CM7.1 MyTouch Slide GPS fix - myTouch 3G Slide General

I am not a developer or even smart. I poked around until I found something that worked for me. Use at your own risk.
I rooted and installed CM 7.0.2 in the past and was pretty happy. When 7.1.0 came out I took the leap. Everything was great except for GPS. GPS did not connect at all. Nothing I did could bring it back other than going back to stock rom. After much frustration and fighting I have it working.
Many people said to make changes to the /system/etc/gps.conf. The problem I had was S-ON was preventing it and nothing I could find explained a work-around. Sorry if I missed it.
I am going to explain what I did to get it going.
Phone details:
- My phone is rooted and CM7.1 installed.
- S-ON
- GPS don't work (even after 30 minutes of waiting)
- Clockwork is on sdcard as (not permanent)
- Phone is connected to the computer (with adb installed and working)
1. Unzip the file (attached) to the root of your sdcard
2. Turn off the phone
3. Press and hold the volume down and then press the power button
4. Choose "recovery" from the menu and press power (phone will reboot into recovery)
5. Press and hold volume up and press the power button (this may take a few seconds)
6. Choose "Apply" and press power button (assumes clockworkmod is on the sdcard and named
7. Choose "mounts and storage" and click the bottom middle button (trackball)
8. While mount /system is selected press the trackball. (sinkinglow suggested that you might need to mount /sdcard as well)
9. Switch to the computer now
10. At a command prompt (DOS) in the folder where adb.exe is located type "adb shell"
11. Type "cd /system/etc" (if you cant get in then you did not mount /system properly)
12. Type "cp /sdcard/gps.conf ."
13. Switch back to the phone.
14. Click the trackball again to unmount /system.
15. Click the back arrow (bottom right)
16. Choose "reboot system now"
Once the phone is back up, you should be all good.

GPS fix htc espresso
Is there anyway that you could maybe post a youtube video on how to do this, or send me a pm.I will give you my contact info.Maybe you could walk me through it.

ok im stuck at (12. Type "cp /sdcard/gps.conf .") i get this in cmd prompt :
C:\Users\Ryan>adb shell
~ # cd /system/etc
cd /system/etc
/system/etc # cp /sdcard/gps.conf
cp /sdcard/gps.conf
BusyBox v1.16.2androidminimal (2010-03-28 22:34:51 EDT) multi-call binary.
Copy SOURCE to DEST, or multiple SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY
-a Same as -dpR
-R,-r Recurse
-d,-P Preserve symlinks (default if -R)
-L Follow all symlinks
-H Follow symlinks on command line
-p Preserve file attributes if possible
-f Force overwrite
-i Prompt before overwrite
-l,-s Create (sym)links
/system/etc #
then step 13/14 (14. Click the trackball again to unmount /system.) says on phone Error unmounting SYSTEM:!
confused on where to go in cmd prompt i think theres a step missing

Try this
Instead of "cp /sdcard/gps.conf", use :
"cp /sdcard/gps.conf /system/etc"
Worked for me and GPS locks within 15 seconds now.
boss2688 said:
ok im stuck at (12. Type "cp /sdcard/gps.conf .") i get this in cmd prompt :
C:\Users\Ryan>adb shell
~ # cd /system/etc
cd /system/etc
/system/etc # cp /sdcard/gps.conf
cp /sdcard/gps.conf
BusyBox v1.16.2androidminimal (2010-03-28 22:34:51 EDT) multi-call binary.
Copy SOURCE to DEST, or multiple SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY
-a Same as -dpR
-R,-r Recurse
-d,-P Preserve symlinks (default if -R)
-L Follow all symlinks
-H Follow symlinks on command line
-p Preserve file attributes if possible
-f Force overwrite
-i Prompt before overwrite
-l,-s Create (sym)links
/system/etc #
then step 13/14 (14. Click the trackball again to unmount /system.) says on phone Error unmounting SYSTEM:!
confused on where to go in cmd prompt i think theres a step missing
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Step 12 issue
I think what is being missed it the "." at the end of that comand. The "." is the second argument of the "cp" command and "." means the folder i'm currently in.
If you leave it out you are not telling the cp command where to put the file.
Sorry if I abandoned this post. It sat for weeks with no responses so I quit visiting. Hope it helped you guys out.

Is there anyway that you could post a youtube video on this process.I am missing something
---------- Post added at 05:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:12 PM ----------
Maybe you could send me a pm.Then I could give you my contact info.we could go from there.I just really want to use cm7, but this GPS nonsense is keeping me from doing this.

I made a list of assumptions at the top of the post.
- My phone is rooted and CM7.1 installed.
- S-ON (not required but if you have S-OFF you don't need these instructions)
- GPS don't work (even after 30 minutes of waiting)
- Clockwork is on sdcard as (not permanent because of S-ON)
- Phone is connected to the computer (with adb installed and working)
So you must have already rooted and installed clockwork as well as CM7. You must have the clockwork ( in the root of your sdcard. you must have ADB working on your computer and working with your phone (shows in devices list). If you have those then it should be following the steps. I am not currently using my slide and do not have equipment or and account to post videos so that would be difficult. if you can tell me where you get stuck I might be able to help.
Like mentioned before I really don't know what I'm doing. I just tried TONS of stuff till I got a feel for things and found a combination that worked for me.
If you are having issues with rooting or installing CM7 or clockwork then that is beyond this tutorial and there is lots of info out there for that.

My phone is rooted and flashing CM7.1.0 (from CM 6.1.1) is simple.
1.) I can never get "adb shell" to "take to" (for lack of better words) the cmd prompt.I always an error message.Maybe I dont have adb installed and/or running right on my PC and/or phone any help would be awesome.
step # 10 is where I get stopped (in my tracks).

My phone is rooted and flashing CM7.1.0 (from CM 6.1.1) is simple.
1.) I can never get "adb shell" to "take to" (for lack of better words) the cmd prompt.I always an error message.Maybe I dont have adb installed and/or running right on my PC and/or phone any help would be awesome.
step # 10 is where I get stopped (in my tracks).

captorofxxx said:
My phone is rooted and flashing CM7.1.0 (from CM 6.1.1) is simple.
1.) I can never get "adb shell" to "take to" (for lack of better words) the cmd prompt.I always an error message.Maybe I dont have adb installed and/or running right on my PC and/or phone any help would be awesome.
step # 10 is where I get stopped (in my tracks).
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Try this out before you begin.
Simply start from where it says Windows and you should be good to go.
Did this fix just a moment ago and it worked like a charm. Thanks reiter01

I wish someone would post a video or give (intricate-no detail left out) instructions on how to do this.I video would be the ticket.If I could follow someone or watch someone do it........

I wish someone would post a video or give (intricate-no detail left out) instructions on how to do this.I video would be the ticket.If I could follow someone or watch someone do it........

reiter01 said:
I think what is being missed it the "." at the end of that comand. The "." is the second argument of the "cp" command and "." means the folder i'm currently in.
If you leave it out you are not telling the cp command where to put the file.
Sorry if I abandoned this post. It sat for weeks with no responses so I quit visiting. Hope it helped you guys out.
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yeah i think that was the problem i didnt see the ''." there and sorry if im being noob with adb i was never any good with cmd prompt, i prefer a GUI

ADB issues
There are countless posts and article about getting adb working. I use a Mac so it's never an issue for me. If you haven't already installed the USB drivers for your specific phone the first time you hook up then you will have issues. Windows will choose a generic driver that ADB can't use. You need to find instructions on removing the generic driver and install the right one.
I'm really glad some had had success with my little tutorial. I am sure there has to be easier ways but it's the best I could come up with.

