(GUIDE) Broken Power Button??No problem... - Nexus S General

Yes..I have nexus s with broken power button....Is it my nexus now useless??I now just throw away my nexus??
1.How I gonna root my nexus with broken power button???
Go to this thread..
(ROOT) Any version of android (kernel exploit)
Download the script..Run it..
Go to market..install Superuser..
Install ROM Manager- Flash CWM..
Yes..You just Root your nexus with CWM Recovery...Congratulation
2.How I gonna enter Recovery mode??
Just Download Quick Boot
Here you go....Flash!Flash!Flash!
3.Eventhough I can root it..But my power button's have lost...How I gonna make my nexus screen off..
That easy..
just download Screen Off and Lock
Put it on your home..just tap it to power off..
If you want make it more easy..
Just remap you power button to search button..
Download button remapper
Now your search button will have power button function except wake the phone..
4.Great..Now How I want to wake my phone with broken power button??
Easy..with ICS already in our nexus..
Go to Settings-Security-Screen Lock-None
Now you just wake your phone just by pressing power button..
5. Can I take screenshot with broken power button but without paid screenshot apps??
Yes.. If you already remap your search(or which button do you like) as power button..Me remap search button as power button..
Just volume down+ search button...
6. How to flash using recovery..
Move up and down using volume button..select using search button..
or if you want more easy...flash Touch Clockwork Mod Recovery
7.If my nexus have to pull battery or battery die..How I going to power on it???
All you have to do is plug in the phone to an AC charger, and the phone should come on.
Sometimes, however, it will show the boot logo, then go to a screen showing you your battery percentage, and not actually boot. No problem. Just pull the battery and unplug. Replace the battery, and while holding the "x" button on your keyboard, plug the phone back in .
If not working..
plug you nexus to USB cable..then restart your pc/laptop without unplugged your nexus..it will power on automatically...
Or if not working...refer to this thread.
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XDA community...

Niceeee, will keep it handy...never know what could happen

al_madd said:
Yes..I have nexus s with broken power button....Is it my nexus now useless??I now just throw away my nexus??
1.How I gonna root my nexus with broken power button???
Go to this thread..
(ROOT) Any version of android (kernel exploit)
Download the script..Run it..
Go to market..install Superuser..
Install ROM Manager- Flash CWM..
Yes..You just Root your nexus with CWM Recovery...Congratulation
2.How I gonna enter Recovery mode??
Just Download Quick Boot
Here you go....Flash!Flash!Flash!
3.Eventhough I can root it..But my power button's have lost...How I gonna make my nexus screen off..
That easy..
just download Screen Off and Lock
Put it on your home..just tap it to power off..
If you want make it more easy..
Just remap you power button to search button..
Download button remapper
Now your search button will have power button function except wake the phone..
4.Great..Now How I want to wake my phone with broken power button??
Easy..with ICS already in our nexus..
Go to Settings-Security-Screen Lock-None
Now you just wake your phone just by pressing power button..
5. Can I take screenshot with broken power button but without paid screenshot apps??
Yes.. If you already remap your search(or which button do you like) as power button..Me remap search button as power button..
Just volume down+ search button...
6. How to flash using recovery..
Move up and down using volume button..select using search button..
or if you want more easy...flash Touch Clockwork Mod Recovery
7.If my nexus have to pull battery or battery die..How I going to power on it???
All you have to do is plug in the phone to an AC charger, and the phone should come on.
Sometimes, however, it will show the boot logo, then go to a screen showing you your battery percentage, and not actually boot. No problem. Just pull the battery and unplug. Replace the battery, and while holding the "x" button on your keyboard, plug the phone back in .
If not working..
plug you nexus to USB cable..then restart your pc/laptop without unplugged your nexus..it will power on automatically...
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awesome post!

wow... cool stuff... thanks! but when it comes to this, i rather get galaxy nexus... lol... hope it wont happen anytime soon though...
Sent via Divinus Nexus S...

caleb1783 said:
wow... cool stuff... thanks! but when it comes to this, i rather get galaxy nexus... lol... hope it wont happen anytime soon though...
Sent via Divinus Nexus S...
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Yes..even right now you have gnex and then your nexus s power button broken..
You can still use you nexus s..which is right now warranty of your nexus s already expired and if you want to sell. Who want to buy phone with single core and broken power button with high price?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

My uncle gave me his broken iPhone 3g
The power button and home button didn't work on that but I already jail broke it before so it was all good
It took forever to find a button remaping app on cydia
I ended up having vol up then vol down as home and the reverse as screen off screen on
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium

Subscribed. Since I may need this later. I still have a bit more than a year for my contract to end
Sent from my Nexus S from Tapatalk

Good post. I'd prefer sending it back to Samsung.
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium

HAKA said:
Good post. I'd prefer sending it back to Samsung.
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
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my nexus is I9020T bought in Perth...I studying in Indonesia..samsung center do not have spare part for I9020T because official Nexus S in Southern Asia is I9023...
And I already try googling about the prices..will cost around 80-100USD to fix it..
They only solution is if you still have warranty..

