[Q] ID3 Editing in Amazon CloudDrive? - Kindle Fire General

I feel like Amazon skates the edge of really delivering on the tablet/cloud stuff, but the constant huge oversights keep it from taking off.
I've recently been frustrated, because I have been uploading my entire music collection to the Amazon CloudDrive, so I can stream it at work and on my Fire at home. Great idea - the only problem is, with the Fire's emphasis on iconography (the carousel continually shows gigantic icons of recently used apps), when I stream music, half the time I stare at a blank cover.
Is there any way to do some sort of ID3 editing in the CloudPlayer? Half of the music I've uploaded shows up with missing or no cover art, although I set covers in iTunes before uploading.
As a side note, it's little things like this that really piss me off with Amazon. I love the Fire, but not being able to change the lockscreen, edit album info, edit personal document titles and authors, etc, are little things that could go a long way.

The only solution I've seen for this is below. Personally, I find the cover art annoying and don't bother, just list the titles and artists. Don't use the KF default launcher either so I don't see the carousel either.
From one of the amazon forums:
Album art can be embedded into the file. Extra 10kb-30kb for 250x250 JPGs doesn't matters. Also MP3 file contains internal information (Tags) that is used by systems like Amazon to organize the collection. Name of the file is irrelevant.
To add album art and edit tags I used the free program TagScanner. There are many tag editors, but I found this to be the sexier.
To fix this; first download what is wrong, delete it from the cloud, fix it in your computer and upload it again.
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but doing it on the cloud itself... no.


How to organise media on the SD card?

Can someone please explain to me how Android uses the various types of media the SD card? From what I can see it just grabs every single picture on the card and displays it in the pictures app. Same for music, it will just grab any mp3 regardless of it's location.
How do I set it up so that pictures only shows the pics from one dir and it's sub-dir's and same for the music app with mp3s?
Edit: The reason I ask is that I have all my MP3s in sub-dir under a music parent dir on the SD card. These sub-dirs have album art pics and stuff in them. When I open up the pictures app it says I have dozens of folders with pics in them because it is saying that all the cover artwork in the music folder are pics. I just want the pics app to show pics from a certain directory and not show every single jpg on the SD card.
I totally agree with you. Showing every damn photo on the SD card makes the Baby Jesus cry.
I have to wait for hundreds of thumbnails to generate because it feels the need to include every image in every directory on the card --- including the caches for several apps... it's totally retarded.
Expect 3rd party apps to handle this (I think there might already be a few). Google stuck with the policy of keeping the base OS simple, yet expandable. Odds are the 3rd party apps won't be free, but that's the price of having a simple OS to start with. Perhaps an update someday may address this but I highly doubt it.
I understand this, and I don't mind paying for a few core apps that IMHO are sorely needed for the G1... better photo management, better media player and a better contact manager. Of those three, the contact manager is definitely the best of the bunch, but it's still missing a few features that I'd like to see, such as photos on the scrool list and better group management --- but the media player and photo browser blow. It's so hard to navigate either of them. For instance, if I want to change pause the song I'm listening to while in another program - I have to go to the home page, wait for page to display, find and open the music app, figure out where I am, find the "playback" menu option (which is in a different place in different areas of the app) and then hit pause. It really shuould just be "open music player, press pause."
I almost like tunewiki, but they really push the lyrics and the streaming menu options..
I recently found ambient player on sourceforge - it's a port of amarok. It's OK, but the buttons are WAY too small for the phone... I cant even tell what I'm pressing. It's only on version 0.3.1 but hopefully it's still progressing.
nolageek said:
I understand this, and I don't mind paying for a few core apps that IMHO are sorely needed for the G1... better photo management, better media player and a better contact manager. Of those three, the contact manager is definitely the best of the bunch, but it's still missing a few features that I'd like to see, such as photos on the scrool list and better group management --- but the media player and photo browser blow. It's so hard to navigate either of them. For instance, if I want to change pause the song I'm listening to while in another program - I have to go to the home page, wait for page to display, find and open the music app, figure out where I am, find the "playback" menu option (which is in a different place in different areas of the app) and then hit pause. It really shuould just be "open music player, press pause."
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For me it's the dialer the worst thing, im used to use de numeric keypad for contact search, and it just doesn't work in the g1.
howewer, about your audio question, i use the standart player and when i'm listening music there's an entry in the notification bar that goes directly to the player, also with the standar speakers you could use the button to stop the music, and to go to the next song with a double clik.
jcuadrado, you're looking for SpellDial, it should do what you want and it's free. Start entering the the contacts name and it searches by each letter you enter. Biggest downside is the lack of wildcard search.
