[HOWTO] Running CTS on TF101 - Eee Pad Transformer General

Running the Android Compatibility Test Suite on TF101​
Background: what CTS is
The Android Compatibility Test Suite is an automated test harness which tests one or more devices to ensure that they offer a fully-compliant running environment for 3rd-party applications.
Passing these tests is required to use the Android brand name for retail devices and it's also the basic prerequisite for acquiring a Google Play license for OEMs.
Background/2: what CTS isn't
As of the current CDD (Compatibility Definition Document) the CTS still doesn't enforce stability or performance requirements for devices, even though some of its tests are taxing enough for the device to expose subtle problems. Some performance tests are nevertheless included, but they're not run by the main CTS plan, nor are they part of the current CDD.
Background/3: why it's important for TF101 users
Given the way the CTS stresses the system, it is useful as a standardised testing procedure for some of the problems some users are currently experiencing with ICS on TF101. It also can help ensuring that the device works as intended with (most) 3rd-party applications straight out-of-the-box.
Requirements: host
The host should be a Linux-based workstation with the Java 6 JDK installed (either Oracle's or OpenJDK - IBM JDK or GNU gcj are not supported, while Oracle/OpenJDK JDK 7 are untested), a fully working installation of the Android SDK and about 3 or 4 GB of disk space available for downloaded media files.
Test results are best viewed with a recent version of Firefox, otherwise you can post-process them into an HTML file using an XSLT 2.0 engine (tested with Saxon).
Requirements: target device
The target device should be a completely stock and unrooted TF101 running It is possible to run the CTS on custom roms, but the tests assume that the device is running a user build (not eng, not even userdebug) in secure mode. YMMV, expect unpredicted failures.
Required files
You're going to need the following files from the CTS downloads page:
Android 4.0.3 R2 Compatibility Test Suite (CTS)
CTS Media 1.0
The following files are optional:
Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) User Manual (if you want more information about the test harness)
Android 4.0.3 R1 CTS Verifier (used to perform user-assisted tests - I didn't run this yet, if you feel brave go ahead and post the procedure you used)
You may also need a log collecting application, even though the CTS should be capable of collecting device logs on its own (it didn't work for me). LogDog (if you have it) is strongly recommended.
Host-side setup
Download the required files and unzip them into a folder of your choice, then change the first line of media/copy_media.sh from:
so that the script runs successfully on Debian-based systems (the script is full of bashisms which make dash complain and exit with multiple errors).
Ensure the user you'll be running CTS under has the proper privileges to run adb.
Device setup
First and foremost: perform a full Factory Data Reset (either through the Settings menu or using the VolDown+Power chord at boot time and selecting "Wipe Data").
As soon as the system boots after the wipe, perform the first run wizard selecting English (US) as the system language, connect the device to a wireless network, do not add any Google account (yet), and then reboot the device again to regain access to the system bar widgets (known bug).
Once the system is back up, open Settings and perform the following actions:
disable Quick Settings (ASUS customized setting → ensure Use ASUS Quick Setting is unchecked)
disable System bar lock (ASUS customized setting → System bar lock → ensure Enable system bar lock is unchecked)
disable ASUS Sync (Accounts & sync → ensure Launch ASUS Sync is unchecked)
disable the internal GPS to save battery (Location services → ensure GPS satellites is unchecked)
deactivate all screen locks (Security → Screen lock → None)
temporarily enable Unknown sources (Security → ensure Unknown sources is checked)
under Language & input, ensure that the default input method is Android Keyboard
enable USB debugging (Developer options (dismiss the nag dialog) → ensure USB debugging is checked)
enable Allow mock locations (Developer options (dismiss the nag dialog) → ensure Allow mock locations is checked)
Now go back to Accounts & sync, turn off synchronization and add the Google Account you normally use for Google Play, but don't restore anything, nor accept to synchronize anything - you're going to need this just to install WakeLock.
Close the settings, open Google Play Store, go to its settings and deactivate automatic updates and the infamous auto-add for widgets, then install WakeLock.
Now go back again to Settings → Accounts & sync and nuke the account you just set up.
At this point, you're ready to upload CTS test files, so connect the device via USB to your host, disconnect any other Android device (emulators included!), ensure adb is on your PATH and then run the following commands from the directory where you unpacked the CTS archives:
cd media
./copy_media.sh all
This will upload the CTS media files (Big Buck Bunny) on the device, it will take a bit of time.
When it's done, you have to install the instrumentation apks:
cd ..
adb install android-cts/repository/testcases/CtsDelegatingAccessibilityService.apk
adb install android-cts/repository/testcases/CtsDeviceAdmin.apk
Now back on the device, open Settings again and perform the following actions:
enable Accessibility → Delegating Accessibility Service
go to Security → Device administrators → check all android.deviceadmin.cts.* administrators
This is a good time to install LogDog and reboot the system if you wish.
After that, go back to Security and ensure that Unknown sources is unchecked.
Unplug the device from USB and charge it fully.
After the device is charged, plug it back to the host, go to Settings → Developer options (again, dismiss the nag dialog) → ensure Stay awake is checked even though it won't work.
Launch WakeLock, select FULL_WAKE_LOCK as lock type, deselect "Show notification?", select "Start on boot?" and then "Acquire lock".
>>> Press the Home button to go back to the home screen.
Congratulations, you're ready to start the test harness.
Running CTS
On the host, run android-cts/tools/cts-tradefed. It will detect the device and print its android device id, then wait for a command.
To start the full CTS suite, issue run cts --plan CTS. It will take several hours and the battery will barely last for the entire duration. DO NOT INTERACT WITH THE DEVICE IN ANY WAY WHILE THE TESTS ARE RUNNING!.
After the test is finished, just type exit to terminate the test harness utility. Test results will be in android-cts/repository/results/<start time>/testResult.xml, open it with Firefox to see them or process them with saxon-xslt to produce an html file.
If you were running LogDog during the tests, archive the logs now and transfer the log archive to the host.
Post-run caveats
Wipe the device to ensure that any leftover is cleared. If you wish to run the tests again, restart from the "Device setup" step.

reserved for future notes

Thanks for the in-depth guide, very interesting!

Hi all,
imagine I run CTS and 15 tests fail. Can I run only those 15 tests and not the hole CTS?

GnobarEl said:
imagine I run CTS and 15 tests fail. Can I run only those 15 tests and not the hole CTS?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
IIRC there is a way to tell tradefed to run a specific test, but I don't have the CTS documentation and tradefed itself ready at hand.
Try issuing 'help' at tradefed's prompt, it should provide with the necessary syntax to run a single test instead of a full-blown test plan.

you can do something like "add --derivedplan -result fail" and run only failed tests. The problem is that creats another report, and not update the first report.
I wanted to have only one report in the end.
thanks for your reply.


