can i get a hand plz - Acer Iconia A500

hi guys sorry to ask a qeustion that probably is sitting smack in front of my face but heres my problem;
ok i have a leaked version even though a few people confirmed it was the official because i wanted the update as soon as it hit the uk and i was seeming to be the last to get the ots.....
ok so ive tried a few methods of goin back to stock to getting back to stock to get the ota but of course since no recovery no luck.
ive tried the method in this thread
but i cant get the tab into apx mode? ive tried loads of times but i just can get it to go into apx with the pin/reset power method,
ive tried using the pbj20upgrade.exe but it says i need the new image version (Acer_A500_1.016.05_COM_GEN1)
any idea what step i take from here as i seem to have hit a wall
my current version
BUILD NUMBER: Acer_AV041_A500_1.031.00_WW_GEN1
'vol_' + 'power' = (red) "recovery verified failed"
reason is i hear flexreaper rom ics is better then the stock ota and i wouldnt mind being able to flash it with.....taadaaaa recovery lol

chisme said:
hi guys sorry to ask a qeustion that probably is sitting smack in front of my face but heres my problem;
ok i have a leaked version even though a few people confirmed it was the official because i wanted the update as soon as it hit the uk and i was seeming to be the last to get the ots.....
ok so ive tried a few methods of goin back to stock to getting back to stock to get the ota but of course since no recovery no luck.
ive tried the method in this thread
but i cant get the tab into apx mode? ive tried loads of times but i just can get it to go into apx with the pin/reset power method,
ive tried using the pbj20upgrade.exe but it says i need the new image version (Acer_A500_1.016.05_COM_GEN1)
any idea what step i take from here as i seem to have hit a wall
my current version
BUILD NUMBER: Acer_AV041_A500_1.031.00_WW_GEN1
'vol_' + 'power' = (red) "recovery verified failed"
reason is i hear flexreaper rom ics is better then the stock ota and i wouldnt mind being able to flash it with.....taadaaaa recovery lol
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Try this

yeah like i say i cant get the apx mode up

chisme said:
reason is i hear flexreaper rom ics is better then the stock ota and i wouldnt mind being able to flash it with.....taadaaaa recovery lol
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you're on the locked ics bootloader now so u have to use the manual entry to apx mode theres no getting round it i'm afraid...and thats if you want to go back to HC or flash a custom ics - the b/l needs to be unlocked first
good luck

So, you can boot into the OS ok just no recovery, is that right?

Use timmydean's method. this will put you with a rooted 3.2.1
Works like a charm, and is as easy as following the PDF instructions. I have used it for my A500 and just used it today on the wifes as well.
It will wipe your data so backup your apps with Titanium or the likes to external sd card.
Update the Iconia Update app and check for upgrade via Settings (Should upgrade to ICS if available)

CyaN1de said:
Use timmydean's method. this will put you with a rooted 3.2.1
Works like a charm, and is as easy as following the PDF instructions. I have used it for my A500 and just used it today on the wifes as well.
It will wipe your data so backup your apps with Titanium or the likes to external sd card.
Update the Iconia Update app and check for upgrade via Settings (Should upgrade to ICS if available)
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Yeh it would work fine if he was on HC bootloader.
From what I gather he is running on the ics one. With td's method that means a downgrade using manual entry into the download mode m8, remember on the thread I saidit was a slightly different method for ics???you gotta get thru using button press
"You won't be able to tell if it is in apx mode until you're connected to pc and see the drivers being installed. As far as the tablet goes the screen is blaxk and the white power light is on..that's it..."
If the op has a working system he can root and life would be good;-)
@CyaN1de Nice to see you got the wife's one done too m8

dibb_nz said:
Yeh it would work fine if he was on HC bootloader.
From what I gather he is running on the ics one. With td's method that means a downgrade using manual entry into the download mode m8, remember on the thread I saidit was a slightly different method for ics???you gotta get thru using button press
"You won't be able to tell if it is in apx mode until you're connected to pc and see the drivers being installed. As far as the tablet goes the screen is blaxk and the white power light is on..that's it..."
If the op has a working system he can root and life would be good;-)
@CyaN1de Nice to see you got the wife's one done too m8
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Didn't take into account the bad. Still noobish to the whole tablet thing.
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2

Hi guys thanks for taking the intrest in my problem I can boot up as normal and tab runs fine I'm just assuming its gonna be better on flexreaper rom' I'm at work now when I go on my break I will jump back on it,
I've found a tool at tegra owners by blackthunder I think? A500 apex flash tool its supposed to allow access to apex mode without pressing the buttons ... I'll let you guy know in an hour or 2

chisme said:
I've found a tool at tegra owners by blackthunder I think? A500 apex flash tool its supposed to allow access to apex mode without pressing the buttons ... I'll let you guy know in an hour or 2
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nice one chis, that should do the trick for you, - you may need to reinstall your drivers again, just to be sure your tab and pc are talking the same language, see my guide in sig for that let us know how u get on yeh?

dibb_nz said:
nice one chis, that should do the trick for you, - you may need to reinstall your drivers again, just to be sure your tab and pc are talking the same language, see my guide in sig for that let us know how u get on yeh?
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cheers bud, i got the a500 apx flash tool
i ran the tool selected the unlocked bootloader/kernal/ics recovery as per say from the thread ,
the tool went through the steps without problems and told it was succesful
........i rebooted......and nothing changed? still "recovery verified failed"
should i have turned the tab off before running the program? i know your thinking well yeah duh how will u access the apx mode......well i can get apx mode goin this is why im using the apx flash tool because the thread says you dont need to press the power+reset the tool gets apx by itself?
heres the apx flash tool thread:

UPDATE: I FINALLY GOT IT INTO APX MODE YAY!!!! now i know the method ill b back to post the results

used the tool it did its golden thing,...and i got the pass screen, .. yeah i have no finger nails left but YAAAAAY big time, ok so to install flexreaper i just put it as "" and install from recovery right?
also im luving the little recovery menu buttons in the bottom right never had that before lol
special thanks to dibbz for the confidence boost to make me try apx just a few more times lol

ok can anyone now provide me with a link to the OFFICIAL ICS OTA FOR GEN1 UK
please, i know im conforming to the usual "noobish request" but ive been up till 4am or the last 2 nights im beginning to miss links and skip vital lines in guides lol

chisme said:
used the tool it did its golden thing,...and i got the pass screen, .. yeah i have no finger nails left but YAAAAAY big time, ok so to install flexreaper i just put it as "" and install from recovery right?
also im luving the little recovery menu buttons in the bottom right never had that before lol
special thanks to dibbz for the confidence boost to make me try apx just a few more times lol
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woohoo glad u got it m8
so the tool worked a charm, best u go push thanks button on blackthund3rs thread!!!!
so are you on ics or 3.2.1 (cant be bothered looking back at yr posts sorry)
there are 2 versions for flexreaper
for flexreaper ics - with hc bootloader -i.e. u came from HC 3.2 check out civs guide in my sig -
if u ota'ed to ics u r on ics bootloader then make sure u d/l that version on the main 'reaper rom thread
i restored back to stock and still waiting for the OTA - if i dont get it today i'll be doing the guide myself, looks rather daunting but i guess i just need to follow the instructions to the i've been tellin everyone elose hahha
just re-read yr post ---"sore fingernails?????" did you use the tool or the button press
thanks for the thanks i'm gonna be looking for someone like me when i unlock that ics b/l lol
rgds D
---------- Post added at 07:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:59 AM ----------
chisme said:
ok can anyone now provide me with a link to the OFFICIAL ICS OTA FOR GEN1 UK
please, i know im conforming to the usual "noobish request" but ive been up till 4am or the last 2 nights im beginning to miss links and skip vital lines in guides lol
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now i'm confused....yes m8 its been a rather hectic couple of days....eyes are hanging out and brain has turned to mush....
thort u were gonna use flexreaper, now u want OTA link????
check out the 'how do i capture the ics ota" thread theres some updates in there
but before u go actually flashing something....get some sleep, we will all still be here tomorrow/today!!!!!!!

LOL yeah i bit most of me finger nails off trying not to shat myself watching the tool doin its thing
i was on 3.2 then i flashed the Acer_AV041_A500_1.031.00_WW_GEN1
after being told it was the real official .... now ive just got the unlocked bootloader installed with blackthunders apx flash tool.
so now i have Acer_AV041_A500_1.031.00_WW_GEN1 with accessible bootloader and root,
im split between goin flexreaper , or back to 3.2 to recieve the ota

chisme said:
...1) LOL yeah i bit most of me finger nails off trying not to shat myself watching the tool doin its thing
...2) i was on 3.2 then i flashed the Acer_AV041_A500_1.031.00_WW_GEN1
after being told it was the real official .... now ive just got the unlocked bootloader installed with blackthunders apx flash tool.
...3)so now i have Acer_AV041_A500_1.031.00_WW_GEN1 with accessible bootloader and root,
...4) im split between goin flexreaper , or back to 3.2 to recieve the ota
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--1) hahha sooooo funny - oh to be a fly on the wall watching that process!!!
--2) is that an m8
--3) you done good young grasshopper!! - what methods did u use...or have u said...sorry...mushy brain syndrome
--4) get a recovery on there and do a nand, give flexreaper a try so you can have a comparison with the stock ota, then u can do a nice wee review for those of us still stuck w8n on acer gods to OTA us
--5) now u got the flash tool sussed u can have it all, lol. you may be disappointed with the ota m8, why ya wanna ruin that good buzz ya got goin

to be honest after i got it into apx mode the timmyd v4 was a breeze....a cold sweaty breeze but yeah.
ok lmao its 2:35am my tab is now ics 403 flexreaper 12.5 with a boot image install to fix a sod problem from F'reaper......and then F'reaper 13 comes out..damnit lol but all good right now im still chasing that damn faceunlock.
i do now have the acer ring!! yay!! ...its cool. lol
has anyone tried the flexreaper r13?

