My Initial Thoughts.... - Galaxy Tab 10.1 General

Some of you have been around the block with this device. I have always had the stance that I did not need a tablet. I postponed and always found a reason to wait. When the Tab 10.1 was $325 shipped from woot, I could no longer fight that off.
While I waited for it to ship, I scoured your forum (very familiar with XDA, but never a section for tablets). I was EXTREMELY impressed with the posts, the peeps, feedback and the stickies/guides. I had a good feeling about the device before it even arrived, when you have a strong network to go to, any android device can be fun..... big kudos to those who write guides and develop for the Tab.
I also found help with accessories... ended up ordering the pyro skin carbon fiber case, which was sent extremely fast, good price and fits the tab like a glove... great experience (though I wanted the red one and they were out).
Finally... device shipped. Childhood Christmas people... so happy. Fought the urge, decided to power it up to full... cut it on, realized just HOW pretty the screen was on the bootup alone... loved the setup... even the "new" look of the login screens being so different from the android phones that i have used... just "cool."
Boots up, everything starts syncing.... thinking wow, extremely easy. That is so unlike Android (market perception, not mine).... then I started browsing the market... the web... youtube.. camera... gallery... everything is just working.
I know there is an update, so to be weird, I reboot, then update.... getting concerned because it seemed to take forever... finally, it reboots and voila, everything I was doing before looks the same if not better... great.
I load up all my apps... noticing Plume is the most sexy app ever.... night and day difference from the phone experience....
come back to XDA... decide to go ahead and root and try a rom. Find the root guide with the all in one download + video... Jesus, as someone who prides themselves on guides, that one is flawless... well done. The root process was crazy easy... only thing I would have suggested here, the guide could point out you could just flash a rom right after getting into CWR to cut out some steps.... regardless, very easy, very impressed. I know some of you have had, or have helped friends with other android devices not even close to being this easy. Kudos to developers, again.
I decide to go with Task650s 7.0.... the rom booted up and just felt right from the start. I have been putting it through the paces and still need to explore more, but so far with it AND the device, the tab is top notch. Can't believe I waited this long.
Right now I have my Galaxy S4G acting as my wifi hotspot at work, I can put a password on it so I do not think my data usage should be much different than if I were just using my phone... true? So much better using the Tab for checking twitter, etc than my phone.
Anyway, like I said.... some of you know this.... just felt like you might like reading a new guys perception.
As always, taking suggestions and feedback as I try and learn more about the Tab and what it can do.

Glad you like it and webt with tasks rom . As for using your phone as a hotspot, I do that and the tab uses abitt nore data, but only browsing the internet. And like I said to you, get the usb adapter. I can mount my phone in mass storage on my tab and use it to transfer files and stuff. My whole nandroid backup of my tab is stored on my phone along with it's own backup

i'm also a Woot purchaser, and just did the same procedure.
My tablet is really nice, now. I took advantage of Zagg's 50% off sale and got a leather back skin and their rubbery orange-peel screen protector. Now my Tab is the bigger brother clone of my HTC Thunderbolt. The leather gives an elegant feel with minimal weight, as well as some drop cushioning.
I didn't want an iPad, but I do love what this can do. Also, it connects to my Apple Air Port at 5GHz, so it gets a true 300Mbit to my NAS for book and movie loading.

Everytime I want to purchase an electronic device (my old system or my dslr or my gtab), I read a lot of reviews and watch videos on youtubes comparing it to other devices, and I have to say that I'm glad I bought the galaxy tab even though I paid $630 for the 32GB version, but and I even convinced my brother to get one instead of the ipad
Sent from my GT-P7510 using xda premium

s15274n said:
I have always had the stance that I did not need a tablet.
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I felt just like you, now I can't live without it. I got a SGS2 in May when they first came out and loaded it up with apps for video, reading, browsing and the like. Watching movies on a 4" screen is kind of underwhelming. Reading and surfing are a pain because you're always zooming the text to be able to read it. The Tab's so thin and light I take it everywhere now and it's my primary consumption device. E-mail and messaging is so much easier with the additional real estate. I now use my phone mostly for quick e-mails and messages, taking pictures and videos, and streaming via A2DP in my car. Everything else I do with the Tab. It's 3G so it's always connected so it's easy to whip out and just get stuff done. Teg 2 sucks but it's got enough horsepower for what I do with it. I'll get rid of it when Samsung's next-gen tablet comes out. Primarily because more power's always good and I like that the next-gen tablets have higher res screens.
Here's some apps I can't live without:
- Plex
They just upgraded the server and it's amazing how great it is at streaming video. I get unbelievable quality even over a 3G connection.
- PlayOn
Fantastic for Hulu and Amazon Instant. Again, the transcoding's excellent and plays well even on lower speed connections.
- SwiftKey Tablet X Keyboard
It was clunky at first but the latest revision was a complete revamp. The thumb keyboard's great as is their word suggestion logic.
- HD Widgets
Fantastic clock and weather widgets in multiple sizes designed for tablets.
- News360 and Pulse
Great tablet news feeds
Next Issue, Press Reader, and Zinio
All great tablet apps for newspapers and magazines. If you already have print subscriptions, the digital versions on Next Issue are free.
- TouchDown
The native e-mail client's not bad but TouchDown has great widgets for mail, appointments, and tasks.
- Asus SuperNote
It's a pull from the Transformer and available in the dev section. It's the best note app for hand writing notes. They all suck because of screen lag but this sucks the least.
Good luck with your new Tab, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

I'm jealous of the woot guys who got their device already. Mine is scheduled for tomorrow, but I'm estimating Friday with how slow it's been so far.
Can't wait to get my hands on my new toy! I sold my transformer at the beginning of Nov, but after hearing of a $500 base price on the prime, it was over my allotted amount to spend on myself during the holidays.
Along came the woot sale, and I couldn't pass it up!

Loving my rooted Tab on Task's 7 as well and I agree it is an awesome Tablet...
Some apps that I enjoy on it are:
--Tweetcaster Pro
--Reader HD
--HD Widgets
--Thumb Keyboard
Glad to hear you are enjoying it!

