wish me luck this weekend. - Epic 4G General

Got to bring the wife's epic into Sprint for a hardware issue. It appears the phone speaker isn't working. Thought it was Cm7 issue but flashed back to stock EL30 (btw thanks to who ever got that for us) with modem still no sound at all. Copied all her data off onto the computer formated the card then copied some stuff back like her pictures and music. Hopefully they won't give me a hard time I am paying for the extended. I am kind of hoping they will offer a upgrade to the touch.
Any suggestions would be grateful.

Good luck!
Gotta figure out the angle to take. Whether to pull a complete phone "What's root? Is that some kind of new Pokemon?" angle. Or the "Yeah I am alright with Android, I just hit a bump. Help me out?"
I usually play stupid. With the added nicety.

You should be fine on the service issue. Good luck on the upgrade attempt.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium

Eh its hardware...besides their policy states they will flash it back to ensure its hardware...google it print it and take that with you.
Have to take mine in to fix the top screen..dropped it and its wiggly now going to take it in on CM9 and hope they like android 4.0
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium

LOL thanks all
yes going to try a for the upgrade but will see. i will play the dumb route all has been erased. i love the el30 stock tar they can't say crap lol.

Big Goron said:
Eh its hardware...besides their policy states they will flash it back to ensure its hardware...google it print it and take that with you.
Have to take mine in to fix the top screen..dropped it and its wiggly now going to take it in on CM9 and hope they like android 4.0
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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I have the thread saved lol.

tazfanatic said:
I have the thread saved lol.
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I doubt they'll upgrade you - my speaker broke and I had a tiny crack on the slider point and they made me pay for a referb even though I was 3 weeks away from an upgrade... so needless to say I didn't upgrade lol
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium

They might depending if the phone is on back order and if they don't have refurbs....just a big "if"
Sent From My SPH-D700 Running Android 4.0

If it is the loudspeaker they have the ability to replace it in store if they have the part. Should only take around an hour maybe more if they are super busy.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk

Eins7ein said:
If it is the loudspeaker they have the ability to replace it in store if they have the part. Should only take around an hour maybe more if they are super busy.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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Nice thanks for the heads up.

Haven't used the insurance tep on this phone since I got it.(about 16months). I feel like I've wasted abunch a $$$. My phone has normal wear and tear. I want a new phone or else stop paying ins. I found a used epic in good shape for $125..
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

They had to order me a replacement when I went to get my call speaker fixed because they didn't have any spare parts, so be prepared to wait a day or so also man!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium

im getting screen flicker when my battery is low on a 6 month old refurb.
think i might have to go in this weekend too.

ac16313 said:
They had to order me a replacement when I went to get my call speaker fixed because they didn't have any spare parts, so be prepared to wait a day or so also man!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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Ok thanks. I guess it is a crap shoot as to what will happen.

austin420 said:
im getting screen flicker when my battery is low on a 6 month old refurb.
think i might have to go in this weekend too.
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bummer good luck

Our headset speaker broke. I bought another one on eBay, split the display, replaced the speaker and it still didn't work. Took it to sprint, paid $35 and they swapped the entire display /top slider. They said they don't split the display as the policy is to swap put the entire piece. Problems solved go us

Oh yeah, I also had no insurance and was well over a year onto ownership of the phone.

austin420 said:
im getting screen flicker when my battery is low on a 6 month old refurb.
think i might have to go in this weekend too.
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isn't the screen flicker related to the kernel?

gastricpenguin said:
isn't the screen flicker related to the kernel?
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is it? i didnt read it in the known bug list. cm9 with cm9 kernel.
im going to flash back to el30 for a day to see if the problem persists.

austin420 said:
is it? i didnt read it in the known bug list. cm9 with cm9 kernel.
im going to flash back to el30 for a day to see if the problem persists.
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No that's only for custom kernels and happens when the rgb values in voodoo control are too high and your screen is too bright
Sent From My SPH-D700 Running Android 4.0