PhotoSlide may be good for image browsing it's $.99 but it's predecessor was nice, android gallery. I haven't tried the paid version but 'folder select' is one of it's options.
aPlayer, another free app. May suit you in the music player department. It allows you to choose which folder on the SD to play music from.
Anyway these are the cheap/free ones. there'll probably be more advanced apps in the weeks to come but hey, it's a start

My search for a good TP2 music player.

1) Has the ability to use the "Album Artist" tag to organize its library and not just the "Artist" tag. For those many who do not understand the importance of this let me say it makes a huge difference with CD's such as movie soundtracks, classical music CD's and other compilations that have one or more guest artists contributing on a particular track.
For example, take the soundtrack for "O Brother, Where Art Thou". There are 19 tracks and nearly every one by a different artist. If that one CD was the only CD on your TP2 and you opened the library of one of the current mobile media players and selected the "Artist" view you would see 19 different artists listed each owning the CD "O Brother, Where Art Thou". If instead the media player was able to organize its library by the "Album Artist" tag there would only be a single entry for "Various Artists" or "Original Soundtrack".
On a 16 GB SD card with several hundred ripped CD's this can be the difference between a managable artist list 200 long versus one that is 1000+ long and totally unmanagable.
2) Proper alphabetization; Ignores the words "A" and "The" if they begin an artist name. For example, "The Black Crowes" should be in the B's not the T's. It's OK that "Bob Dylan" be listed in the B's since there is no way to distinguish first and last names. I don't know of any media player on any platform that does this.
3) Uses a library Db created from tags and not just a folder/file structure. Can open a detailed properties view that gives extended info culled from tags and file data. (Genre, Audio format, etc.)
4) Has a "Finger-friendly" GUI and ideally can replace the HTC media player on the TF3D music tab.
Apps tested (so far)
1) HTC Media Player:
It's big plus is that it has a tab in TF3D so it is well integrated and easy to get to. It is also finger friendly. Unfortunately it does not utilize the "Album Artist" tag for organizing it's library (even though it does read the tag and display it when you view a music files properties). It also does not ignore "A" and "The" and places "The Black Crowes" under the T's. In addition I have found a bug that causes it to play tracks out of order. On most of the albums I've put on my SD card tracks 1 and 6 are switched (i.e. it shows and plays the tracks in the following order 6,2,3,4,5,1,7,8,9. On some albums the track order is even more random.
2) Windows Mobile Media Player:
"The Black Crowes" is properly listed in the B's but it also does not organize its library by the "Album Artist" tag (even though the full PC version of WMP does). Its default GUI is not very finger friendly, the buttons are a bit small and the library text is too small to be selected accurately with fingers. It is skinnable so I'm looking for one that fits the TP2's TF3D style and better suited to fingers versus a stylus. I'm also trying to put it on the TF3D music tab instead of the HTC media player.
3) Nitrogen:
Does not seem to utilize tags at all and instead relies on the folder structure and file names to organize music. It does have nice big buttons and is very finger friendly and the skin fits well in TF3D even though it is black text/buttons on a white background instead of TF3D's white on a black background.
4) S2P (Slide to Play):
Like Nitrogen it does not utilize tags at all and relies on the folder structure and file names to organize music. It is designed to be finger friendly and has an interesting GUI that makes good use of finger swipes and sliding panels.
5) ? Suggestions:
Most important is the album artist tag issue followed by the proper alphabetization. So far I prefer to use Windows Media Player but am still looking.
I've heard that Microsoft will be incorporating its Zune interface for the Windows mobile media player. I've never seen the Zune interface up close but I'm hoping it addresses the above shortcomings and, if so, bacomes avaiable to the TP2 soon.
Reserved for future media player reviews.
+1 !!!!
I have exactly the same problem !
I past 3 hours to manage my music PC library of WMP to finaly have a very poor result on my phone :'(
The Music Player integrate on the touchflow looks pretty, but it miss a lot of utilities, WMP looks more complet, but uggly and too small :'(
Both of theme have the problem of the "listing tag"
I'm also seeking for a complet music player with a good listin and if it's possible a "cover flow".
(Sorry for my poor english).
You have tested the core player 1.3.5 or 1.3.6?
I have a nice skin for this player...
mike2nl said:
You have tested the core player 1.3.5 or 1.3.6?
I have a nice skin for this player...
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I have not but I want to. Unfortunately, it does not look like it has a trial edition so it will cost me $30 to find out if it has what I need. Can you tell me if it can make use of the "Album Artist" tag for library organization and/or if it properly alphabetizes "The Band" under the B's not the T's?
I'm currently using S2P.
It's the most feature complete of all the players I've tried. It's almost perfect.
I'd recommend giving S2P a try.
Maverick777 said:
I'm currently using S2P.
