[Q] Problem with LED light (iconia a501) - Acer Iconia A500

I just bought a501 about 3 weeks ago. It's my first ever android based gadget. As a new user, i really like to download and try so many free apps (some of them i don't need).
Two days ago i found out that the LED light randomly blinking. After that, i uninstall apps that use LED light. I tought the problem is from the apps. But until now, i still have the problem.
Does anyone know how to resolve it? Thanks
ps.: i don't root

tenology said:
I just bought a501 about 3 weeks ago. It's my first ever android based gadget. As a new user, i really like to download and try so many free apps (some of them i don't need).
Two days ago i found out that the LED light randomly blinking. After that, i uninstall apps that use LED light. I tought the problem is from the apps. But until now, i still have the problem.
Does anyone know how to resolve it? Thanks
ps.: i don't root
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WHAT???? NO ROOT????
Ok, as far as I know, there are only 2 lights on the 501. The flash on the back, and the PWR button. So the question, which one is it?
If it's the PWR button, it has 2 colors. Orange and white.Usually if it's orange, it means the tab is charging. White means the display is on for a brief time, or it's fully charged. What color is it flashing?
If it wasn't doing it before, it's quite possible some notification app caused it. Maybe some Wifi or GPS app, or sms app. Not really sure, as I haven't noticed it. Also, if the light occassionally comes on, I usually pay it no attention.

What i mean with LED light is the flashlight for camer, not the light on power button.
Since i wrote in this forum, dunno how, the problem is gone...
But i'm still curious, what made the light flashing randomly. Even after i uninstalled apps which use LED light...

tenology said:
What i mean with LED light is the flashlight for camer, not the light on power button.
Since i wrote in this forum, dunno how, the problem is gone...
But i'm still curious, what made the light flashing randomly. Even after i uninstalled apps which use LED light...
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Probably some leftover code from some apps. Maybe cached. Really hard to tell. But the problem is over now, so no worries.
Personally, I try and avoid things that interface with the hardware. USB apps, SD card enhancers, and especially kernels (unless you know what you're doing). Typically these things leave residual lib files and scripts behind, which can interfere with other installed apps, and can cause unexpected results, usually none of which are good .
Example; you install a kernel, which uses some specific scripts run from init.d (same goes for some custom roms) folder. And the kernel doesn't live up to your expectations. So you flash a different kernel. Well the new one, doesn't use those specific scripts, but yet, they are still being called upon and still in the folder, and never deleted. Then things act funky.
At the first sign of bad behavior, uninstall the most recently installed app. Then work backwards. Or if you are rooted, and have CWM or RA Recovery installed, make a system or nand back-up of a good working system. Then when things go south, as they sometimes will, you can restore that image.


Flashlight Command?

Is there a way to program a softkey to turn on the flash to use as a flashlight? this would be cool.
There is software that will do it but over time you will damage the flash by doing this.
Where can we find this program?
5 seconds in a google search for "pocketpc flashlight" returned several hits. Why don't you try it.
Although there are a lot of hits for using the *screen* as a flashlight, there are few for using the LED flash on the back of the phone.
Of the few I've found (like VJCandela), none have worked for the LED flash on the Wizard.
famewolf said:
5 seconds in a google search for "pocketpc flashlight" returned several hits. Why don't you try it.
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Don't be so mean famewolf.
famewolf said:
There is software that will do it but over time you will damage the flash by doing this.
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In all honesty should the "flash" be even called flash? The camera sucks as is and the so called "flash" doesnt do crap except help me light things up.
Yea i want a program to turn on the LED flash when im not using the camera.
Also what do you guys mean by flash in the first few posts??? The screen or actual LED.
I think famewolf's post refers to apps that illuminate the screen and usually display a white image, as a simulacrum of a flashlight. These are ok, but could do with being superlit with an app like VJLumos II (which does NOT work on the Wizard AFAIK, untested).
However, the "flash" LED, which is unlikely to cause skin cancer or sunspots, is probably what the original poster wanted to control.
This can be controlled through software.
At least on the Universal, it's brighter and more focused then just using the screen, but is known to burn out after prolonged (hours) of use.
Hence it's probably more appropriate to describe its use as being in flashes, as opposed to a reference to its meagre candescence.
Ok. So does VJCandela work with an 8125?? Also, can someone tell me a free app that will use the screen as a flashlight. I see a bunch of apps but none of them are free. Has anyone tested VJLumos II on there Wizard/8125??
