[Q] Avatar Upload - Thinkpad Tablet General

Is anyone else experiencing problems uploading an Avatar? I have tried from my computer using the web portal and my phone using TapaTalk.

Well as you can see the Avatar uploaded from my Thinkpad Tablet. Go figure. I still have not figured out a signature, though.


Anime fans.

Hey, has anyone been able to watch streaming anime from sites such as goodanime or gogoanime? I haven't been able to view them with Dolphin Browser and flash 10.1. Any success stories or can someone try on their evos? Thanks.
Bump, anyone?
Have you tried skyfire browser.. You can watch some flash videos using the certain feature of the broswer. Some sites will work, some dont.
Try pocketvod.com and report back
Both recommendations didnt work, thanks for the help though.
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Once you got flash enabled this is anime on the go, its full free episodes without some kind of gimmicky membership. Watching Cowboy Bebop at work definitely lets the time fly by. Hope that is what you are looking for.
Animefreak.tv says:
There is a problem in the video
refresh the page fewtimes. If still
not working send a broken link
Akulamenuri could you post a step by step of what you did and what version of flash your using?
Bump, anyone?
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funimation works for me...
Hey, i watch fullmetal alchemist on funimation's site all the time with the stock browser and htc's flash lite, it works like a charm! just long hold on the video and play it in fullscreen, performance seems better that way.
flash content takes the longest to load, so be patient. I've had success over 3g and wifi... let me know if you have questions.
Funimation works like a charm, but sites like gogoanime or goodanime won't work.
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veoh has a webkit compatible page (veoh.com/iphone) for iphone that not surprisingly works for android so long as you know how to find what youre looking for ex. hr1ge would be heroic age ep1...works like a charm
kumby works fine
Kumby is like gogoanime and goodanime, none of them seem to work... Am I doing something wrong? I've tried to open them by double tapping and still a no go. Any recommendations?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Bump, anyone?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
What browser are u using?
Sent 4rm My Evo 4g
I've tried Dolphin Browser HD, Skyfire and the built-in browser.
Bumping it up
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I want to see some anime on my evo!!!
Root your phone and install FroYo. I'm watching some random anime on gogoanime right now as I type this.

[INFO] (Updated) Temporary solution to HDMI problem (Blinking/flickering/lagging)

Some people are having problems when hooking up their HDMI connection to their tv so I thought I would share my findings.
Problems: Youtube keeps blinking, Moboplayer lags and blinks, ETC.
I had the same problem also. I originally thought it was the HDMI cable so I bought another one and tested it, same problem. So i decided to play around with it some more and may have found something.
Here is a temporary solution which I have found to make it work flawlessly:
1. Go to the market and download aDownloader. (It's a torrent program, don't worry, you won't be downloading anything)
2. Turn on the program and download a torrent, any torrent is fine and have that torrent run for a few seconds. Once that is done, pause the torrent. There should be a popup notification, please ignore that.
3. Hook up the HDMI and turn everything on, everything should be working 100%. You will not see the notification from aDownloader popup on your tv.
There will not be anying flickering or blinking or any lag with this method. I will be using this until a fix comes up hopefully with the next update.
Let me know if this works!
im not getting a popup from it. But, I like the program.
hm maybe because I'm using launcherpro? Not sure hope it works tho.
forgot to mention, did not work.
What on gods green earth does a torrent program have to do with HDMI out??
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csmall said:
What on gods green earth does a torrent program have to do with HDMI out??
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this to the power of 1 million +1.
csmall said:
What on gods green earth does a torrent program have to do with HDMI out??
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it's most likely the notification keeping the screen from flickering.
This would give duct tape a run for its money ....
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
Ok guys, i figured out why it's not working for you guys. I changed #2.
There was an extra step I noticed that was needed to make this work. All you have to do is download any torrent, either its a picture, music, video or anime file, have that torrent run for 1-2 seconds, then pause that torrent.
This should be working now.
csmall said:
What on gods green earth does a torrent program have to do with HDMI out??
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My guess? The torrent app holds a wake lock while it's running and prevents the device from going to sleep.
yeah, didnt help at all. In fact the notification showed up on my TV. Flickering.
It could be the ratio of the tv, mines is on scan however it should be 16:9.
Has anyone figured this out I called ASUS and they had no known issues regarding this
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
I don't know if this is the right place for this but I have done a series of troubleshooting:
I ripped a few movies using DVD Catalyst (great program btw) to both my SAmsung 500GB usb hdd and the 16gb Class 6 Patriot micro sd card (same movie).
Played the video with HDMI (from the SD carc) on my TV using mobo and it was flickery and choppy and unviewable overall. Used the "movie" program and it viewed fine, although at a lower resolution (4:3) and quality, but viewable.
Tried the same thing with the USB HDD and worked perfect with mobo.
I have a stock TF with the latest updates as well as a new dock with the latest updates too.
I'm satisifed with the ability to use the usb hdd, but I'm just curious as to any thoughts on why the SD card didn't work... I also speed checked the sd card using H2testw_1.4 for the complete card (not just a short check) and it came back good, no problems or issues.

