32 gb Note? - Galaxy Note GT-N7000 General

UPDATE: Seller just got back to me saying he made a mistake in posting. He has SGS2 and not SGN. So there is no 32gb Note.
Hello Folks,
I've seen one post on eBay (here), they are saying they have 32 gb version of SGN. He also mentioned that its not unlocked?
Do you think its legit? Is the 32gb version already out, somehow? And how is it that's its locked?
Any one has some info about this?
Thank you,

Strange auction since it's the wrong picture and no actual information about the phone, just some generic product descriptions for both the Note and SGII,
I'd not bid until I get some answers first. Such as does he have the phone in stock, if so why is there not a correct picture of the phone or the package? Where did the phone came from, Asia, Europe? Is there a receipt with it? Does the phone have 32GB internal storage or is it come with 16GB micro sd card?
There are no 32GB Note released in europe yet, so it might come from Asia if the phone is legit.
I'd not bid on this personally, it is much cheaper to get a 16GB note and 32GB micro sd card, unless that is not enough storage for you.

the.mister.d said:
UPDATE: Seller just got back to me saying he made a mistake in posting. He has SGS2 and not SGN. So there is no 32gb Note.
Hello Folks,
I've seen one post on eBay (here), they are saying they have 32 gb version of SGN. He also mentioned that its not unlocked?
Do you think its legit? Is the 32gb version already out, somehow? And how is it that's its locked?
Any one has some info about this?
Thank you,
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That's bogus.!!!! Have you seen how much the bidding is up to? Those bidders can buy a SGS2 with lots of accessories and still have change for that amount.

As far as I know, there is no 32gb version of the SGS2 as well.

Oh boy!
Those bidder are bidding for I don't know what? :|

If I were you I wouldn't even try it. The description is clearly copied and pasted from galaxy SII which doesn't match the offer. I wouldn't risk it even if that was real deal because it could be a experimental version.
I have yet to see 32GB version of the note, besides I found buying 64GB sandisk micro sdxc card to be cheaper memory storage expansion than actually buying 32GB version of the note compared to 16GB one.
Isn't 80 GB enough for android phone anymore?

The issue is that ebay's Stock descriptions for the Galaxy Note List it as a 32GB phone. I have seen more then a few listing's where the description apologized for the mix up on ebay's specs and states the phone was the 16GB variety.

Some idiot just spent $705.00 on this GS2 listed as a Galaxy Note 32GB.


Whether Samsung galaxy S is shipping with 8gb internal memory version?

Can anyone please confirm whether Samsung is currently selling the galaxy S with 8gb memory version or not.
The 16gb version is out but haven't found about 8gb,if anyone can comment?
Any country in particular or you just asking in general? In Denmark, they're only selling the 8GB version, as Samsung thinks the 16GB would be too expensive, which is BS.
i'm in the opposite boat, here they sell the 8 GB by the masses
but the 16 GB is very hard to find, not enough stock
When I got my Galaxy S I didn't even realise they did two sizes. Mine is 8gb from the UK
Mine is 16gb from the S'pore
In the UK the 16gb version is exclusive to Vodaphone, all other versions I've seen including mine is 8gb
enigmameusa said:
In the UK the 16gb version is exclusive to Vodaphone, all other versions I've seen including mine is 8gb
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Aaah that explains why mine is 8GB from T-Mobile then not that it matters tbh
enigmameusa said:
In the UK the 16gb version is exclusive to Vodaphone, all other versions I've seen including mine is 8gb
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eeehhh... nooo
the i9000 version unlocked un-branded European comes in both 8GB and 16GB i got the 16GB version, took a while to arrive but it's here
AllGamer said:
eeehhh... nooo
the i9000 version unlocked un-branded European comes in both 8GB and 16GB i got the 16GB version, took a while to arrive but it's here
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Fair point, I probably worded it badly. The only mobile phone network in the UK selling the 16gb version is (or was) Vodaphone
Here in India, they're selling only the 16GB version.
Here in Portugal we have 8GB as exclusive of one carrier and 16GB as exclusive of a set of stores which is sold unlocked...
i work for best buy in the US and we only have the 8gb model never seen the 16bg model but the 8gb model has 8gb internal and 8gb external out of the box.
swerve12 said:
i work for best buy in the US and we only have the 8gb model never seen the 16bg model but the 8gb model has 8gb internal and 8gb external out of the box.
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LOL that sounds like those ebay shops that advertises them as 16GB (but it's only an 8 + 8) to get people to buy their 8GB stocks
android_master said:
Can anyone please confirm whether Samsung is currently selling the galaxy S with 8gb memory version or not.
The 16gb version is out but haven't found about 8gb,if anyone can comment?
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Many carriers where you buy with a contract you can only find the 16GB, if you look for an unlocked device without a contract you should be able to find 8GB if that's what you're looking for.
that will be really weird, usually people will want more, not less
Silverdragondk said:
Any country in particular or you just asking in general? In Denmark, they're only selling the 8GB version, as Samsung thinks the 16GB would be too expensive, which is BS.
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Same situation in Italy.

