[Q] constant wifi disconnect on enterprise wpa2 - Kindle Fire General

This may be better suited for the development forum. I am stock rooted 6.2.2.
Since the update, on my university wpa2 enterprise peap network I have had consistent disconnects every few minutes. My network admin suggested changing something in wpa_supplicant.conf, however I have no idea where that is located on the kindle. Has anyone else seen this problem? I did not notice it before 6.2.2, but it may have been there. It reconnnects almost instantly but kills any streaming apps.

Use wpa2 personal here, rooted 6.2.2, no issues.
Sent from my Kindle Fire using xda premium

Personal works fine for me as well. It is enterprise with multiple access points, I think it is hopping for no good reason now.

They may have changed the roam sensitivity, or enabled opportunistic key caching or something.
The bigger problem seems to be that the KF doesn't roam smoothly from one AP to another. I haven't had a chance to examine why, but my first guess would be that it does a complete dhcp release / renew on every roam.
I notice it a lot because I have my APs spaced for 5Ghz, so the 2.4s run at like 10mw and I roam every 20-30 feet. If it roamed nicely, it wouldn't really matter how often it roams.

Seems to be more frequent with high bandwidth apps, such as splashtop remote desktop. Vince for example only has trouble every once in a while, splashtop reconnected every 2 minutes or so. I don't believe the app is at fault here. My whole wiring goes out and reconnects. Sometimes it is just while browsing the web, stationary in a classroom.

I had the same problem and was running CM7. I realized that it always disconnected with I was using the Facebook app. I have since uninstalled that app and access FB via my browser. I haven't had a single disconnect in the last couple of weeks and I was having multiple disconnects per day.


