[Suggestion] I have a Clock App idea - Desire Themes and Apps

Hello everybody. I saw that picture on a website and is was looking good for me.
I know absolutely nothing about writing a program thats why I'm writing it here, maybe somebody interest and write that program
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Thats the picture I saw.
I think it would be nice
I know minimalistic text but it would be nice

Not exactly like the one on your picture, but have a look at "tajm" in the market....

I just finished Android Apps like this clock.
Thank you for your idea.

juzhax said:
I just finished Android Apps like this clock.
Thank you for your idea.
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It is looking really good but 4x4 is too big for my screen. Can you make a 2x2 widget?

Yes its very nice. Things I would like to see though...
1) scalability
2) transparency
3) tap to launch app of choice (eg alarm clock)
Sent from my HTC Desire using xda premium


[THEME-MIUI] Riddeam'ed & Scare'ed Android

So i thought i would try to make some themes for the best rom ever made. and this is how it turned out...
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.::Scare'ed Android::.
Thats it, hope you enjoy them. Download is attached, many more themes to come!
Nice! Well done! Isn't this Redeam on miui-dev.com? Thanks!
shockem said:
Nice! Well done! Isn't this Redeam on miui-dev.com? Thanks!
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ty, is there a riddeam on miui-dev? :/ damn-.- hehe thought i took something new what i did was, downloading the icons from mac-themes.org or something and just copied them into the icons, and had to do some re-editings and stuff for folders and app icons
mikkis2k said:
ty, is there a riddeam on miui-dev? :/ damn-.- hehe thought i took something new what i did was, downloading the icons from mac-themes.org or something and just copied them into the icons, and had to do some re-editings and stuff for folders and app icons
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Haha yea, i thought you were the same persone and was wondering why the name was redeam'ed. But yours is abit different and looks great!
You should post your Scared Android theme at miui-dev.com, they love it over there. Not many here use MIUI

Searching for this ROM/THEME...

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Please help me out..!!!
I'm pretty sure the launcher is ADW but for sure the icons are iphonius: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1027954
Sorry can't help on the rom/theme... but could have been done by a rom kitchen.
Litening looks the same except for the battery which could have been changed.. but need to see more screens to determine the rom/theme.
More pic's here..: http://foto.pfeffernuss.com/SGP/index.html
Only homescreen pic's...
sorry can't tell from just the homescreen, if there was some of the settings menu & the drop down notification screen then it might be a little bit easier =/
I think it is iPhone theme avail in Android Market..not sure about this
xryousukex said:
I'm pretty sure the launcher is ADW but for sure the icons are iphonius: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1027954
Sorry can't help on the rom/theme... but could have been done by a rom kitchen.
Litening looks the same except for the battery which could have been changed.. but need to see more screens to determine the rom/theme.
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+1 agreed...weather widget is definitely beautiful widgets if that helps as well! let us know if you are able to replicate it!

[How-To] Wallpaper settings

I hope this is the correct category.
Correct me if i'm wrong.
You can use this on any honeycomb tablet of course.
And sorry for my english
I'm very happy with my iconia a500.
The only thing is: Wallpaper setting.
It's allways too big with the standard cropping.
Then it looks like this:
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Then i found this app: http://goo.gl/Y8XNL
Yes,s it's a live wallpaper
But in settings choose single picture.
And then it looks like this
It fits automatically to the screen
This app will crop, and resize so they display correctly.
Once installed access it through your "live wallpaper".
It's the same link as above haha
Leusi068 said:
It's the same link as above haha
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Ooops sorry. I use it, and it works perfectly for me.
You forgot to add settings......transitions....none (for single wallpaper).
While it is the same link, the second one gives me an option to open it directly in the Market (as I'm viewing XDA directly from my tablet) Thanks for the tip!
Great something else to keep me up late now and it's my kids birthday party tomorrow!
Great find..now I don't have to worry about that crop thing..thanks!
I've been using Multipicture live since day one and I love it!!

[Q] please i need that weather widget

hi guys please i need that weather widget or from where i can get it
thanks in advance
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romio1975 said:
hi guys please i need that weather widget or from where i can get it
thanks in advance
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Looks like either beautiful widgets or a stock transparent weather from the Note 2.
I had the transparent one on my ROM from the Note 2.
KillaHurtz said:
Looks like either beautiful widgets or a stock transparent weather from the Note 2.
I had the transparent one on my ROM from the Note 2.
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Click to collapse
thanks mate i found it its HD wedgit app
There are several apps that gives you similar results. Two have been already stated above. Another option (which I use), would be fancy widgets. Below is a screen shoot for my home screen.
Sent from my SGS IV using Tapatalk 2

Request wallpaper.

ok so i suck at photoshop or anything close to that.
is it possible to make something like ? if its not too much to ask ?
something minimal like that with
Images and Video's
Google App's
build into wallpaper ? i only use those folders and a music player widget on home screen would be awesome if someone can help me with it.
Thanks in advance.
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Not as nice, but I found that.
ava0425 said:
Not as nice, but I found that.
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Wallpaper i can find
problem is i cant make those fonts or large icons like they are the part of wallpaper for the 6 mentioned folder's
The boxes are a uccw skin so try that widget and if they aren't there you can speak to the developer to make requests.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
I am searching for that wallpaper too, thanks!
Found the uccw skins: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ryanmkelly.me.playbar
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app