It's the most feature complete of all the players I've tried. It's almost perfect.
I'd recommend giving S2P a try.
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I updated my OP with S2P info.
After using both Nitrogen and S2P I had 2nd thoughts on the tag vs. file/folder structure to organize a music library. As long as the artist folders are named correctly both the "Album Artist" and the alphabetization issues are solved.
Unfortunately that requires a lot of manual labor and also means there is no extended info available. I have put an enormous amount of work into properly tagging my music library on my media server at home and I would like to benefit from that work on my TP2 as well as any other playback devices I might use.
I asked CorePlayer support about the "Album Artist" tag and alpha issue last Saturday. Today I got an email saying that I haven't responded in 72 hrs and could they close the case. They never even tried to answer me. Simply ignored me for nearly a week and then asked if the issue was resolved and could they close the case!
I still don't know if CP will meet my needs but their support sure looks like crap.
I might as well chime in here, I'm looking for other media players like tcpmp that resume where you left off even after you close it fully. I listen to a lot of audio books and it's a pain to find your place again. Tcpmp is the only one I've seen but it's a bit unwieldy to use with fingers.
CorePlayer's support is TERRIBLE, they also promise frequent updates an seldom provide. A huge thumbs down to the company and product in general. They banned my office IP without explanation from their forums after I asked why no one had responded to my emails, support tickets, and phone calls, about a bug I found in their forum software that makes it unable to e-mail me at the .ws domain, preventing me from being unable to activate my account on their forum. Unfortunately it is also one of the better players out there in general. Though it is very UN finger friendly.
oldpueblo said:
I might as well chime in here, I'm looking for other media players like tcpmp that resume where you left off even after you close it fully. I listen to a lot of audio books and it's a pain to find your place again. Tcpmp is the only one I've seen but it's a bit unwieldy to use with fingers.
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Try S2P links in posts above. It will do exactally what you need, I listen to alot of Podcasts in small portions and it does the trick. Its finger friendly too
It's a shame that S2P doesn't support gapless playback (I listen to primarily DJ compilations (mostly that I've ripped myself... kinda a stickler for quality)
Conduit's Pocket Player is also good, it supports streaming podcasts album art and gapless playback/cross-fading (you gotta set the cross-fade to "0" for gapless). It cost about $20 but if you can't afford that it can be obtained via other means as well.
Forgot to mention that sometimes pocket player will disable my hardware buttons >_<, this has only happened on my TP2 though, sucks none-the-less.
sleonard said:
I asked CorePlayer support about the "Album Artist" tag and alpha issue last Saturday. Today I got an email saying that I haven't responded in 72 hrs and could they close the case. They never even tried to answer me. Simply ignored me for nearly a week and then asked if the issue was resolved and could they close the case!
I still don't know if CP will meet my needs but their support sure looks like crap.
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Protonus said:
CorePlayer's support is TERRIBLE, they also promise frequent updates an seldom provide. A huge thumbs down to the company and product in general. They banned my office IP without explanation from their forums after I asked why no one had responded to my emails, support tickets, and phone calls, about a bug I found in their forum software that makes it unable to e-mail me at the .ws domain, preventing me from being unable to activate my account on their forum. Unfortunately it is also one of the better players out there in general. Though it is very UN finger friendly.
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Wow. Their support is so bad it's almost comical. Almost.
After going a few rounds of them ignoring my questions and closing the ticket because there was no response and me re-opening the ticket in an apparently vain attempt to get my questions answered I joined their user forum and asked if I could get some help because official support was ignoring me. The next morning I had been permanently banned.
Absolutely amazing.
Needless to say I will not become a paying customer and I cannot review the product here as a result.
sleonard said:
Needless to say I will not become a paying customer and I cannot review the product here as a result.
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You can get the player through a less legal way:X Read this info and try it, it will stick with you
I'm having the same problems, I'm looking for the exact same things. Here my reviews:
Touch Flow 3D Player:
- Finger friendly
- Looks good
- Ordering of songs FAIL ( when no track number is set, the whole list goes crazy )
- Slow ( It will need 2 secs to start-up a song )
- When you go back to the list you selected your current playing song from, it will go back to the top. Which is extremely enoying when your browsing 80+ albums or 2000+ songs, anyway, you get my point
Media Player:
- Not finger friendly + Looks suck => Dropped it right away
- Best looking of all players
- Finger Friendly
- No library => Dropped it right away
- Best Library of all players
- Has an Alphabetic Vertical Scroll, when you press the 'B' it will go to all songs / albums ( depending on what your browsing ) that start with B. Extremely handy
- Browsing works well with fingers.