[ISSUE] TouchPad Android Wifi Issue Thread

This thread is intended to be a gathering point for all wifi issues on Android Touchpad ROMs.
Having a separate specific issue thread for this will serve several purposes.
Avoid wifi issues getting lost in the more general Touchpad ROM threads.
Allow issues common to wifi operation on all the different ROMs to be concentrated in one thread.
Reduce annoyance to those who are currently enjoying good wifi operation and who see repetition in the issues being aired.
Make it easier to report tests and experience on different set ups and as new drivers / ROM integrations appear.
Make it easier for users with questions to see if it has been asked before.
Wifi operation on Android Touchpads currently is a hit and miss affair. Some users report flawless operation regardless of access point. Others can get stable operation with careful set up and / or choice of access point but problematic operation on access points over which they have no control. Others still fail to get conditions right for any form of stable operation.
This is in comparison with WebOS based operation where the problems seem to be much fewer. Probably most of the explanation for this difference is the current lack of suitable drivers integrated into the ROM environment. Hopefully this will be fixed at some point and there are some encouraging signs already that improvements are possible.
Factors affecting operation
There are several factors which could potentially affect the wifi performance with Android Touchpads including the type of Access point, the set up of the Access point, the local signal strength and interference conditions, variations in Touchpad hardware build, and how the ROM software has been installed and set up. A key factor on top of all these is the wifi drivers used and how they are integrated.
General advice
Until the fundamental performance is improved the end user of the Touchpad can do some things to help get better performance particularly if they have control over the Access point. Typically this will be in the home situation. Possibilities for adjusting setting for work or public access points tend to be small or non-existent.
Note that not all suggestions work for everybody affected so you have to be prepared to experiment a little to see what may work for you.
The primary suggestions I offer that worked for me in my home situation is to lower the channel setting on the router to Channel 1 even though for me that was worse from a local interference point of view. Other suggestions include avoiding dual band operation and experimenting with security settings (like using WPA instead of WPA2).
Please post to this thread if
You want to ask Android Touchpad wifi specific questions including problems you are encountering
You can answer Android Touchpad wifi specific questions posted here
You have reports on specific problems that may help resolve wifi issues
You have suggestions on how to improve operation in the short term with existing drivers
You have reports on new driver operation either better or worse.
Please also include the ROM and version used in any specific reports. Although wifi issues have been present on 2.3( e.g CM7) and 4.0 (ICS) the focus for development is now firmly on ICS and that is where improvements are likely to be made.
It is unhelpful at this stage just to post here that you do not have any wifi problems unless you have some specific advice on how that can be generally applied. We already know there are many who enjoy good wifi performance.
Currently I am using CherryKANG 0.2a which does have some experimental new drivers in and for me gives much better performance.
I'm on cm9 alpha 0.6 with stock kernel @1.5 installed with clockworkmod 5.x with a webOS 3.0.5 dual boot. My home router is open (but I use MAC Address blocking to keep the creeps out). My wifi is about 80% on point but will go out about every 24 hours and I have to forget the network, wifi off, power down. Power back up, wifi back on re connect and good for another 24 hours. I noticed if my device "reboots" instead of turning all the way off my wifi WILL NOT connect. How are people doing on cherrykang? Any better?
rochford77 said:
I'm on cm9 alpha 0.6 with stock kernel @1.5 installed with clockworkmod 5.x with a webOS 3.0.5 dual boot. My home router is open (but I use MAC Address blocking to keep the creeps out). My wifi is about 80% on point but will go out about every 24 hours and I have to forget the network, wifi off, power down. Power back up, wifi back on re connect and good for another 24 hours. I noticed if my device "reboots" instead of turning all the way off my wifi WILL NOT connect. How are people doing on cherrykang? Any better?
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My experience so far with 0.2a of Cherry has been 60 hours of operation without a wifi issue. This includes about 6 hours on a work network where before the wifi fix in Cherry about the only way I could gt a connection was by moving very close to the access point and it would drop out within 5 minutes of moving away. During that 6 hours with Cherry it found the connection straight away, maintained it all the time and even reconnected automatically when I tried a reboot. I'll report further on this when I have had more time on the work network this week.
lafester said:
Nice post but wrong forum
(@ op)
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Which forum are you suggesting this should be in?
I know this is development but this thread was an attempt to pull out all the wifi related questions which are already being posted in the various development threads here. I thought that development was more appropriate as the main intention is to help and encourage the development of wifi to the point where the need for wifi support becomes much less.
Clearing /data/misc/wifi and rebooting makes my touchpad connect to the router without any hesitation, I guess it is similar to forgetting and rebooting(but haven't tried that)
ROM: 0.2a Kang
ClassicNerd 0.0.4
My home network is a Netgear N600 dual band router with WPA2 security as well as a guest SSID. i connect to the 5G band with no issues with the exception of when I have to reboot. On rebooting if I connect to an access point I have to keep the screen alive for around 10 minutes. After that everything is fine, otherwise the system reboots when the screen goes off.
My work network is an overlapping pervasive network using PEAP authentication. On reboot if I do not shut down with WiFi off my settings get into a state where it refuses to connect, or even try. Forgetting the network and then entering the information again fixes the issue. I also get the sleep reboot if I don't leave the tablet on for a bit of time problem here.
I never have any disconnects that are tablet related on ether network.
Kang 0.4.8a truly rocks and addresses wifi as I can now connect even when channel is 11!
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using xda premium
guho said:
Kang 0.4.8a truly rocks and addresses wifi as I can now connect even when channel is 11!
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using xda premium
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Thanks for that. I had been holding off switching to 0.4 based on the kernel issue comments but it looks like 0.4.8a is good to go so I'll try that.
I note with sympathy the response you got from your comment in the other thread. Some guys can get very territorial even though all these ROMS are largely based on same open source and rely heavily on the work of some central devs .
Here is my feedback from 1st full day using CherryKang 0.4.8a in my work environment.
Bottom line is that the wifi fix is giving me a big improvement over previous builds but I don't think is totally problem free.
At the start of the day it found and connected automatically.
