K/7687K, external 1K/513K, paused 3ms+6ms
D/dalvikvm( 2277): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed <1K, 48% free 4067K/7687K, external 1K/513K, paused 25ms
I/dalvikvm-heap( 2277): Grow heap (frag case) to 7.055MB for 524304-byte allocation
D/dalvikvm( 2277): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 0K, 45% free 4579K/8263K, external 1K/513K, paused 25ms
D/dalvikvm( 2277): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3K, 45% free 4582K/8263K, external 1K/513K, paused 2ms+3ms
I/System.out( 2277): createWindowSurface failed: 12297
I/System.out( 2277): createWindowSurface failed: 12297
I/System.out( 2277): createWindowSurface failed: 12297
I/System.out( 2277): createWindowSurface failed: 12297
I/System.out( 2277): createWindowSurface failed: 12297
I/System.out( 2277): createWindowSurface failed: 12297
I/System.out( 2277): createWindowSurface failed: 12297
I/System.out( 2277): createWindowSurface failed: 12297
I/System.out( 2277): createWindowSurface failed: 12297
E/msm7x30.gralloc( 1477): unrecognized pixel format: 8
W/GraphicBufferAllocator( 1477): alloc(480, 800, 8, 00000133, ...) failed -22 (Invalid argument)
D/GraphicBufferAllocator( 1477): Allocated buffers:
D/GraphicBufferAllocator( 1477): 0x1bc790: 71.25 KiB | 480 ( 480) x 38 | 1 | 0x00000133
D/GraphicBufferAllocator( 1477): 0x29aec8: 1346.25 KiB | 480 ( 480) x 718 | 1 | 0x00000133
D/GraphicBufferAllocator( 1477): 0x29b060: 71.25 KiB | 480 ( 480) x 38 | 1 | 0x00000133
D/GraphicBufferAllocator( 1477): 0x2d6320: 6.25 KiB | 37 ( 64) x 25 | 1 | 0x00000133
D/GraphicBufferAllocator( 1477): 0x2d6360: 750.00 KiB | 480 ( 480) x 800 | 4 | 0x00000133
D/GraphicBufferAllocator( 1477): 0x41e150: 1500.00 KiB | 480 ( 480) x 800 | 1 | 0x00000133
D/GraphicBufferAllocator( 1477): 0x443958: 1500.00 KiB | 480 ( 480) x 800 | 1 | 0x00000133
D/GraphicBufferAllocator( 1477): 0x44abf0: 750.00 KiB | 480 ( 480) x 800 | 4 | 0x00000133
D/GraphicBufferAllocator( 1477): 0x4b45a0: 1500.00 KiB | 480 ( 480) x 800 | 1 | 0x00000133
D/GraphicBufferAllocator( 1477): Total allocated: 7495.00 KB
E/SurfaceFlinger( 1477): Layer::requestBuffer(this=0x1df298), index=0, w=480, h=800 failed (Invalid argument)
E/Surface ( 2277): Surface (identity=19) requestBuffer(0, 0, 0, 8, 00000033) returned a buffer with a null handle
E/Surface ( 2277): getBufferLocked(0, 0, 0, 8, 00000033) failed (Out of memory)
I/System.out( 2277): eglMakeCurrent failed: 12291
E/msm7x30.gralloc( 1477): unrecognized pixel format: 8
W/GraphicBufferAllocator( 1477): alloc(480, 800, 8, 00000133, ...) failed -22 (Invalid argument)
D/GraphicBufferAllocator( 1477): Allocated buffers:
D/GraphicBufferAllocator( 1477): 0x1bc790: 71.25 KiB | 480 ( 480) x 38 | 1 | 0x00000133
D/GraphicBufferAllocator( 1477): 0x29aec8: 1346.25 KiB | 480 ( 480) x 718 | 1 | 0x00000133
D/GraphicBufferAllocator( 1477): 0x29b060: 71.25 KiB | 480 ( 480) x 38 | 1 | 0x00000133
D/GraphicBufferAllocator( 1477): 0x2d6320: 6.25 KiB | 37 ( 64) x 25 | 1 | 0x00000133
D/GraphicBufferAllocator( 1477): 0x2d6360: 750.00 KiB | 480 ( 480) x 800 | 4 | 0x00000133
D/GraphicBufferAllocator( 1477): 0x41e150: 1500.00 KiB | 480 ( 480) x 800 | 1 | 0x00000133
D/GraphicBufferAllocator( 1477): 0x443958: 1500.00 KiB | 480 ( 480) x 800 | 1 | 0x00000133
D/GraphicBufferAllocator( 1477): 0x44abf0: 750.00 KiB | 480 ( 480) x 800 | 4 | 0x00000133
D/GraphicBufferAllocator( 1477): 0x4b45a0: 1500.00 KiB | 480 ( 480) x 800 | 1 | 0x00000133
D/GraphicBufferAllocator( 1477): Total allocated: 7495.00 KB
E/SurfaceFlinger( 1477): Layer::requestBuffer(this=0x1df298), index=0, w=480, h=800 failed (Invalid argument)
E/Surface ( 2277): Surface (identity=19) requestBuffer(0, 0, 0, 8, 00000033) returned a buffer with a null handle
E/Surface ( 2277): getBufferLocked(0, 0, 0, 8, 00000033) failed (Out of memory)
I/System.out( 2277): eglMakeCurrent failed: 12291
I/System.out( 2277): createWindowSurface failed: 12297
I/System.out( 2277): createWindowSurface failed: 12297
E/libEGL ( 2277): call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread)
