[SOLVED] BIG PROBLEM with TWRP please help! - Kindle Fire General

I have previously installed TWRP which has run without any problem, helping me to install the rooted version of KF 6.2.1 firmware posted here in xda a month or so earlier. It has been running fine until yesterday.
For some reason, when I ran Market, it asked for secure login with a "Retry" button which did not work. When I checked it was still registered with my GMail account for Google. Then the wifi started to go on and off for no reason.
I realized something went wrong so I decided to re-install the rooted 6.2.1 using TWRP.
The installation process completed successfully. I pressed "Reboot" button then choose "Power off". However when I restarted the KF by pressing the on/off button, it booted into TWRP by itself (meaning when the yellow triangle came up, I DID NOT press and hold the on/off button to boot into TWRP; the light went orange by itself and booted into TWRP). I switched on and off several times, but it booted into TWRP by itself all the times.
I decided to wipe everything before re-installing the firmware. I got back into TWRP and wiped cache, Dalvik, System, Factory reset and SDcard. When I press "Install" button, the copy of firmware is no longer on the KF because of complete wiping. I press "Mount" -> "Mount USB storage" and hook up the KF to my PC, so that I can transfer the copy of the firmware to the KF.
I repeated the process (firmware installation was again successful), but I still got the automatic booting into TWRP instead of normal boot.
Then I tried using KF Utility 0.9.2 to update TWRP (I originally installed TWRP using the TWRP Installer). However, I could not get it into fastboot mode (the Utility says "fastboot mode: no"). The instruction from the Utility said if installation did not work, try reinstalling the drivers - I ran "install-drivers.bat" and reinstalled the drivers, but did not get into fastboot mode to do anything.
Then I tried to install CM7 instead of the original firmware. I copied CM7 onto KF and used TWRP to install the zip. Again I wiped everything before installation. Unfortunately this time, the installation process did not complete. I rebooted the KF and again it auto-boot into TWRP (probably because there is no OS on the KF now).
I can still boot into TWRP without problem. The nightmare now is that:
When I try to mount USB device so as to connect to the PC to transfer files, my PC does not detect it as a drive.
Before the screw-up, it shows in Windows Explorer as "Kindle" (or "Amazon Kindle device"). Now when I go to device manager and click "Disk Drives", only the HD of the PC shows.
The "Android Phone" ("Android ADB interface") still shows in Device manager when I hook up the KF, therefore I guess I can still use ADB.
So these are my two questions:
(1) How do I get out of the "reboot loop" and stop the automatic reboot into TWRP so that I can boot normally into Android (this is presuming I install the firmware successfully)
(2) What can I do now that "USB Mount" in TWRP does not work? Can I fix it or can I reinstall TWRP?
Desperately yours

If in Device Manager it shows up as "Android Phone" that means you have the ADB drivers installed and it will not mount as a drive. Simply delete the device from Device Manager and replug the kindle to your computer, or just use a different computer.
Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk

DesDr0id said:
If in Device Manager it shows up as "Android Phone" that means you have the ADB drivers installed and it will not mount as a drive. Simply delete the device from Device Manager and replug the kindle to your computer, or just use a different computer.
Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk
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Thanks. I uninstalled ADB then reconnect KF, and it reinstalled ADB. When I press "Mount USB storage", my PC detects KF as a drive ("Kindle") again.
Actually I also solved the problem of TWRP bootloop:
I used ADB to issue "idme bootmode 4000". This took my KF out of the TWRP bootloop back to normal boot. I am surprised to see that CM7 installation is successful, despite it seemed that in TWRP this was cut off in the middle, without the usual "installation successful" message that came after original firmware installation.

Can you see it in adb by doing an "adb devices"?

just for the future - the commands to set bootmode to normal depending on the current bootmode and version of fff:
with adb:
adb shell su -c "idme bootmode 4000"
adb reboot
with fastboot:
fastboot -i 0x1949 oem idme bootmode 4000
fastboot -i 0x1949 reboot
fastboot -i 0x18d1 oem idme bootmode 4000
fastboot -i 0x18d1 reboot
fastboot oem idme bootmode 4000
fastboot reboot
please mark the subject of the topic (edit first post) to [Solved]