- After picking a good theme, the whole thing becomes more finger friendly and will look better ( for example my own theme: http://reb3lzrr.com/forum/viewthread.php?forum_id=9&thread_id=27&pid=122#post_122 )
- BEST when it comes down to options / custimization
- Default theme is NOT finger friendly and looks terrible, but that can be fixed
when your looking for a player that;
- orders your music in a way you want it,
- has a lot of tweaks / customizations
- handles like a charm
go for CorePlayer!
Gz reb3lzrr
reb3lzrr, Is your skin for Pocket player or Core player? If it is able to work in Core player, how do you change the skin in core player
have you tried kinoma media player? Finger friend and very intuitive interface.
I just installed a 30-day trial of Pocket Media Player and reb3lzrr's skin.
Good news is that it understands the "Album Artist" tag as well as the "Contributing Artist" tag and many others as well. Very good sign.
Bad news is that it sorts "The Beatles" incorrectly under T instead of B I did see a setting in the options that might help with that. /crosses fingers
There is a ton of options that will take me some time to sort thru so it will be a good week or so playing around with it.
After this I'll take a look at Kinoma.
sleonard said:
I updated my OP with S2P info.
After using both Nitrogen and S2P I had 2nd thoughts on the tag vs. file/folder structure to organize a music library. As long as the artist folders are named correctly both the "Album Artist" and the alphabetization issues are solved.
Unfortunately that requires a lot of manual labor and also means there is no extended info available. I have put an enormous amount of work into properly tagging my music library on my media server at home and I would like to benefit from that work on my TP2 as well as any other playback devices I might use.
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If you sync your music to your phone via windows media player it automatically creates the mp3 files in an artist and album folder structure (completely based off of the info from the mp3s).
Does anyone know how to remove the 499 song limit from your WinMo/Touch Flo player library? I am dying here with my Rhapsody subscription... All the songs are transfered, but only 499 tracks show up in the library...
I have tried S2P: great but doesn't handle compliation albums (soundtracks) well... Pocket Player: same story on compliations... and a few other free ware ones, but seriously, I actually like the WMP with the Skins I have found.
Any ideas on removing it?
japper88 said:
If you sync your music to your phone via windows media player it automatically creates the mp3 files in an artist and album folder structure (completely based off of the info from the mp3s).
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I do use WMP to sync music to my phone and you're right it does create the proper folder structure and this is why I briefly reconsidered my position on having a library with support for the Album Artist tag but since it doesn't support any tags at all you lose access to all of the metadata.
zcarman said:
Does anyone know how to remove the 499 song limit from your WinMo/Touch Flo player library? I am dying here with my Rhapsody subscription... All the songs are transfered, but only 499 tracks show up in the library...
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I have not noticed this limit. I have over 2000 songs synced to my phone and they all seem to show up. (I haven't counted but I can't find any missing)
zcarman said:
I have tried S2P: great but doesn't handle compliation albums (soundtracks) well... Pocket Player: same story on compliations... and a few other free ware ones, but seriously, I actually like the WMP with the Skins I have found.
Any ideas on removing it?
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I have found Pocket Player to be the only one to properly handle compilations because it is the only one to support the Album Artist tag. Use WMP on the PC to set the Album Artist to "Various Artists" or "Soundtrack" and Pocket Player will work perfectly. Their support has told me that in the next version they will also support proper alphbetization so the "The Beatles" will be listed in the library under B not T.
I also like WMP a lot and have found a skin that makes it more finger friendly. Now I am thinking about learning how to make my own skins for it.
Currently I am back to using the Music tab of TF3D. Despite it's very annoying bugs and design flaws having a TF3D tab is a BIG advantage. I just wish there was a way to create a tab for a 3rd party player such as Pocket Player.

Music Player question

I've jsut started to use the music player on my HD2 and have to say there's a few things that I'm disappointed in.
Firstly as already mentioned in another post, I don't like that there is no search function, or at least the alphabet down the side as in the contacts, to search through the albums/tracks much quicker. Instead I have to scroll endlessly through all of my music. Is there a fix for this?
Secondly, it isn't very easy to change the artwork (From hints and tips), and/or track title/artists. I had an iphone previously and it was much easier. You just clicked on what you wanted to change in itunes, change it and it automatically synced with the phone. I have a lot of albums where the artwork isn't automatically downloaded, and a lot of tracks where there are multiple artists and I would like to change it to just one. Is there a way to do this? I don't mind manipulating my files on the PC first, but to be honest I can't figure out how to do this on windows media once the CD has been ripped. I know how to change the track title/artists etc before ripping the CD, but I don't want to dig out all my CD's and re-rip them again. Perhaps someone knows how to change all this using windows media once it's ripped?
