Thank God for XDA & also Nandroid's - Kindle Fire General

Not sure what happened to my Kindle I was just reading a book and set it down and came back about 15 minutes later and it rebooted on my and went into CMW, thought that was strange and so hit the reboot menu option and it rebooted and then went right into fastboot. I did this several times and then started searching XDA for help and found the KFU thread, connected the Kindle and tried it multiple times and it said it was successful but everytime I rebooted it it would go to the lock screen then within 2 or 3 seconds reboot into fastboot, so I would repeat the process with the same results. After about 1 1/2 hours of this I figured I couldn't break it any worse so I restored my ROM from backup, and so far after 30 minutes it is behaving.
My question is was I in a fastboot loop or was this something else, has anyone seen this type of action before?
Again I want to thank all the people on here that take the time to assist dummies like me, I am slowly learning and hopefully someday I will be able to help someone else.
Well that didn;t last long it is doing it again, any ideas?????

Sounds to me like initially it went in to the fastboot loop. You may try doing a factory reset via CWM, as well as formatting data, system, and cache then re-flashing your ROM.
I'm no expert by far, and I really haven't the slightest when it comes to troubleshooting, but those would be your very first steps in the troubleshooting process for any device.

constantly rebooting - like the battery brakes down ?
maybe charging with the wall charger for some hours helps ...

Not sure exactly what was wrong but think something got scrambled. I wound up doing a factory reset then cleared all the cached and so far it has been running since about 10pm last night
Sent from my Kindle Fire using xda premium


[Q] eLocity just quit...won't boot up

I have been running my a7 with dexter's mod 1.4 for about 1 1/2 weeks...everything has gone well. This afternoon I turned on the device and it failed to complete boot. The word Android would come up and then nothing. I tried to reboot, reset, but device would do neither...nor would it turn off completely. I kept trying to take it into recovery mode and then after several tries was able to wipe, do update again, and get everything back as before. What would cause this and should I look for this to happen again? deepmagic
My a7 was running well for about a week since it quit...but today when I booted up device, it failed to recognize sd card...same card used for updating to mod 1.4...same card I've been using to listen to my music, etc...but now won't recognize...I've tried two different micro sdhc cards..formatted, reformatted, but device continues to display mount sd card...all else works fine! Does anyone have any new ideas? I can't even reinstall mod since a7 can't read my cards. Thanks for any input that would be helpful. I understand these issues are ongoing for many out there...what to do?
deepmagic said:
I have been running my a7 with dexter's mod 1.4 for about 1 1/2 weeks...everything has gone well. This afternoon I turned on the device and it failed to complete boot. The word Android would come up and then nothing. I tried to reboot, reset, but device would do neither...nor would it turn off completely. I kept trying to take it into recovery mode and then after several tries was able to wipe, do update again, and get everything back as before. What would cause this and should I look for this to happen again? deepmagic
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Mine has hung on a black screen on me. Seemed that it didn't fully come out of sleep mode.
I was able to recover by holding the power button for 15 seconds to hard power down. No data loss.
deepmagic said:
I have been running my a7 with dexter's mod 1.4 for about 1 1/2 weeks...everything has gone well. This afternoon I turned on the device and it failed to complete boot. The word Android would come up and then nothing. I tried to reboot, reset, but device would do neither...nor would it turn off completely. I kept trying to take it into recovery mode and then after several tries was able to wipe, do update again, and get everything back as before. What would cause this and should I look for this to happen again? deepmagic
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Exact same thing happened to me this morning. Tried to reset - not happening. Hard powered down. Don't have time to try anything else right now. I'm new to the forums and new to android. Wish me luck! I've been loving my A7, and much appreciation to Dexter and all the other knowledgeable hackers/modders/posters.
hey the same thing happened 2 me twice. Once the first day after i got it, since i had only had it for 1 day i wiped it reinstalled dexter's mod 1.41 and it worked. First app i installed was backup root. Now, a week later the exact same thing is happening. This time i dont want to wipe it because of all of the apps i have installed, games ive played etc. Any ideas? Could we just try reinstalling dexter's md without wiping? Or wiping reinstalling and recover from a backup?
Also have you installed busybox? I had just installed it both times before it failed to turn on. Maybe its just coincidence but you never know..
Thanks to anyone who can help! and also thanks Dexter for all your hard work as well as everyone else that has contributed to the elocity, im lovin it! (when it works )
I got it to work! I don't have a permanent fix but if it happens again just boot into recovery and reinstall the dexter's mod update 1.41 and it works again! No wiping required. This isn't a permanent fix but it will work until we find one
Hasn't happened to me (yet) but I didn't upgrade to the newest ROM. I'm still using 1.3and it has been very stable. Only issue I've had was when I tried to use Killswitch to go to sleep mode when the cover is shut (great idea) but it didn't work and froze all except the live wallpaper. Weird.
Good luck, guys.
in the event it does happen to you, you might want to check out my apx thread for reflashing the factory firmware if you can't get your tablet unstuck. theres alternatives if you don't want to get stuck again.
The method you outline seems so complex...way above my abilities, but makes me wish I had followed though on some early programming training opportunities. That was the road not travelled.
okantomi; while i wouldn't encourage others to follow thru with procedures they fear would cause more harm, i would mention that if you google up my nick you'll find i've been able to do much w/ android software and devices while not knowing anything about programming. if i can do it, anyone can. i just wanted some themes for my phone.
i'm just an android hobbyist by night (and when i get a chance during the day), and a computer tech by day. no programming expertise, but i can reasonably reverse engineer and port software and components using simple file managers like ztreewin(trialware).
don't be mistaken that the folks out there providing you solutions necessarily know anything about programming or software development. just how to chef up files at different levels. i understand this doesn't go for everybody.
Thanks for the encouragement. I'm impressed with what you've been able to do. It is also nice to read upbeat comments about the A7. There is something sort of special about a device that you really almost have to build yourself... putting so much into it... biting your fingernails to nubs with each ROM flashing. You don't get as attached to any device that is 100 percent complete right out of the box, though of course there would be a lot less aggravation.