I need some help with remapping power button to search button.
The button remapper app don't show my search button. How do i do it?

Romonster said:
I need some help with remapping power button to search button.
The button remapper app don't show my search button. How do i do it?
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Ok..thats weird..what version did use install??

al_madd said:
Ok..thats weird..what version did use install??
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The normal version. tried the sgs version too but it force closes.

what ROM do you use???

al_madd said:
what ROM do you use???
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Cybergr v6 (not the latest) with matr1x kernel.

Romonster said:
Cybergr v6 (not the latest) with matr1x kernel.
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seriously I dont know...
But you can try flash another ROM if it will fix this..

al_madd said:
seriously I dont know...
But you can try flash another ROM if it will fix this..
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Don't worry i just wanted to play around, my power button works fine as of now.

Does anybody have a picture of what the solder points look like on a defective power button?

al_madd said:
4.Great..Now How I want to wake my phone with broken power button??
Easy..with ICS already in our nexus..
Go to Settings-Security-Screen Lock-None
Now you just wake your phone just by pressing power button..
7.If my nexus have to pull battery or battery die..How I going to power on it???
All you have to do is plug in the phone to an AC charger, and the phone should come on.
Sometimes, however, it will show the boot logo, then go to a screen showing you your battery percentage, and not actually boot. No problem. Just pull the battery and unplug. Replace the battery, and while holding the "x" button on your keyboard, plug the phone back in .
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Wat and double wat? Hold X on my keyboard? D: And press the power button to wake it when the power button is dead??

polobunny said:
Wat and double wat? Hold X on my keyboard? D: And press the power button to wake it when the power button is dead??
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Huh??what what??
yes..press x button on your computer keyboard...

al_madd said:
Huh??what what??
yes..press x button on your computer keyboard...
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But just before you mention to connect the phone to the AC charger. Don't you mean your computer then?


Stuck after task 29

hi all,
I was running a miui rom when I messed up with a sd card partition. Magldr was acting funny afterwards so i decided to task 29. After the process completed the phone would always get stuck on the stick together screen. I have tried soft and hard reset but it didn't work.
Here some info on my phone:
Tmous HD2
Rom: myMIUI 14 B3
HSPL: 2.08
I searched for a solution and this was close: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=10644926&postcount=4
But my power button is working fine and so are the volume buttons. I just can't get into the bootloader screen.
Any help is much appreciated.
Tas29 removed magldr. You need to reinstall it. Power off your phone, hold the volume down button and boot up. then reinstall magldr.
Marvlesz said:
Tas29 removed magldr. You need to reinstall it. Power off your phone, hold the volume down button and boot up. then reinstall magldr.
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I am trying to get to the bootloader screen by that method but it doesn't work.
RoboDroid13 said:
I am trying to get to the bootloader screen by that method but it doesn't work.
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Remove battery.
Wait 10 seconds
Replace battery
while holding volume down button
Press and hold power button
IF above doesnt work (i dont see why not) then you have some other error. My first guess would be volume rocker not working
You don't need to hold power button, it's only the volume down button that triggers the bootloader.
hengsheng120 said:
You don't need to hold power button, it's only the volume down button that triggers the bootloader.
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I mentioned it as a fail safe
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
elesbb said:
Remove battery.
Wait 10 seconds
Replace battery
while holding volume down button
Press and hold power button
IF above doesnt work (i dont see why not) then you have some other error. My first guess would be volume rocker not working
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hengsheng120 said:
You don't need to hold power button, it's only the volume down button that triggers the bootloader.
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Thanks for the tips, I think my volume down button doesn't work. Before task 29 it would sometimes not work in magldr but it would work fine in recovery.
Should I get it repaired or get a new phone?
RoboDroid13 said:
Thanks for the tips, I think my volume down button doesn't work. Before task 29 it would sometimes not work in magldr but it would work fine in recovery.
Should I get it repaired or get a new phone?
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Depends, is it under warranty
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
elesbb said:
Depends, is it under warranty
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
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No it's not.
RoboDroid13 said:
No it's not.
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Then I would say do it yourself. When you press the volume down button, can you hear it clicking?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
elesbb said:
Then I would say do it yourself. When you press the volume down button, can you hear it clicking?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
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Yes it clicks.
Also another observation: when I put the phone to charge, the orange light turns on as usual but I can't turn on the phone. When I unplug it the orange light stays on. It only goes away if i pull the battery.
RoboDroid13 said:
Yes it clicks.
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Sounds like a ribbon problem then.. i guess you have to tear it open and perform surgery
elesbb said:
Sounds like a ribbon problem then.. i guess you have to tear it open and perform surgery
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I hoped it wouldn't come to surgery but I guess there is no other choice.
Thank you for your help and anyone else who helped
RoboDroid13 said:
I hoped it wouldn't come to surgery but I guess there is no other choice.
Thank you for your help and anyone else who helped
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Not a problem!! I would offer my technical skills, but i dont want any liability issues xP
EDIT: i trust myself as i had my HD2 apart many times just to have fun
elesbb said:
Not a problem!! I would offer my technical skills, but i dont want any liability issues xP
EDIT: i trust myself as i had my HD2 apart many times just to have fun
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I wouldn't mind sending my hd2 to you as I have a backup phone, are you in the states?