[Q] Yet another bricked KF

Hello all,
I've got a bricked droid, and haven't been able to find a fix that worked in other threads here.
I rooted my droid successfully, and installed GO Launcher EX, along with the android market, and a number of apps from there.
Among those, busybox, metamorph (which i then used to change the wallpaper), titanium backup, etc. I had successfully rebooted after all these installations and after changing the wallpaper.
I was getting on a plane the other day and turned off the KF, and havent been able to get it to boot since.
Originally it was in a boot loop, getting to the kindle fire icon and rebooting every 3 seconds.
I tried using the KFU, but it was unsuccessful at changing the boot mode (drivers were successfully installed).
Failing at that, i tried following the instructions in http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1414832
After the reboot, it is now just stuck in the kindle fire screen, and i cant run any adb commands, device not found.
Am I straight up screwed now? or anything I might be able to do at this point.
Much appreciated, thanks for any advice.
Do you have fastboot access? Try running the following...
fastboot -i 0x1949 oem idme bootmode 4000
Try this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1422832
Thanks guys, ill try those and post back w the results.
so i tried fastboot -i 0x1949 oem idme bootmode 4000
and it seems to have been successful, in that it is now back to its original boot loop state. however, it is still not booting fully.
it seems that adb commands are now working, i can do adb shell, and navigate root folders (system etc).
zombie, i havent had much luck with that route, i had tried that earlier.
I've seen people mentioning that the cause for their brick had something to do with permissions, so i did ls -l in the adb shell, here are the permissions for some of the relevant folders. if there are any others that might be helpful, let me know.
root -> drwx------
system -> drwxr-xr-x
sdcard -> lrwxrwxrwx
oh and framework-res.apk -> -rw-r--r-- (same as all other files in that directory)
i did modify the framework-res to change the background image. it successfully booted at least once after the modification - i used metamorph, i loaded the file, then rebooted for it to take effect. this was successful, but i believe it was the next reboot which did my kindle in, so possibly related.
i rambled a bit, but maybe if i replaced the current framework-res.apk with the stock framework-res.apk, that might be worth trying? are all stock framework-res.apk files the same at stock? because i don't have a copy of the original that came with my kindle.
i would go back into fastboot and then flash over TWRP... and then reinstall your os from scratch. it would probably be easier than trying to root around fixing it from the inside.
Thanks xrishox, I might do that. Is there a thread detailing how to do that?
When I tried doing fastboot I lost the ability to use adb commands so I'm not sure how to go about flashing twrp.
Download the fbmode binary and TWRP image. Then run the following.
adb push fbmode /data/local/temp
adb shell /data/local/tmp/fbmode
arbiter reboot
Your device should reboot and be stuck on the Kindle bootscreen. You are currently in fastboot mode. Now run the following...
fastboot -i 0x1949 poem idme bootmode 4000
fastboot -i 0x1949 boot twrp-blaze-2.0.0RC0.image
Your device will reboot after that last command. It will boot into the TWRP installer. When it completes, tap "Reboot". Then boot into TWRP recovery and install the factory update, or a custom image that won't replace FireFireFire and TWRP.
jackofaiitrades said:
Hello all,
I've got a bricked droid, and haven't been able to find a fix that worked in other threads here.
I rooted my droid successfully, and installed GO Launcher EX, along with the android market, and a number of apps from there.
Among those, busybox, metamorph (which i then used to change the wallpaper), titanium backup, etc. I had successfully rebooted after all these installations and after changing the wallpaper.
I was getting on a plane the other day and turned off the KF, and havent been able to get it to boot since.
Originally it was in a boot loop, getting to the kindle fire icon and rebooting every 3 seconds.
I tried using the KFU, but it was unsuccessful at changing the boot mode (drivers were successfully installed).
Failing at that, i tried following the instructions in http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1414832
After the reboot, it is now just stuck in the kindle fire screen, and i cant run any adb commands, device not found.
Am I straight up screwed now? or anything I might be able to do at this point.
Much appreciated, thanks for any advice.
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I recently just dealt with this same issue. My KF was stuck in boot loop and wouldn't be recognized by my computer. I left it in bootloop until it ran out of battery. Once it was completely drained, I connected it to my computer and my computer recognized it, I then reinstalled the drivers. Right after that I used KFU to change bootmode to normal boot and let it fully charge! Good to go! Hope this helps someone.
from the op of kfu:
Known Tricks
•If you end up stuck at the yellow triangle, in KF Utility select Boot Normal, wait for it to say <waiting for device> and then press and hold the power button 20 seconds until the fire turns off, then when its off turn it back on. This sometimes happens, I have yet to find a clean solution
•If you end up stuck with a yellow triangle, do not EVER unplug it. Leave it plugged in. Check the windows drivers to make sure it isnt showing as "kindle" again. Fastboot is different and can cause this.
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and here is a note from vashypooh - the op of kfu
maybe it helps someone ...
Thanks guys, I won't be near a computer until tonight but will try these out as soon as I get back
lmntone said:
Download the fbmode binary and TWRP image. Then run the following.
adb push fbmode /data/local/temp
adb shell /data/local/tmp/fbmode
arbiter reboot
Your device should reboot and be stuck on the Kindle bootscreen. You are currently in fastboot mode. Now run the following...
fastboot -i 0x1949 poem idme bootmode 4000
fastboot -i 0x1949 boot twrp-blaze-2.0.0RC0.image
Your device will reboot after that last command. It will boot into the TWRP installer. When it completes, tap "Reboot". Then boot into TWRP recovery and install the factory update, or a custom image that won't replace FireFireFire and TWRP.
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Tone you're a life saver, thanks. I'm up and good to go.
good that it's working again !
have you seen this one in the dev section - could save a lot of handwork:
Also, when I get back to my computer again, ill update my OP to include the solution so that others might benefit. its like a 20 minute fix but took me days to resolve it (largely due to lack of comp access but that's beside the point).