Replacement Epic

Hello all, I'm from over at the shift section lol and no I'm not trolling. I was wanting to see if ANYONE has an extra epic, or if anyone has an epic they don't want anymore. I'm trying to find one VERY reasonably priced. The condition doesn't matter as long as it works and the screen is better than decent. Someone please help me out here I'm dying to have that samoled and used my damn upgrade on the shift.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
A sucker is born every minute.
nbunn said:
Hello all, I'm from over at the shift section lol and no I'm not trolling. I was wanting to see if ANYONE has an extra epic, or if anyone has an epic they don't want anymore. I'm trying to find one VERY reasonably priced. The condition doesn't matter as long as it works and the screen is better than decent. Someone please help me out here I'm dying to have that samoled and used my damn upgrade on the shift.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
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Sorry bub, I love my Samsung Epic. I am running it with Gingerbread. You know what the best thing is some dude is working on port HTC Sense to the Samsung Epic. Dude you are screwed. Try posting an ad on craigslist too, if you have not already done this. You might find some sucker who has the Samsung Epic with Enclair. You can probably tell them that your phone is better because it has a better operating system or some crap that that. Good luck they say a sucker is born every minute.
P.S. Maybe this person might possibly sell you his Epic: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1086880
My dumbass friend traded his epic for a shift . The people are out there, just gotta find em.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
Id hate to have to trade but if someone comes up then I might
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
I'm willing to buy one if anyone will come up with one
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
Anyone new?
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
I think you should try BestBuy, they're giving out Epics for FREE w/ new contract/upgrade. Buying an unactivated used one can cost quite a bit still. Might as wel grab yourself a new one.
Overstew said:
I think you should try BestBuy, they're giving out Epics for FREE w/ new contract/upgrade. Buying an unactivated used one can cost quite a bit still. Might as wel grab yourself a new one.
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Didn't he say he used his upgrade on the shift?
The Root said:
Didn't he say he used his upgrade on the shift?
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Yes he did lolz, I hope they gave him a reach around with that deal.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
jamice4u said:
Sorry bub, I love my Samsung Epic. I am running it with Gingerbread. You know what the best thing is some dude is working on port HTC Sense to the Samsung Epic. Dude you are screwed. Try posting an ad on craigslist too, if you have not already done this. You might find some sucker who has the Samsung Epic with Enclair. You can probably tell them that your phone is better because it has a better operating system or some crap that that. Good luck they say a sucker is born every minute.
P.S. Maybe this person might possibly sell you his Epic: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1086880
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I've got one I'm looking to sell actually after upgrading to the Nexus S.
Has a game-grip, extra samsung oem battery + charger, small scuff on the back but otherwise a flawless screen.
PM me.
Here's the FS thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1049341
It does say "firm" in my FS post, but I'm entertaining offers, feel free to PM if you are interested
Snowmanwithahat, I've pmed you. Anyone else?
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
Anyone new?
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
Ive got one that i dropped into pool, phone still fully functiona; just flex cable needs to be replaced. Screen still good
DiMa1720 said:
Ive got one that i dropped into pool, phone still fully functiona; just flex cable needs to be replaced. Screen still good
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What's the flex cable?
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App

