1.) Decompile Phone.apk
2.) Go to res/values/bools.xml
3.) Search for this line:
< bool name="has_in_call_noise_suppression">true</bool>
4.) Change true to false and
this ist my phone apk for galaxy note
can someone change the
I can not
thank you
How to Add Pie Controls to your 4.+ ROM with ease
Any and all feedback is welcome/encouraged! Lets Make an awesome ROM together!
What You Need:
A program to decompile/recompile apk's ( I prefer Virtuous Ten Studio)
The latest LMT Launcher
The settings.apk and framework-res.apk from your ROM
Since I have already typed up all of the code, I will just provide you with it and tell you where to place it. :laugh:
Step 1: Install your framework for your apk tool of choice, and decompile your settings.apk. Decompile your LMT Launcher apk as well + uninstall any previous version from your device.
Step 2: To get the easiest step out of the way, inside of the decompiled LMT launcher, open the AndroidManifest.xml file and delete the below line. Now save and recompile.
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
Step 3: Navigate to the res>xml folder inside of you decompiled settings apk and open the settings_headers.xml file.
Paste the code below where you feel fit, I have chosen to place the code under the
"<intent android:action="com.android.settings.MANUFACTURER_APPLICATION_SETTING" />" line.
<header android:title="@string/navigation_settings" />
<header android:id="@id/pienav_settings" android:title="@string/pienav_label">
<intent android:targetPackage="com.android.lmt" android:action="android.intent.action.MAIN" android:targetClass="com.android.lmt.LMT" />
Step 4: Navigate to the res>values folder inside of you decompiled settings apk and open the strings.xml file. Paste the following code at the bottom of the file above the </resources> line
<string name="navigation_settings">Navigation</string>
<string name="pienav_label">Pie Controls</string>
Step 5: Navigate to the res>values folder inside of you decompiled settings apk and open the ids.xml file. Paste the following code at the bottom of the file above the </resources> line
<item type="id" name="pienav_settings">false</item>
Save everything and recompile your settings
How to Flash:
I have made a zip file with necessary folders and updater script, all you have to do is place your modded LMT Launcher in the data/app folder and your modded Settings in the system/app folder, then flash it!
I followed your instructions and I was able to recompile the Settings.apk (AOKP 4.2.2 Galaxy Nexus) but after pushing the apk to the system and applying proper permissions, the Settings app doesn't show up on my app drawer. I also used VTS to compile it and (I think) I installed the framework-res.apk correctly. Any idea what went wrong?
daggerxXxsin said:
I followed your instructions and I was able to recompile the Settings.apk (AOKP 4.2.2 Galaxy Nexus) but after pushing the apk to the system and applying proper permissions, the Settings app doesn't show up on my app drawer. I also used VTS to compile it and (I think) I installed the framework-res.apk correctly. Any idea what went wrong?
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Download the Pie Flasher here, & put your settings.apk inside of the system app folder and put your modded lmt launcher.apk inside of the data app folder, then flash.
Make sure you didn't remove the "<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />" line from your settings.apk
I need help to change blink rate from the notification LED in framework-res.apk
When decompile in folder res/values are file integers.xml
I've change defaultNotificationLedOff to 500 to make faster blinking.
When I recompile apk and flash to phone it doesnt boot.
Can someone help?
Im on Omega v5
I am tying to do the same thing on my Sony Xperia ZL.
I have been using Apk manager to de and re compile.
The problem with me was that the new edited integers.xml did not show in the new recompiled fie.
In order to see what I am saying, decompile the framework-res.apk, make the changes in the integers.xml and then recompile.
Now Decompile you own work and open the integers.xml, you will be surprised what you see.
The changes you made do not exist.
decompile I9500 framework-res.apk
ahgahg said:
I am tying to do the same thing on my Sony Xperia ZL.
I have been using Apk manager to de and re compile.
The problem with me was that the new edited integers.xml did not show in the new recompiled fie.
In order to see what I am saying, decompile the framework-res.apk, make the changes in the integers.xml and then recompile.
Now Decompile you own work and open the integers.xml, you will be surprised what you see.
The changes you made do not exist.
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I met the same problem. When I decompile the samsung I9500 framework-res.apk, then modify nothing and recompile it. When I put the recompiled file into the system, the system will auto reboot and can't go to the lockscreen.
But when I doing the same thing on HTC device, it works well, so why this happen?
Хэрхэн apk орчуулах вэ?
Энд хараад байхад ганц ч монгол үг алга . Тиймээс энэ постоо монгол фонтоор бичлээ. Та бүхнээс асуух зүйл байна аа.
Хэрхэн Андройд APK орчуулах вэ? Энэ талаар надад заавар зөвлөгөө өгөөч. Би судлаж эхлэж байгаа юм л даа. Баярлалаа. Та бүхнийг туслана гэдэгт итгэлтэй байна.
English please!
Sent from my HTC One S using Tapatalk
1. You need ApkTool to Decompile your APK
2. Go to your decompiled apk's folder and locate "res\values" folder's strings.xml
3. Now you're ready to translate !!!
4. Recompile
5. Sign
1. ApkTool ашиглан APK файлаа задла
2. Задласан хавтаснаас strings.xml документийг res\values хавтсанаас ол
3. Одоо ороод орчуулаад бич
4. Эргэн нэгтгэ
5. Sign хий
Hello everyone.
I have an Oppo Find 5,if i decompile,modify, recompile and sign any of 171 system apk files all works better.
If i decompile oppo-framework-res.apk and recompile without changes,the new apk don't work.
I change the persmissions for this file to rwxrwxrwx but the phone keep restart after restart...
