What's a good phone for messing around? - Epic 4G General

I noticed the Nexus S is cheap and alright but wondering if there are any other ones. Not trying to replace mine but to have fun with and do other stuff. I can buy a Nexus S for about 75$ barely been used. But what about the HTC Evo Shift? Any tips Is appreciated.
I dont want older phones haha, nothing more than 100$.
I dont want to add a new line or activate any phone.
Not too interested in tablets. Something that still isn't too dead and is over-clockable as the Epic if not better.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium

I would take a look at this first.

jbadboy2007 said:
I would take a look at this first.
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okay but i dont want another line, or activate a phone though maybe should've stated that in OP.

XxLostSoulxX said:
I noticed the Nexus S is cheap and alright but wondering if there are any other ones. Not trying to replace mine but to have fun with and do other stuff. I can buy a Nexus S for about 75$ barely been used. But what about the HTC Evo Shift? Any tips Is appreciated.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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You can get a used droid 1 off swappa for like 40. Or buy a tablet.
Sent from my CM9 Epic 4G

xopher.hunter said:
You can get a used droid 1 off swappa for like 40. Or buy a tablet.
Sent from my CM9 Epic 4G
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i dont care for tablets, lemme fix my op with more info haha and droid 1 is old
thanks for the input though, maybe a droid 3 or droid 2 thats reasonable pricing.

Get another Epic

RyleyinSTL said:
Get another Epic
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what logic does that make i have one already? I want something else to mess around with, and learn stuff on. Not a phone that i already have that i can already do now.

the moment should be super cheap to pick up XD

pvtjoker42 said:
the moment should be super cheap to pick up XD
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had it hated it dont you remember the whole FCC/BBB/Press issue with it and why it was to be dismissed and not manufactured anymore lol.
Besides they still are trying to sell them for 150 i could get a Nexus S for cheaper

XxLostSoulxX said:
had it hated it dont you remember the whole FCC/BBB/Press issue with it and why it was to be dismissed and not manufactured anymore lol.
Besides they still are trying to sell them for 150 i could get a Nexus S for cheaper
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Got a link for that? Not doubting at all just super curious cause I had that phone for a while and hated it
Sent from my CM9 Epic 4G

xopher.hunter said:
Got a link for that? Not doubting at all just super curious cause I had that phone for a while and hated it
Sent from my CM9 Epic 4G
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Out and about right now but I had to fight for 2 months and sprint wasn't supposed to re sell them because it was manu defect.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium

Nexus s is good for messing with roms..
Sent from my modded Epic 1x that I cannot love more.. Thank you EpicCM team, bbelos, and zeppelinrox.

Whoever said the Samsung Moment should be charged with treason against nerd kind lol. (Had it, didn't hate it until later, had it data lock up after being in a hit and run and couldn't call 911)
I'd probably say the Nexus, only due to the nature of it getting updates and more open space for customization.

AproSamurai said:
Whoever said the Samsung Moment should be charged with treason against nerd kind lol. (Had it, didn't hate it until later, had it data lock up after being in a hit and run and couldn't call 911)
I'd probably say the Nexus, only due to the nature of it getting updates and more open space for customization.
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That was the issue with the Sammy Moment i even talked to Samsung and they realized it was their fault and non-user related that it forced into a data lockup and FCC states that a phone must at all times be able to call 911. and yaadada big story but anyways is there any other phones you guys think thats reasonable and good to like the Nexus S? i was thinking of the Shift?

lol.. easy there guys.. i was joking (name IS PvtJoker afterall) I was laughing cause my moment is sitting on my desk under a nice veil of dust. If i had to pick a random phone just to play with, nexus s would be my pick too.

the nexus s is the same as our phone just no keyboard what else can you ask for?