Worked great
This worked great for me, my GPS now locks on within seconds. One note to add, I had to mount /system and /sdcard. Thank you for this fix.

@boss2688: I agree with having a GUI when available. I have no phone programming skills and so I didn't try that. I am not sure if it would work anyway because the S_ON would be in place blocking by the time the GUI shows up. On the other hand, I am sure that someone could make a zip with scripts etc to do what I am doing manually. I tried and failed to make a zip. I wanted to have it work just like you install google apps from clockwork.
@sinkinglow: Not sure why you would have to mount /sdcard. It should be mounted already at that point (I think). I no longer use my slide so I can't go back and test. Thanks for the tip. I will see if I can figure out how to edit the original post and add that as a possible step.

reiter01 said:
@boss2688: I agree with having a GUI when available. I have no phone programming skills and so I didn't try that. I am not sure if it would work anyway because the S_ON would be in place blocking by the time the GUI shows up. On the other hand, I am sure that someone could make a zip with scripts etc to do what I am doing manually. I tried and failed to make a zip. I wanted to have it work just like you install google apps from clockwork.
@sinkinglow: Not sure why you would have to mount /sdcard. It should be mounted already at that point (I think). I no longer use my slide so I can't go back and test. Thanks for the tip. I will see if I can figure out how to edit the original post and add that as a possible step.
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a much easier way if you don't have experience with ADB would be to use Android Commander. Please see (of course you would still need to mount the system from clockwork if you don't have S-OFF) hopefully this helps for those still having issues.

CM7 1 MyTouch Slide GPS fix
Im going up on the 26th, and was hoping to try this slide then bop over to Gothics. Im going to get to the slide and then make the call as to how safe it seems....Backup plan is any other thing time permitting from that spot. Thats how I roll

* I have to run USBDeview.exe and delete everything sometimes. I think the devices get confused etc..
* I also have to use "Vista_x86" drivers as none of them work for me XP SP3


Guide to install LXDE on samsung galaxy s

So 3 days of trying to install ubuntu on chroot and a little knowledge of linux and terminal, i was rather surprised to log into it and there i was, faced with an LXDE interface.
I want to thank coralic, burningbroccoli, lifehacker, josh_axeY and backfireNL for supplying the information i needed to make this possible.
So a brief overview of whats going to be done. First we will need to root our galaxy s in order to access terminal. An ubuntu image will be created and used in chroot environment by mounting (loading) it. Finally a vnc server will be setup and will be logged in using androidVNC.
So for the guide i suppose!
First your going to need to root your phone. This is to access terminal and enter the commands required. This is taken from backfireNl's easy way to root your phone.
1. Download: 2.1 Update .zip
2. Put to root of /sdcard (not /sdcard/sd) (not on the physical SD card but the Internal SD card/Phone Memory)
3. Turn off phone
4. Hold down volume up + home button + power (tip: release the power button for half a second when you see the samsung logo)
5. Phone will reboot into recovery mode
6. Wait until you see the Recovery Screen and then release the buttons
7. With the volume down key go to the option: "apply: /sdcard/"
8. Press the home button
9. Phone will start updating
10. Phone reboots... and there you go! your phone is rooted!
So that wasnt too hard was it? Although once you have done this, you will need to download a couple of programs from the market. Goto market and download the following programs:
-Terminal Emulator
Ensure all of these are installed as this is what you shall need in order to successfully run LXDE on your phone.
Next is the image for the install! i will post up an image file for download although for the sake of people wanting the whole info on how-to here it is.
1) login on your ubuntu machine and fire up terminal.
2) login as the super user by entering "sudo su"
3) you will be required to enter your su password, enter this and you will be logged in as root
4) In terminal enter "apt-get install rootstock"
5) One this package is all installed, enter the following code into the computer terminal:
sudo rootstock -f localhost --login ubuntu --password ubuntu --imagesize 1G --notarball --dist lucid --seed ssh,tightvncserver,lxde,expect
6)The image will be stored in the home folder. The image will need to be a .img file or it wont work. So extract the file if necessesary and rename the file so it reads "ubuntu.img"
7)Now you will need to put the ubuntu.img on the phone. The directory which it needs to be installed into is "/sdcard/ubuntu/"
8) All done for this step!
Ok so you have everything setup and ready to do the fun part! so lets get everything mounted and configured!
1)Open up terminal emulator on your phone
2)enter "su". this logs you in as superuser
3)I found you will need to make the following directories in order to work, so in terminal emulator enter:
mkdir /data/local/mnt
mkdir /data/local/mnt/proc
mkdir /data/local/mnt/dev
mkdir /data/local/mnt/dev/pts
4)enter "cd sdcard" then "cd ubuntu"
5)You will then be in the folder with the image. Type into terminal:
export HOME=/root
export USER=root
export PATH=$bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:$PATH
busybox mount -t ext3 ubuntu.img /data/local/mnt
busybox mount -t proc proc /data/local/mnt/proc
busybox mount -t devpts devpts /data/local/mnt/dev/pts
busybox chroot /data/local/mnt /bin/bash
/etc/init.d/ssh start
6) Although it doesnt seem it, your now into your distro!
Okay so your into your distro but it looks all horrid and "text based". wouldnt it be lovely to see a proper desktop? so lets go!
1) enter into terminal "apt-get install x11vnc" this installs x11vnc to your phone. This may take a while depending on how your connected to the net
2) once x11vnc is installed, type "x11vnc -storepasswd" and enter a password. It will ask to verify the password so enter it again, then enter "y" to setup a password for it
3) first enter "vncserver" to initiate the server on your distro. For some reason without this, androidVNC will start to connect then crash
4)finally enter "x11vnc -usepw -find"
now your x11vnc is setup using a password hooray! last step in this guide and you will be away in no time! So is everyone ready?
1)hit the button on the bottom to return to the desktop but keep terminal emulator running
2)goto androidVNC and enter the following:
Nickname: root
Password: (whatever password you setup in x11vnc)
address: localhost
Port: 5900
color format can be anything, i set it to 4 bpp and use local mouse pointer
3)Simply click "connect" and viola! welcome to your impressive lxde environment!
This has been done before although i tried to do every step, base it around the phone as much as possible so no connecting to the computer.
any questions or problems i will try my best to help you guys, and thanks for the guys who helped me on this voyage.
i will write a bash script soon to try and incorporate as much of the manual typing in as possible
good luck!
Things which need to be done:
Upload image: Completed! -
Bash script for terminal emulator: Completed, needs to be uploaded
Bash script for setup process of terminal emulator: Not completed
Startup script for image: Not completed
Youtube video: Not completed
Include internet browser and x11vnc in image file: Not completed
If anyone has any recommendations on how to make the process easier please let me know and i will try my best
Good to see the info consolidated into one post!
Cheers for the shoutout.
no probs your information helped me soo much, i just thought it would be good for someone to goto a post and go "oh yeah thats how to do it" instead of going to loadsa websites
i will try it very soon, thank you.
When will you post your img file? I'll have a try.
I have no ubuntu installed, I'm using ArchLinux.
okay ive written a bash script to automate most of the process although there are a few things i could tweak before im fully happy
i have also posted a youtube video to demonstrate how easy it is! the first post will be updated with the link.
people ask me the reason for doing this and i have 2 replies:
1)to show the true potential of this phone (and working in a phone shop it really works)
2)for development purposes. Things like this are the next step in unlocking the true potential of the phone
lijgame: Im just uploading it now for you
Good work, will give it a try. And what about any browser ? Like firefox ?
okay so this is installing ubuntu into a chrooted environment and vnc'ing to it.
does anyone know if it is possible to blow away android and install pure debian on it? does anyone know of a hardware list on the sbc in this thing and what sort of support one might need to hack in to get a such a thing to work?
I will apologise now for the delay in image upload, the image file is 1gb and im having trouble finding a place to upload it.
In terms of installing a clean debian would need more than just a straightforward port. You would be looking at making an environment which supports the arm architecture, porting all of the drivers over, creating an option to support telephony, messages and gps too. If you wanted a debian environment it would probably be best to either run it like how the n900 does or getting a distro of it which is specifically made towards mobiles and modifying it.
Although you have an extremely good point there! Tell you what, once ive got everything running on here i will have a look and see what i can do in terms of atleast getting a debian shell running or a limo version
.kiz said:
I will apologise now for the delay in image upload, the image file is 1gb and im having trouble finding a place to upload it.
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Just create zip/tar-ball of img file and it will become around 300MB. Then you can upload it on multiupload (or megaupload/rapidshare/mediafire).
I just created that image too and will be testing on my Galaxy S soon, so if its working for me then I will upload my image too.
Thanks for your good work
haha i shouldve really thought about compressing the file really
this will be a pre-image im just working on getting a better image with optimization, x11vnc and firefox
okay guys the first post is edited with the image for the install.
I am currently in the process of playing about with images to include everything you need, so soon enough i will have an image with everything you need to get started
Tnx for the credit!
Ubuntu image is uploaded and ready to go, im currently working on a better image so when ive finished that, it shall be released.
Also i have recently installed an internet browser and it is functioning properly. I will post screenshots soon
.kiz said:
okay guys the first post is edited with the image for the install.
I am currently in the process of playing about with images to include everything you need, so soon enough i will have an image with everything you need to get started
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The image is only 11MB and is corrupted
Moreover, I tried to mount my ubuntu.img to /data/local/mnt but it is giving error (sort of -> loop back device can't be mounted: No such file or directory) although I created and checked /data/local/mnt directory which exists
Try creating a second loop device with: mknod /dev/loop2 b 7 0
fslateef said:
The image is only 11MB and is corrupted
Moreover, I tried to mount my ubuntu.img to /data/local/mnt but it is giving error (sort of -> loop back device can't be mounted: No such file or directory) although I created and checked /data/local/mnt directory which exists
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im guessing because the image is corrupt, your unable to mount it.
I have just uploaded my bash script making it easier to mount each time.
bash script:
Image file:
ensure you have made the directories explained in my first post.
pop the file inside /sdcard/ubuntu (along with your image)
then fire up terminal emulator and type:
cd sdcard
cd ubuntu
This mounts everything for you and logs you into LXDE, all you need to do after is type in:
/etc/init.d/ssh start
x11vnc -find
Then log in using androidVNC
i will attempt to upload the file to another location and i will test the image file to ensure its not a compression error
i apologise, ive just looked at the zip file and it is corrupt.
just compressing a new one and i will upload it
.kiz said:
im guessing because the image is corrupt, your unable to mount it.
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Nops, I am using my own created ubuntu.img file according to your command which is 1GB in size .....
fslateef said:
Nops, I am using my own created ubuntu.img file according to your command which is 1GB in size .....
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I found the problem. As mentioned by ArminC, I found that there isn't any loop device node in my mobile hence I created one and its mounted
Great ... Now going ahead .....

