[TOOL] Develop/Customize Your Own Rom 1.0.4 | 1/05 - Epic 4G General

RandomKing's Android Kitchen​
First and foremost, I will not be providing intricate and detailed directions with this.
This will remove almost any need to ever have to enter command-line code by simplifying everything into simple menus and performing the code for you!
I only take partial claim to this, as I've only written the over-arching interface and the smali/baksmali interface.
This is provided primarily for personal modifications. Please do not make a few minor changes to an existing rom and call it your own.
Quite simply, this is a menu-based interface coupled with nearly all of the .jars, packages, and files necessary for android development. Using this you can decompile/compile .apks and the vast assortment of features associated with this as well as baksmali/smali .dex files and even sign your .zips! This is the interface I currently personally use to streamline my edits combined into an easy installer. This will create a shortcut in your start menu, as well as provide an uninstaller. I'm always looking to streamline more!
Decompile framework-res.apk and systemui.apk for theming purposes!
Rebuild framework.jar to include the latest mod that your favorite rom just doesn't have!
Java [For functionality]
Gimp [For png and .9.png editing]
Winmerge [For easily identifying file changes]
Notepad++ [For smali and xml edits]
7zip Archiver [For creating/managing .zips]
A general knowledge of everything mentioned!
Apk Manager 5.0.2 by raziel23x
-Apk Tool
Dex Manager 1.0.0 by RandomKing
AutoSigner by Stericson
>>Android Kitchen 1.0.4<<
>>Alternate Download<<
(Rename from '.bin' to '.msi'.)
Version 1.0.4
-Removed rogue classes file (reduced install size)
-Fixed shortcut
Version 1.0.3
-Redesigned AutoSigner menu in line with overall menu
-New versions should install over old versions
-Version number shown in cmd header
-New splash screen
Version 1.0.2
-Added shortcut to kitchen folder for easier file management
Version 1.0.1
-Fixed issue with APK Manager not including requisite folders
-When using my Dex manager to Smali/Baksmali, it may say "File Not Found" and appear to work anyway. It will work anyway. All this indicates is that prior to performing its function it is removing a preexisting directory or classes.dex to avoid overwrite issues and that none currently exists.
-Sometimes baksmali will not properly perform, but running it again usually solves that.
I post this in 'General' under the assumption that most users in the 'Development' forum can do all of this and more without my help.​

Went down with my old site. PPCGeeks gave me no warning. Nice of them, right? Good thing I moved almost everything beforehand.​

Nice work
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

Sweet! Well done! Thanks for sharing.

marcusant said:
Nice work
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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codest3r said:
Sweet! Well done! Thanks for sharing.
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I figure, some people are daunted by command lines. Plus it can be tiresome. But even more so, some that want to try their hand at developing (the only way to learn it!) don't know where or what tools to find. I made this some time ago, and have been adjusting it ever since to my liking.
XDA is for sharing, right?

sent from my cm7 touchwiz 4.5-ed epic

what do i do with the .bin file?

So can I compile 9.pngs with this instead of Eclipse? I couldn't get the Android plug-in to work on Eclipse...thanks.

Thanks, RandomKing, I've been thinking of creating some CMD line scripts. You just saved me the trouble!

Wow this is awesome! Thank you for all your hard work!
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk

kennyglass123 said:
So can I compile 9.pngs with this instead of Eclipse? I couldn't get the Android plug-in to work on Eclipse...thanks.
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Yup, this is how I've been doing it for a while now.
AmericanJedi001 said:
Thanks, RandomKing, I've been thinking of creating some CMD line scripts. You just saved me the trouble!
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The developers of ApkTool, and subsequently Apk Manager are the ones that gave me the idea... why not one cmd interface to rule all of my programming needs?
imtoomuch said:
Wow this is awesome! Thank you for all your hard work!
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
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No problem, I figured I'd finally made it as user-friendly as possible. I had a lot of trouble keeping all the necessary codes memorized, and smali edits to framework.jars was my biggest annoyance!

jpond83 said:
what do i do with the .bin file?
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Change it from .bin to .msi. I'm not sure why it uploaded like that, I may put it in a zip.

that worked, thanks for sharing this, this is great


[ deodex script] deodexerious: all your base are belong to us!