Backup Android 4.0.3, devices (GTab 2 7", GT-P3100, GT-P3113) [Massive Deployments]

Backup Android 4.0.3, devices (GTab 2 7", GT-P3100, GT-P3113) [Massive Deployments]
there isn't much article out here about adb backup so below are my notes.
French version of this article attached / version Française attachée.
Objective : Massively deploy android devices, most MDM vendors doesn’t propose everything to be configured remotely so a good option could be to first make a ghost of a device and massively provision it to our fleet, we can leverage this step to install our MDM* client too.This approach is also costless.
Means : Android dev. offers ADB backup/restore great tools to achieve this, nevertheless if not used carefully it can leads to some problems specialy regarding identifiers generated along software installation, if those are duplicated you can easily and up with some conflicts your Mail server depending on how ActiveSync is managed.
We have some benefits using such tools.
- Human error could be important,
- Tracking is much easier when automatized
- Definitely more efficient to industrialize such process
So the idea is to take one device, set it to be configured with expected settings for the whole fleet, usually we will remove some icons, change background screen, change lock screen wallpaper, eventually save SDCard or sharedspace content.
Once your “target” device is configured you will backup what we are interested in ONLY. Rather than using the common “adb backup -all", REALLY useful for personal backups_The long typing of this command is: [FONT]“adb backup –noapk –shared –system –all”[/FONT]
Reference of this command: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1420351
Again, we are speaking of massive deployment so any soft identifiers generated upon certain software installation shall not be duplicated, therefore some softwares aren’t meant to be backed up.
For example with ICS Samsung the ActiveSyncID is generated regarding different criteria when this App is populated. So you do NOT want to backup com.android.email. We could also think of an App that changes wifi mac addr .. Why bothering ? Because the concept of an Identifier is to be unique, and some solutions critically rely on it.
Why ? Simply because you will end up with a duplicated activesync ID .
To see the ActiveSync ID of a device go to email application and start to set a dumb account (or a real one) as described in step 'B.f.2)'
For this matter it is definitely safest to NOT use -system option with “adb backup” for massive deployments .
This article doesn’t engage me. I won’t be responsible if damages are caused to your device(s).
use it intelligently. e.g: Do not restore a backup on a different type of device.
A. Prerequisite to go on :
1) Install Java JDK >= 6 : http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html
2) Download Android SDK Platform to benefit from Android Debug Bridge tool (adb)
here : http://developer.android.com/tools/help/adb.html
download : http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
this document was written with SDK Revision 21, ADB coming with it :
<androidsdk>\sdk4.2\platform-tools>adb.exe version
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.31​
3) Once downloaded unzip the sdk archive somewhere, in this tuto : “<androidsdk>/”
4) Add “<androidsdk>/platform-tools” to the system PATH
a. cf: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee537574%28v=office.14%29.aspx
5) make sure USB Debug is enabled on your device
B. Backup
1) See OriginalState.zip, some screenshot of what the device looks like once we passed first Android wizard on first boot
2) See TargetConfiguration.zip, some screenshots to show the expected visual result of our backup
B.a - ADB Backup Synopsis :
adb backup [-f <file>] [-apk|-noapk] [-shared|-noshared] [-all] [-system|nosystem] [<packages...>]​ Detailed here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1420351
B.b - Things to Backup:
Let’s just replicate simple configurations, WIFI & such config would also make senses depending the way it is implemented on customer site.
Useful information about different packages: http://chomikuj.pl/Koko35/ANDROID+*e2*99*a5+*e2*99*a5+*e2*99*a5/Samsung+GALAXY+S+III+GT-I9300/Samsung+Galaxy+S3+-+Applications+safe+to+remove,1918452384.pdf
B.c - Expected configurations to be backup
Expected package : action
No Google account defined : keep it this way
USB Debug enabled : manualy Go to Param./Security/ & Check "Unknown sources"
USB Debug enabled : manualy Go to Param./Security/ & Check "Unknown sources"
Icons displayed, hidden, place …. : com.sec.android.app.launcher
Wall paper lock screen & settings : com.android.settings, com.sec.android.gallery3d
Shared folders : -shared, com.android.sharedstoragebackup
Application added : manually enable install from unknown source & install com.myapp
backup APKs : -apk
DO NOT Backup whole system : -nosystem
B.d - Backup command line :
We do come up with the below invokation:
<androidsdk>\platform-tools>adb.exe wait-for-devices
<androidsdk>\platform-tools>adb.exe backup –f "20121209_bkp_GTab2_GTP3100_FR_4.0.3_launcher_wallpaper_lockscreen_SD_zenprise_apks_2.ab" -apk -shared -nosystem com.sec.android.app.launcher com.android.settings com.sec.android.gallery3d com.myapp com.android.sharedstoragebackup​
B.e - Restoration
Take another device plug it to the computer and type the below command to restore your fresh “ghost”,
<androidsdk>\platform-tools>adb.exe wait-for-devices
<androidsdk>\platform-tools>adb.exe restore "20121209_bkp_GTab2_GTP3100_FR_4.0.3_launcher_wallpaper_lockscreen_SD_zenprise_apks_2.ab" ​
B.f - Tips
1) Only save icons positions, hidden states.. :
<androidsdk>\platform-tools>adb.exe backup -f 20121209_bkp_launcher_wallpaper.ab -noapk -noshared -nosystem com.sec.android.app.launcher com.android.settings​
2) Get Exchange Active Sync ID of my Samsung Device
See FindOut_ActiveSyncID.zip
1) Open E-Mail app.
2) If no account is set you get a screen to complete, type dummy info, click on Next (top right)
3) Click Microsoft Exchange Active Sync
4) Click on > Next (top right)
5) Click on Modify details
6) Finally we get the ActiveSync ID​
B.g - Limitations / Questions :
- Deactivated services aren’t backup during such an operation. (didn’t tried with –ALL though, any idea? )
- You want to have control scripts and such to verify that data integrity, some manual verifications could also be performed to control the quality.
- Q: I do type my command but I end up with few kb, depending on what you did put it could be much than that ??
. A: Be sure you respected the order indicated in the command line synopsis:
adb backup [-f <file>] [-apk|-noapk] [-shared|-noshared] [-all] [-system|nosystem] [<packages...>] ​
- Q: I removed apps prior to backup, when doing hard reset and restore it stays is that normal ?
. A: Indeed it is, to aniliate some applications (if they can manualy be remove you will be able to remove it using ADB uninstall)​

V3.90 Debloater(Lets remove all that carrier bloat !! Root not required..)