I atually meant to ask this. Several times, I've noticed the flash LED lit up without me doing anything. I first noticed it about 5 days ago. Yesterday, upgraded to 2.26 ROM and still the LED turns on at seemingly random intervals.
Anyone had this problem?
hiazle said:
I atually meant to ask this. Several times, I've noticed the flash LED lit up without me doing anything. I first noticed it about 5 days ago. Yesterday, upgraded to 2.26 ROM and still the LED turns on at seemingly random intervals.
Anyone had this problem?
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i upgraded to 2.26 rom 2 days ago and havent had this issue yet....
No issues with that either.
So yes i would like to be able to control the LED not really the screen. I'd be ok if the LED busted but not my screen.
VJCandela doens't work on the Wizard. I've never had one in my hands so haven't been able to test the hardware and support it
freeyayo50 said:
Ok. So does VJCandela work with an 8125?? Also, can someone tell me a free app that will use the screen as a flashlight. I see a bunch of apps but none of them are free. Has anyone tested VJLumos II on there Wizard/8125??
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Wizard tested! Not working, at least I could not manage...
Dats sux . Has anyone tried VJLumos II on a 8125 as well??
Same applies, VJLumos I/II was never written for or tested on the Wizard. The idea could and should work, but I'd need to have a wizard to test it and refine it on first
VJLumos I might work, but that's not recommended.
Ok, thanx Jay. They need to have those apps support more phones
shogunmark said:
hiazle said:
I atually meant to ask this. Several times, I've noticed the flash LED lit up without me doing anything. I first noticed it about 5 days ago. Yesterday, upgraded to 2.26 ROM and still the LED turns on at seemingly random intervals.
Anyone had this problem?
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i upgraded to 2.26 rom 2 days ago and havent had this issue yet....
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Actually the problem started before I upgraded to 2.26, but I upgraded thinking that flashing my ROM would fix the problem. It might be hardware related (it's bee dropped a few times). But I guess I got the flashlight feature for free.... just have to wait for the LED to burn out.

I think my Dream is toasted... OR My experience with the "blue light"

Recently my phone started acting a little unusual. For instance, composed email weren't being sent out while syncing and a wipe and reflash seemed to fix it at first. This problem continued to get worse and at the same time, I started getting SD card ejected notifications seemingly without reason. Now it's to the point that my phone is completely unusable/useless. IF it boots all the way up, it will lock and then just go black. I have to remove the battery for some time to get it to turn on again. This includes loading the SPL and the Recovery interface. The ONLY way my fone will act semi-normal is if I remove the SIM card and boot it. Then eventually it will again just shut-off. I have reverted back to an older SPL with no luck (was using Haykuro's latest one until now). I have loaded multiple radio's with no luck (after reverting the SPL of course). I have tried multiple ROM builds, JF's, Cyanogens and Haykuro with no luck. This really sux. 4 month old fone and seems the radio might be fried. VERY disappointed in the quality. I hope I can get some help and warranty the phone. I am thankful I unlocked my old Blackjack and am able to use it for now. Just though I would share my tale of woe. I am not sure exactly what caused this. Maybe too much flashing? Not sure, but be aware; I feel like maybe I played too much with my phone. That last part REALLY sux cause I love my fone. I LOVE that I can play with it and install all of the great ROMs and themes. Anyway, best of luck to all you Dream owners. I hope I dont have to buy another one (cant afford it )
My fone is not bricked it just seems unstable in every way. Sad day 4 me
Before I made this post, I turned on the blue LED (holding trackball and power) and just let my phone sit there. Didn't really have a good reason to do so other than 'why not?'. Anyway, shortly after making this post, I couldn't just leave it alone so I picked up my phone again (I really do love it that much lol). While holding it and just thinking about my less and desirable situation, I noticed the back of the fone was warm like it is when you've been using it for some time. I couldn't help but think that the blue light was indicating that "something" was going on in the background so I just began pushing the buttons on the front and no specific way just randomly and all the sudden my fone rebooted. Sorry I can't say how long it was in "blue light" mode.
Now everything I had experienced and read concerning the "blue light" indicated the only way to get it out of this mode is to 1) remove the battery or 2) let the battery just die on its own. So you can imagine my surprise when the fone just rebooted. It booted up (no SIM inserted) and seem to be fine, but as I mentioned before, this had happened only to lock up and reboot itself. I just began using it as much as I could to see if it would fail again and it seemed to keep going fine so I thought "why not insert the sim again?" So...