[Q] Bootloop in TWRP + bricked device...

I just overall screwed up big time with this thing. I rooted 6.2.1, then uninstalled/froze a bunch of the stock apps (including the default Kindle launcher, as I had Go Launcher installed).
I then decided I wanted to restore to the factory default settings, as I wanted to use Amazon prime, among other things. I went into settings and hit the "restore to factory defaults button" (which was stupid, I know). Unsurprisingly, this resulted in Kindle Fire bootloops.
Trying to fix this, I used the KindleFireTool to install the most recent TWRP...which didn't work at all. It would just stay on the yellow triangle screen. Now, things have gotten even worse, though I don't know why. Whenever I plug the fire into the computer, it goes into TWRP bootloops!
For the brief few seconds that the Fire is on when plugged into my computer, the driver isn't recognized at all (shows up as "kindle" with a triangle next to it in device manager).
I know what I did was dumb, but even so, any help would be hugely appreciated.
First you must download Kindle Fire Utility and extract it to your desktop
then go to command prompt or cmd then type in the location of the folder heres mine for example: C:\Users\Madaran\Desktop\Kindle Fire Utility\tools
then type in fastboot -i 0x1949 oem idme bootmode 4000
For me it said waiting for device all I did is rebooted the device and it worked
as the device reboot it will still go back to TWRP now type this in the command prompt
fastboot -i 0x1949 oem idme bootmode 4000
then it should reboot again and ITS FIXED
I used this thread to fix it.
Thank you so much! I'll post results when I get the opportunity.
Well it didn't work...the thing isn't connecting to the computer properly. I think it's a goner.
Mine didn't connect also but it still worked. You don't need the device to be connected just plug it in and put it in the TWRP recover mode. Then do the steps again.
1.Download Kindle Fire Utility
2.Extract it to desktop.
3.You can't connect it while its in FastBoot mode so open up CMD or Command Prompt.
4.Again locate the folder and type it in the CMD for example I typed:
"cd C:\Users\Madaran\Desktop\Kindle Fire Utility\tools"
5.Then type this in "fastboot -i 0x1949 oem idme bootmode 4000"
6.It should say waiting for device. Go to TWRP and hit reboot system.
7.It should work now and while waiting for your Kindle to boot up, the power button should be orange.
8.When it turned orange I immediately typed this in the CMD or Command Prompt
"fastboot -i 0x1949 oem idme bootmode 4000" so it wouldn't boot to the TWRP recovery menu.
9.It should reboot again and load up your CyanogenMod 7
10. If it work hit the thanks button please.
I did all of that up until step 6. My device won't allow me to reboot. When it's plugged in via USB, it boots up, dies within 20 seconds, then boots again. I can't break the cycle, and it just says waiting for device on and on...
skippwhy said:
I did all of that up until step 6. My device won't allow me to reboot. When it's plugged in via USB, it boots up, dies within 20 seconds, then boots again. I can't break the cycle, and it just says waiting for device on and on...
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It maybe your battery its low. Try to charge it and connect it again.
Definitely worth a shot
You were right! It was a battery issue
sirmavs said:
Mine didn't connect also but it still worked. You don't need the device to be connected just plug it in and put it in the TWRP recover mode. Then do the steps again.
1.Download Kindle Fire Utility
2.Extract it to desktop.
3.You can't connect it while its in FastBoot mode so open up CMD or Command Prompt.
4.Again locate the folder and type it in the CMD for example I typed:
"cd C:\Users\Madaran\Desktop\Kindle Fire Utility\tools"
5.Then type this in "fastboot -i 0x1949 oem idme bootmode 4000"
6.It should say waiting for device. Go to TWRP and hit reboot system.
7.It should work now and while waiting for your Kindle to boot up, the power button should be orange.
8.When it turned orange I immediately typed this in the CMD or Command Prompt
"fastboot -i 0x1949 oem idme bootmode 4000" so it wouldn't boot to the TWRP recovery menu.
9.It should reboot again and load up your CyanogenMod 7
10. If it work hit the thanks button please.
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Hey guys... I kinda bricked my Kindle... I tried all the steps mentioned above. My Kindle boots but it freezes on the Kindle Fire Boot Screen. It does not load the home screen of Kindle with Shelf.
Please help