Root Method for 2.2

This is copied from the Droid2 section and is said to work on the X for those of us that didnt move SU b4 updating to 2.2 or those that lost root for whatever reason.
Cool How to root the Droid 2
All credit goes to Sebastian Krahmer at Please see fit to donate via Paypal to [email protected]
***NOTE: Proceed at your own risk. I and the providers of this code are not responsible for anything you do to your phone!***
- Install adb (here) and Motorola drivers for windows(32-bit or 64-bit)
- Download attached archive
- Extract to a directory, I used c:\Droid2Root
- Make sure you have USB degugging enabled
- Change connection to PC Mode
- Open command prompt
- cd c:/wherever-your-sdk-tools-folder-is
- adb devices (to verify the connection)
- cd c:/Droid2Root
- adb push Superuser.apk /sdcard/Superuser.apk
- adb push su /sdcard/su
- adb push busybox /sdcard/busybox
- adb push rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin /data/local/tmp/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
- adb shell
- cd data/local/tmp
- chmod 0755 rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
- ./rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
- let the process run until it 'kicks' you out (may take a minute or two)
- cd c:/wherever-your-sdk-tools-folder-is
- adb devices (to verify the connection)
- adb shell (you should now have a # prompt, if not return to ./rage step above)
- mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
- cp /sdcard/Superuser.apk /system/app/Superuser.apk
- cp /sdcard/su /system/bin/su
- cp /sdcard/busybox /system/bin/busybox
- chmod 4755 /system/bin/su
- chmod 4755 /system/bin/busybox
- mount -o ro,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
- exit
- exit
I'm sure there are certain steps that could be streamlined or eliminated, so please feel free to make a suggestion and I'll edit the post.
Additional thanks to @rainabba and for their excellent Droid X rooting tutorial, which assisted me greatly in this process.
Attached Files
File Type: rar Droid2Root.rar (954.1 KB, 733 views)
Last edited by karnovaran; Yesterday at 01:58 PM.. Reason: Clarity
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Hello all...
This worked on my DX that I upgraded to 2.2 just fine. The root pw isn't given anywhere in the instructions as it is in the 2.1 manual root steps.
Any thoughts on the root pw so that I can SSH to the device after rooting?
This method worked for me after thru much trial and error I was able to update to Froyo only to discover I lost root. Did not want to roll back to 2.1 and start over. Thanks so much to everyone who came up with root process and to those who discovered it worked on the DX.
I tried intstalling the 64bit drivers (then rebooted) then hooked it up in PC mode and can't seem to get it to show up in the list of attached devices.
Tried uninstalling and reinstalling everything, the one click roots say it can't find my droid X and going through your instructions adb can't find my device ether. I kinda been having a problem with doubletwist where it doesn't recognize my device properly, could that be related?
I don't know why, but after typing ./rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin it showed the text talking about donations, etc went right back to the $ prompt, and never booted me out of shell. I waited 15 minutes at the $ prompt before Ctrl-break'ing out of shell and trying to relogin. noticed adb is repsonding sluggish. Maybe it's still working? Anyone else having this problem?
Edit: I retried the ./rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin command after rebooting the phone and it worked this time. And I'm rooted! Wireless Tether for Root app works perfectly!
Also I notice when I say PC mode the little debugger icon then doesn't show up like it does in USB mode or charge mode. could this be why the device isn't showing up?
Ok so I manage to get everything good up until the point where I should be looking for a # instead of a $ for terminal. I've done the rage and waited till it kicked me out and went back in and got the same result.
The way that I got through my problems is I set the droid x to USB charge only mode (PC mode there was no debugging and every time I plugged it in, it wouldn't take the ADB driver it wanted a MB810 or something driver)
I know I set the permissions right, and it does run (shows up a little message about donating and in a min or so kicks me out, anything else I can try?
Thanks for the help.
mavermc said:
I tried intstalling the 64bit drivers (then rebooted) then hooked it up in PC mode and can't seem to get it to show up in the list of attached devices.
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You need to turn off USB debugging first time you connect DX to PC and let the drivers install. After the drivers install, turn on USB debugging and let the driver installation complete again. Then go in terminal (also make sure you change directory to where the adb application is) and type in "adb devices". If your device does not show up, change USB connection method to Windows Media Sync mode on DX and try again.
I hope that helps because that is the limit of my knowledge on the subject.
No reboot, battery pull, then reboot = weird!
Okay, so after I rooted my DX, I went to reboot it (powered off then back on) and it got stuck on the M screen. So I pulled the battery, reinserted it, and then powered on again. It rebooted fine. So...why the battery pull?? Anyone??
So i rooted using this method, (finally got it to work, just used it in usb charge mode on a XP machine) Now my phone seems to drop battery like crazy, all I've changed besides the root is install set cpu (and set some profiles to lower the clock with screen off and low battery and hi temp) installed battery life widget and a little white widget that shows what the current clock speed is. oh and wifi teather, any idea why my battery just sucks now? and things like battery info (to show whats using the battery) force closes on me after root, anyone else with these problems?
read-only what? help!!
is it ppossible to do this from the device?
Will this root work on ota froyo upgrade that we will have in a few days?
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
Like many have said it works perfectly if you disable the USB Debugging...install all drivers again and then put it in "Charge Mode"
I finally have my phone rooted...Now I know why my Deodex didnt wanna work. Thanks to all for releasing this and ending my headache
Hi all.
Give a try to my version of the instructions. This is kind of like the holy grail of rooting the Droid 2 at the moment. Much clearer! More info! Enjoy!
dscottjr81 said:
- ./rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
- let the process run until it 'kicks' you out (may take a minute or two)
- cd c:/wherever-your-sdk-tools-folder-is
- adb devices (to verify the connection)
- adb shell (you should now have a # prompt, if not return to ./rage step above)
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One thing I found was after it ran and returned to a cursor, I closed the cmd window and relaunched it and had no issues. Before I restarted I did switch to Charge only w/ USB debug active.
It wouldn't work at all for me until I put the contents of the Droid2Root.rar in my /tools folder. The adb commands would not work as soon as I "cd c:/Droid2Root", but the adb commands would work in the /tools folder. So I just put the contents of the Droid2Root.rar in my /tools folder and it worked just fine. O yea I'm on the OTA 2.2 (2.3.15) that came out today. I also did it under "Charge Only" with debugging.
So I take it that the One-Click root will not work withfroyo 2.2 update????
i continuously get the money sign even after it kicks me out from the ./rage step and i kill-server then adb shell.
its still there even after 3 attempts at the ./rage step what should i do? it just wont (#) prompt me