awsum, you're legend m8 thort i saw yr name pop up over there...i gonna d/l r13
2nyt get some well deserved sleep then do it all again 2mra..whoohooo

jesus thats another 4am'er last night lol good thing i got the day off work today lol.
so im brightly running the flexr' 12.5 everything seems to be great.
The acer ring is easy for customization, apparently we can apply TONS of mods to the 12.5 / r13 like transparent ring and menu's but right now the rings the colour it should be for me lol GOLD
so im gonna play around for a few hours and see if i can see what difference r13 brings before flashing but i have got the ready on me sd lol
before tabs i was just mucking about with a htc hero gsm noticed one new thing in the flashing steps in cwm rec'., you dont "have" to rename the zips to "" anymore lol i know that seems small but its much easier not to get your versions muddled up after renaming them all to , i got about 15's on me comp and i havnt got a fecking clue what they are lol


[GUIDE] How to Fix Rolling CWM Recovery P7510 WIFI & 3g p7500 (24\06\12)

isimobile along with pershoot has found a faster and better way of fixing this!:good:
I suggest you use isimobile's method found " HERE !!" Don't forget to thank him!!! or we'll fallow you home and poop in your driveway!
If for some reason that does not work try my method!
Sorry Mods I wasn't sure which forum I should put this in please move if incorrect!
A little history before I continue!
I recently decided to Root my TELUS GT-P7510/16GB/WIFI so I went to the Galaxy Tab 10.1 Android Development Forum and fallowed S0ckM0nk3y's [ACSyndicate] [How-To] Root/Unroot The SGT 10.1 GT-P7510 USA Retail WiFi Only
Everything was going fine until I was to put it into Recovery Mode (At this point Its CWM-based Recovery v5.0.2.7) to Flash, but as soon as it booted into Recovery the screen was scrolling as shown here by castiel19.
There is nothing you can do to correct this except fallow my Guide (OR) download and install the only CWM Recovery that works for us with this problem which is ClockworkMod_Recovery_v5.5.0.4_P75xx.tar
... I have tried all of them and this is the only one that works....For me anyways!
I was not satisfied with this as I Purchased ROM Manager and it shows that the latest update for my device is V4.0.0.4, so I decided to try all I could to find a solution and I did.... By accident!
Before You continue, Please back up all your personal stuff to your PC or any other media but do not leave anything you can not loose on the TAB it will be gone if you continue!
Meat, Potatoes and Gravy!
Follow S0ckM0nk3y's Guide HERE you want to follow the Unroot part!
Click on the very first Blue DOWNLOAD link in his guide which will open another forum with a similar layout and click the first Blue DOWNLOAD link at the top of that guide save it to your desktop. The file is called and it is 381MB. Once downloaded, extract to a new folder on your desktop, now open that new folder on your desktop and extract the!
Put your Tab 10.1 into Download Mode by using S0ckM0nk3y's guide.
Open Odin3_v1.85.exe that is in the folder that you extracted the two downloads too on the desktop.
Click the PDA button and choose P7510XABKMP_P7510UEKMP_HOME.tar.md5.
Plug the USB into your PC
Plug the other end into the Tab
In the Odin Software on your PC the box below ID:COM should be yellow with stuff in it click the start button it will take a few minutes. 1min 59sec for me. once finished the Tab will reboot and do some stuff then it will reboot again to the OS.
Your Unrooted with an to up to date stock ROM!
This is optional but recommended! Power off your device now, and then put it in Recovery Mode.
Once Android System Recovery comes up click "wipe data/factory reset" then click "wipe cache partition" then click "reboot system".
Now Root using HERE and install any of the appropriate CWM Recovery versions without having the rolling screens!
I will clean this up later it is 2am and I have to Tow a car 800km tomorrow! There are fellow members that need this so it was rushed sorry!
I would like feedback on this as to wether it works or not for you!
I had my wife follow this guide with her Tab that was doing the same thing and it worked for her first time, but i'm more worried that my wording might not be understood by some and if that is the case it may not work for you and i would like to help you understand!
Update: 1
I can not confirm this but thanks to "isimobile and vladin79" it also works on 3g P7500 version!
Update: 2
P7510XABKMP_P7510UEKMP_HOME.tar.md5 is now included in S0ckM0nk3y's Package! Upated this guide to reflect that change.
Update: 3
After you fallow this Guide and all goes well but then you notice that when your screen goes to sleep then you wake it up and it is scrambled in the center of the screen and the only way you can stop it is to reboot, follow this Guide!
Major Update: 4 Major Thanks To "isimobile"
Please Read his post Here I am going to test it and will post back!
Don't forget to hit the Thanks button over there! -------------------------------->
I have same behaviour with the recovery, i fond the overcome recovery who works fine.
But if i install a rom i get same behaviour as recovery during boot. The only way to get endless scroll off is to lock and unlock the screen
Does your process remove endless scroll off curtom rom too?
Yes you should be able to install any CWM without the screen rolling, I'm thinking that there is something about the stock software that came on our particular Tabs that is trying to stop us from replacing Stock Recovery!
I flashed every CWM version mentioned in the Tab 10.1 WIFI forum and the only one that did not roll in Recovery was v5.5.0.4 and if I flash another CWM with the working one installed I would boot up to a rolling CWM Recovery until I reflash the v5.5.0.4.
This is the stock info that was causing CWM to screen roll!
Kernel Version: [email protected] #1
Build Number: HTJ85B.VLKL2 P7510VLKL2
great write up. thanks!
Did anyone tests this method ?
I don't have enought time during this week, but I'll try this week end.
I'm interessed to know if you succeed to install roms (and not recovery) without flickering.
Omg, u rocks
I will test this method this evening (since the time I was looking for)... I hope it works !!
In facts, I think this issue is due to the version of stock (EUKL1 when I bought my GT... then passed to KL2 but same issue).
But, with Task ROM #14 and stock Kernel KMP I have no problem. Once I install Pershoot's Kernel, I have the rolling boot screen (same as CWM) => Turn off / turn on the Unlock screen and is ok.
Have you tried to install Pershoot's Kernel after your handling ?
Azertouf said:
I'm interessed to know if you succeed to install roms (and not recovery) without flickering.
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Not yet! I am not quite interested in trying any Cooked Roms as of yet due to cameras not working.
But I am willing to try Tasks 15 when it becomes available!
Neums said:
Omg, u rocks
I will test this method this evening (since the time I was looking for)... I hope it works !!
In facts, I think this issue is due to the version of stock (EUKL1 when I bought my GT... then passed to KL2 but same issue).
But, with Task ROM #14 and stock Kernel KMP I have no problem. Once I install Pershoot's Kernel, I have the rolling boot screen (same as CWM) => Turn off / turn on the Unlock screen and is ok.
Have you tried to install Pershoot's Kernel after your handling ?
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I currently am trying the CWM Recovery from pershoot's thread HERE Works a treat! Thanks Pershoot " not sure if it's CWM but Superuser cannot see a network connection to get updated Binaries it just says fail, going to Unroot and start over and see if it is something I missed!<------NEVER MIND THIS! "
It seems Gmail doesn't like something either, I click on it and it opens and closes repeatedly about 15 times can’t see my Gmail! Time to wipe!<------NEVER MIND THIS!
Hey, dude, it works perfectly !
I can install Pershoot's CWM, Pershoot's Kernel and all others ICS Roms without any freacking rolling screen !!
---------- Post added at 08:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 PM ----------
Azertouf said:
Did anyone tests this method ?
I don't have enought time during this week, but I'll try this week end.
I'm interessed to know if you succeed to install roms (and not recovery) without flickering.
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Try to install AOKP Build 28, it works perfectly !
Perfect, that works !!
I'm now on CWM and AOKP Build 28 and no more screen flickering.
PERFECTS, thank's a lot !
It works me too! Thanks a lot!
This post also very much helped me... so thanks again good sir!
You mentioned you got yours from Telus, I got my 32GB WIFI version from Futureshop, so maybe it's a Canadian version thing?
PS: I was also very disappointed to find that it has a white back when all of the googled pics of it had a black one... and the fact that it is white is not shown on the Futureshop website, nor shown or written anywhere on the box is baffling! It was almost a deal-breaker as I do NOT endorse white gadgets, but I'll give it a chance first haha.
It works.. Perfect. Thank you so much
I have P7500 model, which is 3G version. I decided to root it and installed several CWM recoveries, but all of them caused a scrolling screen when booted in recovery. Then I came to your guide and installed the ClockworkMod_Recovery_v5.5.0.4_P75xx.tar from your first post. It worked like a charm and the screen was steady as a rock. No more scrolling. Then I used it and rooted my tab.
Thank you so much for your efforts!
vladin79 said:
I have P7500 model, which is 3G version. I decided to root it and installed several CWM recoveries, but all of them caused a scrolling screen when booted in recovery. Then I came to your guide and installed the ClockworkMod_Recovery_v5.5.0.4_P75xx.tar from your first post. It worked like a charm and the screen was steady as a rock. No more scrolling. Then I used it and rooted my tab.
Thank you so much for your efforts!
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I can confirm, also did it on a 3g(P7500) version, it worked. Thanks!
[Edit1] If you flash ICS, screen also scrolls.
[Edit2] Flashed the 7510 ROM mentioned in first post on the 7500. It worked. So I could flash then latest recovery from Pershoot. Flashed ICS, no Scrolling in ROM.
OP maybe you can edit first post to say it also works on the 7500?
Wow!!!! It DOES work!!!! After days of researching.
I bumped to your thread before but it wasn't make sense, why the hell should the stock ROM interfere with the process lol?
But it makes sense now, like S-OFF concept on the phone, NA stock is "s-off" while my stock (NZ) is not!
Thanks again man! CM9 + latest pershoot kernel now, all smooth no flickering
i've used your guide, thanks it works...the only problem i get now, is screen on/off (screen doesn't switch on after a screen lock or sleep..i can hear email notifications when i send it a mail)
this happens only after i flash Task 14..doesnt happen on the stock ROM for unrooting
so, i used your guide but instead, used Asian firmware to flash stock rom..however CWM screen flicker is back, and the only way for me to flash Task is to use Overcome CWM
I will maybe try your method again and flash ICS (just to test since i really need the camera)
I'm now really thinking there is something in the Asian Tabs that is doing this...
marjoejoejoe said:
i've used your guide, thanks it works...the only problem i get now, is screen on/off (screen doesn't switch on after a screen lock or sleep..i can hear email notifications when i send it a mail)
this happens only after i flash Task 14..doesnt happen on the stock ROM for unrooting
so, i used your guide but instead, used Asian firmware to flash stock rom..however CWM screen flicker is back, and the only way for me to flash Task is to use Overcome CWM
I will maybe try your method again and flash ICS (just to test since i really need the camera)
I'm now really thinking there is something in the Asian Tabs that is doing this...
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Just the Asian stock, it might have other settings which prevents custom kernels and CWM from being fully functional. I have an Asian Tab but stocked it with American How you say, ummm Asian skin American flesh lol
awesome guide!
hylde said:
Just the Asian stock, it might have other settings which prevents custom kernels and CWM from being fully functional. I have an Asian Tab but stocked it with American How you say, ummm Asian skin American flesh lol
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finally another one with an asian tab..
did you get the screen off/on problem after flashing task 14?
i want to try out ICS since this method (Stocking with US firmware) removes screen rolling of CWM and successfully applies the necessary CWM for pershoots ICS...have you already flashed ICS in yours?
but then, its May and official ICS might be rolling out soon (i hope)
** which US firmware did you flash? im lookin to try that out