Big Goron said:
the nexus s is the same as our phone just no keyboard what else can you ask for?
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Everyone should look at the HTC One lineup, and i saw a guy is selling a Droid 2 for 50$

Big Goron said:
the nexus s is the same as our phone just no keyboard what else can you ask for?
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My only gripe I had with the Nexus S was no LED notifications and no zoom on the camera, but I wish the Epic had the internal storage space the Nexus have
Sent from my Nexus S 4G Slide (lmao) using Tapatalk

piscesjoey said:
My only gripe I had with the Nexus S was no LED notifications and no zoom on the camera, but I wish the Epic had the internal storage space the Nexus have
Sent from my Nexus S 4G Slide (lmao) using Tapatalk
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The Nexus S Or Nexus S 4g? Because if I were to get one its the sprint one? And how about Droid2?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium

XxLostSoulxX said:
The Nexus S Or Nexus S 4g? Because if I were to get one its the sprint one? And how about Droid2?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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The nexus s is a developer phone that you root with adb. The droid is locked down and 100 % unrootable (in theory. It is rootable but it is hard to.. It is locked down like the iphone) .
Sent from my modded Epic 1x that I cannot love more.. Thank you EpicCM team, bbelos, and zeppelinrox.


Nexus S 4G Release Date Announced

"The highly anticipated Nexus S™ 4G1 from Google™ goes on sale in all Sprint channels, including www.sprint.com, on Sunday, May 8, for $199.99 (plus tax) with a new line or eligible upgrade and two-year service agreement. Extending the company’s 4G device leadership yet again, it is the fourth 4G phone available and 20th 4G device announced from Sprint."
Look here for details
Engadget just picked it up
Thought some of you might be interested.
I'm interested in so far as this improves Epic gingerbread support.
Would the nexus S end up needing a diff custom rom? Like a sprint version?
Sent from a Epic 4G
Shoulon said:
Would the nexus S end up needing a diff custom rom? Like a sprint version?
Sent from a Epic 4G
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It's the same Rom with a different modem etc.
Texted while driving
Shoulon said:
Would the nexus S end up needing a diff custom rom? Like a sprint version?
Sent from a Epic 4G
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LOL. Yeah! The Rom on that phone will be so clean that people will be tempted to put sprint's crappy bloat ware on it.
Yay let's get a phone...pay 200 for it when its the same as the epic without a keyboard. Hopefully the gingerbread port isn't that difficult
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Pretty sure I told everyone this like last week...
sceptor said:
Yay let's get a phone...pay 200 for it when its the same as the epic without a keyboard. Hopefully the gingerbread port isn't that difficult
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yay! lets buy a phone that is getting updates after they have been out for almost a year. we could use a hardware keyboard that misses keys!
theres a lot more then just the keyboard thats different
i personally will be enjoying my new ns4g on may 8th, i will enjoy it even more when ice cream comes out. really and truly each device has their own market, there is no reason to slam down one just because.
one of the biggest draws for me is the software, within 4 days cm7 will be on the nexus s 4g. the nexus is still getting updates that leaves me very optimistic about the nexus s. ideally they would have brought a nice new lg nexus instead but hey whichever
Whosdaman said:
Pretty sure I told everyone this like last week...
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Yepp, I remember this too.
Sent from my always stock, EC05 Epic 4G
i cant wait! bye bye POS epic that misses keys, randomly shuts off, and cant last for more than 8 hours off the plug
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
ksweat2292 said:
i cant wait! bye bye POS epic that misses keys, randomly shuts off, and cant last for more than 8 hours off the plug
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Bye bye person who hasn't contributed anything useful.
Since the Nexus S 4G is coming out soon and of course it'll get a source code, how much will it affect CM7 development?
I'm positive 4G will come much quicker but is there anything else?
acer1096xxx said:
Since the Nexus S 4G is coming out soon and of course it'll get a source code, how much will it affect CM7 development?
I'm positive 4G will come much quicker but is there anything else?
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It depends on what hardware elements are the EXACT SAME, for instance it won't help with the camera because they have different sensors, but it might help with the GPS.
063_XOBX said:
It depends on what hardware elements are the EXACT SAME, for instance it won't help with the camera because they have different sensors, but it might help with the GPS.
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Alright, well let's pray for the best then. Thanks for verifying.
ksweat2292 said:
i cant wait! bye bye POS epic that misses keys, randomly shuts off, and cant last for more than 8 hours off the plug
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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ditto... I'm picking up the NS when it launches I think
063_XOBX said:
Bye bye person who hasn't contributed anything useful.
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Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
acer1096xxx said:
Since the Nexus S 4G is coming out soon and of course it'll get a source code, how much will it affect CM7 development?
I'm positive 4G will come much quicker but is there anything else?
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about the same amount that the nexus s source has helped...
only thing thats different is the ril/radio and wimax
The nexus s. Its as close as sprint will get to the galaxy S II =\ atleast til the evo 3d. Wich isn't that appealing.
Sent from a Epic 4G
What are you talking about? The Nexus S is the Galaxy S with AOSP android, it literally has nothing in common with the Galaxy S2...
063_XOBX said:
Bye bye person who hasn't contributed anything useful.
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Real sentimental about the Epic, eh? Understandable....the Epic is an awesome phone. That being said....I too will be getting a Nexus S when it drops. Don't use Touchwiz and don't need a keyboard so why not?
Can't wait.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App

