Screen Fault... ghost typing - Nexus S General

Im having issues with my phone, where it starts typing and doing screen presses without me doing anything.
very similar to the youtube video "ghost typing" 3rd one down
(wont allow me to post external links lol)
as this must be hardware issue, it does seem like a cable might not be all the way in correctly? has anyone seen this before and can you offer me any advice on repairing it?

Try to flash a different kernel.
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium

Try flashing a new kernel first, which one are you using right now btw?
btw used to happen on my old phone if the screen was wet for some reason :O

hi, thanks for the reply,
currently using #1

This was happening alot when i first got the phone, usually when the screen was dirty or had some moisture on it like someone said earlier. Locking and unlocking it usually helped, also try cleaning any dirt off the screen.

clean your screen
also, you experience this kind of issue when charging or using battery?
sometimes, a bad charger or unstable power will make capative touch screen strange


[Q] G2 Screen Issues

I've been having touch screen issues lately, since i rooted and switched to CM 6.1 a couple of weeks ago. The screen will work perfectly for a little while, but will inevitably stop responding. I'm using launcherpro, though i don't believe that's the issue- it happens regardless of which launcher I'm running (I've tried others and experienced the same issue. The optical scroll pad will still "sort of" work- better than the screen (which will respond to the occasional touch after the problem begins, but barely does). If I reboot, the problem will usually go away for a while again, but will recur. I wind up needing to fix the issue once or twice a day. I don't think it's a hardware problem because the reset fixes it, so I assume it is then software. Also, i don't remember having this problem with the stock rom. Has anyone else experienced this, or does anyone have any ideas?
Dunno how useful this will be, but have you tried reflashing CM?
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
Same problem here. But I've noticed sometimes if I'm using the phone not in my hand (on car dock or just on table) this problem seems to happen more...but when I hold it in my palm then works fine.
But sometimes it just becomes unresponsive. Am running virtous's rom on my g2. But I can remember having the same issue when running cm on my g1 days too. Reboot always fixed it, just gets annoying.
Anyone have fixes to this? Thanks!!
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
I personally use GV 7 or sparksmod and. Never had a problem, these are the best roms I think for this phone.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
Been having this exact problem for weeks now. And I believe it is a hardware problem, probably some sort of short in one of the ribbon cables or the digitizer itself. Occasionally, actually 85% of the time I'd try to open an apparently and the phone would act if I held my finger down and then the apparently icon gets selected...very annoying cus it happens over and over a couple times, all I can do is keep trying until it does what its supposed to. Also with the on screen keyboard when I'm texting it'll act like I'm holding down on one of the letters and keeps bringing up the special characters to that letter...or ill tap delete to delete a spelling error and it'll end up holding it down and deleting my whole damn text and I can't stop it.
At first when this first started happening I could simply tap the screen and it would stop the crap it was doing and work fine. As time went on I noticed I kept having to hit it harder and harder for it to correct it. Wellllll guess what? Last night it was acting up horribly and I slammed my closed hand against it while it was on the desk and it cracked the LCD screen and now the phone is completely useless, even though the outer touchscreen is perfectly fine.
The restarting of the phone also usually fixed it for me as well but only for a few minutes.. which also makes me think its a short because after the phone is turned off whatever part is shorting out, that circuit is closed and just takes time until you press on the screen in whatever spot to cause the two parts to touch and create the short all over again.
Anyways that's my story...just don't get angry and slam down on the screen lol. This is my 2nd G2 and I'm tired of it, probably just going to get a nexus s or just go back to the nexus one, atleast it was reliable.
huh28 said:
Same problem here. But I've noticed sometimes if I'm using the phone not in my hand (on car dock or just on table) this problem seems to happen more...but when I hold it in my palm then works fine.
But sometimes it just becomes unresponsive. Am running virtous's rom on my g2. But I can remember having the same issue when running cm on my g1 days too. Reboot always fixed it, just gets annoying.
Anyone have fixes to this? Thanks!!
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
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if you open the battery cover u can see that there are connectors that closes the whole circuit, so when u are holding the phone the back cover works like a grounding area that makes the screen responce to your touch. Acapacitive screen works like this: when you touch in any area on the screen, you simply are breaking the electrical field that the screen has, the screen "feels" where u break it and tells the operating system.
the electrical field depends on the human body a bit to make the circuit complete, so when u touch the metal parts of the phone, the screen works like it is designed.

