Time for a Poll! What Phone? - Huawei Ideos X5 U8800

What U8800 Phone do you have?
Apparently there are more that two versions of the U8800 from huawei, and getting it confused can screw up your phone.

It's even more confusing, as some normal U8800's have different touch screen, camera type, memory type and emmc card :S.
I have the regular U8800 though.

Wow. 17 votes in and it looks like the X5, then -51, then Pro for most users.
I would love to see the -51 have more than Pro. Maybe we would then get our own section.

I have the -51. It's a great device, only thing is we only have EDGE because of the radios used in the Pro roms. They're experiment with the stock froyo radio to see if they can get 3G to work. Here's the link. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1546709

Moved To Q&A​
Its a question, so it belongs in the Q&A section​

OK. If this poll is accurate, there are 3 times the number of Pro users who use the -51. Why then is there a section for the Pro, and not the -51, and thereby supporting development of ROMs on such a device?

As I understand it. Now there are the same number of Pro and -51 users. I think that having a -51 section would be helpful, and foster the support all of us -51 users might want.
I'm thinking that I might bump this Poll a few more times. (Unless is gets locked.)
However, I think the Mods might want to know if the People want a -51 section.

What, there's more variations than the Pro?

(U8800) I'd probably go for something else now if I didn't like tinkering so much .
And if each X5 weren't an individual...

Is there any difference between + and pro
If any of the pro/+ owner please take 2 seconds to tell me how much internal memory (flash) his phone really has.
thanks alot