Alternatively is there a music player out there for my HD2 (preferably free) that allows you to do what I want, ie change artwork, artists etc? Preferably running the program from my PC so I can manipulate it on there.
im using winamp on the pc for the artworks, and pocketplayer on my leo, it got searchfunction too, and awsome eq, and other settings, try it
I've had the HD2 since before Christmas and generally it's great and for connectivity etc, it beats my lady's iphone, but to the subject in hand...
When i got the phone i put a 16Gb card in and stuck all 8Gb of music i had on my reluctantly let go N95 - i know they were looking dated, but it was sturdy as a brick, had GPS, good memory, battery life...
I immediately then had problems with the HD2, it couldn't play for more than 20 or 30 seconds, it was constantly trying to update the music etc, this is fairly easy to fix though, there is a free program for tag checking/fixing on this forum elsewhere. Once you run it on your files on your HD2s card, you'll find some do have errors, get it to fix tham and the HD2 will now stop endlessly trying to scan your music and play it.
Use MP3tag - free and easy to find on web - to correctly name your tracks and artists, this makes life alot easier in finding what you are after.
If you want the HD2 to display artwork - this took some working out - you can make it do so using the following steps:
1 - get the cover artwork you want, open it in Photoshop or equivalent, resize it to 256x256pixels, then save it out (resolution 72dpi, and save out at 6 in Photoshop, it's more than enough for tiny display covers) to the music album folder it needs to live in naming it hTC_AM_AlbumArt.jpg
Once it's saved, go to the folder, right click on the file, click properites, uncheck 'archived' and check 'hidden'. Bingo, this will make sure the artwork you want will appear. It does work, I spent alot of time sorting out my music over Christmas, as music is what i do and this kind of thing bothers me.
You can use HTC's auto artwork function and it does work ok generally for well known stuff, but if you need to plug artwork gaps, use the above.
Glitches in playing... I've found that if you leave Wi-Fi and Data enabled then it does cause pauses generally in quite a few apps, not just the music player, though it is obviously bloody annoying having a 5 second break mid song. Simply switch off Wi-Fi & Data (i'm not 100% sure which is causing it, but it's when the handset is trying to sync out). You'll find then you don't get any interruptions in your music. And let's face it, going to Wireless Connections only takes 2 seconds to switch them on and off. Though granted, HTC should REALLY sort this out.
Main problems i have with the HTC built in music player is the following:
1 If you wizz the Touch Flow album covers too fast, it bugs out and flips to whichever end it is closest to. Annoying.
2 On contacts you get the A to Z slider to speed up finding who you are after, why in hell not on the music player for artists etc???
3 If you go to an artist, say Janis Joplin, play a track, if you then go 'back' to the artist list, are you at J still, NOPE, you are back at A. Annoying. Scroll, scroll, scroll.
4 Why no function for you to choose artwork from a specific folder, which would save all the above fuss, plus an MP3 tag editor/fixer, hardly rocket science in this day and age.
There are other points that will come back to mind once I hit submit I'm sure.
Not related to the music player, but does anyone know if there's a fix for the really annoying way the cursor jumps from where you are when writing a text and you click on 'add symbol'. It jumps to the start of the text, which if u are only briefly above ground on the tube, is really sodding annoying. The keyboard isn't quite as good as the iPhone as it is - a point i'm loathed only to admit to other HD2 users ;-)
Hope some of this helps.
Thanks I will check these out. Is pocket player free?
Also try Nitrogen player .. it's free.
MandrakeMan said:
I've had the HD2 since before Christmas and generally it's great and for connectivity etc, it beats my lady's iphone, but to the subject in hand...
When i got the phone i put a 16Gb card in and stuck all 8Gb of music i had on my reluctantly let go N95 - i know they were looking dated, but it was sturdy as a brick, had GPS, good memory, battery life...
I immediately then had problems with the HD2, it couldn't play for more than 20 or 30 seconds, it was constantly trying to update the music etc, this is fairly easy to fix though, there is a free program for tag checking/fixing on this forum elsewhere. Once you run it on your files on your HD2s card, you'll find some do have errors, get it to fix tham and the HD2 will now stop endlessly trying to scan your music and play it.
Use MP3tag - free and easy to find on web - to correctly name your tracks and artists, this makes life alot easier in finding what you are after.
If you want the HD2 to display artwork - this took some working out - you can make it do so using the following steps:
1 - get the cover artwork you want, open it in Photoshop or equivalent, resize it to 256x256pixels, then save it out (resolution 72dpi, and save out at 6 in Photoshop, it's more than enough for tiny display covers) to the music album folder it needs to live in naming it hTC_AM_AlbumArt.jpg
Once it's saved, go to the folder, right click on the file, click properites, uncheck 'archived' and check 'hidden'. Bingo, this will make sure the artwork you want will appear. It does work, I spent alot of time sorting out my music over Christmas, as music is what i do and this kind of thing bothers me.
