Fascinate root method dated - Fascinate General

Several stickies and guides point to this post related to rooting: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=779238
The thread is now dated and it seems once you try it the phone will disable USB debugging. It has been this way since a January 2011 maintenance update (source)
The workarounds listed in that link also no longer work. I have found a couple other methods to root that are also dated and I know of no current working root method. I cannot post to the dev forum to ask to have the "Fascinate Sticky Roll-Up Thread **Check this thread BEFORE posting**" sticky and others updated but I am posting here in case someone can help clean up some of the dated info.

milliamp said:
Several stickies and guides point to this post related to rooting: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=779238
The thread is now dated and it seems once you try it the phone will disable USB debugging. It has been this way since a January 2011 maintenance update (source)
The workarounds listed in that link also no longer work. I have found a couple other methods to root that are also dated and I know of no current working root method. I cannot post to the dev forum to ask to have the "Fascinate Sticky Roll-Up Thread **Check this thread BEFORE posting**" sticky and others updated but I am posting here in case someone can help clean up some of the dated info.
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[REF] [18/01/12] [Announcement] Galaxy SII CM9 Progress

I have sold my Galaxy S2 and will be getting my Galaxy Nexus on the 25th of January, 2011. As such, from that date onward, I will no longer update this thread. I will gladly copy and paste the template of this post to anyone who wants to continue doing this. If you wish to continue this thread, please PM me (do not post here). If no-one who is willing to continue this thread contacts me by the 25th, I will message the mods to close and unsticky this thread.
Please Read:
This is not the place to voice your opinions, nor is it the place to ask your questions. It is, however, a place to get the latest updates as they come in from the CM9 team.
My aim is to have one place to receive CM9 updates, instead of having to go through several websites / G+ accounts / Twitter accounts.
Disclaimer: I am in no way related to the CM9 team
Current Status:
[Last updated on 18/01/12]
New version out:
1) 2stage boot (now for real)
2) Cleaned up ramdisk / desamsungized
Current Release:
[Last updated on 25/12/11]
The team has released an experimental, unsupported build of CM9. XDA thread here, and the blog post here.
Known issues here.
People to follow:
Blog: Link
G+: Link
Twitter: Link
Twitter: Link
#CMSGS at freenode.net
If you have anyone else to add, please PM me and I'll add them as quickly as possible.
Latest Youtube Videos
[Last updated on 22/12/11]
Exclusive hands-on (pre)review by site Android Next, uploaded on December 22nd, 2011. Watch it here.
Uploaded by codeworkx on December 19th, 2011. Watch it here.
Uploaded by XplodWild on December 13th, 2011. Watch it here.
Frequently Asked Questions
[Last updated on 03/01/12]
Q: I downloaded the latest CM9 build, but [XXX] isn't working!
A: Search! Search the CM9 threads, search Google, but for the love of God - please first search for the answer! If you did, and could not find it, you have three options:
1) Read this, it might very well answer your question.
2) Check out the live support chat But search first.
3) Go here and ask your question. But search first. Did I mention you should search first? You should search first.
In any case, if your question or query is not directly related to development, please do NOT post in the development section!
Q: I can't connect my phone to my PC! What can I do?
A: This is a known issue. There are several ways you go around this - either by downloading to your PC a program called Droid Explorer, or by downloading any of the wi-fi file transfer apps on the market.
Q: When I start up the Superuser app, it crashes! What do I do?
A: Users are reporting success by searching for Superuser updater on the Market, installing it, and forcing an upgrade.
Q: I can't buy apps from my phone! What can I do?
A: This is a known bug. The only way to buy apps right now is through your home computer. Refunding is reported working on the phone, though.
Q: When I download a big app from the market, I get an error message! What can I do?
A: This is a known bug. Nothing can currently be done about it, unless you already downloaded the app and have it backed up. In that case, there is an advanced work around that you can find by searching the CM9 threads.
Q: I heard Codeworkx got a Galaxy Nexus, is he going to stop supporting the Galaxy SII?
A: Nope, not currently. Actually, it means he can use his Nexus for day to day use, and only focus on development on his GSII. This is in our favor.
Q: I found and downloaded an ICS ROM by Airbus360, I heard its better than CM9, is that true?
A: Apparently, Airbus360 simply took what the CM team has been building, added a few useless lines of code (read: they don't do anything), and claimed that its faster. He also pretty much claims to be doing most of the hard work when in fact, he isn't adding much of anything.
If you have anymore frequently asked questions to add, please PM me and I'll add them as quickly as possible.
To all the devs who put in the time and effort to make our phones shine.
To Stylez and Conantroutman, for their continuous support in managing this thread.
To Matriak for keeping the community up to date while he could.
To everyone who post updates here while I am away.
Note: If any updates come through between 21:30 - 05:00 UTC, they will not be reflected here because I will most likely be sleeping
[REF] Galaxy SII CM9 Progress
[REF] Galaxy SII CM9 Progress
Thread cleaned.
Please do not post as thread is open to allow OP to keep updated posts will be removed.​