I/DEBUG ( 1379): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
I/DEBUG ( 1379): Build fingerprint: 'tmobile/htc_vision/vision/vision:2.2/FRF91/277427:user/release-keys'
I/DEBUG ( 1379): pid: 2277, tid: 2288 >>> com.sygic.aura <<<
I/DEBUG ( 1379): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1379): r0 00000008 r1 00000053 r2 80808080 r3 00000008
I/DEBUG ( 1379): r4 00000000 r5 80e60dc1 r6 0000004f r7 00000001
I/DEBUG ( 1379): r8 00000008 r9 43ea1f84 10 0019f550 fp aca9f368
I/DEBUG ( 1379): ip 80808000 sp 44cf6960 lr afd20d37 pc afd20d3c cpsr 40000030
I/DEBUG ( 1379): d0 6472656767756265 d1 702065636e6f2064
I/DEBUG ( 1379): d2 6e6572727563206f d3 7865746e6f632074
I/DEBUG ( 1379): d4 0000000000000000 d5 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 1379): d6 0000303800000000 d7 ffffffffffffffff
I/DEBUG ( 1379): d8 0000000000019df5 d9 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 1379): d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 1379): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 1379): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 1379): d16 00000007405a4340 d17 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 1379): d18 42eccefa43de3400 d19 3fbc71c71c71c71c
I/DEBUG ( 1379): d20 4008000000000000 d21 3fd99a27ad32ddf5
I/DEBUG ( 1379): d22 3fd24998d6307188 d23 3fcc7288e957b53b
I/DEBUG ( 1379): d24 3fc74721cad6b0ed d25 3fc39a09d078c69f
I/DEBUG ( 1379): d26 0000000000000000 d27 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 1379): d28 0000000000000000 d29 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 1379): d30 0000000000000000 d31 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 1379): scr 80000012
I/DEBUG ( 1379):
I/DEBUG ( 1379): #00 pc 00020d3c /system/lib/libc.so (strstr)
I/DEBUG ( 1379): #01 pc 00466d74 /data/data/com.sygic.aura/lib/libAura.so (_ZN6CLowGL20GlDetectCapabilitiesEv)
I/DEBUG ( 1379): #02 pc 005251a0 /data/data/com.sygic.aura/lib/libAura.so (_ZN7Library11CRendererGL10InitializeEv)
I/DEBUG ( 1379): #03 pc 0051c788 /data/data/com.sygic.aura/lib/libAura.so (_ZN7Library9CRenderer6CreateENS0_11SurfaceTypeE)
I/DEBUG ( 1379): #04 pc 00197330 /data/data/com.sygic.aura/lib/libAura.so (_ZN8CAuraWndC1Ev)
I/DEBUG ( 1379): #05 pc 001942e0 /data/data/com.sygic.aura/lib/libAura.so (_ZN8CAppMain4InitEv)
I/DEBUG ( 1379): #06 pc 001940c4 /data/data/com.sygic.aura/lib/libAura.so (_Z13HelperWinMainPw)
I/DEBUG ( 1379): #07 pc 00194128 /data/data/com.sygic.aura/lib/libAura.so (_Z8AuraMainPc)
I/DEBUG ( 1379): #08 pc 004f1764 /data/data/com.sygic.aura/lib/libAura.so
I/DEBUG ( 1379): #09 pc 00011e74 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1379): #10 pc 00043720 /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmCallJNIMethod_general)
I/DEBUG ( 1379): #11 pc 00017074 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1379): #12 pc 0001c124 /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmMterpStd)
I/DEBUG ( 1379): #13 pc 0001b01c /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmInterpret)
I/DEBUG ( 1379): #14 pc 00059c7c /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmCallMethodV)
I/DEBUG ( 1379): #15 pc 00059e90 /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmCallMethod)
I/DEBUG ( 1379): #16 pc 0004e1e2 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 1379): #17 pc 00011b04 /system/lib/libc.so (__thread_entry)
I/DEBUG ( 1379): #18 pc 000116d0 /system/lib/libc.so (pthread_create)
I/DEBUG ( 1379):
I/DEBUG ( 1379): code around pc:
I/DEBUG ( 1379): afd20d1c 1a18d1f7 bf00bd70 41f0e92d 4604780e
I/DEBUG ( 1379): afd20d2c 1c4db1a6 f7f44628 4680e848 463ce000
I/DEBUG ( 1379): afd20d3c b90b7823 e009461c 42b31c67 4638d1f7
I/DEBUG ( 1379): afd20d4c 46424629 ff90f016 d1f02800 e8bd4620
I/DEBUG ( 1379): afd20d5c bf0081f0 b908b5f0 b3186810 25004603
I/DEBUG ( 1379):
I/DEBUG ( 1379): code around lr:
I/DEBUG ( 1379): afd20d14 e7f54613 2d005d0d 1a18d1f7 bf00bd70
I/DEBUG ( 1379): afd20d24 41f0e92d 4604780e 1c4db1a6 f7f44628
I/DEBUG ( 1379): afd20d34 4680e848 463ce000 b90b7823 e009461c