You can use HTC's auto artwork function and it does work ok generally for well known stuff, but if you need to plug artwork gaps, use the above.
Glitches in playing... I've found that if you leave Wi-Fi and Data enabled then it does cause pauses generally in quite a few apps, not just the music player, though it is obviously bloody annoying having a 5 second break mid song. Simply switch off Wi-Fi & Data (i'm not 100% sure which is causing it, but it's when the handset is trying to sync out). You'll find then you don't get any interruptions in your music. And let's face it, going to Wireless Connections only takes 2 seconds to switch them on and off. Though granted, HTC should REALLY sort this out.
Main problems i have with the HTC built in music player is the following:
1 If you wizz the Touch Flow album covers too fast, it bugs out and flips to whichever end it is closest to. Annoying.
2 On contacts you get the A to Z slider to speed up finding who you are after, why in hell not on the music player for artists etc???
3 If you go to an artist, say Janis Joplin, play a track, if you then go 'back' to the artist list, are you at J still, NOPE, you are back at A. Annoying. Scroll, scroll, scroll.
4 Why no function for you to choose artwork from a specific folder, which would save all the above fuss, plus an MP3 tag editor/fixer, hardly rocket science in this day and age.
There are other points that will come back to mind once I hit submit I'm sure.
Not related to the music player, but does anyone know if there's a fix for the really annoying way the cursor jumps from where you are when writing a text and you click on 'add symbol'. It jumps to the start of the text, which if u are only briefly above ground on the tube, is really sodding annoying. The keyboard isn't quite as good as the iPhone as it is - a point i'm loathed only to admit to other HD2 users ;-)
Hope some of this helps.
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Thanks for taking the time to post this lengthy response. I did see the way you suggested to add artwork on the Hints and tips thread, but what a ball ache. I do't really want to be spending hours resizing pictures just so they can go on the phone, they really should be a way to do this much easier. It would be nice if they had a dedicated program like itunes to do all this kind of stuff. I'm hoping the programs mentioned above will solve my woes.
I can't believe with a phone so powerful that it pauses and has glitches in music playback, that is sooo poor, and inexcusable to me. Does that happen with all music players, or just the HTC sense one?
I've tried windows player that was preinstalled on the phone, but it won't locate any of my music. If I update the library it just fills it with all audio files from my phone (such as sat nav audio) but not my music, why is this and how do I get it to JUST update my music?
I have contacted HTC about the text issue and they tell me they are working on a fix.
I agree, it's a ballache that we shouldn't need to do. It's more for those annoying odd one or two album covers here and there that don't get picked up or end up with the wrong covers when you request the handset to update artwork from the Gracenote database.
All these issues with the music player are pretty poor for a handset costing near £500. I should really forward my last post to HTC...
Ok, so I've tried other media players and to be quite honest I don't like the interfaces, I like HTC's much better (except for the fact that you can't search). I have added artwork to my media on my PC now using monkeymedia, and jukebox, but when I transfer the music files to my HD2 there's no album artwork, why is this and how do I get it to transfer without going through the long winded process mentioned above?
I DJ and do a lot of my own CD's, and want to add artwork Can anyone help? Or is it just the HTC music player that won't pick up the artwork, and so I'm forced to use another player? If so is there a player out there that has a nice interface like HTC?
I've seen S2P, but which version should I download? Theres vga or wvga?

Not Enough Space in Music Database?

If i try to sort by artists or search in music it crashes and says not enough space in music database...I have 4gb of free space on card and more than that on device, any help?
same here, I would love a fix because I actually like the stock player and dont want to change it out.
is moving to the internal sd an option?
i had the same issue and found a thread here or on another site suggesting to move the music to the internal sd card. i did this and it worked for me.
granted, you have to have less than ~13G of music for this workaround.
I did not have this problem with the music stored on the external SD card (2gb, damn near to useless). With the music on the internal storage, I get this problem. I for one think it's completely unbelievable that this $500 device with 16gb of internal storage can't handle 10gb of music stored on it. I had a guy tell me music players weren't that great for android phones, but I didn't imagine it could be this bad. I've been trying all weekend and I have yet to find anything offering even minimal functionality. This really blows my mind.
Any help would be deeply appreciated.
i have a 16gb card full of songs and i don't have this error
Does it matter how the files are organized?
What about when using a different music player?
I have a co-worker who also has the phone and is seeing this problem. I've got a 32gb card coming in the mail and I was hoping to put my music collection on it. If the app can't handle a certain size, that will suck.
Could it also be the music file types/bitrates?
Anyone have any idea why some are seeing this and others not?
