Android 4.0 will there be custom ROM's - Galaxy Tab General

Will we have any dev's working on 4.0 AOSP for the original galaxy tab, I would like to help test a 4.0 ROM and I do own the hardware keyboard so I can test that out.
Sent from my HTC Hero using Tapatalk

Arranmc182 said:
Will we have any dev's working on 4.0 AOSP for the original galaxy tab, I would like to help test a 4.0 ROM and I do own the hardware keyboard so I can test that out.
Sent from my HTC Hero using Tapatalk
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this post is like, at best 2/3 months early.
Take a moment and have a look at the tab ics thread.



Gingerbread for galaxy 3

Is there anyone working on a gingerbread rom for our galaxy 3?
Sent from my GT-I5800 using XDA App
Montoyatok said:
Is there anyone working on a gingerbread rom for our galaxy 3?
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no not yet
Thks, hope someone will
Sent from my GT-I5800 using XDA App
Sure you are !!
Motofoca was my hope...he already cooked Gingerbread for G5... But he dnt have g3 to compile for us...:’(
let's hope someone can port it to g3.
getting gingerbread on our g3 would be like dream come true ....
lordbose said:
getting gingerbread on our g3 would be like dream come true ....
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I thought froyo itself was a dream come true
Sent from my GT-I5801 using XDA App
i wish ARMVK team after completing there current ROM there next venture should be gingerbread on G3, through its alot to ask but would be nice to have it
I think 2.3 will be available for G3 but it would take a long time.
until than we can use Kyrillos rom 3.3 ...and soon version 4 is coming
this rom is amaaaazing
abdooo92 said:
until than we can use Kyrillos rom 3.3 ...and soon version 4 is coming
this rom is amaaaazing
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I agree! The version 4.0 RC2 is Awesome and the theme is like Gingerbread.
Well, it's not a problem of specs of the G3, since 2.3 is available for the HTC tatoo that is weaker than our G3. this friend of mine has one and he said that 2.3 is the fastest rom that he had.
It's just a matter that someone make a port of 2.3, you can forget samsung of course.
Hope mad team can port it
Sent from my GT-I5800 using XDA App
why don't we fillup cynogen forum requesting support for sg3.

Any ROM port suggestions?