Replacing camera hardware

Does anybody know how I would go about opening my phone and replacing the camera? My hardware camera part is broken (as far as I can tell, neither the camera or flash work any more in any rom or app) but I have more than one person offer to help me out (jgross something and my dev friend) and let me take the camera out of their test or spare device. problem is, I have no idea how to open the phone without breaking something, or taking the camera out. and I definitely have no idea how to connect it unless it is like a computer type deal.
plus side is, I have access to lots of different tools between my dad, friends and work, and I repair and take apart computers all the time so I have experience with small connectors like for internal parts of net books and whatever.
tl;dr if you know how to take apart a fascinate and replace a camera, or can link to somewhere that I can learn, you rock
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2
Googled "replace i500 camera" and this popped up first. 20 bucks and includes a pry tool and how to video! Hope this helps.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
That actually sounds like fun. Please take photos and let us know how it goes. I'm just thinking out loud here, but I bet that guy electricbill might be able to help you out if you get stuck.
Good luck.
jawman27 said:
That actually sounds like fun. Please take photos and let us know how it goes. I'm just thinking out loud here, but I bet that guy electricbill might be able to help you out if you get stuck.
Good luck.
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haha yeah I'm sure he will. once I get a replacement camera and some free time I will do this and try to take pictures the whole time.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2
Sage did you ever attempt this repair? I am curious to know how it went.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
mezster said:
Sage did you ever attempt this repair? I am curious to know how it went.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
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I actually wrecked my car (totalled it, not my fault) last Monday morning, my phone apparently hit the dashboard hard enough to kinda fix the camera. It works for long enough to take a couple of pictures then messes up.
Anyways, I received a replacement camera, but am pretty busy dealing with insurance claims and stuff right now, I will make sure to document and post an update if I ever get around to doing it.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2
sageDieu said:
I actually wrecked my car (totalled it, not my fault) last Monday morning, my phone apparently hit the dashboard hard enough to kinda fix the camera. It works for long enough to take a couple of pictures then messes up.
Anyways, I received a replacement camera, but am pretty busy dealing with insurance claims and stuff right now, I will make sure to document and post an update if I ever get around to doing it.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2
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Sorry to hear that. Hope everything goes smoothly for ya, I know dealing with insurance companies can be a real hassle sometimes.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
mezster said:
Sorry to hear that. Hope everything goes smoothly for ya, I know dealing with insurance companies can be a real hassle sometimes.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
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yeah it hasn't been that bad really, it was definitely the other guys fault and his insurance is doing everything, I'm just waiting to hear back from them to see how much money they give me.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2
sageDieu said:
yeah it hasn't been that bad really, it was definitely the other guys fault and his insurance is doing everything, I'm just waiting to hear back from them to see how much money they give me.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2
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you can hardball them. friend of mine got them to pay for a few days missed work, they said no... so he said, my neck has been stiff, maybe from the accident, maybe I'll go to the hospital. They called back with a better offer.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
neh4pres said:
you can hardball them. friend of mine got them to pay for a few days missed work, they said no... so he said, my neck has been stiff, maybe from the accident, maybe I'll go to the hospital. They called back with a better offer.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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oh hell yeah I am. I bought the car for like 3300, did maybe 800 in repairs, they've offered to give me 5200 and I'm still pushing for more. ima profit off this cuz I still have headaches and it was a week ago today! pretty sure I'm fine but I have heard that sometimes people will get pain years later so I will make sure the company covers me.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2
sageDieu said:
I actually wrecked my car (totalled it, not my fault) last Monday morning, my phone apparently hit the dashboard hard enough to kinda fix the camera. It works for long enough to take a couple of pictures then messes up.
Anyways, I received a replacement camera, but am pretty busy dealing with insurance claims and stuff right now, I will make sure to document and post an update if I ever get around to doing it.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2
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Don't you mean the phone hit the dash and now the camera doesn't work and you want the insurance to cover a new phone too ?
electric bill said:
Don't you mean the phone hit the dash and now the camera doesn't work and you want the insurance to cover a new phone too ?
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DAMMIT why did I not think of that lololol
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2

Anyone want a epic w/o a working screen?