Debloater by Gatesjunior
I nor XDA are responsible for anything that you choose to do with this program to your device or others. Modifying my code or redistributing it is not allowed without prior approval from me. Yes, that includes Kanging it, I will be able to tell. Neither is trying to use any of my code to create an apk file with my code logic allowed without prior approval from me.
"If this application helps you out, please consider a small monetary donation to further improve development of this application. You can Donate by clicking the "Donate to Me" button on your left, underneath my Profile picture.
So after many times of going back and forth blocking / disabling apps on my devices through the command line and or shell, I decided to write a program to make this all much easier for myself. Well, after I got it all finally running and doing what I wanted, for each particular device I own, I decided that his was a pretty nice program and I wanted to share it with the community. After all, this community is where I started and learned a lot of the things I know today. So why not share with my family of Android enthusiasts.
The program requires that your manufacturer USB drivers are installed for your specific device as well as the following:
• Windows Operating System
• USB Debugging turned on for your device
• Root or KitKat and above running on your device
Some people have had trouble getting their PC to see their device, even with the device manufacturer drivers installed. Watch your device when you plug it in and authorize your computer to access it, the device should display a popup something for you to grant access to the PC. If it does not, go into Settings, Developer Options and look for an option that says something about Revoke USB debugging authorizations and tap it. Click ok. Now, unplug your device and plug it in while watching your device and click on the option to always allow this computer and then grant when the popup window displays.
What does it do?:
• Block / Disable applications on your device
• UnBlock / Enable applications on your device
• Allow UnBlock / Enable all applications at once on your device
• Allows filtering of the displayed packages for quicker decision making
• Allows exporting your blocked / unblocked listing to a file (Right click on Read Device Packages after list is loaded)
• Allows importing your blocked, or someone else's, listing (Right click on Read Device Packages after list is loaded)
• Allows complete removal of application(s) if you have root (It will backup the original folder structure and apk for you, just in case you need to restore the application(s) back to your device.
So, essentially what it does is this. It will disable / block any system and third party application on your device with ease and allow you to enable / unblock the application just as easy. It also reads everything, real-time, directly from your device, so that there are no messy batch files, scripts and txt files, etc. that you have to maintain and keep track of for every device you own. I mean let’s be honest, most of us own more than one device. Phones, tablets, etc. Who wants to maintain all those scripts and files for every device? The other nice thing that this program does is allow you to, at a granular level, control what is blocked/disabled and what is not. There are quite a few scripts and things like this available in the community that give everyone a start on what to disable/block, but who wants to scour through these scripts and decide what they want or don’t want with something someone else put together. The other nice feature of the program is it will display information for you about your device. Such as Model number, Serial number and battery status. As well as whether or not your device is rooted or not.
What audience of device does it support?:
This program supports many devices. It will support any device running KitKat or above, whether rooted or not. That’s right, if your running KitKat or above, your device does not need to be rooted. If you’re running anything other than KitKat or above, your device does need to be rooted. As long as these requirements are met the program will run. The program will also auto-detect whether or not your device is supported. So if you are not sure, plug it in and let the program tell you. If your device is not supported, it will put up a message saying as much and close the program.
Program Functionality:
The first thing you need to make sure of is that USB debugging is turned on for your device. The video at the end of this OP is a must to watch. It will describe this process as well as allowing adb shell permissions.
So when you first connect your device you will need to wait for the program to detect your device and whether or not it is supported. Once this is established, usually within a couple of seconds, it will display a warning message to you reminding you to be careful with what you disable and block. Yes, it will allow you, if your device is supported, to disable/block even system dependent applications. This message will also include, if your device does not support block mode, a message indicating that block mode is not supported and that it will disable the applications. Here is a sample screenshot of this.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Once the program has initialized, and the warning message has been presented, it will put you into the main program screen itself which will look like the following.
From here the first thing you need to do is click the Read Device Packages button on the upper left. This will initiate the process to start reading all of the applications on your device and then list them in a list in the window. It will also indicate to you what it detects as applications that are already disabled/blocked on your device by putting a checkmark in the box next to the application. It will look similar to this.
As you can see it will tell you in the upper right how many applications it detects as blocked and not blocked. You will notice that on the bottom left it has an indicator that is labeled Synced. As you make changes to the device application listing this will turn red. In other words, it will indicate whether you have made changes to the device application listing since the last sync. Also, in the upper right there is a counter labeled Changed. This indicates the number of changes you have made to the device application listing since last sync.
Once you have made any changes to the device application listing an Apply button will show up in the upper left replacing the existing Read Device Packages button, it will look like the following.
Once you click the Apply button the existing changes you made to the device application listing will be applied to your device. Keep in mind that you can disable/block and enable/unblock applications all at the same timeand then apply those changes to your device. After you have applied the changes to your device a message will be displayed stating the status of your changes as seen below.
Once the changes are applied to your device you now just click the Read Device Packages button again to reload the information from your device and you will now notice that the application(s) you just made changes to will indicate as much in the refreshed listing. As seen below.
You will notice that the particular application I asked it to disable/block has now a check mark next to it indicating that the device itself has disabled/blocked this application.
So now on to filtering. Lets say you want to limit the listing to specific items you are searching for within the package name. Like packages that contain "vzw" for Verizon. You will see below by clicking the filter checkbox and then typing in what I want to filter on, it will limit the list to your specific filter criteria immediately.
And here is the results of our filter below.
From here I can make changes to the listing, by checking the box next to the packages or I can simply uncheck the filter checkbox and return back to the full listing unfiltered.
O.k., so far so good. Now let’s say that you want to enable/unblock all the applications on your device. Maybe you’re selling it or maybe you have an issue with it and you want your carrier to take a look at it. By clicking the Unblock All Packages button and then click Apply this will enable/unblock all applications on your device. As if it is back to factory with no changes made.
Remove mode turned on. For all you root users, this will completely remove the application(s) in the exact same manner and will keep a backup for you in the install folder under Backup of the original apk files. They will also be kept in the original file structure they came from on the device so that it will make it easy for you if you have to push one back to your device. Here is an example of the remove mode turned on and the warning you will receive when it is active for the device that is rooted.
