Question about restoring CWM-Backups - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Hi, i use a clk-gingerbread-rom on my HD2. If i make a backup with my installed cwm to my sd-card and after that i make a task29 and repartition my HD2 and install a new magldr-rom, can i flash my clk-rom-backup back and then i have clk back or do i have to repartition my HD2 again for clk and install clk again and after that flash back my backup?

In my experience in order to restore a backup you need to have a rom installed or else the backup will not restore correctly and it wont boot. The backup basically restores the settings of the way you had the rom at a certain point you can think of it as a restore point or with mac when you use time machine. Basically anything new will be erased and your phone is restored to a previous state but it needs a base rom installed in order for it to know where to start.

Si i first have allways to install the exact same rom and same partition layout i had before, when i backed up my phone?
I thought, this nandroid-backup would be a complete image of all partitions and i only have to flash it back, so it wouldn´t matter which rom i have installed between.
So it is much work, if i only want to test a new rom. Now i use gingerbread from tytung with clk and i want to test an ics-rom with magldr and a bigger partition size.

Since certain aspects of the roms are different this is what causes the problem. As when you restore some of the previous settings may be retained either on nand or on the info stored on your sd card. Your best bet is to install a rom that you used to backup and then restore. You can try restoring with the new rom installed but I believe it will not work correctly but you can try it and let me know.


Can I Perform a Nand Backup...

Just recently rooted my MT3g, had to downgrade from Donut to Cupcake. Anyways, I forgot to perform a Nand backup while on the "stock" Cupcake rom. I instead went straight to flashing a Hero rom. Everything is well, it's just that I want to perform a Nand backup in case something goes wrong.
So the question is...
Can I perform a Nand backup while currently on this Hero (Slick Willy) rom?
Ps. There's an option to perform a Nand + ext backup. Please explain. Thanks.
i dont ever use a nandroid on a just doesnt seem like it would work. i usually do it on a cyanogen rom because those are the most stable...and do not need a cleen ext partition to boot properly.
oshizzle1991 said:
i dont ever use a nandroid on a just doesnt seem like it would work. i usually do it on a cyanogen rom because those are the most stable...and do not need a cleen ext partition to boot properly.
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Okay thanks, how about if I re-root my phone and perform a nandroid backup on the "stock" 1.5 cupcake?

Need help with 'Nand Kernel Open Failed' while running backup in recovery.

I've done a bit of searching for my answer, however, am not able to find the answer.
I am having a problem running a restore in AD Recovery in the Magldr (v1.13).
Let me explain the situation:
I wasn't able to get App2SDPro to carry over apps to my SD card. I was informed it was because it was that I did not have an EXT2 or EXT3 partition on my SD.
I did that and then my SD was erased, but luckily I make regular backups of my SD card.
So I put all the information back on my SD card. I then realized that my ROM was erased as well.
So I tried running the backup I made from the recovery and got the error mentioned in the title.
I then tried to reload a ROM that I have on my SD at all times and then tried to do an advanced restore of the data and system and cache while leaving the boot but nothing works..
Am I destined to start from scratch, lol? (I had 140 apps installed)(and I'll be using a different form of backup next time, lol)
i have the same problem . while i was recovering from nand backup i have this notification 'Nand Kernel Open Failed'
Just flash again the kernel of your rom or the rom without wipe
you have to flash your rom om the kernel again and hopefully the problem will be solved
CLIO94 sorry i just see your reply

[Q] Can't restore my NANDROID backup

today i have just tried to install Windows Phone 7 on my HD2.
Before i have created an nandroid backup with clk cwm.
I didnt like WP7 so i've decided fast to return back to my old rom.
I didnt find my old clk installation files so i've downloaded some new one (same cwm partitions)
Now if i want to restore my backup cwm gives me the following lines:
ClockworkMod Recovery v3.2.0.0
Checking MD5 sums...
Erasing boot before restore...
Restoring boot image...
Error while flashing boot image!
And i'm back in the menu.
Can anyone help me please? I have set up this rom for so long time and dont want to lose it.
files maight be currompted ...just intsall everything from the begening and in the next time when u will make a backup copy the file into ur computer so u dont have to worry about the backup
Try flashing the rom clean, and then use selective restore to restore the data and sd ext partitions only.
mootmetal said:
files maight be currompted ...just intsall everything from the begening and in the next time when u will make a backup copy the file into ur computer so u dont have to worry about the backup
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I think the boot image was corrupted. I did copy it onto my computer (how should i have not, due to the sd repartitioning by wp7)
samsamuel said:
Try flashing the rom clean, and then use selective restore to restore the data and sd ext partitions only.
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I have already tried this tonight, it worked
Thank you anyway.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA Premium App
as my experience some builds accept restoring of nandroid from another build but many of them don't accept. so what is best flash your old rom, restore nandroid, then backup with titanium backup, then flash the other rom and restore with titanium backup.

nandroid backup MAGLDR to cLK nandroid restore

I've searched and haven't found anything.
Is it possible to Nandroid backup on MAGLDR then Nandroid restore on cLK with the backup from MAGLDR? (Does this sentence make sense?)
I wanted to try cLK, and my favorite rom supports both (MAGLDR/cLK). I was wondering if it was possible so I wouldn't have to go through the painstaking process of setting my phone back up to where I want it.
No it doesn't work, tried it, and had to go back through a Task29 to fix the problem.
even if it works u will have probleme with data ... cuz magldr use rmnt and clk ppp
It should work if you do not restore the system partition. Flash the rom and just restore data and sdext.
Sent from my HTC HD2

[Q] CWM Restore Problem

Ok i have a question.. NAND backup is those backup that make from CWM?
a full backup right?
If yes, here's the story... previously i have used a defy with CM 7.1 and i had this NAND Backup.. After that i sold the phone and now i had another DEFY with stock 2.1.. now is it possible to restore that NAND BAckup?
Simply put it Device A backup NAND A and then NAND A restore to Device B..
is it possible?
-j-t- said:
Ok i have a question.. NAND backup is those backup that make from CWM?
a full backup right?
If yes, here's the story... previously i have used a defy with CM 7.1 and i had this NAND Backup.. After that i sold the phone and now i had another DEFY with stock 2.1.. now is it possible to restore that NAND BAckup?
Simply put it Device A backup NAND A and then NAND A restore to Device B..
is it possible?
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If checksums differ - then not possible.
But if you use the same SD card and play around without verification..then its possible!!
headers.chennai said:
If checksums differ - then not possible.
But if you use the same SD card and play around without verification..then its possible!!
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means i need to use back the same SD card as previous device..?
and what you mean without verification and what is checksums?
You should have "Titanium Backup". I use this to restore alle "my" Apps... I don't restore the system settings
not sure. but I'd say you can use your backup. just install the system you used to have (cm7.1) the official way and after that you should be able to restore your backup.
so now i need to do step by step to flash custom cm7.1 then restore from backup or direct now root it install cwm and restore it?
As I said. As far as I know: Flash Froyo, install CWM, flash CM7, restore backup. By that you should be on the save side. BUT try otherwise. You might be lucky.
ok thanks will try to do that.. i think safe method better =D
Some of the ROMs you can download here ARE nandroid backups. So if you are having about the same model of defy then is the answer yes (why not?)