Here's a script I've built for my own ROM cooking purpose
another purpose was to create a very easy to read script, so everyone can understand the magic of deodex
had some hard time figuring all the BOOTCLASSPATH and all the signing magic (if you want to do it manually, the secret is: don't pack and sign!, just add the classes.odex to the original jar or apk...whatever...
or use my script to automagically do all that)
after one brick and jtag reincarnation and a few bootloops
I present to you:
DEODEXERIOUS !! (the only spartan deodex script)
* tested on my Ubuntu 10.10
1. extract the included script
2. put the content of system(including the system folder) inside the rom folder
actually you can create a folder named system inside the rom folder and copy framwork and app folder there, it does not require any other files from the rom
3. while in the console inside the extracted script directory execute from the console
4. wait and watch the console for errors (there shouldn't be any)
5. when it is done, you should find the deodexed files inside the deodexed folder
* if you want to start over just execute from the same place in the console
tested and successfully deodexed:
I897 UCKB1
I9088 KP2
I9088 ZNKP5
I9000 XWJS3
I9000 XWJS5
I9000 XWJV1 2.3.2, except email.apk
it does not support already deodexed rom's!!! (why should it?)
if you test other raw versions (even captivate ones) please inform the result, or problems found, I'll do my best to help
the script is a very initial version
it does inform errors human readable so watch the console for them
oh! almost forgot , here's the script:
change log:
04/03/2011 - deodexerius_03
added gingerbread XWJV1 2.3.2 - custom classpaths
smali and baksmali 1.2.6
case insensitive classpath helpers
deodexerius can deodex all XWJV1 2.3.2, except email.apk
27/02/2011 - deodexerius_02
better support for the additional files in kp5 and kp2
good luck!!
To Be Continued
If someone could come up with one of these for windows they would be my hero
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
rob989_69 said:
If someone could come up with one of these for windows they would be my hero
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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kind of like this one?
You saved my life man... thanks a billion! And add a donate link, I know I'd like to send a few bucks your way
Pirateghost said:
kind of like this one?
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If this works you are my hero!!! LOL. I've found a number of different ones, either they don't work or I'm not using them correctly but this one is new to me. Thanks.
rob989_69 said:
If someone could come up with one of these for windows they would be my hero
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sorry man no windows version.
ytt3r said:
You saved my life man... thanks a billion! And add a donate link, I know I'd like to send a few bucks your way
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your'e welcome.
rob989_69 said:
If this works you are my hero!!! LOL. I've found a number of different ones, either they don't work or I'm not using them correctly but this one is new to me. Thanks.
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oh it works....
Just used this on KP2, works great, thanks!
existz said:
Just used this on KP2, works great, thanks!
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great news!
works great with xwjs3
This is great. Works on the new KB1.
I keep seeing this while the script is running
Compiling classes.dex from rom/system/framework/framework-tests
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
at java.util.ArrayList.raiseBoundsError(libgcj.so.11)
at java.util.ArrayList.checkBoundExclusive(libgcj.so.11)
at java.util.ArrayList.get(libgcj.so.11)
at org.jf.dexlib.DexFile$2.placeAt(DexFile.java:783)
at org.jf.dexlib.DexFile.place(DexFile.java:659)
at org.jf.smali.main.fixInstructions(main.java:255)
at org.jf.smali.main.main(main.java:203)
Cleaning up
Cleaning up
Do I have to worry? I am going to try it again when it all completes, just want to make sure I am not missing anything
it does not support already deodexed rom's!!! (why should it?)
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what if you wanted to deodex a single new app? just redo the whole thing?
Trusselo said:
what if you wanted to deodex a single new app? just redo the whole thing?
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To deodex a single app, you need to keep the deodexed framework files around. Then you can just do that app by pulling the code bits out of the framework.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Trusselo said:
what if you wanted to deodex a single new app? just redo the whole thing?
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baksmali/smali + about 6 or 7 framework jars + cmd prompt = win!
How can I verify that the Deodex worked? I ran the script a couple times last night just to see what happens and then dropped the files in on my phone. Everything is working fine, just wanted to know how I can verify its deodexed.
nakedninja42 said:
How can I verify that the Deodex worked? I ran the script a couple times last night just to see what happens and then dropped the files in on my phone. Everything is working fine, just wanted to know how I can verify its deodexed.
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do you see any .odex files named the same as your apks?
nakedninja42 said:
How can I verify that the Deodex worked? I ran the script a couple times last night just to see what happens and then dropped the files in on my phone. Everything is working fine, just wanted to know how I can verify its deodexed.
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if you don't see errors like the one quoted bellow, then you should be fine.
nakedninja42 said:
I keep seeing this while the script is running
Compiling classes.dex from rom/system/framework/framework-tests
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
at java.util.ArrayList.raiseBoundsError(libgcj.so.11)
at java.util.ArrayList.checkBoundExclusive(libgcj.so.11)
at java.util.ArrayList.get(libgcj.so.11)
at org.jf.dexlib.DexFile$2.placeAt(DexFile.java:783)
at org.jf.dexlib.DexFile.place(DexFile.java:659)
at org.jf.smali.main.fixInstructions(main.java:255)
at org.jf.smali.main.main(main.java:203)
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Do I have to worry? I am going to try it again when it all completes, just want to make sure I am not missing anything
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actually this is an error, it means it failed to deodex this file
please provide more information, the reason can be many things:
java version
base rom
did you provide the full rom or only the file you mentioned?
provide more information and ill see what can be done.
ih4ckback said:
This is great. Works on the new KB1.
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marcelo.waisman said:
if you don't see errors like the one quoted bellow, then you should be fine.
actually this is an error, it means it failed to deodex this file
please provide more information, the reason can be many things:
java version
base rom
did you provide the full rom or only the file you mentioned?
provide more information and ill see what can be done.
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I am use the same KB1 that hit the forums yesterday that i4ackback stated that works for him. I installed Ubuntu 10.10 and installed Java from the software manager, not sure if its the right one. I started copying the full system folder but ended up only extracting just app and framework just like the OP states. That message appears throughout the process but I end up with everything in the deodexed folder.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App