Like some of you I'm pretty new to tablets. Just got my 10.1 tab a couple weeks ago and been immersing myself in thhe Android universe ever since.
I've been very impressed with the devs here and their products. I flashed In Paris v5 the day after I got the tab and today replaced it with Task 7.
It's sweeeeet.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using xda premium

I just installed ADW Launcher for $.10 from the Market. Makes a nice theming addition for the tablet.
I feel swanky with half off leather skin from Zagged and this chic and thin tablet with the Task Honeycomb. It would be awesome to have it perfectly match my Skyraider Zeus Thunderbolt. But, right now they are very similar.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk

thanks for the post OP. I (finally) received mine from Woot yesterday but I didn't get home till late. I plan on leaving work early today so I can play with my new toy, flash Task's ROM, etc. My SGS2 will get jealous


Motorola WIFI Xoom - Initial Impression

Revised 03/26/2011 - Updated revised initial impression @
Revised 03/27/2011 - Using Samsung Galaxy S (Fascinate) record demo of Motorola Xoom playback of Apple's iPad format of M4V (converted using handbrake - see link above to handbrake xoom profile)
Just picked up the Motorola Xoom @ Staples. There was no issue or question on purchasing it.
To Set Foundation:
I have had several android phones like the Motorola Droid, Droid X, and Samsung Galaxy S. So I am familiar with the Android OS. At the same time, I've had the Apple iPad 32GB generation 1 since it was first launched. So I am familiar with that too.
Initial Impressions:
Weight - Having own the first gen iPad and now having the Xoom, the weight from usage is very comparable. You can't really tell the weight differences, unless you have both of them in your hand and really focus on trying to feel the weight out. It is very comfortable holding to the hand.
Display - Of all of the demo I've seen on the 3G version at Costco and pictures / youtube, I have to say those do not do justice to the screen. I believe that be attribute to the auto brightness screen adjustment functionality. After disable that and adjust brightness to high, the picture actually looks pretty decent. Being a hobbyist photographer, I look at several images I had taken from Flower Field out near Oceanside, California. The color looks very vibrant and crisp. Again, unless you have the iPad next to you to comparison and purposely want to look for that detail, the Xoom display is actually pretty good.
OS - It comes with Android 3.01 build HWI69
Other Stuff - It seems to have come with GPS. In the setting there is a check box asking if you want to use GPS to find your location. Bring up google map, it found me within less than 60 meters. There is a microSD slot and it is located in the exact location where the 3G version has it. Hidden under the LTE sim slot. The standard Motorola Case for the xoom that you can purchase for 29.99 is a huge disappointment. The one Apple design for the iPad was way better. This one looks and feel like cheap material that doesn't seem to fit the tablet well. When trying to close it, it doesn't close properly. The dumb design is the lack of having a hole for the power plug. The power plug is another disappointment. You have buy new car charger and power plug because it uses a different plug. Looks like a small pin. Why can't they keep to standard like Apple.
I like where the power button is situated behind the pad, leaving the front very clean. It is a finger print magnet, so I can't wait to put invisible shield on it.
Software - The email software is just like gmail. Very simple and easy to use. The OS on the other hand, still a bit clunky. It could use some optimization. With Apple iPad, you can use it for weeks w/o having to restart because it automatically ends application (lack of multi-task). Due to this allowing multi-task, there is no way to end the task w/o having to kill it in the setting. You can simply press the back button to have the task end and release it back the memory. The touch screen is very responsive. No issue there. I like the revised picture gallery, it uses the x/y axis ability as you move around the gallery sort of do this 3D effect. It comes standard with a few MP3 music in there, one from Carrie Underwood and others. The Calendar is a nice improvement over android phone version.
Screen font is not as crisp as ipad. You can and will notice a bit fuzz. I am not sure if that is because of the screen design or the font style. But we'll see as time goes on and using custom ROM to replace the font if that improves anything.
Overall, I am very pleased with the Xoom. It is not perfect and nothing really is, but the Honeycomb OS and on this very study Xoom has a lot of potential.
For those who are on the fence and ask in numerous thread Why Xoom? To me, it is a great toy to play with and does all the stuff iPad can do for the stuff I use it for daily. Surf the internet, read magazine, check email, etc., So if that is your purpose of the tablet, I highly recommend look at the next piece of it, which is cosmetics and aesthetics. Which one feels right to you in your hand. Are you able to navigate it easily.
For me, Xoom has more potential and allow me to start doing more than I did with iPad. It might open me up to other things, such as maybe trying to integrate it with my Nikon camera or maybe VPN to my home network and do remote desktop or tweak the hell out of it when I am bored with custom rom and themes.
Revised 03/26/2007: Made some update and post it on my blog -
Thanx for the impressions. I just left my local Staples. They had them on display, but when i tried to buy one the guy said he couldnt sell to sunday. The website said they had them in stock and available.
Just called my local best buy. No go till the 27th. They tried to ring one up and it wouldn't allow the transaction.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA Premium App
Hi, could you open the case and tell us what it looks like inside? I wonder if it still has the mini-pcie slot and antennas.
Thanks !
I also got the Wi-Fi Xoom yesterday. There were two apps that don't seem to work with the Wi-Fi Xoom. Pandora Radio and Gasbuddy. Could you try those out on your Xoom and determine if they work for you.
Temecula, California Staples on Hwy 79 S just sold me Xoom WiFi. Nine left. Manager had no concern selling it.
Impressions later. via N1
Will try staples tomorrow. Thanks for the info. In TX for those that are Trying.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA Premium App
So far of the apps I've download and tried, they all seems to work nicely with the Xoom
CNN tablet version
Sony Picture tablet version
USTODAY tablet version
Kindle - non-tablet version
Angry Bird Holiday
Amazon App Store
Amazon Mobile
Double Twist - sync great with PC and read iTune library
I got it at Staples in Chino, CA
on 100% charge. use it to download a few apps, surf the net, and edit some pictures...approx 1hr, went down to 94% battery life.
I got mine from staples today. Pandora also doesn't work for me. Just immediate force close.
Called my local Staples a little late in the evening. They would have sold me one today but it was to late to drive over there. Heading over in the morning. They had 5 in stock.
Tried 2 local Staples since their websites showed it in stock. Called ahead both times to confirm they had them. Went to both stores and was cockblocked both times by a manager.
Nice to see that 2 stores otherwise devoid of business refused to make a $600 sale because of a street date no one else really cares about.
I'll just hang tight and hit Sam's Club or Best Buy. Not a fan of Staples anyway.
nice to see people still interested on this device. I love mine and the only negatives i see will be addressed by a software update. The hardware is top notch
Sent from my Xoom
smilepak said:
So far of the apps I've download and tried, they all seems to work nicely with the Xoom
CNN tablet version
Sony Picture tablet version
USTODAY tablet version
Kindle - non-tablet version
Angry Bird Holiday
Amazon App Store
Amazon Mobile
Double Twist - sync great with PC and read iTune library
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Smilepak - would you also try Pandora and Gasbuddy.
Can someone test out the standalone GPS on the wifi only xoom with navigation?
Got mine last night from Staples. GPS works great. Love the titanium look! Pandora force close
Got mine from Staples yesterday as well and been customizing the heck out of it. LOVE HONEYCOMB!!
GPS works great; tether to my EVO is fast; solid machine!
what do you mean tether to evo? wifi or bluetooth?
Looks like the wi-fi xoom has a glitch that doesn't allow Pandora to work.
The 3G version allows Pandora to work.
jstersd said:
Got mine from Staples yesterday as well and been customizing the heck out of it. LOVE HONEYCOMB!!
GPS works great; tether to my EVO is fast; solid machine!
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Hey, few quick questions. What rom are you on on your evo, and what tether app are you using? I'm on CM7 and I plan to use the built in tether but as far as I can tell with my testing it doesnt tether 4g? The 3g tether is quite fast though.
initial impression (general ergo and experience stuff) since last night's purchase:
+solid quality build
+material fit/finish top notch
+gun metal back
+wifi setup no issue
+google app synced easily
+ui's potential is exciting
+gps/navigation works fine
+browsing, calendar, exchange (via enhanced email app) all good
-flash choppy
-some fonts fuzzy
-some apks yet optimized for 3.0 and fc
i was expecting to find the device heavy and thick after trolling ipad comparison threads and gtab 8.9/10.1 threads but i do not have that view owning the xoom. not because i spent $600us and am accepting a compromise but because i appreciate the weight distribution as the device tappers from center to edges and i have no point of reference that more or less overall ounces/weight could make the unit feel "better".
if you are on fence and don't want to wait to see if sammy gums up the ui or if the actual release of their tabs are delayed further, the xoom wifi is worthy of fanboys. i bet with my wallet that our community will flush out the video playback growing pains and both google updates and dev-roms will take this hardware platform and honeycomb far.