With SIM inserted, the fone booted up fine. Again I began to put it through its paces and everything is good so far. Makes call (too late to have someone test call me), browses, downloads market, basically everything with no lockups and no reboots leaving all keys unresponsive. Damn I was happy! But not too much just yet. I'll let it keep going for sometime to make sure it's good, but I can't help but to think that putting my fone into "blue light" mode somehow "fixed" my fone fo lack of a better word. I am perplexed but pleased. Will update later after some decent testing time has gone by. I remain hopeful and regret my earlier comments regarding the fone's quality. I hope I remain regretful of this lol.
Interesting. Can you tell what EXACTLY was on the SDCARD when this happened?
When this problem first happened on my phone I had folders containing my AppManager backups, ringtones, NES ROMS, camera pix and video files. It's the SD card I always have in there. I don't use apps2sd. I thought maybe there some problem with this card so I tried 2 other SDs I have with the same results; instability. I even tried a clean build with no SD card (as well as with and without SIM); all with the same results. I tried every possibly combination as a form of troubleshooting.
When I put it into blue light mode, the SD card that was installed contained DCIM (pix), appmanager, mp3s, video files, 2 different radios in .zip form (radio 1.22 and the sappire radio; neither with the name update.zip), .footprints folder, ime folder and that's about it. Did u have something in mind?
BTW, I wish I could edit the name of my thread to show there's an update...
The Blue LED has some other purpose and is simply not a "lock". That just seems silly and useless, especially since you'll find if you put it into this 'mode' it will drain your battery fairly quickly for a 'lock' mode (like 12 hours).
There's more than a 'lock' going on here...
I agree. It's doing something in the background other than just being a type of "lock". I'm don't want to claim that it fixed my phone because I have no idea what it's doing when that little blue lights is on. I am saying that it seems a little more than coincidental that my fubared fone (my feeling at the time) began to "magically" work after putting it into this mode and its subsequent reboot. I am really glad I did.
No amount of: fastboot erase "partition name", data wipes, radio/spl/rom flashing helped my fone. I was going to try and get warranty today, but now I don't need to. Back running ION and happy as h3ll! Maybe this will help someone else with a fone that refuses to function correct. Maybe it won't, but I definitely wanted to share my experience with it.
BTW, I was running Cyanogens 3.4 JF mod at the time this began. I understand some other people have had some similar issues as seen here:
These problems are very similar to what I was having, but mine seem irrecoverable even after flashing EVERYTHING. Just food for thought...
I wonder if it found one of those radios and did something with it?
For that thread, Cyanogen has stated that the main issue is in the kernel. The memory killer kicks in and kills essential processes thus result in a crash. He stated that he's looking into it and the fix will likely be in 3.4.1 or one of the iterations after that. I'm not sure if your suffering from the same thing though. None of them seem to have the same symptoms as you do.
hamshu said:
For that thread, Cyanogen has stated that the main issue is in the kernel. The memory killer kicks in and kills essential processes thus result in a crash. He stated that he's looking into it and the fix will likely be in 3.4.1 or one of the iterations after that. I'm not sure if your suffering from the same thing though. None of them seem to have the same symptoms as you do.
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This is why I stay on Google Ion. It's clean, stable and fast. All these "optimized" builds seem plauged by bugs and quirks.
lbcoder said:
I wonder if it found one of those radios and did something with it?
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Interesting thought. But it would have to have parsed the file and made a determination on its own as to whether or not it was a valid radio. Neither were named update.zip at the time. Also, I had already downgraded the radio to one of the versions that existed in file name radio_1.22.zip that was on the SD. That allowed me to downgrade the SPL without bricking because at the time I was running Haykuro's newest SPL (which I have since reflashed to my now functioning fone).
For that thread, Cyanogen has stated that the main issue is in the kernel. The memory killer kicks in and kills essential processes thus result in a crash. He stated that he's looking into it and the fix will likely be in 3.4.1 or one of the iterations after that. I'm not sure if your suffering from the same thing though. None of them seem to have the same symptoms as you do.
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Actually I described pretty much the problem quoted below that is in the thread that I referenced earlier:
tearsphere said:
Can someone please help me..
I installed Cyanogen 3.4 when it got released a few days ago and it was running smoothly.. I think he is a genious. Just today my phone shut off on its own and I had to take the battery out and put it back in to get it to come back on.
