Best ROM to improve the performance - XPERIA X8 General

Hi guy! I have a simply question: what is the best rom to improve the performance of my x8? I have read some thread but there are most custom ROM and i don't understand what is the better in term of stability and performance.
Moreover i my phone is branded, thus i risk the block of the SIM if i change the ROM?
Can you help me?

there are a lot of Roms and they are all somewhere similar to each other,
some are running smoother, some others are faster, better try out for yourself and decide what is the best Rom for you.
A branding does not mean your phone has a Simlock that are 2 different things...
branding only means it has apps installed from eplus or t-mobile etc
but i can't tell you if you got a simlock or not...
if you buy a phone (t-mobile) then there is written down if it has simlock or not
i can't tell you the future =P

i have gingerDX, and latest version is really fast and battery backup is really good. block of sim could only happen when you unlock bootloader, it's not important which rom you put.

Papozzo90 said:
Hi guy! I have a simply question: what is the best rom to improve the performance of my x8? I have read some thread but there are most custom ROM and i don't understand what is the better in term of stability and performance.
Moreover i my phone is branded, thus i risk the block of the SIM if i change the ROM?
Can you help me?
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Hi Papozzo and welcome to XDA Developers,
First of all you will need an unlocked bootloader if you want to flash an fast/smooth ROM with Kernel. Please Read the How To's to unlock bootloader
>11W29 Devices have a very very good chance to get an unlocked bootloader, all above it will totaly brick!
If you want Stability and Performance you need froyo (CM6) rom
If you want Performance and more Features but little less Stability you will use Gingerbread (CM7)
Hope i Help, Press Thanks if Yes


Why ROM Change?

Hello @ll.
I just arrived this Forum and I'm reading all the time that you changed your roms. My question is now why should i change my rom? Will my phone work faster and more comfortable? I have the HTC TouchHD.
Thank you and bye bye from Germany
Schnapsbrenner25 said:
Hello @ll.
I just arrived this Forum and I'm reading all the time that you changed your roms. My question is now why should i change my rom? Will my phone work faster and more comfortable? I have the HTC TouchHD.
Thank you and bye bye from Germany
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This is a question that has been asked many times before in other threads. All you need to do is search.
However I'll answer your query this time.
Most people change there rom as they are not happy with the original roms userability, speed, etc and are curious at trying out other roms to see if this has improved as well due to their looks, additional apps, tweaks etc.
Also you cannot get wm6.5 without flashing to a cooked rom, and generally wm6.5 is more finger friendly.
If you read first few posts of each rom thread you will see what is on offer in each particular rom, and with latest roms, this should be significently different to your stock rom. Manila will also have changed as stock roms are generally using manila 1.3 or less while my current rom uses manila 2.1 which is greatly improved as it also has the additonal benefit of being landscape compatible.
Best advice would be to ask yourself what are you looking for on your current phone, and then ask, can my phone do this now. If not, search elsewhere to see if this can be done on another rom, then read flashing guide and flash to that particular rom.

Will be HTC provide an upgrade to winMo 6.5 for Touch HD ?

Does anyone know if HTC will provide an official upgrade to WinMo 6.5 to TouchHD?
There was some statement about the case?
Was there any difficulty in the approval of this OS for our device?
I don´t want apply a cooked rom, there are many-many-many (thousands) versions here, allways have some detail or problem in each cooked rom.
PS: Each one prefers a particular rom, some report only minor defects, some say the best performance, others say the rom is perfect (but there is never sure who really tested all the features).
In short, the ideal would be an official rom and that is why I put this question.
Best regards!
rodpelosini said:
Does anyone know if HTC will provide an official upgrade to WinMo 6.5 to TouchHD?
There was some statement about the case?
Was there any difficulty in the approval of this OS for our device?
I don´t want apply a cooked rom, there are many-many-many (thousands) versions here, allways have some detail or problem in each cooked rom.
PS: Each one prefers a particular rom, some report only minor defects, some say the best performance, others say the rom is perfect (but there is never sure who really tested all the features).
In short, the ideal would be an official rom and that is why I put this question.
Best regards!
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Been asked countless times before. Existing threads on this subject including this one. All you need to do is search. In future try using the 'search' option before creating a new thread
p.s. Thread closed