Replacement Epic

Hello all, I'm from over at the shift section lol and no I'm not trolling. I was wanting to see if ANYONE has an extra epic, or if anyone has an epic they don't want anymore. I'm trying to find one VERY reasonably priced. The condition doesn't matter as long as it works and the screen is better than decent. Someone please help me out here I'm dying to have that samoled and used my damn upgrade on the shift.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
A sucker is born every minute.
nbunn said:
Hello all, I'm from over at the shift section lol and no I'm not trolling. I was wanting to see if ANYONE has an extra epic, or if anyone has an epic they don't want anymore. I'm trying to find one VERY reasonably priced. The condition doesn't matter as long as it works and the screen is better than decent. Someone please help me out here I'm dying to have that samoled and used my damn upgrade on the shift.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
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Sorry bub, I love my Samsung Epic. I am running it with Gingerbread. You know what the best thing is some dude is working on port HTC Sense to the Samsung Epic. Dude you are screwed. Try posting an ad on craigslist too, if you have not already done this. You might find some sucker who has the Samsung Epic with Enclair. You can probably tell them that your phone is better because it has a better operating system or some crap that that. Good luck they say a sucker is born every minute.
P.S. Maybe this person might possibly sell you his Epic: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1086880
My dumbass friend traded his epic for a shift . The people are out there, just gotta find em.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
Id hate to have to trade but if someone comes up then I might
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
I'm willing to buy one if anyone will come up with one
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Anyone new?
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
I think you should try BestBuy, they're giving out Epics for FREE w/ new contract/upgrade. Buying an unactivated used one can cost quite a bit still. Might as wel grab yourself a new one.
Overstew said:
I think you should try BestBuy, they're giving out Epics for FREE w/ new contract/upgrade. Buying an unactivated used one can cost quite a bit still. Might as wel grab yourself a new one.
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Didn't he say he used his upgrade on the shift?
The Root said:
Didn't he say he used his upgrade on the shift?
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Yes he did lolz, I hope they gave him a reach around with that deal.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
jamice4u said:
Sorry bub, I love my Samsung Epic. I am running it with Gingerbread. You know what the best thing is some dude is working on port HTC Sense to the Samsung Epic. Dude you are screwed. Try posting an ad on craigslist too, if you have not already done this. You might find some sucker who has the Samsung Epic with Enclair. You can probably tell them that your phone is better because it has a better operating system or some crap that that. Good luck they say a sucker is born every minute.
P.S. Maybe this person might possibly sell you his Epic: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1086880
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I've got one I'm looking to sell actually after upgrading to the Nexus S.
Has a game-grip, extra samsung oem battery + charger, small scuff on the back but otherwise a flawless screen.
PM me.
Here's the FS thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1049341
It does say "firm" in my FS post, but I'm entertaining offers, feel free to PM if you are interested
Snowmanwithahat, I've pmed you. Anyone else?
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Anyone new?
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Ive got one that i dropped into pool, phone still fully functiona; just flex cable needs to be replaced. Screen still good
DiMa1720 said:
Ive got one that i dropped into pool, phone still fully functiona; just flex cable needs to be replaced. Screen still good
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What's the flex cable?
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App