on black screen with white google and unlocked padlock,modaco rom got aborted and now ive got nothing,any ideas of a way round this,thanks
should say i can get into recovery but there is nothing in there to recover:silly:i have just downloaded the "nakasi" file but dont know how to go about getting it on my nexus 7 so i can flash it,any ideas
there must be one clever person on here :cryingn a side note has anybody tried WSGunbricker??
Hold down the power button until it shuts off. Then plug it into your computer.
Then turn it on and right away press the power button and both volume buttons at the same time.
Then use the volume buttons to navigate to recovery and then you should be able to try flashing the rom again.
veeman said:
Hold down the power button until it shuts off. Then plug it into your computer.
Then turn it on and right away press the power button and both volume buttons at the same time.
Then use the volume buttons to navigate to recovery and then you should be able to try flashing the rom again.
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i can do that but the ROM keeps aborting,my laptop aint recognising my n7 so i cant put another rom on to try it,im all clued out here,this is where an sd card is god lol
whoooooooooooo hooooooooooooooo back to stock,dont ask what i done as it was check and uncheck different things in the toolkit and things started to happennow im back lol,think i will leave out putting a rom on and just root so i can use the OTG cable,thanks for help on this,thought i was lost there,im now going to have a celebratory beer
Just to tell you that whatever you do, you wont break your device
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
jamesst20 said:
Just to tell you that whatever you do, you wont break your device
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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lol,i should know better after rooting nexus and galaxy s2,s3 is next

Concerns about flashing ROMs - what happens if bootloop?

Sorry stupid question but the only thing I am concerned about ist the unremoveable battery.. what happens if you get an bootloop after flashing a ROM? Is there something like a reset button? do I have to use a screwdriver? Do I have to wait till battery drains completely?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
If it bootloops you wipe and reflash!
Try holding the power button on your Nexus 7. I hope that answer your question.
Sent from my R800x
Sorry i meant hanging on boot I had this the other day with my Nexus S.. The only solution was to remove the battery..
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
The One X has a function where holding the power button for 10 seconds or so performs a reboot. I'd imagine a similar system will be in place here
Alzoids said:
If it bootloops you wipe and reflash!
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He asks how can he get back to the recovery.
I think long press on the power, anyway, you can use adb
Hold the power button to reboot, once the screen goes off, hold the volume keys and it will boot recovery/bootloader.
You can still input ADB commands during a bootloop, just type "adb reboot recovery" and you should be fine.
Hold down power button for 10 seconds, google thinks about the hacking community when it makes irremovable batteries.
Then 3 button combo into bootloader then choose recovery.
*if its anything like Nexus 7's bootloader*
Thanks a lot too all of us.. sometimes a solution can be so easy Tried that thing with holding before but I think I held the button not long enough..

