Looking for Students for Win 8 Apps - Windows 8 General

Hello, I have ties to Microsoft and have been asked to drive some interest in students for creating apps for Windows 8. If you live the US and are currently a student in College please send me a message for more details.


Sync support for Thunderbird email client (Sunbird Calendar)

We need some motivated talented CE people to help this Thunderbird Sync project take off.
I know lots of people that refuse to use Outlook for email access. As you may or may not know (most likely know), one of the most popular alternatives seems to be Thunderbird. (makers of FireFox)
http://www.mozilla.org/products/thunderbird/ (v 1.x)
http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/sunbird.html (in beta)
Palm feels like it's going down hill lately.
(some unix based Palm OS in the works? we'll see....)
More and More people are going to want to try Windows Mobile phones. With so many rich features, how could you say no. It's only a matter of time before "they" need something to make it sync with their world though.
I have several friends that fit into this category may try out 6515's
I thought I'd put this out there to help nudge it along.
Luckily for me I'm fine with Outlook. (mostly due to my normal job)
I Originally posted here:
and here
but xda-developers has a larger pool of master jedi pocket pc users obviously
Another nice work around I thought might work is some kind of on screen address book via remote controll. I just emailed soti (makers of pocket controller professional) http://www.soti.net/default.asp?Cmd=Products&SubCmd=PCPro
the following:
I just started using Pocket Controller Professional on my HP iPaq hw6515. It works great for me and the skin looks slick!
I have a suggestion.
I know several people that REFUSE to use Outlook on their windows machine. This means they can not take advantage of using and/or synchronizing their pocket pc >contacts< very easily. Their email client of choice is normally Thunderbird.
What if you could use your Pocket Controller Professional so your Pocket PC is your address book? It would be really cool if you could open up contacts, and then have a new Thunderbird email message auto fill in the TO field based on what you click through the Pocket Controller screen. (an on screen address book linked real time some how with the ipaq contacts)
What do you think?
So, anyone up for the challange?
moving along.............
ThunderSync Project Update!! (sounds good)
>I really hope to see this ThunderSync project move forward still.
>I have several friends that refuse to use outlook and I'd love to see
>them have a nice thunderbird sync solution as well.
>I'm trying to drum up support for this!
The project is still going ahead, although it's a little slower than expected due to my normal work.
The plan is as follows:
1. Get Email to Sync
2. Get contacts to Sync
3. Publish API for plugins.
I'm not planning on writing a calender/todo list sync just yet as Sunbird is still in it's infancy. (Although still pretty good) And once the plugin system is published other people can carry on the work.
Thanks for your interest in the project, hopefully it won't be too long before we are able to publish a beta.
cool, looking forward to sync my xda IIi with thunderbird and sunbird
Hello s4czech,
your project sounds really interesting. I'm employed at an Italian County, computer science department. We are starting a test phase to replace all commercial mail software we actually use (mainly Eudora, Outlook) with an open source solution, Thunderbird. Many of our employee use a shared calendar served by Microsoft Exchange. Now we are testing Sunbird and Calendar for Thunderbird, and LDAP as shared address book, and phpicalendar as shared calendar, syncronized with Sunbird via iCal (.ics) standard. Everything works fine, but now some customers are asking us for something to sync the calendar (basically the .ics file) with their palm (mainly Outlook for Windows CE). We now that Sunbird is still in its starting phase, but we believe its already a good (and simple) tool for calendar and appointments management. Do you know about something we could use for syncing .ics files on PDAs under Outlook? I read about your decision not to develop a conduit for thunderbird calendar extension. If you could change your mind, we can also think about paying something for this Can you please send me a private message or leave an answer here in order to contact you via email?
Thanks in advance
It's not my project. I'm just an enthusiastic guy trying to get exposure to it to speed things along. I'm happy to hear more people like you have a true need though. The more minds the better!
I would post your situation/requests in the ThunderSync projects main forum at sourceforge.net
I sent a message directly to Darren F. - sol_bot and got the response I posted above.
Let us know how it goes and good luck!
[tb-sync - Open Discussion] RE: Project Status
Read and respond to this message at:
By: sol_bot
OK. So this is how the project stands at the moment.
The user interface is complete.
The code behind it is unfortunatly lacking.
Anyone that can give assistance in the area of Thunderbird mail is seriously requested.
I can inject messages into Pocket Outlook (Most of the time anyway) but need some help in the Thunderbird area.
Read and respond to this message at:
By: sol_bot
Darn it. I've never used Sourceforge or the CVS system on a Windows XP machine.
So anyone that can tell me how to set it up correctly gets 2 brownie points.
On a different note, I'm thinking that this project may require an XPI file for Thunderbird. Anyone that has a clue about these can get in contact with me. (Pwetty Pwease).
I do hope this project experiences progress: it would be very nice to use a single program such a Sunbird to sync since it runs on all platforms.