I/DEBUG ( 1379): afd20d44 42b31c67 4638d1f7 46424629 ff90f016
I/DEBUG ( 1379): afd20d54 d1f02800 e8bd4620 bf0081f0 b908b5f0
I/DEBUG ( 1379):
I/DEBUG ( 1379): stack:
I/DEBUG ( 1379): 44cf6920 00003038
I/DEBUG ( 1379): 44cf6924 00003031
I/DEBUG ( 1379): 44cf6928 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1379): 44cf692c 00003038
I/DEBUG ( 1379): 44cf6930 00003031
I/DEBUG ( 1379): 44cf6934 00000002
I/DEBUG ( 1379): 44cf6938 00003038
I/DEBUG ( 1379): 44cf693c 00003032
I/DEBUG ( 1379): 44cf6940 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1379): 44cf6944 b408cc55
I/DEBUG ( 1379): 44cf6948 00003032
I/DEBUG ( 1379): 44cf694c 80ed4374
I/DEBUG ( 1379): 44cf6950 001a6448
I/DEBUG ( 1379): 44cf6954 80ed4374
I/DEBUG ( 1379): 44cf6958 df002777
I/DEBUG ( 1379): 44cf695c e3a070ad
I/DEBUG ( 1379): #00 44cf6960 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 1379): 44cf6964 80f0a1c8
I/DEBUG ( 1379): 44cf6968 80ed4374
I/DEBUG ( 1379): 44cf696c 00000001
I/DEBUG ( 1379): 44cf6970 0011fb50
I/DEBUG ( 1379): 44cf6974 80c66d78 /data/data/com.sygic.aura/lib/libAura.so
I/DEBUG ( 1379): #01 44cf6978 80ed4374
I/DEBUG ( 1379): 44cf697c 001a6448
I/DEBUG ( 1379): 44cf6980 00000002
I/DEBUG ( 1379): 44cf6984 80d251a4 /data/data/com.sygic.aura/lib/libAura.so
D/libloc ( 1477): Inject coarse position Lat=30.539812, Lon=-87.214093, Acc=3126.00
D/libloc ( 1477): loc_eng_ioctl called: client = 0, ioctl_type = RPC_LOC_IOCTL_INJECT_POSITION
D/libloc ( 1477): loc_eng_ioctl result: client = 0, ioctl_type = RPC_LOC_IOCTL_INJECT_POSITION, RPC_LOC_API_SUCCESS
E/InputDispatcher( 1477): channel '409b8e20 com.sygic.aura/com.sygic.aura.SygicAuraActivity (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x8
E/InputDispatcher( 1477): channel '409b8e20 com.sygic.aura/com.sygic.aura.SygicAuraActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
D/Zygote ( 1381): Process 2277 terminated by signal (11)
D/dalvikvm( 1477): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 753K, 41% free 6566K/11015K, external 4870K/6061K, paused 73ms
W/ResourceType( 1477): Skipping entry 0x7f040006 in package table 0 because it is not complex!
D/AK8975 ( 1386): Compass CLOSE
D/dalvikvm( 1587): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 96K, 55% free 3338K/7367K, external 9248K/9280K, paused 34ms
D/alogcat ( 2262): stopping ...
D/alogcat ( 2262): canceling periodic saves
D/alogcat ( 2262): starting ...
V/alogcat ( 2262): started
V/alogcat ( 2262): resumed
W/ResourceType( 1477): Skipping entry 0x7f040007 in package table 0 because it is not complex!
W/ResourceType( 1477): Skipping entry 0x7f040008 in package table 0 because it is not complex!
D/dalvikvm( 2262): GC_CONCURRENT freed 578K, 55% free 2758K/6023K, external 711K/1042K, paused 4ms+3ms
W/KeyCharacterMap( 2262): No keyboard for id 131074
W/KeyCharacterMap( 2262): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
D/dalvikvm( 2262): GC_CONCURRENT freed 458K, 55% free 2713K/6023K, external 711K/1042K, paused 2ms+5ms
I don't know what to make of it.
By the way, I tried several re-installs and even wiped the phone and tried to re-install the app. All without success.
Do other 3D apps work with your phone? There seems to be an error with OpenGL
That was my initial thought as well. I'm no expert by any means but that was what it looked like to me too. I installed that game Air Attack episode 1 to try it, and it worked just perfectly fine. That's a game that has pretty heavy 3D graphics with all kind of fancy effects.
I had the same problem. I removed the current version of Aura (2.1.3) and installed the a older version (2.1.2). Now it starts and navigation runs like before...
Yes, I figured this out as well. After a long search I found the APK for this version of the software. I hope this can help others who have this problem as well.

MIUI 4.0 ICS Port for the HD2 - Let me know if your interested by posting here

Hey XDA/HD2 community,
Got hold of a MIUI 4.0 ICS release and thought I'd post prior to starting work...
Who's interested in a port to the HD2? - As this is exactly what I plan to do.
