[Q] USB charging issue - Blade General

When i charge my phone from a wall charger it charges perfectly all the way up to 100%. However if i charge it using my pc from its usb port using a usb cable it usually charges upto only 14% and then gets stuck at it, charging is also very slow compared to charging with the wall charger and i do also sometimes get random reboots when charging it with my pc using usb. So how do i fix this issue as i do not currently own a wall charger of my own and have to borrow it from my cousin

Problem solved
so i figured out what the problem was and now it's charging all the way upto a 100%.
instead of plugging the usb cable using a usb extension or on my casing's USB port i plugged it directly into the USB 2.0 port at the back of my mother board and it started charging normally again . no random reboots etc. So please close the thread


problem with charging

i've got a strange problem...
sometimes i try to charge my x1 via usb cable (outlet). and sometimes via usb cable (notebook, desktop pc etc...)
sometimes first alternative does not charge my x1 and sometimes the second!?
thats really strange and i dont understand why?!
im confused... last night i charge it via outlet and nothing happens...
I have had the same trouble. Seems to be something with the USB cable. I have one cable with a blue led in and that cable does not charge the phone. The light on the phone stays on and the batti monitor says charging, but it's draining the battery. A second cable is even more strange, it starts charging for 1-2 minutes, then the phone stops charging and says I have a missing sim.... reboot the phone and it works great again. Bot this cable have been tested with the original SE USB charger and my iPhone USB charger. Same thing with both adapters.
What's even more strange is that both USB cables work great with my Qtek 9100 and my 2,5" USB drives.
When I connected the original USB cable to one of the adapters and the phone it's charging normaly. I realy don't know why this is so...

USB Port issue

Hi all! I have nexus 7 and since yesterday in only charges from the usb port. When i connect it to the PC nothing happens and if i connect it to wall charger it says charging from USB(not as AC charger). What can i do? I tried also in bootloader mode but nothing's changed...It's unlocked so i don't know how to send it RMA.Another issue: when i unplug it from wall charger it's stucked on "Charging"

[Verizon] Phone now only charges when plugged into a Samsung wall charger

Well this is odd, happened overnight too suddenly.
The phone now only takes a change when it's plugged into a Samsung wall charger. I have no idea what could have happened, I woke up like I normally do, phone happened to be off. Plugged it into my normal cable which is in a hardwired USB wall outlet. Wouldn't start charging, the lightning bolt didn't go away. Tried different cables, nothing. Tried different USB wall outlets, nothing. Finally dug out a white Samsung white USB wall charger, plugged it into the same wall outlet the USB charger is built into, used the same cable that was plugged into the wall, and it started fast charging. I have never even seen fast charging before this. Tried different cables with the wall charger, they all work.
Things that no longer work also include plugging the cables into my USB ports on my laptop. The same white usb cable that worked with the Samsung wall charger wont charge on the laptop. Actually, now that I am trying it the laptop / phone doesnt even detect a data connection anymore. The lightning bolt on the phone shows that its plugged into some kind of source but I am watching the battery drain.
So what the heck could be going on? Samsung charger works perfectly and the phone charges back up but anything other than the Samsung charger does nothing

Phone won't charge could it be the charging port?

In the last few days I had trouble charging my phone when plugging in the cable it won't charge at all even taking out the cable and putting it back in it won't help.
I then have to move the cable back and forth while its still plugged in the phone until I hit it at a angle then it will charge I even tried with a another cable and get the same results.
I have to move the cable in order for it to charge, does it mean the charging port is giving in is there any way to fix it?
Try a new charging cable. This is the only phone I've had that seems to quit working with certain charging cables as they age.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

micro usb port

*mine s4 samsung do strange things i connected charger and after 10sec just charged connected no time when i connected to phone but after 10sec connected shows charged. and when i plug out i see battery still charging after 10sec stopped but not stopped when i unplug charger. usb port damage can burn usb micro port? or explode motherboard?*