[FIXED?]- stuck in apx mode

[Update Fri 17th Aug]
k for everyone stuck in apx mode try this:
1. Files you will need:
gersmas AfterOTA Tool
The attached zip file which contains an unlocked bootloader v6 file and a recovery image file - unzip to a folder on your desktop.
2. Open Device Manager on your PC
Turn your tab on and connect your min-usb cable to the PC
In Device Manager check USB Controllers for the ACER-USB boot-recovery driver
3. Open the aferOTA tool and click on the "Extras" Tab
In the unbrick section:
"Browse" recovery option and negotiate to the folder on your desktop and
Choose the .img file there
"Browse" bootloader option and choose the .bin file from that same folder
4. Click "Install"
Keep your eye on "status"
Your Tab will vibrate and you should see displayed in white text:
"Acer Iconia a500 apx mode"
After a minute or two you will see displayed in Big White Text:
and in smaller red letters:
"reboot the device!
5. So go ahead and reboot
The first time I rebooted i got "fastboot mode"????
I just powered off and booted up again, .....
IF you do not have a custom ICS rom on yr tab already then reboot into recovery and flash that probs!!
You'll need to d/l one and put it on yr ext sd first
Hope that helps some of you...good luck
Has anyone been able to revert back to HC using any/all of the following
A) nvFlash hangs at "formatting partition 4....." rollback using timmydeanv4
B) apxFlash - once back on HC does not recognise tab at all, wont extract cpuid neither does a500manager v1.1
C) afterOTA
The downgrade using timmydeansv4 usually does the trick for me but some have reported error "UPDATE FAILED" and then being stuck with the black screen of apx mode.
Would be great to have some feedback on this
if anyone can shed any light it'd be highly appreciated...:thumbup:
EDIT: acer picasso usb driver installs from HC BL nvflash and no amount of uninstalling or reinstalling gets rid of it....acer boot recovery driver is nowhere to be seen and this is the one thats needed
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2
I grabbed this from Webspirits thread and brought it with me...
dibb_nz said:
hi J...ok thats cool re boot anim...i asked becoz like u i been trying to help a couple of others who can't use any of the flash tools or roll back to HC...i only just got myself fixed after being stuck in apx, no recovery, and boot screen saying in red text "reboot device" thought he may have had similar issue....
J...have u used nvflash or apxflash to roll back - theres a few folks getting stuck with it...its loading the HC apx driver which aint working with the ics bl so then yr tab gets stuck in apx!!!
I started a new thread hoping someone can help us all out be great to hear yr thoughts on this....its driving me up the wall
sorry didnt mean to hijack the thread
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The one that we are working on was never stuck in apx. I don't know how or why, but the tab ended up without an os, or recovery. Also no uid or sbk.
So we used the ubuntu apx recovery method discussed here by srbeen. Once we found the uid, then the sbk. We used blackthund3rs APX Tool to get a working bootloader and recovery.
Flashing roms always complete without any unexpected errors or surprises.
The problem we are having is being stuck in the bootanimation endlessly.
I've been using blackthund3r's and gersma's tools and haven't used the manual nvflash or apxflash methods for quite a while. But that is my next thought on getting this one going. I really can't imagine what's wrong, perhaps the partitions got fubar'd somehow.
So far for me blackthund3rs APX Tool has taken me from apx to any bootloader/CWM combo that I want, but I'm not having any driver issues. I can see where that would ruin the fun.
One thing I might suggest for the driver issue. It might not work, but maybe... If on Windows, go to device manager, expand Universal Serial Bus controllers. Right click Acer USB Boot-recovery driver and choose 'Update Driver Software", choose 'Browse my computer...' and then 'Let me pick...'.
Mine shows two different drivers.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Hopefully one is for ICS and the other is for HC. That's all a big guess. So apply your wisdom before making any changes. But I think that's what I would try if I had those driver issues.
JdgM3NT4L said:
I grabbed this from Webspirits thread and brought it with me...
The one that we are working on was never stuck in apx. I don't know how or why, but the tab ended up without an os, or recovery. Also no uid or sbk.
So we used the ubuntu apx recovery method discussed here by srbeen. Once we found the uid, then the sbk. We used blackthund3rs APX Tool to get a working bootloader and recovery.
Flashing roms always complete without any unexpected errors or surprises.
The problem we are having is being stuck in the bootanimation endlessly.
I've been using blackthund3r's and gersma's tools and haven't used the manual nvflash or apxflash methods for quite a while. But that is my next thought on getting this one going. I can't imagine what's wrong, perhaps the partitions got fubar'd somehow.
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I'll check back thru some of my stuff, it sounz familiar 4 some reason I just can't think why - so yr saying u got the bl and recovery flashed OK but stuck in a boot loop? is that the bl animation or system boot one? I'm thinking a rollback with tdv4 to reset everything and upgrading from there - but if yr anything like me you'll be wanting to actually solve the loop issue....that's where I'm at with folks getting stuck in apx
So far for me blackthund3rs APX Tool has taken me from apx to any bootloader/CWM combo that I want, but I'm not having any driver issues. I can see where that would ruin the fun.
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No, I don't normally was trying to reproduce an error for someone who couldn't get the boot/recovery driver loaded in apx mode, I uninstalled them and now can't get them back, lol - which leads into....
One thing I might suggest for the driver issue. It might not work, but maybe... If on Windows, go to device manager, expand Universal Serial Bus controllers. Right click Acer USB Boot-recovery driver and choose 'Update Driver Software", choose 'Browse my computer...' and then 'Let me pick...'.
Mine shows two different drivers.
Hopefully one is for ICS and the other is for HC. That's all a big guess. So apply your wisdom before making any changes. But I think that's what I would try if I had those driver issues.
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Yeh this is what I have come to think too
Picasso is for HC and acer one for ICS, no matter what I try the Picasso ones always load and the Acer ones don't show up anywhere....I'm back on HC and about to upgrade again and hopefully all will be well in driver world once again!!!!!
IThe other thing I've been working at is a way to rollback without using an EUU or
In other words, trying to get nvflash or apxflash to revert back to HCbut the tools automatically install Picasso - when that happens then everything goes haywire, its where some of the tabs hang formatting partitions - which then involvesusing td4 or srbeens method to reset them.....I'm figuring if we solve the original issue folks won't have to rollback/reset partitions.....
I hope this makes some sort of sense J and I really appreciate yr time and input thanks:good:
dibb_nz said:
I'll check back thru some of my stuff, it sounz familiar 4 some reason I just can't think why - so yr saying u got the bl and recovery flashed OK but stuck in a boot loop? is that the bl animation or system boot one?
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It is the animation. Not the bootloader screen.
And thanks!
dibb_nz said:
I'm thinking a rollback with tdv4 to reset everything and upgrading from there - but if yr anything like me you'll be wanting to actually solve the loop issue....
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Yeah I'd love to figure it out. But this one is like the ones you're helping. Remote. So without the tablet in hand, and the uncertainties that come along without it, I'll probably try to help on this one using timmydean's method.
dibb_nz said:
Yeh this is what I have come to think too. Picasso is for HC and acer one for ICS, no matter what I try the Picasso ones always load and the Acer ones don't show up anywhere....
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Makes me wonder if maybe a second pc or virtual pc with only the older drivers and no network running to stop windows from updating the driver? Or perhaps we could look into trying it from that Ubuntu live disc? I think once we were at the point that we found the uids we are close to being able to continue from there... I'll look around for the Linux commands/packages. Maybe someone who knows this stuff will notice and share. (Please.)
dibb_nz said:
The other thing I've been working at is a way to rollback without using an EUU or
In other words, trying to get nvflash or apxflash to revert back to HCbut the tools automatically install Picasso - when that happens then everything goes haywire, its where some of the tabs hang formatting partitions - which then involvesusing td4 or srbeens method to reset them.....I'm figuring if we solve the original issue folks won't have to rollback/reset partitions.....
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Ok. I think that this might help. This way should pass with the drivers if I understand correctly. I just did this and it worked on my tablet. First I borked my tablet intentionally by installing an old stock HC rom over my V8 bootloader ICS full root without wiping anything. Then booted it. From there, Bootanimation loop. CWM gone. Useless.
So I entered APX mode manually. I used blackthund3rs APX tool. Visited the Bundle Builder Market and grabbed #17, the latest bootloader and Thors 1.7.3 CWM package. Flashed it, went directly into CWM. Performed full wipe BEFORE doing anything else. Really don't forget to wipe system and delvic. If you do you will learn how I learned to bork my tablet the easy way and get to start over from APX.
Flashed this, it is a very stock 3.1 android version It boots up just fine on the V8 bootloader and once it loads up, hit settings. From there it is easy to just ota to any version that you are wanting. Plus after the first update to 3.2 I'm pretty sure you get the stock bootloader, recovery, the works. Of course you could get root, recovery and restore your backup like I did.
Or am I way off base?
JdgM3NT4L said:
It is the animation. Not the bootloader screen.
And thanks!
yeah I'd love to figure it out. But this one is like the ones you're helping. Remote. So without the tablet in hand, and the uncertainties that come along without it, I'll probably try to help on this one using timmydean's method.
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woohoo its our Daisy, lol....well u da man when it comes to boot anim's m8 i'll defer to your wiseness
Yup just got someone fixed using tdv4 , seems the way to go and its a fairly quick process too
Makes me wonder if maybe a second pc or virtual pc with only the older drivers and no network running to stop windows from updating the driver? Or perhaps we could look into trying it from that Ubuntu live disc? I think once we were at the point that we found the uids we are close to being able to continue from there... I'll look around for the Linux commands/packages. Maybe someone who knows this stuff will notice and share. (Please.)
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yeh i'm linux illiterate m8 but from what i've read its a lot easier than mucking about with windoze drivers!!!
i'm finally back to ics, but it was a real fekin mission - downgrading was the toughest bit specially trying not to use tdv4...nothing recognised my tab at all...then when i did get back I couldnt update the BL...was tearing my hear out....couldnt get the acer boot drivers installed no matter what i the end i fired up my old vista laptop...and the acer ones installed straight away wtf???? So my theory regarding separate drivers seems to be blown out of the water, altho in saying that... I'm about to try it all over again and find out for i'm a masochist....or just plain stoopid, lol