DEODEXING error. Has anyone seen this one

Tried to manually deodex my phone today....after getting an error and having to install java se i thought everything was good...then i got a different error on step 4....
Starting framework.odex
* Deodexing...
* Redexing...
out\com\skyhookwireless\wps\IXpsService$Stub.smali [0,0] null
The system cannot find the file specified.
Press any key to continue...
ive searched lots of forums and havent seen anyone with this error...does anyone know what it means or what i can do to fix it....what the hell is skyhook wireless..i dont want to use the easy deodex method from 928DROID i would rather do it manually and i do not want the black glass theme..i would really appreciate any info that can help me get this resolved..thanks
I didn't have your problem exactly. I got through steps 1-3 ok. On step 4 it got to #30 and then it said there was an error with the core.apk and could not proceed.
I tried a couple of times and got the same thing. So- since I was running stock ota- I just dl'ed the two folders I needed from here (xda) and installed them with ADB. Worked like a charm. I would rather have done the manual way. But oh well. If it won't work what are you going to do?
Well that's actually what happened to me at first with step 4.. I think I changed the connection mode...I ended up getting it to work im just confused about exactly which connection mode it.should be in....I had it in pc mode for steps 1-3 I think...then had to put it in media sync to get through step 4...then usb mass storage to adb the folders onto the sd card...and then pc mode again to adb shell and move the folders to /system....I wish the directions listed exactly what mode u need for each...cause all the forums I read people always have problems and have to.switch to different connection modes throughout the process but no one can seem to agree on exactly which modes u need for the different steps
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
aholeinthewor1d said:
Well that's actually what happened to me at first with step 4.. I think I changed the connection mode...I ended up getting it to work im just confused about exactly which connection mode it.should be in....I had it in pc mode for steps 1-3 I think...then had to put it in media sync to get through step 4...then usb mass storage to adb the folders onto the sd card...and then pc mode again to adb shell and move the folders to /system....I wish the directions listed exactly what mode u need for each...cause all the forums I read people always have problems and have to.switch to different connection modes throughout the process but no one can seem to agree on exactly which modes u need for the different steps
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
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* place phone into pc mode.
1. Unzip xUltimate v2.2, and launch "Main.exe".
2. If everything goes well xUlt should recognize the phone and make a connection. You now should see a list of options.
3. Run option 1. After option 1 is done, run option 2.
4. Now these well take a while. Run option 3.
5. IMPORTANT: After you have run option 3, you MUST navigate to the xUltimate folder and find "origi_frame" folder, and delete "guava.odex". It's a bad file, and interferes with deodexing process.
6. Now run option 4, and wait.
7. Exit xUltimate, and put the phone in USB mass storage.
8. Go back into the xUltimate folder and copy "done_frame", and "done_app", and move them to the root of the sdcard.
* place phone back into pc mode.
9. Open a command prompt, and do the following:
adb shell
mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
cp /sdcard/done_app/* /system/app/
cp /sdcard/done_frame/* /system/framework/
rm /system/app/*.odex
rm /system/framework/*.odex
adb reboot
It may fail a few times. Just keep trying.