If there's enough interest I'll begin work, however there will be a few things I will not be able to test (digitizer is broken; waiting for a replacement) so I may require a few beta testers.
Best Regards,
Is it realy ics or it's partialy used ics framework? Isc apps will be installable using this rom?
@munjeni - Yes this is the MIUI 4.0 ICS build and not just implemented ICS framework.
Best Regards,
Thats great!
Better get to it then ^^, will keep you informed on my progress.
p.s. Lack off the XMAS spirit this year for me :\ , coming around far to quick don't ya think.
Best Regards,
Stickman89 said:
Hey XDA/HD2 community,
Got hold of a MIUI 4.0 ICS release and thought I'd post prior to starting work...
Who's interested in a port to the HD2? - As this is exactly what I plan to do.
If there's enough interest I'll begin work, however there will be a few things I will not be able to test (digitizer is broken; waiting for a replacement) so I may require a few beta testers.
Best Regards,
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Im keen to do so testing code writing, im new to developing yet happy to give it a go, i want to help develop the camera problem i know is painfully on hold
Well got the build booting, issue with the screen. Just hunting for the culprit.
Best Regards,
MIUI Ice Cream Sandwich? Yes, please, thank you!
Port miui 4.0 ICS? WoW Great job!!
Sent from my HD2 using XDA App
Got bootanimation showing now, was previously just a black screen. Still an issue clearly shown in logcat, believe to be related to surfaceflinger. Still investigating...
I can tell I'm not gonna sleep tonight
Best Regards,
Surface flinger seems to be initialising fine now and assigning the correct settings for the HD2 along with libGLES which has also loaded. All EGL attributes seem to be correct too.
Only issue is everytime I fix one problem, another breaks along the way.
Best Regards,
I can't look at this anymore tonight, my brain is spangled :\
Anyhow fixing surfaceflinger errors seemed to cause more problems. Will continue tomorrow.
Fixing the following:
D/AndroidRuntime( 70): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit <<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 70): CheckJNI is OFF
I/SurfaceFlinger( 69): SurfaceFlinger is starting
I/SurfaceFlinger( 69): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W...
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): using (fd=12)
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): id = msmfb
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): xres = 480 px
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): yres = 800 px
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): xres_virtual = 480 px
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): yres_virtual = 1600 px
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): bpp = 32
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): r = 0:8
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): g = 8:8
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): b = 16:8
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): width = 48 mm (254.000000 dpi)
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): height = 80 mm (254.000000 dpi)
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): refresh rate = 60.00 Hz
D/libEGL ( 69): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so
D/libEGL ( 69): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_adreno200.so
D/libEGL ( 69): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_adreno200.so
D/libEGL ( 69): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno200.so
Has now caused this:
E/dalvikvm( 152): ERROR: couldn't find native method
E/dalvikvm( 152): Requested: Landroid/database/CursorWindow;.nativeCreate:(Ljava/lang/String;IZ)I
E/dalvikvm( 152): Candidate: Landroid/database/CursorWindow;.nativeCreate:(Ljava/lang/String;I)I
E/JNIHelp ( 152): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/database/CursorWindow', aborting
F/libc ( 152): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1)
I/DEBUG ( 67): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
I/DEBUG ( 67): Build fingerprint: 'google/passion/passion:2.3.6/GRK39F/189904:user/release-keys'
I/DEBUG ( 67): pid: 152, tid: 152 >>> zygote <<<
I/DEBUG ( 67): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr deadbaad
I/DEBUG ( 67): r0 deadbaad r1 00000001 r2 a0000000 r3 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): r4 00000000 r5 00000027 r6 4081aa91 r7 00000015
I/DEBUG ( 67): r8 4019f8d0 r9 40182422 10 0000904c fp 00009062
I/DEBUG ( 67): ip ffffffff sp be845a40 lr 4001ef31 pc 4001b690 cpsr 60000030
I/DEBUG ( 67): d0 643a64696f72646e d1 6472656767756265
I/DEBUG ( 67): d2 44bcc20844bcc163 d3 44bcc27844bcc26f
I/DEBUG ( 67): d4 44c45f2844c45ef0 d5 44c45f9844c45f60
I/DEBUG ( 67): d6 44c4600844c45fd0 d7 000000003f800000
I/DEBUG ( 67): d8 0000000000000000 d9 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): d16 0000000040a30e40 d17 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): d18 41a92f107a000000 d19 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): d20 0000000000000000 d21 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): d22 0000000000000000 d23 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): d24 0000000000000000 d25 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): d26 0000000000000000 d27 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): d28 0000000000000000 d29 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): d30 0000000000000000 d31 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): scr 60000010
I/DEBUG ( 67):
I/DEBUG ( 67): #00 pc 00017690 /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 67): #01 pc 0000c282 /system/lib/libnativehelper.so (jniRegisterNativeMethods)
I/DEBUG ( 67): #02 pc 000435a0 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime21registerNativeMethodsEP7_JNIEnvPKcPK15JNINativeMethodi)
I/DEBUG ( 67): #03 pc 0004fa72 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (_ZN7android38register_android_database_CursorWindowEP7_JNIEnv)
I/DEBUG ( 67): #04 pc 000436ac /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 67): #05 pc 000436de /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime8startRegEP7_JNIEnv)
I/DEBUG ( 67): #06 pc 000437d4 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime5startEPKcS2_)
I/DEBUG ( 67): #07 pc 00008f0a /system/bin/app_process
I/DEBUG ( 67): #08 pc 00016514 /system/lib/libc.so (__libc_init)