I think I'm going to return my Xoom

I've had our XOOM since Monday, March 28th. My wife's laptop finally gave out, so I took this opportunity to get her something that didn't need to breathe and had a long battery life. As most users, she spent most of her time on Facebook, eBay, shopping sites, gossip sites, Youtube, etc. She rarely created any documents, but she did print a few PDFs, attachments that she received, as well as map directions (yes, she has an Android phone, but isn't very computer/technical literate). She is an information consumer, not an information creator. She takes in information from the internet and rarely creates any content. She is the perfect user for something like this. For the past week+ we've both been putting it to the test, and as an everyday laptop replacement to browse the web... I'm sorry, but it fails. I love my HTC EVO (running CM7 RC4) and my original G1 that found a home with my wife. But, alas poor Yorick, I knew him well. The XOOM just isn't stable. It has some faults (printing is a pain, but there are work-arounds, some websites don't load all of the time, tablet specific apps aren't all there, and everyday Android apps crash because they don't work yet with Honeycomb), but they can be forgiven. The only thing that can't be forgiven is the constant rebooting required or rebooting that the tablet does on its own. My wife won't let me change the shortcuts on the screen because she is the kind that need to stay static, and don't move around. So, she has told me that she can learn how to use the Xoom, just don't change things around. I would love to keep the Xoom for myself, but at this point it's more of a toy for me since I have a powerful Quad-Core laptop (I call my portable server) that I use for my development, gaming, and more. So, I don't NEED the Xoom. For my wife, this is perfect. I told her this is HERS, not mine, so I won't be modding it or customizing it.
I have to admit with the critics about the Xoom, it was release too soon. They need to get the bugs out. It has so much potential, but I hate seeing it fall flat on its face in front of my wife after I spent weeks telling her how much better it is than an iPad or iPad 2. Now, she wants me to get her an iPad 2 and I refuse to move on that principle. I'd rather get her another laptop.
Google, please give us a stable update so I don't have to return the Xoom to Costco!
I love the Xoom, but based on what you've described, the iPad is the way to go for her, at least with the current 'state of the Xoom'.
I've yet to experience a random reboot, but I do get some FC's every once in a while.
khov07 said:
I love the Xoom, but based on what you've described, the iPad is the way to go for her, at least with the current 'state of the Xoom'.
I've yet to experience a random reboot, but I do get some FC's every once in a while.
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Agree on both. I do have a fc here and there, but i run apps we aren't suppose to. I have yet to have a random reboot, and in fact rarely reboot at all on purpose.
sounds like she has a bad unit; exchange it for a new one...
what programs are on there?
those are probably causing the fc's..
We bought two of them last sunday, and they both work perfectly; I abuse mine all day, as does my wife..
I've had the XooM since the 27th, and have yet to restart it or experience a random reboot. I put it to sleep when I go to bed. I've experienced a lot of Force Closes myself though. Usually I attribute it to the non-optimized apps.
I would return it to costco and get another unit. one that doesn't randomly reboot on your wife. Costco's return policy is fantastic and you should take advantage of it.
My analogy when someone ask me about android vs apple is.
APPLE is the prestigious magic company that will not allow you to go backstage to see the magic. but it is a good performance
ANDROID is the participant magic company that lets you peek behind the curtains and lets you tailor your own experience
although honeycomb is coming close to providing a good average user experience, it does not beat ipad in terms bringing content to the average user.
some ppl just want to enjoy the show and needs a tailored tablet experience. other ppl like myself want to experience the ins and outs of a budding system.
No reboots either.. maybe you got a bad one.. The only apps that force close for me are the 'non-standard' ones that aren't really built for a tablet yet. Sorry to hear it's going back... my dad is a die hard mac guy.. luckily I could talk him out of the ipad2 (he got the original) as I don't believe the minimal enhancements are worth the higher cost. Might be something to consider until you feel an Android tablet is right for you again.
C'est la vie. Au Revoir!
She spends a lot of her time on (stock trading website) and Google Financials. Then she's doing whatever. This morning she woke up and reads about the markets first thing in the morning before getting out of bed (this is what the Xoom is perfect for) and complained again that it rebooted. I have a few apps installed, but not many.
I think uses flash, so I don't think it would work on the iPad 2.
Go for ipad, jailbreak it and boom got everything the xoom has, except hardware wise... can't wait for the android quad cores that's when s**t will go down like crack in the ghetto
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
I too have had my xoom for 4 days and I uses extensively and have experience any of the prob you have.
I haven't experienced any fcs since I took flash off of my zoom. I've gone a week without flash and have not missed it yet. I wonder if flash is the culprit.
I really haven't had many FC's (except the usual Facebook and Pandora that just don't work), and have only had 1 reboot because of RockPlayer locking up the device.
Despite the device working as advertised, I might return mine as well. I have yet to find a compelling use for it that justifies the $645 (WiFi version + tax) that I paid for it.
I am a college student and this is probably the reason why it doesn't work for me. Some reasons why:
1) Although I wish every textbook was available in e-book format, there isn't. Actually, not even a noticeably portion of textbooks are available in e-book formats. So regardless of whether or not I have the Xoom on me, I will have to carry a book.
2) Note taking. When it comes down to it, I'm going to need a keyboard for lecture classes. I can touch-type fast on the Xoom, but not as proficiently or efficiently as my MacBookPro 13". The Xoom keyboard dock/case market just isn't there or convenient. (Hello EeePad Transformer???)
2a) Nothing can replace the .docx note taking/syllabus/schedule standard in todays colleges. Not being able to compile notes and transfer them easily kills this for me as well.
3) No commute. I could see the Xoom being great if I had a bus/train/subway ride to work etc. but I don't. I drive to school 2miles away every day, go to my classes, then drive back home several hours later.
4) Added weight. So every day I'm carrying AT LEAST a MacBook and a paper notebook. Then some days a textbook. I'm not going to throw the Xoom on top of that. Sure its only 1.6lbs, but its 1.6 unnecessary lbs added on top of everything else I have with me.
The Xoom is a fantastic device for consuming media, reading the news, doing FaceBook/Twitter, and playing games, not to mention the awesome nerd out factor of messing with Honeycomb. These activities are well suited for sitting on the couch and using while watching TV or whatever. I just can't justify $645 for this experience right now that can't even do 50% of what my laptop does for me in my personal case. I'm one of those people that will always have a laptop on me. If I'm gonna have a bag on my person to carry the Xoom, I'm probably just going to have my MBP on me instead.
my 2c.
I've had two different ones for over a week (wifi only from staples) and while I have experiences quite a few fcs (more than I like) I have not had ANY reboots or turn ofs. I would suggest replacing to see if a bad unit before returning for good.
Give the xoom one more try. That being said, exchange for another unit. As I have experience myself a lot of fc from using facebook, other than that it's fine. Also I did get freezing issue too sometimes but after the update, It seems to have been fixed.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
Yeah i agree maybe its a bad unit. I have the 3/4g model of the xoom and have not had a reboot. i have had some browser foreclosures here and there, but not enough to be annoying. maybe try using firefox?
i had a xoom 3g for 14 days, returned it for an iPad2 for 10 days, which I also traveled with for those 10 days. I missed my xoom, and traded my iPad2 back in for the xoom 3g. The real test for me was returning the xoom, as I realized my whole xoom experience was better than the plan Jane boring I pad.
I'm happy, and have never had a reboot issue. A few FCs now and again, but no reboot.
Running a mix of over 100 apps/games and have not seen any reboots. Have multiple email accounts setup on it and use it all day at work. Great tool. Sounds like you got a bad apple. Give it another shot.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
I would return it for a replacement. Constant reboots are enough to make any OS a terrible experience. Currently the Xoom has its shortcomings, but they're expected to be temporary.
Your SO sounds perfect for an iPad. BTW,
Re: Textbook bulk - My college days weren't that long ago, but long enough that e-textbooks were still a glimmer in some marketer's eye. I faced the same situation as you. Each of my texts weighed more than the ultraportable I had. So I broke out the flatbed scanner at the start of each quarter and scanned every damn book. No OCR, just bitmaps put together into a CBR.
Re: The South Viet-Nam flag - Expat?
wase4711 said:
sounds like she has a bad unit; exchange it for a new one...
what programs are on there?
those are probably causing the fc's..
We bought two of them last sunday, and they both work perfectly; I abuse mine all day, as does my wife..
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Stop telling everyone with problems they have a "bad unit". No, he just has the Xoom !!!
I'm thinking of returning it also. It's unfinished, unpolished, unstable, incomplete, and otherwise unremarkable.
Android on my phone? Amazing.
Android on my tablet? Compete crap.
So far.
Sent from my Captivate

Are you keeping your A500 or gonna try the next best thing?