Touch screen big issue : nearly not usable

Hi all !
Since a few weeks/months, I have my touchscreen which becomes less and less responsive. In fact, the issue is that sometimes (say one push every 5) the release is not detected, meaning that my finger is still detected while it is not on the screen.
This does not seem to be software related as I have same issue with different ROM (Cyanogen, MIUI...). Also, I changed the touchscreen (bought on eBay) and I still have the same issue...
I tried with different positions, for example touching the edges with my other hand, or opposite letting the phone on the table without any other touch than my finger, but issue is still viewed on the same rate.
Any idea ? Anything to try to fix ?
Thanks !
You haven't recently installed/changed a screen protector, have you ? Some of them make the screen a lot less responsive.
Sent from my Desire Z running CM7.
I had this problem during winter but everything is OK now.I am pretty sure that it is the cold weather that confused my device.Maybe you can have a test on different temperture.
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda premium
Thanks both of you for your answers !
No, nothing changed : screen nor case. And temperature does not seem to resolve anything... I also have bought a new digitizer, replaced it, I still have the same problem...
Maybe a grounding issue ? The digitizer connector ?
I'm afraid I'll have to buy another one... maybe a broken one, with different issue...

Random Clicks

Hello Everyone!
Long time now, i have an issue with the Touchscreen of my MB526. From time to time it generates random clicks ... if i then send it to standby and wake it up, everything is fine again. I thought it may be a hardware-problem or a problem with the custom roms around, but when i posted this issue today on the Defy-Facebook-Group, i found someone with the same issue on the stock unrooted 231 Rom (BL7). The Same BL as mine ...
So may be, that there is an unidentified bug in our mobiles? may be some driver problem? Or is it an hardware-issue like the speaker of the MB525, that affects more users?
Maybe some of the Rom-Devs could try to find something related to the Wake-Up precedure what resets the touchscreen and clears this issue?
We need some help here ...
EDIT: There is now one more on the Facebook-Group with the same issue but on a MB525 ... so it's Defy in general and not only Defy+ ...
The same problem here
First of all thanks for addressing this problem. I thought i was the only one.
Ok so I'm currently on W.R.1.7, Defy mb525
And i experience the same problem. random touches and to reset it i have to lock my screen and switch it on again.
I haven't (and wont do till 5 more months) tried this on other roms. but it always starts after 1 week of installing wr 1.7.
I flashed the rom again thinking that it will solve the problems (this and batterry drops) it did but after a week it was back!
Had that just today, for the first time.
Was playing Hill Climb Racing, when suddenly the gas pedal (on screen touch area) got stuck, then flickered irregularily 3 or 4 times a second for like 15 seconds. My defy didn't register the back button or the home button during that time. Switching off and on helped. It happened again like a minute later, but not as long. Didn't happen again since then, but if it does in another app I'll report back.
There is no demo function in Hill Climb Racer as far as I know, so the pressed gas pedal could only have originated from the touchsceen / driver side, not from faulty code in the game.
My Defy, MB525 (Green), has 2 years old and I have this issue since always, I didn´t use my warranty because I've rooted since i bought it, but just happens sometimes (the same issue on stock 2.1, stock 2.2, MIUI, CM7, CM9, CM10...).
OK, so this themes to be an issue that affects more than just a few users ...
there was a guy in the facebook group, that reported, that he had this issue to, but it stoped since he used a screen protector ... so this may solve this issue ... but i think this is not all ... The screen is (for sure) not designed to be only useable with an screen protector
and because of the Lockscreen / Wake up solve, this is not happening due to dirt on the display or something i think ...
would be nice, if some dev could answer this post, so we would know, that we are not alone and may maybe get some help in some time ...