[Q] Nexus 7 hangs at X animation

I know there are threads out the wazoo about this already but I want to make this thread to ask for help on my issues with it. This is the fourth time now where I've set up my tablet, got everything up and running, and then my battery dies (twice because I was running down my battery to let the kernel set up battery records and once by accident) and suddenly when I charge it back up and reboot it loads to the x boot animation and hangs there. I've waited several hours and it stays there (heating up quite a bit) without doing anything else.
The animation still cycles but doesn't advance. I'm on stock everything except superuser su and clockworkmod recovery. I've tried reflashing system, boot, bootloader, and clearing cache, dalvik cache, and battery stats, none of it helps.
Only thing I can find is flashing userdata or doing a factory reset (resets all of data except the sdcard) so obviously it's a problem somewhere in data but not on the SDcard. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this without a factory reset? I'm sick of spending hours getting everything set up just to lose it a day or two later. I don't want to factory reset a 4th time. Any help would be appreciated.
Visa Declined said:
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It's the Nexus 7 tablet (hence why it's in the Nexus 7 Q&A board and says Nexus 7 in the subject line)
[edit] I fixed it in my normal post to correct that mistype (makes Visa's comment not make sense)

[Q] Fastboot flashing stock didn't fix bootloop?

TL;DR: I have flashed the stock 4.2.1 image through fastboot, and yet my n7 wifi still reboots continuously at the google screen with the little unlocked lock.
Background: I have had the device for about 3 months, no real problems with it before this. I was reading yesterday night and i fell asleep, and thus instead of being on my desk all night the device was under a blanket. When i woke up, I opened the cover and found it on the google screen with the lock. It was warm, but not incredibly so. I thought it was weird that it had rebooted and apparently frozen, but i held down the power to turn it off. when i turned it back on, it started the google screen, then went black, then started the google screen again. Seems like there may be some sort of a kernel issue that is keeping it from booting. The next thing i did was to go into recovery (had CWM at this point, and it was rooted as well but that's a moot point if i can't get into the system.) and i did a backup, then wiped data and did a restore from the backup that i had just made. after rebooting, it made it all the way into the system, and seemed ok. I set it down, and a few moments later it turned off and started doing the loopy google screen thing again. Next, I went into recovery and wiped data/factory reset, and tried to boot up. no luck, still looping. Next, i grabbed the 4.0 toolkit from the dev section and tried to flash the stock recovery from that, but it was proving troublesome so i just downloaded the image myself and fastbooted then replaced cwm with the stock recovery, wiped everything, and flashed the 4.2.1 image. that should have worked, from what i understand, but no, still being loopy. I re-wiped and flashed, tried 4.1.2 instead, that didn't work, and i re-did 4.2.1. after flashing 4.2.1 and then leaving it boot looping for a little while, i noticed that it sometimes made it into the boot animation and then the animation froze and it rebooted and looped more. after a few more tries, powering it off, leaving it for a few min, and powering it on again, it booted all the way to the welcome screen to pick a language and then froze. some number of loops later, it made it all the way to picking a wifi network and froze. I have yet to make it past that point. Thinking it may help, i fastbooted CWM onto the device, so i have a more capable recovery now. I am now going to look into pushing a non stock rom to the device to see if that will help at all.
Any ideas on what on earth could have caused this? Was it just that the device was a little warmer than usual for a while?
Any ideas on how i can fix this? Much appreciated!
Lastly, should i consider looking at sending it back to google? I didn't think there was anything wrong with the hardware, but i'm not sure.
Update: After leaving the system repeating it's loopy boot thing for about 45 min, it seems to have finally booted into the system, and has yet to reboot again. I have no idea why this happened in the first case, nor why this finally worked in the end, but so far it seems ok.
More: Ok, so it still seems to be looping a lot. I have no idea why still. I'm having trouble getting it to boot back into the system, so hopefully something helps fix this.
Ok, so a day later it seems to have settled down such that there's very little looping on the google logo screen any more; now it just tends to randomly reboot when in use. this is quite frustrating, but seems more similar to what others have reported to be the case with 4.2.1. oddly, i never had these reboot issues before it decided to fail the first time, so i'm not sure if this is just because ii'm on 4.2.1. I may look at flashing back to 4.1.2 and staying there, i suppose it can't hurt. does anyone else have any ideas as to what could be going on?