I am still on my 14 day return and have been thinking about this. Android biggest problem is something new is always right around the corner. I think a lot of you are here cause the Asus was unavailable and may still be waiting on that.
So are you keeping it.
Did it surprise you enough to stay with it.
Is the upcoming Samsung Galazy Tab 10.1 or the burning desire to have the Transformer gonna make you take it back.
Maybe the Toshiba Tab with it's built in USB might persuade you.
Sticking. Stuck.
I bought the Acer because the ASUS wasn't available, but I'm quite happy with it anyway. As you said, there's always something new around the corner, but what I've seen about the Toshiba models put them in the Xoom price range, and I haven't seen pricing on the Samsung 8.9 and 10.1 (new thin models, not the 10.1V original design.)
Honeycomb in general's still a very new system, and I expect by this time next year most of the things we're looking at as "missing" or "broken" will be available and/or fixed. Kinda the way I'm still using my (original generation) Droid phone, which, when overclocked and ROMd over to Gingerbread is just fine
I figured that I'd get it to play with Honeycomb and wait for some of the vaporware tablets to emerge. I had bought a Xoom but it was a real POS - nothing worked including the falsely advertised charging dock, etc. So I returned it.
Now I'm absolutely keeping the Iconia - I have a rooted Nook Color - very nice but not in the same league as the Iconia.
Don't believe all the BS put out about how bad the screen is, or other stuff.
I rooted it (easiest root I have ever done) and everything works as advertiszed.
I still got until Monday wiki decide Saturday if I will return or not to get the transfoemer, tegra 3 tablets are also coming out in august
Sent from my A500 using XDA Premium App
Got both the Asus and the iconia and will keep the iconia ..
The Asus just feels so cheaply made that no amount of screen quality can make up for it feeling like a cheap toy in my hands.
I can understand the whole IPS vs standard screen debate as i have owned many great screens over the years including IPS desktop screens and iPads etc etc .
They both have there pros and there cons but a good screen and good build quality are more important to me and the whole USB host thing built in without the need for a dock or separate accessory is just great.
Will never need a keyboard attached to it either and i think thats what really pushed me over the edge to keep the Acer.
Not slamming on the Asus btw because its decent in other areas but after getting 2 with some nasty light bleed on top of questionable build quality the Acer just took the crown for overall winner .
I am keeping mine. I actually had a Xoom first and took it back...thought it was too expensive for what it was. I actually really like the Acer better. I love the USB port, the micro card slot actually works ( didn't on xoom as of yet), It feels a lot lighter and I actually like the bezel being larger as it is easier to hold without hitting the screen. The viewing angle is good (not sure why bad comments on that). I like it a lot.
Keeping. Was waiting on the Asus, but i'm more than happy with the screen of the Acer, absolutely love the usb port, and since removing the phone apks, I have no complaints about battery life. I'm happy.
Right before I got the Acer I had purchased a used Galaxy Tab 7" thinking that would satisfy me.
Then I saw the Acer. Once I touched it I fell instantly in love and fought myself not to give into temptation everyday. Suddenly it hit me... I have a Bestbuy card and it means I can take 18 months to pay for it without a dime of interest.
1/2 hour later I had the Iconia in my sweaty hands.
Sure the wife *****ed but hey, it's only a new toy once.
For me it's a keeper. Like others have said, the USB port is a big factor and I see nothing wrong with the screen.
Keepin'. I am surprised how much I enjoy the Acer iconia Tab. The USB port makes all the difference. I think the build quality is very nice indeed and I really like the design. Root doesn't hurt either.
I was an early adopter of the Linux Eee Pcs and thought they were very solid little machines, but later models had some serious build quality issues. So the Eee Transformer quality/build problems I have read about do not surprise me one bit. . . .
Also have the Galaxy Tab 7" and a Nook Color. Not sure which one of those I'm sticking with though. I like them both but I leaning toward the Nook and selling the Galaxy Tab on Ebay.
Keeping for sure
I will be taking mine back, but only cause I will be waiting for Samsung galaxy tab 10.1. The weight of the Acer is an issue for me, but can understand why it is. Feels very sturdy. I absolutely love the USB port & sdcard working out of the box. So testing the Acer gave me a few things to think about far as what I want in a tablet. I know Galaxy tab 10.1 will not have USB port. Not sure how Toshiba's will feel.
I definitely recommend people to try the Acer
Also the corners of acer are kind of pointy if holding for awhile.
def keeping mine. I don't know why the Asus got so much media and Acer didnt
I'm still on the fence. I'm coming from daily use of a convertible Fujitsu with stylus and have wanted something this light for a while and miss not having a stylus for normal handwriting.
There are also some things I may not be able to live without which require Window$ but I'm going to give it another week and see if I can see a way to fit it into my normal working life.