Alright well I had these opening on the side of my epic form dropping it so much and one day I had it in the bathroom while the shower was running and I think the steam killed the screen. it slowly "Faded to black" literally it took like two days lol. It's been two weeks and Im finally calling it quits and getting a new one. Im considering sending it out if anyone wants to play with it, if you fix it I may be able to buy it from you at a reasonable price. But my main question is, does anyone want it?
Just wannna make sure you know how assurion works:
1. report a phone as broken
-required to send in device
-100 dollar deductible
2. report devices as lost
-phone blacklisted from all further sprint services, bad esn
-100 dollar deductible
3. report device as stolen
-require police report
-100 dollar deductible
-black listed esn.
I have a screen laying around. I'll totally grab it from you and fix it. PM me if your serious buddy.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA
Fire n mage said:
Alright well I had these opening on the side of my epic form dropping it so much and one day I had it in the bathroom while the shower was running and I think the steam killed the screen. it slowly "Faded to black" literally it took like two days lol. It's been two weeks and Im finally calling it quits and getting a new one via asurion. Im considering sending it out if anyone wants to play with it, if you fix it I may be able to buy it from you at a reasonable price. But my main question is, does anyone want it?
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I have one of these too. But I don't have insurance since the phone isn't worth the deductible. Just bought another. And it was cool watching it fade.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2
b16flybye said:
I have a screen laying around. I'll totally grab it from you and fix it. PM me if your serious buddy.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA
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Eh I think I toasted it now, don't dip your phone in 91% rubbing alcohol? Lol I figured I'd try it since I was getting a new phone anyways. Now theres a blotch of rainbow in the middle lmao. Thanks for the offer though.
I replaced basically my whole phone for 48 bux.
And, new screens can be had for $37.50.
On another note, I would love to take the phone, i'll even pay shipping!
Kitteh298 said:
I replaced basically my whole phone for 48 bux.
And, new screens can be had for $37.50.
On another note, I would love to take the phone, i'll even pay shipping!
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Nice job hahaha, and thanks for the links, I think ill give it up though, but I do warn you, I think it is toasted. The phone does still power up and I know it functions fully, but the screen is black, and there's a blotch of rainbow now (in the light) from a "alcohol bath"
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Fire n mage said:
Nice job hahaha, and thanks for the links, I think ill give it up though, but I do warn you, I think it is toasted. The phone does still power up and I know it functions fully, but the screen is black, and there's a blotch of rainbow now (in the light) from a "alcohol bath"
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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Well I could so use it for the glass mines spider webbed and wouldn't mind taking if you want to help a brother out
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2
rulyskull said:
Well I could so use it for the glass mines spider webbed and wouldn't mind taking if you want to help a brother out
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2
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I could do that, there's not any noticable blemishes on it. If you honestly need it I think that takes priority over just having it. No offense Kitteh .
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
You can't replace just the glass bro... but if you want it, You can has. I have a epic with a shattered screen. I figured the main board out of this one would be good. I would love to have it
Sent from my Samsung Epic using Tapatalk 2
Kitteh298 said:
You can't replace just the glass bro... but if you want it, You can has. I have a epic with a shattered screen. I figured the main board out of this one would be good. I would love to have it
Sent from my Samsung Epic using Tapatalk 2
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Crap that's right I did remember reading that the touch screen and screen its self is almost impossible to get apart, so if kitteh wants he he can't have it I don't mind
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2
Well then, how do you want to do this? I could PayPal you some cash to ship.
Hmm, paypal sounds good, I have to setup my own account I've been meaning to lol I'm only 17 so I haven't needed one ill let you know when I got it all setup
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Sounds good, I just turned 17, 8 days ago.
Sent from my Samsung Epic using Tapatalk 2
Kitteh298 said:
Sounds good, I just turned 17, 8 days ago.
Sent from my Samsung Epic using Tapatalk 2
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Its a present then and pft 17 year old I'm turning 16 next week
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2
Lol thanks. Are you about ready over there?
Sent from my Samsung Epic using Tapatalk 2
Complete Touchscreen and Keyboard Replacements
Alright people, here's the deal. If there's anyone out there with Sprint Samsung Epic 4G/D700s with LCDs which are defective, please PM me as I have the means as well as tools to replace them so you don't have to fork out $100 over to Asurion only to receive a reconditioned device back.
wireless.praying.mantis said:
Alright people, here's the deal. If there's anyone out there with Sprint Samsung Epic 4G/D700s with LCDs which are defective, please PM me as I have the means as well as tools to replace them so you don't have to fork out $100 over to Asurion only to receive a reconditioned device back.
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A little late now XD but ill be sure to remember you in the future sir haha,
Alright Kitteh, I got my paypal set up, now I just gotta get the package ready n she how much shipping is, so just pm me your address and info when you're ready I suppose
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
I sent you a pm :3
Sweet, I can't send till Tuesday but ill make sure I have it ready haha
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium

RIP: EOL For The Epic?