[REQ] wanting to trade my epic 4g for nexus s

Anyone interested
Sent from my Epic 4G, using Tapatalk
Wrong section. Doubt anyone would be here if they had a Nexus.
063_XOBX said:
Wrong section. Doubt anyone would be here if they had a Nexus.
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I was about to say the same thing lol.... you'd probably get some hits over at the nexus s forums?
Sent from my Evo Killer using XDA Premium App
theduce102 said:
I was about to say the same thing lol.... you'd probably get some hits over at the nexus s forums?
Sent from my Evo Killer using XDA Premium App
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Considering over half the nexus s 4g owners are epic refugees I wouldn't count on it.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
True but I know a few people that went back to the epic cause they missed the keyboard to much
Sent from my Evo Killer using XDA Premium App
theduce102 said:
True but I know a few people that went back to the epic cause they missed the keyboard to much
Sent from my Evo Killer using XDA Premium App
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Psh I know I would, this thing is amazing
Sent from my SPH-D700
NEXUS 4G said:
Anyone interested
Sent from my Epic 4G, using Tapatalk
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Y would u want to go and do a thing like that. Wait for the s2 if u don't want a keyboard. Then u would at least b stepping up.
Samsung Epic SyndicateROM Frozen 1.1
NEXUS 4G said:
Anyone interested
Sent from my Epic 4G, using Tapatalk
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ummmmmm this is an EPIC board for people the like there phones why dont you try the market.
iam not going to waste my 100th post to say this so iam going to add to this as you can read you are in the wrong place try again in the other board
Call Sprint and get your upgrade qualification early (the 1 year upgrade eligibilty). Sell Epic, get a couple of hundred bucks from someone who doesn't want to be on a new contract. Use money from sale and upgrade eligibilty to get a Nexus S 4G. for free or almost free.
Thx for all the responses, but I'm only looking for someone interested in trading
Sent from my Epic 4G, using Tapatalk
NEXUS 4G said:
Thx for all the responses, but I'm only looking for someone interested in trading
Sent from my Epic 4G, using Tapatalk
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notice how no one has replied yet?
I have a Nexus and I'm here. As a NExus owner I can say that it's not all it's cracked up to be. There are some pretty big downsides to the Nexus, especially coming from the Epic. They are as follows:
1) NO CODEC SUPPORT. This is a very big one. It won't even play .wma
2) No zoom or widescreen mode on the camera.
3) NO HD VIDEO RECORDING. This may NEVER get fixed as it's rumored to be hardware limitations.
4) Things like not being able to access notifications while the dialer is open are annoying.
Now the positives:
1) It's AWESOME.
2) There is a good chance most of the downsides will be fixed.
3) The curved screen is really nice
4) the build quality, I feel is better then the Epic.
5) Everything just works
Before you make the switch just make sure you know what you are getting into and be willing to wait for things to get addressed. Dreams has been VERY busy porting the crap out of stuff like the toggles in the notification menu. Follow his progress he's doing awesome stuff.
NEXUS 4G said:
Thx for all the responses, but I'm only looking for someone interested in trading
Sent from my Epic 4G, using Tapatalk
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I'll trade you for my Epic. Its just like the Nexus S but has a keyboard and Gorilla glass. Plus I can control the brightness by sliding my finger along the status bar among other things.
1) NO CODEC SUPPORT. This is a very big one. It won't even play .wma
4) Things like not being able to access notifications while the dialer is open are annoying.
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While they're not big deal-breakers, this makes me very sad.
But wait..can it at least play mp3?
stir fry a lot said:
I'll trade you for my Epic. Its just like the Nexus S but has a keyboard and Gorilla glass. Plus I can control the brightness by sliding my finger along the status bar among other things.
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I have an Epic, looking for nexus
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk

Farewell epic

Just wanted to say goodbye to the epic 4g. I recently traded my epic for a nexus s 4g, and I couldn't be happier. I wanted to say thanks to all the great devs that made the epic what it should have been out of the box. My decision was confirmed for me when my wife's LG Optimus s got an ota gingerbread update the other day! Before the epic! Crazy! For me its all nexus phones from now on. There will be some features that I miss from touchwiz, but for the performance and update trade off, I'd gladly go vanilla android. Thanks again for everyone who made the epic an awesome phone!
From cellblock D
Who are you?
Zor Omega said:
From cellblock D
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You in prison dog? I'll send you some gingerbread or some jelly beans.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
have fun! haha
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Ill say good bye too
But ill probably br lurking aroud every where execpt dev
Sent from my SPH-D710-10 using xda premium
Sent from my rooted, suited, & booted Epic 4G #knowdat!
Farewell. You will be missed kind sir.
The irony lies in the search feature being disabled for me to see if you've been lurking or not lol. Bye man, enjoy your phone.
Thanks and i hope to see all of you guys on my next phone
Damn i dont want a new community
I like this one
Why cant we all graduate together
Sent from my SPH-D710-10 using xda premium
Good luck with your new toy and happy flashing! This community is great. The ET4G forum was all jovial for the first 2 days. Now, the morons are popping up everywhere! As soon as one minor issue pops up, people are going ballistic. If only they could learn patience from some of us here...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
gtuansdiamm said:
Thanks and i hope to see all of you guys on my next phone
Damn i dont want a new community
I like this one
Why cant we all graduate together
Sent from my SPH-D710-10 using xda premium
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I've got this bro. I'll wear a "Forever Alone Face" mask, and it'll be the story of "E for Epic 4G" and I'll blow up the E4TG Parliamentary Manufacturing plant.
(I really do hope someone gets the connection and I don't look like a lame ass haha)
I just sent an email to Samsung through opensource.samsung.com asking them to release the Gengerbread update and/or the source code for our phone, hopefully they will reply to me in 24 hours as they claim and not just ignore it :/
Sohip said:
I just sent an email to Samsung through opensource.samsung.com asking them to release the Gengerbread update and/or the source code for our phone, hopefully they will reply to me in 24 hours as they claim and not just ignore it :/
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Good luck with that. I am sure your email will get it done...
Sorry for being a ****, but come on.
Gengerbread... Really?
Quote: I've got this bro. I'll wear a "Forever Alone Face" mask, and it'll be the story of "E for Epic 4G" and I'll blow up the E4TG Parliamentary Manufacturing plant.
(I really do hope someone gets the connection and I don't look like a lame ass haha)
Remember, remember, the fifth of November...
Sent from my Epic 4G Touch
Neckberg said:
Good luck with that. I am sure your email will get it done...
Sorry for being a ****, but come on.
Gengerbread... Really?
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Well, the ICS is not out yet
Not gonna lie I too have been thinking about the Nexus S 4G as well as the ET4G... may just trade if I can
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Pretty ****ty that my niece just got a new Android through METRO PCS (probably the worst provider in the U.S.), and she has Gingerbread. Glad I paid all of this money for something treated like a red headed step-phone.
Disgusted with Samsung beyond belief. What is taking so long to release this? It looks like they are working on it, but I don't understand what is taking so long. Not that I am available for an upgrade right now, but even if I were, there is nothing out there that I really want right now (QWERTY is something I really want).
CLZJCasper said:
Not gonna lie I too have been thinking about the Nexus S 4G as well as the ET4G... may just trade if I can
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That's what I did. I traded my epic straight up for a nexus. The Guy wanted a keyboard...I wanted an unlocked phone. Worked good all around. There's quite a few of us former epic users in the nexus forums. I got to say, its all its cracked up to be!
From cellblock D
Zor Omega said:
That's what I did. I traded my epic straight up for a nexus. The Guy wanted a keyboard...I wanted an unlocked phone. Worked good all around. There's quite a few of us former epic users in the nexus forums. I got to say, its all its cracked up to be!
From cellblock D
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If you see anymore people wanting a trade for their Nexus, and PM me. I may be interested in that deal.. lol
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Still using my Epic as my main phone, but I used my sister's upgrade to get the Nexus. Just as a nerd toy. Got it for 30 dollars. It was so worth it oh my god, MIUI is amazing on that curved screen. It hasn't been thirty days yet and I was gonna trade it back for the Epic 4G Touch but the Best Buy website says there isn't any in stock in my area so I guess I'm stuck with my Nexus
erikkWTF said:
Still using my Epic as my main phone, but I used my sister's upgrade to get the Nexus. Just as a nerd toy. Got it for 30 dollars. It was so worth it oh my god, MIUI is amazing on that curved screen. It hasn't been thirty days yet and I was gonna trade it back for the Epic 4G Touch but the Best Buy website says there isn't any in stock in my area so I guess I'm stuck with my Nexus
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30 dollars?! Damn, and that was a hell of a deal! I really would like to get my hands on one of those so I can get a true Miui and CM7 experience. I am too new to the Android scene. I have yet to have a phone with either of those ROMs but I assure I will get a chance on my ET4G
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium

Want a new phone early? Here's how!