Kernel Source DROID Incredible by HTC (Verizon) – GB MR - 2.6.35 WITH COMPILING GUIDE

Hey all, I guess if your here its because you want to build your own kernel from the HTC GB Kernel source for the HTC Droid Incredible. So that's what we're gonna do.
First things first. I have to send out a huge thanks to a few guys that helped me out along the way.
jdkoreclipse - Your the best man. Thanks for getting me compiling.
wdfowty - Always good on the code.
ohheyitslou - Standing by while a blabbered on with stupid questions.
conap - The original god of kernels.
Koush - Thanks for the anykernel updater.
Note: The method I descripe below is what worked for me to get this thing to build and boot. Additional packages may be required. Ie; JDK, Android SDK, Python, git and the 32bit libs (if your on a x64 machine). I do assume that you have them and have your computer set up for development. I also assume that you are fully aware that any damage caused to your devices from YOU following this guide is held at your own responsibility.
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First things first, lets make sure you are on a linux distro. At the time of this writing, I was using Ubuntu 11.10 x64. Note: 64x is highly suggested. My computer is a dual core amd machine with 4GB of ram. I have a 250GB HHD.
Next lets download some things that we will need for your kernel.
The kernel source of course:
DROID Incredible by HTC (Verizon) – GB MR - 2.6.35 kernel source code
This is the correct size and MD5:
88.8 MB (93,175,808 bytes) 67c01623ff73415a99e5f8cd1d8ef11a
You will also want the CM Toolchain. This is what compiles your kernel.
Open a terminal window and type:
git clone git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_prebuilt.git prebuilt
And finally, the anykernel_updater.zip for packaging and flashing your kernel: anykernel_updater.zip
Have these things downloaded? Great! Lets continue.
Next we need to create a new build directory to build your kernel in. For this tut, we will make this in your Home dir.
Open a terminal window and type:
cd ~
mkdir android
cd android
mkdir kernel
Easy huh?
Next grab your HTC Droid Incredible kernel source archive and just open it with archive manager. We don't need to do any untarring here.
You'll want to drag that 395.2MB folder inside called 'incrediblec-2.6.35-gb-mr' to that kernel directory you created.
Next, grab the CM toolchain archive and open it the same way. Yup just drag that folder thats inside there out and put right in your 'android' folder.
So lets review real quick before we continue:
Inside your Home directory you now have a folder called: android
Inside that android folder you have two folders. One called: kernel and the other called: android_prebuilt or prebuilt.
Inside the kernel folder you have your kernel source folder: incrediblec-2.6.35-gb-mr
Is this correct? Good.
Now, lets open a new terminal window and move to your kernel source folder:
cd '/home/yourusername/android/kernel/incrediblec-2.6.35-gb-mr'
Now we will compile the source. Note: This is a basic kernel source compiling guide. Our focus is to simply compile the source. Nothing more.
In the terminal window type:
make incrediblec_defconfig
make -j4 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/home/yourusername/android_prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/arm-eabi-
Note I used j4. This is because I am using a dual core box to develop on. I think now days most boxes are usually dual core or quad core?
Your kernel should now be compiling. This process could run average between 5min-1hr. My laptop (which is beast) did it in about 2 minutes. But then again I'm running a full install of 'buntu x64 with everything updated and ready to rock.
Anyways after the compiler finishes building it will tell you where to locate your kernel and wifi driver. Yes the wifi driver is included!
The kernel should be at: /home/yourusername/android/kernel/incrediblec-2.6.35-gb-mr/arch/arm/boot/ for those that don't know it is called 'zimage'. Just drag that out to your Desktop.
Now go grab your wifi driver. Its located at: /home/yourusername/android/kernel/incrediblec-2.6.35-gb-mr/drivers/net/wireless/bcm4329_204/ It will be called bcm4329.ko. Again drag that out to your desktop.
Now you can close everything thats open. Grab that anykernel_flasher.zip you downloaded earlier and open it up with archive manager. Don't extract it, just open it.
Navigate to system/lib/module/ and drag your bcm4329.ko right into it.