I/DEBUG ( 67):
I/DEBUG ( 67): code around pc:
I/DEBUG ( 67): 4001b670 4623b15c 2c006824 e026d1fb b12368db
I/DEBUG ( 67): 4001b680 21014a17 6011447a 48124798 24002527
I/DEBUG ( 67): 4001b690 f7f47005 2106ef68 eff6f7f5 460aa901
I/DEBUG ( 67): 4001b6a0 f04f2006 94015380 94029303 ebc0f7f5
I/DEBUG ( 67): 4001b6b0 4622a905 f7f52002 f7f4ebca 2106ef54
I/DEBUG ( 67):
I/DEBUG ( 67): code around lr:
I/DEBUG ( 67): 4001ef10 41f0e92d 46804c0c 447c2600 68a56824
I/DEBUG ( 67): 4001ef20 e0076867 300cf9b5 dd022b00 47c04628
I/DEBUG ( 67): 4001ef30 35544306 37fff117 6824d5f4 d1ee2c00
I/DEBUG ( 67): 4001ef40 e8bd4630 bf0081f0 000285ca 41f0e92d
I/DEBUG ( 67): 4001ef50 fb01b086 9004f602 461f4815 4615460c
I/DEBUG ( 67):
I/DEBUG ( 67): stack:
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a00 44c4ba60
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a04 4085cbcd /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a08 40185a20 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a0c 000996c0
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a10 40047720
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a14 400476b0
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a18 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a1c 4001ef31 /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a20 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a24 be845a54
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a28 4081aa91 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a2c 00000015
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a30 4019f8d0
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a34 4001e09d /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a38 df0027ad
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a3c 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): #00 be845a40 0000f2c0
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a44 50cf575e
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a48 401857e1 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a4c 0000f2c0
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a50 401857e1 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a54 fffffbdf
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a58 00000015
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a5c 0000f2c0
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a60 401857e1 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a64 401c4285 /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/DEBUG ( 67): #01 be845a68 0000f2c0
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a6c 001000cd
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a70 0000f2c0
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a74 401a31bc
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a78 010000c5
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a7c 4081be1d /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a80 0000907e /system/bin/app_process
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a84 401475a3 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/ServiceManager( 64): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 64): service 'media.player' died
I/ServiceManager( 64): service 'media.camera' died
I/ServiceManager( 64): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/Netd ( 166): Netd 1.0 starting
I/ ( 165): ServiceManager: 0xf958
Goodnight all (goodmorning should I say lol)
Best Regards,
Yes yes yes I am quite interested!
Very interesting !
I'm also quite interested in!
I'm also very interested in MIUI 4.0 ICS!
Thanks! I eager to try this.
Stickman89 said:
I can't look at this anymore tonight, my brain is spangled :\
Anyhow fixing surfaceflinger errors seemed to cause more problems. Will continue tomorrow.
Fixing the following:
D/AndroidRuntime( 70): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit <<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 70): CheckJNI is OFF
I/SurfaceFlinger( 69): SurfaceFlinger is starting
I/SurfaceFlinger( 69): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W...
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): using (fd=12)
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): id = msmfb
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): xres = 480 px
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): yres = 800 px
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): xres_virtual = 480 px
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): yres_virtual = 1600 px
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): bpp = 32
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): r = 0:8
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): g = 8:8
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): b = 16:8
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): width = 48 mm (254.000000 dpi)
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): height = 80 mm (254.000000 dpi)
I/qsd8k.gralloc( 69): refresh rate = 60.00 Hz
D/libEGL ( 69): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so
D/libEGL ( 69): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_adreno200.so
D/libEGL ( 69): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_adreno200.so
D/libEGL ( 69): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno200.so
Has now caused this:
E/dalvikvm( 152): ERROR: couldn't find native method
E/dalvikvm( 152): Requested: Landroid/database/CursorWindow;.nativeCreate:(Ljava/lang/String;IZ)I
E/dalvikvm( 152): Candidate: Landroid/database/CursorWindow;.nativeCreate:(Ljava/lang/String;I)I
E/JNIHelp ( 152): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/database/CursorWindow', aborting
F/libc ( 152): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1)
I/DEBUG ( 67): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
I/DEBUG ( 67): Build fingerprint: 'google/passion/passion:2.3.6/GRK39F/189904:user/release-keys'
I/DEBUG ( 67): pid: 152, tid: 152 >>> zygote <<<
I/DEBUG ( 67): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr deadbaad
I/DEBUG ( 67): r0 deadbaad r1 00000001 r2 a0000000 r3 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): r4 00000000 r5 00000027 r6 4081aa91 r7 00000015
I/DEBUG ( 67): r8 4019f8d0 r9 40182422 10 0000904c fp 00009062
I/DEBUG ( 67): ip ffffffff sp be845a40 lr 4001ef31 pc 4001b690 cpsr 60000030
I/DEBUG ( 67): d0 643a64696f72646e d1 6472656767756265
I/DEBUG ( 67): d2 44bcc20844bcc163 d3 44bcc27844bcc26f
I/DEBUG ( 67): d4 44c45f2844c45ef0 d5 44c45f9844c45f60