Making sense of different roms

The title of the thread is just to get all you fine people steaming in here to tell me off. But now your here by your own free will...
I've been a long time browser of these forums and recently a more active member. I used to be a very amateur coder when I was yonger and know to a small extent the hard work you guys put into these roms, so seriously to everyone congratulations on some amazing efforts.
I did want to address the reason topic titles such as the one I chose here crop up however. When I had a diamond before my HD2 there were just a few good roms to choose from and I soon settled down and chose one after trying them out. A few months back I started this same process with my HD2 but found every ROM I flashed to have a few bugs which annoyed me in day to day use, and I eventually went back to stock. Since then I havn't really tried again.
Today I have again been looking at perhaps flashing to a cooked ROM and in the beginning of these efforts I tried out the search term "best HD2 ROM". The threads that resulted were obviously very short and the authors told off for being lazy and discrediting the great works of all the chefs here. But the very good point is made that there are ALOT of ROM's for the HD2, and whilst it may only take 5 mnins to flash a ROM it takes hours, if not days, to find out if it suited to you. With the risk of losing personal info on each flash and having to reconfigure your apps each time this can be a very tedious process.
I'm basically wondering if there is any way to have a thread that can provide a way of rating the advantages and disadvantages of each ROM without having to wade through topics with hundreds of pages of mostly useless posts. It just so daunting with all these ROM's that many people may never even start.
I am just now thinking of flexing my (somewhat out of date) webmastering ability to create a "ROM Review" website - good idea?
What are people's thoughts?
p.s. This is probably also in the wrong section of the forum... just clicked "new topic" where I was browsing without thinking where it should go, please move if appropriate, thanks.
I completely agree with your idea to open this thread.
Finally we have someone who wants to put it to rights. Because every day we have new ROM or several ROM's, and every time flashing and soft re-installation takes a lot of time... and after all that you understand that "this ROM is not really what you wanted to be"...
Go on with your idea.. and I think - this section is the right place for your thread.
you got my vote
Good to see I'm not alone here, any feedback is much appriciated, even if its just a +1
Agreed, Sir.
This was taken from another thread about a similar question
"I also see no point to a list of pro's or cons of any particular ROM as most are built for the same thing, speed and stability. The only real differences you are going to see are what programs the person has loaded."
If this is indeed the case. then a list of the roms with the space taken up by the rom on the phone. the apps installed and how quick, stable each one would be must surely be a good idea?
I truly hope you can follow through with your idea.
I think there is no such thing as "the" best ROM.
Each user has different preferences, especially WinMo smartphones are
rarely one the same like another: Included software, tweaks, mods, themes, designs.
The possibilities are endless.
Also, an earlier thread here at the HD2 forum about speed (with benchmarks
as neutral as possible) ended up in unfriendly discussions (which is a mild
term to describe what happened).
An HD2 is so extremely fast that I seriously doubt that the "average" user
can tell a big difference between different ROMs. Sometimes, a buggy ROM
may be obviously slower, but in the average case, the difference will just
not really be felt, but only perceived, sometimes only imagined.
I think that it is part of this forum that there is no rating of the available
ROMs. If you watch the forum, you can easily find out which ROMs seem to
have more acceptance and therefore more fans - and if you check the ROM
description and screenshots of the chef, you can easily find out if the ROM
is something you might like.
Just to finish: How exactly does a ROM qualify as "the best"? Speed? Come
on... Software which comes with it? Come on, again...
Imho, it all ends up in optical mods and tweaks plus some extremely basic
software which is really a must for everybody. If you would ask me what
this could be, I cannot give you any name because WinMo and Manila are
on most ROMs anyway...
I couldn't agree more Mega. Very brave of you to start this thread ; )
I was a bit of a flashaholic with both my Elf and my Raphael, but I still haven't flashed anything to my Leo because it's so hard to figure out exactly what I'm going to get. Apart from the features of each ROM, it's hard to get an idea of the things that might be missing from each. Like, have the original bugs been fixed? Stuff like the audio booster turning off, AAC files being mis-sorted in the audio player, volume keys still active when the screen is off and incremental volume control or even the relative volume between headphones and phone speaker. I just can't be bothered to start flashing a million ROMs to find out. That's not laziness by the way, honest! I'm sure I'll get over it and start flashing soon ; )
tictac0566 said:
I think there is no such thing as "the" best ROM.
Each user has different preferences, especially WinMo smartphones are
rarely one the same like another: Included software, tweaks, mods, themes, designs.
The possibilities are endless.
Also, an earlier thread here at the HD2 forum about speed (with benchmarks
as neutral as possible) ended up in unfriendly discussions (which is a mild
term to describe what happened).
An HD2 is so extremely fast that I seriously doubt that the "average" user
can tell a big difference between different ROMs. Sometimes, a buggy ROM
may be obviously slower, but in the average case, the difference will just
not really be felt, but only perceived, sometimes only imagined.