Over a 10 hour period it dropped the connection twice after staying connected about 4 hours each time. It didn't reconnect automatically after a drop but required the wifi control to be turned off and then on again to perform the reconnect which it did very rapidly.
This is still a dramatic improvement over before where I struggled to get a connection at all and it would always drop in less than 5 minutes.
To get a better handle on comparative performance I plan to run it under WebOS tomorrow just to get a baseline on how the native tablet performs under the local conditions. I had previously tried out WebOS here and it was stable over the hour or two I had it on but I've never tried it for a full day.
Having said that I also have an ICS Nook Color here which is absolutely rock solid on this access point and has never dropped the connection over several weeks of use so I know its not a fundamental access point issue.
bobtidey said:
I'm fairly neutral about whether this is better in general or development. My original thinking that it was Android based discussion rather than general chit chat, that the end goal was the 'development' of improved wifi operation, and that it might be better local to much of the ROM discussions where wifi can be a trigger issue..
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I was always told that the dev section is for software that you create - ROMs, kernels, tweaks, etc. It's usually something that you need to flash on your device that affects performance or functionality in some way (themes and visual mods are not included however).
Any sort of "Discussion" or any troubleshooting is usually in General or Q&A, since it can usually span across different roms, and/or software settings. No offence to you, as it is sometimes confusing to people exactly what belongs in the dev section. Usually, if it's not something you are flashing on the device, it goes in another section.
That said, I'm running ClassicNerd Butta v1, and have no issues connecting to my 2.4ghz channel on my router, but it won't connect to the 5ghz channel for some reason.
I have a netgear wndr3700 N600 router with dd-wrt firmware flashed on it.
Edit: changed "wireless networking mode" on the 5g channel from "N only" to "Mixed", and I'm now able to connect.
Since I just had some pretty bad Wi-Fi issues, I guess I should share what I found and how I fixed it.
I've been using my TouchPad very reliably on my home and work networks. I don't know what channel either are on, but at home I'm pretty sure I've been on an 802.11n access point (5 GHz channel). The router at home is a Netgear WNDR3700 v.1, but after problems with the firmware dropping countless other devices, I installed the dd-wrt firmware and configured it to only be an access point, and I'm relying on another router upstream to provide my DHCP and private network. This configuration has been rock solid for a couple months now, and I've never had to reset the access point since! After I installed CM9 alpha 0.6, I've had maybe 3 or 4 times where I've lost network connectivity on my TouchPad, but other devices continued to work; clearly a problem with the TouchPad in those cases since simply rebooting the TouchPad restores connectivity. I do not stop Wi-Fi before rebooting. This is a reliability I can live with since outages have been quite infrequent and easily fixed.
Currently I'm traveling, and I needed to setup a temporary wireless network. To do so, I used Connectify on an older Windows 7 laptop, and I'm using the Wi-Fi board built into the laptop to share the wired connection I've plugged into it. The wireless board is a Broadcom 802.11g with a BCM43XX chip set. When using Connectify, the wireless board runs on channel 11, with no way to configure it that I can find.
After ~48 hours uptime, I tried to use my TouchPad today and found Wi-Fi was not working. Using "Wifi Analyzer" from the market, I observed the TouchPad could "see" a few different access points, but it was unable to connect to any of them, while I was still able to measure things such as signal strength. Forgetting the network connection and reentering the WPA2 key did not work. Connectify showed that my Nexus S running Android 4.0.3 was still connected, but my TouchPad was "Disconnected." Rebooting the device did not restore Wi-Fi. Shuting down my laptop and rebooting did not restore Wi-Fi, although I observed my Nexus S reconnecting. I then rebooted the TouchPad into WebOS, where I could connect again, but booting back into CM9, I could not reconnect. I then turned Wi-Fi off, and rebooted. After turning Wi-Fi back on, I could see the access points again, but still couldn't connect.
What seemed to finally unstick things was turning Wi-Fi off, setting Airplane Mode on, turning Wi-Fi back on, and when I observed that turning Wi-Fi on was not automatically turning Airplane Mode off, I manually toggled it myself. Almost immediately, Wi-Fi connected.
I believe in my case, toggling Airplane Mode in the future may be a simple fix, but I only have the one data point to go by so far.
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using XDA App
For the most part my wifi works pretty good, but I have problems with my touchpad wifi at work. The wifi connects for a few moments then simply loses connectivity. The setup at work is a system of enterprise access points all using the same ssid, and for whatever reason it throws the touchpad (and some other android devices) for a loop. My android phone used to have issues too, but it was fixed with a custom rom, and webos connects fine also.
I have tried almost every rom with mixed results. The "Bricked"rom v4 gave the best experience. CM9 A6 was ok.. Next I tried classic nerd buttah 0.1.0 v1 and v2. I found it wasn't really any better than other roms out there, and had some pretty annoying glitches. I read though all of the classic nerd posts looking for answers, I found their thread to be hostile, so I didn't bother posting any questions. I promptly uninstalled, and moved on to CherryKang with the hopes that the wifi driver fix would work out. It didn't seem to do anything, but I have to say that CherryKang runs pretty good, hasn't given me any problems, and I like the 132 dpi. Every install was preceded with full wipe.
So I started tinkering with the build.prop and wpa_supplicant.conf
My hope is that something in there can be tweaked and solve my issue.
After doing some research I found a few settings that have helped other people:
-Changing hostname to a shorter hostname. The default touchpad hostname = android-78abb09201c4bca8. Edited the build.prop and added net.hostname=touchpad
found here: http://ergh.org/cmtp/-
*didn't work for me but may work for you
-Setting scan_ssid=1 in wpa_supplicant.conf
Oddly made the disconnects less frequent. Still testing
-Disabling WMM support. WMM causes havoc with some routers and devices, shutting it off sometimes clears things up.
*haven't tried it yet but I will post something when I try it tomorrow.
Other than that, I'm not sure what to try next. Any ideas?
Cubicsilver said:
For the most part my wifi works pretty good, but I have problems with my touchpad wifi at work. The wifi connects for a few moments then simply loses connectivity. The setup at work is a system of enterprise access points all using the same ssid, and for whatever reason it throws the touchpad (and some other android devices) for a loop. My android phone used to have issues too, but it was fixed with a custom rom, and webos connects fine also.