I have Unknown Sources Enabled now

This is the latest release of my fix (June 14, 2011). This version addresses the Market ID and Moto Blur issue.
I have not had a chance to test the latest version, aside from verifying the awk command works as exptected. The rest is a strong educated guess, mixed with a re-tooling of it to just use Android Debug Bridge to do what I was having scripts do in the past. Should be much more reliable.
IF YOU DECIDE TO USE THESE INSTRUCTIONS: PLEASE, read through this page entirely from top to bottom at least once prior to doing anything. This way, if you are unsure on anything, you can ask the questions you need answers to. I am not liable for anybody messing up their phone because they didn't think to read the F'n manual prior to following these steps.
If you don't read this through completely before starting, and you brick your system, Don't come crying to me. I warned you.
This version makes it close to impossible to brick the system, but I left that bit in to cover my arse.
Earlier today, I wrote instructions on how to root the flipside. Now, I have Unknown Sources enabled. Here's how you can do it.
First, if you don't have root, follow these directions:
Next, you will need to run a script, but for the script to work you will need to install busybox to your rooted flipside. You can either get it from the market, or download it somewhere on the web. I tried installing it from the market, but it just timed out on download for some reason.
Once you have busybox, you have an environment ready for enabling Unknown Sources. Lets do it:
Latest version installs busybox for you]
I have not tested it, so you may still need to tell it to install, but it installs the apk.
1. Download the attachment located in this post.
Unzip to a folder on your desktop.
Double click on the batch file ("enable_unknown_sources.bat"). You may have to run as administrator, but I don't think so. Built on Windows XP (I'm a linux guy who wrote this at work in a couple minutes)
When it prompts for you to OK the super user for "unknown", look at your phone. It should have a prompt. If not, it may be ok. We will see....
once your phone has rebooted, you phone will have "unknown sources" enabled already. Don't worry about rebooting. The batch file did that for you.
Quite a bit less work than before. Good news: it's done! never to worry about it again...unless you upgrade....
DO NOT FOLLOW ANY OF MY STEPS IF YOU ARE UNSURE OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING! I have done my best to ensure that the instructions are accurate, but I made mistakes in the first revision, so who's to say that I didn't miss something this go 'round as well? If you decide to follow this walk-through, your actions are an agreement to not hold me liable if your phone becomes a pretty brick. I am not responsible for what you do with this information. If you have no idea how to do any portion of these instructions, you can either walk away (best idea), or ask for help here.
I am also not the 2nd shooter on the grassy knoll, nor am I the cause of all your woes throughout life. I always wanted to say that in a disclaimer.
i get errors when i attempt to run your run_second
though for the life of me... i can't figure out what's wrong with it?
What error do you get?
on all 4 of the cp commands... i get a return of
cp: (destination directory): Invalid argument
EDIT: tried the script... got an invalid file/folder error on the mount... on one of the cp's... and on the chmod of the same
EDIT: i manually edited the 2 files in the system directory using notepad++ and droid explorer...
couldn't find the 2 databases anywhere on the phone? hidden?
Odd. I did this:
ls /data/data/
and I get this back:
The only time I cannot do that is if I don't have super user.
DOH! just realized the issue. once you type "SU", go to your phone, and tell it to allow application "unknown" super user.
Forgot about that part.
well... here's one for you then... i have nothing in my /data/ directory...
never did...
EDIT: wait... droid explorer lied to me... now if i could just get into that file... i could hard change them without having to deal with all the scripting
script typo
Thanks for the script. I have managed to enable it by following your script.
However there are a few typo in your script that caused errors. I have corrected them. You may check attached script.
jonsjava said:
What error do you get?
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I get an error when I exicute
: No such file or directory
monho said:
I get an error when I exicute
: No such file or directory
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Did you install busybox? Please, run through what you have done so far. My goal is to get a comprehensive how-to together, and any and all input I can get will assist me to that end.
i'm getting read only file errors on the script now... i assume some file attributes need adjusting... not sure how to do that...
Did you remount /system/ in rw mode, as mentioned in the walkthrough? /system is read only by default, but part of my how-to explains how to re-mount it in read/write
all 5 chmod statements return no file found....
EDIT: even reboot is no found
that sounds like you don't have super user, or busybox isn't installed.
i have super user access... i used z4root... this also installs busybox... or so i'm told...
rignfool said:
i have super user access... i used z4root... this also installs busybox... or so i'm told...
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That does not install busybox. As stated in my how-to, you will need to either download busybox from the market, or get it from the web.
I know it says it does, but I didn't have busybox features until I installed it manually myself.
root explorer FTW
so... after using root explorer to manually edit the mkitso files... and copy the databases from the /ab/ directory....
i made it work...
Hallo there. Please I would appreciate if you can help me. When you say:
1.Look for the one that says "/system". Mine says "/dev/block/mtdblock7"
- Mine says the same too, is that right? Could it be different? Why sould we care where it says 'system'?
2.'type this in (changing the /dev/ as needed)':
-When you say 'as needed' that means changing the /dev/ is not neccesary? What does ir depends? If it's neccesary, what should I type instead of /dev/?
3. 'Code:
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock7 /system'
-Must that line be typed exactly as it's shown? I've done so and after running the commands:
cd /sdcard/
-This error message appears:
No such file or directory
I've rooted with z4. I've already installed BusyBox from the market, altought I can see it's not an app that appears like the others: I've just got an Icon named 'busyBox Installer' and after all it says 'busybox is successfully installed'.
Please excuse my bad english and thank you very much in advance for your help
1. I wrote it that way just in case it was different anywhere else. It shouldn't be.
2. when I said "change /dev/..." It was in reference to 1. above
If /system is /dev/block/mtdblock7 as listed, you don't need to change it.
If /system is /dev/block/mtdblock21 (example), you would need to change my command to read:
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock21 /system
That's what I mean when I said change /dev as needed. Seeing how yours is the same as mine, that is not necessary.
3. the command to mount /system will not affect the sdcard. Make sure the /sdcard isn't mounted on your computer. In windows, look in "My Computer", or your languages equivelant, and if you see the phone there, right click and tell it to unmount. Wait a few seconds for the phone to access the SD card, and try again.
so, I too have problems running
I tried both the one in the original post and the typo fix in the other post. Both didn't work. I get file not found errors.
Yeah, I have z4root done and busybox installed no problem.
For some reason it's not seeing the files when I run
Here's a copy paste just to prove what I am seeing:
Unable to chmod /system/etc/motorola/
: No such file or directory
Unable to chmod /system/etc/motorola/
: No such file or directory
I verified that my sdcard has /ab/ folder copied over, and all the subfolders and files from the original archive are moved over.
What gives?

[FIX] HDX 8.9 Bootloop Brick Recovery Steps...