Next back up all the way to the root of the anykernel_flasher.zip and then open the kernel folder. Yup just drag and drop your zimage right in there. Close the archive manager window.
CONGRATS!!! You just compiled your first kernel from source!
Now you can rename the zip to whatever is easiest for you to remember. Common practice says the date and time should be in the name. Like mine from today is called:
Now go test your kernel. Just put it on your sd card and flash it through recovery. The anykernel_updater.zip will handle the wiping for you so you shouldn't have to worry about wiping boot, dalvik-cache or cache. You can still wipe those things if you would like.
Once the flash is complete, just hit reboot device and wait for your phone to boot up. It took mine about 5 minutes to fully boot up.
Well, I hope yall enjoyed this guide. I wanted to keep it simple. I am not a kernel god or anything but let me tell ya, I went through a lot to try to learn how to do this. So if you run into any trouble, I'll try to help you out if I can.
Have fun guys!
now what​..........
Nice. Good job.
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
Way to help us out with a good easy to follow guide stang thanks
sent from my sexy Slcd Droid Incredible. not dinc or D-inc that just sounds stupid.
tiny4579 said:
Nice. Good job.
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
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Thanks Tiny. Now we need to get some more customs going
evilstewie23 said:
Way to help us out with a good easy to follow guide stang thanks
sent from my sexy Slcd Droid Incredible. not dinc or D-inc that just sounds stupid.
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Thanks stew, You know how much this means to me.
Beast Mode! Very nice guide sir, I'm sure some of the more serious members will get hella use out of this. I have been (sort of) following your progress on twitter, so glad to see that you finally got it figured out. Nice work.
00McD00 said:
Beast Mode! Very nice guide sir, I'm sure some of the more serious members will get hella use out of this. I have been (sort of) following your progress on twitter, so glad to see that you finally got it figured out. Nice work.
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Thanks Mc. I'm just happy to have learned this much atleast. I'm even more happy to share what I've learned. That's the important part.
wildstang83 said:
Thanks Mc. I'm just happy to have learned this much atleast. I'm even more happy to share what I've learned. That's the important part.
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Definitely, I have always felt the same way. Sharing is caring lol
That's the stuff, Wildstang. Glad you're back.
Sent from my Prime_XL Incredible via Tapatalk
very nice. Im going to give a this a go and see what i can some up with. does this require a sense rom or a aosp rom?
dirtsky said:
very nice. Im going to give a this a go and see what i can some up with. does this require a sense rom or a aosp rom?
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This compiles a sense kernel.
tcberg2010 said:
This compiles a sense kernel.
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Well Sh*t. Oh well ill still give it a go I guess.
tcberg2010 said:
This compiles a sense kernel.
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these instructions will work fine for aosp. You just have to download that kernel source instead. The compile process is the same.
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
Ill have to get the kernel source and see what I can do.
Sent from my Incredibly awesome Droid Incredible.
Thanks for adding this howto, wildstang -
I really appreciate it. I just for the first time in a year+ went from my old rooted inc to this home-brewed self-compiled (I added cifs & tun built into the kernel) and installed it. I'd just tried the insensitive ROM as well and this helped things quite a lot due to cifs & tun. I also set the clock to a not-very-aggressive 1075000 which works fine on my inc.
Much appreciated and good guide.
edit: I forgot to mention that in general and here as well, you can 'brand' your kernel so you're sure you've really installed it and it is running on your phone by checking the firmware revs in about-phone. To do that, just edit Makefile and I think it is called Extra (under Version) which is as it is set to .13, so I set that in my case to .13-cifs-tun-cust, and it shows on my phone. It is useful in case you forget to zip the file up or something.