That's too bad. Its not eol in my book will always be a kick ass phone.
Sent From My Sprint Galaxy Nexus via XDA Premium
Haha! That means SGS3 slider for Sprint!!!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
I'm only concerned when we get sent to the legacy device forum.
kennyglass123 said:
Haha! That means SGS3 slider for Sprint!!!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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My thought exactly .... ( hopefully )
Well ill actually get wimax 4g when I go to philly this year, so even if the sgs3 is a slider, I definitely won't switch this year.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
kennyglass123 said:
Haha! That means SGS3 slider for Sprint!!!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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I hope
schnowdapowda said:
I'm only concerned when we get sent to the legacy device forum.
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One of the best phones Sprint has ever had...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
jworkcoo said:
One of the best phones Sprint has ever had...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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It was my first Sprint phone... does this mean it will be all down hill from here?
I hope not... lol
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA
Hmmmm, fry the board and get a so called "upgrade" or just keep my tried and true epic until my next official upgrade. Decisions decisions.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA
........been a good run, yet it's not over til it's over.......oh, there goes the back-lit keyboard light!.......JK
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Was tryna a few things with the parts of the 2phones I had. Then realised something n I got 2 new/refurbd epics for the return of 1 yesterday n 2day...didn't wana do it to them butthey owed me for a claim I didn't need to make with asurion in nov. So sprint were kinda even (not really). But they should last until or pay for my next upgrade
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
hmm was it SRF 1.1 with vision kernel 1.0 that had a nice time bricking epics? i think mine lasted about a week on that kernel because of the ram under volts or something. i just got my epic replaced a week ago though, so i cant get this one replaced for a little bit. but it loves cm9. (it didnt have to get replaced for software reasons, it had some water damage about a year ago that i didnt really worry about, but the microphone was toasted, so i had to yell for anyone to hear me. but it got replaced as just having a bad mic. =) )
edit: was it VisionKernel 1.2 or Twilight Kernel 1.0.2? both were removed i cant remember which one it was though, but it took about 2 weeks and then it was bricked.
saw this in the comments thread... that would be areal bummer, IMO
Nah the Epic replacement is that new LG slider that just leaked. The 4" dual core 1.2 GHz one.
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Jimmy50941 said:
hmm was it SRF 1.1 with vision kernel 1.0 that had a nice time bricking epics? i think mine lasted about a week on that kernel because of the ram under volts or something. i just got my epic replaced a week ago though, so i cant get this one replaced for a little bit. but it loves cm9. (it didnt have to get replaced for software reasons, it had some water damage about a year ago that i didnt really worry about, but the microphone was toasted, so i had to yell for anyone to hear me. but it got replaced as just having a bad mic. =) )
edit: was it VisionKernel 1.2 or Twilight Kernel 1.0.2? both were removed i cant remember which one it was though, but it took about 2 weeks and then it was bricked.