If there weren't things that were broken out of the box (gps, compass) I'd probably be leaning more towards keeping at this point
Took a day or two to work out a couple of bugs, but now my A500 is rock solid, smoking fast, amazing battery life. I'm 100% satisfied. This should be fine for me until a Tegra 4 comes out in 2012...
The only thing I am waiting for is a new kernel so I can see what this baby will do when it is overclocked.
bhageman said:
Took a day or two to work out a couple of bugs, but now my A500 is rock solid, smoking fast, amazing battery life. I'm 100% satisfied. This should be fine for me until a Tegra 4 comes out in 2012...
The only thing I am waiting for is a new kernel so I can see what this baby will do when it is overclocked.
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Any tips tricks as to what you did to fix / customize?
nubbin77 said:
Any tips tricks as to what you did to fix / customize?
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-Immediately did a factory reset. Eliminated problem with screen coming back on after screen time out and an odd problem I had with my screen timeout being stuck at 15 seconds.
-Rooted with GingerBreak (make sure you lock in portrait during process)
-WPA supplicant
-changed phone.apk and telephony___.apk to .bak to kill the phone processes. Mad a HUGE improvement in an already satisfactory battery life. WARNING: This will brick your phone if you do a factory reset without changing them back.
-Installed ADW for my home screen
-Installed SyncSMS to get SMS functionality
Apps that help:
-Root Explorer
-Terminal Emulator
-Uninstaller for Root
-Super Manager
-ES File
Apps I love:
-PlayOn: Streaming TV from my NAS drive
-SugarSync: All my work docs in the cloud
-WinAmp: Sync music with my desktop over wifi
-Feedly: Google RSS feed looks like a magazine
-Chrome to Phone
Still on the edge
I like the screen and feel of it, but with Honeycomb there aren't many apps out there that run on it (without FC all the time).
I'm trying to justify keeping it for work, but there's no Activesync (without rooting), Calendar is a joke and other than playing movies/games on it what do YOU use it for?
I can't see dumping my laptop anytime soon, so my question is what are you using it for? Serious question.
I wanted the EEE TF as well but got the Iconia in the interim. I'm pleasantly surprised. I don't want the TF anymore. After playing with a friends, I'm not convinced it's worthwhile to exchange them. It has a gorgeous display and is a tad lighter but I'm afraid I've been jaded by the really bad things I've read about it and am convinced the first batch was very shoddy. Unfortunately, by the time it's released there will be competitors with possibly better options (toshiba, samsung, sony, htc, etc.)
My goal is to get something I'm 100% happy with. I'm 98% happy with the Iconia.
What's in that 2%? Limited video file and format playing ability and bugs due to Honeycomb right now.
Otherwise, hell yeah! I'd have liked an IPS screen. This AUO screen isn't bad at all but it's no IPS, right? Acer could have at least pegged Samsung for PLS.
It's also in wrestling with the idea of having the faith in Acer to believe they really will update and fix these things in the near future. These companies aren't known for keeping their products updated beyond a certain period. I can easily see their promised June update becoming Samsung-esque and not seen for months if ever.
That being said, I've entertained the idea of returning it and waiting to see what I can get in June. But tech is tricky and if you decide to wait, you can easily end up waiting forever for the next best thing as it's always around the corner. If the competitors are too expensive, it's not like the A500 won't be there for me to fall back on, it may even be cheaper! Of course, just like a cell phone - once you own one of these things you come to depend on it rather quickly if you're used to doing things a certain way.
I use it for everything now. My notebook sits in it's bag most of the time.
It's awesome for multimedia, period.
I use it in the kitchen and around the house to play music and videos if I don't feel like sitting in front of the TV.
I use it in the kitchen to look up new and different things to cook.
I use it as a visual remote for my PC (to control music or manipulate downloads). I use it in the couch to look up stuff I see on TV.
I bring it with me EVERYWHERE, yes...I now own a manbag.
I use it on the road when I'm out with the wife and she's in Macys/JCPenny/Kohls or any of those places I don't feel like venturing with her into for hours.
I use it when I'm at the cafe or out at dinner. I don't have it out all the time, but it's with me in case I want to use it and I must say, it's nicer than flipping out a netbook which I guess is ironic but I always thought that was so odd looking. You know, when people pop their netbooks out on a table in the middle of 4 people being social. For me it's a matter of looking up something quick and then popping it back in.
The list goes on and on.
It's basically replaced my android phone in its smart abilities while managing to be more comfortable in that the screen is bigger. It's replaced my notebook in it's lighter tasks like multimedia due to it being ultimately way, way more portable and touchscreen.
My dilemma is living without it for 2 months while I wait for something that I'm hoping will satisfy me 99 or 100%, should I decide to return it. I still have a few days to decide.
kalric said:
Calendar is a joke
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Have you tried Jorte?