I think that it is part of this forum that there is no rating of the available
ROMs. If you watch the forum, you can easily find out which ROMs seem to
have more acceptance and therefore more fans - and if you check the ROM
description and screenshots of the chef, you can easily find out if the ROM
is something you might like.
Just to finish: How exactly does a ROM qualify as "the best"? Speed? Come
on... Software which comes with it? Come on, again...
Imho, it all ends up in optical mods and tweaks plus some extremely basic
software which is really a must for everybody. If you would ask me what
this could be, I cannot give you any name because WinMo and Manila are
on most ROMs anyway...
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I agree, how would one rate the BEST? Well to be honest you cant really as each person has there own needs and wants in a rom. What might be an Ideal rom for me might not be the best rom for you. I could rate a rom at 10 and you might give it a 2, then it turns into a bashing session and that can not be allowed. The rating system has been brought up many times before and each time it comes to the same end. There will never be an accurate way to tell the best rom. I am not trying to be harsh here but threads like this are beating a dead horse.
After speaking with the OP I have decided to reopen this thread. On the condition that this is "NOT" a best rom thread. This thread will be to help those that are new to ROM flashing. I will be keeping an eye on this thread and if it turn into a Best rom or bashing thread I will reclose it for good. I understand that sense the release of the HD 2 that alot of people are new to WM and with the available options in the rom thread it can be confusing. I am also moving this thread to the General Section as it is not Rom development. To all the new guys welcome.
Just wanna say thanks to Zelendal, the topic title originally wasn't constructive.
As we all know from doing a little reading about the ROM's, each one can be individually suited to different people, it like argument about which is the best smart phone or computer platform. So the kind of discussionj I was trying to provoke was about the best way to help out newcomers decide which ROM would indeed be best suited to them.
As I posted before I have been pondering making a seperate website that would allow some organisation of peoples opinions on the ROM's and I am interested as to how much support there would be amongst the community, I am also interested as to how the Cook's themselves would see such an project, providing it was done right.
sike222 said:
This was taken from another thread about a similar question
"I also see no point to a list of pro's or cons of any particular ROM as most are built for the same thing, speed and stability. The only real differences you are going to see are what programs the person has loaded."
If this is indeed the case. then a list of the roms with the space taken up by the rom on the phone. the apps installed and how quick, stable each one would be must surely be a good idea?
I truly hope you can follow through with your idea.
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You quote me but you leave out an important part. The problem with making a list is that ROMs change. What might have been an issue in one build might be working just fine in the next. Keeping up with these changes and trying to keep on top of a list would be a nightmare. Also this mystical list you are looking for is usually on one of the first few post of every ROM thread. Most good cooks will list all these things that you are looking for. Only way to tell if a ROM will fit your needs is to try it. Every bodies idea of a good ROM is different. What one person might see as a con another sees as a pro. Personal opinion is a ***** and unfortunately everybody has a different one.
Good luck but I don't see a list being started or maintained for very long. Nor do I see this thread going anywhere productive.
Will Badger -
I don't think anyone is dis-agreeing that each ROM is suited individually to different people. Each cook makes his ROM how he wants it and if you share those wants with that cook you a likly to enjoy his ROM. That doesn't make it any easier to find what ROM is indeed suited to you, and as a newbe it can be extremely daunting, there are 30 odd cooks for the HD2, thats ALOT of time spent flashing and tring out ROM's.
Having said that I have been pointed towards
Which is more or less everything I had in mind for a ROM information site, so its safe to say I wont be needing to build another. Iv'e been on this forum for a few months now and have not seen this site, somthing like this would need the direct support of Cooks asking people to visit in their ROM threads to submit reviews of their ROM.
Personally if that could happen I think it would be great and a fantastic resourse for newbes but I know there are alot of differing opinions on here, and perhaps its somthing the chefs would have second thoughts about.
Cool nice to know you found what you were looking for. I still find it easier to just read the actual thread for the info I'm looking for. Going over that page quickly I see no information stating whether the any of the HD2 ROMs are T-mobile compatible. You can flash a standard HD2 ROM onto the newer T-Mo HD2 since they use different processor.
i hadn't come across that site either, lol... but looking at this thread i think the guy's pretty keen to make the site useful. see here - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=658641
there's also another thread in the ROM section that might be helpful... i'm sure jaimeeee would appreciate any input and help you wanna give
Thanks for the extra info, whilst the site I posted does seem to be more or less what I was thinking of doing myself it simply doesnt have the activity require to truely make it useful to anyone. It needs the support of the Forum, especially the Cooks if its going to succeed. I keep meaning to conatct the owner of th site to discuss how to push traffic onto the site but I got all caught up making a skin recently.
Hopefully we can make somthing of this!