Ok. I think that this might help. This way should pass with the drivers if I understand correctly. I just did this and it worked on my tablet. First I borked my tablet intentionally by installing an old stock HC rom over my V8 bootloader ICS full root without wiping anything. Then booted it. From there, Bootanimation loop. CWM gone. Useless.
So I entered APX mode manually. I used blackthund3rs APX tool. Visited the Bundle Builder Market and grabbed #17, the latest bootloader and Thors 1.7.3 CWM package. Flashed it, went directly into CWM. Performed full wipe BEFORE doing anything else. Really don't forget to wipe system and delvic. If you do you will learn how I learned to bork my tablet the easy way and get to start over from APX.
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i know some peeps had issues with 1.7.3 but i swear by it for this sort of thing...and yeh good point re wiping its a must ....and using BT's bundle 17 i'll give that a whirl
Flashed this, it is a very stock 3.1 android version It boots up just fine on the V8 bootloader and once it loads up, hit settings. From there it is easy to just ota to any version that you are wanting. Plus after the first update to 3.2 you get the stock bootloader, recovery, the works.
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oh nice i'll grab that... I used ezterry's HC pre rooted rom worked well too. But will grab your one as well, My original stock was gen1 and there arent many of those around these days and i cant OTA to ICS using tdv4 it being gen2
Or am I way off base?
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u ran HC with the v8??? and it OTA'ed...with v8??
dibb_nz said:
Yup just got someone fixed using tdv4 , seems the way to go and its a fairly quick process too.
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Glad to hear that you got it sorted out. Nice work. And thanks for the advice. If I can get in touch with the owner of the tablet we will give that a shot.
dibb_nz said:
i know some peeps had issues with 1.7.3 but i swear by it for this sort of thing...
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I've never had any trouble out of it thankfully. It is the goto recovery for me as well. In my experience backups work better using it vs any of the rest that I've tried. Easier full wipes and reliable as heck.
dibb_nz said:
oh nice i'll grab that... I used ezterry's HC pre rooted rom worked well too. But will grab your one as well, My original stock was gen1 and there arent many of those around these days and i cant OTA to ICS using tdv4 it being gen2
u ran HC with the v8??? and it OTA'ed...with v8??
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Just to be certain I did it all again this morning. And yep, I'm self destructive as well. But the good news is that the result was the same. I started with the V8 bootloader in all it's Daisy glory. I wiped, flashed that zip, rebooted, checked for updates, did the ota. On reboot it showed V8 bootloader, then the words FLASHING BOOTLOADER popped up, it rebooted again and just like that I had stock bootloader, recovery, rom. {I was going to use an exclaimation point there but new problem... Pc keyboard dying [EXCLAIMATION POINT HERE]. Can't blame that on a bad flash can i??}
I hope that is the easy out that you're looking for. It's easy enough that I've done it three times on my tab in 2 days. But will it work for everyone?
Now to get the APX tool out and put a respectable bootloader and recovery back in place so I can finish the campaign mode for A Great Little War Game... Oh, and find a keyboard...
Hi J, might be useful for future reference,
Someone stuck on acer logo, no recovery original thread here
This worked...
GueDS said:
Can you boot in download mode to clean cache? (Power + Vol+)
Or, can you boot in recovery after shut down device?
If not try it and then tell us.
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xmond said:
No, I can't go into recovery even after shutting down the device. It's stuck on Acer logo. Help me please.
*Edit:* Booted in download mode and did a cache wipe. That did the trick! My device is now booting! THANKS A LOT!
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Sent from my A500 using xda premium
Thanks for keeping that in mind for me! You're so helpful, I don't know how you manage this many projects at once! But there are alot of people that are glad that you do. (Myself included.).
I am just getting back in touch with the owner and hopefully the TimmyDean rollback will do the trick. I'm pretty sure that it will.
In the meantime, did you get time to try, or have someone else try the downgrade with the 3.1 that I shared? It isn't real important, and don't worry about it if you're suffering from M.P.S (Multiple Flash Syndrome) or just plain don't feel like it. I'm only wanting to confirm that my experience isn't an fluke. I need to update a friends tablet soon so I might beat you to it. When I do I'll post the results here.
Anyway, thanks again!
Hi J, no, I haven't tried yr method as yet, but I got some downtime so I'll give it a whirl now, after I get a coffee on the brew, lol.
There's so much good info posted here but it gets lost pretty quick or is buried in a 500 page thread!! The search function only
really works if u know exactly what search terms to use, that's OK if you've been around the iconia for awhile...if u haven't then
the learning curve is fairly steep - even if u are an experienced android user, things just arent the same as yr average android device
and heck if you're a noob its like ppl are speaking in an English language you've never heard before, lol. So I just try to help where
I can, Just my way of giving back something to the community where I've benefitted heaps from, all the devs here, the ones
who actually have all the talent...
I digress tho', I have a brew in hand, so I'll get on with it....and get back to u
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2
Oh don't I know it. I just finished getting a custom ROM installed on a Samsung Infuse. I've messed with HTC's and their s-off, Motorola and Fastboot/RSD, Acer's craziness. And after all of that it was still like jumping in without knowing anything. I didn't even break out adb once or use a tool that accessed it... Java based jar files that are packaged into an installer if you can believe that. And you gotta take out the battery to get started??? Wow... Just wow. It was harder than getting a custom rom on a mid/generic tablet that didn't have a dedicated forum!
And they sure don't speak any familiar form of English over there. Heimdall this and Odin that...
Thanks for trying that out. I hope it goes as well for you as it does for me.
Lol, yes m8, gosh back in the day when the desire came out and getting root with the gold card method what a rigmaroll that was - entering numbers on a website and waiting a day or two to get yr magic code back - it was rather fun ....but only if it worked :banghead: actually things haven't really moved on much have they...anyway I got the rom d/led and flashed v8 and about to Bork, lol so ill get back to it m8....
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2
Yeah, that's too funny. I remember I had a razr in my pocket when I was reading about the gold card thing and thought to myself then that I would never go throught that kind of trouble just to mess with a phone.
I'm not sure what went wrong, but now I am up to my ears in devices that have to be modified. This is clearly not what I had planned back then.
Any luck on the downgrade? It's easier if you don't bork it first lol. Just flash the rom after the wipes.
JdgM3NT4L said:
Yeah, that's too funny. I remember I had a razr in my pocket when I was reading about the gold card thing and thought to myself then that I would never go throught that kind of trouble just to mess with a phone.
I'm not sure what went wrong, but now I am up to my ears in devices that have to be modified. This is clearly not what I had planned back then.
Any luck on the downgrade? It's easier if you don't bork it first lol. Just flash the rom after the wipes.
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YES!!! Confirmed m8 works on mine too....hardest part was trying to bork it first, hehehe!! Couldnt get rid of cwm and I wanted to stick as close as possible to yr method....but got the boot loop thing so i flashed your stock rom over it - then apxflashed - rebooted into HC WITH v8 - but of course cwm got over written with the stock image!!! So i tried fastboot - flashed 1.7.3 from there - and booted straight to cwm - did a backup to test out. WHile I was doing that i d/l'ed civs new flex stryker....have to fastboot to flash it but thats his rom he also has a backup tool so with some luck i may never need cwm again???
uh oh just had a random reboot - oh, all fine..didnt try OTA'ing so i'll leave that lil project for another day...:good:
So well done you, another arrow to our bows, haha - I'm guessing it works cos 3.1 has an unlocked BL - thats just a guess tho...ok off too flash stryker
thanks J for sharing
It looks like it's going to help with both recovering messed up tabs as well as do the back to stock with OTA. Perhaps a guide is in order. I won't have time until Sunday. So unless you get super bored and want to mess with it I'll start on it then. Your guides are always so easy to follow and very complete. I welcome you to take what we've found out and please share it any way that you want. I'll contribute any way that I can.
kewl m8 and thanks!!! I will see how i go m8 guide wise, still workin on the apx mode thing for the life of me i cant make it get stuck, lol always the way aye...ok...and wouldnt mind giving stryker a bit of a work out too.....
oh btw, what happened after u ota'ed to 3.2.1 did u go all the way to ICS or did u end up with the HC Locked BL again?
dibb_nz said:
oh btw, what happened after u ota'ed to 3.2.1 did u go all the way to ICS or did u end up with the HC Locked BL again?
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Yep. I ota'd that puppy until it wouldn't do it anymore. All of the way up to 4.0.3. All stock locked bootloaders after the first flash. So it is definitely a back to stock any flavor solution. All stock except, of course, that 3.1 that we used to flash. And the only thing that isn't stock on it will be the bootloader. Once the OTAs start it is all official acer stuff until the owner mods it.
So really, if someone wants to go from any custom ICS back to stock. They can simply flash the 3.1 that we tested through CWM after wiping system/data/cache. OTA to 3.2.1 and they are totally stock and can go whatever route from there that they want to.
Not sure but I think that might be the guide for that part... I guess that it isn't very complicated when 2 sentences about wrap it up. Maybe a picture of Daisy would add a little spark.
As far as the stuck with only APX mode, that'll take only a little more space.
I think that the only difference will be a few lines that say to get into apx and use blackthund3rs APX Tool to flash #17, reboot directly into recovery, wipe, flash the 3.1 rom.
As far as the issues that you've been helping with, I'll have to defer to your experience on that for any instructions. If I can help with Screenshots or anything else say the word. I've about got it down where I can have images up in almost no time.
Again thanks for confirming that for us. If it helps even a few people the time will have been worth it.
And if you ever need me to bork my tablet again just say the word!
---------- Post added at 09:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:07 PM ----------
dibb_nz said:
have to fastboot to flash it but thats ok
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dibb_nz said:
so with some luck i may never need cwm again???
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I just now noticed that you mentioned this. What a nice alternative.That's going to be a big deal for some people to get out of a jam fast.
Nice find.