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So I guess it could be open to interpretation. I think Cyanogen does amazing work. I have great respect for him and all his efforts that have given us more functionality with our Dream fones. As I said, it's food for thought. I'm not drawing any conclusions as they would be based on conjecture.
I am intrigued by the blue light mode. I really wish we knew exactly what purpose it serves.

Phone reboots after launching Camera in Android 2,1

Hi All,
I have a problem where my phone crashes and reboots when I launch an app that uses the camera in any way, for example layar, barcode scanner, camera etc. This only happens in Android 2.1, I've tried various ROMs and always the same issue. I've tested Android 1.5 and there are no problems with that at all.
I've noticed the crashes only occur when I'm on battery power, it never happens when the phone is plugged in so I cannot get logs to see what is going on, unless someone knows a way to get the logs from a crash.
I was wondering if anyone else has seen this problem and if so, if they've found a resolution to it.
Since updating with the OTA 2.1 update I have been experiencing this problem too. Phone reboots when it uses the camera, Layar, Yelp, AugSatNav all seem to cause the problem.
I get this problem too, with the camera, and also sometimes when I put the volume down it freezes and reboots
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA App
I've got the same problem. Restarting when launching apps using the camera.. Im glad that's not a HW problem but "only" SW bug.. I hope
It could (and probably is) a radio issue....Happens on the N1 and Desire if you try to use the camera too and seeing as the GPS,Camera both are dependant on the radio id say that is it! Find the radio reccomended with the rom you use and flash it( Beware of orange users being locked down though,you need a specific radio)
Just to add that I'm getting the same problem too running FroydVillain 1.2.2 and baseband, should point out that been having the problem for quite a while on a multitude of ROMs :-(
I'm not - did you full wipe?
Multiple wipes...
try 1.3 i guess
I had this problem when I was on stock 2. 1 I would recommend rooting and flashing froydvillain.
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA App
Tried multiple ROMs and multiple Radios with no change :-(
Unless theres a second secret wipe button hidden in recovery I don't know what else I can do :-/
try to disable "automatic brightness"...
Gynjanynja said:
I had this problem when I was on stock 2. 1 I would recommend rooting and flashing froydvillain.
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA App
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I have had this problem since i went to 2.1 also, i have also flashed several rom's since villainrom 12 and have even used rcmix 1.0b which is a great 2.1 imo.
Have flashed 2.2 roms, and i am still having the same problem.
This is how i can replicate this problem and how it occurs, to the letter.
1.Bring phone out of lockscreen.
2.Open camera.
3.Take pic, in dark or light lighting with brightness on any setting.
4.Save pic.
5.Close camera.
6.Lock phone and wait for 10 seconds.
7.Bring phone out of lockscreen.
8.Open camera.
9.Phones lights all go out and the hero name flashes up onto the screen.
10.Full reboot.
This happens everytime no matter what.
Some things to consider.
The phone will never reboot if it is plugged in to a usb / electric plug Charger and is actually charging.
The phone will remain on and will carry on taking pictures IF you don't close out of the camera the first time around.
No task killer was installed on my phone at the time of this test, although i have had task killers before with the same results.
Lighting effects and brightness can sometimes have an effect on the ratio and probablility of a reboot, with brightness on full in a dark room being the most probable.
I am using the newest froyd rom 1.4.3 although i have tried pretty much every rom out there, I NEVER have this error when i installed a 1.5 rom which does not have apps2sd (weird that) which tells me that it is NOT a hardware fault.
I am using villains no logo kernel 19mhz - 691mhz Radio
HTC Hero on Orage UK.
IF anybody can shed any light on this rather annoying matter resulting in this problem being erradicated will earn my eternal respect and a big clock. : )
dladz said:
This is how i can replicate this problem and how it occurs, to the letter.
1.Bring phone out of lockscreen.
2.Open camera.
3.Take pic, in dark or light lighting with brightness on any setting.
4.Save pic.
5.Close camera.
6.Lock phone and wait for 10 seconds.
7.Bring phone out of lockscreen.
8.Open camera.
9.Phones lights all go out and the hero name flashes up onto the screen.
10.Full reboot.
This happens everytime no matter what.