Also, after you have removed the application(s) you want, if you Reload Device Packages again, you will notice them in the list and checked. This is in fact accurate, it sees them as removed / uninstalled. To not have them show up in the list any longer, just reboot your phone and run the program again and you will see that they no longer show up in the listing.
Sharing your blocked list or re-import it to your device:
So there are times when you get a replacement device and do not want to have to go through all the pain remembering what you had blocked. Well to the rescue comes the export/import functionality of the application. This will allow you to export and import your blocked list. You also might want to share it with someone. So this is how it works:
Once you launched the program and have clicked the Read Device Packages and your list is up, you can right click on the Read Device Packages button and export the blocked packages to a file and share it. Then the person receiving it just does the same process, but when they right click on the Read Device Packages, they just choose import blocked packages and then click the Apply button. Done.. You of course can do this yourself to your device. This can come in very handy if you have to Wipe Data, because you blocked something you should not have and your device is experiencing issues.
Well community people that is it. I hope you enjoy the program as much as I do and look forward to your feedback. Gatesjunior signing out…
Full Install:
Download link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjfH26Z4pHaFk1V8rA5Zj_p5vtkx
Upgrade Install: (Just replace debloater.exe in your "Crogram Files (x86)DebloaterDebloater" folder)
Download link: http://rootjunkysdl.com/?device=Gates&folder=DeBloater
OSX Version (dmg file): Thank @eyekyu for the port over with Wineskin..
Download link: http://rootjunkysdl.com/?device=Gates&folder=DeBloater
Mirror: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=8576a478a6dbc737!831
Video by our own RootJunky:
RootJunky - For finding the original KitKat weakness
Misterxtc - For all of his hard work already on helping people with a script process for this purpose
Er. Aditya - For testing with me and going back and forth with builds to finally resolve the no packages issue
XDA:DevDB Information
Debloater, Tool/Utility for the Android General
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 3.85
Stable Release Date: 2015-02-07
Created 2015-02-07
Last Updated 2018-01-12
Change Log:
01/09/2015: Initial Release
01/10/2015: Updated the handling of application filtering determining what is disabled / blocked
01/11/2015: Updated application (v2.1) to hopefully help address the local Administrator issues
01/12/2015: Major update v2.8 (Fixes all the users not being able to see packages - Xposed Framework fix)
1/13/2015: (v2.9) Fixed an issue with an Out of Bounds Exception in certain cases.
1/15/2015: (v2.10) Complete rewrite of the filter engine, all interactive and immediate now. Also some cleanup.
1/16/2015: (v3.0) Root mode added with ability to completely remove application(s), with backup feature.
1/17/2015: (V3.1) Added new intro screen as well as import blocked list functionality.
1/18/2015: (V3.2) Added some hover helper text. If you hover over a major item it will display helper text.
1/19/2015: (V3.3) Fixed some more Xposed framework issues that would impact rooted users and removing packages as well as fixed some import logic to make it more reliable and optimized.
1/23/2015: (V3.4) Major update and bug fixes as follows:
•Interactive search now also supports searching through the package name(s) as well as the apk file(s)
•Bugs related to duplicate entries showing up when you Read Device Packages multiple times with filter on and off are fixed. This could have caused issues with some users saying it will not remove something.
•Blocking mode fully supported on 4.4.x, found a major bug that was preventing this with rooted devices
•APK file backups now include Odex files if they exist with the APK
•Remove option now completely removes both apk and odex, so yes, previous builds would have left the odex files behind. They will not hurt anything, but take up space. I will release a quick fix for the cleanup of those soon, if you cannot do it yourself.
•Buttons appearing where they should not at times with filter is fixed
•If you have disabled something on the phone itself or in a script, and are rooted, the program will not care any longer and will unblock them anyway.
(1/31/2015: (V3.5) Major logic update. I think I finally put a nail in the coffin with the Xposed Framework issues and removing applications. Also added the functionality where once you import a blocked list all the items will turn red for the changes it has made.
(2/6/2015): V3.6 Quite a few additional options. Including the following:
Ability to only show blocked packages, unblocked packages and all packages. (Just right click on either Read Device Packages button or Apply button after initial package listing is displayed.)
Ability to right click now on not only the Read Device Packages button, but also the Apply button.
Ability to import unblocked listing (Yes, changes will be made red to identify what would be unblocked before Applying)
Ability to sort by either APK Filename or Package Name and be able to sort in either Ascending order or Descending order in each area.
Complete removal of all associated data and folders that pertains to a package if the Remove option is selected (Root Mode only)
(2/7/2015): V3.7 Added a checkbox identifier on Display mode to let users know which Display Mode they are in currently.
------ (Fix was placed into this build later that fixes the UnBlock All Packages button bug..)
(3/28/2015): V3.8 Added Lollipop support for rooted / non-rooted users. It will now support hiding the packages, if you are rooted it will disable them instead. Also, you will notice if you right click on the Read Device Packages after it loads there is also a Backup / Restore menu option. Do not use those yet, I am still working on them.
(4/4/2015): V3.85 Fixed issue with base.apk flags being read incorrectly from device. Logic issue.
(4/12/2015): Updated a logic issue in the detection of the device and it's abilities. Same release number, v3.85
(5/24/2015): Fixed an issue during import of a blocked list that would flag all "base.apk" files..
(1/7/2018): Added newer Android Debug Bridge Files..
For me..
Looking Good video coming soon
I can't wait to give this a run.
Well be getting a note edge soon for testing, and looking forward to giving this a shot.
OP updated now with Video..
Great application but not working on my Droid Razr M (XT907) with latest OTA firmware on it.
Pressing "Read Device Packages" and nothing comes up.
Just tried it on my AT&T Note 4. It seemed to work, great job and thanks for building this app.
0rtli said:
Great application but not working on my Droid Razr M (XT907) with latest OTA firmware on it.
Pressing "Read Device Packages" and nothing comes up.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Try this one and let me know:
Great idea. Tried it with my ASUS MeMO Pad 8 (ME581CL) but after "Read Device Packages" nothing happens
[email protected] said:
Great idea. Tried it with my ASUS MeMO Pad 8 (ME581CL) but after "Read Device Packages" nothing happens
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Look back a post and try that one.. Also, send me a screen shot.. Make sure USB debugging is on and in the correct mode as well.
This version works, thanks!
Will be great if this soft give option to disable modem fast dormancy service without root access.
Anyway, thanks.
My AV detects Malware.
Using licensed ESET - no malware detected.
Just disabled FastDormancy.apk (com.motorola.fastdormancy) - how to check if its disabled? In Running programs still see this service is running.
Maximus1a said:
My AV detects Malware.
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It doesn't like the behavior of the program LOL
I cant get it to download from the webpage. I tried the one in the drive folder and it does not see my phone. Verizon Note 4. Looks awesome, cant wait to get it working!
Got it. I guess the server is overloaded!
Great job on this project addition. I'll be adding your link to my XDA signature this afternoon. Like you and many others, I too believe that until root is achieved on our devices (for those unable to at this time) that having this capability to do with our devices is the next best thing; hands down!
Again, great job to you and to the others like RootJunky and Misterxtc for making this possible for the community here at XDA.
Dear gatesjunior,
I wonder how you'r software disable/enable apk's?
For example: on my device (xt907) I'm not able to complete disable fast dormancy service (see screenshot) only "Force stop" it for a while.
Wonder which method you are using to disable it complete (are you disable it or just force stop it?)
howellcp said:
I cant get it to download from the webpage. I tried the one in the drive folder and it does not see my phone. Verizon Note 4. Looks awesome, cant wait to get it working!
Got it. I guess the server is overloaded!
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Make sure your USB debugging is on and in the right mode.