What ROMs do you guys want? I ported MIUI to epic and am working on other stuff there. I can probably port MIUI ICS when we get CM9. What do you guys want though? HTC's Tablet Sense?
EDIT: I have the WiFi version btw, so if anyone wants carrier specific versions of ROMs, tell me what to change or just take my WiFi Roms and add support for your carrier.
No idea, i would love a source built ICS ROM but I hear CM9 is on the horizon and to my knowledge no Tegra 2 device has a GPU accelerated ICS ROM????
Just had to bump the thread and throw some words in..
GazaIan said:
No idea, i would love a source built ICS ROM but I hear CM9 is on the horizon and to my knowledge no Tegra 2 device has a GPU accelerated ICS ROM????
Just had to bump the thread and throw some words in..
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I can't quite build from source yet. Don't have the skills or the computer requirements (if my pc tried to build ics, it'd probably take days, weeks, months, or even years). I have a netbook and ics takes several hours to build with 16gb of ram so I can't imagine it with only 1 gb.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
Any cool roms or uis that you guys want me to port?
Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk
xboxfanj said:
Any cool roms or uis that you guys want me to port?
Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk
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Surprise us. i use Miui and absolutly love it but i have a hard time picturing it on my 10 inch tab but give it a go.
xboxfanj said:
What ROMs do you guys want? I ported MIUI to epic and am working on other stuff there. I can probably port MIUI ICS when we get CM9. What do you guys want though? HTC's Tablet Sense?
EDIT: I have the WiFi version btw, so if anyone wants carrier specific versions of ROMs, tell me what to change or just take my WiFi Roms and add support for your carrier.
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Don't really know that much about different roms, I've only used CM7 and some smaller ROMs really .
Never used MIUI, but I heard it's nice, so that would be an option.
But personally, I believe people would really appreciate if you have the knowledge/skill to help on CM9 for our tab somehow ^^
And of course, thanks for your work!
nightmarebadger said:
Don't really know that much about different roms, I've only used CM7 and some smaller ROMs really .
Never used MIUI, but I heard it's nice, so that would be an option.
But personally, I believe people would really appreciate if you have the knowledge/skill to help on CM9 for our tab somehow ^^
And of course, thanks for your work!
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Sorry but I don't have the skill or knowledge for cm9, but we're in good hands: pershoot and cyanogen (you know, the guy who started cyanogenmod and the namesake of it). We'll have good builds soon, but apparently theres a non technical issue for all tegra 2 devices.
I can do miui once we get a good cm9 build and I will, but I need for other tablets to be supported because otherwise the resolution will be qhd at best. Either that or I need to find a way to make things support our resolution.
Edit: do you guys want an HTC sense tablet UI port?
Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk
Edit: do you guys want an HTC sense tablet UI port?
Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk
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I'd sure as hell love one!
GazaIan said:
I'd sure as hell love one!
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Is that crash bandicoot?
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xboxfanj said:
Is that crash bandicoot?
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It sure is! Gotta love the classics
I'd be interested in an ICS based MIUI port, thanks!
np. Apparently, tegra2 sense ports have not been successful and have been branded impossible. I'll try anyway though
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
I wuld love a rom with a completely different look/theme. And for it to be super smooth, no lag.
Much love for offering to build rom s for us
sent from my galaxy s2, using my fingers.
xboxfanj said:
np. Apparently, tegra2 sense ports have not been successful and have been branded impossible. I'll try anyway though
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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Wait, you meant an actual Sense ROM? Oh there's most likely no way in hell you'll pull that off, that's like 95% impossible. If you actually manage to pull it off though, I'll be amazed. No HTC device has the Galaxy Tab resolution, chip set, GPU, CPU, so some hard care porting is needed. Still, I'll be super impressed if you could get a Sense ROM booting, even if almost nothing worked.
GazaIan said:
Wait, you meant an actual Sense ROM? Oh there's most likely no way in hell you'll pull that off, that's like 95% impossible. If you actually manage to pull it off though, I'll be amazed. No HTC device has the Galaxy Tab resolution, chip set, GPU, CPU, so some hard care porting is needed. Still, I'll be super impressed if you could get a Sense ROM booting, even if almost nothing worked.
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Well most of those issues haven't stopped the galaxy s and nexus s/ns4g from getting sense roms. What other option besides a rom is there?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
I've never used MIUI before. So that would be much appreciated.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab 10.1
The MIUI port will be a little a way. I am going to wait until another tablet/device with the same resolution as us gets it so that we don't have a crappy resolution and also so that I don't have to manually make files higher res.
I would suggest task rom its very good and has themes that look very nice
Sent from my GT-P7510 using xda premium
port from what?
If you can take another ROM honestly, I'd like a CM7 ROM. There is nothing about Honeycomb that I think is significantly better than Gingerbread especially with the CM7 features.
Or does it have to be another Tablet ROM like something from the Motorola Xoom or Acer Iconia?
I don't know if this is even possible but I love the UI on gridOS
Its android based but I do no of that's enough
If you don't know what it is look it up on YouTube or something
It looks amazing

Any devs/porters interested in porting sense?