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I can confirm that this isn't a bug on every install of 2.1 or 2.1 as I am unable to replicate the issue as described. Also if you've tried mutiple software and the bug is occurring across many that would suggest it is something hardware related or you are not performing a full wipe. Have you tried backing up the data on your sd card and formatting that then putting back only the necessary data (pics / music etc)?
btdag said:
I can confirm that this isn't a bug on every install of 2.1 or 2.1 as I am unable to replicate the issue as described. Also if you've tried mutiple software and the bug is occurring across many that would suggest it is something hardware related or you are not performing a full wipe. Have you tried backing up the data on your sd card and formatting that then putting back only the necessary data (pics / music etc)?
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I originally posted this issue and the descriptions from everyone else with the problem match mine pretty much perfectly.
I've taken all info off the sd card and performed a complete wipe of data, ext and davlik before formatting the sd card. I've put the blank SD card (apart from the ROM I'm about to flash) back into the phone and flashed. After config and before any new apps are installed on the phone I launch the camera and within 4 attempts at start the camera the phone will crash. This has happened across every 2.1 ROM I've tried, but doesn't happen on 1.5 ROMs.
Using the stock camera app? Have you tried without installing any of your own apps at all?
This is very odd. No matter what I try I can't get the camera app to crash. Though I am using v2.2 of android. Have you tried official 2.1? Vanilla and Sense?
btdag said:
Using the stock camera app? Have you tried without installing any of your own apps at all?
This is very odd. No matter what I try I can't get the camera app to crash. Though I am using v2.2 of android. Have you tried official 2.1? Vanilla and Sense?
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Yep, it crashes using the stock app.
I've tried a rooted version of the offical but not the actual OTA update. I've not tried vanilla as I don't really want to run vanilla on it.
I've managed to take some logcat logs of the problem happening but there's nothing really specifc happening over a few crashes that would point to anything. .
I'm going to try to unroot my hero and downgrade to stock to start again. Just have to find a way to downgrade my bootloader first so I can put on the original RRU. I tried to downgrade before but got an invalid bootloader error.
The camera crash doesn't really affect me day to day as I don't really use the camera, where it is annoying is it stops you using apps that use the camera like goggles and layar.
Ahh - so its not the camera app that is crashing but other apps too which are using the camera. Very odd.
And FYI - you don't need to touch your bootloader - just change the driver in windows to My HTC instead of HTC Bootloader and the rru will work.
btdag said:
I can confirm that this isn't a bug on every install of 2.1 or 2.1 as I am unable to replicate the issue as described. Also if you've tried mutiple software and the bug is occurring across many that would suggest it is something hardware related or you are not performing a full wipe. Have you tried backing up the data on your sd card and formatting that then putting back only the necessary data (pics / music etc)?
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I have formatted and re partitioned my sd card to a T and it still occurs and thats with everytime i install a new rom, i don't use titanium i go the long way around every time and re set up all my programs, I know i can replicate this error like i said and like i also said this does not occur in 1.5 roms.
I have also have this problem with vanilla, modaco's new one, villain rom, rcmix, froyd, it appears that ever since the phone was updated to 2.1 there is a problem when using the camera app.
I have tried to install a rom and replicate the issue without installing any apps at all and it still persists, the only thing i can say is that it doesn't happen when i'm either on 1.5 OR the phone is charging?
It sounds like the the phone is requesting access for use of the camera and then not putting back what it requested in the first place, like a cache or something, and it simply make the phone reboot when it is called upon again.
I don't believe it is a hardware fault, i know this sounds like wishful thinking but the phone does not have this error in 1.5 roms. Thus, it cannot be hardware. Simple!
Also a logcat does not show anything, i was only able to replicate the error once whilst my phone was plugged in, it just won't do it again, and when i posted my findings on villainroms bug report section, a few of the lads still didn't know what it was so i don't know what else to say.
I'm due for an upgrade in October so for me at least it's not that much of a deal but i'm planning on giving this phone to my daughter so it would be good to get it working for her.
Would save me a lot of earache.
If u need to know anything else then please let me know, oh and i am using a class 2 sd card, which i have been unable to change, however just today my girlfriend has just had a class six delivered and her old one will be up for grabs so i will test with that too. Has anyone else tried with multiple cards??? Also how do i find out what boot loader i am using (recover) as maybe the problem resides there.
btdag said:
Ahh - so its not the camera app that is crashing but other apps too which are using the camera. Very odd.
And FYI - you don't need to touch your bootloader - just change the driver in windows to My HTC instead of HTC Bootloader and the rru will work.
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Thats right, its any app which accesses the camera.