[Q] Audio/Video out of sync?

Has anyone experienced any audio/video syncing problem? I have noticed this problem with streaming video (mainly youtube, I am located in Europe and I have no access to Netflix or Hulu) and with video files played with media players (like stock, rockplayer, mx video player). I have also noticed that there is a different amount of lag with different types of files but there is always some lag.
I have experienced this using both the stock amazon rom and cm7.
Is there anyone else with this issue or is something wrong with my fire?
I had this issue with Netflix today.
butterflygirl said:
I had this issue with Netflix today.
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Thank you for your answer.
Did you have this issue with any other app or media player? Or with everything else synchronization is ok?
i just tried netflix to see if i am having the same problem and i am. weird. hopefully someone smarter than i can fix it...
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My Netflix is off as well. Unfortunate indeed....I want to go back to stock from cm7 and see if it works better on stock.
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G1ForFun said:
My Netflix is off as well. Unfortunate indeed....I want to go back to stock from cm7 and see if it works better on stock.
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I am stock, never been rooted.
I had some sync issues when trying to play certain codecs or videos of certain resolutions, seems kind of random though.
I have this issue with almost all video. Netflix is always out of sync, and most videos from the internet as well. Did a side by side of same exact video with a Samsung Galaxy 7.0 (not plus), and all video was perfect on it. Im boxing it up and sending it back. Sucks because I really wanted to like it.
---------- Post added at 03:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:47 AM ----------
Hey I just installed Cyanogen on my Fire and it is no longer out of sync. So this proves that it is a software issue and that Amazon needs to fix it.
In on cm7 and mine is still out of sync
Gam3r 4 Life said:
I have this issue with almost all video. Netflix is always out of sync, and most videos from the internet as well. Did a side by side of same exact video with a Samsung Galaxy 7.0 (not plus), and all video was perfect on it. Im boxing it up and sending it back. Sucks because I really wanted to like it.
---------- Post added at 03:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:47 AM ----------
Hey I just installed Cyanogen on my Fire and it is no longer out of sync. So this proves that it is a software issue and that Amazon needs to fix it.
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Anyone find a solution to thus yet?
Netflix is out of sync for me too. No problems with Hulu Plus or youtube though. Stock and CM7