MetroPCS & T-Mobile LG Leon STABLE Root (WORKS EVERY TIME 100%)

I am making this tutorial as I have had multiple versions of the LG LTE Leon and have used many firmware versions. I have created a stable method that has the least issues as I have had trouble with the latest firmware (MS34510f) disabling my root privileges. I have created a MEGA account specifically for all of the files necessary to complete this operation and have your device run smoothly. So, please follow my instructions exactly as stated and you should not have any issues. THIS PROCESS WILL REMOVE ALL DATA NOT SYNCED, DO READ BELOW NOTES IT IS VERY BENEFICIAL
Important Notes:
+This process will wipe all data that is not synced, it is important to ensure that no newer LG process are still on the device. Some might argue to leave data, to that I say good luck keeping your root and tethering without the device becoming suspiciously unstable.
+ I am not GUARANTEEING this will work on every model, but I have had an extremely high success rate with all Leon versions.
+ In this tutorial the process in which I remove Kingroot and replace it with SuperSu is for system stability. I find that most root functions I use seem to not work properly. (Wifi Tether Router and many others). So, I do recommend doing so.
+After the new OS is installed a MetroPCS splash screen will appear even if you do have T-Mobile. DO NOT BE ALARMED this firmware will not limit any functionality you had before, it will even help with tethering functionality.
Let's Begin.
1. Download the link posted to obtain required files for this tutorial
Link: https://mega.nz/#F!PM4CQRqb!92kgIOnD0ZBY-8HVbtTwGQ
2. Open up LGFlashTool2014.exe
Begin by copying settings posted below, then click "normal flash"
3. Next click the "START" button
4. At this time, I recommend you verify all sync settings are to your liking and that all personal info needed is backed up
a. You have the option to throw all of your personal documents/pictures onto your SD card and removing it appropriately
(Go to: Settings - Storage - [scroll down to] Unmount SD card)
b. Next, navigate to Settings -Backup & reset [leave options default; both checked off] - Factory data reset - reset phone
c. Once reset it will most likely reboot, wipe, and then back to a OS. Now, you will Power Off entirely (make sure it is not plugged in so it will not go to charging mode)
d. Here is where we will hold down the Volume Up button with the phone unplugged from your PC. Then you must plug the USB into your phone.
e. A black screen with white text should post onto your screen, here we will continue to step 6
note: If this screen does not appear please power off and retry step d.
6. Next, follow the posted settings. Make sure to click the "Clear phone Software update Registry" button Then click "OK"
7. A new screen will arrive, and should begin the firmware download process. At this time it will take a few minute to load and should reboot to a fresh OS.
8. With the new OS in place, you can either follow the setup tutorial now or skip through for a later setup.
note: you can now insert your SD card
9. In the tools folder of the folder you downloaded copy the "mrw" folder to the Main Storage folder of your phone
10. Now copy the Kingroot apk to your downloads folder located on the main storage.
11. Go to Settings - About Phone - Software Info
At this time click the build number box a few times until it says you are a developer
12. Hit back until you are at the Setting menu, click on Developer options and check off "Stay Awake" and "Enable OEM Unlock" as well as "USB Debugging"
13. You may now run Kingroot, if it does not install root the first time it should flawlessly install the next.
14. After root is obtained, please go to your home screen and click the "Google Search" widget. Press Update Google Services and let it run. After that has been updated search for terminal emulator and install.
note: If the Play Store is acting fishy and force closing while typing in the search bar do not fret it will be fixed after reboot in further instruction
as an allternative use the jackpal.androidterm-1.0.70-71-minAPI4.apk provided in the "tools" folder
15. Open terminal and in a new window type: Su
16. Allow root usage and at this time type: sh /storage/emulated/0/mrw/root.sh
17. It will run with a few failed messages do not worry it should open SuperSu momentarily
18. Once SuperSu opens up allow it to update binaries using the "NORMAL" option but DO NOT REBOOT YET
19. At this time either download TWRP Manager from the play store or alternatively use the com.jmz.soft.twrpmanager- provided in the tools folder
20. Install and open TWRP Manager. Once opened click on device name and scroll until you see "LG Leon LTE (c50)"
a. Click on Recovery Version to Install and select "twrp-"
b. next click "Install Recovery" and if prompted for verification of install path and for install version select "YES" & "NORMAL"
21. After the TWRP setup is complete it may prompt you to reboot, if not click the arrow in the top left of the TWRP Manager screen and scroll down to "Reboot" and select "Reboot device"
22. After Reboot click TWRP Manager and verify a SuperSu prompt comes up if it hasn't already before the boot
At this point the device should be running smoothly. From here I prefer to do the following steps.
My Personal Setup after new install:
+Personally I like to install use a Root Uninstaller (I use 3C Toolbox Pro) and Uninstall and Backup all MetroPCS BloatWare including the Metro Browser.
+I also access the Hidden Menu by using the Dialer and Dial "2776348*#*"
- I scroll down to ApnUnlock and click to "Unlock APN"
- Then I navigate to Settings -Tethering & networks - Mobile Networks (I check off roaming data) - Access point names
--I then select the top APN and edit APN Type to: default,supl,mms,dun
---I click save from the top right selection, then turn on and off airplane mode
+If you are and Xposed user download "xposed-v79-sdk22-arm.zip","xposed-uninstaller-20150831-arm.zip", and "XposedInstaller_3.0_alpha4.apk" from: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=3034811
-install the Xposed Installer, then Go to TWRP Manager, use reboot to recovery and from there click install and navigate to the "xposed-v79-sdk22-arm.zip" and install and reboot, it will reboot with a installing screen before your home screen, takes 5 minutes.
+I also use this AMAZING app "Wifi Tether Router", it is the only tethering app I use that works consistently (if you have an unlimited data plan). I get 30mbps up and down, playing many multiplayer games off my PC and PS4 averaging ping as low as 30 ! Setting I use for our device are in a post I created here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/leon/help/unlimited-metropcs-t-mobile-tether-t3290180
Special Thanks to:
MrW0lf from www.W0lfdroid.com for the Kingroot to SuperSU scrip
Numerous users on the XDA forums I pieced all of this information with
Fabio Grasso for making the amazing Wifi Tether Router
Team Win for being creating an awesome utility that has saved me from numerous bricks creating a stable method
Xposed and the creators of awesome additions such as Lolistat, Lucky Patcher, Max Lock, and SNAPPREFS
Any feedback? Did I do Okay? Questions? Let me know!
Mega link down
The mega link isn't working. Please fix it.