[DISCUSSION] Heads-up - Forum merge (Desire Z and G2) is coming soon !

I've been talking to svetius, the admin responsible for "User Experience" at XDA, and apparently the Desire Z and G2 forums are going to be merged very soon now.
So this is just a heads-up for everyone to expect this.
I think it's going to be a very very good thing, because after all the DZ and G2 are essentially the same phones and run the same custom ROMs, so it will be good to have everything in one place. I think it will also encourage people who develop things to check how they work on both the DZ and G2.
I've no idea how existing threads are going to be handled, but I'm sure the mods have it all in hand.
So soon, remember that we're going to be sharing an audience with G2 users, who of course have their own stock ROM, which don't have HTC Sense in. So when we post up about a basic problem with out phones, it's going to make it even more important to say which phone/ROM you have !
steviewevie said:
So soon, remember that we're going to be sharing an audience with G2 users, who of course have their own stock ROM, which don't have HTC Sense in. So when we post up about a basic problem with out phones, it's going to make it even more important to say which phone/ROM you have !
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Which is why it will be chaos.
New people, or complete fools will forget to, or not bother to write wether it is a Z or G2.
I think only the development forums should be merged.
DanWilson said:
Which is why it will be chaos.
New people, or complete fools will forget to, or not bother to write wether it is a Z or G2.
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That's no different for lots of other phones which have different ROMs in different areas though. We already have the issue within the DZ forum where people have Asian ROMs of various types, Bell ROMs, European ROMs etc. But we get along ok with that don't we ?
With my previous Touch Pro 2, we had one forum even though AT&T phones had a different ROM and keyboard layout (and a different name for the phone, i.e. Tilt 2, and that worked fine - e.g. all could run the same custom ROMs, just like the G2 and DZ can run the same custom ROMs.
steviewevie said:
That's no different for lots of other phones which have different ROMs in different areas though. We already have the issue within the DZ forum where people have Asian ROMs of various types, Bell ROMs, European ROMs etc. But we get along ok with that don't we ?
With my previous Touch Pro 2, we had one forum even though AT&T phones had a different ROM and keyboard layout (and a different name for the phone, i.e. Tilt 2, and that worked fine - e.g. all could run the same custom ROMs, just like the G2 and DZ can run the same custom ROMs.
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Just my opinion bro. Merge and there will be teething problems with giving help (G2 vs Z, Sense vs Stock, Bell vs Asia vs Europe. I know Bell will lose that fight against the continents though )
It will be tidier, and eventually cleaner, but I cba getting used to a new forum
DanWilson said:
Just my opinion bro. Merge and there will be teething problems with giving help (G2 vs Z, Sense vs Stock, Bell vs Asia vs Europe. I know Bell will lose that fight against the continents though )
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I agree with steviewevie. I'm also a refugee from the Touch Pro 2 forum. Including different carriers, versions, regions into the discussion is fine, as long as people remember to mention which version they have (have to be "gently" reminded from time to time), and there are enough people from your particular community that can give you help.
I'm pretty new to the DZ forum, and already I find myself having to search around on both forums to make sure I haven't missed a solution that the G2 owners have come up with. There is no significant difference between the G2 and the DZ, and it doesn't make sense for them to have separate forums.
Further to this, if you've caught up with postings over on the DZ side here, then why not hop over to the G2 forums if you haven't done so already, and see what they're discussing ?
You'll see it's pretty similar to over here, though sometimes they might come up with a problem before us DZ folks do, and vice versa.
woo about time, no more reading the same thread on 2 forums
about time! There is not enough difference in between the phones to keep them seperate. I imagine all you have to do at the beginning of a thread is say "this is for XXXXXX only" and that will make it pretty clear for most.
The Z forums are a joke, thank god for this....
The z forums are like a specials song "Ghost Town". I always hum that tune when im entering the land of the Z forum lol
blunted09 said:
about time! There is not enough difference in between the phones to keep them seperate. I imagine all you have to do at the beginning of a thread is say "this is for XXXXXX only" and that will make it pretty clear for most.
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I had to chime in on this one...How many nbs do you find that actually READ the warnings?
It would be really useful if everyone had a signature making it clear which phone/ROM they have. But of course there will be plenty of newcomers who don't have that initially.
No matter what you try to introduce there will always be those that fall outside of the realms of stupidity, especially here on xda
Please tell me which you prefer:
1. Full Merge
Four forums (the usuals) for both the G2 and DZ
2. Dev Merge
Merge DZ with G2 dev forum, delete DZ dev forum (which will have zero threads). Keep individual G2/DZ forums for general, accessories, themes and apps.
Full merge, please.
Yep, Full merge please.
1. Full Merge.
Someone in the G2 thread has suggested merging all of them but keeping seperate General sections as a temp measure specifically for the noobs. What does everyone think?
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
Full merge. Or that ^
Personally I don't see why the General sections need keeping on their own, from the TP2 forum I'm used to threads about AT&T stuff which don't affect me so I just ignore them, similarly I'd not be too bothered about T-Mobile-specific threads from G2 owners in a merged forum.
There are so many "General" issues in common between the two phones.
I guess a full merge isn't that bad. I see quite a few of the general forum topics are questions. Just gotta make sure keep em in the Q&A section.