Massive softbrick (haven't found a solution yet)

Hello everyone,
So here's my story: I got a 6P short after release and it's been amazing. After switching from a S6 I couldn't be happier until 3 days ago.
I was playing around with my phone (checking for updates on the play store if I recall correctly) and I was going to switch from 4g to wifi. I went ahead and pulled down my notification shade and went to press WiFi but misclicked and hit Hotspot which was below it. My phone suddenly froze big time and this is for the first time ever since purchase.
At first I thought I'd wait it out since the device was completely unresponsive, home button didn't work and neither did anything on screen. Buttons didn't make a difference either. 10 minutes went by and I ended up force restarting by holding down power + volume up. First part of my bootup went fine but when it got to the android boot animation after I put in my pin to allow the device to start it dropped from the smooth usual framerate down to 1 frame every 10-15 seconds and it slowed down further until it came to a complete halt around the time the android letters appear.
My first thought was corrupt rom so I went ahead and wiped data from the stock recovery. I was running completely stock with no modifications whatsoever. That didn't do anything. Phone still froze in the same boot phase. Desperate I unlocked bootloader to flash a clean fresh image to try to fix it and to my surprise that didn't change a thing.
As I was getting pretty desperate already I had one more idea and that was to flash up to the Dev preview. To my huge surprise it booted and I jumped from excitement. So I started setting up my phone again. I got past the prompt to insert sim card and I was now at the screen to choose a wifi network. As soon as I clicked into that the phone froze up again and at that point I lost all hope.
I wiped data in stock recovery and shut the phone down for the night. On day 3, today I woke up and tried starting the phone and it worked as if nothing had happened. I went through the setup and set up my phone on the N preview. At a certain point I was planning to go back to the latest official build but for now I was happy my phone was back from the dead. Later today I tried to restart my phone to clear all running apps etc and it froze up on boot.
I'm losing all hope that I'll be resolving this myself so I'm reaching out to the community to see if anyone's had this happen to them before and hopefuly for a solution. It's still under warranty so I can eventually send it back to the retailer but I'd rather not have a phone for 3 weeks.
Any and all help is appreciated.
Thank you for reading through my long and probably pretty boring story!
Have you tried flashing the factory image? If yes, did you made sure to wipe/erase the system, boot, vendor, and cache partition before flash the corresponding img files?
To the OP, is there any reason you did not flash to release version 6 instead of Dev preview ?
Also, any reason you can not simply do the "unenroll" from ?
It will require you to setup certain settings again as you will be back to a "factory reset".
DJBhardwaj said:
Have you tried flashing the factory image? If yes, did you made sure to wipe/erase the system, boot, vendor, and cache partition before flash the corresponding img files?
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DJBhardwaj, i haven't specifically erased those partitions. I was under the impression wipe userdata along with reflashing did that. I will try that tonight when I get home!
Xdafly, I only updated up to N as a last resort because at first I had a locked BL. I was planning to unenrol but that would've been too late as it self bricked after a restart.
DJBhardwaj said:
Have you tried flashing the factory image? If yes, did you made sure to wipe/erase the system, boot, vendor, and cache partition before flash the corresponding img files?
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Well I just did the erase thingy and my phone booted but wifi won't turn on. Enabling hotspot doesn't brick anymore but I now suspect WiFi might've been the issue. Any tips on how to find out what it could be and possibly fix it?
Edit: 2 restarts and a factory reset later I'm back to bricked same way as before.
try safe mode
mr.dj26 said:
try safe mode
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That was my first thought, that was the restart that bricked it again. Safe mode shouldn't have made a difference since I hadn't even logged into Google account for apps.
After reading the very first post; sounds like bad WiFi hardware.
All the hanging has been related to WiFi or Hotspot.
I think you should get a replacement
Sent from my Purified NexusixP
If Someone Helped You Then Dont Just say Thanks...Hit The Thanks Button!
Is your phone rooted and did you install Xposed?
Over the weekend I shutdown my 6p (stock rooted with April security patch, Xposed v80) and charged it. When it turned it back up I kept getting "Unfortunately, nfc service has stopped". Long story short: I ended up factory reset my phone and reinstalled EVERYTHING and I still got into bootloop. Then I came across
At the end of the second post rovo89 (developer of Xposed) fixed the bug in V83. I wiped my 6p once more and installed everything with v83. Problem solved.
Good luck!