[Q] Tried to revert back from CM7 to stock Rom

and that worked fine. I restored my backup and had the stock rom up and running fine. I then tried to install the android market but root explorer would not let me change the "mount as R/W" option. So under system settngs, device, I did a factory reset. Well after doing so I was met with TWRP, where I found out that my backup for the stock rom and CM7 was gone.
I tried re-installing CM7 via TWRP only to get met with it telling me:
E:Can't open/cache/recovery/log
E:Can't open/cache/recovery/last_log
E:Cannot load volume/misc!
So now I take it doing the factory reset wasn't the greatest idea. My question now is, how do I get my kindle running again? I would prefer to get back to the stock rom with access to the android market until a stable ICS rom is released, but have no problem going back to CM7 if necessary.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You.
NastyNasdaq said:
and that worked fine. I restored my backup and had the stock rom up and running fine. I then tried to install the android market but root explorer would not let me change the "mount as R/W" option. So under system settngs, device, I did a factory reset. Well after doing so I was met with TWRP, where I found out that my backup for the stock rom and CM7 was gone.
I tried re-installing CM7 via TWRP only to get met with it telling me:
E:Can't open/cache/recovery/log
E:Can't open/cache/recovery/last_log
E:Cannot load volume/misc!
So now I take it doing the factory reset wasn't the greatest idea. My question now is, how do I get my kindle running again? I would prefer to get back to the stock rom with access to the android market until a stable ICS rom is released, but have no problem going back to CM7 if necessary.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You.
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Well that quick looks like I have done more damage.
I tried to run the unbrick kindle utility found in the developers forums. I ran that and selected option 5, it then asked me if I had the yellow triangle so I selected no. It then rebooted the kindle and I am now stuck with the yellow triangle.
Any help?
NastyNasdaq said:
Well that quick looks like I have done more damage.
I tried to run the unbrick kindle utility found in the developers forums. I ran that and selected option 5, it then asked me if I had the yellow triangle so I selected no. It then rebooted the kindle and I am now stuck with the yellow triangle.
Any help?
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Uhhhhh select yes.....Now that you have the triangle
Tried that and it gave me an error. Forget what it said (turned pc off, going to sleep) and did nothing to the kindle. Pc recognizes it as android phone but not as a usb storage drive.
Any suggestions?
Have you tried to fastboot it via adb?
its in fastboot. reinstall twrp. this is why I ordered a fastboot cable.
how did u install twrp the first time? sounds like u have a drivers issue.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
in case you have a driver issue you could follow this thread:
then you can use kfu or unbrick utility to set bootmode to normal
if you like to do it manually here are all commands depending on rooting method and the bootstate (use only the fastboot commands in your case):
with adb:
adb shell su -c "idme bootmode 4000"
adb reboot
with fastboot:
fastboot -i 0x1949 oem idme bootmode 4000
fastboot -i 0x1949 reboot
fastboot -i 0x18d1 oem idme bootmode 4000
fastboot -i 0x18d1 reboot
fastboot oem idme bootmode 4000
fastboot reboot