I/DEBUG ( 67): d6 44c4600844c45fd0 d7 000000003f800000
I/DEBUG ( 67): d8 0000000000000000 d9 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): d16 0000000040a30e40 d17 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): d18 41a92f107a000000 d19 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): d20 0000000000000000 d21 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): d22 0000000000000000 d23 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): d24 0000000000000000 d25 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): d26 0000000000000000 d27 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): d28 0000000000000000 d29 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): d30 0000000000000000 d31 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): scr 60000010
I/DEBUG ( 67):
I/DEBUG ( 67): #00 pc 00017690 /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 67): #01 pc 0000c282 /system/lib/libnativehelper.so (jniRegisterNativeMethods)
I/DEBUG ( 67): #02 pc 000435a0 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime21registerNativeMethodsEP7_JNIEnvPKcPK15JNINativeMethodi)
I/DEBUG ( 67): #03 pc 0004fa72 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (_ZN7android38register_android_database_CursorWindowEP7_JNIEnv)
I/DEBUG ( 67): #04 pc 000436ac /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 67): #05 pc 000436de /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime8startRegEP7_JNIEnv)
I/DEBUG ( 67): #06 pc 000437d4 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime5startEPKcS2_)
I/DEBUG ( 67): #07 pc 00008f0a /system/bin/app_process
I/DEBUG ( 67): #08 pc 00016514 /system/lib/libc.so (__libc_init)
I/DEBUG ( 67):
I/DEBUG ( 67): code around pc:
I/DEBUG ( 67): 4001b670 4623b15c 2c006824 e026d1fb b12368db
I/DEBUG ( 67): 4001b680 21014a17 6011447a 48124798 24002527
I/DEBUG ( 67): 4001b690 f7f47005 2106ef68 eff6f7f5 460aa901
I/DEBUG ( 67): 4001b6a0 f04f2006 94015380 94029303 ebc0f7f5
I/DEBUG ( 67): 4001b6b0 4622a905 f7f52002 f7f4ebca 2106ef54
I/DEBUG ( 67):
I/DEBUG ( 67): code around lr:
I/DEBUG ( 67): 4001ef10 41f0e92d 46804c0c 447c2600 68a56824
I/DEBUG ( 67): 4001ef20 e0076867 300cf9b5 dd022b00 47c04628
I/DEBUG ( 67): 4001ef30 35544306 37fff117 6824d5f4 d1ee2c00
I/DEBUG ( 67): 4001ef40 e8bd4630 bf0081f0 000285ca 41f0e92d
I/DEBUG ( 67): 4001ef50 fb01b086 9004f602 461f4815 4615460c
I/DEBUG ( 67):
I/DEBUG ( 67): stack:
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a00 44c4ba60
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a04 4085cbcd /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a08 40185a20 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a0c 000996c0
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a10 40047720
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a14 400476b0
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a18 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a1c 4001ef31 /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a20 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a24 be845a54
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a28 4081aa91 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a2c 00000015
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a30 4019f8d0
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a34 4001e09d /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a38 df0027ad
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a3c 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 67): #00 be845a40 0000f2c0
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a44 50cf575e
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a48 401857e1 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a4c 0000f2c0
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a50 401857e1 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a54 fffffbdf
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a58 00000015
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a5c 0000f2c0
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a60 401857e1 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a64 401c4285 /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/DEBUG ( 67): #01 be845a68 0000f2c0
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a6c 001000cd
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a70 0000f2c0
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a74 401a31bc
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a78 010000c5
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a7c 4081be1d /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a80 0000907e /system/bin/app_process
I/DEBUG ( 67): be845a84 401475a3 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/ServiceManager( 64): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 64): service 'media.player' died
I/ServiceManager( 64): service 'media.camera' died
I/ServiceManager( 64): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/Netd ( 166): Netd 1.0 starting
I/ ( 165): ServiceManager: 0xf958
Goodnight all (goodmorning should I say lol)
Best Regards,
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Stickman89 I would like to work with you on getting past the Signal 11 fatal Error issue. I am a MIUI.us developer and would like to share some ideas on getting this booting. Im running into same issue on the HTC Sensation 4G port and its not ROM specific. I will send you a PM.
Somebody have a look at flyme os on meizu? it really is slick. functionality is doubled. port this as well
GoGoGoGO devv

[Q] Bootloops on 1st boot

Hi There, as the original post to this rom gets bigger and bigger and as I dont think, that its just related to the rom but to CM9, I will ask it again here:
I installed and reinstalled NexusHD2 ICS CM9 by tytung again and again. Everytime, iam Ending with Endless Boot Animation on first Boot:
I Am doing with HD2 Toolkit (newest version)
Working Beta 10 -> Install CM9 Rom -> Install Kernel -> Endless Bootanim
Task29 -> CLK 220/5 -> CWM -> Install Rom -> Install Kernel -> Endless Bootanim
Task29 -> CLK 200/5 -> CWM -> Install Rom -> Install Kernel -> Endless Bootanim
Task29 -> CLK 200/5 -> CWM -> Install Rom -> Install Kernel -> Fix Permissions -> Endless Bootanim
Task29 -> CLK 260/44 -> CWM -> Install Rom -> Install Kernel -> Endless Bootanim
Did this at least 10 Times now, mostly with 220/5,
I Even installed MAGDLR (210/10)
Task29 -> MagDLR 210/10 -> CWM -> Install Rom -> NO ENDLESS BOOTSCREEN but stays with Green HTC Logo...