If your a happy Tab owner... clap your hands!

I noticed a lot of problematic threads, and just wanted to start a positive one. I just recently purchased a Metallic Grey 32gb Galaxy Tab and it's awesome. Also, I just purchased the Belkin Case.
If anyone has optimizations, preferred settings, etc... that they believe results in an improved user experience please post.
Me personally - I just installed the Launcher Pro Free versions and this thing is moving super fast now!
-Disabled Scrolling BG
-Disabled OpenGL on the browser
-Selected a Static Wallpaper (Not Live)
My co-worker had his iPad 2 for comparison. Although, the iPad did have a more 'responsive' interface, it had no personality. All you could do was select an icon and run apps. I really like the ability to make the Android OS look totally different from the next tablet. He bought the ipad2 for his daughter, which makes sense, but admitted that if he were to buy one for himself it would be a tab... side note: we are both software developers.
If you are please with your Tab 10.1 purchase, let us know!'re-and-Your
Please read that.
matt310 said:'re-and-Your
Please read that.
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Thank you, I needed the laugh.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium App
Happy here! Just waiting on custom ROMS
"it had no personality" lol.
i am happy with my wife uses ipad2 and honestly speaking... it will take one some time to get the hang of 10.1 due to its 'personality' after some time with ipad2.
the very first thing i was looking for when got 10.1... the counterpart of that physical home button on ipad2...
I carefully avoid using you your you'r...
home=little button that looks like a house on lower matter how you hold it!
didn't vote. i do like it a lot and find it the best of the current hc tablets for my needs, but definitely not the "best thing ever" and nothing really to deal with except the limitations of tegra2.
so i'm satisfied.
Traded my iPad 2 for one and wouldn't look back. Awesome device.
Considering a return
Honeycomb simply isn't ready yet.. still lots of crashes and hang ups. The browser on the GT10.1 is essentially useless between the bookmark bugs and the constant crashing.
Unless samsung or someone can get it fixed within 8 days I'll be returning.
Some performance things:
ADW or Launcher Pro -- I prefer ADW, seems more optimized for tablet use. Runs great.
Set plugins on the browser to on-demand
Perfectly happy with it. Honeycomb is still buggy, but it's not a dealbreaker for me.
Best tablet ever
I havent had mine for long, but so far i am loving it!
Sent from my Galaxy Tab 10.1 using XDA Premium App
Great tablet but will need some more software optimization to catch up to the iPad (1 or 2).
Please don't quote me hardware configs, that's like saying the 415hp mustang is the same or better than the 400hp Aston Martin. I have used them side by side and frankly honeycomb looks better, but needs work quite a bit
I still picked the Tab over the iPad cos I need m. office to work on the tablet even if it is just to read documents, spreadsheets, pdfs etc etc
Voted "I'll deal with it". I purchased a 32GB metallic gray.
So far it's the best Android tablet I've had. But there is still room for improvement.
No micro SD, Honeycomb being slow, no Netflix, and a lot of incompatible apps, keep me from being able to vote "Best thing ever". It's unfortunate because most of the issues aren't the tablet's fault.
I'm hopefully Ice Cream Sandwich comes to this tablet as soon as possible. I don't think Google will ever get Honeycomb fixed.
Got my replacement tab tonight and its it!
Apps have a long way to go but i dont care about the lack of sd or usb.
I just got mine and I'm getting used to it (comming from using a Xoom), I think there's still a lot of room for improvements in Honeycomb to make it a more pleasant experience...I'll be waiting for the custom roms/kernels as with the Xoom they made a real difference...lets wait for them to come...
The good browser options being hidden in debug.
Choppy ui/typing.
No official USB/HDMI yet
Tegra 2 total suckage in video playback and gpu power.
Market annoyances.
Outside of that I love it thus far. HC needs work and accessories need to be released.
I'd stab myself in the foot if I had to trade this for an ipad.