ICS Source Code is Online! Devs, we will donate generously if you make ROMS :D

Check it out:
Offering money isn't going to make a ROM appear. We don't even have a fully working CM7 ROM for start.. no chance with ICS any time soon.
flibblesan said:
Offering money isn't going to make a ROM appear. We don't even have a fully working CM7 ROM for start.. no chance with ICS any time soon.
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So? we can't move on until cm7 decides to release a fully working ROM???
MIUI 1.11.4 is 100% functional.
Look, if a custom ROM, that aims to be an improvement from stock, start by cutting main services such as mms without having to enable data, I think is the beginning of something that will never have an happy ending. So waiting for a 100% functional cm7 Is an utoppy. Or is the Dev waiting for the official Huawei release?
MIUI is already working on ICS port and is planned up be released in December.
I think they will not wait for CM7....
I hope that they'll at least take u8800 pro into consideration...
I don't care about u8800 pro. To be honest it has been growing posts for this device in a place that belongs to u8800. But this not your fault. this is admins fault for their lack of attention and organisation
Well I do care since I'm the owner of a u8800 pro device (the numbers will grow, since u8800 is out of production now). I just wish I knew how to contribute more to ROM development.
Regarding the organization, I don't really mind, tagging on the title does the trick and this thread doesn't appear to be limited to the normal u8800.
You and other people are posting issues and asking question concerned with U8800pro in
(xda-developers > Huawei Ideos X5 U8800 > Ideos X5 U8800 General >...)
You see U8800pro anywhere?
This u8800 forum belongs to any type of u8800 i think... you have "fear" that the pro version is the only one that could have an ISC version because its better and can run ICS perfectly and you just can "attack" pro version owners if you want ICS in your device start working on it and don't ask others to do it.
it would be nice, if we have the ICS in ideos X5. I don't understand this war between normal version and pro version, it is the same shi*t.
So, please, take off that anger
rubengs said:
This u8800 forum belongs to any type of u8800 i think... you have "fear" that the pro version is the only one that could have an ISC version because its better and can run ICS perfectly and you just can "attack" pro version owners if you want ICS in your device start working on it and don't ask others to do it.
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1st you think wrong.
2nd I'm not afraid of anything. If I had I would buy a dog
3rd I don't give a **** for ICS version or for you.
4th Tomatoes is also a fruit not a vegetable. Did you knew that? Know, what has a tomato to do with other fruits? Does it make any sense that tomato is a fruit? But it is.
Ok, now U8800 and U8800 are compatible, what we can put in one can also put on both? I don't think so. So, its a different phone with different specs, with similar name. Therefore being in the same place will only cause confusion specially for those who are newbie’s.
5th Learn how to read and understand the meaning of peoples words (many words form a phrase). You will then understand that what I meant to say is that its a lack of organisation from the forum admins part not other members fault. Admins Fault!!!
And this is not an attack to anyone.
You accusing me of being attacking people remind the stupidity of some black people when get arrested the first thing they do is complaining about racism. But they are always innocent... lololol
6th when you start posting something real useful and helpful to other instead of commenting other peoples opinions with misleading interpretations???? I don’t want to believe that this is way over your head.... Chill out dude, prove I'm wrong and move on
Lol yeah, I believe the proper solution would be to have two subforums, U8800 and U8800pro, or atleast a subforum in our subforum (U8800). Its really confusing if it stays the way it is now.
Sent from my u8800
Obviously. Every monkey should be on hes own tree.
Threads are getting all ****ed up because of mixing information from different and incompatible devices. Because they are different and what works for one will brick the other.
I sure that people that have U8800pro or U8800-51 or any other device like to see dedicated, clean and organised places where they can discuss their doubts and ideas without mixed ups and confusions. I’m I wrong?
Druida69 said:
Obviously. Every monkey should be on hes own tree.
Threads are getting all ****ed up because of mixing information from different and incompatible devices. Because they are different and what works for one will brick the other.
I sure that people that have U8800pro or U8800-51 or any other device like to see dedicated, clean and organised places where they can discuss their doubts and ideas without mixed ups and confusions. I’m I wrong?
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I really dont like your attitude, but.. some things you say are right. U8800 / U8800H / U8800PRO / U8800H are different and they should have a subforum. If they are no different (U8800 vs U8800H for example) should be on a sticky or something.
We're getting offtopic...
My last post: Who is actually the moderator in this forum?
ı2m porting ics rom on u8800. but dont foun touchscreen driver. try nexus one driver not run
oguzhan mobile said:
ı2m porting ics rom on u8800. but dont foun touchscreen driver. try nexus one driver not run
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Do you simply edit the compiled rom or build it from source? I am trying it myself (build the AOSP project), but I am too noob and haven't got it to build yet.
oguzhan mobile said:
ı2m porting ics rom on u8800. but dont foun touchscreen driver. try nexus one driver not run
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Can't you use an older driver, such 2.3.5 our 2.3.7 versions?
Druida69 said:
You and other people are posting issues and asking question concerned with U8800pro in
(xda-developers > Huawei Ideos X5 U8800 > Ideos X5 U8800 General >...)
You see U8800pro anywhere?
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Is there a more appropriate subforum for u8800 pro? As far as I can tell, no, there isn't one. With that in mind, the u8800 forum is the one that fits best and unless something changes the u8800 pro posts will increase in volume.
I'd like a separate forum too, however it's not my job to administer the forum (or guide the admins on how to do their job) but I'm certainly not "hijacking" anything. Unless a separate forum is so decided, title tagging will have to do; you don't have to be offensive about it (nor doing so will make one appear out of thin air).
rubengs said:
This u8800 forum belongs to any type of u8800 i think... you have "fear" that the pro version is the only one that could have an ISC version because its better and can run ICS perfectly and you just can "attack" pro version owners if you want ICS in your device start working on it and don't ask others to do it.
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You sir, obviously have no cluea of what you're talking. Why on earth would original U8800 not be able to handle ICS based rom? Please, some facts.
Pro and other versions need their own sub forums as they really are different phones with different hardware. It's almost the same as saying all the Nexus phones have to be in the same forums as they have "Nexus" in their name. The current state of forums and phone models only create confusion, especially to people that are new to android and Huawei phones. This can lead to people bricking their phones by flashing something that is not made for their model.
Gotta say that I also agree that this druida guy should learn some manners.
Can we stay on topic please without the immature playground arguments flaring up again.