[GUIDE] A500 Back to Factory Stock the easy way.

This is a good way to bring an A500 back to full stock from just about any rom, custom or stock rooted. You need to already have CWM installed.
If you don't already have your UID and SBK get those first and back them up in multiple locations!!!!!!!!!!!!
This quote is shamelessly plagiarized from an answer posted by Moscow Desire on a different thread. Drop in and say thanks to him if it does you some good.
Moscow Desire said:
When you install a custom Rom, you have to wipe the original Data first. This is done in the CWM recovery which you installed.
EDIT; Here are two Gen 1 roms provided by dibb_nz . Please say thanks to her.
When you boot to CWM Recovery, you have a menu item "Wipes"
In Wipes;
1. Data/Factory Reset (don't worry, it skips your photos and such)
2. Cache
3. Dalvik Cache
Wait, you're not finished.
Go back to the previous menu, and select "Mounts and Storage".
1. Format System
2. Format Flexrom
Now, go back to the previous menu, and select Install Zip from SD (or similar)
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You are going to lose all data. I make nandroid backups with data toggled everytime that I do anything to my tablet. Do you?
After following the above instructions,
Just simply flash a stock 3.2 image. It's really too simple. Flash it in recovery. This even works while using the patched bootloader by skryllax_cz. There are a selection of roms midway down this post and at the bottom. Any of them should work for this.
When the 3.2 finishes it's flash and you reboot. The tablet will show "Flashing Bootloader" under the custom skryllax_cz text.
It will reboot on it's own.
That's it. You should be able to OTA.
I recommend going to the Play store and downloading/install the Acer Update Enhancement utility after the tablet settles down.
However, my tablet downloaded a small update right away without it.
Here is an additional option as suggested by dibb_nz in the 11th post below. drop down and say thanks if it helped!
dibb_nz said:
Just a thought, the update zips can be flashed in 2 ways.
If u use the stock recovery then rename the file to "" and remember to remove it from yr sdcard after you're done. This is really important!! You'll end up in strife if u don't!!
With a custom recovery then use install zip option.
With the 3.1 zip u can retrieve yr cpuid (if u need to) then update to the unlocked ICS bootloader directly. This isn't possible with the 3.2 zip
Have a gr8 day people
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Premium HD app
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Good luck and please post your results. Thanks.
Here's a link to a stock 3.1 It is probably easier to go with one of the 3.2 roms below. But if you want it there it is.
(Directions; Flash the stock 3.1 ( AFTER WIPING SYSTEM/CACHE/DATA/DELVIC, reboot, then ota to ICS. After you do the first OTA and it reboots it will say a Flashing Bootloader message then reboot with all stock everything.)
Stock 3.2 -
Stock 3.2 provided by dibb_nz -
Here are two Gen 1 roms provided by dibb_nz. Please say thanks to her.
New Link
jasenlee1984 had success using Acer_A500_7.006.03_COM_GEN1 3.2 rom from blackthund3r's stock firmware thread,
If it helps you, click his name and then the thanks button.
I have included post 20 from below. It is a guide for getting recovery back should something go wrong. What it will do is install CWM as well as the V8 bootloader. After that you can start all over or flash whatever you want.
I prefer to use Blackthund3rs APX Flash Tool. To get the apx tool google this. blackthund3r apx tool
Basically what you will do is get the tool, open it, choose bundle market, choose 17, use default bct, enter APX download mode, and flash the V8 bootloader with CWM.
The steps are... (Copied from here.)
Step 1.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4.
I used number 17.
Step 5.
Step 6.
Step 7.
I used the default since my tab was fried.
Step 8.
At this point you will have to choose to enter APX mode manually. Follow the instructions on the next screen.
Once you are in APX mode and plugged into the pc you should see the message APX device connected. Choose the next arrow, once it runs for a few seconds it will ask you to confirm that the APX download mode has started.
Once it has. Confirm and wait for it to finish. Get into CWM, flash the rom and you should be good to go.
But other than that you should be back to normal in no time.
Good luck.
And again with the links.
Here's a link to a stock 3.1 It is probably easier to go with one of the 3.2 roms below. But if you want it there it is.
(Directions; Flash the stock 3.1 ( AFTER WIPING SYSTEM/CACHE/DATA/DELVIC, reboot, then ota to ICS. After you do the first OTA and it reboots it will say a Flashing Bootloader message then reboot with all stock everything.)
Stock 3.2 -
Stock 3.2 provided by dibb_nz -
Here are two Gen 1 roms provided by dibb_nz. Please say thanks to her.
New Link
jasenlee1984 had success using Acer_A500_7.006.03_COM_GEN1 3.2 rom from blackthund3r's stock firmware thread,
If it helps you, click his name and then the thanks button.
edit: update 16th Dec
GUYSnGURLZ I have uploaded a folder for you....its the 3.1 Full Update and includes iconiaroot.apk and acer recovery intaller.apk
There's also a readme file in there how to install, root and flash a custom recovery...enjoy
@ jdgM3NT4L Excellent Post/Thread and thanks for this its sooooooo easy, nice find!
dibb_nz said:
hi m8 I have it uploaded to 4shared if that helps.
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Hey thanks. I'd be glad to link to it if you don't mind.
dibb_nz said:
Did this again yesterday on v6 still w8n for OTA, flashed v8from HC but nothing as yet,
maybe need v8 from ICS?? I give it a few hours more, missing stryker, lol.
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Did you update from the Play Store that silly Acer Enhancement app or whatever it is called?
dibb_nz said:
And thanks for this its sooooooo easy, nice find!
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Thank you for all that you do here. You're really saving alot of peoples arses lately.
Kinda curious. Did this method work for the A501 folks?
not working for me
followed the instructions as posted, still waiting on the OTA update to ICS
i can't even boot into CWM now, i get a android robot with a yellow exclamation mark.
how can i fix it? plz help
The Stock rom that you put on is just that... Stock. So you lost CWM when you flashed it.
What you can do now is...
a: Wait for a little bit, check for updates again.
b: This one kind of blows the whole point of doing the downgrade in the first place. But... Use this and get Root. Install Acer Recovery Installer from the Play Store and install a custom recovery.
c: This one at your own risk. Mainly because I have not tested this way and I have no idea if the bootloader will flash properly or not. Go here and get the update for a 3.2 (Acer_A500_7.006.01_COM_GEN2) stock rom, then see if you can update the rest of the way to ICS. Be sure to put it in the root of your SD card and name it properly to Then reboot as if you are going into CWM. If you want to wait until tomorrow I am downloading the roms tonight and I will test it. Should be finished by noon Central U.S. time (-06:00gmt)
d: Go here and look around. See if any of the options there suit you better.
Good luck.
And if you have any more trouble say the word.
EDIT. I am having a pretty busy day. I'll have to try this a little later this afternoon. Sorry if you are waiting.
JdgM3NT4L said:
Hey thanks. I'd be glad to link to it if you don't mind.
Did you update from the Play Store that silly Acer Enhancement app or whatever it is called?
Thank you for all that you do here. You're really saving alot of peoples arses lately.
Kinda curious. Did this method work for the A501 folks?
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Ended up flashing my old 3.2 and it OTA'd me all the way to ICS from that??
Yep 2nd time I tried it I had enhancement app
PM'd u really links, I also uploaded the update. Zip if folks want it 7.006.03gen1
And thanks for yr kind words J all part of the service
Sent from my A500 using XDA Premium HD app
Frozen Goodness
Thanks for this easy pass. I used this yesterday and the OTA'd my way to ICS and then used Blackthun3ers tools to root and install the V8 bootloader. All in all it was pretty painless.
Glad that it worked for you. I've updated the first post. Sorry for putting you through the extra step of installing 3.1. It seems to work even better when I just flash a nice stock 3.2.
New links posted for going directly to 3.2 Honeycomb Stock with factory bootloader in the OP.
And again. This is safe to do when running any bootloader. If you want full stock. This works well.
And thanks a million dibb_nz. So glad you're here to help out.
So this method works also for ICS bootloader?
knevski said:
So this method works also for ICS bootloader?
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Seems to work with any boot loader. Just wipe first or be prepared to have problems.
It is easy to fix, but a bit of a pain.
Just a thought, the update zips can be flashed in 2 ways.
If u use the stock recovery then rename the file to "" and remember to remove it from yr sdcard after you're done. This is really important!! You'll end up in strife if u don't!!