WTB 32GB Samsung Galaxy S II - I'm in the US

Tried pre-ordering from Handtec and after giving them a copy of my driver's license, copies of business cards for my shipping address, and other info as requested... two weeks after they'd taken and charged my credit card they wanted MORE. I got frustrated and said no, so they cancelled my order.
But I STILL want a 32GB version, which I have NO release date for, and a vendor that is reasonable about taking orders from a US customer. Any ON TOPIC info would be appreciated.
Well I have read somewhere that 32gb version will come a lot later than 16gb version so for me 16gb version packed with 64gb sdcard = win. Imo not worth waiting and money.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
enzografix said:
Well I have read somewhere that 32gb version will come a lot later than 16gb version so for me 16gb version packed with 64gb sdcard = win. Imo not worth waiting and money.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
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32gb is max for SDHC though. I don't think we have any confirmation that SDXC-cards will work, seems like it was only rumors.
aejt said:
32gb is max for SDHC though. I don't think we have any confirmation that SDXC-cards will work, seems like it was only rumors.
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I read somewhere that they don't work
enzografix said:
Well I have read somewhere that 32gb version will come a lot later than 16gb version so for me 16gb version packed with 64gb sdcard = win. Imo not worth waiting and money.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
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64 gb sdhc card.... how? unless it some how has two memory chips in its package.... now i are of the confused variety
teh_pwnage said:
64 gb sdhc card.... how? unless it some how has two memory chips in its package.... now i are of the confused variety
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There is no 64 GB SDHC Card.
AS for the 32 GB SGS2, i guess you may have to wait for quite a while mate. Seeing as Samsung has not yet released the Standard 16GB NON NFC Super Amoled Plus+ Exynos 1.2 Ghz Processor Specced Phone in all the markets, it will take time for the variants to hit the shelves.
I dont understand what Samsung is playing at though. By the time all the variants are out, it may well be August/September. And according to Eldar Murtazin, thats when the iPhone 5 Competitor, the SGS3 is supposed to come out. What Gives?!
Any word on a release date for the 32GB version? Tempted to order the 16GB version like so many others have, but for an extra $100(?), I'd rather have the 32GB.
GSMNation suggests mid-May.
I got this email from GSMNation:
"I'm writing with an update on the 32GB version of the phone. It has been indefinitely delayed by Samsung, so we can't say when it will be available. I'm guessing that's because they are still trying to fulfill their 3 million pre orders for the 16GB one. We are expecting it to be launched near the end of June now, meaning at least another month before it becomes available. But since there's no official word about its release from Samsung, can't say that for sure. If you want, we can still change your order and ship out the Galaxy S2 in 16GB. Please let us know how you want us to proceed."
BTW, is the S2's internal memory a SDcard or a flash memory chip?
I have been told by the folks in the Samsung shop here in Taiwan said the incumbent telco will get an exclusive (in Taiwan) on the 32GB and should be arriving around the last week in July. I also couldn't read, but did see the email from Chunghwa telecom marketing stating same and laying out prices for the various contracts.They also said it would be exynos.
16gb internal and 32gb card and then use a USB flash and the phone as a host if you need more
zxz0O0 said:
I read somewhere that they don't work
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It isn't known one way or another if they'll work. Just a lot of speculation. Hardware wise, SDHC and SDXC have the same interface, and going by wikipedia Linux may have no trouble reading both without any massaging.
Of course they could also totally not work, but it's worth keeping in mind that what is "official" isn't always true - Android phones used to be sold only officially supporting up to 16Gb SD cards.