Forum dies

As you see,the forum for this phone going to die.....
I'm very sad cause i decide to buy this phone ,,,,i have also an lg p500 and at its forum is very good you can find anything you want,people are trying to help you with their replies,and so much people who developes roms ......
I buy u8800 pro and jumped at this forum and see that ,,,,no help, no developing,,no developers,,4 kinds of u8800 and i can't believe that we dont have developers working anymore......
Please ,european developers do something ,,,,,,genocolar leave us and i think that making roms only for china......now nobody developes anything.......
Can someone work for u8800 pro please????
I buy pro version cause its better and i saw that all the good work is for u8800 only.....now the developers abandoned us and owners of u8800 pro ask one each other to find a solution about their problems,but nothing anymore ......
I'm really really sad about the situation here....better not buying pro but the normal one,,i dont now
Sorry if i offended anyone and for my english,but i see no future here....
Sent from my U8800 Pro using XDA App
Yes, sadly I agree with you. I have a U8800-51 and no support what so ever. That is why I'm going to buy another phone that I know has alot of support. That being said... I can not blame the dev's for not wanting to work on this phone at all. It's not as easy as just changing and swapping a few lib files to make things work. It takes a lot of work... unpaid work and time out of there busy family life to sort through things and find solutions to the problems especially when as you even stated so many different U8800 and they are all different and to my knowledge no source code to work with. So when an unpaid dev doesn't find the fun in one project anymore they move on to something 'they' like. Yes it sucks for us but we are at the mercy of the devs. I thank them for trying and for doing what they have already accomplished. As the dev's are moving on... so am I.
Of course we thank them for their work and respect them....all i said is, that at this forum you can see that mess.....
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
Yes, huawei have made a bit of a mess with this phone by releasing a ton of different versions which makes dev work difficult, but it is still a good budget phone and very capable.
*Don't winge about it, do something about it. Help keep the wiki up to date so it is easy to find things. This can be done by anyone. Report messy or misplaced threads to original ganjaman, he is the admin for this forum, he can keep it in line. Also if Geno is only updating on chinese forums now, ask if you can update his progress here for him.
*Learn to develop. There are plenty of dev's who will offer help if you ask. I knew nothing about how android worked a few months ago, now I have made a custom kernel and rom for the u8150 and am looking at how things work on the u8800. It is not easy, but it is possible.
*Dont just look at this forum and assume nothing is happening because roms have not had an update in a week. If you follow the devs on google plus/ facebook/ twitter/etc, you will see there is a lot going on. Also one look on github confirms there is a lot of kernel dev stuff happening still especially around the .35 kernel.
*Give it time, it takes a long time to develop and port roms, it doesn't happen overnight.
*Thank your devs for their time and work. If they feel appreciated, they will continue work. If everyone just pisses and moans, they won't.
i have just read a similar post on androidworld.it
i have a LG P500 and a Huawei U8800PRO, i made 2 custom roms for the P500 (iridium and blackbird) and actually i am waiting for a few mb of u8800pro sources from genokolar. i hope he will upload them on his github so i will be able to start building an AOSP 2.3.7 rom for u8800pro
this forum won't die....the u8800pro has just been released in countries like Italy, and many people bought it. I hope that among those people there will be someone with enough skills to develop.
PaulMilbank said:
Yes, huawei have made a bit of a mess with this phone by releasing a ton of different versions which makes dev work difficult, but it is still a good budget phone and very capable.
*Don't winge about it, do something about it. Help keep the wiki up to date so it is easy to find things. This can be done by anyone. Report messy or misplaced threads to original ganjaman, he is the admin for this forum, he can keep it in line. Also if Geno is only updating on chinese forums now, ask if you can update his progress here for him.
*Learn to develop. There are plenty of dev's who will offer help if you ask. I knew nothing about how android worked a few months ago, now I have made a custom kernel and rom for the u8150 and am looking at how things work on the u8800. It is not easy, but it is possible.
*Dont just look at this forum and assume nothing is happening because roms have not had an update in a week. If you follow the devs on google plus/ facebook/ twitter/etc, you will see there is a lot going on. Also one look on github confirms there is a lot of kernel dev stuff happening still especially around the .35 kernel.
*Give it time, it takes a long time to develop and port roms, it doesn't happen overnight.
*Thank your devs for their time and work. If they feel appreciated, they will continue work. If everyone just pisses and moans, they won't.
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Well done,,now i have two replies,,when i ask something about the phone,,no replies at all ,,,that' s good. ...
Sent from my U8800 Pro using XDA App
matteof93 said:
i have just read a similar post on androidworld.it