I have tried almost every rom with mixed results. The "Bricked"rom v4 gave the best experience. CM9 A6 was ok.. Next I tried classic nerd buttah 0.1.0 v1 and v2. I found it wasn't really any better than other roms out there, and had some pretty annoying glitches. I read though all of the classic nerd posts looking for answers, I found their thread to be hostile, so I didn't bother posting any questions. I promptly uninstalled, and moved on to CherryKang with the hopes that the wifi driver fix would work out. It didn't seem to do anything, but I have to say that CherryKang runs pretty good, hasn't given me any problems, and I like the 132 dpi. Every install was preceded with full wipe.
So I started tinkering with the build.prop and wpa_supplicant.conf
My hope is that something in there can be tweaked and solve my issue.
After doing some research I found a few settings that have helped other people:
-Changing hostname to a shorter hostname. The default touchpad hostname = android-78abb09201c4bca8. Edited the build.prop and added net.hostname=touchpad
found here: http://ergh.org/cmtp/-
*didn't work for me but may work for you
-Setting scan_ssid=1 in wpa_supplicant.conf
Oddly made the disconnects less frequent. Still testing
-Disabling WMM support. WMM causes havoc with some routers and devices, shutting it off sometimes clears things up.
*haven't tried it yet but I will post something when I try it tomorrow.
Other than that, I'm not sure what to try next. Any ideas?
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Your experience I think is very similar to mine. I could get home wifi access OK by adjusting router, but work access was a complete nightmare with none of the ROMs being perfect. Most were very difficult to connect and would disconnect after a few minutes making them unusable.
I find CherryKang is much better and typically lasts about 3 hours for me. I did also try all the wpa_supplicant tricks like you say, short hostnames etc but I can't get it perfect at the moment. What is interesting is that if I turn wifi off and on to get it to reconnect then it either obtains ip straightaway or there is a delay of about 30 secs and then just says saved and isn't connected and won't recover from that. It is about 50/50 which happens and I suspect something similar is happening with a rescan to cause the drop out after it has been functioning. The work SSID is also not published and I wonder whether that can have an effect.
I tried out WebOS at work again to get a benchmark, and got 8 hours with no drop outs so the hardware and access point can function OK.
I am a little puzzled by the nature of the wifi fix in Cherry Kang so plan to post a message in there and I notice some other wifi drivers for a similar device seem to be surfacing. So I'm optimistic that this issue will be finally sorted out soon.
I also have done some in depth research regarding the wifi issues and the patches some are compiling into their kernel or as the other post in the CherryKang thread suggested manually inserting and removing the new/old modules. I definitely am noticing an increase in performance when I tried the rom, wifi was stable but for me I just got lucky and have not really had problems besides the random disconnects and what I thought was hanging turning it on. Anyway let me quote from the commit of which both these fixes originate from "Patch Set 1: I would prefer that you didn't submit this This needs stress test before it can be committed (dalingrin)." "Patch Set 1: I'm wondering if you get any firmware crashes using the new ath6kl module (check dmesg - it was the main reason why activating Wi-Fi sometimes takes very long). That's the main reason that I withheld this patch for now." So that prompted me to be a little skeptical on using this as obviously I would consider dalingrin's advice over all. There's some more to it than this as there is also a timing issue that causes crashing :
"This is not quite ready. It is the most promising driver for us going forward. However, none of the android specific functions are implemented yet. There also a crash related to timing issues though I think I can fix that. I will upload another patch set when I get a chance."
Anyway just thought I'd chime in on the subject especially after the last comment which in my opinion is rather unsettling
Links/sources from quotes and for a nice look at the material.
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Classicnerd Butta v2 vs v2.1
Add'l infoI have been running the succession of Classicnerd team builds including the predecessor Xron series. I had no problem in either WebOS or in any build until Classicnerd-Butta-0.1.0-v2. Then I had several instances of connection failure after waking.
I also noticed that the signal strength was shown as dismal even right next to the router. I'm thinking that some of the problem may be the radio not waking up when the tablet does. I was able to connect by tapping the SSID listing on the TP. Then the signal strength returned to normal.
I updated to v2.1-Odex yesterday and haven't experienced any more connection failures.
All of my flashes have been done with factory reset and wiping everything on clockworkmod, reinstalling Gapps and reinstalling apps. I have not restored any backups or backup data.
Update: I have now experienced a couple of instances where the wi-fi is not connected and doesn't automatically reconnect after the TP has been sleeping. Simply turning off and turning on the wi-fi has fixed it.
Just an update on the issue I was having with my 5g network. I changed the "wireless networking mode" on my router from "N only" to "mixed" and am now able to connect.
Nizda1 said:
Links/sources from quotes and for a nice look at the material.
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I had looked at those before, but I think they may have changed a little now and clarified things. If my current understanding is correct then Cherry Kang has the new board file referenced in the 12342 and gets some wifi benefits but this is a temporary measure. 12341 then refers to fundamentally replacing the drivers when more work has been done on them, hopefully leading to even better long term wifi support.
bobtidey said:
Which forum are you suggesting this should be in?
I know this is development but this thread was an attempt to pull out all the wifi related questions which are already being posted in the various development threads here. I thought that development was more appropriate as the main intention is to help and encourage the development of wifi to the point where the need for wifi support becomes much less.
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WiFi has been beat to death in almost every thread in the development section, I encourage this thread and hope it can decrease the the clutter in the ROM threads.
mike-y said:
I was always told that the dev section is for software that you create - ROMs, kernels, tweaks, etc...
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I have said this many times, and this is very true in most instances...however in this case I feel differently.
krook6023 (mod team)
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
This morning at work my wifi was dropping out more frequently than recently even using Cherry Kang build; it was lasting about 15-30 minutes.
It seems to be correlated with the probability of it connecting properly when wifi is toggled off and on. When it works it immediately says getting IP address. When it fails it delays and then just says saved. This morning this was happening 50% of the time and I had to toggle it off and on again a few times to get it to connect.
I suspect it is also something to do with re-activating the device from screen off even though I have wifi set to the default of never sleep.
So in the afternoon I left it on WiFi Analyser app with the setting to prevent the screen turning off. It stayed connected for 5 straight hours leading more credence to a theory that is somehow a re-connection on screen waking up that could be part of the issue.
Has there Ben any fix for the wifi issue? I'm almost ready to ditch Android on the tp and get a real tablet.