[Q] Does a 32 GB Galaxy Note exist?

Hi all, first post
I seem to be getting conflicting information all over the web. Most sites list the specs as there being 16 and 32 GB variants for the Note.
Samsung's own site seems to indicate just one (16GB) model (can't link, first post)
Does anyone know for sure? If there is a 32 GB model, when/where is it due to be released (if not already).
I, for one, haven't seen a 32gb variant of the Note, and I've looked at a lot of places already. Now I'm not sure if a 32gb Note will ever be released. SGS2 never had a 32gb version.
Sharpshooterrr said:
I, for one, haven't seen a 32gb variant of the Note, and I've looked at a lot of places already. Now I'm not sure if a 32gb Note will ever be released. SGS2 never had a 32gb version.
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thanks, most helpful!
anyone else have any insight?
Just mount an external 64GB SDXC card to /sdcard and you had the even better Galaxy Note 64GB version..
There is one on Handtec UK 'due in soon' - I tried to post the link but I'm too new. It's not cheap though!

where is the 32gb models?

and why do we have no info on when they will be available? all i see is 'coming soon" on the at&t page. why bother giving us the price tag a month ago then not having them up for presale? will they even be available upon launch on at&t?
Samsung are always the same they say there are 32 and 64 models but they never ever see the light of day here in the UK
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
just spoke to at&t and they said the 32gb model will probably not be available at launch. yet they have the $249 price tag in their systems already. if true i guess ill hold off upgrading. what a mess.
EDIT: i also see they never carried the 32gb model of the s3 so im wondering if we will ever get a 32gb edition of the s4?
fix-this! said:
just spoke to at&t and they said the 32gb model will probably not be available at launch. yet they have the $249 price tag in their systems already. if true i guess ill hold off upgrading. what a mess.
EDIT: i also see they never carried the 32gb model of the s3 so im wondering if we will ever get a 32gb edition of the s4?
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I am wondering the same thing. It's just speculation of course, but I wouldn't be surprised if the 32 and 64gb versions will only be available through Verizon in the US. So AT&T gets first launch but Verizon gets a better variety? I guess we will know soon. I guarantee there are managers at AT&T that already know, but as usual, are not saying.
hope it won't be like last year when they cancelled the galaxy s3 64GB version
yeah i got fed up and just ordered my 16gb edition on at&t.
I'm won't buy the 16gb. I want 32 or 64gb. I'm in UK and Samsung won't reveal anything. 16gb is no good as only 8.9gb is free to users. And all apps and games and app data has to go in phone memory. Not micro sd.
I don't see any reason for AT&T to skip the 32GB, they have it as coming soon. Some speculate that Samsung is pushing the 16GB out first since its more popular but I don't see why they can't get both capacities out, its a pre-order for a reason.
I am porting from Verizon to AT&T so I have to wait and I'm stuck on a crappy old flip phone while I wait. I didn't want to get stuck hold the bag on my last phone and lose the value on it. My hope is its shortly after launch, but my fear is it could be a month or two after launch. No more Verizon, so AT&T better step up.
If they have a sku for the 32GB GS4, then its clearly planned, just a timing issue.
we are all just speculating of course but if they focused all manufaturing on one model (qualcomm 16gb) then they are more likely to meet demand rather then if they fragmented at launch and possibly missed shipping on multiple models. just a WAG tho...
Watch out on ebay.. There suckering people with 32GB S4 = 16GB(internal) + 16GB(microSD)
I spoke to sammy today and they have no info on 32gb models. As i said i just sucked it up and got the 16gb today. I have a 64gb sd card anyways.
fix-this! said:
I spoke to sammy today and they have no info on 32gb models. As i said i just sucked it up and got the 16gb today. I have a 64gb sd card anyways.
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My S2 Skyrocket has 16 GB internal memory and I have never come close to filling it. However, it all depends on how people use their phones. I don't use mine for music or movies (at this time) so my biggest storage issues are phone related (nandroids, Apps, pictures and videos, etc...) and I usually use the external SD for the pics and vids. But here is why I want the 32 GB model:
1. If I ever find myself in a situation that I need or want to take a lot of videos and pictures but don't have an extra SD card with me or a way to transfer them to another media. It would suck to run out of storage when it is really needed.
2. 32 GB might not be needed (by me) right now, but with larger and better apps, games, and similar being developed, it can't hurt. In the future it will be welcome.
3. The 32 GB model will look better than the 16 GB model when / if I ever want to sell it.
4. External SD cards crap out all of the time. Having enough onboard storage to temporarily back up important info, pics, and vids will be nice.
Of course, like I said, everybody's experience differs and some people definitely need more than 16 GB to start with.
If the 32GB isn't offered, I guess there won't be a choice.
I'm just fine with my 80GB model.
A lot of chatter, but really.... if you want it soon get the 16gb version. if 32gb is important to you, then wait. No point whining about the fact 32gb isn't available yet. 16gb will be the most popular by far, it makes sense they started there.
Sent from my LG-E970 using Tapatalk 2
JasonJoel said:
A lot of chatter, but really.... if you want it soon get the 16gb version. if 32gb is important to you, then wait. No point whining about the fact 32gb isn't available yet. 16gb will be the most popular by far, it makes sense they started there.
Sent from my LG-E970 using Tapatalk 2
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Thanks for your opinion but the thread is about the 32 GB version so there is no point in you calling OP related issues "whining". As stated, I (and many others) would like the 32 GB version so any information about it is certainly welcome.
I know, some people just never read the fine print. I am just sitting idle until AT&T says something.
Wheres the 64GB love? Can I get a 9500 (ex5410) + 64GB + LTE is that too much to ask?
is there any way of loading apps on the sd card? 16gb seems awful low
I'm waiting as well
"Life Companion" at 16GB ..
Last i read was the 32gb will be available when the s4 is officially avail April 30th. But I would not hold my breath as it was not from a credible source. I too am waiting for the 32gb as 16gb just won't cut it.