i have a LG P500 and a Huawei U8800PRO, i made 2 custom roms for the P500 (iridium and blackbird) and actually i am waiting for a few mb of u8800pro sources from genokolar. i hope he will upload them on his github so i will be able to start building an AOSP 2.3.7 rom for u8800pro
this forum won't die....the u8800pro has just been released in countries like Italy, and many people bought it. I hope that among those people there will be someone with enough skills to develop.
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Matteo, i know you and your work with lg p500 cause i'm a proud owner of lg p500 phone and i got it till now,,,i use cosmicXperia v3.5 ......
I have u8800 pro for 6 days only and after some reading about gingerbread update and functionality, i decided to root mine without updated to 2.3 and now i use it like that .....
Stock rom ....froyo 2.2.2
Recovery v5.0.2.7
O/C kernel from genocolar (.32)
I create init.d folder in system/etc and put inside loopysmoothness tweaks,,some other knzo's tweaks ,98 kickasskernel and z89uncapfps,,
Also i edit build.prop with some knzo's scripts and more...
Also i make 4 themes in the kitchen with circular battery icons,transparent status bar,etc.... and i'm trying now to change framework but no success with ninjamorph which i tried till now.......
I'm very happy with functionality till know and the gameplay with pes 2012 and modern compat black pegasus is perfect.....
My benchmarks scores with O/C 245/1613 smartass v2 ,,io bfq, are....
Neocore ..55.5 - 55.6 fps
Quadrant advanced...2850 - 3025
Antutu (without sd card)...3440 - 3550
I'm glad till now but i don't see future .......
Hope now that you are here ,that we'll see some light in the tunnel...
(Kargiola nicolouli)
Thanks for reading my post matteo and i allready see that you post two usefull threads till now......
Sent from my U8800 Pro using XDA App
gkalenis said:
Well done,,now i have two replies,,when i ask something about the phone,,no replies at all ,,,that' s good. ...
Sent from my U8800 Pro using XDA App
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What did you want to know?
gkalenis said:
Well done,,now i have two replies,,when i ask something about the phone,,no replies at all ,,,that' s good. ...
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gkalenis said:
Hope now that you are here ,that we'll see some light in the tunnel...
(Kargiola nicolouli)
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Hahaha to xperia neo v h to galaxy s eprepe na pareis file kai gw malakia ekana p viastika.
You should have bought samsung galaxy s or xperia neo v Calm Down
It would be great if someone could split the Development Forum by models! It's getting impossible to use the Development section because there's 4 models in the same place, it's just hard to find what we want! What's the problem of splitting that? Some mod said that he didn't have the permission to do that but if a mod don't, who does? :s
I just don't understand what's so hard about it, since it's every user's wish!
If i now that the pro model wouldn't have the supporting of the devs probably i wouldn't by it to!
I feel you gkalenis but now it's too late! A week ago i played with the idea to sell the pro and go for the galaxy s but finally i stay with the pro with or without the customs roms!
I think brand new MIUI .35 port is awakening the development. Also I guess devs can port to all 8800s if they have sources...
i agree with users who say that this forum should be divided into categories (u8800pro and u8800) but if you need a forum where everything is simple and clear (only because it was created a month ago) go here (it is only about the u8800pro).
about developers: as i said i am waiting for geno's sources....if you will help me building gb 2.3.7 maybe we will have a good AOSP rom
PS: please do not compare this device with P500, LG O1 got an incredible support from devs like paolom70, andy572, franciscofranco, fserve, ciaox and many others who have done a precious work, better then LG's engineers.
For those asking about the forum split. This is a ongoing issue that keeps being raised. I agree with you, they should be split. I even asked about it in the mod forum. The response i got was that users of that forum require going through the correct channels. This evolves posting in the requests forum here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1416406
I hope you have all read the read before posting sticky in the development thread. Because all of this info is in there.
Now, all vote for the split. I hope it happens, it will make my job a Lot easier.
I hope this helps
Your friendly moderator
To the OP, sorry, didn't mean to jump down your throat. I know it can be annoying to have a problem with a phone which nobody online can help solve.
At last we have a separate section for u8800 pro
That's good
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA Premium App
Wohoo! Very great news.
Sent from my U8800
Result, thanks mod's
Where is u8800 pro section???
I hope you check that there are some other threads which still staying in u8800 section and you try to fix this.......
Sent from my U8800 Pro using XDA App
gkalenis said:
Where is u8800 pro section???
I hope you check that there are some other threads which still staying in u8800 section and you try to fix this.......
Sent from my U8800 Pro using XDA App
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Here it is http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1466
I am really happy this split has happened. I hope it draws a end to the problems. Thanks for all who followed my instructions and voted!
I will move some of the pro dev posts tomorrow. If you need any moving, let me know, dont start double posting.