@ MadMooney ... i also found this annoying in Hill Climb Racing It's exactly the gas-Pedal that is "locked" then .. bit it happend in other apps (by writing an sms fpr example) to ... so it may be some fingerpoint that we both have exactly the same issue with the same game and the same affected screen area ...
DJ_Synergy said:
OK, so this themes to be an issue that affects more than just a few users ...
there was a guy in the facebook group, that reported, that he had this issue to, but it stoped since he used a screen protector ... so this may solve this issue ... but i think this is not all ... The screen is (for sure) not designed to be only useable with an screen protector
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Even i use a screen protector (Amzer one) but that doesn't help in solving the ghostly touch problem..
Its definitely a software issue
Sent from my MB526 using xda app-developers app
I have the same problem with mine, i thought it was because since 6 months back i totally cracked my screen and havent changed it because it still works as it should except looking terrible. What i have noticed thou is that i can absolutely not use my phone while charging it because that will to a 100% result in my screen going wild
I am also facing this issue. I mildly heat the screen using heater the problem solve for one or two weeks then It again appear. I found another thing that this issue may solve if press the right side of speaker hardly. Please try these and report
Sent from my MB526 using Tapatalk 2
Same here. It happens when my screen is a bit oily so if I clean it it doesn't do it anymore.
Happens to me too, exactly as OP said, Bayer MB525
Happend with CM7.2 and CM10, I don't remember having this in stock Froyo 2.2.1
EDIT: Things that make it happens more often:
1. Any kind of liquid over screen (mainly water)
2. While connected to an USB
WOW ... such a mass of users with the same issue ... and no one ever told that before?!
OK, so we are facing an big issue with all roms and all kinds of devices / displays ... so maybe it is a driver problem, beacause it is solved if you turn screen of and wake up again ...
the issue with the charger is named here too ... i also had this problem ... with low battery and charger the screen reacts like an resistive touchscreen, not like an capacitive ... maybe these are all the same issue ...
No dev here, that can pick this thing up and have a look at it?
DJ_Synergy said:
@ MadMooney ... i also found this annoying in Hill Climb Racing It's exactly the gas-Pedal that is "locked" then .. bit it happend in other apps (by writing an sms fpr example) to ... so it may be some fingerpoint that we both have exactly the same issue with the same game and the same affected screen area ...
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Then let me add that right when it happend, i saw a tiny sweat droplet on the screen. I wiped it away instantly, but the effect stayed for another couple of seconds. Might really be that the touchscreen/driver-combo gets temporarily overloaded from the continuously moist spot.
I had that effect on other phones too, always capacitive screens. If that's all there is to it, there's probably not much we can do about it to solve it other than to make the driver less sensitive, but that would be a bad thing, if you ask me. I like that it reacts at the lightest touch.
Yeah, it reacts fine. But the idea of overload is nice ... Maybe it could be solved by setting up the Multi-Touch-Points to 5 e.g. ???
I think we need an update zip from our great developers to reduce the sensitivity of our touch screen especially for those who realy suffering due to this defect. We can find lot of topics regarding this issue in various headings like !My phone become crazy, touch screen malfunction etc! In QA section
Sent from my MB526 using Tapatalk 2
Yeah, for sure .. but if there is no dev reading this posts, there won't be any zips ...
and with the xda-board-rules you can't open a thread for that in the Dev-Section -.-
So ... we will be alone thanks to the admins and the board rules, cause no dev will read the Q&A Section ...
My phone Defy+:
I had this issue on cm7.2 tried following solution but none of them works.
1) Changed to cm10 thought it might be Rom issue but no i have ghost touch on cm10 too.
2) I applied screen guard to see if it wrks but not it does not wrk i still have ghost touch.
P.S. While charging the phone GT disappears.
Try to heat ur touch screen lightly using a hair drier
Sent from my MB526 using Tapatalk 2