Constantly receiving WiFi traffic - unstoppable

This is driving me insane!
When I have WiFi enabled at the office, my Samsung Galaxy Note (stock ICS, rooted) constantly receives incoming data and I haven't got a clue which setting, app or service is causing this.
SystemPanel registers a nonstop stream of incoming traffic at 8 to 10 Kbps.
TrafficStats shows an accumulation of Received data under Total WiFi, but can't seem to link it a particular app or service: after resetting the data, no processes appear but the incoming data keeps on growing.
All sync options are off, I've tried to kill every running app or service (one by one, all at once), I've tried to block all traffic using Droidwall. As soon as WiFi is enabled, the incoming stream is unstoppable. When switching to 3G, there's no incoming traffic.
But to make matters even more mysterious, I do not have this problem with my WiFi connection at home.
It only occurs at the office, only on WiFi and (as far as I know) only on my phone.
Any ideas?
This is simply because your wifi antenna still "hears" the data going trough the wireless network on wich you are connecter. Event if your phone doesn't asks for any data at the moment the traffic there is on the network will still be counted by the wifi chip on your phone.
It will be the same on any public network or if you have another phone or a computer connecter on the same wireless router and generating traffic.
Thanks for replying, John!
That sounds very plausible, but then I still have to figure out why only my phone is registering this traffic - maybe it's an ICS thing or brand specific?
And I'll try to 'reproduce' it at home by connecting a laptop at the same time.
I think that the above is correct. That may be default behavior.
Sent from my XT862 using xda app-developers app
Well, I've tried to connect several devices at once on my home WiFi network, but it did not reproduce the incoming traffic problem I experience at work.
There were a few incoming bytes registered, not nearly as much as the constant stream of 10 Kbps at the office network...
Your works wifi may be set up like that. Who Knows?
Sent from my XT862 using xda app-developers app
MrObvious said:
Your works wifi may be set up like that. Who Knows?
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Well, our it-department certainly does not.
You're probably right that this is normal behavior. I'll just have to figure out which drains less battery under these circumstances, WiFi or 3G. Thanks anyway for replying.
I'm on the mobile app, but if you have GSM then just switch to 2g until you use it.
Sent from my xt862 using xda app-developers app
Djezpur said:
Well, I've tried to connect several devices at once on my home WiFi network, but it did not reproduce the incoming traffic problem I experience at work.
There were a few incoming bytes registered, not nearly as much as the constant stream of 10 Kbps at the office network...
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About this, it is simply that at your office there is traffic on the network (download/upload) while at home simply having devices connected doesn't generate traffic or almost none. Start several dl on several devices (phone laptop) (guess 2-3 is enough, maybe even one but not sure, not en expert after all ) then you should notice signifficant traffic on your phone, I guess!
So interesting I find this thread because I have the exact same problem!!!!
How I noticed it...when I am at home I drop 1% battery on Wifi per hour. 10hours = 10% (sometimes less).
I go to work on the Wifi, I DONT USE ANYTHING ON THE PHONE and the battery is DRAINING LIKE CRAZY!!! 5%/h or more!!!
( I am in airplane mode in both place)
So I was thinking, WTF with this work wifi, i am not doing anything at all on it. Then I look at my wifi icon I have a constant RECEIVE icon. And I bet my phone does not go to sleep or something.
So why in the world my work wifi is draining my battery and the one at home is not. I will check tonight but I dont think I have traffic like this. I am registering 5-6kbytes/s for nothing. The explanation given above is hands-waving. I do not agree with it fully. YEs sure there are several pings and beacon emitted back and forth but i do not think it is enough to cause 5-6kbytes/sec . The wifi is not in Monitor mode and it only receives the packets destined to my phone.
This is madness!!!! BTW When I had a different kernel on back on ICS this behavior stopped. I will try to monitor again.
kalinusa said:
So interesting I find this thread because I have the exact same problem!!!!
This is madness!!!! BTW When I had a different kernel on back on ICS this behavior stopped. I will try to monitor again.
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Hey kalinusa, did you find a solution to this problem?
I'm currently on the SpeedMod kernel, but that does not seem to make a difference to the 'office WiFi behavior' (so I keep my phone on mobile data).
I don't want to speak out of my ass, because I haven't a clue how the app works.
As far as I can guess SSH tunnel may help you. I would hope someone else could tell me I'm right, but I'm probably wrong.
I have had this same problem with two of my devices. The first is a Samsung Captivate with the last AOKP ICS build. The second is a Google Nexus 7 with AOKP's first Jelly Bean build (it happened when I had stock as well).
This only happens when I'm connected to WiFi at my university. The down arrow on the WiFi icon is ALWAYS on and it drains the battery. At home, I don't have these problems.
I emailed my university's IT department but I'm not sure if there's anything they can do. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.
I have exactly the same problem, but I think I found the reason which is causing it. I think that some of the routers are capable of the multicast over the wifi and then we can get a constant wifi traffic. I tested it at home, where I have enabled multicast over wifi and my phone wifi receiving the data all the time, even if it is in sleep. Now I'm in the office where we do not have such capable router with multicast over wifi and my phone wifi behavior is as expected. When I will be at home I will test it again with my router and with disabled multicast over wifi and hopefully it will solve this issue.
danielo said:
I have exactly the same problem, but I think I found the reason which is causing it. I think that some of the routers are capable of the multicast over the wifi and then we can get a constant wifi traffic. I tested it at home, where I have enabled multicast over wifi and my phone wifi receiving the data all the time, even if it is in sleep. Now I'm in the office where we do not have such capable router with multicast over wifi and my phone wifi behavior is as expected. When I will be at home I will test it again with my router and with disabled multicast over wifi and hopefully it will solve this issue.
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More than multicasts it could be broadcasts, what are you reaceiving. For example if you don't use WINS server in Windows domain, all computers use broadcast to get IP address for a computer name (if you dont use DNS name, but that's another story). At home, where aren't many computers, there are very few broadcasts. But somewhere, where a large amount of computers is on the same network (not splitted to broadcast domais), number of broadcasts would dramatically increase
btw. if you connect a PC to the same network as your phone and stop ALL running applications (mainly instant messangers, web browsers, e-mail clients) you should see the same network bandwidth in use as on your cell phone.
More than multicasts it could be broadcasts, what are you reaceiving. For example if you don't use WINS server in Windows domain, all computers use broadcast to get IP address for a computer name (if you dont use DNS name, but that's another story). At home, where aren't many computers, there are very few broadcasts. But somewhere, where a large amount of computers is on the same network (not splitted to broadcast domais), number of broadcasts would dramatically increase
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Interesting. Roughly how many devices would need to be on the same network, to see that kind of traffic load?
-- Sent from my TouchPad using Communities
post-mortem said:
Interesting. Roughly how many devices would need to be on the same network, to see that kind of traffic load?
-- Sent from my TouchPad using Communities
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It depends on what you consier as network load. If you start a network monitor like Wireshark or MS Network monitor and even if there is one computer on the network, you wil see "some" traffic (from time to time a few network packets). To generate constant network load, you'll need a few dozens of computers. And it always depends on how the network is designed and what applications the computers run. If all computers connect to a server, the network load will be a lot lower than if the computers share resources among them.
Or you can design your network in such way, that you divide computers into segments, where computers can communicate only with computers in its segment (or with some distant servers). This way the network load will dramatically decrease, as computers from different segments would not interfere.
I currently only have one computer connected to my home network atm via wifi, and it keeps a constant broadcast going to my phone for some unknown reason. I thought it was my dlna server, so I shut that off, and it is still broadcasting _something_... Its causing quite a battery drain, and unfortunately I cant seem to find the root of the issue. I've trolled through my router settings -- multicasting isnt on -- so Im at a loss. =\
Spz0 said:
I currently only have one computer connected to my home network atm via wifi, and it keeps a constant broadcast going to my phone for some unknown reason. I thought it was my dlna server, so I shut that off, and it is still broadcasting _something_... Its causing quite a battery drain, and unfortunately I cant seem to find the root of the issue. I've trolled through my router settings -- multicasting isnt on -- so Im at a loss. =\
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It can be caused also with the Media servers which runs on PC, also DHCP etc. It is not easy to eliminate all broadcast traffic and sadly our phones react at all that multicast packets.