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I think it was 1.2 I was so new then that I stuck with SRF 1.1 and Vision 1.0 and left well enough alone then got comfy with flashing and sorts. SRF was my first ROM.
DCRocks said:
saw this in the comments thread... that would be areal bummer, IMO
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That would SUCK! Would mean I would have to get one of these for the wife. Then I am going to stick with Sammy but might go with GNex if I don't like the specs of the "GS3"
styles420 said:
It was my first Sprint phone... does this mean it will be all down hill from here?
I hope not... lol
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA
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Same here this is my first Sprint phone.
EDIT: The funny thing is they are still asking 99 bucks for on contract for this phone. At least at the store I was in last weekend.
Does this mean supply of og epic will be dwindling? What about warranty replacement? Will they go with epictouch?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
Jimmy50941 said:
hmm was it SRF 1.1 with vision kernel 1.0 that had a nice time bricking epics? i think mine lasted about a week on that kernel because of the ram under volts or something. i just got my epic replaced a week ago though, so i cant get this one replaced for a little bit. but it loves cm9. (it didnt have to get replaced for software reasons, it had some water damage about a year ago that i didnt really worry about, but the microphone was toasted, so i had to yell for anyone to hear me. but it got replaced as just having a bad mic. =) )
edit: was it VisionKernel 1.2 or Twilight Kernel 1.0.2? both were removed i cant remember which one it was though, but it took about 2 weeks and then it was bricked.
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I don't want to start a whole arguement as it already had long time ago. But I never had problems with my Epic and he did warn everyone just like your supposed to say in the OP before flashing anything.
My Epic had no issues with any of his kernels not to mention it was the best for my phone. I mean I could Undervolt that sucker big time. For ex. 100 MHz was Uv'ed down to 450mV and still worked running that low.
Vision 1.2 ran on my phone for more than 2 weeks and still had no problems.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Nearly 2 years before going EOL, not bad at all....
Even if you have to have a DHRP ordered for you by a Sprint S&R store or one of their ASCs, it'll be quite awhile before Sprint runs out of refurbished Samsung Epic 4Gs as replacements. Part of the reason they have an abundant supply of refurbished handsets people is because Sprint is proactive in their corporate retail stores to have their L/RCs buy back customers D700s for credit during a handset upgrade. They've been doing the same thing with the HTC EVO 4G, EVO 3D as well as the EVO Shift 4G, all frequent handsets showing up for repair in the S&R and ASCs.
Sent via my Samsung Epic 4G via Clear's WiMAX network in the ATL.
I loved both of those kernels, they were fast as hell. And I wasn't really worried when my phone bricked, as I had insurance lol. I also had backups, so I didn't lose much. I was actually jokingly making a suggestion for getting phones replaced through TEP using the kernel that bricked phones. I don't remember which one it was for sure though, but there was a massive thread about it back in the day, and the cause of the bricks was too much RAM under voltage for some of our phones. But I still went back to that kernel when I got my new phone, just not that version of it lol
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA

On my third shift and I'm done

So I'm on my third shift in two months and I've had it with this phone. First two had touch screen issues and now the third one when I slide out the keyboard the hinges are like grinding. Last time I spoke with a Sprint rep he told me there was only a certain amount of replacement phones allowed and then they would upgrade me. Will this force me to use my upgrade early? I don't really want to use my upgrade early unless I can upgrade again in 6 months when my original contract is up. I would rather wait for the new motorola slider to come out before using my upgrade. And I don't want to have to pay like $200 yet for a new phone/contract. So what are all of my options, or do you think they'll offer a slight upgrade for free like a evo 3d or something?
Well I left sprint yesterday and was shocked that the only htc device they have is the EVO 4G lte. The evo3d and evo design have both been discontinued and pulled from the shelves... Insurance is your only option for a shift and they are on back order... Not exactly a great situation for a shift owner...
Sent from my PG06100 using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2
That's peculiar.. I remember a thread just like this a few months ago..
Again maybe I remind people you can buy a used shift if you want to..
drob I thought you switched to the Evo LTE? You decided to leave Sprint?
Vicodan there's one thread called on my second shift lmao. Yeah Sprint knows I'm fed up with all these shifts being on back order and not having a working phone for weeks at a time and then sending me crappy refurbs that only last a week or so. That's why they told me they would upgrade me after two or three replacements even with insurance. I'm almost with drob on leaving Sprint
Sent from my PG06100 using xda premium
Hey I'm about 7 or 8 shifts in. Just call HTC directly and find the right person.
Haha probably too late for that now.
Hey I'm about 7 or 8 shifts in.
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You don't find that odd??? I haven't even reported the issue with this phone yet but more then likely I'll be taking it in today or tomorrow for them to look at.
Sent from my PG06100 using xda premium
drob311 said:
Well I left sprint yesterday and was shocked that the only htc device they have is the EVO 4G lte. The evo3d and evo design have both been discontinued and pulled from the shelves... Insurance is your only option for a shift and they are on back order... Not exactly a great situation for a shift owner...
Sent from my PG06100 using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2
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Yeah I was shocked as well that the 3d and design are already e.o.l. waiting weeks at a time is no fun :thumbdown:
Sent from my PG06100 using xda premium
sparksco said:
You don't find that odd??? I haven't even reported the issue with this phone yet but more then likely I'll be taking it in today or tomorrow for them to look at.
Sent from my PG06100 using xda premium
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If you do take it in, and they start giving you ISH. Do what I do, while your still standing there call Sprint. Let them know the situation, and that the CS Rep in the store isn't helping you resolve the issue. What I've found out the GD hard way, is that the people in the store are not even remotely trying to help you. They're usually on direct orders from the Store Manager to basically put you off. Or try and get you to go through insurance. The stores bottom line is their main concern, not you. I've actually had a store Rep tell me there was nothing he could do to help me. Then I tell him I have Sprint on the phone, and they'd like to speak with them. Then all of a sudden the story changes.
I'm still on my first Shifty, but it is finally beginning to have problems. The touch screen is acting very weird. It acts as if my finger is constantly touching the top portion of the screen.
It will open whatever app is up there, if any, and click through every button within the app on that part of the screen. All while I am not even touching the screen. If I try to back out of the screen or hit home it will just do it again over and over, like I'm hitting the same area over and over.
If I smack the phone off the palm of my hand it stops...lol
What carrier and what device are you thinking of changing to Sparksco?
Sent from my EVO Shift running newSENSE
BigSplit said:
I'm still on my first Shifty, but it is finally beginning to have problems. The touch screen is acting very weird. It acts as if my finger is constantly touching the top portion of the screen.
It will open whatever app is up there, if any, and click through every button within the app on that part of the screen. All while I am not even touching the screen. If I try to back out of the screen or hit home it will just do it again over and over, like I'm hitting the same area over and over.
If I smack the phone off the palm of my hand it stops...lol
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Yeah my last shift did that. Just add insurance to your account now if you don't have it before it gets worse.
Sent from my PG06100 using xda premium
sparksco said:
Yeah my last shift did that. Just add insurance to your account now if you don't have it before it gets worse.
Sent from my PG06100 using xda premium
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I have insurance, I'm going to call them tommorow and see what they say
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA
sparksco said:
You don't find that odd??? I haven't even reported the issue with this phone yet but more then likely I'll be taking it in today or tomorrow for them to look at.
Sent from my PG06100 using xda premium
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No not at all. I'm totally used to HTC QC on refurbs being awesome.
No not at all. I'm totally used to HTC QC on refurbs being awesome.
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I need to tell Sprint to quit sending me all your old phones then
Sent from my PG06100 using xda premium
VICODAN, do you just keep breaking them or what?
Why so many phones?
sparksco said:
I need to tell Sprint to quit sending me all your old phones then
Sent from my PG06100 using xda premium
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My current refurb isn't perfect either.
It needs viagra. The slider can't keep it up.
I am switching to metropcs soon because it sadly has both better reception in my area and the bill is lower. Probably switching to a lg connect and try my hand at learning how to make roms etc.
gigermunit said:
I am switching to metropcs soon because it sadly has both better reception in my area and the bill is lower. Probably switching to a lg connect and try my hand at learning how to make roms etc.
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If you can start with kernels. They're a little easier in terms of not having to deal with c++
Plus I think your efforts show more when you have your own custom kernels in the roms.
sparksco said:
If you can start with kernels. They're a little easier in terms of not having to deal with c++
Plus I think your efforts show more when you have your own custom kernels in the roms.
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Sounds fun.
sparksco said:
If you can start with kernels. They're a little easier in terms of not having to deal with c++
Plus I think your efforts show more when you have your own custom kernels in the roms.
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If only I passed my c++ class. Too busy getting high lol
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