[GUIDE] [ROOT] Install a Linux OS alongside almost any Android device [DECEMBER 2017]

I spent weeks trying to find a way to install a Linux distribution alongside my Android devices, or replace Android with one entirely. While researching the possibility, I was really disappointed to learn installing a distribution alongside Android was already a 'fad' which had already come and pretty much gone. A lot of the methods that worked in 2012 and 2013, no longer work on current Android devices, or at least very few of them. However I don't go down without a fight. Please note, I did NOT create any of this software nor did I develop it. I just put it all back together, in a working order. Though it's pretty much impossible to brick your device using this guide, I still feel obligated to say: I am not responsible for any damage this guide may cause to your device, yourself, or the jealous friends you'll have after installation is completed xD
In order to install a Linux distribution, your Android device MUST be rooted. Unfortunately there is no way around that. After more than 2 weeks of research, reading and testing, I have managed to get three different distributions working across four devices, with plans to test it on at least one more device:
- Amazon Kindle HD 8.9 (Rooted with TWRP custom recovery and a custom CyanogenMod [CM] Marshmallow 6.0 ROM).
- Samsung Galaxy J1 (Rooted. Android Lollipop 5.1.1).
- Samsung Galaxy S3 (Rooted with TWRP custom recovery and a custom SlimRom Marshmallow 6.0 ROM).
- Samsung Galaxy S7 (Rooted, US Variant, Android Nougat 7.0).
- (Plan to test) Amazon Fire 7 (Rooted. Custom Lollipop 5.1.1 ROM).
The following guides will allow you to install any Linux distribution you desire (provided it's available). You can install the distributions as a .img on your internal storage/sdcard or partition part (or use all) of an removable sdcard (external storage). It is recommended you have at least 4GB of free storage space. If you want to try another distribution, it's just a case of deleting a few files or folders to uninstall them. Or you can partition another part of your sdcard (external storage). Please note you will not be able to repartition any internal storage.
These guides will be long. It will seem harder than it is. I really think this is one of the coolest things for Android I've stumbled upon. I haven't even begun to scrape the surface of what this allows you to do. Be patient and have fun
Part One: Installing a Linux distribution on internal storage
To get started, you need to do and have installed the following things:
- Make sure you have root.
- Make sure you have BusyBox installed and working.
- Terminal Emulator for Android, Termux and it's API or an SSH client.
- VNC Viewer for Android or your preferred VNC viewer.
- Linux Deploy
- AParted ( Sd card Partition )
1. Go to Sourceforge and download your preferred Linux .img. Those .img files are courtesy of a once awesome organization called 'LinuxOnAndroid'. Simply click on one of the nine distributions and download whichever one and size you prefer.
2. Extract the .zip in a folder on your PC. Name the folder the name of the distribution (i.e. Kali, Debian etc). **NOTE: You MUST download and extract all distributions on your desktop PC. These .zip files will not decompile and extract properly on your Android and the .img files will not boot.**
3. On your Android, using a root explorer, create a folder with the distribution's name in /sdcard or /storage/emulated/0. On your PC, in your extracted Linux distribution folder, copy and paste the .img file into the folder you created in one of those two storage directories.
4. If you haven't already, download and install Linux Deploy from Google Play.
5. It's now time to configure your distribution. Tap the three lines at the bottom right corner. You will then get a screen with a list of configurations. For the purpose of this guide, I have selected the Debian distribution. The first set of configurations should be as follows (See image below the list):
- Containerization method: chroot
- Distribution: Debian
- Architecture: armhf (This allows the Linux OS to be compatible with armv7)
- Source Path: (This will be an automatically selected URL and will vary from distribution to distribution. You should never have to change this configuration)
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
6. Now we configure the type of installation we will be doing. For this particular guide, we are installing the distribution on internal storage. Please configure your settings as listed (See image below the list):
- Installation Type: File
- Installation Path: /sdcard/Debian or /storage/emulated/0/Debian
- Image size: 6000 (The lowest recommended allocation is 4000MB [4GB])
- File System: ext4 (Not all devices support ext4. Some only support ext2 or ext3. If ext4 doesn't work, try one of the other two. You will also have to select the proper .img format from LinuxOnAndroid i.e. ext4, ext3, ext2).
- User Name: android (You can choose any name you like. This will be used to connect to the OS via a VNC viewer later on).
- User Password: ******* (Although the password is automatically generated, you can make this any password you want. This will be used to connect to the OS via a VNC viewer later on).
7. Set the configurations below See images below the lists):
- Privileged Users: root (This will be the name given to you when entering a root shell via the sudo command. You can change this to your liking)
- DNS: Automatic Detection
- Localization: en_US.UTF-8 (Language and region selection. If you're not sure of this setting, use Google to determine your local i.e. en = English, US = United States)
- INIT: Make sure box is checked to enable
- Init System: run-parts
- Mounts: Make sure box is checked to enable
- SSH: Make sure box is checked to enable (This allows you to set up an SSH client to connect to the Linux OS as opposed to using a VNC viewer)
- GUI: Make sure box is checked to enable (This tells the Linux OS to create a graphical interface so you're able to use a VNC viewer)
- Graphics Subsystem: VNC
8. Now you can configure GUI settings. This creates graphics of high or low quality. You are able to customize these settings to your liking and they will vary from device to device based on screen sizes and resolutions. In this case, I have the distribution loaded on my Galaxy J1 so these settings are set to my taste based on that device (See image below the list):
- Display: 0
- Depth (bits): 24 (The higher the number, the better the graphics)
- DPI: 100 (Dots per inch)
- Width: 800
- Height: 480
9. Tap the back button once. From the main screen swipe right or tap the three lines in the upper left corner and tap the settings option. Here you can configure the application settings for Linux Deploy. A lot of these options are already selected and some don't require any changes. Please set the settings according to the list below (See image below the list):
- Lock Screen: Make sure the box is checked
- Lock WiFi: Make sure box is checked (Some devices will turn off WiFi when you aren't using Android for a period of time. Some carriers and manufacturers do not give you the option to 'keep WiFi on' when the device is 'asleep.' Checking this box will allow the application to attempt to keep WiFi on)
- Wake Lock: Make sure box is checked. (This option can be set to your taste. However, to avoid problems with Linux Deploy and a VNC viewer in case you don't shut down your Linux environment or Linux Deploy, keep this box checked)
- Language: English (Obviously this option would change depending on your preferred language)
- Font Size: 10 = default (This changes the size of the text in Linux Deploy application only)
- Scroll Size: 100 (This tells Linux Deploy how many lines of text you're able to scroll back and look at in the application)
- Theme: Dark or Light (Take your pick)
- Timestamp: Shows the timestamp next to the lines of test in the application. Totally up to you)
- Show Icon: Make sure box is checked (Some devices will attempt to shut down Linux Deploy, even with root. Displaying the icon in the status bar allows a constant notification to be present, which generally stops the system from shutting down the app)
- Stealth Mode: Hides the application icon within your launcher
- Autostart: Check the box if you want Linux Deploy to open and start the Linux OS each time you reboot. This is not recommended especially for lower end/older devices
- Autostart Delay: Tells Linux Deploy how long after the system boots, to open and activate the container (Linux OS)
- Network Trigger: Check this box if you plan on leaving your distribution running while traveling with your device.
- Terminal Command: telnet 5023 (This allows you to open a terminal in your distribution that connects to the device. This is just a standard terminal so you don't have to open a terminal emulator in Android. In order to use this you'll need to install the telnet package once your distribution is operational)
- ENV Directory: Auto selected. No need to change (Not sure what exactly this does)
- Path Variable: Blank. (Also not sure of this setting so I didn't change it)
- Enable CLI: Make sure this box is checked (Allows the application to use a command line within, I believe, both the application and the distribution)
- Update ENV: Update the operating environment (This updates the operating environment setup of Linux Deploy. (Please see the next step on how this function works)
- Remove ENV: Removes/deletes the operating environment (This removes/deletes the operating environment. Anytime you change the settings in this settings menu, you MUST tap Remove ENV and tap yes. Then tap Update ENV and yes to update the settings you just changed. Only do these last two
steps when completely done changing settings)
- Telnet: Enable telnetd daemon (Make sure box is checked. You need this option if you choose to install and use the telnet application on your Linux distribution)
- Port: 5023 (Preconfigured. The port that telnet uses to connect to your device inside the Linux OS via terminal)
- Localhost: Make sure this box is checked. This is a security feature which allows only the localhost (that's you inside the Linux OS) to be allowed to connect to the distribution. Leaving the box blank can potentially set yourself up to be hacked, in a bad way. Leave it blank at your own risk and is you know what you're doing)
- Enable Httpd daemon: I am not sure what this does. The box is preconfigured as blank, so I left it as such
- Debug mode: Enable debugging information if you wish
- Trace mode: Enable if you wish.
- Logging: Enable if you wish. The setting below it tells Linux Deploy what type of file to save logs as
10. Now once all those settings are configured, scroll up and tap on Remove ENV and yes when it asks. Then tap on Update ENV and yes when it asks. You have not configured Linux Deploy. Tap the arrow (back) at the top left of the screen.
11. Tap the three dots at the top right of the screen. Tap 'Install'. If everything has been properly configured, and you placed your .img of your distribution in the correct place, Linux Deploy should begin to install your chosen distribution.
If installation doesn't work or fails to install for whatever reason, don't worry; it will NOT brick you're device. It is impossible. You CAN however, corrupt your sdcard, which usually just means you have to reformat it completely and repartition it (but that is a discussion for my next thread). The installation process requires a constant connection to WiFi until it completes. The time the installation takes depends on several variables i.e. your chosen img size and distribution, how good your WiFi connection is and so on. Based on my experience, installation took anywhere from 10 minutes to as long as 40 minutes. If for whatever reason it doesn't complete installation, it will list errors. Be sure to get a screen shot of those errors. I've never had Linux Deploy freeze during installation. You may see the same line of text for a few minutes, especially during the first few minutes of installation.
12. Installation will be complete when you see <<deploy appear as the last line of text. Tap stop at the bottom of the screen. When the process completes (usually a few seconds), tap the three dots at the top right again. Tap configure. This will assure your Distribution is configured to the proper settings that we set up earlier. It will also install any needed updates. This process could take anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute or two (usually). When completed tap stop.
