Samsung Galaxy S3 new pics GREAT!!!! - Galaxy S II General

i found new pics about SGS3 Great:

Nice pics, but read before posting, these pics are already there in sgs3 rumours thread!!

Keep all discussions in this thread please


Note SPECIAL review

Sorry for posting this outside of the reviews thread, but this is just too funny!
Funny video but has been posted on here a few times.
Most recently
Thread Closed​
Its in the review sticky thread. Search before posting!​

Note 2 w/Flexible display 12mx camera

The latest 'peek'. True or not...I enjoy envisioning the possibilities.
Have heard of it for years,but having a hard time picturing the practical and aesthetic elements of a flexible screen.
Must research
Repost of: Samsung Galaxy Note II rumormill
Thread Closed​
This could of been added to the existing thread highlighted in the above post. We dont need multiple threads on the same subject, it just clutters this great forum! Please search before posting.​

Galaxy Note 2 (stop making many threads )

Its getting a liitle annoying with everyone making threads with the same from now on...let's getting all the rumors into one place....Cheers
Yet you opened a new thread to talk about it!
Samsung Galaxy Note II rumormill
Reported to avoid spam of forum
Even though that thread was one had to make another one
Thread Closed​
You open a new thread to complain about others have been doing the same!! Madness! Just report to the moderation team, we will sort it!​

The Awesome Galaxy S3 OT(Off-Topic) Thread.

I was shocked to see the amazing S3 having no OT Thread whereas all the other forums has one.
So here's ours
Feel free to post anything here... That's the beauty of Off Topic
I do believe the General thread is being used as the off topic thread. could be wrong though
Ohh yes
My bad
Mod may close this thread

Not so brief comparison of S5 vs M8 (downloadable spreadsheet included)

I put together a spread sheet comparing the differences between M8 and S5.
This is not putting down either phone. It's just to help folks decide.
I don't want to duplicate the thread but it's over on the M8 forum.
See the first Sticky post on this section? Title says 'OFF Topic other device comparison' that's where your post should have gone.
Thread closed.
Have a great day!