With a custom recovery then use install zip option.
With the 3.1 zip u can retrieve yr cpuid (if u need to) then update to the unlocked ICS bootloader directly. This isn't possible with the 3.2 zip
Cannot confirm whether we can repair borked partitions with this, has anyone tried it??? Would save alot of probs some have had with drivers and apx mode...
Have a gr8 day people
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Premium HD app
dibb_nz said:
Just a thought, the update zips can be flashed in 2 ways.
If u use the stock recovery then rename the file to "" and remember to remove it from yr sdcard after you're done. This is really important!! You'll end up in strife if u don't!!
With a custom recovery then use install zip option.
With the 3.1 zip u can retrieve yr cpuid (if u need to) then update to the unlocked ICS bootloader directly. This isn't possible with the 3.2 zip
Cannot confirm whether we can repair borked partitions with this, has anyone tried it??? Would save alot of probs some have had with drivers and apx mode...
Have a gr8 day people
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Premium HD app
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Thanks for adding the good info.
I agree with your assesment of 3.2 HC. It's really only good to me as a waypoint on the path to full stock ICS.
I don't know if the 3.2 rom repairs the partitions or not. I would not be terribly suprised if it did fix those.
You can flash the unlocked ICS bootloader to the 3.2. But, the only good ( And this is pretty good) thing that doing this does is...
On the reboot from the pass screen hold your volume rocker. Depending on the one that you press, you'll either get the boot options. Or you'll boot to CWM. It is great to fix the bootloop issue if you are as goofy as I was and forgot to wipe first.
This was how I tried to do it a few weeks ago, through the stock recovery, and I got stuck in a bootloop
BUT, I did the thing where you hold down Vol Up+ Power then flick the switch back and forth and that got me booted into stock HC
Wow this is awesome! Cannot believe how easy this was. Worked flawlessly. I flashed the stock 3.2 rom, booted up and DL the acer app right away then checked for updates. After a few websites, I was on stock ICS. Thanks!
Thanks for posting your results guys. Glad that it worked for you.
Thumbs up to every post in this thread
I used all of my daily thanks on this thread, it was more than helpful to me. The information in this thread is clear and precise as well as very easy to follow. Because of this thread I am now on stock Android 4.0.3 finally.
Let me give a little back story. I bought my Iconia A500 in August of 2011 and loved it. Within the first night I had it I had Clockwork Mod Recovery on it with a custom 3.2 ROM on it. I had my A500 for about 2 months and then life through me a curve and I lost my job week made my finances really tight so I had to pawn my beloved A500. I know I know how could I dare do that, but like I said my finances got bad tight. I managed to get another job about two months after I pawned it but I could not ever seem to get enough cash saved to get it out of pawn but I did manage to pay the renewal fee on it every month until this last Monday when I finally got it out of pawn.
Now I had been reading thread after thread to learn how to go back to stock so I could do the OTA update. I found this thread earlier today and now I after a flash of the file I downloaded from the four share link in the OP and three separate OTA updates my tablet is on ICS. A big thanks to everyone that posted in this thread. In my opinion it should be made a stickie.
T-Macgnolia said:
I used all of my daily thanks on this thread, it was more than helpful to me. The information in this thread is clear and precise as well as very easy to follow. Because of this thread I am now on stock Android 4.0.3 finally.
Let me give a little back story. I bought my Iconia A500 in August of 2011 and loved it. Within the first night I had it I had Clockwork Mod Recovery on it with a custom 3.2 ROM on it. I had my A500 for about 2 months and then life through me a curve and I lost my job week made my finances really tight so I had to pawn my beloved A500. I know I know how could I dare do that, but like I said my finances got bad tight. I managed to get another job about two months after I pawned it but I could not ever seem to get enough cash saved to get it out of pawn but I did manage to pay the renewal fee on it every month until this last Monday when I finally got it out of pawn.
Now I had been reading thread after thread to learn how to go back to stock so I could do the OTA update. I found this thread earlier today and now I after a flash of the file I downloaded from the four share link in the OP and three separate OTA updates my tablet is on ICS. A big thanks to everyone that posted in this thread. In my opinion it should be made a stickie.
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Hope you get to enjoy your tablet now that you've got it back!
And thanks for the kind words. I'm very glad that it helped you.
T-Macgnolia said:
I used all of my daily thanks on this thread, it was more than helpful to me. The information in this thread is clear and precise as well as very easy to follow. Because of this thread I am now on stock Android 4.0.3 finally.
Let me give a little back story. I bought my Iconia A500 in August of 2011 and loved it. Within the first night I had it I had Clockwork Mod Recovery on it with a custom 3.2 ROM on it. I had my A500 for about 2 months and then life through me a curve and I lost my job week made my finances really tight so I had to pawn my beloved A500. I know I know how could I dare do that, but like I said my finances got bad tight. I managed to get another job about two months after I pawned it but I could not ever seem to get enough cash saved to get it out of pawn but I did manage to pay the renewal fee on it every month until this last Monday when I finally got it out of pawn.
Now I had been reading thread after thread to learn how to go back to stock so I could do the OTA update. I found this thread earlier today and now I after a flash of the file I downloaded from the four share link in the OP and three separate OTA updates my tablet is on ICS. A big thanks to everyone that posted in this thread. In my opinion it should be made a stickie.
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We have some of the best people in the XDA community right here at this forum. Some really good helpers and knowledgable folks.
Makes me glad to be a Mod.
Kudos people.
man i suck so bad at this. well, i followed all your steps exactly from what i could tell. i mean there weren't that many nor were they complicated. now i have a continuous android with gears logo that never ends when i boot normally and when i go to recovery its an android with an exclamation. wtf did i do to screw this so bad. do i need to run linux now to fix this garbage or just chuck this pos. damn acer, ever since i updated to ics it was downhill and me tryin to fix it since then. probably me just not leet enough to fix it myself im guessing. id appreciate any suggestions on how to dig myself out of this. thnaks.
raotheconqueror said:
man i suck so bad at this. well, i followed all your steps exactly from what i could tell. i mean there weren't that many nor were they complicated. now i have a continuous android with gears logo that never ends when i boot normally and when i go to recovery its an android with an exclamation. wtf did i do to screw this so bad. do i need to run linux now to fix this garbage or just chuck this pos. damn acer, ever since i updated to ics it was downhill and me tryin to fix it since then. probably me just not leet enough to fix it myself im guessing. id appreciate any suggestions on how to dig myself out of this. thnaks.
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Hi, sorry to hear that you are having problems. The good news is as long as you followed my big red warning about having your sbk you aren't in too bad of shape. The only reason to do the linux thing is if you did not get your sbk/uid.
There is more than one way to take care of this. I prefer to use Blackthund3rs APX Flash Tool. To get the apx tool google this. blackthund3r apx tool
Basically what you will do is get the tool, open it, choose bundle market, choose 17, use default bct, enter APX download mode, and flash the V8 bootloader with CWM. After that you can start all over or flash whatever you want.
The steps are... (Copied from here.)
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4.
I used number 17.
Step 5.
Step 6.
Step 7.
I used the default since my tab was fried.
Step 8.
At this point you will have to choose to enter APX mode manually. Follow the instructions on the next screen.
Once you are in APX mode and plugged into the pc you should see the message APX device connected. Choose the next arrow, once it runs for a few seconds it will ask you to confirm that the APX download mode has started.
Once it has. Confirm and wait for it to finish. Get into CWM, flash the rom and you should be good to go.
But other than that you should be back to normal in no time. To get the apx tool google this. blackthund3r apx tool
Good luck.
EDIT; Here are two Gen 1 roms provided by dibb_nz. Please say thanks to her.