[HOW TO] Recover Kindle Fire from corrupted read/write permissions in /system (6.2.1)

Link to original thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1452651
This is a specific guide to restoring your Kindle Fire from boot loop caused by changes in the /system/ directory permissions.
The problem:
After rooting my Kindle Fire, I tried to install the Android Market app and while doing so, messed up my read/write permissions of /system/app/
After rebooting my Kindle, the logo animation started looping endlessly, indicating there was a serious issue taking place.
The specs:
Device: Kindle Fire
Firmware: 6.2.1
Desktop: Mac Mini
OS: OS X Lion
The tools:
You will need,
1. The KindleFireRoot Kit from here (It has tools for all OSs)
2. TWRP 2.0 from here
3. The fbmode file found here to be able to stock fastboot in 6.2.1
The steps:
1. Move all the contents from both the downloaded KindleFireRoot Kit and TWRP into a single directory for convenience.
2. Assuming you were able to root your Kindle in the first place, it's likely you already have drivers installed (Windows). Check by opening a Terminal, navigating to the dir with all the tools and doing this on Windows:
adb kill-server
adb devices
on Mac:
sudo ./adb kill-server
./adb devices
Your device should be listed. If it is skip to the next step.
If it's not, install the drivers found in the usb_driver directory (Win only). In this directory you can find the adb_usb.ini file which you need to move to the .android directory that's inside /Users/[your_name]/
3. We will now use the fbmode to fastboot to stock 6.2.1 as explained in this thread.
adb push fbmode /data/local/tmp
adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/fbmode
adb shell /data/local/tmp/fbmode
adb reboot
4. Now that we can fastboot, we will install TWRP 2.0.
Just run this command:
fastboot -i 0x1949 boot twrp-blaze-2.0.0RC0.img
...and reboot. The Kindle should boot into a screen with a yellow triangle and TRWP will install itself.
5. What you need to do now is tap the reboot button onscreen. As it reboots, hold down the Power Button until the light turns orange. You will then boot into TWRP. You will see a Menu with a bunch of Buttons.
6. Now it's time to boot up your Kindle as a USB Drive to repair the permissions.
Touch the Mount button and select the checkbox that says System. After that tap on Mount USB
All you have to do after that is type this in the Terminal and voila:
adb shell chmod 755 /systme/app
7. Reboot your device and enjoy.
Thanks to everyone who helped me figure that out in the original thread and the threads that I've linked. I might be missing a step. PM if you get stuck or just Reply on this thread.
/system/app kindle fire
Thanks for the instructions. I got to the point where the yellow triangle shows up on my kindle fire after doing the fastboot command and touching the reboot button on the kindle screen. However, it just locks up after that and I never get to the subsequent menu. All I see is the yellow triangle on the screen with the instructions to press the power button for recovery. I have reset the power many times and all I get is the yellow fire triangle now. Any ideas how to get out of this loop? Thanks.
fastboot -i 0x1949 oem idme bootmode 5001
fastboot -i 0x1949 reboot
if you'r done you may have to reset the boot mode to normal (when you are in twrp):
adb shell idme bootmode 4000
adb reboot
Windows doesn't seem to be recognizing my device anymore. I get an unknown usb device when I plug it in. When I run the fastboot commands I get a <waiting for device> from which it never returns. I tried to reinstall my android_winusb.ini file to the kindle, but windows says it is up to date. Windows gives me this error in the device manager: " Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43)" Help!
you have to update the driver manually:
Thanks, that did it! I also had plugged it into another computer that recognized it as a kindle. I'm not sure if that mattered or not.
This seems to be great. Unfortunately I've got to a different thread and I think I totally bricked my Kindle. I was able to install and run TRWP. However I tried to do a recovery from Amazon Stock img. Then rebooted the kindle. After that the kindle rebooted and got stuck again. I tried to re-run TRWP but this time I got a different error message when tried to run adb shell to go into fastboot. The error message said the system shell could not be found. Adb shell is not accessible and if I do a fastboot command it says waiting for device.
If I do adb devices I can see the actual device # not anymore in recover mode but listed as device. But not able to run the adb shell. I am really frustrated!
that happend many others by trying to flash the original amazon rom
the original rom deletes fff, twrp and root
with a messed up system shell you have no possibility to get to fastboot mode
the only solution is to use a factory cable - you can build or buy one:
the factory cable forces the kf to fastboot mode
restore with factory cable:
or in short:
You must insert cable, then switch off kindle by pressing button about 20sec and press once again, kindle will be in fastboot.
test with "fastboot getvar product"
After kindle will be in fastboot, with Kindle Fire Utility install TWRP recovery and with recovery install prerooted stock or CM7 firmware.