What could be the correlation between connecting the charger and not connecting the charger, could that be a power issue and the battery is delivering too low a power output on it's own to run the camera? Hence it works with the charger plugged in ?? Either way i think that is the only real clue there is to be honest, unless your phones still restart when the phone is plugged in, in which case it's not much use.

[UPD][Tracking] Andriod HD2 Open Issues

Let us track the OPEN issues on Android HD2, we will only discuss problems dealing with android alone, issues arised due to radio, WinMo rom and a specific android rom should be ignored.
AFAIK we still have 3 main Problems
1. GSensor/ Touchscreen Freeze.
Related Files in Android : \system\bin\akmd,\data\misc\AK8973Prms.txt and \system\lib\hw\sensors.xxxxx.so
(xxxxx = htcleo or default or qsd8k or ace or bravo based on the build)
This issue is not noticeable unless you a play game which uses Gsensor (Eg Abduction, NFS Shift ...)
This thread has lot more details about this issue and it could be a possible solution for you (it does not work for me though)
Possible Workaround :
1. Disable Auto-Rotate screen in Settings -> Display
2. Run the following commands in Terminal
mv \system\bin\akmd \system\bin\akmd2
killall akmd
To Restore
mv \system\bin\akmd2 \system\bin\akmd
Basically you are renaming the file 'akmd' which is responsible for the sensor to work
2. Data Disconnects
Related Files : \system\lib\libhtc_ril_wrapper.so
This thread has lot more details about this issue and it could be a possible solution for you (it does not work for me though)
Possible Workaround :
1. Switch Mobile Network OFF and then ON (Add a widget [Widget -> Settings -> Mobile Network])
2. Switch Airplane Mode OFF and then ON (Add a widget [Widget -> Settings -> Airplane Mode])
Guys looks like we got a fix.. this wrapper seems to work flawlessly as of now... you can try it here...
Just download 0.3 file and replace the file at /system/lib using root explorer
3. Occasional Black SOD and Accuracy in Auto Brightness
Newest kernals seems to have this issue, where the display stays black while the keypad lights glow.
Related Files : \system\lib\hw\lights.xxxxx.so
(xxxxx = htcleo or default or qsd8k or ace or bravo based on the build)
Possible Workaround :
1. Show the Sensor of your phone to some bright light source and your display will be back
2. Disable Automatic brightness in Settings -> Display-> Brightness
I will update this thread with Solutions as and when the developers fix it.
Whatever i have written is limited to my knowledge, it could be wrong, if so please correct me, Most of the vetarans know these issues and the work arounds, i have just put everything together for the new comers and to remind the developers of the existing bugs
Mods feel free to move the thread to General if need be.
Hi depakjan, This is great, thanks for tracking these issues.
can people confirm this "occasional bsod"?
i haven't seen it since light-sensor is calibrated.
i think the bsod is fixed with 2.12 radio and above..
Actually BSOD was introduced in the new lights file... it does not occur frequently... also if you have not upgraded you wont have it obviously...
depakjan said:
Actually BSOD was introduced in the new lights file... it does not occur frequently... also if you have not upgraded you wont have it obviously...
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Just so people don't get confused.
BSOD normally refers to the Blue Screen Of Death on boot and should be fixed in the latest kernels.
The black screen due to no back-light is an issue with the auto-brightness and, AFAIK, only happens on CM6 builds that haven't had the correct levels setup.
I could be wrong though as I personally only used it for a few days for testing purposes.
Sent from my HTC HD2
hastarin said:
Just so people don't get confused.
BSOD normally refers to the Blue Screen Of Death on boot and should be fixed in the latest kernels.
The black screen due to no back-light is an issue with the auto-brightness and, AFAIK, only happens on CM6 builds that haven't had the correct levels setup.
I could be wrong though as I personally only used it for a few days for testing purposes.
Sent from my HTC HD2
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I second that explanation ... and the auto backlight levels in CM builds may actually work better than Desire builds if tweaked properly... atleast for me the reaction time of the sensor is much faster ... accuracy still a problem
Accuracy is still a problem, so is Black SOD .. i have been getting this in Mdeejay's Revolution, HD .. latest ones...
it so happens when you have been talking over your phone for a long time(which blocks the sensor from light).. and then when you are finished with the call it wont wake up... maybe it did not sense light ... but after you show the sensors over a bright light source.. it comes back..
i have seen couple of posts and users mentioning about this...
lets see if everyone agrees that there is no Black SOD, i will modify the post for accuracy..