[Q] unbricking selfbricked stock A500

My colleague brought his stock A500 to me in a bricked condition last week.
I need a way to restore it. If I try to do a wipe it will say bootloader error if i try the recovery the droid falls down with the red sign with the exclamation mark.
This tablet has never been rooted, my colleague is not in to such things, it's lived its life with ordinary acer otas and the occational very young human (5 year old) trial wich it has survived.
He has installed all the OTAs he ever got on the tablet and this is in Sweden so it would probably be a 4.0.3 acer stock on it now.
I'm guessing it has died during a OTA or something. if i turn it on it will sit at the acer logo indefinitly.
I Bricked my A500 during a rooting atempt resulting in me needed to flash a stock rom to get it working again, but i cant find the thread i read to un-brick my A500.
Please Help!
try this
dibb_nz wrote:
try this
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Well that thread seems to hold all i need, although i can't do a full wipe. when i do the flipswitch wipe procedure it halts with bootloader error
Im hoping to just be able to flash the stock rom from the link you gave me. Is it entirely necessary to do the wipe prior to flash? can i wipe it afterwards?
Hogbola said:
Well that thread seems to hold all i need, although i can't do a full wipe. when i do the flipswitch wipe procedure it halts with bootloader error
Im hoping to just be able to flash the stock rom from the link you gave me. Is it entirely necessary to do the wipe prior to flash? can i wipe it afterwards?
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we're assuming the tab is full stock and currently on ICS...
and we're assuming he never tried to 'fix' his tab by flashing one thing or another...
the bootloader error worries me...what exactly does it say...
Yes the wipes are really important!! and not being able to use the button method to do so is concerning...
what happens with the Over The Air (OTA) updates is its just leaves all your settings/data intact. When you OTA from one build to another, like Gingerbread 3.0 to Honeycomb 3.1/2 and then to ICS 4.0 - you drag all your apps and settings with you and of course some things that work with 3.2 will not work under ICS....fjor instance, lots of folk had trouble with wifi disconnects, once they got to ICS - or they had apps force closing and other 'glitches'. This is why everyone tells you to do the wipes - as this fixes these things! In the case of stock ICS my gmail would f/c all the time no matter how many times I wiped/formatted....So for a smooth running tab - flash a custom rom!!!!!!
But getting back to you...
From that link i gave the decrypted so just extract it and get the "" from it..
This "" is not an incremental "update" but the full stock rom....
once installed you'll be on GB you will need to root it with iconia root and then use acer recovery installer to flash cwm....(get these from the playstore)
do a backup or adb devices so you can get your CPUID....this is important...if anything goes wrong at any stage this is the only thing that will get you unbricked....see the cpuid link in my sig for more on this, please take the time to read it, even if it doesnt make much sense to you, read it anyway....
AFTER you have retrieved your cpuid, you can nvflash the patched bootloader/recovery pkg which means you are able to flash ICS/JB custom roms
they cannot be flashed via cwm like must use nvFlash to do it....
take the OTA route to ICS...this takes a bit of time...I did it last week and it was a good 6-7 hours to go from GB to ICS
there are pre-rooted stock roms if you wanna stay stock see civato's stock rom thread for that here
official stock rom list by blackthund3r are here
civs guide to flashing the unlocked bootloader here
I am in a similar situation. Push the power button and it goes to a screen with white acer on black and stays there. Totally stock ICS, no root. I tried the thing and after automatically rebooting it says "Boot verified failed...". I don't have my cpuid, or have installed previously CWM or anything like that. I can get into APX mode. This guy here: could only get into APX with no cpuid as well, but i don't understand all of the ubuntuu and command line stuff. I would love for someone to be able to walk a dummy like me through this mess. Thanks for any help.
if u got boot verified fail error you need nvFlash to repair u know, with nvflash you need yr cpuid....wot about usbdeview? if you've never plugged yr tab into yr PC - then it won't work and the ONLY other way is Linux....
might be best to start yr own thread with a descriptive title, not just a help I'm bricked no uid, thread there are hundreds of those....the more effort u put into the title the more likely you will attract the attention of someone who can actually help...and remember you just don't need a bit of help but a blow by blow description of what to do and how....this will be very time the very least get ubuntu installed, maybe just try a few things, anything to show you are capable of at least giving it a go yourself..
there are others who would like 2 know how to do this as well...having a specific thread of its own would be great
good luck
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Actually, I have connected it to my PC before. Only for transferring media though. If I've done that, is the some way to retrieve my cpuid from the PC? see the bottom of the OP in the cpuid guide in my sig
Thanks alot for your help. I used usbdeview and got my cpuid. Now I should use nvflash? Know where a good step by step is for that one?
you could try the one in my sig??
dibb_nz said:
you could try the one in my sig??
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Right. Sorry, I didn't notice that before. Thanks again for your direction.
"To install one of these roms you will need a custom recovery and to get that you must flash the patched bootloader FIRSt - once its patched you can install a recovery any old way you like"
Looking at that guide, would you please tell me what a custom recovery is and how to get one? Btw, I don't plan to do a custom ROM yet, I just want to get the damn thing working first. Was thinking of using the HC EUUs from the firmware files list. However there are two files, a .rar and a .exe listed. Which do i use?
NvigR8 said:
Right. Sorry, I didn't notice that before. Thanks again for your direction.
"To install one of these roms you will need a custom recovery and to get that you must flash the patched bootloader FIRSt - once its patched you can install a recovery any old way you like"
Looking at that guide, would you please tell me what a custom recovery is and how to get one? Btw, I don't plan to do a custom ROM yet, I just want to get the damn thing working first. Was thinking of using the HC EUUs from the firmware files list. However there are two files, a .rar and a .exe listed. Which do i use?
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The .rar EUU is for an A500, the .exe is for the A501, which do you have?
I've got the a500. However, I decided to go with a custom ICS rom after all. I managed to put a new bootloader and custom recovery on using the a500apx flash tool. That part went fine. I flashed this rom:
Acer_AV041_A500_1.054.00_WW_GEN1-FULL-ROOT (original odex)
and that appeared to go well according to twrp, but after rebooting, it just shows the bootloader again and stops there. Not sure what i did wrong.
I renamed the rom Should i not have done that?
well congrats for getting thru the flash process with no probs!!!
as far as renaming to that was not such a good move...hopefully things havent been screwed up too much
just go back into recovery and do a FULL wipe/format
then to flash use the option "install from zip file" not sure where that is in TWRP but it will have one
Okay. I will reflash the rom after completely wiping again. Thanks.
On a different note, why do roms require particular bootloaders?
Also different, how do you like your SGS3? If i can manage to fix this thing, perhaps I'll root my phone...
NvigR8 said:
Okay. I will reflash the rom after completely wiping again. Thanks.
On a different note, why do roms require particular bootloaders?
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The stock ICS BL is encrypted - more or less - the only way to 'flash' a recovery or rom is to have the "key" that "unlocks" - it more or less - if you dont use the right key then the OS will not boot - the 'key' is based on your cpuid which is why everyone is forever telling you to save it somewhere safe....
Also different, how do you like your SGS3? If i can manage to fix this thing, perhaps I'll root my phone...
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I enjoy the big screen, took awhile to get used to it in my hand, kept dropping it....then I ran it over with my 44tonne truck after 3 days and munted it!!!!
I have a case for it now, and its gr8 - I havent installed a rom on it yet...the forums over there are jampacked and I have no idea what I'm doing, lol - its the first android device I've had that I've left stock for so long...but it does what I want...the camera is awesome -burst mode is the bomb - BUT do I think it was worth the money???? Still on the fence about that one.....
Ouch. Sorry to read about running over your phone. That would kill me. I really like my SGS3. I think I'll look into rooting it just to be able to back it up and get rid of the bloatware. I did that on my Captivate and prior to today, thats all I've ever done modding wise to an android device.
So, I managed to get my tab up and running again. Yay! I reflashed the rom w/out changing the name and worked like a charm. Now If only I knew why this happened in the first place... Thanks for all your help.
NvigR8 said:
Ouch. Sorry to read about running over your phone. That would kill me. I really like my SGS3. I think I'll look into rooting it just to be able to back it up and get rid of the bloatware. I did that on my Captivate and prior to today, thats all I've ever done modding wise to an android device.
So, I managed to get my tab up and running again. Yay! I reflashed the rom w/out changing the name and worked like a charm. Now If only I knew why this happened in the first place... Thanks for all your help.
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yeh sometimes happens with the tab for some reason - thank your lucky stars it didn't get stuck in apx mode...if that happens its normally a hardware fault so theres not alot u can do...I'm just pleased you got sorted without too much drama and it was as easy as reflashing the now you have the v8 BL - you're gold!!!
dibb_nz said:
we're assuming the tab is full stock and currently on ICS...
and we're assuming he never tried to 'fix' his tab by flashing one thing or another...
the bootloader error worries me...what exactly does it say...
Yes the wipes are really important!! and not being able to use the button method to do so is concerning...
what happens with the Over The Air (OTA) updates is its just leaves all your settings/data intact. When you OTA from one build to another, like Gingerbread 3.0 to Honeycomb 3.1/2 and then to ICS 4.0 - you drag all your apps and settings with you and of course some things that work with 3.2 will not work under ICS....fjor instance, lots of folk had trouble with wifi disconnects, once they got to ICS - or they had apps force closing and other 'glitches'. This is why everyone tells you to do the wipes - as this fixes these things! In the case of stock ICS my gmail would f/c all the time no matter how many times I wiped/formatted....So for a smooth running tab - flash a custom rom!!!!!!
But getting back to you...
From that link i gave the decrypted so just extract it and get the "" from it..
This "" is not an incremental "update" but the full stock rom....
once installed you'll be on GB you will need to root it with iconia root and then use acer recovery installer to flash cwm....(get these from the playstore)
do a backup or adb devices so you can get your CPUID....this is important...if anything goes wrong at any stage this is the only thing that will get you unbricked....see the cpuid link in my sig for more on this, please take the time to read it, even if it doesnt make much sense to you, read it anyway....
AFTER you have retrieved your cpuid, you can nvflash the patched bootloader/recovery pkg which means you are able to flash ICS/JB custom roms
they cannot be flashed via cwm like must use nvFlash to do it....
take the OTA route to ICS...this takes a bit of time...I did it last week and it was a good 6-7 hours to go from GB to ICS
there are pre-rooted stock roms if you wanna stay stock see civato's stock rom thread for that here
official stock rom list by blackthund3r are here
civs guide to flashing the unlocked bootloader here
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When i do the wipe it says
Erasing userdata...
Unrecoverable bootloader error (0x19000008)
Unrecoverable bootloader error (0x19000008)
Hogbola said:
When i do the wipe it says
Erasing userdata...
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I googled your error - the consensus from what I read is a corrupt OS due to running OTA updates...
Some had luck with rebooting. Others had to send it to Acer.
Did you run the so what happens when you run the
Are you able to get into "apx mode"? If you can, hook up to your PC and see if your tab is recognised as an "apx device" - check "Hardware, Printers in win7"
Thats all I can suggest atm - if your tab does get into apx mode OK then you can find your cpuid by running Linux -
Maybe ask the guy if he's ever had the tab hooked up to his PC like to transfer files and stuff - get him to download "USBdeview" to his PC -
this will show every single device thats ever been connected to the PC and it will show the "cpuid"...
Even if we do get the uid theres no guarantee it will fix the bootloader error - but we may as well explore all the options we can....
dibb_nz said:
USBDeview will only work when you have previously plugged your tab into the PC WHILE you were running HC Rom and BL
1. If you haven't plugged your tab into this pc before, do so now, before you run the program. HC ROM/BL ONLY
1a. Run the exe and you will be presented with a window of all the USB devices you have ever plugged into your computer.
2. Click on "VendorID" column along the top to sort them
3. Look for the number "0502" under Vendor ID AND "3325" Product ID
4. In the serial number column will be a 15-digit number this is your device ID.
5. Write the number down and put a 0 in front of it and now you have your CPU ID!!!
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[Q] Seriously Messed Something Up