[SOLVED] Stuck in boot loop with 6.2.2 and HAVE adb shell access, but still stuck...

Firstly, I'm sorry for creating a new thread, but please know that I searched everywhere (here and around the Internet) first. I barely slept last night. I have read and read. I'm still stuck.
I was able to root following these instructions - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1410223 - and all was good for a little while, until I made a bone-headed mistake in the File Expert app while trying to install Google Market. I changed the permissions to /system/app and I'm sure that if I was able to change them back, I'd be fine. I just can't figure out how to do that.
What I can do is connect to the device via ADB, but if I go to adb shell, the prompt is a $. As I understand it, I need that to be a #. I can't get a # prompt, because when I run "su", I get an error that says "Segmentation fault su". (Sometimes I get a different error message, but I'm sorry, I forget what that is right now.)
Anyway, so because I'm not superuser, when I attempt to run "chmod 755 /system/app" (which is what I know I need to do), I get an error "Unable to chmod ... Read-only file system."
In order to get around that error, I know I need to mount as readwrite. However, when I try to run "mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system", I get an error that says, "mount: Operation not permitted."
No doubt, I cannot chmod or mount because I'm not su. In an attempt to regain su, I tried to run BurritoRoot2.bin again (I don't know if that makes sense, but I decided to try it anyway, because BurritoRoot2 is what worked for me last night, and everything really was fine until I messed up those permissions). Anyway, that was last night. Today, BurritoRoot2 won't work anymore. Now I get an error says, "android.util.AndroidException: Can't connect to activity manager; is the system running?"
Well, no. The system is not running. That's sort of my problem.
I have no idea what to do now. I do not have TWRP installed. If I did have that installed, I might be able to flash a completely stock 6.2.1 or 6.2.2 ROM, thus restoring everything to "out-of-the-box" condition, which would be fantastic right about now. I don't know if I can install TWRP at this point, however, since my access to the device is so limited.
PLEASE help me... Where, exactly, should I go from here?
(Thank you for reading this. I'm sorry it's so long; I wanted to be thorough.)
you have to install fff and twrp therefore you have to get to fastboot:
then install twrp:
download from http://techerrata.com/file/twrp2/twrp-blaze-2.0.0RC0.img
install with:
fastboot -i 0x1949 boot recovery\twrp-blaze-2.0.0RC0.img
and reboot:
fastboot reboot
now you can flash one of the prerroted stock roms or cm7 - whatever you like
would not use the stock rom from amazon cause you'll loose fff, twrp and root
Okay, so far so good! Thank you so much for that information.
It seems as if fastboot has been enabled without complication. I'm moving on now to the download and installation of TWRP and FFF. I'll let you know how it goes!
Well, crap. Now I'm stuck at the yellow triangle and "press power button for recovery", except pressing power does not start recovery.
AND, I can no longer access the device via ADB. The drivers appear to be invalid now. :`-(
I'll be working my way through this thread now - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1408056 - and again, will report back later.
CarpeNivem said:
Well, crap. Now I'm stuck at the yellow triangle and "press power button for recovery", except pressing power does not start recovery.
AND, I can no longer access the device via ADB. The drivers appear to be invalid now. :`-(
I'll be working my way through this thread now - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1408056 - and again, will report back later.
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you'll have to update the driver - some did up to 4 times to get the right driver for each boot mode
in short:
normal boot -> android composite adb interface
fastboot -> android adb interface
adb is'nt working in fastboot mode and you'r still in fastboot mode
once you got twrp installed correctly, the drivers updated and correctly recognized you can force to recovery mode:
fastboot -i 0x1949 oem idme bootmode 5001
fastboot -i 0x1949 reboot
btw. to get to twrp you have to press the button repeatently (not holding,not once) till the button gets orange
After rebooting the Kindle several times, it is now appearing in Device Manager as "Android ADB Interface" (which, if I'm understanding your most recent post, is correct). However, it is not listed when I type "adb devices", so that's troubling. And, when I try to run the "fastboot oem idme bootmode 4000" command, I get an error that "AdbWinApi.dll is missing from your computer".