I have successfully recovered the Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 from the soft brick which occurs from removing or altering system files.
THIS IS SPECIFICALLY FOR THOSE THAT REMOVED (PERSONALLY OR VIA SCRIPT) SOMETHING FROM THE SYSTEM PARTITION OR MESSED WITH THE BUILD.PROP. This guide focuses on a fix for ONE specific issue, so read it, determine what your issue is & then make the necesarry changes, or ask what changes need to be made. I have a bit of time over the next few days before going back to my job as a mechanical engineer, which means come the second week of January, I will be EXTREMELY busy.
I will be available via hangouts & IRC to guide you through recovery of your device when possible. The IRC channel will be #HDX & I will occasionally check in.
To recover your device, you must be rooted. Rooting may be possible while in boot loop, but it is VERY difficult & everything is about timing.
Firstly, you need to have everything from the root post by jcase to get started. You will also need adb & the Android SDK installed. Since it seems most of you are on Windows, I have forgone my linux distro & focused on finding a Windows solution, though this should work on Linux or Mac as well.
My particular brick was on purpose. It was based on the softbrick that can occur when using the root/Play store script by Ptiwee that is found here:
In this instance, if any part of the odex removal/replacement fails, you will be stuck in a bootloop. If you factory reset after being stuck, you complicate issues, because init is not able to complete & you then have an empty /data partition. This means that the fix differs depending on whether or not you did indeed perform a factory reset from the HDX recovery menu.
If you did perform a reset, then you need to do the following:
Download the HDX 8.9 root & follow jcase instructions from here:
It will fail because the /data/local/tmp directory does not exist yet.
After completing these steps & failing, open cmd prompt & issue "adb shell" command.
Issue "su" command.
In the SU shell, issue the following set of commands:
mkdir /data
mkdir /data/local
mkdir /data/local/tmp
chmod 755 /data
chmod 755 /data/local
chmod 755 /data/local/tmp
adb shell
mount -o rw,remount /system
I then ran through the exploit from jcase again.
Then I opened a cmd window & did the following
adb root
adb shell
mount -o remount /system
This is where things get specific for my issue, which was the new services.odex that the ptiwee script installed.
for this issue, I opend a second terminal window & did the following:
adb push services.odex /data/local/tmp/services.odex
adb push DownloadProvider.odex /data/local/tmp/DownloadProvider.odex
adb push DownloadProviderUi.odex /data/local/tmp/DownloadProviderUi.odex
Now go back to your first cmd shell window & do the following (you may need to unplug the usb cable & quickly reinsert it):
adb shell
mount -o remount /system
chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/services.odex
chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/DownloadProvider.odex
chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/DownloadProviderUi.odex
rm /system/framework/services.odex
cp /data/local/tmp/services.odex /system/framework/services.odex
chmod 755 /system/framework/services.odex
(for me on this issue, which was confirmed via logcat in Linux using Qtadb, the device screeen fully booted at this point, by itself)
However, you may need to also do this:
cp /data/local/tmp/DownloadProvider.odex /system/app/DownloadProvider.odex
cp /data/local/tmp/DownloadProviderUi.odex /system/app/DownloadProviderUi.odex
This would also apply to a modified build.prop bootloop. You would of course change the file you are move & chmod to build.prop & adjust the target directory accordingly.
My device is 100% working again & using this info, if you are stuck in a bootloop from changing, removing or whatever files, you should be able to similarly recover using a modified version of the data above.
Again, you really need to know what you were doing that caused the issue in the first place, but if you have a good idea what did it, then chances are you can recover.
Now hit thanks & let me know how you goofed up your device & we'll see if we can't fix it.S
Thanks for this. I tried this method to get google play working, which was no doubt something I did wrong in the process as others had success there (could be 8.9 vs 7 but I was willing to try). It was stuck with the orange Fire logo lit, but luckily ADB still recognized it, though windows wouldn't detect it as a USB drive. I had an issue when replacing services.odex with another, and this caused mine to immediately crash and never fully boot right when I changed the file. It was 0 bytes when viewed from the shell.
I was really rattled last night trying to figure out how to get the files back in place, as I could not get su to work from the shell, so permission denied on chmod and any attempt to remount /system as rw. Thankfully, I had the foresight to get the files pulled to my PC before I did the factory reset (I backed up all amazon files I was changing). Your instructions got me going again, and I finally got su to work and put those files back in place. It still wouldn't boot, so I did another factory reset (desperation) and re-rooted it.
Unfortunately, where it was once to the point with the Fire lit up, it vanishes when it would normally do that and is now stuck on a blank screen, though still recognized by adb. I can even get in the shell, but am at a loss as to what I might do next to get this thing booting. The only files I go around to modifying were DownloadProvider/ui apk and odex, along with services.odex. I'd very much appreciate any advice at this point.
I feel hopeful just to have su and still have access to adb with the files back in place, just confused on how it could be failing at this point. I'm obviously a novice and shouldn't have gone poking around too much until more experienced people had figured the 8.9 out, but I was too excited to get authentication from the Play Store working on this thing and willing to take the risk. If I get it working again, I'll be glad I've done all this, just because of how much I've learned from the process.
Edit: Yesss! chmod 755 on /system/framework did the trick. it was not executable Thank you so much for your effort here.
Followed the guide, Kindle is back again at least works...
But when I try to open the camera app... It never opens and just stays there until it closes... Any ideas?
(Will find more stuff and post just in case)
Poesini said:
Followed the guide, Kindle is back again at least works...
But when I try to open the camera app... It never opens and just stays there until it closes... Any ideas?
(Will find more stuff and post just in case)
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Once you have it working, to the point of booting into the OS, grab the update.bin from Amazon (update-kindle- here:
Once downloaded, grab a root level file explorer. I use the paid Root Explorer because it has built in root acess, a text editor & a ro/rw toggle button, but others should surely work. Make sure that the /System partition/directory is mounted as RW, then open the file build.prop & edit all the entries that say "310079820" to be"310079819".
You will find them in the build.prop as follows: 4.2.2 JDQ39 release-keys
Do not add the parenthesis, just change the last three number to 819 & then be sure to save the file. Open it again to ensure the edits were made, so you are certain that the device directory was indeed RW. Once that is done, make sure the permissions are set to 0644, or rw-r--r-- & check the ownership to make certain the owner & group are both set to "Root". If you do not work on the "live" build.prop, then copy the edited build.prop to the root folder (/) first, then check permissions or change them using adb chown & chmod commands as required.
Again, I suggest copying the file to your PC as a backup, though you will have a copy in the downloaded update.bin (which is just a zip archive). I also suggest using a root explorer with a built in text editor, like Root Explorer.
Once this is done & you are certain the build.prop has been edited, copy the update.bin to the storage (sdcard) root & reboot the device.
Once the device has reboot, go into settings, device, system updates & select the install update button. Follow the directions & the device will reboot again & install the firmware. Any mods made to the System directory will be gone & everything should work again.
chratcliff said:
Thanks for this. I tried this method to get google play working, which was no doubt something I did wrong in the process as others had success there (could be 8.9 vs 7 but I was willing to try). It was stuck with the orange Fire logo lit, but luckily ADB still recognized it, though windows wouldn't detect it as a USB drive. I had an issue when replacing services.odex with another, and this caused mine to immediately crash and never fully boot right when I changed the file. It was 0 bytes when viewed from the shell.
I was really rattled last night trying to figure out how to get the files back in place, as I could not get su to work from the shell, so permission denied on chmod and any attempt to remount /system as rw. Thankfully, I had the foresight to get the files pulled to my PC before I did the factory reset (I backed up all amazon files I was changing). Your instructions got me going again, and I finally got su to work and put those files back in place. It still wouldn't boot, so I did another factory reset (desperation) and re-rooted it.