13. You should be ready to launch the distribution. Tap start at the bottom of the screen. If absolutely no errors are given, this should boot up your distribution. If you see the word 'skip,' this is ok and is NOT an error.
14. Now here's the fun part. It's time to configure a VNC viewer. For the purpose of this guide, and one of two VNC viewers I use, we will be setting up VNC Viewer for Android. It will start in landscape mode, but you can rotate once the viewer connects to the distribution. Remember the settings you configured in Linux Deploy? Your distribution will be your chosen height and width once it loads.
15. You will need to set up VNC Viewer for Android as follows:
- Nickname: android (Or the name you chose in Linux Deploy as the 'username')
- Password: The password you set up in Linux Deploy
- Address: (This should be universal for all devices and is what the Linux Deploy application uses to connect)
- Port: 5900 (Also preconfigured in Linux Deploy and it's the port it uses to connect)
- Username: You can leave this blank. I usually do
- Color Format: 24-bit color (4 bpp) (This allows for the best quality graphics possible. And honestly, the graphics are pretty great)
- Local Mouse Pointer: Check the box for a track-pad type mouse (I think? Should enable the mouse to act like a track pad on a laptop. Leave unchecked to use the mouse as pointer tapping?)
- Force Full Screen Bitmap: Make sure box is checked (Could be preference, but I've always had the box checked)
- Use Immersive mode (Devices running KitKat 4.4 and above ONLY)
- Use Wake Lock: Check the box if you desire
- Repeater: No repeater (Not a clue what this does)
That's it. You should be configured. Scroll to the top of the screen in the VNC viewer and make sure the box is checked where it says 'keep' to save the settings when you restart the application.
Now the moment of truth. Can I have a drum roll please? tap, tap, ap, tap, tap.....tap on connect.....iy might take a second or two for your distribution's wallpaper to appear. You may get an error box that pops up just before it fully boots. Just tap on ok or use the 'mouse pointer' to tap it. Sometimes the distribution boots a tad slower than the virtual connection through the viewer.
That's it! You have successfuly installed a Linux OS alongside your Android device. You can interact with your device in a terminal and view files and folders on your distribution, that exist on your device. Perhaps the coolest part of all, you now have access to hundreds, if not thousands of applets in the terminal. Tap on the far bottom left corner icon that will bring up your menu. Tap on system tools and tap on the terminal. Now you can use Linux terminal like it was a full, operating system...because it is You also get a root shell. In terminal type:
sudo -i
If you want to install an application, for example git (github for Linux. You have access to just about every repository on github now) you need to have a root shell first. Type in the terminal:
sudo -i
apt-get install git
Debian on my Samsung Galaxy J1, Lollipop 5.1.1
Type in the letter Y if propted. To get a list of all available applications you can install with that command (this is a very, very long list), type in the terminal:
apt list
To exit the VNC connection ONLY, simply tap your recent apps button and swipe it away. To stop the Linux distribution, in Linux deploy, tap the stop button at the bottom of the screen. Then tap the three bars at the top left and tap exit. This should be done EVERY time you want to end your session in Linux Deploy. Do NOT exit or stop Linux Deploy via the recent apps button.
Please stay tuned for the next post below this one titled: 'Part Two: Partitioning external storage (removable sdcard) and installing a Linux Distribution onto it'
I want to thank everyone who followed this guide. Please give me a thanks by tapping the thumb at the bottom of this post or consider a small donation I really think this is awesome and I haven't begun to scratch the surface. I've been too excited getting this to work on so many devices! Please post your results and problems. I very much look forward to your replies!
Reserved for part two guide
Reserved for part three guide
Reserved for my comment
Awesome guide though, will follow when I can download everything
The repeater in above mentioned is for setting up remote access and viewing. And httpd.conf:
---------- Post added at 09:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 AM ----------
jeremyandroid said:
The repeater in above mentioned is for setting up remote access and viewing. And httpd.conf: is historically named after httpd daemon for Apache2 set up
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jeremyandroid said:
The repeater in above mentioned is for setting up remote access and viewing. And httpd.conf:
---------- Post added at 09:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 AM ----------
jeremyandroid said:
The repeater in above mentioned is for setting up remote access and viewing. And httpd.conf: is historically named after httpd daemon for Apache2 set up
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Like your avatar. Speaking of Kali, I installed that one first. Love it. But I get a 404 when trying to upgrade most of the add on 'security' tools. Is there any way I can get those to work or an I out of luck?
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DragonFire1024 said:
jeremyandroid said:
The repeater in above mentioned is for setting up remote access and viewing. And httpd.conf:
---------- Post added at 09:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 AM ----------
Like your avatar. Speaking of Kali, I installed that one first. Love it. But I get a 404 when trying to upgrade most of the add on 'security' tools. Is there any way I can get those to work or an I out of luck?
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404 error is .sources list problem usually providing you allocated enough space for Kali. May have to either use original ones or replace with rolling ones.
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jeremyandroid said:
DragonFire1024 said:
404 error is .sources list problem usually providing you allocated enough space for Kali. May have to either use original ones or replace with rolling ones.
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10000 should be enough? I will have to try it again and see what happens.
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DragonFire1024 said:
jeremyandroid said:
10000 should be enough? I will have to try it again and see what happens.
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Yes should be plenty Kali comes with like several hundred tools so I'm pretty sure it's over 4gig so that will be fine
---------- Post added at 10:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 PM ----------
Also not trying to sound like I know everything because I don't! I just love to learn and love Linux and Android. Im just now back on here I authored roms for the Note 2 years ago so it's been a long time lol. However I have used Linux for years and made custom distributions and kernels. Android has changed so much I'm catching up lol
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So I had 3/4 of the second Guide written when the house lost heat. It got so cold my fans on my PC were starting to run too slowly, so it shut down as a precaution. I lost the work I had done on the second guide. So until I get heat back at home, I can't write the second guide. Apologies for the delay.
Latest Ubuntu running like a champ Thanks man!
Though any idea on how to make the screen bigger (without zooming in)?
Craz Basics said:
Latest Ubuntu running like a champ Thanks man!
Though any idea on how to make the screen bigger (without zooming in)?
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You have to mess around with the VNC settings in Linux Deploy. Might take a few times to tweak to your liking.
DragonFire1024 said:
I spent weeks trying to find a way to install a Linux distribution alongside my Android devices, or replace Android with one entirely. While researching the possibility, I was really disappointed to learn installing a distribution alongside Android was already a 'fad' which had already come and pretty much gone. A lot of the methods that worked in 2012 and 2013, no longer work on current Android devices, or at least very few of them. However I don't go down without a fight. Please note, I did NOT create any of this software nor did I develop it. I just put it all back together, in a working order. Though it's pretty much impossible to brick your device using this guide, I still feel obligated to say: I am not responsible for any damage this guide may cause to your device, yourself, or the jealous friends you'll have after installation is completed xD!
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Quick question for anyone who might know...
I'm running Debian on my Xperia Xc, and I'm interested in copying files back and forth from Linux to Android. I was able to figure out how to mount the loop device, and get access to it in terminal, but files don't show up in file manager, even though I go to the same directory I can see them in terminal.
How can I get the device to show up in the file manager?
Edit - I was able to get it working in reverse, (show my Android file system on Linux), by using custom mount point option in LD, so I guess that works... Would still be interested to know if there's a way to do it the other way...
Question, Does installing a Linux Distro in this fashion allow one to pair and access simple B/T serial devices other than a B/T mouse our keyboard? I installed GNU Root Debian Jessie and got is working with LXDE but
none of my tracking apps that have to use a USB or B/T connection to an outboard receiver are accessible. Don't have access to /dev so I could change permissions on the ports the GNU Root Debian. Wireless or USB peripherals
are useless. I want to specifically run Xastir with outboard datastreams. Piece 'o cake with a laptop but no dice with GRB. Kurt KC9LDH
Any idea how to get it to work with magisk? I think it's due to busybox not working but when set to chroot, nothing happens when trying to start or install.
Humpie said:
Any idea how to get it to work with magisk? I think it's due to busybox not working but when set to chroot, nothing happens when trying to start or install.
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I have no idea actually. I only have two devices with unlocked bootloaders and niether of them have magisk. Sorry I'm not more familiar with it.
DragonFire1024 said:
I have no idea actually. I only have two devices with unlocked bootloaders and niether of them have magisk. Sorry I'm not more familiar with it.
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Ahhw that's a shame. It really is the cleanest way to root since apps like Netflix will still be available in the play store and Google pay etc will still work.
But I have a module which should have put busybox in /system/xbin (and it works in termux, I can type "chroot")
Edit: I'm a bit further, I set PATH to /system/bin/sh and chroot now at least runs, but it won't mount the img, let's download that again..
Edit2: mounting container gives me a fail... Any idea?
Okay I've got debian working by installing it into a folder instead of an IMG file. For some reason the img didn't work (might be android 8.1 or magisk related). I also didn't have to download an img from sourceforge as the app can download the files itself.
Humpie said:
Okay I've got debian working by installing it into a folder instead of an IMG file. For some reason the img didn't work (might be android 8.1 or magisk related). I also didn't have to download an img from sourceforge as the app can download the files itself.
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An .img works best if you use external sdcard. You can partition it or use the whole thing.
DragonFire1024 said:
An .img works best if you use external sdcard. You can partition it or use the whole thing.
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Yes, however my pixel 2xl doesn't have an sdcard slot .