Boot Failed, No Command, No ABD

My wife turned on her N7 this morning and it wouldn't boot. Instead there is the droid guy with red triangle saying no command.
Can't use WUG since ADB returns no devices. Tried several computers but none see the device. Unplugged the battery but still the same issue.
Appreciate your help
pmgreen said:
My wife turned on her N7 this morning and it wouldn't boot. Instead there is the droid guy with red triangle saying no command.
Can't use WUG since ADB returns no devices. Tried several computers but none see the device. Unplugged the battery but still the same issue.
Appreciate your help
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Turn off the device(Hold the power button for about 10sec) if it's on. Now hold all three hardware buttons(Power, volume UO & Down) togather till the google logo shows up, and this will tur your device on into fastboot mode. Now you should be able to to find your devece from your PC(if driver installed). If you ment "Wug's Nexus Root Toolkit" by "WUG" than you probably want to use Flash stock + Unroot (Can't boot up).
Please press the thanks button if you find this helpful.
ashik992 said:
Turn off the device(Hold the power button for about 10sec) if it's on. Now hold all three hardware buttons(Power, volume UO & Down) togather till the google logo shows up, and this will tur your device on into fastboot mode. Now you should be able to to find your devece from your PC(if driver installed). If you ment "Wug's Nexus Root Toolkit" by "WUG" than you probably want to use Flash stock + Unroot (Can't boot up).
Please press the thanks button if you find this helpful.
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Thanks I tried this. When I try to turn it off it immediately reboots. Tried holding the 3 buttons when this occurs, but the result is still the dead droid with no command under it. The screen where you can select reboot recovery, bootloader never comes up. Confirmed fastboot isn't working.
Any other ideas?
pmgreen said:
Thanks I tried this. When I try to turn it off it immediately reboots. Tried holding the 3 buttons when this occurs, but the result is still the dead droid with no command under it. The screen where you can select reboot recovery, bootloader never comes up. Confirmed fastboot isn't working.
Any other ideas?
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It's not 3 buttons, only power and down volume.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
korockinout13 said:
It's not 3 buttons, only power and down volume.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
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Sorry my bad. But three button also works for me. I just tested.
I tried power and up and power and down. Still get the same result
pmgreen said:
I tried power and up and power and down. Still get the same result
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Try not holding power, only press the volume key when the Google logo shows up.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
korockinout13 said:
Try not holding power, only press the volume key when the Google logo shows up.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
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Got the angry droid doing this. One I turned the power on, held the volume key up and once again with the volume key down. What am I doing something wrong?
pmgreen said:
Got the angry droid doing this. One I turned the power on, held the volume key up and once again with the volume key down. What am I doing something wrong?
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Even if you just tap the volume button on the Google screen? It should have the same result normally, but something is funky.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
korockinout13 said:
Even if you just tap the volume button on the Google screen? It should have the same result normally, but something is funky.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
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Something is really funky. I did the same exercise with another N7 and got into bootloader with no issues
Think it's worth letting the battery die and start over? Grasping at straws
pmgreen said:
Something is really funky. I did the same exercise with another N7 and got into bootloader with no issues
Think it's worth letting the battery die and start over? Grasping at straws
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Perhaps, just be aware that running the battery all the way down can also cause booting issues.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium

swipe or double tap to unlock

My power button is starting to fail. What ROM do you recommend that has swipe or double tap to unlock? Also, how is the battery consumption on those?
Any suggestion too in powering the phone without holding the power button? Like say holding the volume button before plugging in the charger would make it boot. Is there anything like that?
I am currently unrooted and using stock (just got updated too). Any thoughts is appreciated.
blue_algae said:
My power button is starting to fail. What ROM do you recommend that has swipe or double tap to unlock? Also, how is the battery consumption on those?
Any suggestion too in powering the phone without holding the power button? Like say holding the volume button before plugging in the charger would make it boot. Is there anything like that?
I am currently unrooted and using stock (just got updated too). Any thoughts is appreciated.
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Mahdi ROM is good, and boot level hardware remapping is almost impossible and would require reconfiguring the wires. Sorry bro
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Thanks! Does it have built in swipe to unlock?
Q&A bro.
Sent from my 1961 XP-755
TheKnux said:
Q&A bro.
Sent from my 1961 XP-755
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Oh right.. Mods, please could you move to proper section? Sorry about it. Thank you.
blue_algae said:
My power button is starting to fail. What ROM do you recommend that has swipe or double tap to unlock? Also, how is the battery consumption on those?
Any suggestion too in powering the phone without holding the power button? Like say holding the volume button before plugging in the charger would make it boot. Is there anything like that?
I am currently unrooted and using stock (just got updated too). Any thoughts is appreciated.
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This does not belong in the Development Section, please read the Forum Rules on posting. Thank you and moved here....
I use Hellscore, and it has swipe to lock/unlock. Quite simple to use too. And as for the power-on part, that would require rewiring the phone itself. IMHO it would be cheaper to get the faulty power button itself replaced.
kittuboy said:
I use Hellscore, and it has swipe to lock/unlock. Quite simple to use too. And as for the power-on part, that would require rewiring the phone itself. IMHO it would be cheaper to get the faulty power button itself replaced.
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Yea, I would like to have it replaced too but I'm on a long term volunteering work outside my country and I can't leave for the next 9 months, hence the question. I don't trust the courier too so yea.. Anyhow, I remember back in my myTouch 4G days after installing custom recovery it would power on whenever I plug it. It turns out as a bug on the new recovery which was quickly patch on the next version. I never thought I would want a bug on my phone this bad. Haha
Anyway, thanks for all the suggestions!
Just fix the button bro.
if you're here on XDA you probably love your N4, you should fix it, shouldn't be a very expensive fix.