Support of HTC extended battery
I have tried a few android builds, but none of them seemed to support OEM HTC 2300mAH extended battery - after android booted up in the dual boot process, the HD2 powered-off by itself. I read some posts that acknowledged the problem, but I have not come across any android build that resolved this issue... Did I miss them? Thanks.
Can we also add tracking of Idle / Screen Off Battery Drain? Target is 5-8ma, some builds run at 100ma.
Is anyone's market busted?
Most apps won't install, but some do just fine. This started last night. I tested on 4 roms now and all exhibit identical behavior. This was NEVER an issue before.
(the stupid mount/unmount trick does nothing)
However, once they've d/led I can install them manually. Except for google voice. It refuses to install LOL. Google must have screwed something big here.
badmonopoly said:
Is anyone's market busted?
Most apps won't install, but some do just fine. This started last night. I tested on 4 roms now and all exhibit identical behavior. This was NEVER an issue before.
(the stupid mount/unmount trick does nothing)
However, once they've d/led I can install them manually. Except for google voice. It refuses to install LOL. Google must have screwed something big here.
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There has been an issue internationally with access to the market for a while now. People were able to browse the market as normal but upon trying to install anything nothing would happen. This has been mentioned on several threads over this forum already and the problem is an intermittent one (obviously based on what server you connect to when trying to download anything).
Led Notification is not functioning, especially on Sense build.
backlight drivers are not working , it don't dim light when left without use (it closes the screen ) , as well as light sensor , doesn't dimm light only brightens the screen
jcc266 said:
I have tried a few android builds, but none of them seemed to support OEM HTC 2300mAH extended battery - after android booted up in the dual boot process, the HD2 powered-off by itself. I read some posts that acknowledged the problem, but I have not come across any android build that resolved this issue... Did I miss them? Thanks.
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Try replacing the kernel from one of the Sense builds with my Alternative kernel.
Sent from my HTC HD2
hastarin said:
Try replacing the kernel from one of the Sense builds with my Alternative kernel.
Sent from my HTC HD2
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. . . can I just 'tip my hat' to you hastarin . . . you 'd' man
And I'm hopeful that all the devs and chefs will have these problems solved before too long.
Viv la HD2 Android!
Reno_79 said:
There has been an issue internationally with access to the market for a while now. People were able to browse the market as normal but upon trying to install anything nothing would happen. This has been mentioned on several threads over this forum already and the problem is an intermittent one (obviously based on what server you connect to when trying to download anything).
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What doesn't make any sense is that the app successfully downloads, but either stalls when it needs to d/l or tries to install and tell me it was unsuccessful.
hastarin said:
Just so people don't get confused.
BSOD normally refers to the Blue Screen Of Death on boot and should be fixed in the latest kernels.
The black screen due to no back-light is an issue with the auto-brightness and, AFAIK, only happens on CM6 builds that haven't had the correct levels setup.
I could be wrong though as I personally only used it for a few days for testing purposes.
Sent from my HTC HD2
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I've found the backlight problem occurs (generally) if I unlock/lock the phone fairly quickly in a short space of time (and yes, I've only seen this on Hyperdroid 1.6 & 1.7, both CM6 builds). It's not consistently reproduce-able though, I can go several days without it happening, then have it happen a couple of times in a single day.
The touch screen is still active though, and swiping the unlock brings the screen back to normal brightness levels.
Tyrion84 said:
Led Notification is not functioning, especially on Sense build.
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Works for me..could be your build ....try some other build...
hoss_n2 said:
backlight drivers are not working , it don't dim light when left without use (it closes the screen ) , as well as light sensor , doesn't dimm light only brightens the screen
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this is already covered in the third point as accuracy
Works for me..could be your build ....try some other build...
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I wonder what "works for me" means. What exactly are your leds doing? On all builds i tried so far the left green led flashed about one time a minute green and nothing happened when the phone was charging. Are there some hidden settings or a special program for hd2 leds?

[Q] long time watcher and rom user. first time poster.

Hello my name is Xan Steel. I've been trying out roms on this forum for my Epic 4G. However I've run across a lot of bugs in this rom "ACS ICS V6". I would love to be able to post them in the development thread pertaining to the rom, but since I'm under the 10 post limit to post in a dev thread. I would like to ask how I go about doing this the correct way without breaking forum rules.
Thanks in advanced
Xan Steel
Tell us what your problems are here.