Wireless is connected but gray and nothing works! Any solution/permanent fix?

I've seen some chatter about this buried in other threads, but I wasn't able to locate a dedicated thread...so if there is one, sorry about a duplicate post.
So I have a Nexus 7 and a Galaxy Nexus phone and both have this issue. The issue has occurred in multiple environments with multiple routers/networks.
Basically, the wireless on the N7 and both the wireless & cell on the Galaxy Nexus go gray but show as connected with a strong signal. However, there is no IP traffic being routed. The devices have an IP address, and show correct DNS and default route locations and the wireless symbols even show data moving (the little bidirectional arrow deal) but nothing actually happens on the device.
Some have said this means you are not connected to Google's services like Gmail and what-not, but that isn't the case either as you can't ping from the device nor can you go to any websites in the browser, get new mail, get web data for other web enabled apps, or in the case of the phone, get text messages or phone calls.
The only *fix* I've found is to turn off wireless, wait a minute, and turn it back on. This can be really annoying when you have to do it 5-10 times a day on the tablet and it really sucks when you find you miss calls, texts and emails on the phone.
I notice this has never occurred with any of my other Android based devices or iOS devices. This would lead one to believe it has something to do with Jelly Bean and perhaps some background task crashing or something.
Does anyone else experience this? If it were just my phone or just the N7 I would think I had a defective device, but since they both display similar behaviors at different times with different routers on completely different networks, it seems more software related since the only thing in common is that they are both Android 4.1.x devices (it happened on 4.1.1 and now 4.1.2).
I would love to know if there is a real fix for this somewhere!
I fixed mine by getting a new Netgear router...
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
rmm200 said:
I fixed mine by getting a new Netgear router...
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
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Again, it happens with multiple routers from the lowly Linksys to Netgear to D-Link to Checkpoint and several more. This is NOT a router issue.
I was having to power off my Linksys router several times a day to allow dropped devices to reconnect again. What happens when you power cycle your router?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
What router settings and security method are you using? WEP, WPA? try changing the channels on your router or something
From what I experienced, it is connected to the router but somehow the router has lost net connection. Rebooting DSL modem fixes it for me. I have DSL connection here in Philippines, the telco provided a zyxel dsl modem. From the DSL modem I have Tomato flashed router. Rebooting the DLS modem fixes without rebooting router or the n7. In N7 from gray it turns blue and i can see the up / down arrows, net access is working.
I get the impression that my request/question was too long as it seems people are not really reading. Either that or they are not getting it because they either never experienced the problem, or because they don't take their N7 around like I do so they think it's connected to their home router.
This problem happens at about 8 different sites. Every site has a different router and a different internet connection from DSL to cable to T1.
This problem happens with both my N7 & my Galaxy Nexus and not at the same time at the same site.
I do appreciate people trying to help, but this clearly isn't a router issue but rather it is an Android issue. Focusing on the router really isn't helpful because there is nothing in common. Even the encryption varies from open networks like at a coffee shop, to WEP (yeah...seriously) to WPA to WPA2.

Wifi Issues

I'm having problems connecting to the corperate wifi with my Nexus 10, I've used an android tablet berfore on it, TF101 connected without any problems, I've seen issues reported with the Nexus 7 and Wifi, has anyone else had and issues connecting to WPA/EAP with Certifcate authentication.
The device is crrectly registered as it can connect to another SSID which uses the same mac database
Working fine for me, however I have been disconnected twice in the last 2 days,
byock1 said:
Working fine for me, however I have been disconnected twice in the last 2 days,
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Any fix to this issue? We use WPA/EAS and I get "not in range". Some people got it to work and some didnt. there's an open bug being tracked on Google (Issue 34212) but no workable solution on the N10.
Having problems with optimium wifi. I have to sign in everytime, while on my phone/laptop its not needed.
I downloaded the wifi register app from optimium, but it can't sign in with that. Any solution?
My connection stays strong (max bars) when for example playing a youtube video, but after while the video endlessly buffers (or freezes) until, either I jump in and out of multitasking screen or restart the WiFi connection. It's as if it can't reinitialize the stream for some reason. I have the same problem downloading apps and other media, i.e. good signal, stable connection, but just seems to time out continuously. It's driving me mental, without reliable WiFi the device is next to useless. I'm hoping it's a software issue that will be addressed soon, but if not I suppose it's RMA time.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using xda premium
gazman69 said:
My connection stays strong (max bars) when for example playing a youtube video, but after while the video endlessly buffers (or freezes) until, either I jump in and out of multitasking screen or restart the WiFi connection. It's as if it can't reinitialize the stream for some reason. I have the same problem downloading apps and other media, i.e. good signal, stable connection, but just seems to time out continuously. It's driving me mental, without reliable WiFi the device is next to useless. I'm hoping it's a software issue that will be addressed soon, but if not I suppose it's RMA time.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using xda premium
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I had the same issue with YouTube last night. It took me a while to get the connection back at one point. I rebooted the device and the router and I eventually got my connection back. I would tend to think it is a combination of Android and the router that will eventually be worked out with an Android software update.