So far I've only searched the forums briefly, but that error seems to be related to improper drivers, which means I'm even MORE confused, since the drivers appear correct now. Well, they appear correct in terms of what I see in Device Manager. I'm still uncomfortable about "adb devices" not returning anything, though.
just updated my last post
got it - from where do you run the commands kfu tools folder or sdk ?
if you use kfu tools folder (would recommend cause there are all necessary files) then move kfu to something like c:\kfu - it don't like spaces in pathname
Thank you. I was running the fastboot from "C:\Kindle Fire Utility v6\", which was clearly wrong. First I renamed that folder to C:\kfu\ and then tried from there (but I was obviously still misunderstanding your post at that point). THEN, I read your post again, and realized I needed to be in the C:\kfu\tools\ folder. From there, I ran...
fastboot -i 0x1949 oem idme bootmode 5001
fastboot -i 0x1949 reboot
...and I am now inside TWRP! It is working.
To be abundantly clear (for any others who many be reading this in the future), after typing those commands, the Kindle rebooted itself. I then waited a little while, and the green light changed to orange (I had tried waiting before, but nothing happened previously). Shortly after the light turned orange, the Kindle rebooted itself again (on its own). It was on that reboot that TWRP started.
And that's where I stand now. I don't have time to actually use TWRP at the moment, though. I'm going to have to come back to this later.
But thank you again SO MUCH for getting me this far. I might just be able to take it from here.
to get to normal boot once your finished maybe you have to issue adb commands since adb is working in recovery
adb shell su -c "idme bootmode 4000"
adb reboot
glad to help ...
please mark the subject of the topic (edit first post) with [Solved]
good luck !
HOT DAMN, I have a Kindle again!!
Alright, so once I had TWRP installed, I noticed there was a menu choice labeled "Fix Permissions". Since all I really wanted to do was undo the mistake I made with /system/app, I wondered if clicking that would do it. So I tried it.
When that finished, I connected via adb shell and checked the permissions on /system/app. They were still wrong. But, I also had a # prompt now, not a $. So then I thought, well, I bet I can use chmod now.
And I could! "chmod 755 /system/app" worked! At this point, I thought that might be good enough. I may not need to flash a ROM after all. I mean, changing those permissions is all I really wanted to do last night. Well, that and sleep.
At this point, I tried leaving the shell and running "adb shell su -c "idme bootmode 4000"" from cmd, as instructed, but that didn't work. It said "su" was not found. Hmm. On a whim, I decided to go back into the adb shell, and just type "idme bootmode 4000" right from the # prompt. It seemed to accept that. Then I typed "reboot" from the next # prompt.
The Kindle rebooted. At first, it went to the yellow triangle with the "press power button to enter recovery" screen. I didn't press anything. I just stared at it and waited. Eventually, it rebooted itself. On this reboot, it went to the Kindle Fire logo!! I wondered if it was working again, or just stuck back where I had been this morning. So I waited, tensely. I have mixed emotions about that logo animation now, ya know.
See? I told you it was just those permissions. I knew it all along.
Anyway, b63 is the best ever! Thank you SOOO much. If you're even in Denver, let me know. I owe you at LEAST a beer! Or if you have PayPal, seriously, I'll hook you up that way too. I really, really appreciate it!
(And... Original title edited. "Solved"!)
I tried following the fix but I am lost at the part that says:
then install twrp:
download from techerrata.com/file/twrp2/twr...e-2.0.0RC0
install with:
fastboot -i 0x1949 boot recovery\twrp-blaze-2.0.0RC0.img
and reboot:
fastboot reboot
I do not understand what that means. Plus, I now have the yellow triangle and ADB does not recognize my kindle.
that is normal - your kf should be in fastboot mode now - adb is'nt working here
regarding the driver you have to reinstall the driver at this point - in fastboot mode it should be "android adb interface" in device manager - here is how to do:
-Go to device manager
-right click on the exclamation mark kindle
-Choose update driver software
-choose browse my computer for driver software
-choose let me pick from a list of devices on my computer
-Then select have disk
-Then select browse
-direct to where you downloaded the usb driver
-Select ok and ok
then resume with the downloads and the commands