How to learn about CyanogenMod 9...

without reading the entire CyanogenMod 9 Discussion Thread thread (all 1000+ posts)...
At least this worked for me. Eveyrthing listed here is referencing the CyanogenMod 9 Discussion Thread
1. Read all of the OP throughly.
2. Repeat step #1.
3. Read all posts starting from date of latest build (i.e. May 4) to most recent post. No use (at least to me) reading posts between OP and date of latest build because everything there probably already fixed or if it'll be re-mentioned.
After I did that I'm ready to make the dive. One thing I did learn after reading just the range of posts mentioned above. 90% of the questions people asked won't have been asked if they only read the OP THROUGHLY.
Thank you developers!

[Discussion] How have you mod'd your S4?

I'm just wondering if we can get a general mod thread going. What are you guys running?
I'm on stock 4.3 Rogers firmware with bloatware removed and rooted. I have a ton of xposed framework, I'll edit them in later. Also check this link out.
Lets get a discussion going on all the fun things you've done to your phone.
If this thread is unwanted of violates anything, moderator just delete it and PM me.
As there are specific rom threads, along with individual mod threads, will shut this one down as there are already plenty of threads regarding this topic.
Threads like these turn into what rom is best arguments, and members are encouraged to try all the roms and setups to determine what is best for them.
As XDA is not a support site, members should read, study, download and flash (aka interact) in the specific rom threads in the development sections.

[Discussion] Root Progress Discussion (PLEASE post if you have ANY updates!)

hey guys
as you might have noticed, there are very few updates in any of the threads on the progress of actually finding root for the G5. i am making this thread for people that have questions about root or have any updates about their progress to post in here to keep us updated. PLEASE post if you have ANY updates on the progress of root. we are all pretty much in the dark at the moment
as they stated before, Jcase and Beaups are not working on this device anymore so do not ask about them.

Is it possible to use a GSI on Samsung Galaxy A9(2018)?

Is it possible to use a gsi on Samsung Galaxy A9(2018)?
More specifically the Pixel Experience Plus 13 GSI
Ive seen a couple tutorials on youtube and some websites but they seem hella shady to me also its my first time trying to install a custom rom/gsi so i dont wanna brick my phone
Ive seen a lot of devices on this website EXCEPT the A9 idk why
Like anyone who knows is it possible? If yes can u explain/share how?
Thanks to anyone who spends their time on this thread!
I have written a guide on installing GSIs on Samsung devices here. Follow at your own risk. You must have TWRP flashed to your device.
Also, please remember that we require device specific questions to be posted in the device specific threads. Please take a moment to read the Forum Rules linked in my signature.
As a courtesy, we will move your post to the proper section.
V0latyle said:
I have written a guide on installing GSIs on Samsung devices here. Follow at your own risk. You must have TWRP flashed to your device.
Also, please remember that we require device specific questions to be posted in the device specific threads. Please take a moment to read the Forum Rules linked in my signature.
As a courtesy, we will move your post to the proper section.
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alr thx i didnt know id take note for next time