Phone restarts at startup.

Well this is my 1st post so first of all hey everyone
I just spent a week in Amsterdam and my phone restarted twice, different times different days and I dont remember what I was doing with it back then.
But as I landed back home I put the phone back from "Airplane Mode" and went on to toggle "Cellular Data" on.
The second I pressed the cellular data shortcut on my the phone restarted itself but this time whenever it would finish the screen would be on but fully black and sometimes it'll show battery precentage at the top but then will restart again in an infinite loop.
Sometimes it'll pop up the "Optimizing Apps" window and will go through all 24, upon finishing it will restart once more and do the same.
I tried using the bootloader and it worked (the bootloader that is) but the phone would do the same thing even after Rebooting from there or shutting down from there and then turning back on.
I contacted tech support on chat but they couldnt help past telling me to go to bootloader and reboot, said I should factory wipe when it failed.
Also tried wiping cache but to no avail.
I have no backup of my phone (wanted to do one before the flight but got lazy and I suck for not doing one sooner) since probably October and google doesnt backup my contacts properly for some unknown reason.
I already downloaded Android Studio with everything included for me to try using adb to sideload stock without wiping but its my first time and I couldnt get it to do anything at all...
I already got the official stock .gz file from the motorola website.
Anyway here are the specs to my phone:
Everything is stock. didn't root or change recovery once in my life.
Was fully updated and had plenty of drive space (I have almost 128GB with the 64GB version + 64GB SD)
I'm really lost here so help will be very appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Start with a full wipe and if that doesn't work flash the stock image. Not sure what your question is though as you never really say. Once fixed I would unlock and make a backup so you don't have to deal with this again.
lafester said:
Start with a full wipe and if that doesn't work flash the stock image. Not sure what your question is though as you never really say. Once fixed I would unlock and make a backup so you don't have to deal with this again.
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The thing I pretty much want to know is if theres a way to either backup the phone now with it connected to the computer while in bootloader or recovery. or a way to flash the stock rom without wiping which I read someone did with his tablet. I cant post source normally because I'm a new user so here it is but change spaces to dots: schnouki net/posts/2014/08/13/flashing-a-stock-android-image-without-wiping-user-data/
Also while in recovery I noticed 2 options under wipe: 1. userdata only. 2. userdata+(insert something I dont remember here) and I was wondering what gets deleted in both? if I delete only userdata what data will remain? something helpful?
Sure you can try flashing without wiping data but being locked I personally wouldn't risk it. No idea about backing up in your state... somewhere I remember a thread on backing up without root try searching in q&a.
lafester said:
Sure you can try flashing without wiping data but being locked I personally wouldn't risk it. No idea about backing up in your state... somewhere I remember a thread on backing up without root try searching in q&a.
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Out of curiosity why shouldnt I try flashing with no wipe if ill lose the data anyway? worst case wont I just have to wipe after it fails and flash again?
And I will try thank you
Do you have any knowledge about the 2 wipe options?
Thanks in advance
Well I tried turning the phone on and it took a couple of minutes before loading to a fresh start. It apparently wiped itself on its own. Managed to restore almost everything.
Anyhow the phone takes too long to boot now. Was even stuck at boot and I had to restart it.
Anyway to fix my software? Or at least check for corruption?
Sent from my XT1575 using XDA-Developers mobile app