1st you have to have 10 post. Go to other threads and comment on stuff like the off topic forum. Then you should be able to post on dev threads. Or you can pm them and let them know.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Well as Neckberg has said to post my issues here (Thanks) I shall.
Where to began.
I came from ACS SyndicateFrozen 1.1.1 I could never get 1.2 to run. And this ROM was based on GB. Really wanted to see what GB was like. SO after installing the ROM. Everything started out normal (no issues at that point). It was sluggish which made me wonder if Carrier I.Q. was still in the ROM. It wasn't listed that it was removed.
SO I started trying things out. Everything was going good until I turned on the Wireless WiFi Tether. It crashed outright. Tried again, and crashed. It would open to a black screen and then crash. So I did some digging, and apparently this is a known issue. So I got a different one from the market that worked (Open Garden WiFi Tether).
I installed Opera. I like Opera for it's desktop mode that actually works over Dolphins. I would type in a address, and hit go, and it would act like its going, and then stop and remove what I had typed. Tried again, and it would load a blank page. Tried a third time, and got the HTML header to load the page in a text format. Uninstalled and reinstalled same thing happen. So I left it alone, and about 3 hours later it had uninstalled itself/completely missing on the phone and market stated it wasn't installed. Rebooted phone, still gone. Not idea where it went. After reinstalling it again. it would do the same thing.
So I flashed and wiped X3. And reloaded the ROM. Thinking I have a bad load.
reinstalled all my apps and even though Opera is still doing it's thing I mentioned earlier, it hasn't uninstalled itself... yet.
Now after the reload of the ROM. Last night I lost cell service (couldn't make calls) but I had data. Which was odd to me. Rebooted the phone, and same thing. Had data but not cell service. After about and hour or so, I have cell and data back together. Maybe it was someone working on the tower in the area at 11pm, or maybe the ROM decided it would be funny.
Another thing I noticed. If you hit the menu button to pull menus in apps and on the home screens. They are white on black. White text and image, on a black background. Now if you go into any sub-menu from the main menu, its black on black. You can't read anything unless your lucky to have a bright white page behind it, so that it can try to bleed through some of the transparency.
The battery icon when charging in portrait goes from normal to skinny (blinking), while in landscape mode it goes from normal to fat (blinking).
Also two music apps is not really needed. One is fine. Trimming down on unneeded apps would help save on space. Also remove Carrier I.Q. if it hasn't been yet.
Adding that super brightness, is actually bad. Not thinking about it, it's actually crashed the video HW of the phone. On a plain white screen at max brightness, it starts to artifact, and if what ever your trying to do doesn't complete. The video HW crashes, and you get a pretty rainbow on the screen until you pull the battery. Basically acts like a dying or dead video card in a PC. Also it can (and has happened to me) cause screen burn in. If you want a image of it let me know and I'll post one.
Also Rom Manager does not recognize any ClockWorkMod Recovery, if you manually install the recovery yourself.
If I find anything else buggy I'll post and update here.
Xan Steel
Phone: Epic 4G
Recovery CWM purple
Note, I haven't tried this rom myself.
No, carrierIQ is not removed on this rom, nor has it been removed on any GB rom that I know of. Still, removed or not, it won't make any difference in the performance of the device.
Any apps that you fine are useless can easily be uninstalled, even if they are installed system/app folder. Rom chefs correct attitude about roms is that they build for themselves first. I personally have 3 music players installed.
We don't have official Rom Manager support so that will be an issue on pretty much all non AOSP roms for the epic.
Your lack of service issue it probably a carrier issue and not a rom issue.
shane6374 said:
Note, I haven't tried this rom myself.
No, carrierIQ is not removed on this rom, nor has it been removed on any GB rom that I know of. Still, removed or not, it won't make any difference in the performance of the device.
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Ah makes sense. It's relatively new, and most likely not been worked on yet.
Any apps that you fine are useless can easily be uninstalled, even if they are installed system/app folder.
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Ah, then I should be able to remove them myself fairly easily.
We don't have official Rom Manager support so that will be an issue on pretty much all non AOSP roms for the epic.
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Do you know if that is something being worked on?
Your lack of service issue it probably a carrier issue and not a rom issue.
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It's a good possibility since it only happened the one time, but since it is a beta, and I'm using it for the first time. I felt it needed to be brought up just in case it wasn't. Heh beta tested a lot of new software, and got into the habit of reporting everything, even if it looks like something else is the issue and not the software.
Many Thanks
Xan Steel