Windows Live for Windows Mobile build 10.6.0026.1400

A rich set of Windows Live services — including e-mail, IM, search and more — uniquely designed to work with Windows Mobile powered devices.
Connect and share when things happen – anyway you want.
Express yourself with e-mail, IM or even by adding photos to a blog – all from your Windows Mobile powered phone. Windows Live for Windows Mobile offers unique features, such as a single contact list with presence status, the ability to send instant messages with voice recordings, and more.
Quickly find the places and information you need. Search the Web and get results delivered to your phone in an easy-to-read format. Quickly find the places, people and local services you’re looking for, whether you’re near or far from your home or office.

[Q] Booking system app for Android

Hey guys
I'm an entrepreneur from Brisbane, Australia. I'm looking into introducing a new product and am wondering if you guys would be able to help me clarify a few questions. I have to add I have no idea what so ever about programming languages or whats possible or not. I just going to post my vision of the application I will need and hope some of you guys can tell me what of that will be possible, what not and how much effort / money it would take to realise.
Firstly of all and most importantly I need the the Phone application to work with several other systems which would be at the moment : - Iphone, Windows Mobile, Blackberry Android, a Website interface, Windows Vista / 7 and Mac OS. I need this to work in two ways. One for the user to sync their data on different apps and secondly for the admin to receive and send data from the main system (that would be working on Windows or Mac)
On first interface the user would have to log in with a username and password, high security would be welcome, after the log in the general interface should be offering the user a booking request form with the ability to use a saved lists of items which have been previously use / prepared but also a interface for add one or editing
It also should offer a open bookings lists and the ability to edit this lists. This should also be able to be synced to the other systems. A third interface showing a history and updates should be also available.
If possible it should offer different accounts and groups where admins can edit the bookings of other users. If this is possible it also should offer a control for the admins which shows bookings and history of other group users.
I would like this obviously to be a professional looking app which offers a good service and is secure and bug free. If anyone has an idea if this is realisable or what parts of it would be difficult or have to be changed please do me the favour and comment.
Thank you for your help in advance.
If you're looking for developers for your project, please contact [email protected]
Example of similar (ok, a bit different but technical approach is the same) web app and mobile clients for several smartphone platforms is in my signature.

Looking for Senior Android Developers

Hi Guys,
I work for SOTI Inc. - a mobile device management software shop and we are looking to hire a senior android developer to join the company.
SOTI has been in the mobile space for over 10 years, we are looking for someone to grow with the company, creating industry leading device management software.
We are located in toronto canada and will be willing to arrange for a package to relocate here etc.
Please send me an email / pm with your info and experience so we can get in touch.
Thanks for looking..
get in touch via email alex.tank @ gmail so we can take this further. i need to hire some good guys immediately.
Are you interested in cooperation with http://www.bloove.com ? For example you can add contacts, sms and call log backup to SOTI soultions.

questions before migrate my HD2 on WM7

My HD2 is on WM 6.5.
I want to install a W7 rom on it but i have some questions before doing it.
How can i migrate my contacts ?my sms, my appointements?
The microsoft activation is obliged ?
(sorry for my bad english)
First of all, its Windows Phone 7 and not Windows Mobile 7.
Your contacts can be imported from your SIM card if you have backed it up onto that, or Windows Phone also has the options to sync with your Gmail contacts and Windows Live Client and even Facebook contacts. SMS cannot be backed up but appointment's can likewise be synced with Outlook or from your Gmail account.
You only need the Microsoft activation if you want live services to be activated i.e, Marketplace, Zune and probably other stuff. I don't see the problem of going to Microsoft chat and politely asking for an activation code ... it takes probably 5 minutes at the most.
Give it a shot, Windows Phone is pretty fantastic and with the upcoming Mango update it'll be even better
I can second the Microsoft Chat for activation. It takes about 5min. Just tell them you have an HD7 that is asking for activation, your name, and number. You will have yourself a fully functional WP7 device. If you don't have it already, you might as well download ZUNE for pc (much easier to download apps and music).