[Q] New ClockworkMod version

There is a new version for all Desire Z of the clockworkmod, just go into rom manager and the update will prompt.
New things are the possibility of going back using the back key (this was not possible before and it was done by pressing down power button), and the possibility of partition your sd card. But why would you like to partition it? Is there any ROM that supports A2SD already??
Can someone please explain to me what is the point of installing these custom ROM-s, out of which most have some kind of bug's or disadvantages over the perfectly reliable and fully working stock ROM by HTC?
In my point of view, HTC has a massive team of developers and testers for developing their software, so it has a better chance to be more reliable and bug free than any custom ROM developed by a small team of developers, who by no doubt must be great at what they do (respect for devoting their time to advance mobile software) but by numbers alone they have a lesser edge on thinking through all the possible bugs and errors in their code.
What are the main advantages a custom ROM gives you that makes you want to replace your stock with it and risking losing some of your phones functionality..?
Thanks for any insightful answers
If you pick the right rom you will have no bugs at all, and a faster more smooth version of the stock rom.
That is all I will say. You need to try them for yourself to really know what its like, but once you do you will never want to go stock again.
I agree,... ALL custom ROMs I have ever used for long periods of time have been "snappier" than the stock ROMs. Some have better battery life, some allow further customisation than stock.
As Lenny said, give it a bash, if it is not for you then you can always revert back.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
Alluuu said:
Can someone please explain to me what is the point of installing these custom ROM-s, out of which most have some kind of bug's or disadvantages over the perfectly reliable and fully working stock ROM by HTC?
In my point of view, HTC has a massive team of developers and testers for developing their software, so it has a better chance to be more reliable and bug free than any custom ROM developed by a small team of developers, who by no doubt must be great at what they do (respect for devoting their time to advance mobile software) but by numbers alone they have a lesser edge on thinking through all the possible bugs and errors in their code.
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Well, what if there's a bug in the current ROM for a function that you use a lot and you want to switch to something else that doesn't have that bug ?
What if you want to use different programs instead of the ones that HTC has picked and built into the ROM ?
What if you want to overclock your phone for extra performance and want that function built in there without any messing around ?
As for the number of people thing, although it might only be a few people actually cooking the ROM, but remember that a *lot* more could be involved in writing the applications in the ROM.
Not meant to be an exhaustive list, but those are just a few reasons why you might want a custom ROM.
This is my first Android phone, previously I was on WinMo, and there the custom ROMs were always hugely better than the stock ROMs (more stable, faster, better functionality, etc).
buzmay said:
There is a new version for all Desire Z of the clockworkmod, just go into rom manager and the update will prompt.
New things are the possibility of going back using the back key (this was not possible before and it was done by pressing down power button), and the possibility of partition your sd card. But why would you like to partition it? Is there any ROM that supports A2SD already??
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Sorry but I am a newbie of DesireZ and on the XDA forum as well. A few things want to know about this new clockworkmod :
1) Where can I download this new version?
2) I have already installed ROM Manager but never flashed any ROM so far, so how to install this new version?
3) Can you recommend a good ROM for DZ? My main concern is that I can change the system font size, and the 4 function key below can work (I know some G2 ROM not compatible with DZ, especially the 4 keys below)
4) I have also already ENG S-Off and rooted. So I just need to save the ROM in SD and flash it with the ROM manager?
I thank in advance!
manleyfu said:
Sorry but I am a newbie of DesireZ and on the XDA forum as well. A few things want to know about this new clockworkmod :
1) Where can I download this new version?
2) I have already installed ROM Manager but never flashed any ROM so far, so how to install this new version?
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Go into ROM manager and it will tell you there's a new version of ClockworkMod available. Then you can flash it from the option within ROM Manager (and reboot into recovery if you want to, just to test it).

[Q] Best method to root and upgrade from 2.2.2 for a friend?

Hello guys,
sorry for probably not having searched long enough, but there is just a mass of threads to dig through...
A friend of mine has the Motorola Atrix and I want to help him upgrade it to the latest rom version, plus root the device... so I was wondering what method to use and which rom etc?
Myself I own a Samsung Galaxy i9000, so I know how many different roms exist for each device lol.. but no clue about the atrix (yet).
My friend is visually impaired and in order to change the display dpi we need to have the phone rooted.
Hope you can point me in the right direction so I don't have to spend too much time researching about this atrix.
Try either of the links,
For custom rom, try GingerMod 2.3.6 #7, best ROM i ever used, runs so smooth and better battery life...
Thanks man!
That gingermod rom looks nice, unfortunatly it doesn't seem to support german. (forgot to say that my friend doesnt understand english so well and thought roms would usually always support german lol)
So are there any good with german language anyone can recommend? Preferably with Motoblur, or does motoblur get f*cked up by dpi changes?

[Q] Comparison of Custom ROMs

hi All,
can anyone please provide some basic comparison of Custom ROM available for Focus to help me and others to choose as per their requirement.
its awefully hard to compare unless you've actually run different roms , I ran the original Sammy Rainbow DFT rom and im now running the Voluptuary rom , I dont notice a whole lot of differences , this rom says it full unlock , however unless you plan on using the fuctions available it wont really mean anything, I would suggest asking the DFT team or Voluptuary about there roms as to what the difference , look at there OP and it will usually tell you the significant differences between them , these windows roms are nothing compared to Android roms so if you think its like that think again!