Full Featured Developer Script for ROMs - Need ideas for a name

I am currently work on a program/script to manage ROMs, and I will be releasing it initially for the Kindle Fire for beta testing. This will be a full featured program with the following :
- Compile ROMs from source
- Extract & zip ROMs
- Decompile/Compile APK and JAR files in the ROM (selective or the whole ROM at once)
- Unpack / repack kernel
- ROMs and devices each will have their own config file to store information specific to each, such as comments and status
- Much more planned, such as the ability to browse and edit files, search and compare, etc
The big advantage to this, and what prompted me to write this in the first place, is the ability to have all of the necessary tools in one place and better keep track of your ROM projects. As I was working on modifying or porting ROMs, a big headache was having to go to so many places to do different things to a ROM, which leaves files scattered all over your hard drive.
This will help keep everything more organized and the goal is to cut out manually having to do so much when it comes to basic tasks, and eventually even the more advanced tasks involved.
The initial release will be for Linux, but a Windows version will follow (minus the Linux specific features such as compile from source).
I have made some great progress on this already, and am close to a beta release.
So, what I need help on is a name for this. Here is what I have so far as choices, I welcome suggestions. Those that reply with suggestions for a name will be the first to receive beta versions to try out
- [ARM] Android Rom Master
That is all I have so far, so please throw some good options my way.
How about - Kindle Fire Rom Manager?
romifi_R_ed? or ROMIFI_r_ED? linked with youe nick
animefun135 said:
How about - Kindle Fire Rom Manager?
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This was originally just for the KF but most of this stuff is generic enough to work on other devices, so I will be adding functionality for multiple devices. So the name shouldn't be specific to the KF. I'm just offering it for the KF first.
When it was going to be KF specific I had "Kindle Inferno" in mind....
Now that would be a good name for a ROM !
[ARDS] - Android Rom Developer Script (or Studio)
[ARDT] - Android Rom Developer Tool
or simply
[ARD] - Android Rom Developer (the shortcut is like a german television channel)
b63 said:
[TARDiS] - The Android Rom Developer Script (or Studio)
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Need to come up with something foe the "i"!
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
[CRT] Complete Rom Tool
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using XDA App
I like the variation that @nykuil modified. Don't think you need to come up with anything for the I really. I know nearly nothing about Dr. Who, but love the name because it is recognizable.
Yeah the tardis is really a cool idea. who doesn't love Dr Who. ( at least the original )
Rockin' the Miui Incredible 2 w/xda premium
Thanks guys, keep 'em coming...
ClockWorkModRecovery+KindleFire? ?
Sent from my Kindle Fire using xda premium
Slrb script library for ROM
Slrp script library for ROM publishing
b63 said:
[TARDIS!] - Total Android Rom Development is Easy!
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Maybe this?
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using XDA App

[GUIDE] How to port sense to non-HTC devices.