I Checked the checksum of the File on SD Card -> All correct, I even tryed different SD Cards.
I now reverted back to Hyperdroid to check, if my phone was damaged but all seems to be correct... install->boot->Setup->all fine... So generally the phone seems to operate in a correct behaviour.
My config now:
CLK 260/5
CWM Touch
ROM 20 Minutes ago (Hyperdroid 5.7.0 working well, no problems at all, expect some problems with reconnecting mobile data plan after wifi loss - but as we can see: the phone is able to operate)
SD: 32GB SanDisk SD-EXT fresh, FAT32 just some roms and kernels
Well, I now switched back to NEXUSHD2 ICS 4.0.3-CM9 V1.0 (Beta 10 worked well on my phone) with Task29, new CLK+CWM and so on... and have still the permanent bootscreen.
I now performed ADB LOGCAT on CMD and it shows me a loop sequence, I am not able to understand: I will only post the loop sequence. at last line, it stops for a few seconds and begins again at line 1 (Loop, eh^^).
D/AndroidRuntime( 1055):
D/AndroidRuntime( 1055): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.Zyg
oteInit <<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 1055): CheckJNI is OFF
F/libc ( 1055): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=1)
I/DEBUG ( 69): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *
I/DEBUG ( 69): Build fingerprint: 'google/passion/passion:2.3.6/GRK39F/18990
I/DEBUG ( 69): pid: 1055, tid: 1055 >>> zygote <<<
I/DEBUG ( 69): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0000000
I/DEBUG ( 69): r0 bef36404 r1 00000007 r2 0000f2c0 r3 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 69): r4 00000000 r5 bef3658c r6 00012828 r7 4018275c
I/DEBUG ( 69): r8 0000f2c0 r9 bef36504 10 4086060d fp 40860652
I/DEBUG ( 69): ip 00000001 sp bef36390 lr 401c53bb pc 401cbdb2 cpsr 400
I/DEBUG ( 69): d0 643a64696f72646e d1 6472656767756265
I/DEBUG ( 69): d2 44bd219844bd2163 d3 44bd220844bd216f
I/DEBUG ( 69): d4 44beef4844beef10 d5 44beefb844beef80
I/DEBUG ( 69): d6 44bef02844beeff0 d7 44bef09844bef060
I/DEBUG ( 69): d8 0000000000000000 d9 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 69): d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 69): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 69): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 69): d16 0000000000000000 d17 3f50624dd2f1a9fc
I/DEBUG ( 69): d18 41bfbcea4e000000 d19 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 69): d20 0000000000000000 d21 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 69): d22 0000000000000000 d23 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 69): d24 0000000000000000 d25 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 69): d26 0000000000000000 d27 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 69): d28 0000000000000000 d29 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 69): d30 0000000000000000 d31 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG ( 69): scr 00000010
I/DEBUG ( 69):
I/DEBUG ( 69): #00 pc 00012db2 /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/DEBUG ( 69): #01 pc 0000c3b6 /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/DEBUG ( 69): #02 pc 0000c2a4 /system/lib/libnativehelper.so (_Z
I/DEBUG ( 69): #03 pc 0005268e /system/lib/libdvm.so (_Z10dvmStar
I/DEBUG ( 69): #04 pc 00053e0a /system/lib/libdvm.so (JNI_CreateJ
I/DEBUG ( 69): #05 pc 00043632 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 69): #06 pc 00043a14 /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 69): #07 pc 00008f0a /system/bin/app_process
I/DEBUG ( 69): #08 pc 00016528 /system/lib/libc.so (__libc_init)
I/DEBUG ( 69):
I/DEBUG ( 69): code around pc:
I/DEBUG ( 69): 401cbd90 46206127 83fee8bd 00017f72 41f0e92d 'a F....r...-..
I/DEBUG ( 69): 401cbda0 b0a44c7d 447c2300 46806824 3074f88d }L...#|D$h.F..t
I/DEBUG ( 69): 401cbdb0 6821a81d 90229021 f7f79123 4604efb4 ..!h!.".#......
I/DEBUG ( 69): 401cbdc0 eb7ef7f7 18269a21 1b359822 42951a12 ..~.!.&.".5....
I/DEBUG ( 69): 401cbdd0 b11dd814 462a4621 efaaf7f7 9b219922 ....!F*F....".!
I/DEBUG ( 69):
I/DEBUG ( 69): code around lr:
I/DEBUG ( 69): 401c5398 fb1cf004 d0653001 f0044620 3001fcf3 .....0e. F.....
I/DEBUG ( 69): 401c53a8 4620d060 ff26f004 d05b3001 f0064620 `. F..&..0[. F.