I just tried, that, but it said that the driver was the same one installed. Is there a different driver that I am supposed to be using? I selected the one I used to root it in my .android file. Is that the right one?
---------- Post added at 05:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:43 PM ----------
Well, I think I just FUBARed it. I uninstalled the driver, reconnected, and not it is not letting me re install the driver because windows says its broken.
Daniel_Fate said:
I just tried, that, but it said that the driver was the same one installed. Is there a different driver that I am supposed to be using? I selected the one I used to root it in my .android file. Is that the right one?
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no it is'nt - let's start at the beginning and check the precautions:
1. it would be good to know on what computer you are (os/bit)
2. download last kfu from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1399889
3. extract it to c:\ and rename from "kindle fire utility" to "kfu" that it is c:\kfu
4. the driver is now at c:\kfu\drivers\kindle - the file is android_winusb.inf
now you have all what you need
tell me if you'hv got it - i'll guide you further
AHA! I got it back, ill follow what you asked. I am running Win 7 64 bit.
---------- Post added at 06:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:54 PM ----------
Alright, I downloaded, unzipped, and renamed the KFU. I went into device manager and selected update driver software, went and browsed and selected the kindle folder for the drivers. It started to install, asked if I trusted this unknown source, then started installing. At the end of the install it said:
"Windows found the driver software for your device but encountered an error while attempting to install it.
Android ADB Interface
This device cannot start. (code 10)"
Now my kindle is tethered and on. The screen is just the static kindle fire logo. thoughts?
Daniel_Fate said:
AHA! I got it back, ill follow what you asked. I am running Win 7 64 bit.
---------- Post added at 06:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:54 PM ----------
Alright, I downloaded, unzipped, and renamed the KFU. I went into device manager and selected update driver software, went and browsed and selected the kindle folder for the drivers. It started to install, asked if I trusted this unknown source, then started installing. At the end of the install it said:
"Windows found the driver software for your device but encountered an error while attempting to install it.
Android ADB Interface
This device cannot start. (code 10)"
Now my kindle is tethered and on. The screen is just the static kindle fire logo. thoughts?
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still trouble with the drivers - try to run install_drivers.bat from c:\kfu\
the status of the kf is ok on the logo - it's fastboot
b63 said:
still trouble with the drivers - try to run install_drivers.bat from c:\kfu\
the status of the kf is ok on the logo - it's fastboot
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Here's what I did:
Opened cmd
entered "cd c:\kfu\"
entered "install_drivers.bat"
A window popped up saying "Welcome to the Kindle Fire Driver Installer. This will
walk you through updating your Kindle Fire. Click Next."
Clicked next
Says "drivers were successfully installed on your computer: Androidusbdeviceclass"
Clicked finish
Went to device manager
Still have yellow triangle.
Am I missing something here out of stupidity/ignorance?
Daniel_Fate said:
Here's what I did:
Opened cmd
entered "cd c:\kfu\"
entered "install_drivers.bat"
A window popped up saying "Welcome to the Kindle Fire Driver Installer. This will
walk you through updating your Kindle Fire. Click Next."
Clicked next
Says "drivers were successfully installed on your computer: Androidusbdeviceclass"
Clicked finish
Went to device manager
Still have yellow triangle.
Am I missing something here out of stupidity/ignorance?
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no - you don't miss something - it's allways a hassle with win7 espacialy 64 bit
try to unplug - replug
I unpluged, and replugged about 5 times, each time it came up as an unknown device. I then unplugged it, shut it off, plugged it back in, then turned it back on, and it became a yellow triangle ADB.
Daniel_Fate said:
I unpluged, and replugged about 5 times, each time it came up as an unknown device. I then unplugged it, shut it off, plugged it back in, then turned it back on, and it became a yellow triangle ADB.
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sounds not bad - let's test it:
you still have the command prompt open in c:\kfu\tools
issue the following command:
"fastboot -i 0x1949 getvar product" - it should return "kindle"
