[Q] What is APX mode ? - Acer Iconia A500

Hi guys I have 1 question.
What is APX mode and what I can do with it ?

Using nvflash in apx mode you can write to any partition, so if you brick the tablet it is possible to resuscitate it. It is used in the ics bootloader patching process. Once that is done you will normally just use fastboot to flash the recovery.


stuck at apx mode

i stuk at apx plz let me know how to flash rom using nvflash

[Q] Bricked?????

Can someone please help or toss me some suggestions on how to unbrick my tablet without sending to acer if possible this is whats goin on. It was rooted and running fine with CWM 1.7.3 from thor then the other day i turn it on and bootloop at bootanimation. i then enter recover to wipe and flash as usual but when i goto wipe it says error removing /data/data/com.android........... I heard my data partition was corrupted and proceeded with trying to really format that to no avail fearing my tablet was bricked i followed another thread titled how to unbrick your tablet!!!! it installed OTA ICS and wiped my recovery :crying: so now i have stock recovery and bootloop and the pc still recognizes the tablet in fastboot and APX mode but when i try to format /data in fastboot it says bootloader locked :crying: and when in apx mode when i try to use nvflash it says error during usb write then it says usb device not connected until i restart apx mode fresh. in the stock recovery it will flash OTA packages and finish install but still stuck in bootloop otherwise i just get the dead android guy with a red exclamation point. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
JLow0214 said:
Can someone please help or toss me some suggestions on how to unbrick my tablet without sending to acer if possible this is whats goin on. It was rooted and running fine with CWM 1.7.3 from thor then the other day i turn it on and bootloop at bootanimation. i then enter recover to wipe and flash as usual but when i goto wipe it says error removing /data/data/com.android........... I heard my data partition was corrupted and proceeded with trying to really format that to no avail fearing my tablet was bricked i followed another thread titled how to unbrick your tablet!!!! it installed OTA ICS and wiped my recovery :crying: so now i have stock recovery and bootloop and the pc still recognizes the tablet in fastboot and APX mode but when i try to format /data in fastboot it says bootloader locked :crying: and when in apx mode when i try to use nvflash it says error during usb write then it says usb device not connected until i restart apx mode fresh. in the stock recovery it will flash OTA packages and finish install but still stuck in bootloop otherwise i just get the dead android guy with a red exclamation point. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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Have you tried installing the patched bootloader? Remember, you have to have your SBK number you got from your UID. I found that NVFlashing using one of the earlier releases works best for me.
Also remember what OTA update.zip you are installing. Some of them, are just update patch files, which require a specific OS to be installed.
Did you try this thread?
Basically, you decrypt the 2 update files, extract the contents of one on to your SD card. Try booting to stock recovery and see if it installs and boots.
If that doesn't work, then do the same with the other update file.
The 50x is basically bullet proof. There is always a method, and sometimes, it's finding the method that works is the hardest.
I did finally get it. I let it bootloop hooked it up to my pc and used adb while it was bootlooping to get my cpuid and sbk since i had neither of those i couldnt do jack with nvflash. After i got those went back in apx mode flashed bootloader and cwm again followed thors instructions on how to really format data partition and installed rom like normal. Worked like a champ, but without cpuid and sbk i woulda never fixed it
Sent from my Iconia A500 using Tapatalk

Tablet boot in APX, but not boot system

Hi! After installing this rom my tablet booting in APX mode, so what i should do to unbrick my tablet?

is it possible to get nakasig into fastboot mode without a working recovery?

Hi, in principle the subject does say all
I have activated auto root without the stock recovery but an elder version of cwm. The result of that is a boot loop to auto root in both standard boot and recovery. I just had upgraded android to 4.4.4 using the fastboot method.
So the only way of recovering from soft brick I can imagine right now is getting it into fastboot mode again somehow.
Thanks for your help.

boot loop

Hello Guys,
I have problem with my Zenphone5.
The phone restarts after the asus log. Recovery mode does not load. You can only work with the phone in fast mode using adb fastboot. Unfortunately, I have a locked bootloader and can't flash twrp recovery. Is there any way to unlock the bootloader so that it can be flashed?
Thanks a lot for help!