I want to root a Galaxy Tab A SM-T350

I delete my files and still can't free up memory. I was reading that bloat could be located under /data/lost+found but I don't know how to access it without root. I've tried to root using SuperSu and TWRP. I downloaded Odin, I downloaded the Samsung USB Drivers, and I installed multiple TWRP files using the `AP` button in Odin.
I get stuck at the Samsung load screen, and can't run recovery mode.
I don't want to load any new Roms, I just want to get sudo access so I can access /data/lost+found
Can someone please help?
androidgeek230 said:
I delete my files and still can't free up memory. I was reading that bloat could be located under /data/lost+found but I don't know how to access it without root. I've tried to root using SuperSu and TWRP. I downloaded Odin, I downloaded the Samsung USB Drivers, and I installed multiple TWRP files using the `AP` button in Odin.
I get stuck at the Samsung load screen, and can't run recovery mode.
I don't want to load any new Roms, I just want to get sudo access so I can access /data/lost+found
Can someone please help?
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SuperSU, really? That's been dead for years, download Magisk instead
Nimueh said:
SuperSU, really? That's been dead for years, download Magisk instead
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I thought they stopped implementing `sudo` privileges. What's the easiest way to get the sudo command installed on phone?
Nimueh said:
SuperSU, really? That's been dead for years, download Magisk instead
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LOL. There are two apks. What do I do with them? Do I still need Odin? Sorry, I'm very new to this. Is there a particular thread you know works?
The basic of rooting:
*unlock bootloader
*Install recovery TWRP for your tab
*Install magisk trough TWRP
*Debloat your lovely TAB...please
If you downloaded magisk.zip ,you can also change the extension to .apk
Tresans said:
The basic of rooting:
*unlock bootloader
*Install recovery TWRP for your tab
*Install magisk trough TWRP
*Debloat your lovely TAB...please
If you downloaded magisk.zip ,you can also change the extension to .apk
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Awesome! This is what I'm looking for! So to unlock the bootloader, I download Odin? When I put the tablet in download mode, Odin can then flash the TWRP recovery image. Then when I restart, I can install magisk?
I think I'm running into an issue where the backlight for my tablet is not displaying (the TWRP UI). I'm verifying.
Hello Androidgeek230,
Unlocking bootloader means,your /Data map will completely wiped.no more guarentee from Samsung (fun part )
* go on your tablet to the about section and tab 10 times to activate developer options, enter it and select OEM unlock + Adb USB debugging
*Install USB driver for samsung tab
*shutdown Tab
*While pressin "Volume UP + volume Down button,connect your Tab with USb cable to PC (maybe in background device driver is being installed.
*Device is in unlock mode,select volume Up again to enter "bootloader"
*Select again volume up to unlock bootloader.
Now your tab is Unlocked and will restart installing Android,couple minutes later your in Android again.
Now you must install recovery TWRP with ADB
about the developer options:
Step 1: Go to Settings > About Phone.
Step 2: Tap Software Info > Build Number.
Step 3: Tap Build Number seven times. After the first few taps, you should see the steps counting down until you unlock the developer options.
Tresans said:
Hello Androidgeek230,
Unlocking bootloader means,your /Data map will completely wiped.no more guarentee from Samsung (fun part )
* go on your tablet to the about section and tab 10 times to activate developer options, enter it and select OEM unlock + Adb USB debugging
*Install USB driver for samsung tab
*shutdown Tab
*While pressin "Volume UP + volume Down button,connect your Tab with USb cable to PC (maybe in background device driver is being installed.
*Device is in unlock mode,select volume Up again to enter "bootloader"
*Select again volume up to unlock bootloader.
Now your tab is Unlocked and will restart installing Android,couple minutes later your in Android again.
Now you must install recovery TWRP with ADB
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Click to collapse
Hi Tresans,
I want to see what's in my /data/lost+found though. Is there a way to do that?
Tresans said:
about the developer options:
Step 1: Go to Settings > About Phone.
Step 2: Tap Software Info > Build Number.
Step 3: Tap Build Number seven times. After the first few taps, you should see the steps counting down until you unlock the developer options.
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Click to collapse
Thanks for the detailed instructions! I was able to do this and I can see developer options.
Tresans said:
Hello Androidgeek230,
Unlocking bootloader means,your /Data map will completely wiped.no more guarentee from Samsung (fun part )
* go on your tablet to the about section and tab 10 times to activate developer options, enter it and select OEM unlock + Adb USB debugging
*Install USB driver for samsung tab
*shutdown Tab
*While pressin "Volume UP + volume Down button,connect your Tab with USb cable to PC (maybe in background device driver is being installed.
*Device is in unlock mode,select volume Up again to enter "bootloader"
*Select again volume up to unlock bootloader.
Now your tab is Unlocked and will restart installing Android,couple minutes later your in Android again.
Now you must install recovery TWRP with ADB
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Click to collapse
I don't see OEM unlock anywhere, though.
androidgeek230 said:
I delete my files and still can't free up memory. I was reading that bloat could be located under /data/lost+found but I don't know how to access it without root. I've tried to root using SuperSu and TWRP. I downloaded Odin, I downloaded the Samsung USB Drivers, and I installed multiple TWRP files using the `AP` button in Odin.
I get stuck at the Samsung load screen, and can't run recovery mode.
I don't want to load any new Roms, I just want to get sudo access so I can access /data/lost+found
Can someone please help?
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Btw, you can delete bloat without root.
Arealhooman said:
Btw, you can delete bloat without root.
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Click to collapse
Yes,only for current user,but apk is still in system,so no "real" cleanup.
Tresans said:
Yes,only for current user,but apk is still in system,so no "real" cleanup.
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Click to collapse
What do you mean? Adb or app de bloater can fully remove them.
Arealhooman said:
What do you mean? Adb or app de bloater can fully remove them.
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I used adb shell.
I can't access /data folder.
It says permission denied. This is why I want sudo.
androidgeek230 said:
I don't see OEM unlock anywhere, though.
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Click to collapse
OEM unlock feature is in the developer options,together with USB debugging.
Or it is greyed out,cause of already boatloader unlocked.
Arealhooman said:
What do you mean? Adb or app de bloater can fully remove them.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I didnt knew this, so without root? including system files cleanup.
May I have a link how to do it I ,have a original Android,no root on it,I can try it
Kindly regards
I have the following in my development options - no OEM Unlock
Submit bug report
Desktop backup password
Stay awake
Bluetooth HCI snoop log
Running services
Picture color mode
WebView implementation
Multiprocess WebView
Auto update system
Demo mode
USB debugging (enabled)
Revoke USB debugging authorizations
Include bug reports in power menu (disabled)
Mock location app
View attribute inspection (disabled)
Select app to be debugged
Wait for debugger (grayed out)
Verify apps via USB (disabled)
Buffer size for logging
Authorize wireless display devices (disabled)
Wi-Fi verbose logging (disabled)
Aggressive WiFi/cell handover (disabled)
Allow Wi-Fi roaming scans (disabled)
Keep Mobile data turned on (disabled)
USB configuration (MTP (Media Transfer Protocol))
Disable absolute volume (disabled)
Show touches (disabled)
Show pointer location (disabled)
Show screen updates (diabled)
Show layout boundaries (disabled)
Force RTL layout (disabled)
WIndow animation scale (1x)
Transition animtion scale (1x)
Animator duration scale (1x)
Simulate secondary displays (none)
Minimum width (768dp)
Hardware-accelerated rendering
Force GPU rendering (disabled)
Show GPU view updates (disabled)
Show hardware layers updates (disabled)
Debug GPU overdraw (Off)
Show non-rectangular cips (off)
turn on 4x MSAA (disabled)
turn off hardware overlays (disabled)
simulate color space (off)
prevent usb audio routing (disabled)
Strict mode (disabled)
GPU rendering profile (off)
Do not keep activities (disabled)
Limit background processes
SHow all ANRs
Inactive apps
Force allow apps on external (disabled)
Force activities to be resizable (disabled)
Reset the ShortcutManager API call limit
Tresans said:
OEM unlock feature is in the developer options,together with USB debugging.
Or it is greyed out,cause of already boatloader unlocked.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have the following in my development options - no OEM Unlock
Submit bug report
Desktop backup password
Stay awake
Bluetooth HCI snoop log
Running services
Picture color mode
WebView implementation
Multiprocess WebView
Auto update system
Demo mode
USB debugging (enabled)
Revoke USB debugging authorizations
Include bug reports in power menu (disabled)
Mock location app
View attribute inspection (disabled)
Select app to be debugged
Wait for debugger (grayed out)
Verify apps via USB (disabled)
Buffer size for logging
Authorize wireless display devices (disabled)
Wi-Fi verbose logging (disabled)
Aggressive WiFi/cell handover (disabled)
Allow Wi-Fi roaming scans (disabled)
Keep Mobile data turned on (disabled)
USB configuration (MTP (Media Transfer Protocol))
Disable absolute volume (disabled)
Show touches (disabled)
Show pointer location (disabled)
Show screen updates (diabled)
Show layout boundaries (disabled)
Force RTL layout (disabled)
WIndow animation scale (1x)
Transition animtion scale (1x)
Animator duration scale (1x)
Simulate secondary displays (none)
Minimum width (768dp)
Hardware-accelerated rendering
Force GPU rendering (disabled)
Show GPU view updates (disabled)
Show hardware layers updates (disabled)
Debug GPU overdraw (Off)
Show non-rectangular cips (off)
turn on 4x MSAA (disabled)
turn off hardware overlays (disabled)
simulate color space (off)
prevent usb audio routing (disabled)
Strict mode (disabled)
GPU rendering profile (off)
Do not keep activities (disabled)
Limit background processes
SHow all ANRs
Inactive apps
Force allow apps on external (disabled)
Force activities to be resizable (disabled)
Reset the ShortcutManager API call limit
Nimueh said:
SuperSU, really? That's been dead for years, download Magisk instead
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Sorry Nimueh,
I downloaded Magisk. Okay I went to the Github and was reading the instructions. It says I should do this:
`If your device has boot ramdisk, get a copy of the boot.img.`
How do I get a copy of the boot.img?