Hi. I am a rom porter/dev (depending on the definition you use) who just got a galaxy tab 10.1. Considering that our hardware is similar, I think it'd be in the best interests for galaxy tab 10.1 owners along with other tegra2 tablet owners could work together to port sense. I hope this is not against forum rules posting here, but I posted this so we can all help each other out to get sense ported.
Thank you
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
I just don't understand why everyone loves sense. At best, it is a battery and performance vampire. Sure, it has some neat features, but... every time I end up with an HTC device, the first thing I do is install a non-sense rom.
To each his own, though. Good luck.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
xboxfanj said:
Hi. I am a rom porter/dev (depending on the definition you use) who just got a galaxy tab 10.1. Considering that our hardware is similar, I think it'd be in the best interests for galaxy tab 10.1 owners along with other tegra2 tablet owners could work together to port sense. I hope this is not against forum rules posting here, but I posted this so we can all help each other out to get sense ported.
Thank you
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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To answer your question its is a very hard a daunting task.
Best way to get your device as close as sense would be flashing a galaxy tab rom port by fguy(my current rom) its under tabletroms Acer forum. And use apw Widgets. With adw ex or SPB shell
Or you can use Thors galaxy tab port at tegra owners Acer rom's forum user pimpmaneaton has ported a HTC sense theme from boosted for that rom and use apw Widgets to complete your desired look!
HTC is battery hungry and a pain in the ass or impossible so no one wants to port it plus user base won't use it as much compared to asop or stock Acer based rom's.
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
I would be really interested in having a full Sense themed ROM. I have a HTC Desire Z at the moment and had an HTC Hero before that. I absolutely love HTC's implementation of Sense and how things work so well. Really don't mind the extra battery use because you really can't get that kind of integration and ease of use for nothing.
Good luck finding anyone who wants to reverse engineer the closed source sense framework and then try and get it to work on our hardware.
The only successful sense ports have in the past been HTC to HTC devices such as the desire ROM to nexus one, or sensation to desire etc. It's a bit different porting sense to a device which already runs sense. The nexus one was really just a desire running aosp Android.
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
dr.m0x said:
Good luck finding anyone who wants to reverse engineer the closed source sense framework and then try and get it to work on our hardware.
The only successful sense ports have in the past been HTC to HTC devices such as the desire ROM to nexus one, or sensation to desire etc. It's a bit different porting sense to a device which already runs sense. The nexus one was really just a desire running aosp Android.
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
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There's also the nexus s4g, galaxy s, and nexus s gsm.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk

ICS with sense

Hello guys i am new here so excuse me if someone already wrote something about this.
is there any ice cream sandwitch rom with latest htc sense?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
None yet and there may not ever be. There will not be any drivers to hack to make it work as GB only got better because of the Desire source code. Note since that service will not see any more updates then we are out of luck.
Now someone may find a way but for now it's unlikely
Sent from my HTC Sensation XL with Beats Audio X315e using XDA App
Actually, there will definitely be a ICS ROM with sense. But you will have to wait. The reason being, HTC will launch new devices come this Q2 and Sense 4.0 is slated to be running on those devices. Such devices include the Ville, Edge,etc. So when those devices are released at the upcoming GSMA WMC on 27th February. You can expect a port a few days after that since there is bound to be someone posting the dump files and source code. This is how our sense 2.0 and 3.0 ROMs came about on our HD2s and its the only way. Custom building a ICS and Sense ROM from scratch is no easy task and like what chrisrj28 said above, it might not be possible for the devs.
Here is your answer.its here in xda and it wont be long before u see a hd2 port.when i say it wont be long,i mean its only a matter of days.just wait a bit longer mate
A RUU of ics with sense 4.0 of HTC Endeavour just leaked
Hope this is done soon. There is a port of the Sensation ICS Sense Rom for the myTouch 4G Slide.
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using xda premium
It's good news, cant wait
I hope we must wait a little more, but for me, there are too many ICS roms without Sense in XDA.
I like Sense, so I prefer to wait as long as necessary, instead of install ics non sense plenty of bugs.
If I bought an HTC, I like to watch Sense in the screen, if not, I can have another device, Samsung, LG, Motorola.....
ICS without sense better then 2.3 with sense.
chrisrj28 said:
None yet and there may not ever be. There will not be any drivers to hack to make it work as GB only got better because of the Desire source code. Note since that service will not see any more updates then we are out of luck.
Now someone may find a way but for now it's unlikely
Sent from my HTC Sensation XL with Beats Audio X315e using XDA App
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I think the biggest issue is a kernel to boot the sense ICS, and there is no doubt HD2 will be running sense ICS
On Sensation already..
I think we should request some of the HD2 chief chefs need to come together for us... it is here now on Sensation, working .
IMHO hd2 can't stand ics with sense...too heavy!....that's for quad-core devices!! the 2.3 sense is too much for our "old" hardware, too....
even if our fantastic hd2 is the best phone in the world, his hardware is going to be old...I think that it's arrived at the end of its possibilities with ics...
I have the US HD2 and it runs 2.3.5 Sense 3.5 just fine. No major issues at all. Also the HTC One V has specs not too far from the HD2 will be on sense 4.0.
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using xda premium
Ohgami_Ichiro said:
I have the US HD2 and it runs 2.3.5 Sense 3.5 just fine. No major issues at all. Also the HTC One V has specs not too far from the HD2 will be on sense 4.0.
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using xda premium
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? really? the one v? oh my......saw that now, ok, change my opinion, ics with sense 4 will work fine good, good....
throcker said:
? really? the one v? oh my......saw that now, ok, change my opinion, ics with sense 4 will work fine good, good....
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Yeah initial hands on show that Sense 4.0/ICS do not perform as well as the big phones but it is adequate enough. And that is without the mods and customizations that Devs here are capable of.
The biggest issue will be drivers
Any news? Or I am missing something?