Unfortunately, where it was once to the point with the Fire lit up, it vanishes when it would normally do that and is now stuck on a blank screen, though still recognized by adb. I can even get in the shell, but am at a loss as to what I might do next to get this thing booting. The only files I go around to modifying were DownloadProvider/ui apk and odex, along with services.odex. I'd very much appreciate any advice at this point.
I feel hopeful just to have su and still have access to adb with the files back in place, just confused on how it could be failing at this point. I'm obviously a novice and shouldn't have gone poking around too much until more experienced people had figured the 8.9 out, but I was too excited to get authentication from the Play Store working on this thing and willing to take the risk. If I get it working again, I'll be glad I've done all this, just because of how much I've learned from the process.
Edit: Yesss! chmod 755 on /system/framework did the trick. it was not executable Thank you so much for your effort here.
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Glad to get you pointed in the right direction. This is what XDA used to be. How I learned anything at all. I am a mechanical engineer, not a software or hardware guy. Just a guy that will not give up on something broken.
It's all about taking little queues from here & there & then trying to assemble parts of different things into accomplishing what it is you are working on. All of this was based on things I tried or read in the past, working to root devices like the Xoom, etc... After reading about the exploit we had applied (what it is & how it works, some of which was beyond me), I was able to surmise that the exploit we used was still there as was the ability to access root permission, but that the tablet had "forgotten" we had root access rights because of the wipe. We just had to use adb to give it the files "memory" of our access to root & the permission to use them, in essence, tell it what we wanted. Working with a Linux or Android device is like working with the smartest person in the world that is also a 5 year old. It can do anything, yet hasn't the common sense to get it done. We need to provide that for it's brilliance to become useful.
As mentioned above, I highly recommend modding the build.prop & re-flashing the update.bin to have a clean slate.
GSLEON3 said:
Working with a Linux or Android device is like working with the smartest person in the world that is also a 5 year old. It can do anything, yet hasn't the common sense to get it done.
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This is the damned truth never better spoken lol
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
GSLEON3 said:
Ahhhhh.... XDA! The thrill of it all, you desperately want something now, you're a smart guy, you can do it & nothing beats that feeling of your sphincter tightening up, your heart racing, as you wait for that device to reboot....wait.....maybe another minute.....okay....crap... what do I do now? I love that feeling! I mean YOLO. Livin' dangerous dog, lol... Okay, I "bricked my device on PURPOSE, since there is a Play Store script in a ceertain tool that seems to be broken, or is missing information from the instructions, such as safestrap, or something.... That part I haven't figured out. I asked the creator to take a look at what he did & in the mean time, this should get you fixed up. It is actually much easier is you were not panicked to the point of factory resetting, but either way, the info below will get you sorted out.
I have successfully recovered the Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 from the soft brick which occurs from removing or altering system files.
THIS IS SPECIFICALLY FOR THOSE THAT REMOVED (PERSONALLY OR VIA SCRIPT) SOMETHING FROM THE SYSTEM PARTITION OR MESSED WITH THE BUILD.PROP. This guide focuses on a fix for ONE specific issue, so read it, determine what your issue is & then make the necesarry changes, or ask what changes need to be made. I have a bit of time over the next few days before going back to my job as a mechanical engineer, which means come the second week of January, I will be EXTREMELY busy.
I will be available via hangouts & IRC to guide you through recovery of your device when possible. The IRC channel will be #HDX & I will occasionally check in.
To recover your device, you must be rooted. Rooting may be possible while in boot loop, but it is VERY difficult & everything is about timing.
Firstly, you need to have everything from the root post by jcase to get started. You will also need adb & the Android SDK installed. Since it seems most of you are on Windows, I have forgone my linux distro & focused on finding a Windows solution, though this should work on Linux or Mac as well.
My particular brick was on purpose. It was based on the softbrick that can occur when using the root/Play store script by Ptiwee that is found here:
In this instance, if any part of the odex removal/replacement fails, you will be stuck in a bootloop. If you factory reset after being stuck, you complicate issues, because init is not able to complete & you then have an empty /data partition. This means that the fix differs depending on whether or not you did indeed perform a factory reset from the HDX recovery menu.
If you did perform a reset, then you need to do the following:
Download the HDX 8.9 root & follow jcase instructions from here:
It will fail because the /data/local/tmp directory does not exist yet.
After completing these steps & failing, open cmd prompt & issue "adb shell" command.
Issue "su" command.
In the SU shell, issue the following set of commands:
mkdir /data
mkdir /data/local
mkdir /data/local/tmp
chmod 755 /data
chmod 755 /data/local
chmod 755 /data/local/tmp
adb shell
mount -o rw,remount /system
I then ran through the exploit from jcase again.
Then I opened a cmd window & did the following
adb root
adb shell
mount -o remount /system
This is where things get specific for my issue, which was the new services.odex that the ptiwee script installed.
for this issue, I opend a second terminal window & did the following:
adb push services.odex /data/local/tmp/services.odex
adb push DownloadProvider.odex /data/local/tmp/DownloadProvider.odex
adb push DownloadProviderUi.odex /data/local/tmp/DownloadProviderUi.odex
Now go back to your first cmd shell window & do the following (you may need to unplug the usb cable & quickly reinsert it):
adb shell
mount -o remount /system
chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/services.odex
chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/DownloadProvider.odex
chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/DownloadProviderUi.odex
rm /system/framework/services.odex
cp /data/local/tmp/services.odex /system/framework/services.odex
chmod 755 /system/framework/services.odex
(for me on this issue, which was confirmed via logcat in Linux using Qtadb, the device screeen fully booted at this point, by itself)
However, you may need to also do this:
cp /data/local/tmp/DownloadProvider.odex /system/app/DownloadProvider.odex
cp /data/local/tmp/DownloadProviderUi.odex /system/app/DownloadProviderUi.odex
This would also apply to a modified build.prop bootloop. You would of course change the file you are move & chmod to build.prop & adjust the target directory accordingly.
My device is 100% working again & using this info, if you are stuck in a bootloop from changing, removing or whatever files, you should be able to similarly recover using a modified version of the data above.
Again, you really need to know what you were doing that caused the issue in the first place, but if you have a good idea what did it, then chances are you can recover.
Now hit thanks & let me know how you goofed up your device & we'll see if we can't fix it.
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What should I do if I connect my kindle to PC without any reaction? I had done factory reset before. ADB cannot be recognized, nor do any special USB stuff. I thought mine got bricked for and I can just turn it to original recovey. Can you help me, please?
TOM XIE said:
What should I do if I connect my kindle to PC without any reaction? I had done factory reset before. ADB cannot be recognized, nor do any special USB stuff. I thought mine got bricked for and I can just turn it to original recovey. Can you help me, please?
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Need more info & less quote. lol...
Does it turn on at all? What is on the screen? Is it lit, but looks like it's off? What EXACTLY did you change in the build.prop? Even a brick is usually recognized as SOMETHING when the device is attached (at least in Windows), so if nothing is being recognized, you may have an issue with PATH or just a finicky sdk installation. Are you on Windows or Linux?
GSLEON3 said:
Need more info & less quote. lol...
Does it turn on at all? What is on the screen? Is it lit, but looks like it's off? What EXACTLY did you change in the build.prop? Even a brick is usually recognized as SOMETHING when the device is attached (at least in Windows), so if nothing is being recognized, you may have an issue with PATH or just a finicky sdk installation. Are you on Windows or Linux?
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Thank you for helping me! I followed this and replaced buil.prop offered. I can turn it on by holding power button for several seconds and it showed the gray "kindle fire" logo for a few seconds,then turn off again.By the way,I am using win7 and I have no idea about PATH and sdk.
Tried, and failed... Since my kindle fire stopped at the sliver kindle fire screen and it reboots again and again, I can't even get the access to adb...
I think maybe I need to request a replacement from Amazon...Or someone could give me a usable System image and fastboot.exe.....
EDIT: Weird....After 10 minute's rebooting, my kindle suddenly works....Everything seems to be fine....