S4 i9500 Memory sizes actually seen in the wild?

I don't mean at shows and demos but has any i9500 (not i9505) been seen with more then 16GB yet, actually for sale?
pinsb said:
I don't mean at shows and demos but has any i9500 (not i9505) been seen with more then 16GB yet, actually for sale?
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Not yet..... I waited many days for 32 gb variant, but nothing.
Then..... 1 month ago I have 16 gb variant, using "folder mount" app. I use a 32 gb sdcard and all my games and big data apps (I have about 16 gb) is stored in sdcard, and my S4 storage has 6.60gb free !!! :fingers-crossed: the 32gb or 64 gb variants not needed after all......just saying.
Yes 32GB ones, Here:
Very Good Seller, i ve, Bought 2 S3's and 1 S4 from him
0mega007 said:
Yes 32GB ones, Here:
Very Good Seller, i ve, Bought 2 S3's and 1 S4 from him
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Thanks but I've found in the past some E-Bay sellers list products not actually yet shipping to get their order books full.
Has anyone physically seen an internal 32gb unit?
Go for the one posted in the link. That is where i also bought my phone from and yes he post straight away and it is genuine 32gb internal memory. Very happy with it.
I bought the 16Gb one, i don't need more than that because i dont install much apps and i use a 64GB microsd for my music and media, i had a 32GB S3 but only because i didnt want to experience the sudden death of the 16GB models
I'll ask the question yet again and hopefully people won't push to a link for ebay auctions this time.
Has ANYONE actually seen a S4, in the flesh, with more than 16gb of internal memory. Your brothers second cousins seeing one doesn't count, your link to a seller supposely selling one doesn't count, seeing one at a show doesn't count....touching one with your own hands does count!
Sent from my GT-P6810 using xda app-developers app
So there does not appear to be 32GB or 64GB variants of either the S4 or the S4 active actually shipping......
I wonder when/if Sammie will pull their finger out and start? With S4 sales supposedly below target it's the natural thing to do to boost demand although only after the channel has sold through the bulk of its stock.
omias said:
Not yet..... I waited many days for 32 gb variant, but nothing.
Then..... 1 month ago I have 16 gb variant, using "folder mount" app. I use a 32 gb sdcard and all my games and big data apps (I have about 16 gb) is stored in sdcard, and my S4 storage has 6.60gb free !!! :fingers-crossed: the 32gb or 64 gb variants not needed after all......just saying.
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Yes, I also done this, and moved over 5 gb of game datas, my internal memory is 7.1GB, I don't think I need a 32 gb model.
Sent from my GT-I9500