I have problem with the KeKeThemeSpace_W20140729_V2.5.1.apk too.
When i try to recompile without any changes apktools says: "Aborted".
Maybe here some PNG images are making this problem...
See my work on OPPO Find 5 with Bulgarian Language Video
OK Time for Update!
I found solution by using this software: xdaAutoAPKTool_V5.0.0b
The oppo-framework-res.apk file is finally compiled without this error in the public.xml file <public type="attr" name="Dialog_Title_textAppearance" id="0x02010000" />
see more about it here: Boom
The APP is WORKING !!! Tested!
The other problem with the KeKeThemeSpace_W20140729_V2.5.1.apk is gone too!!!
Only you have to modify the default_splash_bg.png image in the drawable-xxhdpi folder and the app will be compiled and working!
Hi guys, i really love the 3Min battery Mod from @gharrington Tyvm bro. There is a lot of threads of how to make it yourself but i think most of them are not too detailed and cover everything. So since i use these instructions my self i thought of sharing them in case someone may benefit from it.
Preparation: :
1. Download the latest BatchApkTool .
2. Tools needed and how to extract System.img.
3. Recommended tools needed: Notepad ++, 7zip or Winrar
1. Download the latest BatchApkTool unzip it and move the need files to their designated folders explained in the next step.
2. We need to get SystemUI folder and framework folder(Inside it Framework_res.apk and arm64 folder is needed) either from a System.img in that case use the guide in the preparation section on how to extract it or import them from your device using any file manager with root.
3. Put SystemUI folder in _priv-app folder, and framework folder in to _framework folder.
Open BatchApkTool select your language make sure that all the settings match your rom, enter the following numbers for changes:
83. Smali(By default it's the latest "2.2 latest when writing this" so just check it in case)
84. Api level: ------------- select 23( for Marshmallow)
85. Apktool(By default it's the latest stable version "it was 2.2.0 when writing this" just make sure it is)
1. Under Smali section select '01 Deodex all apks and jars'(In case your rom isn't deodexed yet if it is skip this step). If your rom is stock then your SystemUi.apk needs to be deodexed for this to work. (For Nexus 6p select Arm64 when asked)
2.Under Smali section select '02' to move the deodexed files to _Input_Apk folder.
*Make a backup of META-INF folder and AndroidManifest.xml after extracting them from the deodexed SystemUI.apk file using Winrar or 7zip.
3.Under ApkTool section select '1' to decompile Apks.
4. After that go to _Input_Apk folder and open the decompiled SystemUI folder, navigate to res/layout/system_icons.xml and open with notepad ++
5. Find:
Note: These values may not be an exact match, doesn't matter
Change both values to
6. Hit enter and directly underneath that line add the following:
<com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.MinitBattery android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
7. Save your work and close notepad ++
8. You now need to navigate to smali/com/android/systemui/statusbar/policy folder
** Download the latest Modfiles package(3MinitBatterySettings, MinitBatteryResources, 3 Smali files) needed from here or main website.
9. Copy the 3 smali files(files that end with .smali) into that policy folder.
10. Time to recompile the SystemUI.apk. Under ApkTool section select '3 recompile apks' in Batchapktool.
11. Once recompiling of SystemUI.apk is complete go to it in _OUT_APK you will find it there, open it with 7zip or Winrar and Don't Extract.
12. Delete META-INF folder and AndroidManifest.xml from newly recompiled SystemUI.apk and replace them with the original backup we took in step C.2.
13. Download the 3MinitBattery_Template1.zip(will remove original SystemUi.apk and replace it) or 3Minit_Battery_Template2.zip(Will not remove the original SystemUi.apk and will leave it for you to remove it manually in case you want to back it up).
14. Use one of the template zips then open it don't extract it just open it with Winrar or 7zip and drop 3MinitBatterySettings, MinitBatteryResources that we got in step C.8 to their respective folders in the zip file. Drop the newly recompiled SystemUI.apk to SystemUI folder if you choose template 1 and if you choose template 2 put it in priv-app folder.
P.s: If you choose template 2 after flashing it go to system/priv-app/SystemUI folder in your device and with any file manger with root delete SystemUi.apk after you back it up to where ever you choose then reboot the device.
15. After this make a backup of your rom and flash the zip.
16. To use 3minBattery app open it and choose your customization then reboot you should see the changes after that. Good luck! :good:
Credits go to:
- @gharrington for his Mod&Guide.
- bursoft for Batch ApkTool.
- @bdorr1105 for his Thread.
- https://androidmtk.com for the Guide&Tools.
Awesome tutorial.. I am looking to add it into a modified stock rom for a Samsung tablet that I have.. Do you know of any easy to follow tutorials for that? i am very new to this part of android..lol.. i am usually on the flashing end and now i am trying to help out for this tab because it has no custom roms until mine. Again, awesome tutorial.
glockman4519 said:
Awesome tutorial.. I am looking to add it into a modified stock rom for a Samsung tablet that I have.. Do you know of any easy to follow tutorials for that? i am very new to this part of android..lol.. i am usually on the flashing end and now i am trying to help out for this tab because it has no custom roms until mine. Again, awesome tutorial.
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Ty much appreciated. It has been a while since I created this thread since then I have stopped using this mod because it's kind of a headache to do it for every update add to that since Google already enabled the battery percentage inside the battery there was no need any more for the mod. Anyway it's still great to be able to change from time to time. Regarding the tutorial I am sorry to say I haven't tried to create a custom ROM so I can't help you much with that but I am sure there are a lot of tutorials but will require some time to search. Good luck with your project.