[Q] ManualNooter and Nook reader - Nook Color Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have the latest manual nooter installed but when I go into the Nook reader, it won't let me download my bought books. Only the demo books download. Anyone know of this bug and is there a fix?

What version of ManualNooter did you use exactly? That sounds like one of the symptoms of using a version for 1.3 on 1.4.1. You may also find that you can't install apks, or from either the Android Market or Amazon App Store.


[Q] Rooting Version 1.1

I rooted my Nook Color (version 1.0.1).
Thereafter I Updated my Nook Color to version 1.1.
Then I changed wifi settings to accept adhoc wifi.
Then I loaded a few android apps from the Market place.
Everything was working till BN decided to wipe off all this on April 26th when my Nook got reset (is it because of a bug associated with version 1.2?). All my books and apps got wiped off. I had to deregister the device to get the access to BN books.
Thereafter I tried rooting it again to get the Market Place going and application loaded. But it wouldn't work.
I tried updating to version 1.2 - that too didn't work.
Only thing I can do with it now is just read BN books.
No access to other apps or the books I purchased from Amazon using Kindle app for Nook.
Can anyone help me with getting this rooted properly and get the Nook working with Market place with either version 1.1 or version 1.2?
Appreciate your assistance.
thanks.../ br.darshan
Managed to push it to v 1.2
Managed to wipe and install v 1.0.1 and then update v 1.2
Then installed CWM and then used the Manual Nooter. The system works fine. I can access Market Place. However the device itself is not recognized by the Market place (its shown as unknown device with no maker or model name) and as such I am unable to download any apps from the market place.
Any body knows whats going on? How do I re-register or update the market place to recognize the Nook Color properly?

[Q] Apps missing in the Android app store

Hi everyone,
New guy here, I recently re-rooted my nook color in order to install the new B&N update for flash support. I then went and installed the CWM along with manual nooter (all for froyo 1.2). I installed everything fine but when I went to the android app store to re-download dropbox, angry birds, and other apps the search was unable to find them. So far I can't seem to find an answer to this sort of problem on the forums. Can anyone help me?
dredd_90 said:
Hi everyone,
New guy here, I recently re-rooted my nook color in order to install the new B&N update for flash support. I then went and installed the CWM along with manual nooter (all for froyo 1.2). I installed everything fine but when I went to the android app store to re-download dropbox, angry birds, and other apps the search was unable to find them. So far I can't seem to find an answer to this sort of problem on the forums. Can anyone help me?
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See the Market has limited visibility bullet in here.

[1.3]Rooted, can not install Apps from B&N Store

I have my nook color 1.3 rooted using the new "two MN" process. I have everything working as far as market, amazon app store, etc. However I can not seem to install apps from the barnes and noble app store.
The app downloads and starts to install but errors out with a message stating not enough free space. I do not think this message is valid as I know there is plenty of space on the NC.
I have tried on two different NCs I own and the same message is returned.
The only thing I can think of is that the default associated APK loader is not the nooks app loader.
Has anyone else run into this on 1.3?
You can always downgrade to 1.2. I downgraded my NC from 1.3 to 1.2, then rooted my NC and everything including apps work fine.

[Q] Phiremod up and running on emmc, Original Nook Color Interface??

Ive searched and searched but can not find a definite answer, I have Phiremod 7.1 up and running. I am curious if you can run the original B&N Home launcher, with the library and shop, is this possible or am I shooting blanks? I cant seem to access my books already on my NC's main Memory.
Thank you!
Short answer: nope.
I believe you can just install the B&N app and sync with the account you had previously (I don't really use mine for books). Doesn't the stock ROM store books internally? In which case would have been wiped out when installing Phiremod?
yes I do believe the books are wiped from installing the rom, but i was curious to see if i could get the B&N App and Launcher, and reload the books.
App from the market yes (but not same as stock), launcher no.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App

[Q] Any idea why I can't get certain books to show in my library

I have quite a few NOOK Read To Me books that will not show up in my library. I have CM7.2 with the latest version of the Nook app from the Play Store. I can buy other books fine and they download immediately, but not these. Any idea why? The device is registered with the same account that I'm using for the app.
I paid for these books and actually can't download them onto the PC and transfer them (they say the item can't be downloaded from a browser).
Any help is appreciated.
japaneezy said:
I have quite a few NOOK Read To Me books that will not show up in my library. I have CM7.2 with the latest version of the Nook app from the Play Store. I can buy other books fine and they download immediately, but not these. Any idea why? The device is registered with the same account that I'm using for the app.
I paid for these books and actually can't download them onto the PC and transfer them (they say the item can't be downloaded from a browser).
Any help is appreciated.
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I don't think the read to me books work on the nook android app. I think you have to be on the stock reader.
Sent from my Nook HD+ Running CM10 on SD
japaneezy said:
I have quite a few NOOK Read To Me books that will not show up in my library. I have CM7.2 with the latest version of the Nook app from the Play Store. I can buy other books fine and they download immediately, but not these. Any idea why? The device is registered with the same account that I'm using for the app.
I paid for these books and actually can't download them onto the PC and transfer them (they say the item can't be downloaded from a browser).
Any help is appreciated.
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Read to me books can only be read on the bn stock firmware. Hope you still have stock firmware on emmc. To see the read to me books on the android bn reader app, go to first drop down box, press "all items", select "everything else". You will see all your read to me books, but you will not be able to open them. Has to do with bn proprietary software and adobe air. If you have cm7.2 in emmc you can put bn stock firmware on SD or internal alternate boot.
Any way to download/save them and re-flash cm7.2?
japaneezy said:
Any way to download/save them and re-flash cm7.2?
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No. Once you have BN stock firmware set up either on SD card or emmc you can sign into your BN account and re-sync the device. You will then be able to see your purchased items. Look at LeapinLar's tips thread to restore BN stock firmware. You have several options on where you put the stock ROM and cm7/10.