[Q] What do you think of the Transformer?

So I was just wondering what is the overall feeling about this tablet? I'm thinking about getting it and i was just wondering if everyone likes it or if its 50/50 or what?
I've owned the Galaxy Tab 10.1, Acer Iconia, Motorola Xoom, and the Transformer. I can say that the Transformer is the best tablet for the money on the market. It's not as sexy as the Galaxy, but it's more functional, far more flexible, and a hell of a lot cheaper.
Always hard to get objective views on a product specific forum.
I'm in a love/hate relationship with it at the moment. I love the form factor and the functionality. I hate the lack of tablet optimized apps/games and the awful build quality.
To me, it feels like a beta product. This isn't a bad thing per-se as I like to tinker.
I like mine a lot, and its definatley the best bang for your buck Honeycomb tablet out there right now. Although I do wish it had the form factor / looks of the Galaxy 10.1, the HDMI out and Micro SD card slot are oh so nice to have, especially for $100 less
The build quality and lightbleed issues are the only downsides to the tablet in my opinion. I got one with a few creaks in the back and some light bleed, but I just look past it. Its not enough for me to sell or go through ASUS to replace it. Still works great for me. Also, not all of the tablets have this, and Im hoping the newer builds have been fixed.
If your thinking about getting one, I would definatley consider it. Great tablet and a great price right now.
Other big plus is that Asus is really quick at getting the Honeycomb updates out. We've got Honeycomb 3.2 already which is great.
rilot said:
Always hard to get objective views on a product specific forum.
I'm in a love/hate relationship with it at the moment. I love the form factor and the functionality. I hate the lack of tablet optimized apps/games and the awful build quality.
To me, it feels like a beta product. This isn't a bad thing per-se as I like to tinker.
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I definitely feel like im a beta tester, but I dont really consider it a bad thing. I enjoy using new equipment and working out kinks. Just wish i didnt have to pay so much for it . That being said, a lot of the kinks are worked out now from my experience.
Keyboard lag is gone. Havnt had a sleep of death since the first update. Everythings running a lot smoother with the last firmware update.
Its replaced my laptop in class more or less completely. I use evernote and ezpdf to take notes and its wonderful.
do you use any of the attachments?
I got a Transformer and didn't regret, that I bought it. I got it without dock, because I only wanted a nice tablet ... for everything else I have an i7 notebook with 6 GB RAM.
If I can recommend it? Maybe ... depends on what you want to do with it.
Regarding quality control ... it's the fortune of the early adopter nowadays to be a beta tester. Example: I also got me a Galaxy S2 and though I'm very happy with it, the S2 forum here at XDA is full of complaints about QC.
jnad32 said:
do you use any of the attachments?
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The keyboard is the big attachment and its really the selling point of the tablet. If you anticipate ever using it then the TF is the way to go, if you dont anticipate ever using it then you could be happy with the Samsung, albeit with no SD card and costing a lot more.
The TF has a great screen, its flexible and its cheap. Its not built as well as an ipad (or the other android tablets) but I havent had any functional issues with its built, its not like its breaking on me. Its just you can feel the difference in the "tightness" between the two.
Being said I ended up buying a second for the girlfriend, tired of her constantly using mine.
I got mine in the first batch to come out- from TD. I have had no real issues accept a tiny light bleed- build quality is great for mine. no creaking etc.
It has done everything i ask of it and thrown at it. I use mine for about 70% work related with notes at meeting, signatures on contracts, email, polaris app etc. Even skype calling..
Constantly listening to music watching movies etc. Never had any issues with Battery usage.
I think it has gotten better with each update. Yes little bugs here and there after an update ut usually fixed or have work around within 24 hours. That stuff doesnt bother me.
I never got the keyboard because i felt it was an option that i would never really use so i invested in a nice case- ( PDAIR ) I love the concept of the keyboard but just wasn;t going to use itand did no need the extra bulk.
For me never needed to root it yet (maybe down the road ) but for now it is great as stock.
Last thing i will say is there have been alot of new choices out since i have bought it... yes they might have had a thing or 2 that the TF did not have but i never have second guessed my choice.
Good luck.
Well you get 16hrs of battery life with the dock. No other tablet has this kind of a feature at this price point.
The screen quality and responsiveness is in the top quartile of tablets released so far.
I am pretty happy with my purchase. 10x better build quality than the Archos 101 I purchased earlier!
I absolutely love my TF, probably best 399$ I have ever spent on gadget, mine also comes with some light bleed, other than that, build quality is great. Have 2 Ipad2 in the house and they both have worst light bleed.
Would I suggest this tablet to a friend over other Android tablet? Yes, best tablet in the market IMO.
Over an Ipad2? Probably not unless someone familiar with Android and a geek just like me...
tonyz3 said:
I got mine in the first batch to come out- from TD. I have had no real issues accept a tiny light bleed- build quality is great for mine. no creaking etc.
It has done everything i ask of it and thrown at it. I use mine for about 70% work related with notes at meeting, signatures on contracts, email, polaris app etc. Even skype calling..
Constantly listening to music watching movies etc. Never had any issues with Battery usage.
I think it has gotten better with each update. Yes little bugs here and there after an update ut usually fixed or have work around within 24 hours. That stuff doesnt bother me.
I never got the keyboard because i felt it was an option that i would never really use so i invested in a nice case- ( PDAIR ) I love the concept of the keyboard but just wasn;t going to use itand did no need the extra bulk.
For me never needed to root it yet (maybe down the road ) but for now it is great as stock.
Last thing i will say is there have been alot of new choices out since i have bought it... yes they might have had a thing or 2 that the TF did not have but i never have second guessed my choice.
Good luck.
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So my question to you is my boss has an ipad that we use for our invoices and paper work to get people to sign off on pdf files and what not. Does android have an app that lets you do that? And overall how good is it for work?
I got my U.S. Transformer a few weeks ago, and I enjoy using it very much:
With my PC, most of the time is spent going on the Web, so on the Transformer I just set up bookmarks for my most frequently visited sites in both the stock browser and the Dolphin for Pad (downloaded from the Market) browser and that takes care of my usual browsing needs. Email is now handled through the stock Gmail app, so again most of that can be done on the Transformer side.