Galaxy Note 3 Wifi Issues

I have had my new Galaxy Note 3 for about 3 weeks now, and have had an issue with certain apps not connecting to the internet over wifi. All of the google apps (youtube, play store, hangouts, gmail, etc) are not able to connect to the internet over any wifi hotspot, or if they do, they're painfully slow.
I have changed MTU settings on my home router, DNS settings, wifi auto switch is off on the phone.
Here's the kicker. If I enable airplane mode first, then turn wifi on, everything works great. I suspect this to somehow be related to the SIM card? Really should have nothing to do with wifi, but who knows...
I should add that I've owned a couple other android phones that have had this issue, but it seemed to have just "worked itself out" after a day or so. (Droid 4, Stratosphere II)
Have you tried a 30/30/30 hard reset on the router yet?
Does a laptop connected via Wi-Fi also have similar issues?
Sent from my SM-N900V using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I have hard reset and factory reset the router a few times, even went so far as to buy a brand new router and use it. No difference.
I get 26/8 speeds on two different laptops, and one desktop, all with ping times down to about 18ms (as shown on speedtest.net)
spoke with a helpful rep at verizon today, who supposedly called samsung regarding this fix while I was on hold. My replacement should be here tomorrow. This issue is exactly the same as when older android phones would not connect to google (signal indicators would be white instead of blue). It seems like something to do with ssl traffic.
Anyhow, will post back after i've played with the replacement for a bit.
syntheticexctasy said:
I have hard reset and factory reset the router a few times, even went so far as to buy a brand new router and use it. No difference.
I get 26/8 speeds on two different laptops, and one desktop, all with ping times down to about 18ms (as shown on speedtest.net)
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syntheticexctasy said:
spoke with a helpful rep at verizon today, who supposedly called samsung regarding this fix while I was on hold. My replacement should be here tomorrow. This issue is exactly the same as when older android phones would not connect to google (signal indicators would be white instead of blue). It seems like something to do with ssl traffic.
Anyhow, will post back after i've played with the replacement for a bit.
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The next most common thing that it would be is the channel that your router is set to. You want to use a frequency that has little interference and there is an app called WiFi Analyzer to help figure it out for your surroundings.
The reason that the laptops might work ok is because the channel can be set within Windows and are most likely set to a different random number between 1-11 than your phone is.
I have found open channels and used those, which made no difference. I believe this may be a google issue as evidenced here (granted these guys are talking about the nexus 5, the issue is very much the same)
I received my replacement today, no dice. I also bought a new router today, no dice. I've tried every channel 1-12, no dice.
The only thing that works is to enable airplane mode, then turn wifi on. I then see full speeds on play store, youtube, gmail, and hangouts. Interestingly enough, the facebook app is affected by this, as well as all push notifications.
It should be noted that the replacement note 3 exhibits the exact same behavior. This leads me to believe there is a modem issue causing the phone to switch back and forth between LTE and wifi, or something along those lines (if the cell radio is off, wifi works great)
syntheticexctasy said:
I received my replacement today, no dice. I also bought a new router today, no dice. I've tried every channel 1-12, no dice.
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syntheticexctasy said:
The only thing that works is to enable airplane mode, then turn wifi on. I then see full speeds on play store, youtube, gmail, and hangouts. Interestingly enough, the facebook app is affected by this, as well as all push notifications.
It should be noted that the replacement note 3 exhibits the exact same behavior. This leads me to believe there is a modem issue causing the phone to switch back and forth between LTE and wifi, or something along those lines (if the cell radio is off, wifi works great)
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That is truly odd. I suppose it could be believable that an ISP throttled traffic to specific blocks (net neutrality anyone?), but I don't know why that would cause an interface change on the handset.
There are some apps which are network interface aware - e.g. as an example carriers will use split DNS and inbound IP firewalling so only people on their own network can resolve the IPs of MMS (APN) servers or *send* data to them. That prevents them from being DDOS'ed and I suppose other attacks from anything but their own network - which they have well instrumented. But that means that the MMS apps can not use whatever IP interface happens to be up - either for DNS service or for IP routing - so they need to be able to bring up a specific IP interface, use DNS that is bound through that interface, and route through that interface as well.
I was going through the apps on my phone the other night with a package browser (Package Explorer (Ribo), btw) and I was stunned at how many apps have "CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE" privileges.
What I'm wondering is if you have an app installed that has gone nuts and is toggling on/off your cell I/F. Something like that would be consistent with your observations.
Is there anything relevant happening in your device logcat when this is going on?
bftb0 said:
That is truly odd. I suppose it could be believable that an ISP throttled traffic to specific blocks (net neutrality anyone?), but I don't know why that would cause an interface change on the handset.
There are some apps which are network interface aware - e.g. as an example carriers will use split DNS and inbound IP firewalling so only people on their own network can resolve the IPs of MMS (APN) servers or *send* data to them. That prevents them from being DDOS'ed and I suppose other attacks from anything but their own network - which they have well instrumented. But that means that the MMS apps can not use whatever IP interface happens to be up - either for DNS service or for IP routing - so they need to be able to bring up a specific IP interface, use DNS that is bound through that interface, and route through that interface as well.
I was going through the apps on my phone the other night with a package browser (Package Explorer (Ribo), btw) and I was stunned at how many apps have "CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE" privileges.