Galaxy S7 Edge strange behavior, Random touch input

Hello folks,
I've googled a lot but maybe I used the wrong terms or it's a rare problem. But my phone has a small annoying bug. The bug I'm facing was always there but after the latest update it occurs much more.
Most of the time it happens when you unlock the phone and start typing. In the video below you can see the problem.
Sometimes the recent apps and back button refuse to work while this happens. Not always.
Is there anyone else that suffers from this strange behabior?
I allready tried to remove the TPU case but that didn't solved the problem.
roylee01 said:
Hello folks,
I've googled a lot but maybe I used the wrong terms or it's a rare problem. But my phone has a small annoying bug. The bug I'm facing was always there but after the latest update it occurs much more.
Most of the time it happens when you unlock the phone and start typing. In the video below you can see the problem.
Sometimes the recent apps and back button refuse to work while this happens. Not always.
Is there anyone else that suffers from this strange behabior?
I allready tried to remove the TPU case but that didn't solved the problem.
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the solution is simple,just make sure ur fingers aren't wet!
Over a period of time (if you looked at your phone at an angle with the light reflecting off) the Gorilla Glass the phone needs to be wiped down, preferably with a micro-cloth (the same type you use on glasses). The oils on your hand, combined with sweat/water, can do freaky things with the touchscreen.
I have been using a stylus most of the time to type and interact with my S7E phone. Not only that I like it better I find it with my big fingers I am more accurate when I am typing and interacting with the phone.
But do not forget this S7E is completely covered with Gorilla Glass and needs to be cleaned like all other types of glass does...good luck.
《♤》Sawuwaya / Spirit Wolfe 《♤》
Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
The exact same thing is happening in my case (atleast has become more pronounced since the latest update), the recent apps & back button become unresponsive after you unlock the phone and there are random ghost touches. The problem seems to normalise after you lock & unlock the phone using the power button. Any insight on the same would be helpful.
I cleaned the phone multiple times. Actually I clean it every day.
As arun.subrm says. It goes away when you lock and unlock the phone.
Very strange. Actually it gets worse after every update. Today it happened over 3 times in 4 hours. Rediculous and very annoying. It makes it an unreliable product this way. You don't know when it will happen.
Still waiting for that moment when I accidentally buy a living room couch on ebay or something xD.

LG V20 Touch Screen acting up any fixes?

Theirs probably little to no support for my phone here anymore but my screen is acting up in a way that makes the phone nearly useless, if for example I tap on an app to open it, the phone will think my finger is still there and act as a long press to move the app to another location when I just press and release to open the app, typing is a nightmare, If I type something then need to backspace itll hold the backspace and delete everything I type, I'm really hoping it's not the digitizer and hopefully it's just a software issue that I can fix by rooting and running lineage or something on it. I am not using a screen protector and the screen is not cracked or chipped, this is how the phone was when I got it and I would much rather use the v20 than my A10e, I really hate my a10e lmao. Any help would be greatly appreciated! PS: Ive already tried a full reset and that did not fix the issue, thanks!
Chekhova said:
Theirs probably little to no support for my phone here anymore but my screen is acting up in a way that makes the phone nearly useless, if for example I tap on an app to open it, the phone will think my finger is still there and act as a long press to move the app to another location when I just press and release to open the app, typing is a nightmare, If I type something then need to backspace itll hold the backspace and delete everything I type, I'm really hoping it's not the digitizer and hopefully it's just a software issue that I can fix by rooting and running lineage or something on it. I am not using a screen protector and the screen is not cracked or chipped, this is how the phone was when I got it and I would much rather use the v20 than my A10e, I really hate my a10e lmao. Any help would be greatly appreciated! PS: Ive already tried a full reset and that did not fix the issue, thanks!
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Sounds like a hardware issue
Sent from my LG-H910 using XDA Labs
Are you using a case?
Is your usb port dirty?
Hidden water damage?
Is the battery swollen (bulged)? Try using it without the back cover on.
Try running in safe mode to see if any user app is interfering.
Those are my only thoughts besides a hardware issue as mentioned above.
pistacios said:
Are you using a case?
Is your usb port dirty?
Hidden water damage?
Is the battery swollen (bulged)? Try using it without the back cover on.
Try running in safe mode to see if any user app is interfering.
Those are my only thoughts besides a hardware issue as mentioned above.
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Im not using a case, and this thing has never seen water in its life lol, battery is fine and fits normal, I tried it without the cover and it didn't change anything. i put it in safe mode and still the same thing, im afraid its the digitizer so im going to replace it and see if that fixes it, if not im going to just trash the phone lmao.