Flash Video Browsers for hulu.com

So the wife has been asking for a solution on watching videos hulu.com on the tablet, but afaik it doesn't work on any current browser. After putting my mad Google skill to work, found a paid app for $.99 called Flash Video Browser (buy it on Amazon cause Google market will show not compatible) which does the job.
I even tried it on my Nook Color and it works there too.
Check out civatos hulu flash installer....not positive but I think it will work with any rom and it installs hulu app so you don't have to use a browser......you could also flash his rom flexstriker along with above and watch hulu from stock browser.......if you wanna stay stock skyfire works if you set it to desktop and its free
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Tried Civato's ROM with hulu flash, movies work fine but for tv shows, it just die out after the commercial. Beside, I needed a solution that will work on multiple tablets and this app seems to fit the need.
There is a apk floating around that works you just install it sorry I need to find it again so if someone finds it post URL please
Anywho it works well watched terra nova no problems works with all android devices!
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
Here is direct link to download the landscape version
Found it!
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
downloading that hulu apk, thanks a ton for that! also, TC, its not quite as extensive as hulu plus but you could always go for crackle. its on the market, its free, and its actually quite good with a decent library (although small compared to netflix and hulu) but its full episodes and movies for free as long as you can live with the occasional commercial.
nifterific said:
downloading that hulu apk, thanks a ton for that! also, TC, its not quite as extensive as hulu plus but you could always go for crackle. its on the market, its free, and its actually quite good with a decent library (although small compared to netflix and hulu) but its full episodes and movies for free as long as you can live with the occasional commercial.
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Let me know if that works for ya it was now its not for me but when I used the search in here there was a crap load of ways if you find alternate apk please let me know bro thanks
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
dincdoes.me said:
Let me know if that works for ya it was now its not for me but when I used the search in here there was a crap load of ways if you find alternate apk please let me know bro thanks
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not sure what the eye rolling is for but yeah i downloaded the landscape apk, installed it and it worked like a champ.
Didn't mean the smiley my kid was attacking me
Sent from my Inspire 4G using Tapatalk
There is an app in market that lets you watch hulu flashvideo browser
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
does anyone know how to install the modded hulu apk from the link above ive tried hulu that came with civatos flexstriker but all it did was buffer and nothin more and wanted to give this a whirl any help wouod be great
I must be lucky, I used the backup off my nexus s and its works great restored to the tblet
Sent from my Acer Iconia A500 using Tapatalk
To get hulu to work on my rooted iconia, I took the " /data/data/com.adobe.flashplayer/lib/libflashplayer.so" and opened it in a hex editor on my computer. Where I found "AND" followed by a version number I replaced it with "WIN". I then put the modified file back on the tablet in a different directory. I use script manager to run a script that replaces the existing file with the modified file whenever I start the tablet. I also changed the UA string for the browsers I am using to use "desktop". For the stock browser, you type "about:debug" to getting the settings that allow you to so.
I found information about doing this on other forums. Script for copying is below. You need to set execute permissions on libflashplayer.so after you put it back on the tablet. I used Es file manager in root mode to get access to everything.
cp /data/flashhack/libflashplayer.so /data/data/com.adobe.flashplayer/lib/libflashplayer.so

Video recording and playback issue

Hey guys ive been making some videos with my phone but when i try to play them on my computer, it only has audio and no picture. The weird thing is that not all the videos are like that, but rather some. When i see the list of the videos i made on my laptop, some of the thumbnails have pictures and others dont and the ones that dont have a pic doesnt have any video but audio streams out. Its a very peculiar issue. Im currently running virtuous unity. Also, when playing back on my phone, it plays fine. Its only when i hook up my phone to my computer that it does this. Any insight would be helpful
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runkpock3r said:
Hey guys ive been making some videos with my phone but when i try to play them on my computer, it only has audio and no picture. The weird thing is that not all the videos are like that, but rather some. When i see the list of the videos i made on my laptop, some of the thumbnails have pictures and others dont and the ones that dont have a pic doesnt have any video but audio streams out. Its a very peculiar issue. Im currently running virtuous unity. Also, when playing back on my phone, it plays fine. Its only when i hook up my phone to my computer that it does this. Any insight would be helpful
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did you check to see what format the videos are in and if the player you are using on your computer is compatible with that certain format?
Yeah its in .mp4. Again, its only some videos that i recorded that wont play. It might be an issue with my computer... I dont know..
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