The first time I synced I didn't have trouble, and then, after adding a bunch of album art I get it consistently. I haven't bothered to track it down past that, since switching to Mixzing worked around the problem.
southpaw773 said:
i have a 16gb card full of songs and i don't have this error
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QFT, I have no issues aswell
I finally got my sd card and put it in the system. I started transferring my music and it quite near the end with something about the path being to deep. However, with about 16.5 out of 17.5 gb transfered I was able to sort by artist without a hitch.
I don't know why the transfer failed because when I plugged it back in and resumed where it left off every thing transfered fine.
However, I now get the out of memory crash when sorting by artist.
Not sure if it is some particular file (name, length, etc.), or if it is because my damn dog decided to run into the cord and unplug it without safely unmounting, but i'll try and figure it out.
I'm going to delete files, from the set that didn't transfer the first time, one by one until it works or I get back to the state where it was working. If nothing comes of that, I'll delete all and add back in until it stops working.
Maybe it is the number of artists? The files that didn't transfer the first time where from the various artists folder in my collection.
Or maybe warren g and nate dogg regulated my stock music app?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
It appears it is related to the number of artists.
I reproduced the problem, then went into my various artists folder and removed albums one by one until the problem went away. I then added the album back in that made the difference between it working and not. I then removed a song at a time until the problem went away again. I then added a song from another artist back in and it once again failed.
So it appears there is a cap on the number of artists.
I'll continue working on this and report back the exact number of artists that causes the issue.
OK, well I thought was the number of artists, but now I'm not so sure.
Maybe it has something to do with how the app handles various artists and/or unknown artists.
I added all my music, then deleted tracks from various artist albums until it worked again. I then put back the various artist album track and it didn't work, as expected.
I thought this was artist based, but when I got it working again--by deleting the track mentioned above--and then added a track for a various artist album by an artist that already existed, the app crashed too.
I then thought it might be song based. So I removed that song and then added a set of songs. However, it unexpectantly worked.
The difference with the set of songs added above is that they weren't part of a various artist album. They were a new artist, but the main album artist wasn't Various with a Contributing artist of the actual artist name. Instead, the Album Artist was the artist name and the contributing artist was left blank (or had the same name).
So, it is that the music app doesn't understand how to handle various artist albums?
Could someone else with this problem remove all the various artist albums from their collection and see if their app works again?
DLarva: Thanks, your post was very helpful.
I read elsewhere that when the player has a hard time with VA tracks, it does not recognize them as separate albums or something. Does it allow you to have some tracks by "Various Artists", but then begin to fail after reaching a certain number?
This is good that you found that was the key, because it is easy to work around!
On my vibrant I can only have 3 songs from a various artists album. It doesn't matter what the other tags are--like contributing artist--as long as the album artist is Various.
I'm guessing others will have a different number. This is because when I was experimenting I once had it working with several more various artist songs, but that was when I was missing a handful of my standard albums.
So it seems that various artist songs cause the issue, but that the number your vibrant will handle varies by the amount of artists or standard songs you have on your system--or some other unknown factor.
Any chance something like this will get fixed?
Anyone out there also dealing with this issue and can tell me how many Various Artist tracks they can get on their phone before it crashes when sorted by artist?
I'd like to try and narrow this down a bit further before calling Samsung tech support.
Found a co-worker with a Vibrant and confirmed that he could have a different number of various artist songs on his.
Also deleted a folder for an artist with 3 ablums and was able to add 3 albums worth of various artist songs.
So, it either is something like the number of folders or perhaps albums, or it is some complicated combination of things.
have this problem and it is ****ing annoying. Have to use TuneWiki instead of the stock app.
Just when I think I have it figured out, it all goes to...
I added a new album, from an existing artist, and now without any various artist albums I'm getting the crash.
At this point I'm left with the conclusion that its the number of songs, or folders, or some combination to complicated to figure out.
Anyone else have any thoughts?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I know workarounds suck for something like this, but there is another one available if you don't want to stop using the TW music player, and you don't want to delete or relocate your music.
Basically, you copy all artist information to Composer in the ID3 tag, and hide the artist tab in the TW music player. All functionality will be there.
I used mp3tag, and it worked really well.
If anyone is interested...
1. Load up your music in mp3tag
2. Select all your music in the app.
3. Push Alt-5.
4. On top right, click on "New".
5. Name it anything you want.
6. Click on "New" again.
7. On the drop-down, click on "Format Value".
8. In Field, select "COMPOSER".
9. Click on the right arrow next to Format String, and select "Artist".
10. Click OK... OK.... Make sure that only your new action is checked, and click OK again.
11. Click on Save.
This doesn't rename your files or change functionality or usability at all.
Now your music is formatted so that when you show the Composer tab on your Vibrant, it will show you all artists.