I/DEBUG ( 69): 401c53b8 3001fcf1 4620d056 ff42f006 d0513001 ...0V. F..B..0Q
I/DEBUG ( 69): 401c53c8 f0074620 3001f915 4620d04c fdb2f007 F.....0L. F...
I/DEBUG ( 69): 401c53d8 d0473001 f0084620 3001fbad 4620d042 .0G. F.....0B.
I/DEBUG ( 69):
I/DEBUG ( 69): stack:
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c0350 70697263
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c0354 3b726f74
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c0358 4900425b
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c035c 4a004900
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c0360 0001c200 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c0364 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c0368 be9c035f [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c036c 401e492c /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c0370 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c0374 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c0378 be9c0340 [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c037c 0000000d
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c0380 be9c038c [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c0384 44bec388 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-LinearAlloc (delet
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c0388 df0027ad
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c038c 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 69): #00 be9c0390 455af00c /data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@c
[email protected]
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c0394 00000004
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c0398 00000004
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c039c 3e5a31c1
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c03a0 0000000a
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c03a4 409f3638 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c03a8 401e492c /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c03ac 401e4ea1 /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c03b0 401ed2c8 /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c03b4 00000009
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c03b8 409f3638 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c03bc 401e492c /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c03c0 401e4ea1 /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c03c4 401ed2c8 /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c03c8 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c03cc 401e492c /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c03d0 be9c03fc [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c03d4 20e00001
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c03d8 401e4ecf /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c03dc 40820929 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c03e0 0000000a
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c03e4 401ed25c /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c03e8 20e00001
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c03ec 401e4ecf /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c03f0 40820929 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c03f4 4081f393 /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c03f8 0000f2c0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c03fc 00012828 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c0400 be9c0410 [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c0404 401c4d00 /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c0408 0000f2c0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c040c 401c528b /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c0410 0000f2c0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c0414 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c0418 0000f2c0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c041c be9c058c [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c0420 0000f2c0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c0424 be9c058c [stack]
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c0428 00012828 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c042c 4018275c /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c0430 0000f2f0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c0434 401c53bb /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/DEBUG ( 69): #01 be9c0438 0000f2c0 [heap]
I/DEBUG ( 69): be9c043c 401c52a9 /system/lib/libnativehelper.so
I/ServiceManager( 66): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager( 66): service 'media.player' died
I/ServiceManager( 66): service 'media.camera' died
I/ServiceManager( 66): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/Netd ( 1033): Netd 1.0 starting
I/ ( 1032): ServiceManager: 0xf958
E/AudioHardwareQSD( 1032): Cannot open /dev/audience_a1026 -1
D/AudioHardwareQSD( 1032): set_tpa2018d1_parameters() not present
I/HTC Acoustic( 1032): libhtc_acoustic.so version
I/HTC Acoustic( 1032): open /system/etc/AdieHWCodecSetting.csv success.
I/HTC Acoustic( 1032): ADIE table version: PASSION_HTC_20091019
E/HTC Acoustic( 1032): Update ADIE table ID 0
E/HTC Acoustic( 1032): Update ADIE table ID 2
E/HTC Acoustic( 1032): Update ADIE table ID 5
E/HTC Acoustic( 1032): Update ADIE table ID 7
E/HTC Acoustic( 1032): Update ADIE table ID 8
E/HTC Acoustic( 1032): Update ADIE table ID 10
E/HTC Acoustic( 1032): Update ADIE table ID 51
E/HTC Acoustic( 1032): Update ADIE table ID 53
I/HTC Acoustic( 1032): read_adie_para_from_file success.
D/HTC Acoustic( 1032): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success
I/HTC Acoustic( 1032): open /system/etc/AudioBTID.csv success.
I/HTC Acoustic( 1032): BT ID table version: PASSION_HTC_20091105
I/AudioFlinger( 1032): Loaded primary audio interface from LEGACY Audio HW HAL (
I/AudioFlinger( 1032): Using 'LEGACY Audio HW HAL' (audio.primary) as the primar
y audio interface
I/AudioFlinger( 1032): Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio
D/AudioHardwareInterface( 1032): setMode(NORMAL)
I/AudioHardwareQSD( 1032): Set master volume to 1.000000
I/CameraService( 1032): CameraService started (pid=1032)
E/ ( 1032): camera_get_number_of_cameras:
I/AudioFlinger( 1032): AudioFlinger's thread 0x128a0 ready to run
W/AudioFlinger( 1032): Thread AudioOut_1 cannot connect to the power manager ser
I/AudioHardwareQSD( 1032): Routing audio to Speakerphone
D/AudioHardwareQSD( 1032): Switching audio device to
D/AudioHardwareQSD( 1032): Speakerphone
I/AudioHardwareQSD( 1032): voice volume 5 (range is 0 to 5)
D/AudioHardwareQSD( 1032): Setting in-call volume to 100
I/AudioPolicyService( 1032): Loaded audio policy from LEGACY Audio Policy HAL (a
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Has any of you any Idea, what is going wrong there and how I may solve it? Via google, I found out, that it seems to be related to Cyanogen Mod.
Thanks a lot lot lot in advance =D