I was trying to flash my A500 back to stock and something, somewhere, went horribly wrong.
I did everything I normally would: factory reset, wiped cash and dalvik, and then flashed the ICS stock zip. I rebooted the tablet and it said something about updating the bootloader and then went black. Now, the black screen is all I can get.
I've got good drivers on my Win8 computer, and the device is recognized in APX mode, but I haven't been able to do anything with it. I've tried messing around with A500Manager, AfterOTA, and the APX Flash Tool, but I do NOT know my CPUID - which makes everything quite difficult.
I looked through the thread about getting the CPUID from the tablet via USB while in APX mode, but I know nothing about coding or building drivers and the like, and it all went well over my head.
I don't normally ask for help like this, (as one could guess from my post count) as I very rarely find myself in a situation a good amount of reading won't get me out of. This one has me well and stuck though! Any help would be greatly appreciated!
(For the record, I was on the unlocked V8 bootloader, Thor's CWM, and CM10 and tried flashing Acer_A500_1.041.00_WW_CUS1)
Hi Clark, sorry to hear of yr troubles....there's a recent thread here that sort of describes your issue....I'll post a link in a tick
But what happens when u turn the tab off - make sure pwr led lite is off - and then power on again?
Can u charge yr tab - pwr led is orange?
Flashing stock - did u use an or EUU or flash via cwm - there's a great guide how to revert to stock the easy way by jdgM3NT4L u should look at.
You might try booting to fast boot pwr volume UP but it sounds like that may not be available as u said yr tab did say updating boot loader...
Once u have the v8 boot loader the ONLY way to revert to stock is a downgrade to HC
Try running the nvFlash manually see civatos boot loader guide, (this requires yr tab to be in apx mode first,) and run the bat file.
IF YR TAB DOES NOT ENTER BOOTLOADER/A500 APX MODE please disconnect everything and don't go any further - you'll end up in more strife!!!
I'm on my way to work so will post links when I get there....
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2
Thanks for the response!
I flashed a .zip via CWM to attempt to revert to stock. I flashed an ICS stock ROM (Acer_A500_1.041.00_WW_CUS1), while on the V8 bootloader, might that have caused my problem?
Right now I can only get the tab to do two things: charge and boot into APX mode. No matter what else I do I just end up in a black-screen APX mode. Power+Vol does not do anything other than put me back in a black screen with power LED white state.
I haven't tried doing an nvFlash yet - can I do that without my CPUID?
tyrahn said:
Thanks for the response!
I flashed a .zip via CWM to attempt to revert to stock. I flashed an ICS stock ROM (Acer_A500_1.041.00_WW_CUS1), while on the V8 bootloader, might that have caused my problem?
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most definitely....u must flash a stock an EUU is best
u cannot flash ANY ics rom like this UNLESS u have the unlocked bootloader first... and u must downgrade If wanting to revert to stock....
Right now I can only get the tab to do two things: charge and boot into APX mode. No matter what else I do I just end up in a black-screen APX mode. Power+Vol does not do anything other than put me back in a black screen with power LED white state.
I haven't tried doing an nvFlash yet - can I do that without my CPUID?
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no u can't but if u did have the v8 u must have had yr'll need to find it, u cant do anything now till u get it,
just becoz i wish to spend some quality time here on xda....we are flat.out at work, lol....
u can try theauto flash tools.but. they
rely on the cpuid....there's a my sig but the.only option u have is eppeP.s method, check.out srbeens guide there..
gotta run, ill check back l8ŕ
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
dibb_nz said:
most definitely....u must flash a stock
no u can't but if u did have the v8 u must have had yr'll need to find it, u cant do anything now till u get it,
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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If your tab has been connected to your pc, you can get the cpuid from your pc, without the tab connected. (using USBDeview)
dibb_nz said:
no u can't but if u did have the v8 u must have had yr'll need to find it, u cant do anything now till u get it
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Yah, I did have it at one point. I thought I'd saved it in a Google Doc, but I can't find it now ...
Danny2 said:
If your tab has been connected to your pc, you can get the cpuid from your pc, without the tab connected. (using USBDeview)
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It was, but I formatted my system when I installed Windows 8 last month, so I rather doubt that trick will work
tyrahn said:
Yah, I did have it at one point. I thought I'd saved it in a Google Doc, but I can't find it now ...
It was, but I formatted my system when I installed Windows 8 last month, so I rather doubt that trick will work
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Well,there is still Linux. Not a Linux guy, but search the forums, you can find instructions for running some linux commands that will find your cpuid. is a good place to start.
Danny2 said:
Well,there is still Linux. Not a Linux guy, but search the forums, you can find instructions for running some linux commands that will find your cpuid. is a good place to start.
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Fantastic! I've got a laptop running Ubuntu and I'm pretty comfortable with being a script-monkey in terminal, I'll give it a whirl when I get the chance to spend some quality time with the tab.
Thanks for the link too, I had not found that one before. I had seen eppeP's guide and it made my head spin pretty quick, the srbeen one you linked to looks like someone with no dev experience like myself might be able to pull it off.
*fingers crossed*
HAAAA!!!! Success!
Well, I had some trouble with my linux laptop being 32-bit and spitting out the wrong UID, but got that sorted and snagged my UID and SBK.
Used blackthund3r's APX Flash Tool to get the V8 bootloader and Thor's CWM back, and then flashed rooted stock - all is good!
Not sure if I'll try getting back to full stock or not, still deciding if I want to sell the tab or give it away as a Christmas present.
Thanks so much for the help everyone!
that's gr8 m8.....u feel like writing up a bit of a 'how to' on wot u did, would come in mighty handy for others in the same boat?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
tyrahn said:
HAAAA!!!! Success!
Well, I had some trouble with my linux laptop being 32-bit and spitting out the wrong UID, but got that sorted and snagged my UID and SBK.
Used blackthund3r's APX Flash Tool to get the V8 bootloader and Thor's CWM back, and then flashed rooted stock - all is good!
Not sure if I'll try getting back to full stock or not, still deciding if I want to sell the tab or give it away as a Christmas present.
Thanks so much for the help everyone!
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Glad it worked out for you, that's what these forums are about, helping each other.
dibb_nz said:
that's gr8 m8.....u feel like writing up a bit of a 'how to' on wot u did, would come in mighty handy for others in the same boat?
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I could, but I'd be pretty much just replicating srbeen's thread here:
The only thing I could really note is that eppeP's code that's linked to in srbeen's OP will only work on a 64-bit install of Linux. If you're running a 32-bit system (like I was) you need to scroll a bit further down the 1st page and grab the proper code for a 32-bit script.
