Beginner Need G1 Cyanogen 6.0 - G1 General

Hey Guys Im New and i want my g1 to update a new version. I found a Thread before but the download stuff was mess up.

demkantor said:
all the info you need is here! good luck!
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Update recovery image?

Hey guys
I'm currently using an older version of RA-hero. How do I upgrade to the new version (v1.7.0.1)?
ADB for some reason won't work properly with my laptop, is there an alternative way to upgrade my recovery rom?
edit: oops my bad, I thought I was posting under Q&A. Sorry!
Try using the posted here:
Have a look at BTDAGs guide linked in my signature, there should be step by step instructions using Terminal Emulator, failing that you can also try Flashrec but that doesn't work on all roms for some reason.
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA App
I've already got that ! Do I just flash it like I would do with a ROM? Or is there some other process?
... Oh, too late, the method posted above will be the easiest route to go.
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Yep, just like a ROM.
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No need to do any wipes though.
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ddotpatel said:
No need to do any wipes though.
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Thanks for your help mate ! aha

Cyanogenmod 7 help

Im lost how do I get the android market on Cyanogenmod 7 what do I need to do plz help.
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download and flash the gapps
Can u find the site that I can download them at plz and thnx
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233AK said:
Can u find the site that I can download them at plz and thnx
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cyanogen mods web site will have it or the thread where you found the ROM you are using as of currently.
Sent from my HTC Glacier
Ok im looking now
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Man I can't find it ahh
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233AK said:
Man I can't find it ahh
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When you look at the first post in the Nightlies thread or in the RC2 thread, you will see a link for the software pointing you to's forum, thusly:
In the first post in =that= thread you will find three links. 1) A link to the Team Douche mirrors to download CM7, 2) a link to download Gapps, 3) a link to Twitter to follow the committed patches as CM7 development continues.
Click on that second link. I hope this helps.
233AK said:
Im lost how do I get the android market on Cyanogenmod 7 what do I need to do plz help.
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All the links are usually in the first post of the thread where you found the rom. To be perfectly honest you just need to slow down and read the first post COMPLETELY before flashing.
99% of these questions can be avoided by rereading the thread or by doing a simple search. Good luck.

[Q] Stock Rooted ROM (Post-OTA)

Has anyone been able to find the stock rooted post-OTA ROM for the myTouch 4G? I searched each thread and can't find it.
open1your1eyes0 said:
Has anyone been able to find the stock rooted post-OTA ROM for the myTouch 4G? I searched each thread and can't find it.
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Do a search for a thread posted by Football with in the title.
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open1your1eyes0 said:
Has anyone been able to find the stock rooted post-OTA ROM for the myTouch 4G? I searched each thread and can't find it.
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I have one pisted in the dev section, just view my posts and you will find it...
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Phateless said:
Do a search for a thread posted by Football with in the title.
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I found that but that one is not rooted from what I understand. It is the original ROM to revert to factory state. I basically need exactly that but a rooted and recovery flashable version.
irrelephant said:
I have one pisted in the dev section, just view my posts and you will find it...
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Maybe I'm looking for the wrong thing but I can't see it. Do you have link? Make it is as I stated above, rooted and post-OTA flashable ROM.
EDIT: I see some in the dev section but I need specifically as is, untouched, nothing removed or added, just rooted is the only change.
open1your1eyes0 said:
I found that but that one is not rooted from what I understand. It is the original ROM to revert to factory state. I basically need exactly that but a rooted and recovery flashable version.
Maybe I'm looking for the wrong thing but I can't see it. Do you have link? Make it is as I stated above, rooted and post-OTA flashable ROM.
EDIT: I see some in the dev section but I need specifically as is, untouched, nothing removed or added, just rooted is the only change.
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Use the first download or the second one... Only difference is bash script added
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irrelephant said:
Use the first download or the second one... Only difference is bash script added
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Wow I can't believe I missed that. I guess I must have seen the "debloated" in the title and skipped it in the search.
Much thanks.
open1your1eyes0 said:
Wow I can't believe I missed that. I guess I must have seen the "debloated" in the title and skipped it in the search.
Much thanks.
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No problem! Make sure to hit the thanks button if I helped ya
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Old EVO 4G RUU's

Hey I want to try some things on my phone but I need the old RUUs for 2.2 if someone can link Mr to them it would be appreciated.
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wiers18 said:
Hey I want to try some things on my phone but I need the old RUUs for 2.2 if someone can link Mr to them it would be appreciated.
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They are also here:
Nick N said:
They are also here:
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No I will not goo inside you!

framework ics

is there a framework and system ui apk from ics?
Yes, the SDK Dump of ICS does have SystemUI.apk (Odexed) and Framework-res.apk. You can find the entire image here:
Does that works?
Or i need to do something first?
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kaassaus said:
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Why don't you try and see, install it, if it works then you answered your own question didn't you...
If it doesn't work then you answered your next question..
kaassaus said:
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You are *supposed* to be a dev, so you should know, not me. So why don't you trying doing something by your known rather than rehashing EVERYTHING done by someone else?
3xeno said:
You are *supposed* to be a dev, so you should know, not me. So why don't you trying doing something by your known rather than rehashing EVERYTHING done by someone else?
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+100 To you sir. Sorry kassus but you are getting more anoying every single day, necroing old thread's that are abandoned and asking questions like "Is it still in development" when it's obviuosly NOT. Continuing discontinued roms and adding nothing just your name to it -.- . You in my opinion are more anoying than melvichng!
/end of rant
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
Thank you, now can complete my theme for my port