What I'm wondering is if you have an app installed that has gone nuts and is toggling on/off your cell I/F. Something like that would be consistent with your observations.
Is there anything relevant happening in your device logcat when this is going on?
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There are no apps installed other than the stock verizon/samsung apps. I have reset to factory in preparation for sending this unit back to vz, however it appears i'll be keeping it since the replacement didn't work any better.
Nothing interesting from logcat. Just a lot of IRListener messages, and DalvikVM occasionally clearing ram.
I can see why you would be pulling your hair out.
And the fact that you observe the same behavior with two different units (completely different hardware) and two different routers means one of two things:
- the problem is the handset/software
- the problem is not the handset/software.
Not trying to be funny there. What I mean by the above is that for you to pull two devices out of Samsung's production line at random (unless you happened to get two devices from a single batch of defective units), then the problem couldn't possibly be a low-probability defect thing: either it happens on a very large fraction of all N3 handsets, or the problem actually has nothing to do with the handset at all.
e.g. suppose Sammy shipped handsets where 1 out of 100 had the problem you observe. For you to end up with two of them in a row, the odds of that happening would be 1 in 10,000. If affected half of all handsets, then your odds would be more reasonable - 1 out of 4.
But it sure seems like if it affected half of all owners... or even 10% of all owners, people would be piling in in droves to complain.
I haven't noticed it on my N3, but I have other devices so I'm not sure how much I have used it for e.g. Youtube streaming. I do leave both WiFi and the cell on, and haven't noticed what is happening to you, but I am on MJ7 instead of MJE, and my WiFi is older (802.11g), so maybe if it is a bug it that wouldn't even show up with my setup even if it were the N3's fault.
(BTW, that offers a suggestion - because the N3 is so new it has 802.11ac capabilities - and I suppose your new router does too - if you turn off some capabilities, does the problem disappear? For instance turn off 802.11ac or 802.11n or 5Ghz band usage on the router, does that change anything?)
The other alternatives? Some kind of burst RF noise in your local environment? You earlier said
are not able to connect to the internet over any wifi hotspot, or if they do, they're painfully slow.
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were the "any wifi hotspot" APs that were all relatively close to a single location, or were they widely dispersed (miles apart)? If they were miles apart, then the problem isn't ISM-band interference. Even if it were, interference from non 802.11 devices (bluetooth devices, baby monitors, microwaves, some wireless cameras, etc) isn't going to show up using a scanning app. Relatively sophisticated equipment would be needed to make that determination. Or a search and destroy mission.
I will say that I had a similar problem a few weeks back (using completely different gear) - I was tethering to a different Android phone (USB tether), and Web browsing on the client device (N7 tab) was fine except the Google Play store app - data would only come dribbling out of it. I couldn't even complete a single app listing, much less begin an app download. At the time I just chalked it up to a temporary problem with Google's Play store. But now it makes me wonder if it isn't something more subtle - as you noted, Google servers seem to be a commonality you are observing. Maybe some ridiculous bug involving Google's single credential efforts?
Well, now I'm rambling and I really haven't given you a suggestion. Maybe something I said will jog you in a different direction and you'll figure it out. If it really is something generic to the current Note 3, it seems like Google would want to know about it. I wonder if it is even possible to get telephone support from Google - they don't really have a reputation as being a consumer-oriented business.
good luck
Thank you for all of your help. I am sort of an amateur RF "enthusiast" myself. This happens in more than one location, literally every wifi location i've connected to.
I do believe on past handsets a new sim card sorted this out for some reason, however the vz rep that I spoke with activated a new one that I had gotten with the note 3, but not activated at the time, since my droid 4's sim card was "current enough".
I am lead to believe that this is a modem firmware issue, due to the fact that when the cell radio is off (doesn't matter if mobile data is on or off) the wifi works great. I am running MJE, and would be willing to try and downgrade to the previous radio to see if it makes a difference, but I don't know if that's even possible without causing some damage.
edit: I just realized that the replacement phone is running MJ7...so not sure it would matter.
Ok guys, I figured this out, sort of.
I went into an angry router swapping/resetting frenzy when I figured out that the replacement acted the same.
My original setup consisted of: (I have a lot of wired devices in my house)
Comcast Gateway (set up as a normal cable modem, wifi/firewall/dhcp disabled) ----> Linksys WRT54G w/ DD-WRT (wifi off, using for firewall/routing) -----> Zonet N router (no dhcp, using as a switch, wifi off) --------> Linksys BEFW11S4 (used as a switch) ------> Netgear WNR1000V2 (used as a switch and second wifi access point occasionally)
During this frenzy, I eliminated the Zonet unit, and the BEFW11s4. My network now looks like this:
Comcast Gateway ----> Netgear WNR1000V2 (router/firewall/dhcp/wifi access point) -----> WRT54G (as a switch)
This seems to have solved my problem. I noticed while troubleshooting that if I disconnected the segment between the Zonet and the BEFW11S4, my phone would work perfectly fine. I believe that taking the BEFW11S4 out of the picture solved my problem, even though my data was not riding on that segment of the network.
Still, I am perplexed as to why the airplane mode trick fixed the issue.
LOL. I have a pile of Cisco routers if you want to buy them - and I'll throw in some token ring gear and another BEFW11S4 for free.
But seriously - you did the right thing by (experimentally) simplifying; the more complex an environment is, the more opportunities there are for bug expression.
Glad everything worked out - and I await your PM inquiring about my Cisco pile
I never wanted to upgrade from my WRT54G V1! What an awesome, rock solid router! However, need faster wireless speeds nowadays.
I was trying to keep that as my firewall, since the dd-wrt firewall is so much more robust than that of the netgear, also the netgear does not support nat loopback (something I really would like to have)