The article basically explains that if you have had your phone for longer than 9 months, you can "upgrade now" for a slightly higher price. For example, I will have had my Epic for 18 months as of March, meaning I will only have to pay $19 more than the original upgrade fee, and can get a new phone 4 months earlier than what I originally intended to do.
The deal only lasts until April 14 of this year, so if you're willing to spend an extra $20, you can get a new phone today (or next month, assuming you had your phone in September)!
I'm guessing they're trying to empty inventory of epic touch, photon, etc before the summer's new phones hit.
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Isn't there another thread about this already?
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kennyglass123 said:
Isn't there another thread about this already?
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Oh wow...I saw that thread but for some reason I completely assumed it was for something else. I don't know why. Damn that's embarrassing lol
Maybe it's cause that thread is really about Iphone vs Android warfare.
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Vizzo said:
Maybe it's cause that thread is really about Iphone vs Android warfare.
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Android is clearly the superior OS.
stir fry a lot said:
Android is clearly the superior OS.
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It wasn't about os it was about the phone it self I don't understand why he was defending what he doesn't like. That's like saying " don't talk crap about the New England pats they are pretty good team" what team do you like again? "Oh I'm a giants fan."
Sent From My SPH-D700 Running Android 4.0 :sly:
I love my epic so much, so its hard to switch to anything even if its cheap in price. The galaxy s2 is tempting though.
Sent from my C9AN0GEN-MOd EpicOG
b16flybye said:
I love my epic so much, so its hard to switch to anything even if its cheap in price. The galaxy s2 is tempting though.
Sent from my C9AN0GEN-MOd EpicOG
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Not as tempting as the gnex
Sent From My SPH-D700 Running Android 4.0 :sly:
Switching now to new Wi-Max phone seems pointless....I don't see Sprint investing anything in the Wi-Max 4G network any time soon given the whole "network vision" thing.
They are trying to sell out because they have to stop selling wimax phones soon. Basically they are trying to screw everybody over.
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marcusant said:
They are trying to sell out because they have to stop selling wimax phones soon. Basically they are trying to screw everybody over.
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They have been doing this since .... hmmmm Idk
They announced the iPhone
Moral: Apple screws everyone
marcusant said:
They are trying to sell out because they have to stop selling wimax phones soon. Basically they are trying to screw everybody over.
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They aren't screwing anyone over. Its been stated multiple times that they'll support the wimax network til 2015. They never said they were going to expand it any though, so if you don't have it now, you're SoL. You'll certainly have 4g capabilities until you're due for yet another upgrade to an LTE device
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Biggoron said:
Not as tempting as the gnex
Probably better to just wait for the iphone5 crushing galaxy S3.
Sent From My SPH-D700 Running Android 4.0 :sly:
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Sent from my C9AN0GEN-MOd EpicOG
I feel bad for anyone who got a gs2. They got f****d royally. No lte til late 2013
Who would want to upgrade their epic with CM9 goodness now available.
Ive only had the epic about a month and I love the thing. But I am running it on Virgin Mobile, can't beat $25 a month for service.
JBakey said:
They aren't screwing anyone over. Its been stated multiple times that they'll support the wimax network til 2015. They never said they were going to expand it any though, so if you don't have it now, you're SoL. You'll certainly have 4g capabilities until you're due for yet another upgrade to an LTE device
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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They are selling phones with outdated network technologies.
In Soviet Epic forum, clockworkmod root you!
brooksyx said:
Who would want to upgrade their epic with CM9 goodness
Ive only had the epic about a month and I love the thing. But I am running it on Virgin Mobile, can't beat $25 a month for service.
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Well to be honest, this "upgrade now" idea doesn't really apply to us. It does, however, apply to people like my dad who was cursed with the Samsung Intercept, and knowing there's a way to upgrade 4 months earlier for only $20 more made him exhilarated.
|| Acer || said:
Well to be honest, this "upgrade now" idea doesn't really apply to us. It does, however, apply to people like my dad who was cursed with the Samsung Intercept, and knowing there's a way to upgrade 4 months earlier for only $20 more made him exhilarated.
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Eww... I had the intercept for a couple weeks. Now that was a horrible phone. haha. Swapped it out for the optimus v.
|| Acer || said:
Well to be honest, this "upgrade now" idea doesn't really apply to us. It does, however, apply to people like my dad who was cursed with the Samsung Intercept, and knowing there's a way to upgrade 4 months earlier for only $20 more made him exhilarated.
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Yea it cost me 45 bucks to get my wife a upgrade and now I will be able to hear her, she has a rumor touch, it sucks. Also I found on target.com you can get the sgs2 epic touch upgrade price 149 no rebates. Looks like the wife will be happy. I can wait till the epic 2 with a keyboard makes its way out.
sent from the other woman