MIUI Port for Legend

I'm going to port MIUI4 to our Legend.
Expect it soon.
Features that probably won't work just yet. WiFi, Camera, Bluetooth etc.
It will also be my first ROM attempt.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA App
Great, was looking for another rom
Sent from my Legend using Tapatalk
Livewings said:
I'm going to port MIUI4 to our Legend.
Expect it soon.
Features that probably won't work just yet. WiFi, Camera, Bluetooth etc.
It will also be my first ROM attempt.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA App
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Finally someone who want to make something new to our Legends!!!
A MIUI port will be great for sure
Very best of luck
Livewings said:
I'm going to port MIUI4 to our Legend.
Expect it soon.
Features that probably won't work just yet. WiFi, Camera, Bluetooth etc.
It will also be my first ROM attempt.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA App
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Sent from my Legend using XDA App
Welcome ya
Superb attempt
Hooray! And for everyone wondering, MIUI 4 on LG Optimus One works smoothly for an alpha. It's just that the essentials won't work.
Good luck mate
Sent from my Legend using xda premium
Sorry guys for the delay. I have test and exams coming on. We'll see first attempt at daylight tomorrow. That is in my timezone.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA App
Cool, so soon good luck
Livewings said:
Sorry guys for the delay. I have test and exams coming on. We'll see first attempt at daylight tomorrow. That is in my timezone.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA App
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sent from my legend, currently using extream legend fuse™
Good luck mate
sent from my HTC Sensation powered by the beast Extreme Sensation Blaze™ 3 with Sense 3.6 and XE Beats Audio
I think u'll need CM9 for this, but there is just an alpha out...
Sent from my Legend using xda premium
Amazing! Good luck!
Sorry guys, huge delay. I'll only be free on Wednesday. I got examsssss! :<
Cofface already started you guys can work together!
Here is the link >>
But why ICS? Is it not possible for the more stable, Gingerbread version?
I have an LG P500 as well, about the same (or worse specs as Legend), and the ICS MIUI has been taken (theoretically) to the development limit. There are some barely fixable bugs and we need a miracle (on the scale of WiFi + NewSense on Legend) to fix 'em.
Asovse1 said:
But why ICS? Is it not possible for the more stable, Gingerbread version?
I have an LG P500 as well, about the same (or worse specs as Legend), and the ICS MIUI has been taken (theoretically) to the development limit. There are some barely fixable bugs and we need a miracle (on the scale of WiFi + NewSense on Legend) to fix 'em.
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Isn't CM 7.1 already a stable Gingerbread rom out there already? How can you make it more stable?
What I mean is, why opt for developing MIUI ICS when the Gingerbread version can evidently be easier to work with and use?
I said "the" more, not "a" more. Sorry.
Asovse1 said:
What I mean is, why opt for developing MIUI ICS when the Gingerbread version can evidently be easier to work with and use?
I said "the" more, not "a" more. Sorry.
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Maybe the developer is up for a challenge lol. Meh, everyone can still dream for the ICS rom on Legend.
Asovse1 said:
What I mean is, why opt for developing MIUI ICS when the Gingerbread version can evidently be easier to work with and use?
I said "the" more, not "a" more. Sorry.
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Cuz this is just another bs thread about some ROM that's not gonna happen.
Wysłane z mojego HTC Legend
Livewings said:
I'm going to port MIUI4 to our Legend.
Expect it soon.
Features that probably won't work just yet. WiFi, Camera, Bluetooth etc.
It will also be my first ROM attempt.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA App
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First of all the very best.. And secondly are you doing it in Gingerbread or ICS??