And it doesn't crash when sorted by composer with the same set of files that crashed when sorted by artist?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

Best way to copy music to phone

Does anyone have any suggested techniques for copying MP3 or WMA files to the phone (SD or Internal memory)?
What I've discovered is that synching with Media Player will transfer over these hidden files (album art, desktop.ini, and folder.jpg). These hidden files seem to mess with the way the Sense music player is picking up the music and what ends up happening is that in the music players details view, it does indeed break up the artists and the albums etc. HOWEVER, in the default view (the one that shows the album covers) it doesn't know what to do and only shows you the album cover of the particular album you are listening too. There's no way to get to the other album without going into the details menu and selecting it from there.
Whew - SO, all that being said; what I found is that if I delete the album art, desktop.ini and folder.jpg files BEFORE manually dragging and dropping the music over to the phone it seems to resolve the problem.
So is there a more streamlined approach to doing this?
yatman60 said:
Does anyone have any suggested techniques for copying MP3 or WMA files to the phone (SD or Internal memory)?
What I've discovered is that synching with Media Player will transfer over these hidden files (album art, desktop.ini, and folder.jpg). These hidden files seem to mess with the way the Sense music player is picking up the music and what ends up happening is that in the music players details view, it does indeed break up the artists and the albums etc. HOWEVER, in the default view (the one that shows the album covers) it doesn't know what to do and only shows you the album cover of the particular album you are listening too. There's no way to get to the other album without going into the details menu and selecting it from there.
Whew - SO, all that being said; what I found is that if I delete the album art, desktop.ini and folder.jpg files BEFORE manually dragging and dropping the music over to the phone it seems to resolve the problem.
So is there a more streamlined approach to doing this?
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Put your INC in DISK DRIVE mode and copy your files to the SD card using Windows Explorer. You can also take out the SD card, put it in a reader, plug that into your PC's card reader, and put the files there via Windows Explorer.
Of course, all this presupposes that your MP3 files are correct (e.g., their ID3 tags are correct; and the album art was already integrated).
I use Tunesync, there're also isyncr, doubletwist, websharing....
The thing I like about these sync software is that they put your music in a playlist, which all the players can see.
First thing I would do is ditch the default android player though and stay away from Music PlayerPro too (just a skinned default player-same options same problems).
I am using bTunes, I think it's already abandon by the developer, but since it works and I already paid for it so might as well.
I recommend Mort Player if you don't look at it too much, Man!..that UI is just plain Ugly.
DoubleTwist is great. It also syncs your videos as well. Best part is it only syncs what you want. You create playlists and it syncs based on their contents
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
Thanks for the info everyone. I guess the bottom line is that music software on Android is still in infancy stages with a lot of options but nothing that really just stands out. I hate to admit it but looks like Apple has a (+) in this department for now. My Incredible is a filler phone to hold me over until with WINMO7 stuff starts to hit Verizon so just looking for the best combinations of software on this thing.
I'm totally new to Android but I would have thought that the folks over at Google would have taken the media experience a little more seriously and spent some time on those aspects out of the box.
yatman60 said:
Thanks for the info everyone. I guess the bottom line is that music software on Android is still in infancy stages with a lot of options but nothing that really just stands out. I hate to admit it but looks like Apple has a (+) in this department for now. My Incredible is a filler phone to hold me over until with WINMO7 stuff starts to hit Verizon so just looking for the best combinations of software on this thing.
I'm totally new to Android but I would have thought that the folks over at Google would have taken the media experience a little more seriously and spent some time on those aspects out of the box.
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Google was doing fine, 2.1 was solid. It uses up battery like there's no tomorrow, but solid.
2.2 seem like it's coded by 5 year olds... in Mongolia...using Vtech's Vsmile system....during recess. Maybe that's why the battery last longer, nothing works. Could be a way to make us pay for third-party apps (free enterprise at work).
Bus, now that's just plan 'ol funny. Educational (for me) at the same time.
I use the free version of Media Monkey on my Win XP desktop and Meridian on my Dinc. Then I sync playlists (like I used to on my iPhone 3G). Works like a champ.
The iPhone is far superior in the music catagory (dsp, organization, genius) but u have to keep inmind it stemed from an ipod. That said the closest ive come to it is boomboxoid but its terribly slow and often unresponsive. Which is why i primarily use pandora now...an ipod like music player is the app i want most!
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
gimini said:
The iPhone is far superior in the music catagory (dsp, organization, genius) but u have to keep inmind it stemed from an ipod. That said the closest ive come to it is boomboxoid but its terribly slow and often unresponsive. Which is why i primarily use pandora now...an ipod like music player is the app i want most!
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
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I've mentioned bTunes above. It's the exact replica of the iPhone/iPod player.