[SUGGESTION] Merging Photon and Atrix forums

Atrix and Photon have exactly the same hardware (Except some minor differencies), they have the same firmwares (Again with some minor differencies), so they have the same issues, the same news. That's why I suggest to merge Photon and Atrix forums to establish a better link with Photon owners.
This modification would make the ideas and news spread faster, and that would make a more unified community for our devices, so why not ?
I don't really think this is a good idea as not everything that works on the ATRIX works on the Photon and vice-versa. This may cause confusion between the new members (some may happily flash something built for the Photon on their Atrix and get a brick, who knows )
But still, maybe they could merge the general, Q&A and themes and apps section, but keep the development section separated.
Sent from that Atrix.
tatperson said:
I don't really think this is a good idea as not everything that works on the ATRIX works on the Photon and vice-versa. This may cause confusion between the new members (some may happily flash something built for the Photon on their Atrix and get a brick, who knows )
But still, maybe they could merge the general, Q&A and themes and apps section, but keep the development section separated.
Sent from that Atrix.
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I think the OP raises good points, but so does tatperson with the confusion. We already get quite a bit of confusion just between international vs american atrix.
Also, take note of the new users, who come in, do not read and go flashing & bricking. Definitely this is a NOT unless people learns how to use & read forums before doing useless stuff in their phones.
Sorry if there has been any offense meant, but, it has not been very much since I've joined the forum and all I see is new people who likes to barge in, screw their phones, flashing stuff then asking the same question across 20 threads or demanding stuff.... hell... well, i guess that's a forums destiny or maybe day after day i'm less tolerant to people .
Dammit, I'm getting old
I agree this is not a good idea. While the devices are quite similar, they are in fact different enough to each have their own board.
Just ask Th3Bill how "minor" his framework edits usually are. Another point - although he'd like to, he can't use Epinter's CM10 as a base because it's way too different and won't run on a Photon.
i do not think its a good idea,simply because they arent the same phone. it could be similar,but will never be the same phone = not the same roms,not the same guides and diffrent people who has the phones.
but i do think that we can have general,thems and apps and even accseroies at same fourms,but android developmnt - one for each
Yeah, i also agree. The photon uses a different Webtop too, so even Webtop Development is different.
Inde, the confusion for the new members is a good point. I had this idea because they did this for the Defy and the Defy (+) that have the same hardware and share many ROMs but it's a case almost similar to the Photon and the Atrix.
But if merging the forums isn't possible, is there any way to make a stronger link between Atrix and Photon forums ? This could help for both communities, and make a stronger one since many people left these phones for more recent ones.
Stronger Bond: Developers
You know, was kinda thinking the same thing recently, all I can say is that we should share the things we have in common. Like, certain dev projects ported here and there between our devices, certain other stuff. And also bunch up our devs lol, like rope everyone in to attain 'perfection' on both our devices
How about a test forum section? And a poll maybe, so we'll see how successful this will be.