How to port Sense.
Source: http://forums.androidcentral.com/optimus-v-rooting-roms-hacks/164989-guide-how-i-port.html (second post)
This is NOT my guide, just posting it here!
This is a very difficult process that I hope you'll understand.
First step is to find a device that is preferably VERY similar to your device, in this instance I guess we would use the htc thunderbolt, which I've been told multiple times that it is used for the MT.
You're going to want to use CM7 for parts. Simple enough.
I will be referring the Sense ROM to SENSE and CM7 as BASE to simple things up. So remember that.
When I say replace, I would recommend deleting from one and adding it with the other
Open up Sense and Base in different windows.
Put in the boot.img from Base into Sense (make sure you put the original boot.img in some other place that you'll remember)
go into /system/usr on both
replace keylayouts and keychars from Base into Sense (this is just your keys)
download dsixda's kitchen (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=633246)
Get the ROM you have so far set up in it and what not (I'm a little fuzzy at this part)
Once you get done with that, run the menu in terminal and navigate your way to decompile the boot.img (action key- "a") and then run the same thing except run the action key "w" to decompile the original boot.img. So the key here is to decompile both boot.img's.
Go into the ramdisk on both and go into init.rc
"export BOOTCLASSPATH" near the top. It will have a bunch of lines after it. Now in the Base's boot.img, delete this whole line. Replace it with the lines from Sense's boot.img.
Now you can add anything else you want that looks like it belongs (preferably anything sense related)
Don't recompile the boot.img yet.
Now we add a2sd. To do this, just follow this guide (https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=158823170833688)
The only thing you do in there is the edits to the init.rc, don't listen to the decompiling/recompiling mentions. Now you can go back into the menu for the kitchen and recompile the boot.img (action key - "b"). Now don't compile the WHOLE ROM, just take the new boot.img in working_** and put it into the Sense zip.
Now you're going to want to download my ROM (sorry, just don't feel like uploading each individual file) http://gannon5197.blogspot.nl/2012/03/got-sense-booted.html
And go into the /system/bin on both
these are the files you're going to need: a2sd, bash, apps2sd.hlp, busybox.a2sd, chka2sd, jita2sd, launcha2sd, starta2sd, and maybe possibly sh (try once without it)
And you're going to want to set permissions for each one of these in the updater-script (look at mine for references)
Now also look at my zip and you'll see move_cache_sd. Put that in yours and set permissions for it in updater-script (use mine for references)
After that, the other stuff is mainly just getting rid of all the bloatware, (look in /system/app and /system/media) I wouldn't delete any libs as of right now. If you try to flash it and it reboots recovery then it is too big.
If it is too big, you're probably going to want to move a lot of the apps to data. To do this, just make a file called data/app/put_your_apps_here on the root of the zip. You're going to have to set permissions for it in the updater-script, but use the test.zip I sent you in the original.
This will most likely get you booted. Nothing will likely work. Which is expected. If you have any problems, just use logcat. It will be your bestfriend. Have fun porting
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Thanks for reopening it bro...
Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk 2
No problem :thumbup:
Don't know how this above awesome thread is so blank
Have u tested if this way works
Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk 2
great guide, gonna try out soon
hmm this one's new for me. saved
should come in handy sometimes
someone has to do this for the Galaxy S2.
Will it also work for ICS ROMs?
I must do this. Anybody know where I can get the firmware for the One S?
Can i use a Gingerbread ROM as a base instead of cm7?
Hello for lg p500 there is 2 sense rom but data and mic not working in both rom can you help to solving that problems????btw great tutorial.
in fact sensse porting is differnet from the tutorial showed it is a little bit more difficult and there are some libs needed that there is only for the devices you are porting to. so a general tread will not really work
QuBe2 said:
in fact sensse porting is differnet from the tutorial showed it is a little bit more difficult and there are some libs needed that there is only for the devices you are porting to. so a general tread will not really work
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Well this is not my tutorial just found it on the internet so I don't know if it works
Lord Inglip said:
Well this is not my tutorial just found it on the internet so I don't know if it works
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why sharing things on the internet
QuBe2 said:
why sharing things on the internet
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Because it's the internet. This guide was the only thing I could find.
Well you ported a htc sense One x rom to the Nexus S, so can you show us how you did it?
Lord Inglip said:
How to port Sense.
Source: http://forums.androidcentral.com/optimus-v-rooting-roms-hacks/164989-guide-how-i-port.html (second post)
This is NOT my guide, just posting it here!
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Similar phone means the same chipset,processor and gpu??
a2441918 said:
Similar phone means the same chipset,processor and gpu??
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Yes it's better if the phones have the same hardware
Lord Inglip said:
Yes it's better if the phones have the same hardware
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I have an xperia x10.. will the nexus one and HTC desire be suitable??
My cm7 rom which i downloaded doesn't have a boot.img file.. So how to get it?? Is it the system.img got from a nandroid backup?? and the sense rom which the post refers to is the stock sense rom of the phone in a zip format or a modded one??
Not working..stuck at boot logo