For music, I've started using Google Music to upload my stuff, so I can just stream down to my Transformer through WiFi. For videos, I had already encoded a lot of stuff to MP4 format using Handbrake to play on my phone. But with ES File Explorer installed on my Transformer, I can now keep those MP4 files on my networked server and then stream them to the stock video player. This all works great and takes up no local storage.
Games that I had on my smartphone are all installed onto the Transformer and work fine. I've also found that classic game console emulators work quite well on the Transformer.
If I'm desperate to watch Hulu or Netflix (without any hacked or rooted methods), the MyCloud > My Desktop > SplashTop method works acceptably well.
Painting with SketchBook Pro is quite fun with this fantastic paid app, and I'm looking into various do-it-yourself stylus methods to enhance the experience.
I haven't had the need yet to use Polaris Office yet, but after reading user reviews, it looks to be a very capable Office app when compared with other non-free competitors, and I actually appreciate Asus for giving this for us.
The build quality, in my opinion, is quite nice. I don't have any LCD light bleed issues. The LCD itself is great with fantastic viewing angles. The built-in speakers are surprisingly loud. The touch screen is very responsive. And the textured plastic back panel keeps the whole unit lighter and gives it a nice feel.
The only negatives I have are:
Camera - absolutely terrible, especially when using indoor lighting. But I already know that the video and photo taking experience on almost all tablets is not good anyway, so I never expected much. I almost never use the stock camera app. I have Vignette installed on my Transformer for the heck of it, but this rarely gets used either. I leave picture taking to my digital camera and my smartphone.
Browser - for some sites, I get slowdowns with both the stock browser and Dolphin for Pad. With Android 3.1, I experienced quite a bit of force closings with the stock browser. It's improved with 3.2, but it still happens. I find it hard to believe that Google makes such a good browser as Chrome but has such a mediocre one for Honeycomb.
Linux support - the only thing I ask for is the simplicity of plugging my Transformer into my Linux PC and have access to its SD and MicroSD cards. But I have to jump through the hoop of running a few lines in Terminal just to get those drives mounted and unmounted. It's a pain, and I wish it was as easy as the Windows experience.
Since using my Transformer more and more, my smartphone has pretty much been relegated back to being just a phone which is fine. This morning I began charging my Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 once it dropped to 1% battery power...and it had been running on that one full charge for 174-hours-33-minutes! I'll still use the phone for navigation and portable music after I get over the honeymoon period with the Transformer, but right now using my smart phone just isn't the same any more.
So since I've gotten the Transformer, I've made a conscious effort to reduce using my PC and my smartphone, and it's worked out great as a personal computing device. For a business environment, there might not be enough apps to support various needs just yet, but it'll get there, I'm sure. The Transformer is a very good bang-for-the-buck kind of device, and I have no regrets about having it.
Enjoy my tablet a great deal. I actually use it more than i thought i would. Im constantly looking for new apps that will make this into my swiss army knife.
I use splashtop a lot, and now added a Wake on Lan app which now has got me the bright idea to go out and purchase a home
build quality is definitely not the greatest. Personally, i dont think it compares to the newer tablets coming out. (build)
Dont own the keyboard. Im waiting for a good deal down the road when it drop to around $100. by then, i figure, ill give the TF to my wife (with a keyboard), and ill jump on to the newest tablet. (maybe TF2)
Im a first time android/tablet buyer and user, so i came with no expectations..
Ill know what to look for in my next purchase though.
(so, i guess im a beta tester)
jnad32 said:
So my question to you is my boss has an ipad that we use for our invoices and paper work to get people to sign off on pdf files and what not. Does android have an app that lets you do that? And overall how good is it for work?
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There are applications that let you fill out and/or sign PDF files. Adobe also has an app that converts things to PDF. Ive used my TF to fill out forms and sign them multiple times.
jnad32 said:
So my question to you is my boss has an ipad that we use for our invoices and paper work to get people to sign off on pdf files and what not. Does android have an app that lets you do that? And overall how good is it for work?
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There are alot of choices for this. I use Repligo PDF and love it.After i sign or client signs,on the TF I email it and looks just as clear as original.
worth the $4.99 investment,
Love mine, I'm confident I made the right choice. £400 for a tablet-only device is not a wise spend. £400 for a tablet AND a netbook IS thou...
Aside from the keyboard drain (which is being fixed under RMA as we speak), I have no issues whatsoever with my device, and overjoyed with it.
jnad32 said:
So my question to you is my boss has an ipad that we use for our invoices and paper work to get people to sign off on pdf files and what not. Does android have an app that lets you do that? And overall how good is it for work?
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I'd be very surprised if there is any app that iPad can do, that Android can't, as because of Android's open and less restrictive nature, you won't find missing apps, because "Apple don't like it, or Apple can't make money from it, or it cuts into Apple's buisness".
My TF is all good I have no problems with my tablet, maybe one of the lucky ones or just the fact that those few who have bad units choose to come to forums like this to seek advice and let everyone know how bad their unit is. With the dock it is an amazing bit of kit, I have tried the xoom, Acer and the Gtab, and unless you want form over function the TF is the best of the current bunch. As all the present android tablets running honeycomb are running the same os and internal spec. My own preference would be ports and functionality, screen, speed of updates and build quality. For me the TF ticks all the boxes.
Xoom, highintial price, lack of support and working ports, poor screen
Gtab, lack of ports, slow updates from Samsung.
I like the design of the TF especially when combined with the dock, equal to any high end net book, Asus have done a great job with amazing fore sight, it is original only the Gtab is thinner and that is purely because it is an I pad clone.
I would think the units with defects are no different to apple I pad or even the Gtab on a percentage basis, plenty of apple units go back to their stores.
With regards to being beta testers, we are with regards android for tablets, like we were back in the 90,s with win 3.11. My recommendation to anyone wanting a android tablet with the best all-round functionality at the best price, get the TF.
Had my TF about two weeks now, and am yet to have any issues with it. I love peoples reactions when I undock the screen though, it's brilliant.