TOM XIE said:
Thank you for helping me! I followed this and replaced buil.prop offered. I can turn it on by holding power button for several seconds and it showed the gray "kindle fire" logo for a few seconds,then turn off again.By the way,I am using win7 and I have no idea about PATH and sdk.
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@TOM XIE If you used that build.prop provided in that thread, then you replaces yours with one meant for the 7" HDX. You need to download the update.bin from Amazon & extract it (it is just an archive zip). You will then have wht you need.
scx110a said:
Tried, and failed... Since my kindle fire stopped at the sliver kindle fire screen and it reboots again and again, I can't even get the access to adb...
I think maybe I need to request a replacement from Amazon...Or someone could give me a usable System image and fastboot.exe.....
EDIT: Weird....After 10 minute's rebooting, my kindle suddenly works....Everything seems to be fine....
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Not weird at all. This will occasionally happen until the corrected changes make it into the Dalvik. Tense stuff I know, but jcase finding the device vulnerable to the master key #2 is a blessing in disguise. Hard for simple errors to really mess things up. Not saying go at it, but simple changes of most things (do not mess with bin, xbin or any of the basic systemui framewor-res) will not be a total loss.
Now I just need to take the time to decompile tiwee's Play Store mod & see if I can't find a typo or something amiss.
GSLEON3 said:
@TOM XIE If you used that build.prop provided in that thread, then you replaces yours with one meant for the 7" HDX. You need to download the update.bin from Amazon & extract it (it is just an archive zip). You will then have wht you need.
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I have downloaded update.bin from Amazon. The most difficult part is that my kindle cannot be recognized as anything.
TOM XIE said:
I have downloaded update.bin from Amazon. The most difficult part is that my kindle cannot be recognized as anything.
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Are you running Windows or Linux?
Also, do you have the Android SDK & the JDK installed.
Both of these are important steps. Also, was the device rooted & if you plug it into the USB port in a windows machine, do you see anything happen in Device Manager? It should fail to install the device (MTP) but if you have everything installed, you should try running it in a terminal directly in the sdk tools directory.
Also, have you updated your environmental or pam.environmental file as well in your bash file?
EDIT: I just went out on a limb again & I pushed the HDX7 build.prop to my device & rebooted. I was able to cp the repaired build.prop, so tell me everything you have done (what you tried & changed, modded or installed into system or root on the HDX) & check the above tips.
GSLEON3 said:
Not weird at all. This will occasionally happen until the corrected changes make it into the Dalvik. Tense stuff I know, but jcase finding the device vulnerable to the master key #2 is a blessing in disguise. Hard for simple errors to really mess things up. Not saying go at it, but simple changes of most things (do not mess with bin, xbin or any of the basic systemui framewor-res) will not be a total loss.
Now I just need to take the time to decompile tiwee's Play Store mod & see if I can't find a typo or something amiss.
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Hope you good luck.... That's really a complex thing since Amazon did so many changes to the DownloadProvider....
May ask you a question? plz
GSLEON3 said:
Are you running Windows or Linux?
Also, do you have the Android SDK & the JDK installed.
Both of these are important steps. Also, was the device rooted & if you plug it into the USB port in a windows machine, do you see anything happen in Device Manager? It should fail to install the device (MTP) but if you have everything installed, you should try running it in a terminal directly in the sdk tools directory.
Also, have you updated your environmental or pam.environmental file as well in your bash file?
EDIT: I just went out on a limb again & I pushed the HDX7 build.prop to my device & rebooted. I was able to cp the repaired build.prop, so tell me everything you have done (what you tried & changed, modded or installed into system or root on the HDX) & check the above tips.
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I have still brick my device my device is hdx7. My latop os window7.
Connect my kindle to laptop's usb port. My laptop is.shown qhsusb_bulk so i follow your step but
Not booting my device. Now i know my device 's system erase. Second step i connect nomal cable but shown unknown
MTP device. Plz help me. Do you know adb work? On my win7 laptop?
Or another method? Plz please sorry for my english
cjdfyd2 said:
I have still brick my device my device is hdx7. My latop os window7.
Connect my kindle to laptop's usb port. My laptop is.shown qhsusb_bulk so i follow your step but
Not booting my device. Now i know my device 's system erase. Second step i connect nomal cable but shown unknown
MTP device. Plz help me. Do you know adb work? On my win7 laptop?
Or another method? Plz please sorry for my english
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Need to leave device alone for an hour or more while unpluged, no PC, no power.
After that hour, then press & hold the power button for 3 minutes, or until device starts. If it does not start into bootloap, then release the power button & let sit for a few minutes. Try to turn it on again.
Also, what did you do to the device? What did you mod, or change or add that caused the issue?
As for Windows, I have found that for adb to work on the HDX, you need to have the SDK installed & that sometimes it will not recognize the device from anywhere but the sdk folder.
Also, I had some issues getting some of the commands to work occasionally in Windows, which is why I choose to do these things in Linux.
GSLEON3 said:
Once you have it working, to the point of booting into the OS, grab the update.bin from Amazon (update-kindle- here:
(still can't post links)
Once downloaded, grab a root level file explorer. I use the paid Root Explorer because it has built in root acess, a text editor & a ro/rw toggle button, but others should surely work. Make sure that the /System partition/directory is mounted as RW, then open the file build.prop & edit all the entries that say "310079820" to be"310079819".
You will find them in the build.prop as follows: 4.2.2 JDQ39 release-keys
Do not add the parenthesis, just change the last three number to 819 & then be sure to save the file. Open it again to ensure the edits were made, so you are certain that the device directory was indeed RW.
Again, I suggest copying the file to your PC as a backup, though you will have a copy in the downloaded update.bin (which is just a zip archive). I also suggest using a root explorer with a built in text editor, like Root Explorer.
Once this is done & you are certain the build.prop has been edited, copy the update.bin to the storage (sdcard) root & reboot the device.
Once the device has reboot, go into settings, device, system updates & select the install update button. Follow the directions & the device will reboot again & install the firmware. Any mods made to the System directory will be gone & everything should work again.
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Tried using this method after the installation of gapps failed due to system directory being full (1gb)... I already gave up on this device until I saw this... Many Thanks! :highfive:
Thanks your answer and happy new year, i was wonder if could you help me?
GSLEON3 said:
Need to leave device alone for an hour or more while unpluged, no PC, no power.
After that hour, then press & hold the power button for 3 minutes, or until device starts. If it does not start into bootloap, then release the power button & let sit for a few minutes. Try to turn it on again.
Also, what did you do to the device? What did you mod, or change or add that caused the issue?
As for Windows, I have found that for adb to work on the HDX, you need to have the SDK installed & that sometimes it will not recognize the device from anywhere but the sdk folder.
Also, I had some issues getting some of the commands to work occasionally in Windows, which is why I choose to do these things in Linux.
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my device is kindle 7", i had followed step Cpasjuste's and i delete these files
"/system/app/amazonmp3_4010410.apk" -> amazon mp3 ..
"/system/app/Email_310006810.apk" -> email app, replaced by gmail which is currently broken !
"/system/app/Photos_7016610.apk" -> photos app
"/system/app/OfficeSuiteViewer.apk" -> office ..
"/system/app/S2Service.apk" -> something to do with cellular i think
"/system/app/Launcher-release-signed_81224610.apk" -> amazon launcher
"/system/app/AmazonWebViewLib_1109110.apk" -> slik browser
"/system/app/" -> amazon cloud/sync
and flashing he's gapps file. and then my device is bricked. it's shown grey kindle fire logo only, so i reboot many times but still shown kindle fire logo only.
So i install ubuntu my laptop, and follow your step jcase's file download on my computer.
but i don't know how next step? how open "su" file? by sdk? work on window os? or linux os? sorry for many question plz help me..and happy new year
My kindle is bootlooping on the grey kindle and orange fire logo. This is a HDX 7.
I rooted, went a bit crazy with uninstalling kindle bloatware, screen went black, thought factory reset would do the trick, end up in bootloop.
My computer recognizes the kindle so what should I do?