[TOOL] Starting a new tool

I'm a beginner in AndroidModding, and the ways that I have found so far are boring (as well as my ability to describe my project).
Basically, I'm developing a visual tool to facilitate mods creation. I know there are already some, but I intend to make a better base for beginners as I don't make crap.
I'll leave out some screen shots and when I make the program more stable I'll upload a first test version.
I wish everyone who has any idea about what I can add in the project manifest and suggest the same. At the end I will give credit to all who help me improve things.
And also, if you guys think this is will be useless please tell me this too
[Change log]
Working features:
-Create and manage Devices and ROMs
--Auto framework change 90% complete
-Create multiple projects of same APK
-Import an APK via dialog box to avoid mistake at folder arrange
-Decompile, Build, Auto META-INF PATCH, Recompile and ZipAlign just at one click for each function.
-Shortcut to working folders
-Debug output
-Set zipalign compression option
Features i'm working on:
-Auto change framework for different devices
-Auto mod scripting
-Translation features
-Pull/Push files via ADB
Features that I already tought about:
-Multi-Framework capability: Switch between frameworks to mod apps of different Roms and devices without complication.
-Project creation: Create a new independent mod with just one click without losing your previous project.
-Auto patch: Select a Mod in a list, choose your preferences and watch while program do the hard work for you.
-Create a auto patch youself: If you are already experient and want automate your mods, you can create a list of actions to auto apply into an apk.
-Create a Zip file to install in recovery mod
-Default stuff to ApkTool like decompile, build, recompile, blabla
[add 06/10/13 18:30]
-Adb pull/push: send or get files from your phone by adb connection
-Smali code autopatch support
ps: I don't know speak english as well, so, sorry about any mistake
This is good and seems fun
will wait for a test release
Will it be Open Source ?
Then we could improve your work by submitting patches
Pixelvernichter said:
Will it be Open Source ?
Then we could improve your work by submitting patches
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Its a good idea, I'll think aboit it
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
Also, if you need an tester for your tool I have time and i would do it
That tool will be great for a nope like me thanks
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
shfddi being
i'll help to test if u want to..
Live log would be good. To watch as phone boots into an inevitable bootloop when trying something new. Saves running log separately and lets you view as it happens. With filtering would be good. Adbmagic did something similar but you cant copy or search the log.
Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 4
Solved!Does anyone know if a xml like instead when inner value is empty interferes something or just make file bigger? I mean to Android, because I know their same thing.
Also, who wants help me making me an logo? I was thinking about an android with Merlin's costume, but I don't have the skills to reproduce this
Goldieking said:
Live log would be good. To watch as phone boots into an inevitable bootloop when trying something new. Saves running log separately and lets you view as it happens. With filtering would be good. Adbmagic did something similar but you cant copy or search the log.
Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 4
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That's a good idea, i'll try implement that, thanks
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
SkyaTura said:
Does anyone know if a xml like instead when inner value is empty interferes something or just make file bigger? I mean to Android, because I know their same thing.
Also, who wants help me making me an logo? I was thinking about an android with Merlin's costume, but I don't have the skills to reproduce this
That's a good idea, i'll try implement that, thanks
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
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Bump !
Logo in progress
( Android with Merlin Costum. lol xD )
New changes at thread!!!
I pretend to release a beta version this week yet
Pixelvernichter said:
Bump !
Logo in progress
( Android with Merlin Costum. lol xD )
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Can we see a preview of our MerlinDroid?
(i would be annoying if i ask an icon version?)

